How to choose a ripe mango? Mango fruit, everything about it: useful properties, how to eat mango correctly - ways of how to determine ripeness and what varieties are there.

19.08.2019 Snacks

More than 20 million tons of mango ripens in the world every year. This juicy fruit is loved by many for its pleasant sweet taste and delicate pulp. However, in our latitudes, this is a relatively new product, so not everyone knows how to eat mango correctly.

According to Hindu belief, mangoes are not only delicious, but also sacred. It is hung at the entrance to the house on the eve of the New Year in order to attract prosperity and happiness. It is customary to use twigs on holy days and holidays instead of a toothbrush. The fetus is used as an antiseptic, contraceptive and aphrodisiac.

In contact with

Mango, the composition of which includes many useful substances, is very useful for the body. It contains many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on humans.

Table 1. Composition (per 100 grams of product) and the benefits of mango

Namethe effectAmount (mg)Daily rate (mg)
Vitamin CProvides skin elasticity, takes part in the synthesis of a number of hormones, promotes the elimination of harmful substances, has an antioxidant effect, relieves inflammation, etc.27-30 60-100
Vitamin AIt is necessary for the formation of bone tissue, mucous membranes and bone integuments. It is necessary for the synthesis of a number of hormones, to maintain vision, enhances immunity, etc.0,04 9-30
Folic acid (B2)Promotes energy production, is essential for the production of red blood cells, is important for maintaining immunity, promotes skin elasticity, etc.0,06 3,8
Vitamin EIt slows down aging, has a protective effect, is necessary for the synthesis of hormones, etc.1,1 8-12
PotassiumMaintains intracellular pressure, provides acid-base balance, is a catalyst for the most important chemical reactions, etc.156 1000
IronIt is an essential component for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Increases immunity, refers to energy sources, stimulates performance0,13 10-16
CopperIt is a component for the synthesis of hemoglobin, ensures the supply of oxygen to cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect, etc.0,11 1,5-3
CalciumEssential for the formation of bones, cartilage, hair, nails. Promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions, etc.10 1000-1200
MagnesiumIs a participant in electrolyte metabolism, a source of energy, a conductor of impulses, promotes the absorption of calcium9 400-800

Of course, the table does not contain all the data. What vitamins do mango contain in addition to those listed: D, BB and PP groups. Sweet pulp contains sodium, zinc, phosphorus, etc. In addition, glucose, fructose and sucrose are present.

The following beneficial properties of mango are distinguished:

  • pronounced immunomodulatory effect;
  • refers to antioxidants;
  • tones and strengthens the body as a whole.

Regular consumption of the fruit will have a beneficial effect on health. How to eat mango - we will consider further.

What is good for women?

The health benefits of mango are enormous. Separately, it should be noted the positive effect on the female body. It is due to a wide range of required elements. Why mango is good for women:

  1. Prevents anemia. The fruit contains copper, iron and potassium. These elements are essential for the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the skin. Vitamins of group B, E and C maintain elasticity and firmness of the skin. They are actively involved in collagen production. Consuming the fruit regularly will keep you young for a long time.
  3. Fights stress. The pulp improves the quality of sleep, is an additional source of energy and contains substances necessary for the synthesis of endorphins.
  4. Boosts immunity. Mango belongs to natural immunomodulators.
  5. Normalizes digestion. A large amount of fiber has a beneficial effect on regular bowel movements, promotes the elimination of harmful substances and detoxifies the body.
  6. Invigorates. The tonic effect is especially relevant for women with low blood pressure.

The benefits of mango for women are complex. The inclusion of fruit in the diet provides beauty and health to the fair sex.

The sweet taste of mango involuntarily evokes thoughts about the calorie content of the fruit. However, slim body fans can rest assured. 100 grams of fruit contains only 67 kcal. The value is the average. For comparison, in 100 grams of apples or pears there are only 47 kcal, in the same amount of peach - 45, and in a banana - 96.

Table 2. Nutritional value of mango

Where does it grow and when does it ripen?

