How to cook crab sticks. Whether crab sticks

02.05.2020 Healthy nutrition
Salad of crab sticks is one of the most favorite dishes on the festive table. How to choose what we consider "crab meat" to be and tasty, and not harmful? ...

Are there a crab chopstick?

Not. And wands, and crab meat in packs - just his imitation. This can be understood immediately by price. Standard packaging of crab sticks (200-250 g) is less than $ 1. And the same amount of the meat of the real crab is from $ 15.

The main ingredient of chopsticks is stuffing Surimi, the content of which ranges from 25 to 60%. Together with it, there are water, starch, vegetable oil, egg protein, salt, sugar and natural or nutritional supplements (thickeners, flavors, dyes, taste amplifiers).

Surimimi itself is preparing from white fish with minimal fatty: mackerel, Mintai, Heck, Putassu. In fact, Surimimi is a concentrated protein of fish meat obtained from fresh fillets, purified from blood, fat and enzymes.

The more mince, the better the structure and taste of the sticks. On the packaging of the correct crab sticks, it must be written that it is "imitation".

How are they cooking?

White fish fillet is crushed and washed under cold water for a long time - as long as only undisposed proteins remain. Further from this mass remove all moisture.

The output is a tasteless mass, to which salt, spices and sugar are added. And also preservatives (sorbic acid - E420, pyrophosphates - E450), glutamic acid, phosphates, carrageenan thickener - otherwise the product will not be stored.

After that, on meat with the help of Dyes, the E160C (paprika extract) or E120 (carmine or koshenyle, extracted from insects) create red stripes. Special bleach can be added to the meat look more attractive, titanium dioxide. By the way, E120 can cause allergies in some consumers.

After painting, the crab sticks pass through the cooking panel, the temperature of which reaches 100 ° C.

How much can you store?

After opening the packing, the sticks live in the refrigerator a maximum of 24 hours. Actually, the shelf life of crab salad with mayonnaise does not exceed the day. Then you can choose.

Are there any benefits?

Crab chopsticks are low-calorie - in them no more than 100 kcal per 100 g of product. Approximate content of proteins - 6 g, carbohydrates - 10 g. But they cannot be considered an equivalent replacement of fish in the diet due to the large amount of additives.

The impurities that are added to the crab sticks are less useful: egg powder increases the proportion of protein in the product, and the starch allows you to increase the volume and elasticity of crab sticks.

Do you need to cook before you eat?

Not. This is ready-to-eat product. Additional heat treatment can spoil the taste, because the sticks before it passed it.

Crab meat safe?

Recent examination (see table) Crab meat showed that in all proven samples of popular brands (VICI, "Russian Sea", "Meridian / Snow Crab", "Santa Bremor", "D" ("Dixie") in one way or another The extent there are food additives such as dyes (carms, paprika extract), stabilizers (sodium polyphosphate, E450, E452), emulsifier (E471), flavor amplifiers (sodium glutamate) and a moisture-hold agent (polyphosphate).

All products are safe, but in some cases there has deficiencies.
* Provided by NP "Roskontrol"
** Products that have received the smallest rating of the organization.

But all the samples, according to the examination, are safe for microbiological indicators.

The presence of these additives does not mean that the manufacturer violated the law. But experts are convinced: the less in the product additives, the better. In addition, the choice of "according to the composition" depends on how important for the manufacturer the presence or absence of these ingredients.

We are accustomed to or make snacks for holidays. But there are still many other dishes in which this ingredient is put, and thanks to him. For example, fried soba noodles with crab sticks, as well as mitballs or crockets. Look for recipes for these and other delicious dishes in our material.


Ingredients for snacks must be delicious and natural, so we recommend taking Vici crab sticks to prepare. They are made on a special Japanese technology - freshly mounted fish are separated, washed out, the fillet is irritated and a homogeneous white mass, rich in protein, is called Surimi. It is worth noting that Surimimi has a very mild taste similar to crab meat, so it is used to prepare crab sticks. Surimimi bake, turn into the tube, pasteurize, then cooled and pack. This product can be safely used for home culinary experiments, the results of which you will treat the whole family.

