How to understand that they want to fire you? Six important signs that you are being fired.

06.08.2019 Egg dishes

How to understand that they want to fire you? Do you think this is a stupid question? Don't rush to post labels. Time does not stand still, knowledge of TC is no longer the prerogative of the elite and advanced. And in order to get rid of the obstinate subordinate, the boss must increasingly resort to tricks and tricks.

Well, yes, it is of course - until now, in most companies in our long-suffering homeland, if someone wants to fire you, he will come up and say bluntly: "You are fired." And until now, most of the employees of our long-suffering homeland, after these words, meekly write a letter of resignation of their own free will, in their thoughts even thanks to the boss for giving them a chance to keep their work record book intact. If you are one of those, you can not read further. I'm dancing because you know TC (and your boss knows that you know TC).

So, your boss, who previously willingly invited you to the smoking room to discuss the news of politics and world film distribution, now pretends not to notice you.

Entering the office in the morning, he approaches each table, accidentally forgetting to approach yours; if, when you meet in the corridor, you climb up to him with an outstretched hand, he says that you have already met today, and walks by. Oddly enough, in this case, not all is lost for you. Yes, it is quite possible that your boss is really trying to "steer" your emotions in this way and encourage you to voluntarily change jobs. However, it is no less likely (and this is not at all uncommon!) That he is just humanly offended by you for something. Instead of rushing out your resume, try talking to it frankly. In 50% of cases, it turns out that someone incorrectly conveyed your words to him in the smoking room, or he took some of your jokes at his own expense. If a person is an adult and successful, this does not mean at all that a childish attitude towards anything is unusual for him - and especially towards a business brainchild, which he cherished, cherished and nurtured when you were still walking under the table.

More serious are the cases when you are ignored not personally, but professionally.

For example, they stop inviting to meetings and meetings at which you have been a regular until now. The most painful option is when, instead of you, someone from your colleagues is called there, who was not noticed at such events before: this way they not only make you understand that your area of ​​responsibility has narrowed, but also indicate your potential replacement.

You can also: stop being attracted to the projects you are used to; remove from interviews with potential subordinates; stop asking for your opinion when solving issues of fundamental importance for the department / company; without asking your opinion, shift some of your functions to one of your colleagues, motivating yourself with your workload; to free you from almost all responsibilities, in fact, giving you 9 paid hours daily for self-expression on

At the same time, no one says (because according to the Labor Code they have no right) about reducing your salary or even lowering your status, even if in fact it is not the same for a long time. The purpose of all of the above manipulations is twofold: firstly, to play on your ambitions, which you have less and less chances to satisfy, and secondly, to gradually distribute your functions among other colleagues. When you "mature" (and in fact "you will mature") to dismissal of your own free will, this will hardly affect the processes in the company.

However, here, too, the grandmother said in two. That is, you can quite calmly, of course, devote the freed up time to a leisurely search for a new job - so that no matter where, and so that not the first one that comes across, and that it is obligatory with an increase in salary. But you can also accept the challenge presented to you. All that is required of you is to take the initiative.

Have you been invited to the planning meeting? Ask someone to send you a follow-up and suggest something better and more interesting. You have every right to do so - your functions are spelled out in the contract or job offer. Only these proposals should be really constructive and promise the company a benefit - thoughts from the series “I don’t like this, because it’s wrong” will not inspire anyone.

A couple of ideas to the point - and you will again be able to prove both your value to the company and your questioned desire to work. And at the same time, find out (only later) that the reason for the "unhealthy" moods of the authorities was, perhaps, precisely that your lack of initiative. Remember: the right to initiative is the last thing you lose in any job.

Another typical scenario: you are given to understand that the company can no longer guarantee you the development prospects promised upon hiring.

As a rule, this is expressed in long and tedious one-on-one meetings, when the boss who has decided to get rid of you repeatedly draws on the same mantra: you are very talented, you deserve more, but the company has a difficult period, and we cannot, alas and ah, promise you what you deserve, as everything-flows-everything-changes, etc. Sometimes this is combined with the actions described in the previous paragraph; in other cases it is practiced "without accompaniment".

