Pancakes with ham and cheese in the oven. Pancakes with ham and cheese: various dishes recipes

03.11.2019 Dishes for children

Pancakes can be used not only as a sweet with jam or cottage cheese, but also as the main dish. Especially if you make them with ham and cheese, it will not only be delicious, but also satisfying.

Pancakes are a rather universal dish, since it can be done both as a dessert and the main one depending on the selected filling. They can be served with caviar, meat, cottage cheese, seafood and other products. But the most delicious combination is precisely the recipe with ham and cheese.

Classic recipe

Ingredients number
chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.
milk - 200 ml
warm water - 150 ml
ovened wheat flour - 300 g
butter - 15 g
vegetable oil - for frying
sugar sand - 30 g
dining salt - 40 g
ham - 300 g
soft grade cheese - 200 g
Time for preparing: 60 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 246 kcal

Each hostess boasts a "his" dough recipe that is tested by time and the most delicious. Even in the recipe no longer need to pry, everything is done literally to the eye. However, to achieve such results, you need to simultane at the stove not one year.

The traditional dough recipe for pancakes includes a specific list of products. Depending on the personal preferences of the family or its own in the list of ingredients, other products may appear. For example, adding seasonings to enhance taste or sugar for sweet tooths.

Vegetable oils need literally several tablespoons for lubricating frying pan and in the dough itself. In order for the finished pancakes laid on a plate with a stack, they did not stick together and acquired a delicious fragrance, it is necessary to add a small piece of oil after each layer. This secret knew our grandmothers yet, so their pancakes were obtained as delicious.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Preparation of dough. To do this, you need to mix eggs, milk, salt and sugar in the dishes. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly (it is better to use a kitchen whisk for convenience). Add to the mixture of flour portion and as needed to add water. If you immediately pour out all the amount, large lumps are formed. It is better to gradually add a dry ingredient. The last "stroke" will be added tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  2. Frying pancakes. At this point there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to follow pancakes and not to be excluded for a long time from the stove. In this case, the result will be appropriate. Each new pancake stacks on the previous one must be accompanied by a piece of butter;
  3. Filling for pancakes. For most recipes, there are certain requirements for cutting products. As for ham and cheese for pancakes, it is worth repelled only from personal preferences. Only cheese is better to lose on a shallow grater, so that he will melt faster from hot pancakes and become soft. You can put the stuffing in any order, but to fascinate better by converters.

That's the whole recipe! At the end, you can additionally fry the already stuffed pancakes in a pan to a ruddy crust so that they are more juicy and crunchy. Preparation of such a dish takes a lot of time and strength, and the smell from the pancakes will spread throughout the house.

Pancakes with ham, cheese and fresh tomatoes

Pancakes stuffed with fillings, you can safely put on a festive table as snacks. But what to choose a filling among a huge variety? An uncomplicated recipe is a pancake dish with ham, cheese and fresh tomatoes.

In this case, the preparation of pancakes is no different from the previous method. The recipe and cooking are absolutely identical. The difference is only in the stuffing, which will be discussed below.

Ingredients for filling:

  • fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium size;
  • soft grade cheese - 200 g;
  • ham - 250 g;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • clot of garlic, salt, pepper.

Calorie per 100 g: 220 kcal.

How to make pancakes with ham, cheese and tomatoes? Everything is very simple! Preparation of dough and frying pancakes occur according to the classic recipe above.

The cooking technology is no different, and the amount of ingredients is the same. That's just a fresh tomato that needs to be pretty well added to the filling from ham and cheese.

Pancakes with filling

In the store you can find pancakes with various fillings, starting with cottage cheese and finishing mushroom or vegetable. But why buy pancakes in the store, if they can easily be done at home? Yes, the filling will be 100 times tastier, since the products were selected independently and the servings themselves will be more.

Very popular pancake option - with melted cheese. Getting on a hot pancake, he begins to melt and creates a delicious plastic mass. And with ham, this combination at all seems divine.

Ingredients for filling:

  • ham - 200 g;
  • soft varieties cheese - 150 g;
  • melted cheese - 150 g

Preparation time (taking into account baking pancakes): 60 minutes.

Calorie per 100 g: 244 kcal.

In order to start pancakes, you initially need to cook them. Recipe Classic: All ingredients are mixed to a homogeneous liquid state, then jammed on a frying pan with a non-stick coating and a stack are folded for further action.

As for the fillings from the cheeses of two types and ham, they should not prepare them. It is enough to cut the ham with oblong slices of a small width, and grate the cheese on a shallow grater. The melted cheese is better to cut into small identical cubes so that it melted faster.

After the pancakes are ready, the filling is stacked in them. After you need to decompose pancakes on the baking sheet and send to the oven for 10 minutes (the temperature should be 130-150 degrees).

Thus, cheese melts, and the ham is mild and juicy.

Pancakes with ham, cheese and mayonnaise

Without mayonnaise, virtually no dish, except sweet. It is added everywhere, and the pancakes have not exceeded. But in this version it is needed for cheese, in combination of these two products melted and published a delightful fragrance.

Ingredients for filling:

  • ham - 300 g;
  • soft varieties cheese - 250 g;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g.

Preparation time (taking into account the frying pancakes): 60 minutes.

Calorie per 100 g: 292 kcal.

So, pancakes are fright and ready for bookmark the fillings. But it is pre-prepared before it. To do this, grate cheese on a small grater. Ham must be cut into long slices, add to the dishes to cheese and mix everything thoroughly.

Styling such a filling begins with the coating pancake with a thin layer of mayonnaise. It is necessary to evenly distribute it on the surface, not reaching the edges of 3-4 cm, otherwise it will be seamless to them. After it is laid out the bulk of ham and cheese with a small slide in the center, and damn need to be wrapped with a neat convolution.

Stuffed pancakes

This recipe will be different to serving pancakes. By the way, the stuffing here will be classic - ham and cheese, as well as the dough, cooked according to the traditional recipe (milk, flour, sugar, salt, eggs, butter).

The still hot pancakes are laid out a tablespoon of ham and a tablespoon of grated cheese. Carefully, lifting pancake for the edges, you need to form out the shame of the bag out of it.

In order to fix it in this form, the leaves of green onions will be required. With their help, you can easily tie damn and serve in this form on the table. Original snack, yes, also satisfying, decorate the table and will become a delicious addition to dishes.

For each recipe, there are some subtleties, sticking to which, you can get the perfect dish with minimal efforts. In particular, tips from cooking cooking chefs are aimed at the fact that they are always tasty and beautiful. These include the following points:

  • if you add a pinch of soda to the dough, cute bubbles during the frying process will be formed on the surface of the pancake;
  • for the filling of cheese, it is necessary to use cheeses only soft varieties, otherwise they do not sleep and pancakes will taste dry;
  • before burning frying pan you need to lubricate a piece of sala.

Another sensible council is a recommendation to use pancakes in food freshly prepared while they are still warm. As a rule, after a few hours in the refrigerator or simply on the kitchen table, they are cooled and after secondary heating no longer the taste.

Pancakes with ham and cheese are not only a snack, but also a full-fledged dish for breakfast or lunch. It's all about correctly selected filling, combining gentle meat and soft, molten from heat cheese. Surprise your loved ones with new recipes and catch admiring glances!

Stock Foto Pancakes with ham and cheese (s) Peszov Alexey Vladimirovich

The recipe pancakes stuffed with ham and cheese. Prepare such a dish is very simple: we burn many pancakes on milk or water, cut the ham, and rub the cheese on the grater. Watch the cheese with ham in damn, heating a little bit this thing in the microwave (literally, so that the cheese melted), after which they serve stuffed pancakes to the table. It turns out and satisfying and tasty, and most importantly, if the pancakes do and freeze the future, they often cut down with breakfasts!


For pancakes

  • Milk - 1 liter.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour is a very approximate amount of 2-3 cups, to accurately navigate the consistency of the pancake dough!
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - chipotch
  • Food soda - on the tip of the knife
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • Butter - for lubrication ready, and for feeding stuffed pancakes;

For filling

Recipe pancakes on milk. We take a liter of milk, add a sugar spoon in it, pinch salt, soda on the tip of a knife, a few eggs, mix all the flour, pour some vegetable oil, and mix again ... Actually, all the description of the preparation of pancakes on milk.

For the preparation of stuffed pancakes, we will need to mention the pancakes themselves, to do several simple operations for the preparation of the filling, well, to turn this fill in pancakes. Earlier, in my culinary book, I already wrote a prescription pancakes on milk, so it will not stop in detail on their recipe. Well, if someone wants to get acquainted, here is the link.

So, burn the slide of pancakes, and proceed to the preparation of the filling.

Cut into small, and necessarily thin slices, ham,

We rub the cheese on a large grater. Cheese will suit anyone that melts.

Well, this is the photograph of all the components of our stuffed pancakes: Actually, the pancakes themselves, sliced \u200b\u200bham and grated cheese. Everything is ready, proceed to the preparation of our pancake semi-finished product.

Spread damn on a flat surface with a baked side down, and we sprinkle a part of the baking with a small amount of cheese,

We put on top of cheese thin ham slices,

Sweep the ham the second game of cheese,

After that, we convey the edge pancake as shown in this photo,

Well, finally, we turn our workpiece so

And then so. We get our first pancake with ham and cheese.

Similarly, we turn all the other pancakes until you are finished with ham and cheese. Actually in this place can be considered that our dish is ready and you can be freezing to freeze it. However, I will continue my recipe to clearly demonstrate how the filing of prepared pancakes occurs. At the same time, absolutely no difference frozen them before serving or not.

As soon as we need to have breakfast, get a portion of the freezing pancakes, spread to pancakes on a small piece of butter, after which we send pancakes into the microwave, choosing the mode in such a way that the oil on top of the pancakes melted, and the cheese inside pancakes was melted. The exact time depends on each individual microwave and the selected mode, but it goes to this procedure for no more than one minute.

Preheated pancakes sprinkle finely chopped with dill and / or parsley greens and serve as a breakfast, or for lunch.

Well, this is a photo of the resulting pancakes with ham and cheese in the context, it doesn't really look like. Pleasant everyone!

By 21.02.2016

B Lines with ham and cheese - it is undoubtedly a classic of fast and delicious breakfasts. Products for them can be found in almost every refrigerator, and the cooking time is needed no more than half an hour. Mixed, baked, wrapped - and ready! The main thing is to choose the right recipe pancakes so that they do not rush when turning, and take a high-quality ham. With a cheap soybeard taste, it turns out not very, and the filling risks turning into porridge.

You can use not only ham, but also boiled or semi-accumulated sausage. However, for my taste, with ham is much tastier!


  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. + For frying
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - on the tip of a spoon
  • Flour - 80-100 g
  • Soda - 0.25 ppm
  • Ham - 100 g
  • Solid cheese - 100 g

Step-by-step cooking process at home

  1. We begin, as usual, with the preparation of products. For pancakes, you can take not only one-piece milk, but also diluted with water in the proportion of 1: 1, serum or pohat.
  2. The egg is whipped in a bowl, add salt and sugar. Sycium with boiling water or apple vinegar and add to the mass. Mix and pour milk. Flour is sifted with a thin weaving in the dough, constantly interfering. It is necessary to monitor that no lumps formed. The amount of flour is determined individually and depends on its quality - it can go a little more or a little less. The finished dough must freely drain from a spoon, as a very liquid sour cream. In the finished mixture, we pour a spoonful of oil.
  3. On a preheated pan, slightly smeared by vegetable oil, bake thin pancakes. They baked quickly enough, 1-2 minutes on each side. You need to catch a suitable temperature on your stove so that the pancakes do not burn.
  4. Ham and cheese cut the same cubes with an edge of about 0.5 cm. Some rubbed cheese on the grater, but it seems to me the cubes are tastier and more interesting.
  5. Finished pancakes lay down one by one at a certain one or a plate with a pale side up.
  6. We put a spoon with the edge and distribute it to the strip.
  7. We turn the pancake with a converter, flexing the edges inside.
  8. Rolled pancakes lay in the pan with a spoon of vegetable oil and fry under the lid so that the cheese inside the slightly boost.
  9. We will apply pancakes with ham and hot cheese, while the filling has not lost a pleasant cracker. If the pancakes turned out a lot - they can be freezed, without frying, and use for a quick breakfast next time.
According to our recommendations, you will have delicious pancakes with ham and cheese, the recipe for step by step allows you to cook this dish easily and quickly.

Cooking method

    Break the eggs into a large bowl, add sugar and salt, mix well with a fork or a whisk.

    Pour warm milk or kefir, stir again. So that the pancakes are not burning, milk or kefir is recommended to dilute with water.

    Gradually add flour, stirring up to homogeneous consistency with a wedge. Then pour vegetable oil, stir.

    Give a skillet, lubricate it with vegetable oil or lard.

    Pour the dough from the staff to the grid, quickly turning it to a uniform dough distribution over the surface. When the edges pancake are slightly smoothed, gently turn it with a spatula. Finished pancakes fold on a flat plate.

    To prepare a filling, cut the ham thin straw, soda cheese on a large grater. Mix ham and cheese.

    Put the filling in the center of the finished pancake, then wrap it with a converter, triangle or tube.

Calorie Pancakes with Cheese and Ham

The caloric content of pancakes stuffed with ham and cheese is 295 kcal per 100 grams. In the filling, you can add a little sour cream, sliced \u200b\u200bgreens, tomatoes with cubes. Then the common caloric content of the dish will decrease due to a decrease in caloric stuffing. Serve pancakes with ham and cheese is better hot, however, and in a cold form they are very appetizing. photo: Stockfood / Eising Studio - Food Photo & Video