Mango: benefits and harms to the human body. What is the difference between the composition of unripe fruits and ripe ones?

Among connoisseurs of exotic fruits, mango is gaining more and more popularity. India is considered to be his homeland. Many people liked the mango not only for its unique taste and aroma, but also for its valuable composition with a lot of useful properties. Let's consider everything in order.

Mango composition

  1. The fruit contains a lot of valuable substances, with a deficiency of which the activity of the human body is simply impossible. The necessary enzymes are found not only in the pulp of mango, but also in the leaves and peel.
  2. The composition includes phosphorus, starch, magnesium, flavanoids, iron, polyphenols, selenium, natural saccharides, potassium, organic acids, manganese, retinol, zinc, a subgroup of B vitamins, tocopherol, sodium, copper, nicotinic and ascorbic acids.
  3. In 100 gr. pulp contains most of the water, fiber and carbohydrates. Calorie content directly depends on the degree of maturity. The average is about 66 Kcal per 100 grams. fruit. Caloric content is due to the high content of saccharides.
  4. Keep in mind that the chemical composition differs depending on the maturity of the mango. The green fruit contains a high percentage of starch. As the fruit ripens, the substance is converted into maltose, sucrose and glucose.
  5. Ripe mango has a lot of organic acids and pectin, unlike green fruit. The pulp is rich in amber, grape, oxalic, ascorbic, citric and malic acids.
  6. The above substances are not produced by the body, but many processes directly depend on these enzymes. Regular intake of organic acids directly affects human health and condition.

Application of mango

The invaluable composition of mango pulp, seeds and leaves is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

In medicine

  1. Mango is recognized as an indispensable tool in the treatment and prevention of most diseases.
  2. Medicines based on the extract from the leaves have a calming, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect.

In cosmetology

  1. In the cosmetic world, mango is also widely used. The products, which are based on fruit extract, qualitatively eliminate skin-related problems.
  2. The cosmetic composition rejuvenates and tightens the face, improves color, relieves inflammation and eliminates blackheads.
  3. Daily use of a cream based on mango extract softens the skin, unclogs pores, smoothes creases and tones the dermis at the cellular level.
  4. Recently, shampoos, lotions, shower gels, masks and tonics with an exotic fruit extract have become more and more in demand. Mango seed oil has also gained popularity.
  5. The herbal composition is popular in the care of the epidermis of the body, hands and face. The oil fully restores the hair structure, protects the skin from UV rays and eliminates age spots.

In cooking

  1. Mango is no less in demand in culinary form. The fruit is used fresh and canned. In the first case, the pulp is often added to desserts and salads.
  2. From pulp and juice, smoothies, juices, drinks, liqueurs, cocktails and yoghurts have become popular. In the East, it is customary to combine mangoes with meat and fish dishes.
  3. The pulp of an exotic fruit has been proven to help the body digest heavy and fatty foods. Often soups, cold snacks, jams and ice cream are prepared from mangoes.

  1. Prevents the formation of chronic intestinal obstruction, improves stool, quickly assimilates protein.
  2. Improves mood, relieves tension and effectively fights stress.
  3. Participates in hematopoiesis and improves blood quality. Significantly increases hemoglobin.
  4. It is useful in diabetes mellitus. The value is achieved due to the low glycemic index.
  5. Normalizes heart rate, relieves possible pain in case of spasms. Stabilizes pressure, increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  6. Prevents the formation of night blindness. It is useful for vision, relieves burning and itching of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  7. Fights against the formation of malignant tumors. Stops the development of cancer cells, blocking the access of blood to them.
  8. Eliminates excess weight, helps to keep it in the norm. Incoming leptin suppresses raging hunger.

The benefits of mango for women

  1. Ripe mango fruits are beneficial because their chemical list of elements is fully formed. Women need to eat a product to combat anemia and prevent disease. It is especially beneficial to consume mangoes during the menstrual cycle, when the body is experiencing a colossal iron deficiency.
  2. The exotic fruit's laxative properties cleanse old waste and toxic compounds from the digestive tract. Mango removes excess bile and water, thereby eliminating puffiness during pregnancy. The diuretic action allows the product to be used in case of kidney problems, carrying out their complex cleansing.
  3. Caloric content 100 gr. the fetus does not exceed 70 Kcal. For this reason, it makes sense to consume mangoes for people who are slimming or trying to lose weight. The product will compensate for the lack of glucose, improving your mood.
  4. The benefits of the composition are due to its cosmetic orientation. On the basis of pulp or juice, various masks are prepared for the care of hair, skin, nails. Retinol and tocopherol are considered natural sources of youth and beauty.

