How to choose the right ripe and sweet watermelon. How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon: signs of maturity

21.08.2019 Restaurant notes

How to find the most delicious and most importantly useful watermelon among the dozens on the counter? Finding ourselves in front of a mountain of delicious pumpkins, we begin to recall common advice, something from personal experience, but how many inaccuracies and contradictions there are in this random information! Let's take it seriously.

Photo of a watermelon

First of all - sanitary standards. You are still choosing from a heap dumped along a dusty, gas-polluted road. The copies for sale must be neatly stacked on the deck under the canopy. Cutting out a slice in order to make sure it is ripe is not worth it, it is better to risk buying an unripe watermelon than to surely bring home harmful microorganisms that came from a knife or from the street air. For the same reasons, you cannot buy a fruit with a crack, even a small one, or with a trace of a bruise - bacteria quickly multiply in the open or damaged pulp.

Unscrupulous melon growers abuse the responsiveness of watermelon plants to fertilizing with fertilizers and overfeed them with nitrogen. The fruits quickly reach apparent ripeness, large, but immature and hazardous to health are obtained. The seller must have a certificate confirming the absence of harmful substances in doses hazardous to health. If it is absent or there is no confidence in its authenticity, you have to rely on your own knowledge.

Video on how to choose a ripe and delicious watermelon

Sometimes saltpeter is injected into an immature fetus with a syringe, a speck remains on the crust with a puncture in the middle. But if an excess of nitrates is introduced from the soil, such an uncut specimen cannot be recognized, it gives out the pulp. A confident seller exposes an opened sample for control that is not intended for food.

The taste of an excess of saltpeter cannot be directly distinguished, but it can be assumed by the discrepancy between the bright, ripe-looking, but not very sweet pulp and unripe seeds, which are too light and soft. This is the case if maturity is imitated using chemistry.

An environmentally friendly fruit has a granular structure at the fault, with distinguishable cells, while an overfed fruit has a fibrous structure. White streaks appear under difficult ripening conditions, for example, when there is a lack of heat, yellow formations are a sign of overfeeding with fertilizers. If the pulp is very bright, stir it in a glass of water. If the water turns red, the berry is artificially "tinted", if it only becomes cloudy, then the product is clean.

In the photo watermelon

If we exclude pumping with nitrates, then the size depends on ripeness, ripening conditions and variety. Most likely, it will turn out to be of high quality average fruit, weighing about 6 kg. Too small can be suspected of immaturity, but first it must be assessed on other grounds. You should not choose too large if you have to store the cut residue, even in the refrigerator it can deteriorate within a day. It has been noticed that a slightly unsightly, slightly lopsided fruit is usually sweeter than a perfectly shaped watermelon.

As it ripens, the color of the peel of the striped kavun becomes more and more contrasting. Be sure to pay attention to the stain formed in the place of contact of the fruit with the ground. In ripe watermelons, it is yellow, about 10 cm in diameter, in unripe watermelons, it is white, and if the spot is too large, the fruits ripened for a long time due to poor conditions.

The skin of a ripe watermelon is easily scraped off with a fingernail, underneath is a dense, white layer.

The stalk should be dry, yellowish. Until the fruit is ripe, it is green. A trained eye will determine whether the “tail” is easily separated from the stem, because when the fruit was picked it was already dried up or it was pulled for a long time, tearing it off green, and it dried up during storage. The knife mark on the cut is harder to see, but possible. By itself, this part does not disappear from the fetus, which means that if it is not there, then it was removed intentionally - it is better not to choose this.

In the photo watermelons

Another well-known sign of a well-ripened fruit is the characteristic crackle when squeezed. The sound that a ripe watermelon makes when clicking or tapping is described in words in completely different ways. To some, it seems resonant, as if from an empty vessel, others call it "voluminous", it is best to experiment by drumming on a deliberately ripe fruit and remember the resulting sound.

The density of the pulp decreases as it ripens, the ripe kavun does not sink in water. Taking it in hand, you can feel that it seems too light in relation to size. For those who like to trust the exact sciences in the question of how to determine the ripeness of a watermelon, there is a simple calculation. If it does not sink in water, then its weight, according to Archimedes' law, should be less than the weight of water in the same volume. And this is achieved with the following ratios: if the circumference of the watermelon is 80, 70, 60 cm, then its weight should be less than 8.6, respectively; 5.8; 3.6 kg. The calculation is made for a ball, therefore, it is applicable only for round watermelons.