Mitballs with crab chopsticks

What do we need:

250 g crab sticks
150 g of solid cheese
1 egg
2 cloves garlic
½ cup of breadcrumbs
Salad leaves

1. Frozen crab wands rub on a shallow grater or manually crushed into very small pieces.

2. Grate the cheese on a large grater, grind garlic, mix with crab meat. Add an egg, mix your hands and shape small circles.

3. Mitballs fry in oil from two sides to 3 minutes. Serve hot with green salad.

Pasta with crab chopsticks

What do we need:

200 g crab sticks
1/2 pack of spaghetti
2 tbsp. Spoons of creamy oil
2 cloves garlic
2 tbsp. Spoons of flour
2 glasses of milk
200 g of melted or cream cheese
ground black pepper

How to prepare a dish with crab chopsticks:

1. Boil spaghetti until readiness.

2. Melt the oil in a large saucepan on medium heat. Add crushed garlic, fry about a minute. Add flour, salt, pepper. Fry a couple more minutes.

3. Pour into the pan of milk, bring to a boil. Add sliced \u200b\u200bfused cheese, mix. Cook until the cheese is completely melted.

4. Add crab meat, cook for another 3 minutes, shore spaghetti, mix well warm for a few minutes.

5. Decay on plates and decorate the dish of greens.

Crabus chopsticks

What do we need:

350 g crab sticks
100 g smoked or salted fish
1 lemon
1 tbsp. Spoon finely chopped parsley leaves
1-2 Art. Spoons sour cream
4 tbsp. Spoons of flour
1 egg
1 cup of breadcrumbs
1 tbsp. Spoon of creamy oil
250 ml of vegetable oil for frying
150 ml of mayonnaise
2 cloves garlic

How to prepare a dish with crab chopsticks:

1. Preparing garlic sauce first. Loose garlic on a shallow grater and pour it with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave for 10 minutes, then mix with mayonnaise.

2. Getting to the dish. Crab sticks and fish cut into pieces, crushed with a blender or kitchen combine. Grind to pieces, but not to turn into a homogeneous mass. Shipping into a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, lemon sister, parsley and add sour cream.

3. To divide about 8 servings, form oval crockets. Put on the board and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

4. Pour flour into a plate and spit salt and pepper. Separately beat the egg. Bread crumbs pour into a plate. One manifold crockets in flour, then in the egg and in crumbs.

5. In a small saucepan on a small fire, a mixture of creamy and vegetable oil is well heated. Fry crockets in small portions of 5-7 minutes, to a golden crust from all sides. Slide on paper towels and serve with garlic sauce.

Fried rice in Shanghai with crabs

What do we need:

200 g crab sticks
1 cup rice bass
2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce
100 g of ice cream peas
3 s. Spoons of vegetable oil
150 g of Soylo
3 Green Luke Stem
2 cloves garlic
200 g boar-smoked ham
2 eggs
1 tbsp. Spoon of rice wine or dry sherry
black pepper

How to prepare a dish with crab chopsticks:

1. Rinse well rinse, put in a saucepan with 3 glasses of boiling water, bring to a boil. Reduce fire and cook under the lid for 20 minutes. Remove from the fire, open a lid for a few seconds to release steam, cover again.

2. Polka dots omit for 3 minutes. In boiling water, discard on colander and quote with cold water. Garlic grind. Onions cut into rings. Crab sticks disassembled fibers. Chopped into small cubes. Heat in a frying pan 1 tablespoon of oil, fry garlic and green onions about 30 seconds. Put the crab meat and cook on a strong fire 1 minute. Remove from fire and retain.

3. Eggs to beat the wedge with soy sauce and wine.

4. Heat the remaining vegetable oil in a deep pan, put the ham cubes, pour eggs and cook, constantly stirring about 2 minutes.