The benefits of mango for men

  1. Mango belongs to the category of aphrodisiacs. The fetus increases male libido, enhances desire, is responsible for "male strength", makes a representative of the strong half of humanity attractive in the eyes of a woman.
  2. The overseas fruit has a powerful positive effect on the normalization of the reproductive system. With a dosed and frequent intake, a large number of spermatozoa are produced, their mobility increases. Therefore, mango is necessary for couples who are faced with problems of conception.
  3. Manganese, zinc, selenium, copper and other elements are necessary for the male body to maintain the reproductive system. As a result of the consumption of mango, the prevention of diseases of the prostate and the entire urinary and reproductive system is carried out.
  4. Incoming tocopherol enhances potency, arouses desire, removes toxic compounds from the body, and purifies the blood. All this is necessary for a man to constantly maintain himself in good shape.
  5. Many people know that men after the onset of 45 years of age are at risk of those who may face diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system. Therefore, you need to start taking the fetus in advance in order to prevent the likelihood of strokes or heart attacks.

  1. The properties of mango make it possible to introduce the product into the diet of pregnant girls, and this is not surprising. Folic acid responds to the formation of the child's central nervous system and the normalization of the psycho-emotional background of the expectant mother.
  2. Eating mango in food relieves a girl of toxicosis, mood swings, surges in blood pressure. The fetus corrects the work of the heart muscle, cleans the kidneys from urine and stabilizes their activity.
  3. Mango removes excess water from the body. This quality is appreciated by pregnant girls who often suffer from swelling. The fruit's laxative effect gently cleanses the digestive tract and relieves constipation.
  4. The overseas fruit is considered a natural antioxidant. It should be taken to maintain inner and outer beauty. You can benefit not only from the pulp, but also from the mango juice.
  5. As for the birth of a baby, mango is contraindicated for children. It is possible to introduce the fetus into the child's diet only after the onset of three years of age. Otherwise, the baby will develop colic, allergies and other side effects.

The benefits and harms of dried mango

  1. Candied fruits contain few fatty acids that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. That is why it is better for people with ulcers and gastritis to consume dried fruits, which gently envelop the walls of internal organs.
  2. It should be remembered that dried fruits are prepared by soaking in sugar syrup and further drying the mango pieces. That is why candied fruits have a high calorie content (about 318 Kcal per 100 g).
  3. People with diabetes and overweight (including obesity) should refuse dried fruits. Otherwise, you will face sharp surges in sugar.
  4. Candied fruits can be taken as a snack for those people who care about their figure. A few pieces a day will not harm you, but will only make up for the lack of vitamins and glucose.

Mango harm

  1. The pulp of the fruit makes it difficult to remove ethyl alcohol from the body. Therefore, mangoes should not be combined with alcoholic beverages. Also, stop drinking juice during a hangover.
  2. Certain substances in overseas fruits accelerate the transformation of carbohydrates into fats. If you overuse mangoes, you run the risk of gaining excess weight.
  3. If possible, do not eat fruits that are not yet ripe. Otherwise, strictly control the quantity. When you take more than 1 piece, there is a likelihood of developing flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain.
  4. Fatty acids have a detrimental effect on the health of people with gastritis. Therefore, with an exacerbation of the disease, give up mangoes.
  5. Unripe fruits are contraindicated in people with gout. Mangoes should be removed from the diet of people with chronic pancreatitis.
  6. Contraindications include the presence of individual intolerance to mango. Also, allergies are often caused by the skin of the fruit, and not its pulp. Wear gloves when cleaning the fetus.

To get only the benefits of eating an overseas fruit, follow the rules for choosing a mango.