About watermelon girls and some prejudices

The division of fruits by sex, into "boys" and "girls", is too common to be neglected. Vegetable growers, sellers, buyers from different countries have long been convinced that there are female watermelons - with a large flat trail from a separated flower and male ones, in which it is smaller and convex. Practice shows that, indeed, watermelons with a large speck opposite the stalk are tastier, and you can use this feature when buying. Perhaps this is somehow related to the peculiarities of pollination.

Video about tips for choosing a delicious watermelon

But you can only call watermelons "boys" and "girls" as a joke. All plant fruits are formed from the organs of a female flower, which has a pistil and an ovary, in our case - from the pericarp, they cannot have sex! What would we think of a person who would think of dividing into "men" and "women", for example, apples or sunflower seeds?

The bad reputation of early, too large or small berries, unfortunately, is not without reason. But we must not forget that breeders are constantly working to create more and more perfect varieties and hybrids. For the Russian climate, varieties have been bred, called ultra-early, as well as large-fruited and with pulp of various colors. Tasty and low-seeded watermelons weighing 2 - 3 kg are popular in Europe. It is necessary to pay attention to all the signs of maturity and naturalness, of which there are many, and not to discard in advance specimens that matured in July or fall out of the recommended standard in size. Otherwise, you can pass by an excellent watermelon, and the achievements of scientists will remain unclaimed.

« Himself - scarlet sugar, caftan - green velvet. " All kids can easily guess this riddle. Juicy, sweet and velvety watermelon flesh pleasantly refreshes on a hot day, quenches thirst and is a source of vitamin C, iron, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, pectin and fiber. However, how many times have we brought home a big beautiful watermelon, gathered at the table with the whole family, cut it and ... were disappointed. Instead of the scarlet pulp splashing with juice, something pale pink and completely tasteless appeared before our eyes. It is even more offensive when, after tasting a quite decent-looking watermelon, symptoms of poisoning appear - headache, nausea and vomiting. This reaction is caused by the nitrates contained in watermelons, which appeared during the cultivation of the fruit due to the use of a large amount of mineral fertilizers.

How to choose the right ripe watermelon

It's not difficult at all if you know a few simple rules. So, let's learn to choose the perfect watermelon, aromatic, sugar, melt in your mouth and without nitrates!

Rule 1. Look at the calendar.

The most delicious ones ripen in season, that is, from the second half of August to the end of September. Early watermelons are rich in nitrates, since some producers, in an effort to reap the harvest, feed melons with nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants. If you want to enjoy watermelons without health consequences, be patient!

Rule 2. Meeting place can not be Changed.

It is very important where you buy the watermelon. Melons should be sold either in a store or in stalls with an awning, on special flooring, located at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground. The fact is that delicate watermelon pulp is a suitable breeding ground for microorganisms that get inside through invisible cracks along with dust and dirt. All melons instantly absorb hazardous substances from the environment, so never buy them near highways, because car exhaust contains harmful substances and heavy metals. For the same reason, do not take cut watermelons, which are literally teeming with germs. In this case, even certificates will not help - an initially flawless watermelon can be very hazardous to health.

Rule 3. They are greeted by clothes.

Carefully examine and feel the watermelon from all sides - there should not be even small cracks, dents, soft spots, scratches and other damages on the watermelon rind, through which bacteria and microbes can easily penetrate. It is good if the watermelon has a spherical or slightly elongated shape, a uniform and even color - this is a huge plus for the watermelon image. Bright and contrasting stripes are a sure sign of ripeness of a watermelon, as well as a shiny "wooden" crust, which cannot be pierced with a fingernail, but easily scratched. Rub the watermelon rind with your finger - unripe fruits will clearly smell of fresh hay.

Rule 4. It's all about the ponytail.

The watermelon tail must be dry - when the watermelon ripens, it stops taking moisture from the ground and dries up. If the tail is green, it means that the watermelon is torn off before it is fully ripe, although the green tail turns yellow over time in the unripe fruits harvested for a long time. There is an important difference between a mature and immature tail - in a ripe watermelon, the tail is fragile and breaks easily, while in an unripe fruit it is more sluggish. If the tail is cut off, bypass such watermelons - most likely, the sellers decided to disguise the poor quality of the crop.