5. Add crab meat, peas and soy sprouts, prepare, continuing to stir for 1 minute. Pour broth and prepare 2 minutes.

6. Stread rice in the pan, mix and immediately remove from the fire. Across to taste.

Styre Fry with Sob's noodles and crab chopsticks

What do we need:

200g crab sticks
80 g noodle sob
1 Carrot
2 Luka Shalota
2 Bulgarian peppers
4 tbsp. Spoons of oyster sauce
2 tbsp. Spoons of peanut butter
2 tbsp. Spoons of sesame oil
2 tbsp. Spoon Semyon Sungua
4 cloves garlic
Bunch of green onions
Terched girlin
soy sauce
ground black pepper

How to prepare a dish with crab chopsticks:

1. Boil the dog's noodles in advance according to the description on the package.

2. Pepper and carrots clean and cut into a long straw.

3. Crab sticks to disassemble fibers. Onion shallot cut into straws.

4. Garlic finely chop, green onions cut into feathers.

5. In a well-heated deep frying pan with peanut butter, put carrots, pepper, fry about 2-3 minutes, then add a shallot bow, garlic, ginger, crab and crab sticks. Remove fire and fry about 1-2 minutes. Then add oyster sauce, mix well.

6. Prepare a dish 3-4 minutes. Add sesame oil, mix with boiled noodles of soba and sprinkle with green onions.

7. To taste to fill the soy sauce. Speak to the table sprinkled by sesame seeds.

Despite the availability and a small cost of crab sticks, recipes for this product are invented numerous, and must be recognized, they are very attractive, and most importantly delicious. The simplest recipes are a huge amount of salads with crab chopsticks. For example, a familiar salad with crab chopsticks and corn. Without it, no modern feast is done. But salads dishes from crab sticks are not limited. There are very interesting recipes, judge for themselves: the roll of crab sticks, stuffed with crab sticks, cutlets from crab sticks, fried crab sticks, tartlets with crab chopsticks, crab sticks in batter, etc.

Thanks to its original and not very bright taste, the crab sticks are perfectly combined with most products, which makes it possible to culinary even more actively to invent various dishes. For example, crab sticks with cheese, paws with crab sticks, tomatoes with crab chopsticks, rice with crab sticks, squid with crab chopsticks and others.

Everyone knows that in the crab chopsticks there is no crab. But they are so skillfully prepared by Surimi fish minced me, and at the same time they are obtained by such appetizing that the name was obtained quite deservedly. Delicious crab sticks became the basis of many dishes because of the ease of use in cooking and wonderful taste. A snack from crab sticks is an excellent fast and original solution for any table. The crab chopsticks do not need heat treatment, however, in some recipes their frying is provided. Crab sticks in a grain or simply fried crab sticks are confirmation, and they are wonderful.

Try yourself how quickly and simply can be cooked any dish of crab sticks. Recipes these dishes are diverse and numerous. For example, prepare any crab chopstick salad, you can come up with a recipe for yourself, since this product responds to any culinary innovations. And also: take a look at the photos of dishes from crab sticks. The photos are so colorful and appetizing that it is impossible to pass by these recipes.

Chief Council, if you cook crab sticks - a recipe with a photo should be your kitchen guideline;

High-quality wands are easily unfolded in leaves, do not impenet and do not break, even slightly spring;

Buy crab sticks of famous large manufacturers, they do not use artificial dyes and have the most natural as possible, and therefore the useful composition of the components;

Sparkling and dry white wines are served to dishes from crab sticks;

The caloric content of the natural product does not exceed one hundred calories per hundred grams of crab sticks, so dishes are considered dietary;

If among the composition of the components on the packing of sticks "Surimimi" does not mean at all, then you should understand that these crab sticks are made of soy protein or starch. They do not choose, but also there are no special benefits, and their taste will cause you contradictory feelings;

Take a look at the shape of the sticks: if they are wrinkled or cracking, then with their production, most likely, the technology was broken, or they were incorrectly stored;

Do not be lazy to check the expiration date and storage conditions. Chilled sticks are stored at a temperature of minus 1 to plus 5 degrees.

Surimi, namely they are called in cooking, are ready to use the product. In their composition flour, salt, crab or white fish meat. But questions about whether it is necessary to further heat it in addition, are still found on various culinary forums. In this article, we will consider such a question closer and give advice on the preparation of this product.

Do I need to cook crab wands for salad

You do not need to cook, as all salads with crab chopsticks are always cold. This is a finished product that will make any ingredients with delicious, and combines with various products: eggs, pineapples, cucumbers, tomatoes, and so on.

Do I need to cook frozen crab sticks

This product is perfectly tolerated freezing, and it does not affect its taste. The only nuance is necessary before use to fully defrost them. It is best to take out in advance and in the package put on the bottom shepher of the refrigerator. So they will not be watery.

You do not need to cook them in this form. The hot crab wand has a not very pleasant taste, and its appearance will deteriorate.

Do I need to cook crab sticks for filling

There are lovers of pies with the addition of this product, fantasy hosts really do not know the borders. If mixed with the egg and onions, it will be very tasty. Especially tasty such patties with a cup of fresh coffee (Coffee Jacobs 400 price). But you need to cook them.

Many prefer to make stuffed crab sticks. Does them cook for such a dish to make it easier to deploy? No, they just need 5 minutes to hold in hot water.

Do I need to cook crab sticks baby

In general, the question itself needs to be put differently: do they need in his diet? From the point of view of use, it is "empty" food. Even if there are 30% of fish meat, then at the same price you can buy a natural pollock.

If you still decided to give the child crab sticks, then you do not need to cook. The only thing for what to follow is the expiration date.

Crab sticks are rather popular product in Russia. Of these, you can prepare salads, stuffing, use as a filling to pancakes, sushi, tartlets or there is just like that. However, many are wondering if it is necessary to pre-harm the crab sticks, and how much time it takes. Let's try to answer it.

Some beneficial substances are preserved even after processing in production - these are macroelements, nicotinic acid and vitamin RR. In addition, crab sticks relate to low-calorie products. 100 grams contain only 100 kcal, so the product can be used by people who care about their weight.

Features of the product

The ingredient is a simulation of crab meat. The Japanese in production is added here to minced Mackerel, Heck, Putassu, Mixed, however, many manufacturers are not bent off by the sub-products, due to which the quality of the goods is reduced. It is also possible to the content of dyes, flavors and other chemicals. Therefore, the crab sticks cannot be called a useful product. But still one package, purchased for the preparation of delicious salad for the holiday, harm will not bring.

How to cook?

Crab sticks are already ready to eat, so it is not necessary to boil it. In stores, the product is offered in frozen and chilled. It is better to buy chilled sticks, there are less water in them, which facilitates the cooking process. If the ingredient is frozen, then it should be simply put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, where it will understand independently.

If salad is prepared from crab sticks, then no heat treatment is required, since salads are served cold. Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, corn, eggs, pineapples become the most successful combinations when preparing the dish. The same goes for tartlets. Mixing frosthed crab sticks with boiled eggs and cheese, it turns out an interesting filling for tartlets, for lovers you can add chopped garlic to the mixture. The same composition is allowed to use for a crab rout from the pita.

The structure of the crab sticks is such that they can be deployed and reappearing. Thanks to this property, the product is often used for stuffing. For example, inwards can be wrapped with a strip of solid cheese, to suck the stuffed wand into the clarity of flour and eggs and fry in a frying pan over a couple of minutes.

If it is planned to prepare such a dish, then pre-sticks also do not need to boil, but it is recommended to hold in boiling water within 5 minutes.

If the crab sticks are used in the composition of fried dishes, such as boiler, discs, or danks, then when roasting should be focused on the readiness of other ingredients that are part of the dish. Crab sticks are ready in advance, so you can remove them from the frying pan immediately, as an appetizing crust appears, that is, in a couple of minutes.

Even if the crab sticks are introduced into the diet of the child, they still do not need to boil them.Another thing is whether they need in general in the children's menu. But if you treat the baby with yummy very much, you should follow the shelf life and offer a product in a very small amount.

Crab pancakes

In this recipe, the crab sticks are subjected to heat treatment, but they do not need to boil them in advance. Such pancakes can become breakfast, and can be supplied as a main dish with a side dish. Prepare them quickly, simply, economically. We need the following products:

  • crab sticks - 240 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cheese of solid varieties - 150 g;
  • potato starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 slices;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Cooking looks like this.

  1. Chilled crab sticks and cheese large three on the grater.
  2. We introduce into the resulting mixture of eggs, chopped with a press garlic, pepper and starch. All ingredients are mixed.
  3. We enhance the pan with oil, sculpt the pancakes and fry for a couple of minutes on each side until the surface is twisted. Delicious unusual pancakes are ready!

On how to prepare pancakes from crab sticks, see the following video.