Can children drink ivan tea? A fairy tale for younger schoolchildren about the beneficial properties of a tea drink made from ivan tea.

03.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Narrow-leaved fireweed ( Epilóbium angustifolium), or Ivan-tea, from the family Cypriot grows almost everywhere in Russia, pleasing the eye with pink fields during the flowering period. Its fame is due to its exceptional benefits for the body. It is not surprising that many mothers dream of including a drink based on this healing plant in the menu of their babies, but they are afraid. Let's try to dispel fears, determine the dosage and age restrictions.

For a long time in Russia, the fireweed drink has been used as an alternative to expensive overseas teas, as a preventive and therapeutic agent with excellent taste. The miraculous power of Ivan tea was appreciated by foreigners back in the 11th century. They were especially in demand for a drink made from raw materials, the collection and preparation of which was carried out by the villagers near modern St. Petersburg. Later the village got the name "Koporye", and the famous tea, accordingly, began to be called "Koporye".

The popularity of Ivan tea in modern Russia was provided by the healing properties that the plant owes to its unique composition. All parts of narrow-leaved fireweed are useful, but narrow leaves containing:

  • ascorbic acid (up to 340 mg%), several times higher than its amount in lemon and black currant;
  • B vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • minerals, including iron, calcium, copper, potassium;
  • easily digestible vegetable proteins;
  • antioxidants and flavonoids;
  • tannins and pectin substances.

The listed components of ivan tea are necessary for the body of every child to an even greater extent than for an adult.

How is it useful for children?

In the old days, the fireweed drink was called "heroic". Its versatility allowed it to cope with many ailments. He gave strength, health and peace of mind to people of all ages.

For children, such properties of ivan tea are of particular value as:

  • strengthening of immune forces due to the increased formation of T-lymphocytes in the blood;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • analgesic and antipyretic effect;
  • sedative and anticonvulsant qualities;
  • improved sleep;
  • cleansing from toxins and toxic substances;
  • normalization of digestion processes and the work of the endocrine glands;
  • reducing the risk of developing caries;
  • wound healing effect;
  • pronounced therapeutic effect in scrofula and diathesis.

Thanks to Ivan tea, the child's body quickly copes with diseases of a viral and bacterial nature, which is important in the season of the rise of colds.

The soothing effect of the drink is shown both for toddlers with frequent whims and for schoolchildren who regularly experience stress.

Fireweed contains all vitamins and microelements necessary for full blood formation, therefore it helps to cope with anemia, weakness and headaches in a child.

Benefits for babies

Is it possible to drink Ivan tea for children under one year old? Yes, but with reservations. The possibility of taking healing tea for babies under one year old, the dosage and duration of the course should be discussed with the pediatrician.

The drink helps in the difficult period of teething. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of the drink significantly improve the well-being of the child, and the sedative effect normalizes sleep, eliminates the irritability and moods inherent in the baby at this time.

At what age to give?

Brewed, like a traditional tea, a drink based on narrow-leaved fireweed is not contraindicated for babies from 2 years old. You can give to drink from 50 to 100 ml no more than 2 times a day for 4 weeks, followed by an interval of 1.5-2 months. It is necessary to start, as with any new product, with small portions: 1-2 tsp. in the first half of the day.

In infancy, Ivan tea is rarely recommended for children, for special reasons. Usually, the appointment is caused by a severe reaction of the crumbs' body to teething: high fever, severe inflammation of the gums, impaired appetite and sleep patterns. The drink is given to infants in a short course under the obligatory supervision of a pediatrician.

At the age of 6-8 years, a single portion of the medicinal broth should not exceed 1 tbsp. l. spoons. Children over 8 years old can be given no more than 50 ml at a time. The frequency of admission is up to 2 times a day. Classic dosage of Koporye tea: up to 1-2 tbsp. l. dry plant materials in a glass of water.

Is it okay to drink every day?

In the form of tea, fireweed can be offered to the child every day. But after a month of regular use, a slight laxative effect is possible. In this case, it is better to take a break for 1-2 months until normal digestion is restored and only after that return the drink to the children's diet.