Rule 5. These mysterious yellow spots.

Since it lies on one side for a long time, a bright spot of a rich yellow or orange hue is formed at the point of contact with the ground - it is called a "cheek". A surface that is too light, large or unevenly colored should alert you, as this is a sure sign that the watermelon is undersized on the melon. The optimal size of the "cheek" is 5–10 cm. There is another sign of ripeness - small light spots that appear on the entire surface of the watermelon rind after the production of chlorophyll stops.

Rule 6. Large or small?

The correct answer is average. Large watermelons, despite their tempting appearance, are often grown using nitrates, and small fruits are often unsweetened. Sometimes there are exceptions - small watermelons can be sugar and tasty, while large watermelons can be watery, unsweetened and pale pink.

Rule 7. Voiced and ripe.

Knock on the watermelon with your fist - ripe fruits emit a clear and sonorous sound, and unripe watermelons respond deafly. You can put your ear to the watermelon like a seashell, and squeeze it slightly - the ripe watermelon will crackle slightly.

Rule 8. Girl or boy?

It turns out that watermelons are gender. In female fruits, the lower part is completely flat with a large brown circle, while in male fruits it is convex and with a very small circle. Know that the sweetest and tastiest are "girls", besides, they have much fewer seeds.

Rule 9. Watermelon "passport".

If you have found the best watermelon and are ready to buy it, ask the seller for a quality certificate, which can be considered a kind of watermelon "passport". The certificate must contain the following data: the "homeland" of the watermelon, its age, that is, the timing of harvest, the content of nitrates and other characteristics, on the basis of which it is possible to draw a final conclusion whether or not there is a watermelon on your table. If the seller shows you a photocopy of the certificate, take a closer look at the print - it must certainly be in color, not black and white. If you suspect fake documents, do not risk it - health is more expensive.

Rule 10."Exposing" nitrates.

Finally, you bought the “right” watermelon, brought it home and cut it up. Do not rush to taste, first make sure that the fruit is not nitrate. You should be alerted by the following points - incredibly bright watermelon pulp with a lilac hue, yellow fibers in the pulp and a smooth gloss on the cut of the watermelon instead of a granular surface. Remember that nitrates are concentrated closer to the crust, so always leave the juicy core for babies - it is just the tastiest.

Enjoy the fragrant and sweet pulp, juices and summer desserts that kids love. And you can also arrange watermelon fasting days and lose weight tasty, easy and healthy. We wish you a pleasant watermelon time and a juicy fruity mood!

The alluring word bazaar, with many-sided associations and a special microclimate, and the strict word supermarket, suggesting a procedural order and thoughtful display of goods. Wherever we go shopping, we need to master the ability to choose among the many proposals, and today we will tell you how to choose a watermelon. For an exhaustive answer to the question, we will describe in the article all the nuances that will allow you to find a good product, highlighting it from the general mass in terms of indicative characteristics.

It's no wonder how watermelon is loved all over the world. Americans have not regretted choosing the warmest month of the year for watermelon festivals. Among the Slavs, a ripe watermelon decorates August and September.

The sweet and juicy watermelon fits perfectly into unconventional food systems. Vegetarians and raw foodists have long chosen it as a delicious ingredient for light salads and desserts. Previously, we were lucky enough to plunge into creative cooking and choose all the best for you.

Moreover! Among many nations of the world, among the advice of healers, we find healing procedures with watermelon. The most famous of them:

And each time, at least our mood and well-being during a meal, or even health after a meal, or a cleansing watermelon diet, depend on the quality of the watermelon - on its sweetness, juiciness and safety of the composition.

How do you pick a good watermelon in appearance? - a burning question of the season. In answering it, the systematization of knowledge and the refutation of myths will provide us with some valuable universal advice.

We proceed to the description, armed with two desirable characteristics - sweet ripe watermelon + no excess of nitrates.

How to choose a ripe watermelon: instructions

There are many signs that most often circulate in popular rumor as signs of a ripe sweet watermelon: a yellow spot on the side, a dull sound when tapped, a dry tail, not too large.

Let's take a look at the listed and less popular features in order.

Yellow spot on the side

This is clear evidence that the watermelon is ripe. Its size should be within 5-10 cm in diameter. The stain may even have an orange tint!

But the white spot, on the contrary, reflects the immaturity of the watermelon. A stain that is too large indicates a long aging time in an insufficiently warm environment. This makes the watermelon less sweet and unripe. Therefore, a spot larger than the palm of your hand should definitely alert you.

