Sea scallop in the sink Cooking recipes. How delicious cooking sea scallops in different ways

Many of us have seen and even have beads from beautiful convex shells. But few people know that these shells belong to mollusks, which are called sea scallops. Their meat is very appreciated by gourmets. Until recently, their world population was on the verge of disappearance due to the rapid spread in the 90s of the twentieth century, the brown algae is a natural enemy of mollusk. However, now the scallops are restored. Those mollusks that are sold in stores are grown on special farms. Experts argue that the meat and tender seafood are sweeter than those who were caught in the ocean. About how to make sea scallops, read in this article.

These seafood are sold purified, in vacuum packages of shock freezing. Therefore, first need to be brought to room temperature. It is not allowed to put them in the microwave to the "defrost" mode. Let the process be longer, but the product will not lose its taste. Put the package in cold water for about 40 minutes. But keeping scallops at room temperature too long should not be mollusks will become watery. In short, while seafood is defined, you have time to think about how to prepare sea scallops.

Some gourmets love to eat raw mollusks. Seafood extracted from seashells slightly solid, pepper and spray with olive oil. And so that the taste turned out even more less, they are pre-maridized. How to do it? How to cook marine scallops in marinade? As easy as pie! Add balsamic vinegar, salt and spices (thyme, basil, rosemary, pepper, dill) into olive oil. In such a "bath" sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin mollusks should float for at least an hour.

Now consider various methods of thermal processing of these seafood. They boil them into a slightly salted water very long, literally three to four minutes. Finished sea scallops whose photos you see should lose transparency and journalism. Often boiled seafood are used as an ingredient for salads or sushi. If you have their whole pack, you can prepare from them and the main dish - for example, put out. Fry the finely chopped bulb until golden color, add a spoonful of tomato paste. Put the scallops to the scallops to the row or in the sovereign, pour with fragrant herbs and spices, stew under the lid until readiness. Cook mashed potatoes on the side dish.

How to cook marine scallops on the grill? For this, raw scallops are pretty soda with lean oil so that they do not dry and get juicy. It is also necessary to lubricate the grill with oil and grille so that the clams do not stick to it. In a frying pan, they are generally cooked easier to be easier: spread them in a heated vegetable oil so that they do not touch each other. Fry for two minutes on each side will be quite enough, even if the middle of the mollusks will remain slightly "glass".

But if we conceived to use these seafood as part of other hot dishes - soups, paella, risotto, - how to cook sea scallops in this case? After all, some complexity arises: rice and vegetables are boosted for a long time, while mollusks - 2-3 minutes. And the longer the seafood cook, the more "rubber" they become. Therefore, add them to the main dish is only five minutes before full of its readiness. It should also be considered the fact that repeatedly preheated scallops thoroughly lose their valuable sweetness.

How to cook marine scallops

Sea scallops, like all seafood, are very useful and nutritious. Their gentle sweet taste will appreciate every lover of seafood. But so that you have a delicious dish, you should know how to cook scallops.

Anyone who visited the Mediterranean countries could acquire a little convex shells as a souvenir. Sashes of such shells often decorate other products or are used for the manufacture of marine beads. But none of us have no idea that these shells belong to sea scallops.

At the moment, the marine scallops population in natural conditions is already restored after it is almost complete disappearance. The reason for this was the stormy reproduction of brown algae in the 80s of the last century. Therefore, marine scallops, which grew in the ocean, almost do not catch. At the moment, marine scallops are grown on farms, and it is worth noting that their meat is much sweeter than those who were mined in the ocean. By the way, marine scallops are preferable to catch their hands, not the network. Because of the catch, the scallops are stressful, which strongly affects the taste of meat, as Gourmets say.

When you buy marine scallops in the store, first pay attention to the manufacturer. Good manufacturers sell scallops meat in vacuum packaging. Such marine scallops succumbed to a shock frost to keep the taste of meat as much as possible. But weaving scallops will cost much cheaper, but their taste will not be so saturated.

Should consider that preparation of scallops begins with their defrosting. For this package with scallops are placed in cold water for 40 minutes. Since sea scallops are defrosting very quickly, it is very important not to miss the moment when the mollusks are already suitable for further thermal processing. If you leave the scallops for a long time to defrost in the water, they will start losing their taste. In restaurants for defrosting scallops, not simple water, but a little diluted with milk.

There are several ways to cook scallops. Depending on your culinary preferences, choose one way or another. So, scallops can be eaten raw, but they also fry, boo and extinguished. It is worth a little more about each way of cooking sea scallops.

How to cook scallops: raw feed

How to cook marine scallops

Sea scallops are very tasty if they are submitted raw. For this, the meat of marine scallops is cut by thin slices. To emphasize their soft gentle taste, the meat can be salted, pepper and pour a small amount of olive oil.

Also raw scallops can be marrying. For marinada, you can use spices (salt, pepper, basil, dill, thyme, rosemary, parsley), balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Sliced \u200b\u200bby thin plates meat scallops should marine at least 1 hour.

How to cook scallops: cooking and quenching

Now let's tell you how to prepare sea scallops in a saucepan. Marine scallops are boosted not long - only for 3-5 minutes in salted water. During this time, the meat of marine scallops should lose transparency. Boiled marine scallops are used for cooking.

Stewed sea scallops are served with mashed potatoes as a side dish. Grooms are extinguished with a fried bow and with the addition of tomato paste.

How to cook scallops: frying

Finger sea scallops can be frying both in a pan and grilled. To prepare scallops on the grill, the mesh should be lubricated with oil so that the mollusks do not stick to it. Also, it would not hurt to lubricate the scallops with oil so that they do not drown during cooking, and the meat would have happened juicy. Preparing grill scallops for a couple of minutes so that they become opaque. But it all depends on the size of the mollusk - the more grazing, the more time it will take on its preparation.

Sea scallops are fried on a fairly large pan. Try lay off the scallops so that they do not touch each other during frying. Fry scallops on one side for one and a half minutes. Then they should be turned over to the other side and fry for another one and a half minutes. If after this time the central part of the scallops remained transparent, you can extend their preparation for another two minutes. But in fact, the scallops are ready for use.

How to cook scallops: use in other dishes

Often, sea scallops are used to prepare various dishes., such as risotto or soup. How to cook scallops in this case? The fact is that sea scallops are prepared very quickly, so adding them to another dish should be 3-4 minutes before its full preparation and feed on the table. Sea scallops can not only cook very quickly, but also to digest. Because of this, scallops will not be soft, but "rubber", which happens to all incorrect seafood. If you want to pre-fry scallops, and then add them to another dish, you can do as follows. A little roasted scallops add to the main dish, say, risotto, only after its full preparation.

Cooked marine scallops are not recommended to reheat, because they will lose their tenderness of meat and the softness of taste. We recommend that you feed our scallops immediately after their preparation and calculate so that the dish is completely eaten at a time.

How to cook sea scallop

Double mollusks belong to seafood, most commonly used in the restaurant kitchen. One of the best representatives of this family is considered to be a marine scallop, whose meat has a sophisticated slightly sweet taste and pleasantly smells of the freshness of the sea. Sea scallops in Japan and France are especially popular, on our desks they are still quite rare guests, so many mistresses simply do not know how to cook scallops and how they need to choose when buying. Last scallops can be fried, bake, boil to the preparation of salads or There are in the raw form. Let's talk about these methods in more detail.

How to cook scallops in fried

In addition to the semi-kilogram packaging of marine scallops meat, you will need two cloves of garlic, a bunch of parsley, floor lemon and olive oil. Finely squeeze the parsley, squeeze garlic into it and add five spoons of oil to them. Pretty mix all. Open the frostable packaging of the scallops meat, put them in the cooked marinade, cover the food film and put in the refrigerator for approximately half an hour. Then take a deep frying pan, pour oil into it and warm it up. Put the scallops meat in the pan and fry them in a pair of minutes on each side. Put ready scallops on the dish, pour lemon juice and decorate the leafs of parsley.

How to prepare scallops baked in sinks.

The kilograms of fresh sea scallops are well rinsed, open the sash, remove the shells of mollusks and well clean their sinks inside from all residues - only a white meat bar and a bag of bright orange caviar (if it is available). When improvised plates are cleaned and washed, they must be put on the baking sheet, put on each shell on the scallop and put a baking tray for five minutes in a well-warmed oven. During this time, the mollusks will be allowed to be allowed to drain from the shells, and instead add to each grams of garlic oil, prepared from one hundred grams of cream oil, lighted with a pinch of salt and two - three crushed cloths of garlic. After that, a baking sheet with sinks should be sent to the oven for a few minutes. It is necessary to feed our scallops on the table right in the sinks, sprinkling them for beauty finely chopped green onions.

How to boil scallops

For the preparation of salads, sea scallops are often dried. It is done quite simple. The frostbed meat of scallops is lowered into the rapidly boiling salted water and boiled after a re-boiling of just one minute, after that the water is drained, and I pull the water to the colander and give it to completely cool.

How to eat scallops in raw form

Sometimes fresh scallops eat raw. Previously cut them with thin slices, pepper, salted and watered with lemon juice and olive oil. In addition to this method, there is another discharge recipe in the fresh form. Scallop slices watered soy sauce, add a few sesame oil to them and in this form serve on the table.

How to choose the sea scallops

In order for the purchase to be successful, you need to know that:

  • The trading network, sea scallops come in fresh or canned form, as well as frozen. Frozen scallops can be packed in vacuum packages, or sold for weight. Running scallops are the most inexpensive, but at the same time less tasty of all others.
  • Frozen scallops are sold in two types - entirely with the sink, or one pure meat. Whole scallops should be taken if you plan to serve them on the table laid in the sink of the sink, as it is accepted in restaurants.
  • If you are going to use scallops in raw form, like a real gourmet, you need to buy only live scallops, or fresh stored on ice no more than three days.
  • It is necessary to defrust the purchased scallops immediately before cooking without opening the vacuum packaging, or at room temperature, or lowering the package in cold water.

Even residents of places that are far from the sea and ocean coasts can now pamper themselves with exquisite seafood dishes. Let it happen not so often, but on holidays - for sure. And many have long discovered the charm of salads, snacks and other dishes from trepaggov, octopus, sea scallops, shrimp or mussels. And for those who still do not know how to cook marine scallops - our article with a variety of recipes.

Defrost rules

Unfortunately, cooled, and even more so fresh seafood, not only are not allowed, but also cost much more than frozen. Therefore, before you cook sea scallops, you need to defrost them. And this process has its secrets. If you do not know or not observe, you can ruin all the taste of mollusks. The easiest way is to put a package with them in cold water for thirty minutes (time depends on the mass of purchased scallops, they are packaged differently). Neither the microwave, nor the heated water, nor heating in the oven (even on the very gentle mode) are not suitable. And simply in the air they will defraight for a long time and unevenly. Those who have already mastered the recipes for the preparation of marine scallops, and then came up with their own, advise gourmets carefully free the clams from the packaging and put them into the water connected to milk (if not sorry, 1: 1, if you save - 2, or even 3 parts of water and only one - milk). Scallops are defrosting in such conditions faster, and meat becomes juicy and gentle. Immediately after defrosting, it is necessary to start cooking - the mollusks are quickly losing in quality if they are frozen.

Fry Mollusk

One of the most simple, cheap and rapid ways to make a tasty dish is frying. To prepare fried sea scallops, besides them, olive oil, lemons, salt, sesame seeds and ground peppers will be needed. Freated mollusks need to rinse and dry the napkin, and after salting and twisted with pepper. Then they are folded into a deep plate and hide in the refrigerator - marine scallops. The recipe advises to do it for about 20 minutes. During this time, the sesame is dry on a dry frying pan with constant stirring. Attention! Seeds quickly begin to burn, so it is necessary to watch carefully. Marinated scallops are twisted - also in a dry skillet - then laid out on the dish, splashes with lemon juice, sprinkled with pepper and sesame - and please feel the table.

Marinated scallops

Very easy and tasty is preparing a dish of sea scallops used as a snack. Fresh or frosthed mollusks are folded into a deep cup or a bowl, soy sauce is flooded (the classic is most suitable), in which there are a few drops of sesame oil. Those who love fighter can stir in sauce and Vassabi. Marinated in this mixture to scallops enough and ten minutes, after which the snack is fed to the table.

Sea scallop with potatoes

If you are interested in how to make sea scallops as a full-fledged second dish, use the next recipe. Take 350 g of mollusk meat, one egg, 4 pieces of white baton, as many small potatoes and rootes. You will additionally need 2 tablespoons of flour and 4 - starch, yes plus a mayonnaise tube, lemon and greens. Instead of baton, it is possible, in principle, take ready-made breadcrumbs, but the taste can be spoiled by poor-quality bread from which they are made. So reliable the Baton cut into pieces, put in the oven and grind or the cementing. The scallops meat washes, dried, cuts into stripes and is breaded: first in the flour, then in the egg, and then in breadcrumbs. Panished mollusks are roasted in hot oil. The cleaned potatoes are cut with straw, shrinkled with starch and portion is roasted. From above, a ready-made dish, laid out on a plate, is decorated with greens and lemon circles, and mayonnaise is served in a saucenete to it, which is disturbed by the rootes. Right, tasty and beautiful! And enough for four.

Sea scallop with mushrooms

Recipes for making sea scallops are very diverse as the main dish. Lovers of "quiet hunting", for example, can prepare mollusks with their prey. For this, 400 g of chopped mushrooms are roasted with chopped garlic and onions on creamy oil, and shelter scallops - on olive. On each side of the mollusk goes 3 minutes. The finished ingredients are connected, mixed to be mutually impregnated with juices, and laid out on plates listed letters of salad.

"Casserole" with cheese

It can be made from both frozen mollusks and canned. The latter enough can banks in 160 g; If you take the raw - please in half, because when cooking, they decrease in volume. In addition, the cream will be needed in the amount of 120 g, solid grated cheese (a little, 50 g), breadcrumbs for breading and finely chopped parsley (teaspoon at least, but the number can be enlarged).

First, cream is well warmed up well. They are lowered scallops. If you took preserved - just drain the marinade and cut; If frozen - weld, not defrosting, with the addition of a small amount of favorite spices to the water. After a couple of minutes of stay in cream, mollusks are laid out in heat-resistant dishes, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated cheese, after which they are placed 15 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees. As a result, a very appetizing sea scallop is obtained - the photo serves as a bright illustration.

Sea scallop boiled in cucumber brine

These clams can be a highlight on the table that needs a bar. Here's how to cook sea scallops to which rice or potatoes are suitable, welded entirely or in the form of a puree. First, decoction is done: two bulbs, carrots and root parsley are thrown into boiling water. They can be laid out entirely, and you can cut large. After 20 minutes, laurels and pepper peas are added. Separately, about half an hour is boiling a cucumber brine in the volume of two glasses, after which it is poured into the decoction. In the resulting liquid, frostbed and sliced \u200b\u200bscallops sliced \u200b\u200bsliced, which will boil in it 10. When the shellfish will reach ready, they are taken out and watered with melted creamy oil. Love fragrant dishes - sprinkle from the top of the christmas female herbs from above.

Mollusks on grill

One of the most simple dishes, as it is possible to prepare the marine scallops, and they are even available to the most inexperienced cook. More time will take the preparation of the appropriate sauce. It consists of a stack of dry white wine, the same amount of wine vinegar and chopped onion-shallot, which must be paved on the fire until the tablespoon of the liquid remains. It is then poured 100 ml of 33 percent cream, and the sauce is boiled up to half the volume. As the creamy oil is added to the future sauce in small pieces (it should be 150 g in total mass). When everything is ready, the sauce is cleaned in heat. 16 scallops are lubricated with olive oil, salt and stick. On the grill, they bang a couple of minutes from each side to opacity and ruddy crust. It will remain posting them in a plate, sprung by sauce, or serve it separately.

Scallops in Salate

They are combined with very many ingredients. So saladics from these mollusks are a premil set. However, we most liked the salad from the sea scallop, with such components. A large washed orange is cut by slices, and the peel is not removed from it. 100 g of small cherries are cut along half. Salad leaves (they take 150 g) rushes with hands on large patchworks. Two large spoons of olive oil, mixed with one spoon of brandy, are poured into a flipped frying pan. 100 g of unwatted scallops are laid out on a frying pan and quickly, no longer than 2 minutes, roasted. Here 4 spoons of yogurt are poured here (find not fruit, not sweet and elder), the mixture is sprinkled with pepper and salt. It is necessary to stew again 2 minutes, and then the mollusks will become hard. On the plate, which will be served on the table, lay out torn salad leaves, on them tomatoes, and already between them - scallops stewed in yogurt. The dish is decorated with mint and orange slices. Note: Such a salad is used exclusively in warm form. It is cold, he slightly loses the aroma and taste piquancy.

So even if you did not come across the specified mollusks and vaguely imagine how to cook sea scallops, there is a recipe, do not worry! The dishes of them are invented a huge amount, and most of them will have to taste.