The historical homeland of the fruit is the Indian tropical forest and the territory of the state of Myanmar. Where mango grows in our time - we will consider further.

Table 3. Main regions of fruit growth

On the shelves of supermarkets in Russia you can find fruits grown in the Canary Islands or in Spain. The same product is delivered to European outlets. Indian and Thai mangoes are also available, but they cost significantly more. The fruit ripens twice a year, the seasonality differs in different countries. Buying fruit imported from different countries is a great option, as there is mango all year round.

How to choose?

When buying fruits, you must follow some rules. How to choose a mango:

  1. Appearance. Before eating a mango, you need to inspect it. The fruit must be whole and free from obvious defects. The best fruits have a smooth, shiny skin. Damaged or crushed fruit won't last long and shouldn't be bought.
  2. The form. The sweetest mangoes are rightfully considered in the form of a baseball. They have more pulp, and it itself is juicier and more tender. Fruits that are too flat will be harsh.
  3. The weight. Fruit weight should not be less than 200 grams. It is from this number that the reference mass of the fetus starts. If it is less, then the fruit is likely to be tough and tasteless.

How to determine ripeness?

An unripe fruit does not have such a pronounced taste and aroma. How to choose a ripe mango:

  1. The size. Larger fruits are native to Guatemala. Small fruits are brought from Brazil, Mexico, Bangladesh. An impressive size does not guarantee good taste. However, the weight should not be lower than the minimum (200 grams).
  2. Peel. The peel plays an important role in how ripe mango looks. In ripe fruit, it is smooth. The presence of wrinkles or folds is unacceptable. However, for some varieties, irregularities on the surface serve as a species difference.
  3. Softness. The fruit will be soft to the touch, easy to pressure.
  4. Smell. The aroma of the fruit is very complex. It resembles the smell of melon, pine needles, carrots, fresh apples. The lack of aroma should alert you when choosing.
  5. Peduncle. Should be large and springy at the base.

The tips listed provide information on how to determine the ripeness of a mango when buying. If it is possible to cut the fruit, then you should pay attention to its pulp. In a mature fruit, it is bright yellow-orange in color and has a fibrous structure.

The taste directly depends on the fruit itself. The fruits on supermarket shelves are strikingly different from the harvest harvested in the place of growth. There are a lot of opinions about what mango tastes like.

Most often cited:

  • a combination of lemon flavor and pine notes;
  • the taste of carrots with lemon;
  • refreshing exotic with a pineapple flavor;
  • peach with a juniper aftertaste;
  • pineapple and strawberries.

What is the difference between a green mango and a yellow one?

There are many varieties that differ not only in appearance, but also in useful properties. Namely:

  1. Green mango. It has a pronounced green color and an elongated shape. The taste is sour, with hints of bitterness. Rather resembles a vegetable. How to eat green mangoes? It is used as an ingredient in salads, cold appetizers, and hot dishes. It is rarely used separately. What is useful for green mangoes is vitamin C - one fruit contains a daily dose.
  2. Yellow mango. These fruits are the tastiest. Choosing large, smooth, yellow fruits, you can be sure of their sweet taste. Before you eat a mango, make sure it is ripe.

It is worth trying both one and the second type. How to eat mango:

  • green fruits are recommended to be consumed with salt, they are excellent in combination with meat or fish;
  • yellow fruits are an independent dessert or serve as the basis for sweet dishes.

How do I clean it?

The peel must be removed from the fruit before consumption. There are several ways to properly peel a mango:

  1. Peel the fruit, cut it in half, remove the bone in a circular motion with a knife, cut into slices.
  2. Without removing the peel, make cuts throughout the fruit in slices as close to the bone as possible. Sequentially cut each slice into diamonds. Carefully turn out the slice, cut the diamonds from the peel.
  3. Cut the fruit in half. Remove the bone in a circular motion, eat with a spoon. A great way to peel a mango at home for a ripe fruit.

Before peeling a mango, it must be washed and dried with a towel. If the fruit is ripe, then before eating the mango, it is better not to remove the peel with a knife - a large amount of juice will flow out.