Conveniently, this feature is the same for all varieties, as it arises from the contact of the watermelon with the ground in the garden.

Contrast stripes on the peel

For striped varieties, regardless of the color intensity, it is the bright contrast of the stripes that indicates that we have a good ripe watermelon in front of us.

The hardness of the peel of a ripe watermelon

When the berry is fully ripe, it is almost impossible to pierce it with a fingernail.

If you have already come across an UNRUPE WATERMON, do not try to put it aside for ripening. This is not possible under any circumstances. It is better to use unripe watermelon in cooking - in recipes for salted and pickled blanks. Unless, of course, this not the most successful purchase has no signs of an excess of nitrates.

Smooth and shiny rind

This is usually a sign of the ripeness of the watermelon. However, do not forget about the tricks of the merchants who constantly rub the watermelons. Therefore, choose the fruit from the depth of the display.

A dull sound when tapped

Alas, this sign is not a universal indication of how to choose a ripe watermelon.

Because such a sound is also formed when overripe watermelons are tapped. And the consumption of overripe watermelon can cause serious damage to health due to the souring of the red pulp.


Even the flesh souring imperceptible to the taste is an excess of pathogenic bacteria and toxic substances. Therefore - IMMEDIATELY SNAKE the cut! Fresh ripe watermelon should smell like freshly cut grass when cut.

The second sign of an overripe watermelon is a matte, as if oily, rind. Even on the counter, this noticeably distinguishes it from good ripe watermelons, which have a smooth and shiny rind.

Dry tail

It's a shame, but this popularly popular sign only indicates that the watermelon was picked more than 3 days ago.

Not too big

Again, not a perfect guide on how to pick a ripe watermelon.

Although the thought of the people seems logical: a large size can be a sign of nitrate feeding. However, there are varieties of watermelons that themselves ripen to a large size and normally weigh up to 17 kg!

Crimson Gloria

For example, a watermelon of the Crimson Gloria variety, the average weight of which should range from 10 to 17 kg. This variety was created in Crimea specifically in order to transport it over long distances.

Now it is often planted in the mainland South of Russia (for example, in the Volgograd region). It is distinguished by well-defined light stripes, a slightly oblong shape, a noticeably thick rind and a not bright red color of the flesh.

Kherson watermelon

But the Kherson watermelon cannot weigh more than 10 kg! Choosing a watermelon of the most beloved variety in Ukraine, you can safely arm yourself with a folk omen. A weight of more than 10 kg for a Kherson watermelon is a sure sign of an excess of nitrates.

You can distinguish Kherson from Gloria Crimson by its peel. Kherson watermelon peel is darker in color and relatively thin.

Varieties Skorik and Foton

Since we are talking about varieties, we will focus on the two most popular of the early ripening ones - Skorik and Photon. The first has a dark green uniform color, and the second has a noticeably light striped rind. Their maximum weight is 7 kg.

If you want to feast on watermelon back in mid-July, you can also rely on the popular belief about low weight. Otherwise, you will have a specimen overfed with nitrates in your hands. However, remember that any early-ripening watermelon will not be as sweet and juicy as its long-ripening relative at the end of summer.

Hybrid Chill

Finally, let us turn your attention to the interesting variety Holodok, which was created with an eye to long-term storage. Hybrid Chill is a long-ripening variety that ripens only by the end of August.

The main task in his selection was solved with "Hurray!" Its maximum storage period, even in an apartment, is up to the New Year! To do this, you just need to hang it in a net in a dry, dark place (ventilated cabinet on the balcony, comfortable cellar, basement or barn).

Find out the date of collection of the party on the documents

The seller's documents must indicate this date legibly and clearly. The shelf life of most varieties does not exceed 3 weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the watermelon turns sour (invisible to the taste buds!).

If in 2-3 weeks the watermelon does not turn sour, then, for sure, it is treated with slaked lime, alabaster or paraffin. Just imagine how many harmful substances penetrate through the peel into the pulp of such storage record holders!

IMPORTANT! Whichever watermelon you choose, remember that it should be WASHED THOROUGHLY before using it - WARM WATER + BRUSH!

When choosing where to buy groceries, you should put a sober mind at the fore in order to weigh the benefits and threats and choose a good ripe watermelon.

