Benefits and harms of unfiltered beer. Unfiltered beer is a source of good mood and nutrients

06.09.2019 Lenten dishes

Unfiltered beer is a low-alcohol drink that has gone through one stage of filtration (as opposed to filtered analogs). In this case, diatomaceous earth plants are used as a filter. The product is often called "live" beer, as it contains vitamins and various useful substances. Pasteurization is not provided for such drinks, therefore unfiltered beer varieties are loved and respected by everyone.

The history of unfiltered beer

This drink is much older than its filtered counterpart. "Live" beer has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt - this is evidenced by archaeological excavations. In the Middle Ages, ales belonging to the beer category were not filtered, because no one knew about pasteurization and separation.

It is believed that cereals began to be grown for the sake of beer production, and not for food. Chemical remnants of beer brewing date back to 3500 BC. These remains are found in western Iran, Sumer, Assyria and Egypt. The Sumerians even worshiped Ninkasi, the goddess of brewing. The ancient Greek historian Xenophon, who visited Armenia 2.5 thousand years ago, also mentions beer. Later mentions of unfiltered beer:

  • China (where the drink was brewed from sprouted rice, fruits and barley);
  • Celtic and Germanic tribes (used spelled, barley, millet and other cereals for the production of the drink);
  • Novgorod (barley beer and digest are mentioned in birch bark letters);
  • France (wine dominated, beer was considered the drink of the poor);
  • Denmark (the real breakthrough came from the efforts of the biologist Emil Hansen).

The benefits and harms of unfiltered beer

All the beneficial properties of beer drinks are destroyed during the filtration process, so the "correct" beer must be unfiltered. Scientists have proven that a liter of live beer is ten times more useful than a similar volume of milk. The reason for this lies in the abundance of vitamins. A liter of a good drink can cover up to 40% of the daily vitamin norm required for the normal functioning of our body.

The most beneficial are amino acids and B vitamins, which are present in yeast residues. These substances rejuvenate our body and prevent the formation of kidney stones. The risk of cardiovascular disease is also reduced. The drink boasts disinfecting and analgesic qualities. Doctors recommend unfiltered beer to patients suffering from diabetes, peptic ulcer and gastritis. However, do not forget that you are drinking alcohol - excessive drinking will damage your health in the long term.

Features of unfiltered beer

The components for the production of unfiltered beer are:

  • yeast;
  • malted grain;
  • water;
  • hop;
  • flavoring additives.

The beer does not undergo pasteurization and triple filtration - this is its main feature. The fermentation process continues even in bottles. The shelf life of "live" beer is 2 weeks. It is difficult to get the perfect unfiltered beer (unless you come to the brewery). This is a specific alcoholic drink with a pronounced yeast flavor.

Most often, unfiltered beer is clarified (this process is called separation). The raw material is placed in a centrifuge, which undergoes acceleration. Solid and coarse particles stick to the walls of the container under the influence of centrifugal force. The effect can be compared to pre-filtering.

Difference between filtered and unfiltered varieties

We have already found out that the technologies for the production of filtered and unfiltered beer are largely the same. What are the differences? Let's list the key points:

  1. Shelf life (for unfiltered beer it is lower).
  2. The presence of yeast sediment.
  3. Unfiltered beer is exposed to the negative effects of sunlight (which is why it is sold in dark bottles).
  4. Calorie content (filtered beer has less calories).
  5. Taste (for unfiltered alcohol, it is more intense).
  6. Consistency (cloudy suspension is visible in unfiltered varieties).
  7. The content of amino acids, vitamins (in unfiltered varieties, this figure is higher).

Largest manufacturers

Wheat beer varieties are the most popular among connoisseurs. Also known is dark barley beer, the strength of which is inferior to wheat counterparts. Hans Degenberg, the founder of wheat brewing, patented the technology for the production of pale varieties back in the 16th century. Since then, Dutch, Belgian and German brewers have achieved the greatest success. Let's list the most famous brands:

  • Franziskaner;
  • Erdinger;
  • Hoegaarden;
  • Paulaner.

In the Russian Federation, among the producers of "live" beer, one can single out "Ochakovo" and "Baltika". The quality of these brands leaves much to be desired, which is why connoisseurs recommend craft producers and home brewing.

Learning to drink properly

Unfiltered beer is poured into transparent tall glasses. Active foam formation should be avoided in every possible way. It is not recommended to pour out the yeast sediment - this is the most important component of beer. The drink is served chilled (the temperature should be 5-12 ° C). Mixed beer cocktails with a low alcohol content are also created from beer - these drinks are popular with women. The preparation of beer ice cream is considered a special chic.