Having figured out how to peel a mango, you need to decide on how to cut it. It directly depends on how you plan to use the fruit. For example:

  • for consumption in its raw form, you can not cut the fruit at all, but eat it with a spoon;
  • before eating a mango, which is characterized by hardness, it is optimal to cut it into slices;
  • for salad, hard fruits are cut into strips, and soft fruits are cut into cubes.

How to eat this fruit?

In Russia, not everyone knows how to eat mangoes. This fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. Its exotic taste will delight in any case.


Previously, the fruit does not require any processing, it only needs to be washed in advance. How to eat raw mango:

  1. As part of smoothies or cocktails. The fruits can be chopped in a blender, adding milk, yogurt, ice. The fruit goes well with liqueurs and rum.
  2. How to eat mango as a side dish. It is enough to cut the fruit into cubes and add spices.
  3. How to eat mango in a salad. Delicate taste will set off meat, chicken, goes well with avocado and pineapple.
  4. Make a sorbet. How to eat raw mangoes properly in the summer heat? Freeze as a sorbet and serve with fruit or mint sauce. This way of eating mango is quite laborious. You can simplify it with an ice cream maker.

As part of cooked dishes

There are many ways to eat cooked mango. It is used in:

  • desserts - the fruit is suitable for making yoghurt and mousse cakes, sweet pilaf, jelly, baked goods;
  • with seafood - the steamed fruit will be a good base for sauce for shrimp or fish;
  • how to eat mango with poultry - the fruit can be baked with chicken or duck.

A great option is baked goose liver on a mango pillow.

Can the peel be eaten?

The first thing that pays attention to when evaluating what a mango looks like is the peel. In a ripe tasty fruit, it is shiny, smooth and painted in an appetizing color. The question involuntarily arises - is it possible to eat mango peel? Preparing the fruit for consumption necessarily includes cleaning. This is not without reason: after all, how a mango is eaten, with or without a peel, is influenced by the inclusion of toxic resin in the peel. It is called urushiol.

The substance has an unpleasant taste and can lead to:

  • food poisoning;
  • intoxication;
  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Fruit can significantly diversify the diet. Mango dishes are especially good in the summer heat. The refreshing, sweet and sour taste will add lightness to the finished meal. Fruits can be baked, stewed, fried. They are great as a main dish or a side dish. There is no single answer to the question of how to eat mango properly. This is a matter of taste and depends on imagination.

In nature, this plant is widely distributed in tropical forests with high humidity. However, it successfully takes root in the room. It is necessary to plant the seed in moist soil immediately after removing it from the fruit. The fruit must be ripe. It is necessary to pick up a container of impressive size - an adult tree reaches 10-45 meters in height.

How to store?

In the refrigerator, the fruit can lie for a long time and not spoil. However, in this case, the fruit will not be tasty enough. How to store your mango to keep it sweet and juicy:

  • do not store the fruit in dark, cold places - it will be tough;
  • unripe fruit will not mature in a refrigerator;
  • the fruit must be placed in a cool (not cold!) place if it is ripe;
  • unripe fruit can be stored on the windowsill.

How to store a mango at home depends on how quickly you plan to eat it. If the goal is long-term storage, then a refrigerator will do. In other cases, it is better not to place the fetus in a low temperature environment.

How to ripen at home?

It is problematic to acquire ripe fruit in our latitudes. After buying, many are wondering how to ripen mangoes at home. This process does not require much effort. The easiest way is to put the fruit on the windowsill, it will ripen in 3-5 days.

There is a trick on how to ripen a mango quickly - put the fruit in a bag with a ripe apple or bananas, the fruit will ripen in a couple of days.

Could there be harm from eating this fruit?