At the same time, no one will ever admit that with these endless swan songs they are hinting at the termination of the relationship. Ask the boss head-on if he is leading to that. In 90 cases out of 100, he will indignantly ask how you could even think about this, and explain that he is exclusively concerned with the problem of your self-realization and demotivation, allegedly caused by force majeure.

But do not ask him in the context of these very circumstances to offer anything. He will say that he himself is at an impasse, and therefore you will have to act as a generator of sentences. As a result, the question will hang in the air until the next "heart to heart" - and so on until you "propose" your own dismissal.

In principle, provided that you are doing your job properly, you can persuade him for an infinitely long time that everything suits you and your ambitions have diminished - after all, everything flows with you, not only with him. In a number of cases, the matter ends with a change in your functions up to horizontal rotation: realizing that it will not work to get rid of you without paying compensation, you will find a job that will be better for you than the previous one. Another question is how you yourself will feel at the same time. Perfectly? Then you are a rather rare, scarce nature.

In the most "neglected" cases, the company hires a person whose position is called the abstract phrase "manager for ...", but for some reason your functions are yours.

You can explain such an appointment as you like: "the company is developing", "you need to plug the holes", "one brain is good, but two is better", etc. In fact, we are talking here about completely unambiguous things. A classic of the genre is the situation shown in the film What Women Want.

Alas, your fate in the company is practically sealed. The "manager of ..." is already receiving a salary, and the company has no way back. Your task is to start looking for a new job as soon as possible, until the situation is more or less comfortable and the bosses begin to resort to the tricks described in all the previous paragraphs.

You can, of course, try to compete with the "manager for ...", like the same Mel Gibson in the mentioned film. But it's not a fact that this will work without the help of a bath, a hair dryer and a fluke. Moreover, such competition is too easily (and not always meaningfully) reduced to the level of notorious office intrigue. If all this does not bother you - go for it.

Be that as it may, in the conditions of the new TC, reorientation to legality and white wages, the process of getting rid of the unwanted employee from the company is delayed and more and more looks like a duel of characters like the one demonstrated by de Niro and Al Pacino in the movie "Skirmish".

It all depends on what goals you set for yourself. In most cases, a compromise is quite logical: you are gently hinted, you pretend that you did not understand the hint, and slowly find a new job that will be better than the old one. This is exactly what 70% of Russians do, by the way. However, it is not uncommon for people to value immediate benefit - usually expressed in the monetary equivalent of compensation due to them for layoffs due to staff reductions (because it is more expensive for poor bosses to fire an employee for any other reason).

Bargaining is also appropriate here. If we are talking about a young assistant with a salary of 15,000 rubles, it costs nothing to the authorities to pay legal triple compensation. It's always more difficult with top managers. If the contract does not stipulate the amount of the "golden parachute", it is considered successful if the top has agreed on double (instead of triple) compensation; in most cases, the company manages to knock down a couple of hundred thousand. This is how much the "correct" entry in the work book is assessed in Russia - the only thing that a company can sell to an unwanted manager who reads the Labor Code.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: All issues related to the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer are regulated by Articles 81 and 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

BY THE WAY A: In a situation where your career in the company is in question, it is very important to remember about discipline. TK allows you to fire an employee not only for a single absenteeism, but also for absence from the workplace for more than 4 hours.

In a crisis, staff are fired more often. The problem is that, according to the observations of analysts, these layoffs are not always fair. Some of the bosses are trying to “squeeze out” the employee so that he quit of his own free will, someone makes him work twice as much, placing on the employee all the responsibilities of reduced colleagues. The portal's analysts have collected five of the most obvious "alarm calls" that most likely they want to fire you.

1. You are shifting the responsibilities of colleagues who have already been kicked out

This is the most popular method in recent years, according to Either the employee is given all the tasks of already dismissed colleagues, or - even worse - the most difficult, nervous or boring job is transferred to him. At the same time, the execution of tasks is very tightly controlled, and mistakes and blunders do not get away with. This lasts exactly as long as the employee has enough patience.

2. Stable wages are reduced

Many companies are reviewing incentive systems, including monetary ones. For example, they can reduce the salary and increase the “variable” part of the salary. The question is, in principle, how achievable are the criteria on the basis of which this variable part is calculated. “To“ squeeze out ”the employee, the manager simply does not revise the pre-crisis plan - and objectively there is nothing to pay the bonus for,” the portal analysts explain.

3. You are transferred to another workplace

Downsizing in a company often leads to personnel changes. Sometimes the employee they want to get rid of is offered a simpler position or even transferred to another department. It may happen that a “simpler job” for the same money will mean an additional burden. These new conditions can force the employee to leave voluntarily.

A similar situation may arise in the regional office. For example, in the local office, jobs are cut, you are offered a choice - move or dismissal.

4. You are no longer appreciated

For example, you used to be the boss's right hand man, you were entrusted with important tasks, but now everything is different. You are no longer invited to important meetings, and you will be the last to know any company news. And the boss has new favorites.

5. Your boss is manipulating or disgusting

This is one of the most common options, but it requires the leader to have knowledge of psychology about a certain skill. The goal is again to get the employee to leave on their own. Unjust reproaches and nagging, contempt and disdain can be used as means of pressure. Some use the well-established practice of “divide and conquer” - demonstratively praising some and berating others.

“Aerobatics - when you get benefits that you don't really need, to the detriment of your colleagues who have long dreamed of them - a new computer, a business trip or training. And at the same time, a certain attitude of the boss is demonstrated, causing gossip behind your back. Nerves at the limit - and a statement on the table at the waiting boss, ”- describe the situation in

What to do?

Trying to “fight” with the management is ineffective, even if you manage to keep your job, there will be no guarantees of further employment in this company. It is better to make the most of the situation: bargain bonuses from the employer (from a letter of recommendation to a severance pay). Until the end, use medical insurance, gym membership, use special discounts that are provided to employees, etc.

At first glance, it may seem that there is no problem in understanding this issue and that it is quite easy to notice that they want to fire you ... However, the realities of life are such that for many of those laid off, their dismissal was a complete surprise.

In fact, one could have guessed earlier that they are planning to get rid of you. But people usually completely ignore important parameters in their behavior and the behavior of their superiors, which indicate an impending threat of job loss.

In this article, we'll look at some of the metrics that are warning signs that bosses want to fire a person. They need to be noticed, analyzed and eliminated. So. How to understand that they want to fire you and what to do?

An employee wants to be fired - signals in the behavior of the bosses

If you begin to notice that you are beginning to restrict access to important resources, make it clear that your vacation and / or participation in important events is still in question (discussed or requires discussion), then this is a rather alarming signal. Perhaps your boss or coworkers have begun experimenting with you on how to get a person to quit their job. Indeed, people who are valued as professionals, they try, on the contrary, to devote to the subtleties of the case to the maximum. With the vacation, for sure, they will also try to delay ... Why is it unnecessarily spent on you, and so you will get a calculation.

You may also feel psychological pressure on yourself, which is expressed in the following way: they suddenly begin to convict you of unprofessionalism, there are more and more reasons to “find fault” with your work, and so on ... her, and analyze your behavior according to the four points below, the presence of which in your behavior will be an alarming signal.

Four warning signs in your behavior

  1. Health status.

Remember how many times this year you went on sick leave. How often did you take time off to “lie down” or work at home because you were not feeling well. Note that while you were rebuilding yours, someone else was doing your work for you. And the more often this happens, the more reasons the boss has to pay attention to the fact that it is perfectly possible to do without you, that for a surcharge another employee will do an excellent job of your work, and he (the boss) will save on it. Also, the management may decide that there is an option to “spread” your work to several people.

It is clear that this article is not only about direct dismissal, but also about layoffs and offers to leave of their own free will or by agreement of the parties.

  1. Discipline violations

Some people have a tendency to relax. I did a good job for a year, and then a person can relax and start thinking that they cannot do without him. He begins to go about his business more and more often at work, work half-heartedly, be late and even skip, and all for "good" reasons. Yes, circumstances in life are different, but if these , then the bosses will certainly come to the conclusion that you are insolent, lazy and need to look for a replacement for you, otherwise it will come out “more expensive”. Moreover, under such circumstances, there is no need to look for special reasons. Simply, you are late again, and your explanations are simply no longer listened to. You just get fired and that's it. There are legitimate grounds for this, so there is not even anything

  1. Lack of desire to learn

According to some services, about seventy percent of applicants have not improved their qualifications in any format in the past three years. Remember what Alice from Through the Looking Glass said:

You need to run as fast to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you need to run at least twice as fast. "

It turns out that not many people understand this expression correctly. In fact, this applies to any of the areas of human development: , — mental,.

To match the development of people of your age, you need to "run fast." That is, to develop, grow, learn. Otherwise, rapid degradation threatens. Well, imagine, for example, at the age of 10 you are tired of studying and declare to your parents that the knowledge that you already have is enough for you. Let's say your parents believe you (although this is from the realm of fantasy, but let's say ...). They believed you and took you out of school. You grow up and now, you are already twenty, and you have not received knowledge anymore ... Do you think you are at the same level as at 10 years old? Of course not. Most of what you knew is already. Therefore, you do not just do not correspond to the level of development of your peers (this is possible only with simultaneous training). You also lose what you once acquired. He who does not study is bound to degrade! This is an axiom for all intelligent individuals.

Now let's look at you through the eyes of an employer. Which employee is more interesting to him? The one that keeps pace with the times? Or the one slightly ahead? Or the one that lags behind in everything? The answer is obvious .... if you were able to put yourself in the shoes of the boss.

It is not at all necessary to spend special forces or funds for your own development. It is enough to subscribe to news in your field of activity. Analyze them. Find groups, forums, sites and blogs based on your specialty. Chat with other professionals, ask simple questions and answer others' questions. So you will learn better , , express your thoughts, help others, “keep abreast” (keep abreast of current trends). In general, there will be no stagnation. Additionally, it would be nice to attend some courses and trainings. Of course, if you have a special interest in your activity and you set ambitious goals.

  1. Hints

Do not ignore hints when the boss wants to fire. If you work flawlessly, this does not mean that you have nothing. Your employer may think completely differently. Surely he already told you what it would be good for you to correct. But, since, after that, no sanctions were followed, you decided that everything is fine, you can live on.

When one CEO wants to fire, to warn his employees that he’s running out of patience, he tells or mails them this anecdote:

“The cowboy got married and is riding a cart with his young wife to his ranch. Suddenly the horse stumbles. “One,” said the cowboy. After a while, the horse stumbled again. “Two,” said the cowboy. The horse stumbles a third time. “Three,” said the cowboy, pulled out his Colt and shot the horse. Wife: "How could you do this to the unfortunate animal ?!" "One," said the cowboy. "

This anecdote affects smart workers, and they quickly adjust their behavior, realizing that their boss wants to fire them. Therefore, try to analyze your behavior more often. Better you criticize yourself than others will criticize you. Also ask your board leader about how you could improve.

Find out if you are doing your job and if you have achieved your goals. Say that he knows best from the outside, and it is useful for you to know his authoritative opinion. In this case, even if the boss has complaints against you, he will see that you want to grow, accept criticism normally and value his opinion. So there will be three pluses at once, just do not go too far with a rough one.

So, we will be responsible, polite, hardworking and we will understand that the boss is a discerning person who does not want to see lazy people in his submission.

What if you are about to be fired?

What can you do if your boss wants to fire you or you are already a potential dropout candidate? Try to understand:

  • How
  • In what time frame
  • What are the consequences of this.

This is necessary in order to understand what prospects of employment elsewhere you have. How much time do you have to look for a job. How can you protect yourself financially.

How to formulate complaints to the bosses

Do you have any reason to take legal action when they want to fire you for no reason? For example, if you are not officially employed, it may make sense to file a claim against your company in court or tax authorities. But, this is another topic, knowledge of labor laws is needed here, when they want to dismiss under an article or find out where to turn, they want to dismiss illegally, if.

In addition, by answering the above questions and having a clear idea of ​​your own, skills, rights, and so on, you can enter into a dialogue with your boss.

You have every right to make your proposals, substantiate claims, formulate your vision of the problem, including from the point of view of legal practice or moral standards. The main thing is to do this in a polite and respectful manner.

Your boss will appreciate your knowledge, confidence, and the validity of the issues raised. Anything you have learned and can justify will be difficult to refute, especially spontaneously. In addition, your leader, as an ordinary person, can and simply you, if you choose the right position.

Is it worth leaving work to nowhere

Those who have an unstable situation at work often ask the question: is it worth leaving work for nowhere? Quite a logical question and the same logical answer: "not worth it." Going nowhere should be a last resort. When you have already taken all possible steps to eliminate the problems (listed above) and all this did not help, then it makes sense to quit. And then, if you look at the vacancies in your city and are ready to take any part-time job, it will not be going nowhere. This is a transition to another type of activity or another job

We wish you success and professionalism. OPTIMUS LIFE website

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Ignoring an employee by management or, on the contrary, increased attention to him can be harbingers of an imminent dismissal. The bosses are depriving employees with whom they want to part, powers, bonuses, access to the necessary information and even turn off their computers, recruiters say.

“If a person is less likely to be summoned to their bosses, they are less interested in his work, or they have stopped doing it altogether, then the company may want to get rid of him,” says Natela Kobulashvili, general director of the Vybor recruitment agency.

Sometimes everything can look exactly the opposite - the requirements for work begin to be overstated.

“It all depends on the specific company,” explains Nana Matetskaya, general director of the Lyte Recruitment agency. - For example, from a person who was not asked harshly before, they suddenly begin to demand too much. It happens that simply impossible tasks are set before him. "

According to Natela Kobulashvili, a sign that the employee may be planned to be fired is that the management forgets about its promises to entrust him with any new tasks. But sometimes this can be due to a change in the company's plans.

Preparing to get rid of an employee or trying to force him to voluntarily leave, corporate executives can take anything from him, from money to a computer.

“For example, an employee was in charge of four directions, and one or two of them were taken away from him without explanation,” says Nana Matetskaya. - They can unreasonably deprive of premiums, bonuses, especially where they make up the majority of the compensation package. Thus, a person can be forced to resign. "

According to Yulia Balakina, partner of the Consort consulting group, information that was previously open to an employee suddenly becomes confidential. Sometimes his computer is simply turned off, depriving him of the opportunity to work. And although, according to the work book, he is still listed in the organization for the two weeks prescribed by the Labor Code, and at the exit he may even be provided with positive recommendations, the dismissal, in fact, occurs instantly.

“This is often done in sales and finance to prevent an employee from passing on commercial information to competitors, especially when there are doubts about his cleanliness,” she says.

Another way to show an employee that they no longer need him is to establish total control over him.

“They often start to follow the person they want to get rid of: they mark the time of coming and going to work, the number of breaks, and so on. Often such an employee is no longer invited to meetings and work meetings. He may find himself in a situation of information blockade, "says Yana Leikina, HR director of the Ankor HR holding.

According to her, it happens that such an employee is entrusted with a lot of work without the appropriate authority, or, conversely, is excluded from the work process, dooming to forced downtime. In his presence, people become silent, stop asking questions, do not involve them in collective events within the unit. Such an employee can be infringed upon in the area of ​​wages, payment of bonuses, the opportunity to take a vacation at a convenient time.

“The task is one - to show that the employee is a stranger in relation to the team, the manager, the company as a whole,” adds Yana Leikina.

She notes that the first thing to do in such a situation is "to have the courage to understand that something is wrong."

Natela Kobulashvili advises to play in the open.

“You need to go to the management, express your concerns, remind the boss of the promises he ignored,” she says. - The question can be raised whether you are comfortable with your leadership as a specialist. The main thing is to speak after the fact of what is happening, and not on the basis of assumptions. "

“If possible, you need to discuss this situation with your stakeholders - a manager, a colleague, an employee of the HR department, a trade union leader, a corporate lawyer,” advises Yana Leikina. - Perhaps, during such a discussion, the employee will receive information that will help correct the actions of both parties and lead to mutual understanding. Another possible result of such interaction is a warning to the employer: the employee is ready for an open dialogue and will not tolerate moral pressure. "

She also notes that it is necessary to analyze civilized escape routes. If the situation is critical, then you can benefit from it for yourself: additional reward upon dismissal, a letter of recommendation, and so on.

“If an employee is determined and is going to defend his interests in court, you need the help of a qualified specialist in the field of labor law and confidence not only in his innocence, but also in accordance with the qualifications and performance results of the official title of the position and job description,” adds Yana Leikina ...

Nana Matetskaya also advises asking yourself the question: is it worth staying in the company?

“If a person has become uncomfortable, it makes sense to enter the labor market and consider new proposals,” she says. An employee who informs management that they want to leave may receive an offer of a higher salary or even a position in exchange for a promise to stay. Recruiters advise caution in these situations.

“An employee is convinced of his value for the company, he is given a higher salary, new benefits or a new position, but at the same time they begin to actively look for a replacement for him and when they find one, the person is immediately fired,” warns Yulia Balakina. - This often happens both in ours and in foreign or international corporations. Seeing that the employee is disloyal and looking around, employers prefer to get rid of him. "

Employees usually start thinking about changing jobs when wages are low or when there is no career advancement. But these are not the only reasons for changing priorities. With the help of experts, 10 signs have been identified that indicate that it is time to change something in life.

Sign # 1: Always a Tough Monday

If you wake up every day with the thought that you do not want to go to work, are looking for another reason not to go to the office, or are systematically late, then you should think about whether you need to force yourself to do something that is so unpleasant for you. Evaluate the subjective (your personal attitude) and objective factors (the atmosphere in the team, with the bosses, salary, remoteness of the company from home), and only then make the decision to dismiss.

When you "adjust" the clock hands with your eyes and are "low start" an hour before the end of the working day, then it's time to do something more interesting.

Inna Igolkina, CEO of training company Timesaver: “If you feel bad when you think about work, it means that something is wrong with you and your work. There is such a thing as "psychological burnout". Even the most beloved job can eventually become “hard labor”. For example, the teacher starts yelling at the students, the doctor hates the patients, the driver is enraged by pedestrians and passengers, etc. "

Sign # 2: Feeling worthless

Those who do not see the point in their work, do not believe that they are useful, but consider the days from paycheck to advance payment and dream of a vacation, are unlikely to feel comfortable in the company. If the job pays well, and you took out a mortgage, then the layoff may be worth postponing. But the lack of motivation and understanding of one's own worth are sure signs that the time has come to look for another way to make money.

Tekhkhi Polonskaya, general director of the marketing agency Brusnika: “How to understand that your relationship with work has exhausted itself, and it's time to think about a separate future? You will feel it as a lack of interest. Everything that inspired you, everything that you liked, tasks that seemed interesting - all this will start to cause boredom and melancholy. Even the salary and additional bonuses will not seem so tempting. "

Sign # 3: You all piss me off!

Increased irritability during the working day, constant breakdowns from scratch, gossip, conflicts with colleagues - all this upsets the psychological balance and forces you to refuse to cooperate with the employer. A person can get addicted to little things: one left a mug on the table in a shared kitchen, another uses too cloying eau de toilette, and the third is constantly sniffing. If you find yourself feeling this way more and more, it's time to take a time out. It is time to think about changing activities and if you are categorically not satisfied with the order and rules in the company, you are not ready to put up with them.

Trait # 4: Turtle Shell

Constant isolation of yourself from the team, refusal to contact even those employees with whom you see more than once a day, indifference, formal communication at the "hello-goodbye" level, unwillingness to attend corporate events and events - all this testifies that you shouldn't go to this job. Find something interesting for yourself, where you will be comfortable in any environment, and the people around you will inspire sympathy.

Elena Lyzlova, obstetrician-gynecologist, P.M. Sechenov: “The result of a misunderstanding with the authorities, fear of making a mistake, being summoned to the carpet or humiliated in front of colleagues at a meeting is emotional stress, nervous exhaustion, depression. A person goes into the "turtle shell", hides, closes in when danger approaches. "

Sign # 5: Intellectual dead end

New knowledge and the opportunity to develop make the work rich, and bring satisfaction and a lot of impressions to a person. If you have not been sent to trainings for a long time, the company is not engaged in the development of the potential of employees, and weekdays are like two drops of water, then think about whether it is worth spending your time here. Try to find the reason for the boredom and monotony. Perhaps talking with your boss will allow you to get another position where you will have to train in order to be effective.

Sign # 6: Too Easy

The feeling that the responsibilities you are performing are too simple, you quickly and easily cope with them, and the rest of the time you try to occupy yourself with something - a "symptom" of the need for change. If you feel that you have outgrown yourself as a specialist, and your bosses are in no hurry to promote you, this is a sign that it is time to stop going to work, find another, or start your own business.

Elena Lyzlova: “A person adapts to new working conditions, companies and positions in three months. At the beginning of the career path, integration into the workflow takes place. After this period, labor productivity first increases, and the time that is allotted to work becomes nothing to fill. It becomes too easy to work, efficiency decreases. "

Sign # 7: No career growth

The lack of advancement on the career ladder for some employees becomes a blow to pride, makes others complain about low salaries and count money in someone else's pocket, and still drives others into a corner as professionals in their field. Before writing a letter of resignation, it will be helpful to assess at least a couple of factors. Look at who in the company is getting promoted, if there are career opportunities in the organization, or if employees are moving from position to position, but within the line staff.

Ksenia Mamonova, freelance copywriter: “Work not only to earn money, but also for successful growth. My previous job did not involve career advancement. And I was not warned about this at the time of hiring. When I found out about this, I had the impression that something was never said to me. Then a constant increase in responsibilities began, for the performance of which there were no corresponding additional payments. This state of affairs became very annoying, constant stress appeared. At the same time, the work was monotonous, paper-based and all the time grew in quantity and degree of responsibility. It turned out that I was like a robot: I did a lot of work, but there was no professional development or salary increase. "

Sign # 8: Not what it used to be

Look at your old photos and at the reflection in the mirror. You have noticed that your appearance has changed, and not for the better: pallor, bags or bruises under the eyes, stretched skin, excess or lack of weight, dull hair, brittle nails. If you look inferior, then the job you have chosen is not right for you.

Sign # 9: Irresponsibility

The absence of fear of punishment, reprimand, loss of bonuses, violation of labor discipline, tardiness and absenteeism say that you are not holding on to your job. At the same time, you do not even think that you can let your colleagues down with your actions (or inaction), slow down the work process. Not giving a damn about responsibilities is a sure sign that it's time to look for another or start your own business, where you yourself will set the rules.

Tekhi Polonskaya: “Tired consciousness will offer you something to distract from, making it difficult to concentrate. Naturally, at this moment, productivity begins to fall. Colleagues, clients, and managers note this, which causes negative reactions and takes away the last of our energy. In the future, if these symptoms are ignored, there is a chance that you will start to get sick every now and then. Constant migraines, neuroses, unexpected falls on the ice are not accidental coincidences. You are burned out, and the body is trying to give you at least some respite. "

Sign # 10: Ready to move

You feel that you are ready to hit the road - you have found something to your liking and want to make a profitable business out of it. You already have a whole bunch of ideas about this. If you feel that you are ready to launch your own project, spend enough energy, time, money on it, then this is a sure sign that you do not need to go to work, which now occupies not the last place in your life.

Inna Igolkina: “If you don't want to work for hire and you want to do your own thing, that's great. It is important that this new occupation does not take too much of your time and brings in the corresponding income. Unfortunately, people are often not ready to take responsibility for their own lives on their own. Now there are a lot of jobs that can be done remotely and at the same time get decent money. You can master them and start earning money first in your free time. If you are convinced that you are doing well and that you are able to earn enough to support yourself, then you can start thinking about finally leaving the office and working for yourself. Otherwise, a situation may happen when you go "nowhere", and this only gets worse.

If you feel that you are missing something to start your own business (start-up capital, knowledge, etc.), think about where you can get it. You can find co-founders, partners, or a way to start from scratch (in some areas this is possible). Sometimes fears serve a positive purpose - they protect us from possible problems that we are not yet able to cope with. Therefore, you should not treat your own fears as something unambiguously bad. We need to soberly weigh the pros and cons and then make a decision - to stay at the same place of work, find a new one or start your own business. "