  1. First, smell the fruit around the stalk. You should be able to smell a pleasant scent, which in some way resembles a peach scent. If you smell an alcoholic or acidic smell, the mango is spoiled and not suitable for consumption.
  2. Good fruits have a firm and shiny skin. After pressing, the fruit retains its shape, does not leak or crack. If the fingerprint has not disappeared, and the mango has wrinkled, it has long been on the store shelves.
  3. There are many varieties of mangoes. Each of them differs in color, smell, variety (dessert, sauce, etc.). Please read the label before purchasing.

The main properties of mango are its laxative, bactericidal, diuretic action. Also, the fetus is able to restore the body after undergoing operations and strengthen the immune system during viral infections. You can only benefit from eating an overseas fruit if you completely rule out contraindications.

Video: useful properties of mango

Mango is a fruit from hot countries that has long appeared on store shelves, but, unfortunately, our compatriots did not like bananas or pineapples. Perhaps, after reading the article, many will reconsider their attitude towards exotic fruits, appreciate their benefits and taste.

These are very beautiful shady trees that are often used in tropical landscaping. If the plant receives enough heat and light, then it grows with a large beautiful rounded crown up to 20 meters in height. To provide constant access to moisture, its roots grow 6 meters deep into the ground. There are individual specimens of trees that live for about 300 years and continue to produce crops every year.

Mango leaves with prominent veins are dark green on top and lighter in color on the back. The flowers of the plant are very small, red or yellow, collected in panicles up to 2000 pieces each. The size, color and shape of the fruit depends on the particular variety.

The homeland of mango is Burma and East India, but now the plant is widespread in other warm corners of our planet. These are Malaysia, East Asia and Africa, Thailand, Pakistan, Mexico, Spain, Australia.

Varieties and types

There are over three hundred varieties of the fruit.

The most common:

  1. Kaen Oan (pink-orange mango). The thin skin of its fruit is orange in color with a delicate pink tint. The weight of the largest fruit of this variety rarely exceeds 250 grams.
  2. Pimsean (pink-green mango) is a rare variety that is considered one of the best. Its fruits weigh 350-450 g.
  3. GaewLek (small green mango) is a mango variety with the smallest fruits (up to 200 g).
  4. Keo-Sa-Woei (dark green). The darker its fruits become, the more ripe the pulp.
  5. Nam-Doc-Mai (classic yellow mango) is the most popular variety, with a medium fruit that can weigh up to 500g.

There are as many varieties of mango as there are varieties of apples, so it is difficult to determine in all this diversity which one is tastier, but there is also a positive point - everyone can find a mango to taste.

What is the difference between green and yellow mango?

The green and yellow color of the mango fruit is the main difference between the two varieties of exotic fruit. So, fruits with a bright color have the correct shape and belong to the varieties of the Indian variety. Another variety with elongated green fruits is the Filipino or South Asian mango, whose plants are less susceptible to sudden fluctuations in climatic conditions.

What does the fruit taste like?

Ripe mango has a sweet fruity taste with a subtle sourness, in which notes of apricot, melon and peach are guessed. The color of the flesh can vary from yellow to orange. Its peculiarity is the small presence of hard fibers, they are especially noticeable if the plant grew near a source of hard water, or was treated with chemical fertilizers. The lower the fiber content in the pulp, the higher the quality of the fruit.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value

Mango pulp is rich in vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, which the human body is not able to produce on its own.

The vitamin composition of this exotic fruit is as follows: vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and C. Among the minerals that are abundant in mango pulp are copper, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Due to this, regular consumption of the fruit has a positive effect on the body's immune system and hematopoiesis processes.

As for the nutritional value of mango, in a percentage ratio of 100 g of the edible part of the fruit, 82.2% consists of water, 1.6% is dietary fiber, 15% carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, xylose and glucose), 0.4% - fats and 0.8% proteins.

The calorie content of ripe mango, depending on the variety, can range from 65 to 70 kcal / 100 g.

Mango: benefits and harms to the human body

The Asian apple, as the mango is also called, has unique beneficial properties, as it is the first fruit in the world that can stop the division of cancer cells and the infection of healthy tissues. But it is not a panacea and is used as an additional source of vitamins.

The beneficial properties of mango are manifested in helping the nervous system, helping to cope with stressful situations, slowing down the aging of skin cells, cleansing the walls of blood vessels, protecting against atherosclerosis and other joint diseases, restoring the body's water balance.