Unfiltered beer snacks

Connoisseurs assure that in unfiltered craft varieties, you can catch shades of freshly cut grass, citrus fruits and even black currant. Therefore, light snacks (cheese croutons, cold cuts) are recommended.

Compared to the classic type of alcoholic beers, unfiltered beer is extremely rare on the market. But, even though there is not so much of it, it is in rather high demand. Unfiltered beer is both beneficial and harmful. The strength of the effect on the body directly depends on the amount of alcohol and the frequency of its use.

Unfiltered, or as it is also called "live" beer, is an alcoholic beverage made on the basis of only natural substances. It is not subjected to additional processing and conservation. Due to this, all useful components and properties are preserved in it. Due to the fact that this beer is not subjected to additional processing, it is produced in limited quantities.

A significant disadvantage of such alcohol is that it can be stored for only 5-7 days. After that, drinking beer is not recommended.

The positive effects of a "live" beer drink

Live beer contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body. But also do not forget that alcohol is also present in this drink. In small proportions, dark unfiltered beer has the following beneficial effects on humans:

  1. Nourishes the cells of the body with vitamin B. This improves the structure of hair, nails, skin and teeth. Vitamins stimulate the body's work, saturate it with energy and strength.
  2. The composition of the "live" alcoholic drink contains organic acid, which helps to quickly absorb heavy carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, when drinking beer, the intestines are stimulated. In addition, frequent urination allows you to remove all toxic substances from the body as efficiently as possible.
  3. The antioxidants in the drink help reduce the risk of malignant tumors and reduce the likelihood of heart attack or stroke.
  4. The high content of iron, magnesium and potassium helps to strengthen the body and the immune system.
  5. In optimal quantities, beer normalizes blood pressure and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it under reduced pressure.
  6. This is a non-nutritive drink that has a beneficial effect on the body, it does not cause hunger.

If you drink unfiltered beer in an acceptable amount and not systematically, then it will have a positive effect on the body and bring pleasure to a person. There may be an improvement in health and a surge of energy. But, we must not forget that this is alcohol, and with constant use, alcoholism can develop, from which it is very difficult to recover.

Harm to the body

Despite the fact that unfiltered beer has many beneficial qualities, it also has a negative side: the high concentration of alcohol in beer makes it unsafe for human health. First, as mentioned earlier, alcoholism can occur. Secondly, with the abuse of alcohol, the internal organs are greatly affected. Ethyl alcohol is distributed throughout the entire body. Toxins begin to affect the liver, kidneys, and brain. In case of malfunctions in the work of these organs, pathologies of varying degrees can occur. In addition, alcohol can provoke:

  1. Hormonal disruption in women;
  2. Decrease in useful minerals in the body (occurs due to frequent urination);
  3. Massive death of nerve cells, due to the excessive influence of alcohol on the brain;
  4. Compaction of the muscles of the heart, impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Formation of female hormones in men;
  6. The appearance of a "beer" belly.

Whether unpasteurized beer will be beneficial for the body can be determined by the amount drunk. The smaller the amount, the less harm and more benefit. It is recommended to drink no more than 1-2 glasses a day. When the dose is increased, liver problems and the development of beer alcoholism may occur. Alcohol abuse is harmful to human health and ruins his life.

One of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the world without hesitation can be called beer. It has many varieties, differing in color, aroma, taste and strength. But this is not all the characteristics of the foamy drink - beer is still divided into filtered and unfiltered. What is the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer and why its lovers have divided into two camps in their preferences, we will try to figure it out.


By color, this drink can be divided into and, but this is a very general approach. In fact, there is a whole palette of shades that are achieved through use in production:

  • various types of malt;
  • roasting malt;
  • water of different hardness;
  • interactions with oxygen;
  • filtration;
  • aromatic and flavoring additives.


Several factors can also affect the aroma:

  • quality and variety of hops;
  • the type of malt and its content in the drink;
  • type of yeast strains;
  • wort preparation process;

  • fermentation temperature;
  • the amount of oxygen;
  • type of water;
  • the presence of sulfur compounds;
  • the use of aromatic additives.

Thus, in the light varieties of filtered beer there is a pronounced aroma of hops, while in the dark, on the contrary, there is a pronounced aroma of malt. In addition, the aroma of malt is inherent and better expressed in varieties of light unfiltered beer.


  • Alcohol is felt more strongly in stronger and more aged varieties than in unfiltered ones.
  • Banana flavor is inherent in which special strains of yeast are used.
  • Brett (a type of wild yeast) add a harsh flavor to the flavor.
  • The flavor is the result of aging in oak bourbon barrels.

  • The bitterness comes from the hops.
  • The oak flavor is given by the wood from which the aging barrels are made.
  • Smokiness arises from the use of roasted malt.
  • Burntness is characteristic of dark filtered beers, which have a pronounced bitter aftertaste.
  • Caramel sweetness is the base flavor that malt produces.
  • The acidity gives the drink a pungent and slightly harsh aftertaste, which is obtained through the oxidation process.
  • The sour taste is achieved through fermentation using yeast and bacteria, and their fermentation.
  • Coffee accents are typical for dark and strong types of filtered beer (s).

  • A spice (clove) flavor is inherent, which is achieved by using phenols.
  • Wheat provides softness due to its high protein content, which in turn gives a dense, fluffy foam.
  • The harshness is inherent in the sour types of this drink.
  • Rye flavor is given by rye malts, which provide velvety and dryness of the drink.
  • Sugar is used to create special specific flavors, as well as to achieve a high strength while maintaining the lightness of the drink itself.
  • The flavor is mostly used in Belgian foamy beverage brands, giving it a tart fruit flavor.

  • Sweetness is achieved by increasing residual sugar and malt saturation.
  • Malt flavor can vary depending on which grain is used and how deep it is roasted.
  • The spice flavor is typical of the winter varieties of this drink and pumpkin ale.
  • Dryness is the opposite of sweetness in character and is achieved by absorbing sugar into the yeast.
  • Dampness (earthiness) is imparted by special hops, which are used in the production of dark types of filtered beer.
  • Astringency depends on dryness, sour taste and acidity, which creates bright fruity accents on the palate.
  • The phenols produced by the yeast impart a spicy, clove-like flavor, less often a banana flavor, and are often found in Belgian brands.
  • The fruit is often used in the brewing process, which is typical of American wheat varieties.

  • Some types of hops give a coniferous flavor.
  • Bread flavors (biscuits or crackers) are more commonly found in German lagers, some Belgian, and British malt flavors, and it is achieved through the use of one or another grain.
  • Hops, depending on the variety, can provide many different flavors, and this is influenced by the methods of production of a particular variety.
  • The hops give the flower flavor.
  • The citrus flavor is typical of American hop varieties.
  • Purity is a term used to describe sweetness and richness.
  • Chocolate flavor is mainly found in stouts and porters, which is achieved through the use of dark types of malt.
  • Esters produced by yeast can give it a banana or pear flavor.

Filtered and unfiltered species production technology

Beer is produced by a complex technological process, in which several stages can be distinguished.

Malt processing

Grains of cereals are first germinated, and then dried and cleaned of sprouts. In order to obtain dark beers with a pronounced caramel flavor, the malt is roasted at this stage.

Wort mashing

After that, the mash is prepared by grinding all the necessary ingredients (mainly grains and malt), which are then mashed (mixed) with water. During this process, the resulting gruel is heated to a certain temperature at certain intervals:

  • 10-15 minutes to a temperature of 50-52 degrees;
  • 15-30 minutes to a temperature of 62-63 degrees;
  • 30 minutes to a temperature of 70-72 degrees.

After that, the mash is heated to a temperature of 78 degrees and sent for filtration.

Mash filtering

The prepared mash is placed in vats, where it is separated into beer wort and insoluble mash residues (grains). At the first stage, the wort is taken separately, and then the selected grains are washed in hot water. This grain is used as a filtering partition in a wort kettle, where the prepared wort is poured. In addition, press filters are used.

Boiling the wort

After that, the filtered wort is boiled for 1-2 hours. During the cooking process, hops and other necessary ingredients are added to it.

Wort clarification

At the next stage, the boiled wort is placed in a whirlpool (special vortex bath) for about 20-30 minutes in order to separate the non-dissolving elements of hops and barley.

Wort cooling and aeration

Then the wort is placed in the fermentation tank. In the process of pumping it into the tank, it is cooled and saturated with oxygen, which promotes the multiplication of yeast strains.


During fermentation, the sugar in the wort is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. For this, cylindrical tanks (CCT) are used, in which all processes occur continuously and in one container.


In order to cleanse the alcoholic mixture from yeast residues and increase the shelf life, it is subjected to filtration. For this they can use:

  • kieselguhr filters;
  • ceramic filters;
  • filter presses;
  • separators.

In the production of unfiltered beer, this process is skipped, which is the significant difference with filtered varieties.


At this stage, the prepared composition is heated to a temperature of 68-72 degrees, which further increases its shelf life. This method is used now less and less, because it is believed that the taste is noticeably deteriorating from this.

The benefits and harms of filtered and unfiltered

Disputes about which beer is better and healthier - filtered or unfiltered, do not subside, but they are quite groundless, because any high-quality drink contains useful substances and trace elements. The question is, rather, in personal taste preferences and the amount of use. However, it can have both charitable and negative effects on the body.


  • Stimulation of the digestive system.
  • Light soothing and pain relieving effect.
  • Increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

  • It is used in cosmetology for the skin of the face and hair.
  • Promotes the rejuvenation of blood vessel cells by accelerating certain metabolic processes in the body.
  • Helps improve metabolism.
  • Maintains the dense structure of the bone tissue and the elasticity of the joints.


  • Destroys heart tissue at the cellular level.
  • Decreases the work of the gastrointestinal tract (with abuse).
  • It can provoke varicose veins and varicose veins.
  • Promotes an increase in the volume of the intestines and stomach.

  • Accumulates toxins in the body.
  • It causes alcohol dependence.
  • It is the cause of gastritis, pancreatitis and hypertension.

What products is combined with

  • Light Filtered: baked and fried poultry, pork ribs, trout, pink salmon, salmon, Bavarian sausages, various types of hard cheese.
  • Dark Filtered: meat, poultry, shrimps, oysters, mussels, low-fat white fish, smoked meats.
  • Unfiltered: seafood or white meat.

Unfiltered beer, like filtered beer, is very popular among the population, especially in summer. Connoisseurs of this alcoholic drink are constantly discussing which beer is better in taste, what are the advantages and disadvantages, etc.

Filtered beer differs from unfiltered beer in the way it is brewed, namely in the number of straining processes themselves.

Filtered and unfiltered beer

Despite the fact that the “not” particle in the second version of the intoxicated drink indicates the absence of any filtration processes, in reality this is not the case. Cleaning is still done, but only once. Such treatment is considered as gentle as possible. After the refining process, various fermentation products remain in the beer. It is they that are visible to the consumer with the naked eye in the form of a kind of sediment.

A good filtered beverage involves a processing process that takes place at least 2 times. According to modern standards, if a beer has gone through a three-time cleaning procedure, then it is equated to a high-quality product (in terms of filtration).

The end result of the production is a hoppy drink that does not have sediment, that is, any fermentation impurities. It should be borne in mind that this processing method does not affect the color of the beer in any way. That is, there are both dark (light) filtered and dark (light) unfiltered beer.

Guy drinks beer

This feature is not considered indicative. Whether the beer has sediment or it is absent does not mean that the product was made technologically correct and has no drawbacks.

True connoisseurs of good beer, before deciding on the choice of a hoppy drink, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • taste qualities;
  • shelf life;
  • useful and harmful properties.

For the average consumer, in most cases, the taste of the intoxicated drink comes first. That is why the bulk of people who consume this product prefer unfiltered liquid. And this is not surprising, since filtering beer means removing all taste and aroma from it.

Unrefined from fermentation products, a hop drink is often called "live", but in reality these concepts are somewhat different, and are not synonyms. In the latter version, live brewer's yeast cultures are present.

A good intoxicating drink should have a full, rich aroma. Depending on the raw materials used and the production technology, notes of apple or honey can be mixed with the hop aroma. If it smells like caramel, it means that the temperature was not maintained during the cooking process. When the beer has a yeast aroma, the recipe has not been followed.

Draft beer

But how many people, so many opinions, so there are connoisseurs of fully processed filtered beer.

The shelf life of an alcoholic beverage directly depends on whether the beer is filtered or unfiltered. Where fermentation products are present, that is, in the second variant, this period is much lower. Due to the fact that this beer is considered perishable, when buying it, you should pay attention to the region where it was produced. Many suppliers of such alcoholic beverages consider it inappropriate to supply alcoholic beverage to remote locations, since initially unfiltered beer is not intended for transportation.

According to the established standards, the shelf life is only a few days (subject to all manufacturing rules), while the filtered product can retain its qualities from 5 to 8 months. In the event that one of the possible preservatives is added to the beer drink, then its shelf life becomes even longer.

Beer in dark bottles

To keep the quality of the hop drink as long as possible, most manufacturers produce their products in opaque (dark) bottles. Ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on the components contained in beer. Alcohol stored in a can is initially pasteurized.

Most of the trace minerals in beer are good for your health. Of course, unfiltered beer has more of them, since it goes through a lesser degree of processing before it reaches the client's hands. This type of drink received this advantage due to the amino acids and vitamins contained in yeast. Some experts argue that, if consumed correctly, beer can have a rejuvenating effect on the body. In addition, with the correct dosage, unfiltered beer can be recommended for use in some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

But do not flatter yourself. No matter how good this drink is, first of all, it is alcoholic. Abuse of not only alcohol, but, for example, vitamins, will not have a positive result on the human body.

Regardless of which beer the choice was made, with regular consumption of large doses of alcohol, irreparable harm can be caused:

  • organs of the central nervous system;
  • kidneys;
  • the brain;
  • liver.

It should be borne in mind that the filtration process is carried out with one purpose - to increase the shelf life of products. In this case, manufacturers take costs into account. To minimize them, a longer pot life is the best option.

In addition to the usual alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic products are gaining popularity in recent years. In addition to the fact that non-alcoholic beer can also be filtered or not, the absence of alcohol allows people to drink it, for example, who are driving a car.

Nonalcoholic beer

The process of making a non-alcoholic product is not much different from standard brewing. The separation of alcohols from the main product occurs as a result of dialysis. There is also a fermentation suppression technology.

It should be borne in mind that only in rare cases it is possible to achieve exactly zero alcohol in the foamy drink. Beer is considered non-alcoholic when its degree does not exceed one. But as an excuse, one can take into account the fact that all products that have gone through the fermentation process have a small percentage of alcohols in them. For example, they are also contained in a minimum amount in kefir or kvass.

People who prefer a soft drink mistakenly believe that it can be consumed in large quantities and it will not affect their health in any way.

This type of beer is a high-calorie product. In case of abuse, a person runs the risk of gaining excess weight. This issue is especially relevant for that group of people who already have problems with overweight. The harm from abuse of non-alcoholic beer can be as follows:

  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • varicose veins;
  • slowing down the production of testosterone (in men);
  • an increase in the percentage of testosterone (in women);
  • disruption of the digestive tract.

Objectively, it is difficult to single out a certain type of intoxicated or non-alcoholic drink and call it the best. The beer will differ not only in the percentage of alcohol contained in it and the degree of filtration, but also in the type of hardware used in the brewing process. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of production, but one should also take into account the taste preferences of a person. Therefore, everyone must decide for himself which foamy drink to give credit to.

It is produced in much smaller volumes in comparison with the classic varieties, however, despite this, it is highly popular among connoisseurs of the foamy drink. The fact that this product is not subjected to, and other methods of additional processing, allows brewers to preserve the natural taste and aroma of beer. At the same time, some experts pay attention to both the benefits and harm to the human body.

Beneficial features

The ingredients are the same as in traditional recipes. The only difference is the lack of special processing, which is why such beer contains a certain proportion of living yeast cells and a suspension of particles of some components. Due to this, the drink is characterized by a rich taste and a slightly cloudy shade, and there is a sediment at the bottom. For the same reason, the shelf life does not exceed several days.

Also, the benefits and harms are determined by the fact that it does not pass, which kills useful substances in the product. For example, one liter contains 40% of the daily value of vitamins for humans. From this point of view, the benefits of unprocessed beer are 10 times higher than the benefits of milk, which is positioned as a health drink.

The remains of brewer's yeast, which are present in the foamy drink, is a source of vital amino acids, the lack of which in the human body leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes. This is fraught with clogging of blood vessels with deposits of cholesterol and the formation of kidney stones. Hence it follows that with regular use of such beer, the risk of myocardial infarction is reduced.

Enriches the drink with substances that improve appetite and stimulate digestion. At the same time, due to its dense consistency, untreated beer seems to envelop the walls of the stomach, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of a person with gastritis and ulcers.

Saturates the drink with substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, help to relax and feel a sense of calm, and help to normalize blood pressure. For this reason, it is recommended to use such a drink for people who suffer from hypertension.

There are also trace elements in unprocessed beer, without which the human body cannot function normally. Significant concentrations are characteristic of iron, potassium and calcium, in addition, copper, phosphorus and manganese are found. Of complex substances, the drink contains thiamine, pantothenic acid and riboflavin - these substances regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.

Potential damage to health

When discussing the benefits, the harm must not be forgotten. The negative effect on the body is due to the presence of alcohol. With abuse, brain activity decreases, motor skills are impaired, the liver is exposed to destructive effects. However, these disadvantages are typical for any alcoholic beverages.