Harm and contraindications

Narrow-leaved fireweed belongs to medicinal plants and has a strong healing effect. Its consumption should be in accordance with age limits and dosages. In childhood, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting the intake in order to exclude unwanted side effects.

Ivan tea can be harmful if there are contraindications to its intake:

  • violation of the blood coagulation system;
  • individual intolerance;
  • concurrent treatment with antipyretic or sedative medications;
  • indigestion in the form of unstable stools.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

The collection period of narrow-leaved fireweed begins during active flowering. In the central and southern regions of Russia, it is June-August, when not all the flowers on the racemes have fully opened yet.

  1. Experienced herbalists do not cut the plant to the root to keep it alive and harvest healing leaves for the next year. Grasping the plant with one hand, the other is carried out from top to bottom, removing large leaves in the middle of the plant.
  2. After drying for 24 hours in a shaded place, they are manually rolled into tubes, as a result of which cell sap is released and an important process begins - fermentation.
  3. The future brew, laid out in an enameled dish with a layer of up to 5 cm, is left for 24-36 hours under a damp cotton napkin. Under the influence of its own cell juice, the leaf tubes acquire a dark color, and the appearance of a pleasant honey-floral aroma indicates the completion of fermentation.
  4. Before final drying, the raw materials are chopped with a knife and sent to an oven preheated to a temperature of 100 ° C.
  5. A layer of leaves of 1 cm is periodically stirred, and in order to avoid overdrying, the oven door is left ajar. A leaf that breaks apart with a characteristic crackle is a criterion for the readiness of a tea brew.

Koporye tea is stored in a sealed glass or ceramic container. He is able to retain all his taste and useful qualities for up to two years. Own-made tea is considered the most valuable, environmentally friendly product.

Choosing quality

Purchased Ivan tea is also useful, if due attention is paid to its choice. Of the many proposals, it is wiser to choose a product with the following characteristics:

  • from ecologically clean areas (Altai, Siberia, North Caucasus);
  • produced at a large industrial enterprise with a good reputation (well-oiled technologies, sanitary control, high taste qualities of all production batches);
  • the most detailed information on the packaging (place and time of collection, storage conditions, composition, manufacturer's contacts);
  • there is a quality certificate;
  • flawless presentation: large leaf tea with dark leaves without signs of discoloration and faded spots.

Companies producing really high quality Koporye tea have a wide consumer network. These can be online stores that provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the assortment and customer reviews; small branded herbal tea stores in large cities and regional centers.

Low prices for Ivan tea in the pharmacy chain should not mislead you. These are just dried leaves of fireweed without proper fermentation. They are used as part of medicinal preparations and are far from the ideals of the quality of Koporye tea - in appearance, taste and aroma.

We brew correctly

The delicious-tasting tea is made from high-quality raw materials brewed with spring or melt water.

  1. A teapot is poured over with boiling water, tea leaves are poured (at the rate of 1-2 tsp per glass of water) and, if desired, dried plant flowers.
  2. Pour in water, which should have a temperature of 85-90 ° C.
  3. Insist up to 10-15 minutes. The longer this process lasts, the stronger the drink becomes.
  4. It is permissible to use one infusion up to 4-5 times. But it is important to understand that with each "spill" the content of medicinal substances in it will decrease.

For a child over 3 years old, tea can be taken with sugar, honey, jam or dried fruits.

What is better than black tea and coffee?

Ivan tea has a universal effect: during the day it invigorates, and in the evening it relaxes, soothes and gives a full night's rest. This drink compares favorably with coffee and tea with pronounced tonic qualities.

Koporye tea does not contain caffeine or theine - substances that are present in sufficient quantities in coffee beans and tea leaves, which quickly excite the child's nervous system. Stimulation of the not yet mature and rather mobile psyche leads to its depletion, which is manifested by tantrums in the baby, increased moodiness and sleep disturbance.

Therefore, with a reasonable approach, Ivan tea can serve as a useful and completely safe alternative to tea and.

Ivan tea, or, as it is also called, fireweed, has long been consumed in our country, but many modern parents doubt whether such a drink is allowed in childhood. Their doubts are understandable, since fireweed tea is not just a delicious drink. It is able to help with various diseases and improve health if brewed and drunk correctly.