In addition to a positive effect on the human body, this fruit can also cause harm. Most often it is caused by its excessive use. Since mango contains a lot of sucrose and glucose, people with diabetes need to be very careful when using this product.

How to determine the ripeness of a fruit?

When determining ripeness, do not rely too much on the appearance of the fruit; more attention should be paid to other signs:

  1. Place near the stalk. In an unripe fruit, the end of the stalk is lowered down, since the pulp has not yet become sugar-filled. In ripe mangoes, the place at the stalk is round and poured, and the stalk itself is slightly raised up.
  2. Aroma. Regardless of the variety, ripe mangoes have a very bright, strongly pronounced sweet fruity aroma. It is felt especially strongly if the fruit is sniffed closer to the stalk. You shouldn't buy odorless or alcoholic mangoes. These fruits are either unripe or already spoiled.
  3. Weight. Ripe, poured mangoes weigh much more than unripe ones. Therefore, putting the fruit in the palm of your hand, it is worth weighing it, as it were. If it turns out to be actually heavier than it looks, then the fruit is definitely ripe.

Mango fruit: how to peel properly?

Mango peel is too tough and dense, with a specific taste. These properties make it possible to transport exotic fruit anywhere in the world without fear of spoiling its presentation, but it is preferable to peel the peel and eat only the pulp. Doing this should be done with gloves and with extreme caution so as not to get dirty or splash your clothes.

Let's take a look at the main ways to peel mangoes:

  1. Peel off the mango peel with a sharp knife, like an apple, pear or potato. Carefully cut the fruit lengthwise with a knife to the bone, separate the pulp from the bone with rotating movements. Then use as directed.
  2. Cut the fruit with a knife to the bone, twisting the halves in a circle, separate them from the bone. Next, make cross-shaped cuts in the pulp without cutting through the rind. Unscrew each slice with a "hedgehog" and carefully cut the pulp over a plate with a knife.
  3. Overripe mango, after separation from the seed, can simply be separated from the peel with a small spoon. The juice that is released during this can either be used to prepare various desserts or just drink.
  4. Ripe, but not too soft, the fruit is peeled with a potato peeler. Then cut into small slices, which are separated from the bone with a knife. This method is suitable for peeling fruits, which will then be used for mashed potatoes or other dishes.

How to Eat Mangoes?


It is better to eat peeled mango pulp raw, so the body will receive absolutely all the nutrients. It is often recommended to chill the fruit a little before serving in order to soften the characteristic oily aftertaste.

In its raw form, mangoes can be eaten not only cut into slices or cubes, but also chopped in mashed potatoes. This will require a blender and a few minutes of extra time. Children will especially like this way of serving.

Mango recipes

It can be used to prepare a variety of delicious meals and drinks.

On a hot summer day, children and adults will be delighted with mango sorbet, which will require:

  • 2 medium-sized mangoes;
  • juice of one orange;
  • ½ lemon juice;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 20 g corn (or potato) starch.

How to cook:

  1. Puree the mango pulp and refrigerate.
  2. Mix orange and lemon juice with sugar and bring to a boil, dissolve the starch in cold water and pour it into the juice, brew the mixture until thickened.
  3. Mix completely cooled citrus mixture and mango puree, freeze sorbet in the freezer or ice cream maker.

A variation of a hearty and delicious mango snack drink - a nutritious smoothie.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 1 mango;
  • 1 banana;
  • 500 ml orange juice;
  • 100 ml of natural yoghurt.


  1. Put the mango and banana pulp into the blender bowl, pour in the juice and yogurt. Kill all the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a tall glass, add some ice and serve with a cocktail tube.

Mangoes during pregnancy and breastfeeding: yes or no?

In tropical countries, mangoes are as common as apples in our countries, so for many pregnant women and nursing mothers, this fruit is a common food. The beneficial substances contained in it are so harmless to the human body that mango is recommended even as the first complementary food.

But still, if a woman did not eat this exotic fruit before pregnancy and lactation, it is worthwhile to eat it with caution, monitoring the likely manifestations of allergic reactions in the mother and child. If a rash or other skin reactions, critical changes in stool appear, immediately exclude this product from the diet.

Can you eat mango peels?

An exotic plant for our latitudes - mango is one of the distant relatives of poison ivy. This fact explains that in its peel, although in a small amount, a poisonous substance is contained - the toxic resin of urushiol. It can provoke allergic reactions and upset the digestive system, so you should not eat mango peels.

How to ripen a fetus at home?

Having bought an unripe mango fruit, you should not be upset, since there are several ways to get an absolutely ripe fruit in a time from 6-12 hours to 2-4 days, depending on the method chosen:

  1. In a paper roll or newspaper. To ripen the mango in this way, you need to pack an unripe tropical fruit and a ripe apple in a paper bag or newspaper bag. Leave at room temperature for one to two days. The mango will fully ripen due to the release of ethylene from the ripe apple.
  2. In grains of rice or corn. The principle of ripening the fruit is similar to the previous one, but was invented by Indian and Mexican housewives, who put unripe mangoes in a container with grains of rice and corn. The fruit can be ripe after 6 hours.
  3. In a container at room temperature. This is the most natural way, but it takes the most time - up to three to four days.

Mango oil: application in cosmetology

The juicy pulp of the mango is eaten, and the essential mango oil is obtained from the seeds. It belongs to solid vegetable oils and at room temperature its consistency resembles the well-known butter. Mango seed oil does not have any pronounced aroma, and its color can be white, light yellow or cream.

Its main cosmetic application is daily care of the face and body skin, as well as hair and nails. The oil is ideal for skin of any oiliness and age. In cosmetology, it is used as part of massage mixtures, mixed in equal proportions with face and body creams, before and after sunburn, hair balms or rubbed into nail plates.

We will tell you in more detail how this fruit is useful.
Only high-quality fruits bring benefits. How to choose the right mango? Color is not an indicator; ripe fruits do not necessarily have the same color. It all depends on the variety; the peel can be yellow, orange, reddish, green or almost black.

Focus on a pleasant fruity aroma, which may contain a shade of pine needles or turpentine. Do not buy fruits with the smell of alcohol or something sour, they have already begun to deteriorate. By pressing your finger on the peel, you should feel the elasticity.

REFERENCE. If you nevertheless purchased an unripe mango, keep it at room temperature in a dark place wrapped in thick paper for a week, and the fruit will ripen.

Fruit composition

Before talking about the dangers and benefits of any product, you need to know its composition. Mango contains many components that the body needs. With a calorie content of 70 kcal per 100 g, the pulp consists of:

  • proteins - 0.5 g,
  • carbohydrates - 12 g
  • fat - 0.3 g

The mango fruit contains many vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E and PP. They are also saturated with minerals and trace elements. By eating a slice of mango, you will enrich your body:

  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • zinc
  • iron
  • selenium,
  • manganese
  • copper.

Why is mango good for you?

Due to the high concentration of vitamins mango is useful for vitamin deficiencies and weakening of the body after illness.

Not only the quantity, but also the combination of carotene and vitamins B and C is successful, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and has antioxidant properties.

For normal human activity, carbohydrates and minerals are also needed. Juicy fruit here will supply you with everything you need. In order for the intestines to perform their function correctly, coarse fiber is needed, which is abundant in the pulp of mango.

Cell proteins are made up of amino acids. The body synthesizes some of them on its own, but there are irreplaceable types that can only be obtained from food. Mango pulp has a high concentration of these components.

The exotic fruit is also useful for the eyes: retinol is needed to strengthen the optic nerve and cornea, and carotene prevents night blindness.

Women will appreciate the effect of the pulp on the face. Mango masks will make the skin look younger and fresher, help smooth out wrinkles and remove blackheads.

What are the health benefits?

Let's take a closer look at whether mango is good for health.
In the homeland of mango, for medicinal purposes, they use not only the pulp, but also the peel, the inside of the kernel and the leaves. Unripe fruits are used to treat diarrhea.

IMPORTANT. Hindus pass on this knowledge from grandmothers to grandchildren, their bodies have adapted to this treatment. Residents of northern latitudes are better off not experimenting on themselves. Eat only the pulp of ripe fruits.

The experience of the peoples of hot countries can also help the inhabitants of the northern latitudes. It is proved that fruits have a diuretic and laxative effect, improve blood clotting. Take a small piece of pulp and chew it for as long as possible. Repeat this procedure daily and you will strengthen your heart.

The fruits have a healing effect on the nervous system, improves mood. In case of stress, depression and intense mental work, you can support the body with the help of a juicy tropical fruit.

The beneficial properties of mango have a beneficial effect on the pancreas, normalize cholesterol and blood glucose. For patients with diabetes, you can replace sweets with a slice of juicy fruit.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the pulp will help with oral diseases and colds. Useful for the use of fruits and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Those who want to lose weight can try the mango-milk diet. Fruits supply the body with sugars, and milk supplements them with proteins. Lovers of ham with a thick layer of mango lard will help partially neutralize the fatty blow to the liver and prevent heartburn.

Useful video

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of mango in the video below:

Harmful properties

Could there be a mango allergy? Some people have allergies when they come into contact with mangoes. This is not a reason to give up the tasty fruit. Most often, this reaction occurs not on the pulp, but on the skin.

Ask a family member to peel the fruit and enjoy the flavor. You can also cut the peel yourself if you wear protective gloves.

Harm to health

When eating mango, you need to observe the measure. Exotic fruits are delicious, but don't eat them in large quantities to avoid fever, hives, or constipation. Such effects cannot be attributed to the harmful properties of the fruit; any product in large quantities is hazardous to health. Mango can be harmful if you eat unripe fruits, which can irritate the stomach and respiratory tract.

ATTENTION. Limit your intake of mangoes during pregnancy. An excess amount of vitamin A is harmful for both the woman and the unborn baby.

Don't be fooled by the claims that only those gifts of nature that grow in your area should be consumed. This misconception came from a time when other vegetables and fruits were not available to most of us. Do not be afraid of unfamiliar fruits, enjoy delicious mango, and your body will receive many useful substances.

In recent years, mango fruits ( ) have gained immense popularity among the visitors of Russian supermarkets. At the same time, the benefits and harms of this gift of the tropics are known to the inhabitants of our country only superficially.

This sweet fruit belongs to the Sumach family and grows in almost all tropical countries of Asia, in some states of Latin America, as well as in Spain and the Canary Islands. But India is considered his homeland. According to legend, the mango tree (mangifer) was created by the god Shiva as a gift for his beloved. In modern India and Pakistan, the plant is revered as sacred. It is not surprising, because mango fruits have a lot of useful properties, so that the countries cultivating this fruit sell hundreds of thousands of tons to other states every year.

Mango fruits are round, elongated, with a smooth thin skin and juicy fibrous pulp of a yellow-orange hue. The large bone consists of a hard shell and a soft nucleolus.

The weight, color of the skin and even the shape of the fruit depend on the variety. To date, more than 69 varieties are known. There are more than a dozen of them in Thailand alone; some are in great demand and are mainly exported, while others are considered fodder, so in many areas their fruits are not even harvested from trees.

Composition and nutritional value

The mango pulp contains an impressive part of the periodic table. The fruits include:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • trace amounts of other trace elements.

The fruits of mangifera contain amino acids important for the human body, including essential ones.

Vitamin composition: A, B, D, E, K, PP and high doses of vitamin C. Some varieties contain up to 175 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of pulp. For comparison: in lemons, its content does not exceed 40 mg per 100 g.

  • Fruit pulp contains a large number of extremely healthy carotenoids, which give the fruit a rich yellow-orange color.
  • The rind is also rich in tannins - polyphenolic compounds with a wide range of beneficial properties. Let us remind you that such substances are especially abundant in black, green and other types of tea.
  • Mango seeds are used to extract mangosteen (not to be confused with the tropical fruit of the same name), a chemical with pronounced antipyretic properties.

The fruits have a fairly high calorie content: 67 kcal for every 100 g. This is due to the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates: over 11%. Proteins and fats, on the contrary, make up no more than 0.5% for each group of nutrients.

We consider useful properties

Mango can be safely called the king of tropical fruits. The fruits and leaves of this plant contain a lot of useful substances that explain its healing properties from a scientific point of view.