Of course, it is so convenient to buy summer gifts nearby - at a spontaneous bazaar near the crossroads. However, if you are already a fan of market trading, then it is much wiser to choose watermelons in a solid market with well-organized sales outlets.

Invulnerability to dirt from the outside is a deceptive illusion that arises when we look at a thick-skinned watermelon. In fact, the WATERMOUS IS LIKE A SPONGE!

Everything penetrates into it through the damaged peel! This happens especially quickly when cuts and punctures with a knife. Dirt, bacteria, heavy metals and environmental toxins. The longer such a watermelon is not sold, the more dangerous it is for an inattentive buyer.

That is why the media reports on cases of regrettable poisoning and intestinal infections every year. But many less severe cases remain behind the scenes!

In order not to replenish the number of unlucky ones, let's remember the signs of a bona fide outlet, where to choose the right ripe watermelon:

  • A specially designated place of sale (watermelons and melons);
  • Necessarily under a canopy that protects from the sun and rain;
  • Strongly away from the carriageway;
  • 20 cm is the minimum height to which the storage pallet must be raised above the ground;
  • The presence of a certificate of the surveillance service for each purchased batch.

The supermarket is the most understandable place for food purchases for many "children of the asphalt" who grew up in the city in the era of active development of store trade.

There are several stable reasons in favor of choosing a watermelon in a store:

  • Watermelons are kept under the roof at all times;
  • Watermelons stay away from the roadway;
  • The storage trays are the right height to protect against scratches, damage and the entry of harmful substances;
  • Watermelons are purchased in bulk from large trusted suppliers.

However, there are also disadvantages. The general impression of neatness from the trade in the supermarket often pushes us to choose not a whole watermelon, but a skib or half, which are neatly covered with cling film.

Our tip: stop shopping for sliced ​​watermelon once and for all!

  • Unknown reason for dividing a whole watermelon;
  • Dirt with bacteria, actively penetrating from the peel of the watermelon;
  • Insufficient hygiene of hands and tools during cutting;
  • Covering the cut with a film, which creates a greenhouse effect for the accelerated reproduction of bacteria.

All of this should discourage you from choosing a cut watermelon, even if its juicy flesh appeals to you. It is better to choose a smaller, good watermelon, perhaps a different variety, but by no means halves of large fruits.

Otherwise, the signs of choosing the right ripe sweet watermelon in the store are the same as in the market.

Despite the abundance of new varieties and hybrids, most Russians will call the Astrakhan watermelon variety, bred back in the 70s of the 20th century, the classic and most popular.

It is distinguished by an advantageous property for trade - stability during storage and transportation. By the end of August, the shelves are filled with the sweetest and largest Astrakhan watermelons. And here the question arises of how to choose an Astrakhan watermelon, and what are the external signs of a popular variety.

Average portrait of a delicious Astrakhan watermelon:

  • Shape - rounded or slightly oblong;
  • The surface is smooth;
  • Skin color - green;
  • Pattern - thorny dark green stripes;
  • The color of the pulp is bright red;
  • The taste of the pulp is very sweet and juicy;
  • The average weight of a watermelon is 8-10 kg.

Below are a few photos of ripe Astrakhan fruits to help you choose a sweet watermelon:

How to choose the right watermelon without nitrates

Maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in watermelon: 60 mg per 1 kg of berries.

We pay attention to the following signs of an excess of nitrates:

  • COARSE YELLOW FIBERS IN THE PULP, which go through the pulp to the skin, is a reliable sign of excess nitrates.
  • IRREGULAR PULP COLOR (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker, especially with an increase in color intensity from the peel to the center) is another sign of excess nitrates.

  • CRACKS IN THE PULP IN THE CUT TO THE FLOORS: when there are cracks in the middle section in the red pulp, then, most likely, there are a lot of nitrates in the berry. They were added to accelerate ripening, as a result, the watermelon began to grow sharply and vigorously, from which the flesh cracked.
  • PULP TOO SMOOTH can be both a sign of nitrates and a clear indication of a lack of sweetness. Sweet sugar watermelon has a red flesh with a noticeable structure - pronounced saccharins and "sugar islands" on the cut.

  • MULTI-COLORED SEEDS, when in one watermelon there are completely dark and light seeds.


If you bought a watermelon, but doubts prevail, you can use the dough with plain water. Crush a tablespoon of watermelon pulp with a fork in a glass of water (about 150 ml).