Many positive effects are noted in drinks based on Ivan tea. Among them are improving digestion and strengthening the immune system. This tea increases resistance to viral infections, promotes healing of wounds and skin rashes. Its use will accelerate recovery from colds, remove toxins, improve sleep and help withstand stress.

It is also important that there is no caffeine and theine in ivan tea, therefore, a drink from such a plant is devoid of such disadvantages of ordinary tea or coffee as agitation and gradual depletion of the nervous system. On the contrary, tea made from fireweed has a calming effect and is recommended for children with increased excitability.

Ivan-tea is a real treasure of nature

Harm and contraindications

A drink made from Ivan tea has a slight laxative effect, and prolonged use of such tea (longer than a month) can cause digestive problems. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction to tea.

Contraindications to its use are problems with blood clotting. Also, you should not combine the use of tea from fireweed with sedatives and antipyretic drugs.

At what age to give?

It is possible to acquaint the baby with Ivan-tea, brewed in the same way that ordinary tea is brewed, from the age of two. If we are talking about a decoction or infusion that is used for treatment, then they are not recommended to be given to children under six years of age.

Correct dosage

Depending on the dosage, Ivan tea can have both a prophylactic effect and a healing effect.

For home tea drinking, take from half to a full teaspoon of dried tea for each glass of hot water with a temperature of about + 85 ° C. Raw materials can be brewed repeatedly up to 4-5 times.

All parents should know how much to drink such tea per day. Experts recommend drinking twice a day, although you can give it more often, but the maximum amount per day should be up to 5 servings.

In order not to doubt whether your baby can drink ivan tea, consult a specialist

Infusion for medicinal purposes, for the preparation of which they take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of Ivan-tea and a glass of water, give the child twice a day. A single serving for children 6-8 years old is a tablespoon, and for children 8-14 years old - 50 milliliters of this infusion.

Like any product unfamiliar to a child, a drink from fireweed should be introduced into the children's menu very carefully. A few spoons of tea will be enough for the first sample. It is best to give the drink to your baby in the morning to track his reaction to the new drink throughout the day. If no negative effects are found, the portion can be increased the next day.

Another fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood and wonderful tea

A tale about the history and useful properties of a tea drink made from ivan tea

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator, NSSHI, Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention a fairy tale that introduces the healing properties of ivan tea and the history of the emergence of a tea drink from this flower in Russia. The tale is based on one of the legends about Ivan-tea. The material may be of interest to elementary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, and parents.
Target: acquaintance with the history of the emergence of a drink from ivan tea in Russia and with the healing properties of this flower
Tasks: develop skills for a healthy and safe lifestyle,
expand the horizons of children,
develop fantasy, imagination.

Are you already familiar with Little Red Riding Hood, who carried a pie and a pot of butter to her grandmother and almost fell into the mouth of an evil wolf? She was much more careful now and never spoke to strangers in the woods. And Little Red Riding Hood continues to visit her grandmother, brings her gifts, and grandmother also pleases her with various treats: either with raspberry jam, or with mushroom pies, or with lingonberry jelly, because she lives near a forest in which many different flowers and mushrooms grow and berries.

Once the granddaughter again came to visit her beloved granny, taking delicious bagels with her, and the grandmother just put the samovar on and was getting ready for tea. She was very happy with her granddaughter and immediately sat her down at the table. Little Red Riding Hood liked the tea so much, which she had never tasted before, that she immediately told her grandma about it. And then her grandmother told her an amazing story about a wonderful drink, which, it turns out, was brewed from ivan tea petals.
Long ago, Prince Alexander Nevsky liberated the city of Koporye from the Germans, whose inhabitants treated their wounds with ivan tea, and watered the weakened Novgorodians with a drink from it. And 500 years later, the traditional Russian drink Ivan-tea, which was also called "Koporsky tea", began to be produced in this city. He became very fond of in many countries of the world and began to supplant the famous Chinese tea, whose merchants did not like it very much, and they began to interfere with the cultivation of ivan tea, claiming that it was unhealthy. So Russia has lost a tasty and healthy drink. But before the war, scientists decided to revive the wonderful tea according to old recipes and did not have time: Hitler's tanks crushed the entire laboratory with their caterpillars - so the Nazis were afraid of a magic medicinal drink. The interest in tea made from fireweed, as they call it Ivan-tea, has not disappeared until now, and now it can already be bought in the store. Or you can make yourself from the leaves of this beautiful flower.
Little Red Riding Hood, holding her breath, listened to grandmother's story. She so wanted to drink another cup of this unusual tea, especially from her grandmother's story she learned that this drink contains many useful substances, helps fight inflammation, strengthens the immune system, relieves pain and soothes, and has many more useful properties. No wonder the grandmother, who, it turns out, often drinks such tea, is always cheerful, cheerful and rarely sick. For a long time they had tea with grandma, who did not forget to put a bag of willow tea leaves for her granddaughter so that Little Red Riding Hood could please her family with a tasty and healthy drink at home.

A wonderful drink Ivan-tea, the beneficial properties of which were well known to our ancestors, has now regained popularity. Before the appearance of ordinary tea in our life, Russian people drank drinks collected on their own from the healing and aromatic herbs growing in their places.

The name of this drink can be found in the chronicles of Russia and its traditions. He was very loved both among the people and among the authorities, even the emperors drank him. Fireweed was very popular not only for drinking. Because of the down that is in this herb, it was used for stuffing pillows, for this reason in the old days it also had the name "down jacket", and sometimes this tea was called "Koporsky". Throughout its existence, fireweed has had many other names.

Ivan tea: medicinal properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties, as well as contraindications of the willow herb, are obvious and confirmed, as they say, for centuries. Unlike the black teas we know, it does not contain caffeine, oxalic acid and has many useful qualities. Vitamin C contained in the herb helps to strengthen the immune system. It turns out that properly prepared fireweed contains more vitamin C than rose hips. Its benefits can be described in several points:

  • contains many trace elements: copper, magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium
  • is a powerful antioxidant, helps to preserve youth
  • soothes, tones, relieves irritability
  • cleanses the blood, has a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis
  • eliminates headache and migraine
  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • the use of ivan tea - the prevention of cancer
  • contains essential oils
  • strengthens hair
  • contains protein that gives strength and energy, promotes vitality
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • helps with weight loss
  • perfectly quenches thirst, it can be drunk cold

The harm from ivan tea is not comparable to the benefits. But you still need to be careful when using a drink, infusion or decoction of this medicinal herb. After all, this drink in large quantities, like any herb, can have a negative effect on the body. The active properties of a drink consumed in large quantities can be harmful. The liver, stomach and intestines will be the first to suffer from this. And there is no need to try to treat serious diseases with grass.

An infusion of such tea is harmful to small children under 6 years old, pregnant women, lactating women. And also, if you drink antipyretic, it is better to leave it for a while. While taking laxatives, fireweed will also not bring you much relief.

How to brew Ivan tea correctly

At home, a ceramic teapot is best suited for brewing Ivan tea. It is believed that for 500 ml of water it is optimal to take 2 teaspoons of dried herb Ivan-tea. If you are using fermented leaves, remember that they are highly saturated with biologically active substances, so one person should not exceed the daily requirement of 2 tablespoons.

What water should I use to brew Ivan tea? Take only purified water, free of chlorine.

And now step by step how to brew Ivan tea

Put the required amount of herbs in a dry ceramic teapot and pour boiling water over 1/3 of the container. Close the lid and wait 3-5 minutes. Then add up to 2/3 of those with boiling water and close the lid tightly again. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

To make the Ivan tea drink as fragrant and aromatic as possible, now shake the contents of the teapot with the lid closed - for this, we left 1/3 of the container free. With such a simple action, we achieve an even distribution of nutrients throughout the drink and activate essential oils. It is believed that the beneficial properties of Ivan-tea brewed in this way are preserved for 48 hours thanks to essential oils.

Should I put sugar in this herbal drink? By tradition, sugar is not added, but Ivan-tea is drunk with a bite of dried fruits. This drink is tasty both cold and warm.

The healing properties of Ivan tea

Ivan tea has pronounced medicinal properties. It will help treat:

  1. diarrhea, dysentery, poisoning
  2. hysteria, neuroses, restless states
  3. hangover syndrome
  4. cycle disorders in women
  5. vitamin deficiency
  6. epilepsy
  7. anemia
  8. infertility
  9. gastritis, pancreatitis
  10. herpes
  11. sinusitis, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract
  12. oncological diseases (in combination with chemotherapy)
  13. pain during menopause, recurrent pain, thrush
  14. chronic fatigue syndrome, it is also useful for frequent stress, overload.

Infusions from the leaves can be used to wipe wounds and ulcers, and it is also useful for acne. It will help with sprains and joint pain. For treatment, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used. While healing your body with its help, do not forget: the attending physician must be sure to be aware of your actions.

Why fireweed is useful for women

Ivan tea is extremely beneficial for women. Antioxidants and Vitamin C will help you stay young for longer. A drink made from prepared fireweed at the end of the day will help calm the nerves and give strength.

The drink will be an assistant in the fight against recurrent pain and pain during menopause. For women who want to lose weight, fireweed and the protein it contains, as well as a mass of nutrients, will help in achieving the goal.

And, of course, it will help girls and women to be more beautiful, having a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin. The herb can not only be taken orally in a brewed form, but also masks can be made from it.

The benefits of Ivan tea for men

In addition to the fact that a drink made from the herb will increase the vitality of men and give the necessary energy, regular tea drinking with it will have a beneficial effect on potency. Tea is useful in combating male infertility, as well as impotence or impotence.

Possessing anticancer properties, fireweed prevents inflammation of the prostate. It will eliminate insomnia, which is often characteristic of men. Ivan tea is also useful in the prevention (treatment) of kidney stones, a disease to which men are more susceptible than women.

Fireweed tea for children

For small children, Ivan-tea infusion will help reduce pain during teething, they need to wipe their gums. Infusion is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age. But here's an ordinary, loosely brewed drink, you can give them. A mug of this drink will calm an excited child before bed and help strengthen the immune system. This is especially important during the school period, when children are prone to overload.

The herb helps with colds, having an antipyretic effect. It prevents skin rashes and strengthens the endocrine system. The fireweed drink improves digestion, which is so important for children.

How to ferment Ivan tea

The fermentation process is the transformation of only harvested willow tea leaves as a result of their fermentation. After that, they acquire a special pleasant smell. Fermentation is a necessary step in the preparation of tea.

During fermentation, the leaves of the plant must be crumpled or twisted with the palms so that they give juice and darken. Then they are folded into a container, pressing down, and placed in a warm place. The fermentation process should take place at a temperature of at least 25 degrees. Feeling the floral aroma, you can stop fermentation.

In this case, it is also important not to overexpose the fermented leaves, otherwise the drink from them will not be tasty. This tea is dried in the oven at 90 degrees, stirring the leaves. It needs to be kept for 30 days and put into tight-fitting containers. Fermented willow tea leaves can be brewed and enjoy its taste and all the beneficial properties.

Where does Ivan tea grow

The advantage of fireweed is that it grows throughout Russia. This herb is quite tall (about 1.5 meters), blooms in July and August, that's when it needs to be harvested. Koporsky tea grows in Siberia and the Far East.

It is better to collect ivan tea in the forest, away from highways and roads. Its long leaves are used as a preparation for a medicinal drink. The seeds of the plant are fluff. This plant can be found everywhere: near roads, in forests, like a weed in vegetable gardens, in meadows, clearings. In the period from the second decade of July to mid-August, Ivan tea is a melliferous one. Koporye honey is very useful.

How to collect and dry Ivan tea

You need to collect the leaves of the plant in July and August, before the plant begins to fluff. For harvesting, only the leaves are torn off. It is better to collect more of them, because when preparing tea and after fermentation, they will be greatly modified.

It is necessary to choose undamaged, not diseased, not dusty leaves. They are collected from different places. Sometimes roots and stems are used to prepare medicines. When collecting leaves for tea, you can add some plant flowers to them.

You need to dry Ivan tea in a draft. Flowers with leaves are stored in paper bags for 2 years, while the roots, which are dug up in the fall, cut and dried in the oven, are stored for 3 years. The most delicious drink is obtained from fermented willow tea, prepared after collecting the leaves.

How to drink Ivan tea

The tea ceremony is an art. Sincere conversations, pleasant pastime, relaxation: all this accompanies tea drinking. You can drink tea alone or with guests. An important point of drinking tea is that sugar should not be added to this drink.

For those who love sweets, it is better to use dried fruits or other healthy sweets. From the time of brewing, the tea retains its beneficial properties for 2 days. The nice thing is that this drink remains tasty and aromatic even after cooling down. While drinking tea, you simultaneously enjoy and strengthen your body.

Contraindications for the use of Ivan tea

It is important to understand that infusion, broth and tea brewed in a teapot have different concentrations of active substances. With greater caution, you need to treat the infusion and decoction. Children can drink tea, but infusion and broth should not be consumed until 6 years old.

If you are in an interesting position, then it is better to consult with your doctor about whether to drink ivan tea. Nursing mothers should also take it with caution. If you take fireweed for a long time, it can adversely affect the functioning of the liver, stomach, intestines. Thrombosis, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis are a contraindication to the use of infusions and broths of fireweed.

I hope you are interested in the beneficial properties of Ivan tea. But before embarking on a permanent use, still consider the contraindications and it will not be superfluous to consult with the doctors so as not to harm yourself.

Correct Ivan tea, video

A video on how to independently prepare a delicious and healthy drink - Ivan-tea. As well as the timing of the collection of this medicinal herb, the secrets of harvesting and fermentation.

If you are preparing this miraculous drink, collecting and harvesting Ivan-tea herb on your own, please write what subtleties those who have just started doing this should know. Share how to make Ivan tea at home.

Your reviews and additions will help beginners figure out what medicinal properties this drink has, how to properly collect and how to store this medicinal herb.

Pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding impose certain restrictions on the diet of expectant mothers. First of all, this implies the elimination of products that are harmful to health, containing pesticides and GMOs, and replacement with natural organic products.

This rule also applies to drinks: traditional herbal teas are an excellent alternative to packaged juices and carbonated waters, which not only quench thirst, but also have medicinal properties. The most famous herbal tea in Russia was made from narrow-leaved fireweed, popularly called Ivan tea.

Currently, taking Ivan tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding is recommended by gynecologists due to its strengthening effect on the body of the expectant mother.

All these substances are necessary for a person in sufficient quantities all the time, therefore it is recommended to use a drink from Ivan tea for a long time.

It is interesting: the healing properties of Ivan tea became known in the XII century, later it became one of the main export articles of the Russian state. Its excellent taste and useful properties were enjoyed by Siberians, Danes and English alike. However, after 1917, due to the political situation, the purchase and production of "Russian tea" ceased.

Why is Ivan tea useful during pregnancy and lactation?

The properties of willow tea, which will be especially useful during pregnancy and lactation, will help solve the specific problems of this period:

Drink rules

Narrow-leaved fireweed or ivan tea can be bought at a pharmacy in the form of a ready-made collection or you can prepare it yourself. It is better to harvest the grass after the dew has melted, dry it in a dark, ventilated place, then put it in a dry container.

You need to brew ivan tea at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 500 ml of water. This drink remains drinkable for several days, since the essential oils that make up it do not allow it to deteriorate. You need to drink herbal tea correctly: warm, on an empty stomach, twice a day, a glass. Do not exceed this dosage, as allergic reactions are possible.

A contraindication for taking Ivan tea may be individual intolerance or allergic reactions, which are often found in pregnant women. If the smell or taste of tea seems unpleasant, you should not use it only because of its beneficial properties, during this period you need to listen to your body in order to avoid serious health consequences.

The use of ivan tea during lactation has its own nuances: it is necessary to monitor the child's allergic manifestations and, if signs of allergy appear, exclude herbal tea from the diet.