Mango is a fruit, the benefits and harms of which are not comparable. Mostly the consumption of fruits is for the good of the body, but in some cases they should not be eaten. For example:

  1. Before eating a mango, it must be brought to a ripe state. Unripe fruit can lead to indigestion, flatulence, or vomiting.
  2. It is forbidden to eat fruit with skin. How to eat mango and how to peel is discussed earlier.
  3. Prohibited for a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them are pancreatitis, gastritis, dysbiosis, ulcers.
  4. May lead to allergies. An exotic fruit can cause hives, eczema, anaphylactic shock, or Quincke's edema. Before you eat a mango for the first time, you should try a small wedge. If there is no reaction, then the product can be added to the diet.

The benefits and harms of mango to the body are very individual. The fruit is not suitable for allergy sufferers; for the rest, moderate consumption is recommended.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body is in dire need of vitamins and minerals. The fruit is high in nutrients. Answering the question of whether it is possible for pregnant mangoes, one should take into account the individual characteristics of a woman. If you are prone to allergies, it is better to limit the consumption of the fetus. Unripe mango is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. It will harm the body of the expectant mother.

If the fruit was not previously eaten, then you should be careful. Mango for pregnant women is a new product, which means that you need to eat it carefully. It is recommended to start with several slices, gradually increasing to a whole fruit. Mango during breastfeeding is allowed if the child has no signs of individual intolerance. During pregnancy, it is possible to eat both raw and cooked mangoes.

When the mango ripens, it is used not only for food, but also for making butter. Fruit seeds are used as raw materials for the product. It is widely used in cosmetology. The oil has an antiseptic, healing and softening effect on the skin. Used as part of masks or in pure form for hair treatment. The product is also suitable for strengthening nails. Essential oil is used as a stress reliever in aromatherapy.


  1. Mango, the beneficial properties and contraindications to which were discussed above, is a unique fruit.
  2. It contains the essential elements necessary to maintain health.
  3. To maximize the benefits of the fruit, it is important to understand how to choose, how to eat the mango and where to store it.
  4. The product can be consumed both raw and in the preparation of various dishes.

I have tasted the most delicious mango in Thailand, straight from the tree. Since then, these fruits have evoked memories of this country in me. The guide invited us to relax in the shade of huge mango trees and told us how to determine the ripeness of a mango. I was impressed by the legend that Buddha himself attained enlightenment in a mango grove.

Determining the ripeness of a mango by appearance

Mango comes in many varieties. The fruit is round or oblong in shape, red, yellow or green in color. When ripe and fresh, the fruit should have a shiny, bright skin. When you press on it, there should not be strong dents, which means that the mango is overripe. Choose fruits of medium weight (about 300 g), they are the most delicious. Ripe mango skin may have dark specks, this is normal. In the store, I always choose yellow oblong mangoes from Thailand, but this is a matter of taste.

Determination of ripeness of mango by taste and smell

In resorts, the best mangoes are sold in spontaneous markets. Experienced tourists from Belarus taught me how to determine the ripeness of a mango. To accurately select the ripe fruit, ask the dealer to cut one of them and try a piece.

Ripe mango can taste:

  • peach;
  • pineapple;
  • melons.

The pulp of a ripe mango is tender and aromatic. Ripe fruits smell like needles on the outside, especially closer to the stem. If the mango has a sour smell, then it has begun to deteriorate. Green mangoes can be used to prepare meat garnishes or delicious salads.

Mango fruits are consumed in the world more than apples and bananas.
In India, mango trees and fruits are considered sacred.
Medicine uses mangoes to treat heart disease, blood vessels, asthma, diabetes, prevention of tumors and obesity.
Mango fruits have many vitamins and minerals that a person needs. But the leaves of this plant are poisonous, they should not be given to animals.
Many exotic dishes are prepared from mango, but they are not recommended for use in diseases of the intestines and kidneys.
On New Year's Eve, Hindus hang a mango fruit at the front door for good luck.
Mango acts as an aphrodisiac.
Mango trees can grow to a height of 30 meters. They live and bear fruit for up to 300 years.

Mango is an exotic fruit of any shades of yellow and red. Mango contains many vitamins and amino acids. This Asian fruit is sold in all European supermarkets, and the condition of the fruit is often poor.