  1. Fruits are an excellent means for losing weight: they cleanse the body, normalize the water-salt balance, and speed up the metabolism. There is even a special mango diet that allows you to lose weight quickly and without much harm to your health.
  2. The pulp contains a large amount of fibrous fiber that stimulates the intestines - note for people suffering from constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
  3. In Russia, with the onset of the cold season, the demand for fruits rich in vitamin C sharply increases. Lemons and oranges are most often in the consumer basket; but in order to increase immunity, you can also buy mango fruits. These sweet fruits help to cope with infectious diseases, tone up the body and serve as an excellent prevention of influenza.
  4. It will be beneficial for kidney and bladder diseases. The substances contained in the fruits improve the functioning of these organs, prevent the development of urolithiasis, and help reduce inflammation in pyelonephritis.
  5. Thanks to retinol in the pulp, mango is good for vision. With regular use, the risk of developing myopia and night blindness is reduced. Helps to deal with dry cornea and eye fatigue.
  6. The role in the prevention of cancer is undeniable. With the frequent use of this fruit, the risk of developing many types of cancer is reduced several times.
  7. The antiseptic properties of mango are often used to prevent gum and dental diseases. So, in medieval Spain, these fruits played an important role in the fight against scurvy, along with citrus fruits.
  8. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Plant endorphins in the fruit pulp improve memory, activate thought processes, lift mood, and help cope with stress.
  9. An important and recently confirmed by scientists useful property of mango juice concerns the prevention of atherosclerosis - a disease that increasingly affects not only the older age group, but also middle-aged people.

Despite the fact that the highest concentration of nutrients is found in the pulp, the peel, fruit seeds and leaves also have several trump cards in stock.

For example, nucleoli are used for asthma, and a decoction of mangifera leaves is used to treat and prevent such ailments:

  • varicose veins;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disturbances in the work of the pancreas;
  • heartburn;
  • caries, etc.

Finally, mango leaves are a real lifesaver for diabetics. A decoction of this plant raw material normalizes blood glucose levels and helps preserve vision, which often deteriorates with this disease.

For children and pregnant women

The fruit is especially beneficial for the health of pregnant women. The nutrients contained in it help to cope with anemia, support the correct development of the fetus, and improve the woman's immunity. But due to the increased risk of allergies, the use of mangoes during the period of bearing a child must be coordinated with a doctor.

Young children can add a spoonful of mango puree to their daily diet, and older children can make sweet salads from this tropical guest. If there is no allergy, it has an extremely positive effect on the child's body.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the mass of miraculous properties, it is not recommended to eat mango uncontrollably. It is not useful for everyone, and in some situations it can become really dangerous to health.

Like many other tropical fruits, mangoes are a strong allergen. When you try it for the first time, you need to be careful. If, after a small piece, a rash, runny nose, indigestion are found - clear signals to abandon exotic foods in the diet.

Unpleasant news for people who prefer to sip a glass or two at dinner: the fruit does not combine with alcohol and can cause discomfort.

Even a completely healthy person can get sick (heaviness in the stomach, colic, etc.) if he eats more than 2 pieces in one day. Since mango is a rather difficult product for the digestive system.

Unripe fruits are insidious: even in small quantities, they can cause cramps in the stomach, constipation and even fever.

Mango tree gifts

Mangifera, in addition to fruits and leaves, gives people other useful products.

  • The oil is used for cosmetic and medical purposes. It has an almost magical effect on the skin. It is added to anti-aging and moisturizing creams, chapsticks and many other products that help preserve youth and beauty.
  • They produce in hot countries. It has an insignificant strength, but thanks to its rich aroma and pleasant taste, it is in consumer demand.
  • Mango fruit juice is prescribed for disorders of the intestines and kidneys, drink as a vitamin tonic, a source of calcium and iron, and just for pleasure. Freshly squeezed juice has cosmetic properties that are beneficial for dry skin. Topical use can also help treat dermatitis.

How to choose

Fully ripe are most tasty and healthy. But determining the maturity of a mango is not easy due to the large number of varieties. As a result, the green fruit can be juicier and sweeter than the orange fruit, and the putrid gray hue of the fruit skin is not always a sign of spoilage.

  • Smell the mango: it should have a pleasant, strong aroma. In unripe fruits, the smell is almost not felt, and those that begin to rot smell like alcohol.
  • The skin should be shiny and smooth, free from dents or soft spots.
  • Try to apply some pressure to the peel around the cutting. If it misses a little, the fruit is fully ripe.

If you bought unripe fruits, do not despair: they will ripen easily if you put them in a warm place, wrapped in paper or breathable fabric. The main thing is not to store fresh mangoes in the refrigerator, where they quickly become soft, lose their pleasant refreshing taste and a significant part of the beneficial properties.

Culinary reference

Most of the inhabitants of our country are accustomed to perceiving mango fruits as a dessert served cut or, in extreme cases, as part of sweet salads. But you can cook many amazing dishes from this fruit. In the countries of cultivation, it is eaten in almost all forms: fried, dried, sun-dried and even stewed.

An exotic spice is produced from unripe mango fruits - (greenish-gray powder with a sweet and sour aroma). In cooking they use:

  • as part of marinades for meat;
  • in the manufacture of confectionery;
  • as a seasoning for legumes;
  • in the form of an additive to cottage cheese;
  • for flavoring cocktails.

In the family kitchen, amchur can be added in small amounts to almost any food that will not be damaged by the sweetish taste with sourness.

With the spread of fruitarianism throughout the world, interest in such healthy exotic as mango is growing rapidly. And experts in healthy eating see only advantages in this.

Mango- a plant of the Sumak family. His homeland is India, where the fruit still occupies one of the leading positions in exports. Today, the fruit grows in almost all areas with a tropical climate.

Sufficiently large fruits are spherical or de elongated-ovoid. On average, the weight of the fruit reaches about 400 g, although there are also record holders who reach about 1.5 kg in weight. The smooth and dense peel is distinguished by its unusual color, since it consists of 3 colors: green, yellow and red, which smoothly merge into each other (see photo).

The fibrous pulp has a sweet taste and unusual aroma. Inside there is a large and fairly hard bone of a pale yellow color, which has an oblong-flattened shape.

Beneficial features

Due to the combination of B vitamins, carotene and ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, and also protects healthy cells from oxidation. Ripe fruits have a diuretic and laxative effect, and they also improve blood clotting. It has been found that regular consumption of mangoes helps relieve nervous tension, improve mood and prevent the risk of depression. Besides, mango increases sexual activity.

Studies have shown that mango has the ability to reduce weight and normalize blood cholesterol levels. The fruit extract contains substances that have the ability to regulate the metabolic rate in the body.

From the seeds of the fruit, oil is extracted, which has a rich amount of fatty acids that are beneficial for the body. It is used in various cosmetics. For example, oil reduces the risk of split hairs, and it also makes them fluffy. From mango fruits, you can prepare a mask that is suitable for hair.

Cooking use

Mango is quite popular in many cuisines of the world, especially in those where it is grown. The fruit is most often consumed fresh, but besides that, it is baked and canned. A variety of drinks are made from juicy fruits, for example, juice, nectar, compote, cocktails, liqueurs, etc. Mangoes are used to make delicious and sweet preserves, marmalades, jam and confiture. In addition, the fruits are used as side dishes and put in salads, which are an excellent addition to meat and fish.

Mango benefits and treatment

The benefits of mango have been known for a long time and are used in folk medicine in many countries. For example, a combination of unripe mango, honey and salt can help relieve indigestion, dysentery, constipation and hemorrhoids. Many traditional healers claim that if you chew a small amount of fruits daily, you can significantly strengthen the heart muscle.

In addition, a decoction made from the leaves of this plant is used to treat some diseases. Treatment of eye diseases and diabetes also involves the use of this broth. It also helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and pancreas. In folk medicine, it is recommended to use a decoction of mango leaves for varicose veins and for numerous hemorrhages on the skin. You can use the juice of the fruit for acute dermatitis, and the seeds will be useful for asthma.

Mango harm and contraindications

Mango harm can bring people with an individual intolerance to the product. It should be borne in mind that the skin of the fruit can cause allergies, therefore it is recommended to use gloves to clean it. It should be borne in mind that if you eat a large amount of unripe fruits, you can cause colic and irritation of the stomach mucosa and respiratory tract. The abuse of ripe fruits provokes the development of constipation, fever and hives.