  1. If after a while the water has become slightly cloudy - in front of you is a watermelon without an excess of nitrates.
  2. If the water has acquired a red color - do not risk eating a purchase! There is too much nitrate in the pulp.

It is especially advisable to conduct the test when serving watermelon to children or at a crowded feast, when the risk of poisoning affects many people, including the most unprotected.


You can play it safe against nitrates by selecting special pieces of pulp. Nitrates in watermelon are distributed unevenly - closer to the rind and to the stalk. In a situation you do not understand, if you wish to feed the children with watermelon, give them only the pulp cut from the middle.

A feature of folk speech is the ability of people to briefly describe a complex concept with an easily recognizable symbol. So, the pedestrian crossing became a "zebra", and connectors for electronic devices acquired the names "dad" and "mom".

The folk language ingenuity and watermelons were not spared. The same traders in the markets sometimes offer us to buy a "girl", claiming that girls' watermelons are sweeter, and the seeds in them are an order of magnitude smaller.

How to choose a ripe watermelon "girl"? The "boy" differs from the "girl" in two ways:

  • The relief of the butt.
  • The depth of attachment of the tip or that speck that remains from the tip when it is cut off.

The "boys" have a raised butt, the tip is deepened inward, and the speck contracts into a small point. The "girl" has a flatter bottom, and a large speck.

In the photo below, you can easily see the difference.



To choose the sweetest watermelon, you should look for a "girl", although it is believed that there are much fewer of them on the shelves - no more than 20% of the total crop sold.

However, it should be noted that many breeders and experienced sellers are skeptical about this division of watermelons.

If you want to surprise your guests with beautiful and practical slicing, take advantage of our chef's advice.

When you don't know how to choose the right watermelon, buying it is like a lottery for you. If you're lucky, enjoy the juicy sweet taste. If you're unlucky, you'll end up in a hospital bed. Remember this, having carefully studied the intricacies of choosing watermelons, and protect yourself and your loved ones from dirt, heavy metals and nitrates. And then not even the sweetest watermelon will please you.

Perhaps there is no other berry that would be as associated with summer as watermelon. With the arrival of August, the streets of cities fill the spontaneous points of sale of this delicacy, passing or passing by which any of us will immediately want to buy a juicy ripe tasty watermelon, which will perfectly quench the thirst that has arisen from the already seemingly unbearable summer heat. In addition to its excellent nutritional qualities, watermelon is also famous for the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals, as well as folic acid. In this article, we would like to tell you how to choose the right watermelon, which is fully consistent with what is written above.

It is known that watermelon is at least 80 percent water. This primarily explains its ability to cleanse the body and eliminate toxins. They say that in order to flush the kidneys well, a person needs to eat up to 100 kg of watermelons per season. But, there is also another opinion that the excessive use of melons washes out useful substances from the body, which means that you should not "abuse" watermelons. Be that as it may, but everyone agrees that watermelon has a calming effect on the nervous system. A few slices of watermelon a day will help you improve your mood and vitality. Other beneficial properties of watermelons are also known.

  1. Watermelon contains few calories but is very high in fiber, which cleanses the intestines.
  2. The pulp of watermelon contains lycopene, a substance with powerful antioxidant properties, which makes it very useful in the prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
  3. Watermelon juice has a diuretic effect. This means that the blood is filtered through the kidneys faster.
  4. Watermelon contains iron, which is extremely beneficial for anemia.
  5. And finally, consuming watermelon in combination with black bread for one week perfectly cleanses the kidneys.

Many people argue and still cannot come to a consensus on what to attribute a watermelon to. For fruits, vegetables, or berries? Most of all opinions are inclined to believe that this is still a berry. But, by and large, the class affiliation of this product is of less interest to people than the question of how to choose a delicious watermelon.

For those who grow melon, it is not difficult to choose the right watermelon, since they can always orient themselves by the key (do not confuse the key with the tail). If it is dry, then the watermelon is already ripe. Ordinary buyers do not have such an opportunity and they have to solve the problem of how to choose the right watermelon, starting from other data.

First of all, you need to understand that more or less natural watermelons can be purchased only in their season, which in the south of Russia corresponds to the second half of August. Anything that appeared before could be grown using nitrates and growth stimulants.