Before choosing a mango, pay attention to its color, smell, and skin condition.

How to choose a ripe mango

The ripe and juicy mango has an attractive appearance: its skin is even, smooth and shiny. Dark, neat specks on the peel indicate the ripeness of the fruit. The color of the peel depends on the variety. Therefore, a yellow-green mango, if ripe, is in no way inferior in taste to a dark red one.

The color should be bright and saturated, not faded.

When buying a mango, pay attention to the condition of the peel and the smell:

  • gently press down on the peel with your finger. A small dent should remain. If the fruit is very soft or the skin is broken, it means that it is overripe and is already starting to deteriorate. This is also evidenced by loose skin with wrinkles. Too hard mango is simply not ripe yet and is unlikely to ripen on your windowsill;
  • smell the fruit. Ripe mango has a pleasant and sweet aroma. At the stalk, the smell intensifies, and resinous and coniferous notes slip through it. If the fruit does not smell at all, then it is immature. Too intense sour smell indicates that the fruit is overripe.

Mango shape can be any. But on sale, pear-shaped mangoes are most often found. Deformed fruits are unusable.

How to choose a mango in a store

When choosing a fruit, don't just rely on your eyes. Be sure to come closer, carefully examine the mango, weigh it in your hand, feel it, smell it. Be sure to press lightly on the peel. Thin and flat mangoes have too little pulp and juice. Fruits should be moderately plump, full and round.

If you want to buy a mango for a few days, it is better to choose fruits with a firmer structure. Mangoes last longer in the refrigerator, less in warmth, but ripen faster.

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The once exotic fruit can now be bought in almost any large supermarket. It is eaten raw, made into juice, added to salads or hot dishes. But still, this fruit does not grow in our country house, therefore, when buying, the question arises, how to choose the right mango?

Ripe fruit signs

The difficulty in buying mangoes is that there are so many different varieties. Depending on this, the fruit comes in different colors, shapes and sizes. And since mangoes are brought from India, Malaysia, Thailand or China, they are picked unripe. On the way, very often he does not have time to ripen and comes to supermarket shelves not ready to eat. Therefore, buyers need to know how pick ripe mango... Consider what to look out for:

Visual inspection

  • Size and weight. Depending on the variety, the fruit can reach up to 1.5 kg. We mainly offer smaller options, since mangoes are not cheap and are sold by the piece. If it is ripe, then its size will be up to about 20 cm in diameter, and its weight is 200-300 grams.
  • The form. They are completely different: oval, round, but most often pear-shaped. If the shape is deformed, then it is better to refuse such a fruit, since it is spoiled.
  • Colour. All shades from green to red and orange can color the mango. There may also be black specks, which are also the norm. The question arises: how to choose a mango if the color does not mean its ripening. The answer is very simple, focus on the saturation of the shades, in a ripe fruit they are bright.

Trying to touch

To do this, we need to carefully examine the condition of the skin. It should be smooth and firm. If it is wrinkled, then this means that the fruit is unripe, and the flabby skin indicates that the product is stale. The skin of a ripe fruit should be shiny, without damage or dents. When you press the fruit with your finger, the skin should bend slightly, and then return to its original position. If juice stands out, it means that the fruit is overripe.

Turning on the sense of smell

The smell of a ripe and high-quality mango should be coniferous and sweetish. The greatest concentration of aroma is concentrated at the stalk. The absence of odor indicates an unripe product. The pronounced aroma indicates that the fruit is not the first freshness. Please note that mango spoils very quickly, so if you feel an unpleasant sour smell, you should refuse to buy.

Fruit tasting

If you buy it not from the supermarket, but from the market. In this case, in addition to the listed parameters, you can evaluate the fruit in a cut and possibly taste it. The color of the flesh should be yellow or orange. The pulp is soft and sweet, reminiscent of a peach in taste. The presence of sourness in a mango indicates that the fruit was spoiled or unripe.