Choose where you buy your watermelon carefully. In places of spontaneous trade, you can with the same probability purchase both very tasty watermelons and those that do not meet sanitary standards. Ask the seller where these fruits were grown and if they have a quality certificate. You should not buy watermelons near busy highways, as they can accumulate harmful substances contained in the exhaust gases.

In an effort to choose the right watermelon, you must remember that you should not buy cracked or rotten berries. In the best case, the taste will be spoiled, and in the worst case, you can get food pickling due to pathogenic bacteria trapped inside the watermelon. Watermelon with a sour smell can be very poisonous.

Many people choose a watermelon, focusing on the dryness of its stalk, or tail. This is not entirely true. The stalk can dry out during storage in both mature and unripe watermelons.

Therefore, a visual assessment of its size will be more correct in the matter of how to choose the right watermelon. Stop your choice on medium specimens weighing 7-10 kilograms. A larger size may indicate that the watermelon is crammed with chemistry, and a smaller one, that it is not ripe and is torn off greenish.

A ripe watermelon should give off a dull deep sound when tapped with your knuckles. Should crackle slightly with slight pressure. A sonorous sound is characteristic of unripe berries.

Note the light spot on one side of the watermelon. On this place he lay when ripe. A large spot is a sign of immature watermelon. Look for watermelons with a slight white spot.

The peel of a ripe watermelon is easily scratched with a fingernail.

White fibers should stand out on the cut of the watermelon. Fibers yellow in color can indicate a large amount of nitrate used for growth. Since nitrates are distributed unevenly and most of them are in the rind, it is better not to eat such a watermelon to the crust, but to eat only its core.

Pay attention to the color of the peel of the watermelon. Our local watermelons have a dark green rind, while those imported from Turkey have a lighter yellow-green color.

Those who do not like to tinker with seeds in a watermelon need to learn to distinguish berries by gender, since a watermelon is a bisexual berry with males and females. Male berries have a convex bottom with a small circle above it, while female berries have a flat bottom and a wide circle. Female watermelons contain fewer seeds and more glucose, which is why they are traditionally more loved.

Choosing a watermelon can seem daunting at first. After a little practice, you will be able to accurately select ripe berries to please yourself and your loved ones. Happy choice!

Watermelon is a favorite summer berry of many people. The juicy pink fruits, which cause a pleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, are a real symbol of summer, heat and vacation. However, we do not always manage to buy a sweet and healthy product, especially if the climatic region turns out to be an unfavorable environment for their cultivation. In this case, it is very important to know how to choose the right watermelon, and what you need to pay attention to first.

Watermelon is a seasonal product

Do not forget that both vegetables and fruits are seasonal products. You can get a high-quality harvest only at certain times of the year.

Melon crops, which include watermelon, are thermophilic plants, and even in the southern Central Asian countries they ripen not earlier than the second half of summer. In the meantime, they will grow in our climatic conditions (by the way, not the hottest), while they are delivered to the point of sale, sweet watermelons can be seen in bazaars not earlier than mid-August.

Of course, sellers can assure you of the absolute quality of their goods, arguing this with some kind of "super early variety", but in reality such watermelons often turn out to be a greenhouse product grown on fatty fertilizers.

It is possible that such products will indeed be sweet and ripe, but the amount of nitrates will certainly be impressive. A real field watermelon ripens not earlier than the end of August and can delight you with its taste all September.

Did you know? Archaeological excavations confirm the fact that people grew and consumed watermelons 2000 years ago. The berry, quite possibly, came to Europe after the Battle of Poitiers in the 1st century AD, with the invasion of the Umayyad dynasty in Spain.

Availability of documents, choice of place of purchase

Surely you have come across photographs from Turkmenistan, in which ripe watermelons just lie in a heap on the ground. Those people who think that this is how they should be sold are very mistaken.

Here's another tip for you: never buy a product off the ground... The cleanliness of our roads and road dust is clearly inferior to similar indicators of some Turkmen hinterland, which means that it is more correct to buy watermelons from store shelves.

Goods from the markets, like goods from supermarket shelves, come from the same places, but the sanitary conditions of storage in the pavilions and the store are an order of magnitude higher than in the markets. All melons and gourds should be sold either in shops or in stalls with an awning, placed on commercial floors at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground.

Important! Do not think that the thick rind completely protects the entire watermelon. Of course, the dust will not get to the pulp, but harmful microorganisms may well get inside through microcracks.

It is better not to pay attention to the watermelon dumped in the roadside dust, leaving it to the sellers.

If you have already found the best place and have chosen a suitable watermelon, then before buying you can ask the seller for the appropriate quality certificate. Such a document should indicate the place of growth of the watermelon, the timing of the harvest, the content of nitrates and other characteristics, based on which the quality of the selected product can be judged.

In the event that the seller shows you a photocopy of the certificate, take a good look at the seal - it must be in color, not black and white. If you have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the document, it is better to buy a watermelon elsewhere, because health is more expensive.

Pay attention to the size of the watermelon

There is an opinion that the larger the watermelon, the sweeter it is, and this is absolutely true. Only representatives of certain varieties reach more than 10 kg, but they will weigh so much only if they are fully ripe.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to choose a delicious watermelon, we advise you to give preference to large specimens, since the likelihood that it is really ripe will be higher.

Important! Given the peculiarities of our climate, we must beware of too large watermelons, because even on melons such giants cannot ripen, which means there is a possibility that the berries were fed artificially.

What to do if small watermelons are not so sweet, and the quality of large ones is in doubt? The correct answer is to choose an average size weighing 5-7 kg.

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the tail

The watermelon "tail" can be compared to the umbilical cord of a baby, because it is through it that moisture and nutrients get to the fetus. But as soon as the berry ripens, it is no longer needed and begins to dry.

If you see a watermelon with a green "tail" in front of you, then, most likely, it was picked before it ripens, although it may turn yellow from lying for a long time. To check if the watermelon is ripe in front of you or not, try to break its "tail". In a ripe berry, it will be quite fragile, while in an unripe specimen it will simply bend.

It is possible that the seller decided to disguise the poor quality of the crop and simply cut off the roots of the product, then this fact should finally convince you to continue your search.

Did you know? It turns out that the peel of the watermelon is completely edible. It is not only pickled, but even jam is made, and the seeds of the berry are fried.

Picking a watermelon over an earthen spot

Some shoppers may be repelled by the unattractive yellow spot on the side of the watermelon, but its presence is normal. Moreover, it is by him that you can determine the quality of the berry.

Yellow(or, as it is also called, "earthen" spot) - this is the place where the watermelon touched the ground when ripe. In a fully ripe berry, it should be brownish-yellow or even orange-yellow, but not white.

If the barrel of the watermelon is too pale, it means that it was picked too early, and he did not have time to receive enough solar heat and light necessary for its good ripening.

Pay attention to the "bee's web"

"Bee's web"they call not very beautiful brown spots on the watermelon, which indicate that the bees often touched the ovary of the fruit during pollination. The more often pollination occurs, the larger the cobweb pattern will be and the sweeter the fruit should be. Therefore, this feature should not be regarded as a disadvantage of the berry.

Boy or girl who is sweeter

Not everyone knows that watermelons can be divided into species by gender. So, among this family of melons, there are "girls" with a flat bottom and a large brown circle, as well as "boys", which have a convex bottom and a small circle. It is proved that the sweeter it is the "girls", and they have much fewer seeds.

Visual inspection and pat check

You can also choose a berry by simply patting your hand, but for this you need to know exactly what sound a ripe watermelon has. So, ripe fruits will "sound" clearly and resonantly, while immature ones will respond dully.

You can even put your ear to the watermelon to help you better understand the nature of the sound. A sonorous sound will indicate porosity and softness, that is, the ripeness of the berry, and if you hit it, then it should spring a little.

In addition, the usual visual inspection from all sides is also important. The rind of the watermelon should not have any small (especially large) cracks, dents, soft spots, scratches or any other damage through which bacteria could get inside.

It is good if the watermelon has a slightly elongated or spherical shape, complemented by a uniform color. Bright and contrasting stripes are a sure sign of the ripeness of the chosen watermelon, which is also evidenced by the shiny wooden crust.

As for the last characteristic, the "clothes" of the watermelon should also be quite firm: you can scratch, but you cannot pierce it with your fingernail. Try rubbing the rind with your finger - unripe fruits will smell like fresh hay.

Checking the watermelon for a cut, what should be the color of the watermelon

Some sellers allow you to cut the watermelon, so you can visually evaluate the internal characteristics of the selected fruit. A ripe watermelon has a rich red color, but the purple color should alert you, as it indicates a large amount of nitrates.