After examining the information about how to choose the right mango you may not choose the ripe fruit right away. But this can be fixed: for this you need to wrap the fruit in newspaper and hold it at room temperature. After a few days, the mango will reach and can be eaten. The overripe fruit should be refrigerated and eaten within one to two days.

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Such a juicy fruit as mango is now known to us. Its pulp is not only fragrant and tasty, but also beneficial for the body. The combination of the components that make up the fruit allows you to fight many diseases and even raise your mood, relieve stress. But to take advantage of all the health benefits of mango, you need to choose the right ripe fruit.

How to pick a mango by touch

The first thing you should do is touch the fruit. The ripe fruit feels like a soft avocado or juicy peach to the touch, but the skin should not be thin. If you are going to use the mango in a few days, then choose one with a firmer pulp. It will mature in a few days.

How to choose a mango by appearance, shape and skin

  • Ripe fruit can be identified by its round and slightly convex shape. These are the most delicious fruits. When fully ripe, the fruit may have brown spots on the skin, this is normal. Flat mango has an astringent taste. Shriveled green fruits will no longer ripen, but flabby ones are overripe.
  • The peel of a ripe fruit is smooth with a glossy sheen. In appearance, the mango should be free from dents, scratches and dark spots. Their presence indicates that the product has begun to rot.
  • A mango with traces of moisture on top of the peel indicates a spoiled product - the juice has begun to seep through the peel.
  • Ripe fruit can also be identified by pressing the skin. If it is springy and the pulp returns to its place, then the fruit is ripe. If the pulp remains in place when you press it with your finger, then you should refuse to buy such a product.
  • A rather important parameter for choosing a fruit is its size and shape. A ripe mango should be spherical or oblong in shape, resembling a large, long egg. Any asymmetry in the fruit indicates green flesh.

How to choose a mango by smell

  • Before buying a fruit, smell it, but only near the stalk. It is in this place that the smell is brighter. If you hear a rich fruity smell with notes of sweets and needles, then the fruit is ripe. But at the same time, too fragrant fruit has long ripened and stale on the counter.
  • Mango contains a lot of sugar, which begins to ferment during spoilage, which gives off a sour smell. Also, the alcoholic smell of the fruit indicates rot.
  • Fruits that are green are odorless. Therefore, if you plan on using the mango after a while, it is best to buy it this way.

How to choose a mango by color and pulp

  • These fruits have different skin colors: from dark green and salad to yellowish with red. As a result of such a feature of the product, you should not pay attention to its color. The shade depends on the season and the type of mango. Before buying, you should find out more about the time of their ripening and the country of cultivation. But do not think that the taste of a fruit depends on its shade. The pulp of green mango is in no way inferior in taste to yellow or pink, the main thing is to choose a ripe fruit with juicy pulp.
  • Ripe mango is slightly soft and tastes like a juicy peach. The color of the pulp is also similar to it - orange or dark yellow. The seed of the fruit is quite large and sometimes reaches 10-15 cm.

How to choose a mango by variety and weight

Mangoes are grown in most countries with warm climates. Therefore, rely on your taste when choosing a fruit. On average, one fruit weighs about 300 grams. But there are some varieties, the fruit of which can reach 1 kg.

How to choose a mango - storage rules

  • Ripe fruit is stored for no more than 6 days. Do not leave it in the refrigerator as it will spoil faster. Store them in a room away from heat sources. If you have already cut the mango, then refrigerate it, but no more than a couple of days.
  • But in a cool place, where the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees above zero, you can store the whole fruit for about 3 weeks.
  • To ripen the fruit pulp, wrap the fruit in parchment and leave at room temperature. This fruit does not like low temperatures, but the heat will ruin the fruit.
  • An original snack with crispy and clarified flesh can be made by soaking the mango in salted water. Dessert is obtained by marinating the fruit in syrup. Dried mango slices have the longest shelf life. Housewives also freeze the pulp, use it in baking.

To enjoy the aromatic pulp of mango, you need to choose the right fruit when purchasing. To do this, use these little tips to identify ripe fruit.

For a more visual explanation of how to buy a juicy mango in a store, see the video: