Methods for preparing food for the winter. Methods for preparing summer products for the winter

01.11.2019 Lenten dishes

Lesson topic: Z food preparation.
The purpose of the lesson:
1) Educational - to give students an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to prepare homemade supplies, the conditions and shelf life of dried and frozen foods.
2) Developing - the development of logical thinking when choosing a way to store stocks.
3) Educational - upbringing, students have aesthetic taste, accuracy, diligence when doing work.
- attendance
- readiness for the lesson
A) answer the questions:
1. define the word SERVICE.
2. The main purpose of serving?
3. Why do you need a napkin at the table?
4. List the ways to fold napkins?
5. How should you behave at the table?
B) fold the napkin in any way.
C) find the right table setting for breakfast.
Homemade preparations - a good help for any family, allowing you to diversify the family table with cheap and healthy products all year round.
There are many different ways to prepare home supplies: canning, pickling, salting, pickling, drying, freezing, smoking, drying and others.
It is known that already in the 15th century, cabbage was salted and fermented in Russia. Salted - mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, eggplants, watermelons, melons. Kvass- cabbage, carrots, beets, wet apples, pears, plums, grapes and so on. Salting \u003d water + salt (6-8%, 20-30%). Pickling - salt (2.5-3%) + vegetable juice. Urinating \u003d salt (1.5-2%) + sugar (6-8%). Marinade - the main component is 3-4% vinegar + salt + sugar.
Some fruits, berries, mushrooms dried... They are washed, cut, laid out in a single layer on white paper, cloth, a tray and dried in a dust-free place, in the air or in special dryers. Hot air absorbs moisture from raw materials, which makes it dry out and the air becomes more humid. The higher the air temperature, the more moisture it can absorb. After drying, fruits and vegetables are packaged in containers for storage and stored in dry, cool rooms. During storage, desiccants are used (selikogel and slaked lime).
Fast frozen foods retain their original quality better than any other method of preservation or storage. You can also freeze vegetables and fruits in your home refrigerator. When frozen, the cell sap in vegetables and fruits turns into ice crystals. If the freezing took place slowly, then these crystals become large, they break the delicate walls of the cells with their sharp edges, and then immediately after thawing the vegetables or fruits, a large loss of juice will occur. Therefore, freeze as soon as possible.
In frozen fruits and berries, all nutritive, flavoring and aromatic substances are preserved much better. Than with another method of canning.
The general rules for freezing are as follows (see sheet)
Blanch- This stops the enzymes that cause discoloration and unpleasant odors when frozen. As a result, after thawing, in taste and color, these vegetables and fruits practically do not differ from fresh ones.
Freezing vegetables in sets (for soups).
Before freezing, be sure to divide foods into portionswhich will be convenient for you to use separately.
- freeze food immediately, on the day of purchase, but defrost it gradually, transferring it to the refrigerator beforehand;
- never freeze something that has already been defrosted a second time;
- attach a label with the name and date of freezing to each sachet or package.
Peascan be frozen, first peeled and divided into portions.
Carrots and beets - wash, dry, rub on a coarse grater and fold in portions.
Sweet pepper - wash, dry, remove the leg and seeds, can be cut into strips for stew and soup, or whole for stuffing.
Parsley, dill and other herbs - wash, dry, chop finely, fold very tightly into a bag.
The more tightly the products are sealed, the less moisture evaporates from them during storage, the less often the refrigerator will need to be turned off for thawing, and the better the quality of the products is maintained.
Temperature and humidity.
For long-term storage, the temperature and humidity must be observed. The temperature in the room for tomato ripening should be increased. The humidity in the room should not be too damp, which causes mold and rapid deterioration of vegetables and fruits, and should not be too dry, since moisture from vegetables will gradually pass into the air.
In rural areas, for storing fruits and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets), a basement or specially arranged cellars are used.

4. PRACTICAL WORK "freezing food"

4.1 introductory briefing T.B., ORM
The task: Freeze berries, herbs and fruits according to the technological map. (see table) in brigades.
1 brigade - freezing berries
2 brigade - freezing greens
3 brigade - freezing vegetables

4.2 current briefing (checking TB, ORM for the purpose of assistance; execution of technological discipline).
4.3 Checking the completed practical work.

5.1 Errors and fixes
5.2 Questions: a) what have you learned? what have you learned new?
B) is it useful and where?
C) why do you need to know this?
We …… .. (coped with this goal).


7. D / Z: Help mom with freezing food at home; bring sketches of products with embroidery; album; colour pencils; eraser; report “traditional types of needlework”.


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Home canning is one of the most common ways to feast on delicious fruit and vegetables that ripen in summer in winter.

Homemade methods

There are very different ways to make homemade preparations. Products can be frozen, cooked, pickled, dried, salted. Such effects on foods kill the microorganisms contained in them and reduce the enzymatic activity of the foods. That is why canned foods are stored for a long time and practically do not lose their taste.

Vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms are products that are used for homemade preparations. Vegetables are often harvested for the winter in the form of a variety of salads and pickles. Jam, jam, various compotes are prepared from berries and fruits, and they are also prepared in their own juice.

In homemade preparations, useful substances in products can be saved by 30-100%. When dry freezing products, it is possible to preserve up to 90-100% of useful substances, since they do not undergo heat treatment. When salted, fermented, 70-80% of vitamins are preserved, and when dried - 50-70%. The smallest amount of vitamins (up to 30%) is preserved during the thermal canning process - making jam, preserves, preserves, etc.

To prepare blanks for the winter, you need to select the right raw materials. Products should be free of rotten areas, since otherwise the workpiece will not be stored for a long time. The best homemade products are unripe fruits.

Cookware for preparations for the winter

For the preparation of various jams, preserves, preserves, you must use containers made of materials that do not oxidize (for example, stainless steel). Then these blanks are placed in glass jars. But before packaging, the jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

There are several ways to sterilize jars. In the first method of sterilization, the jars must be washed and wiped dry, and then rinsed with boiling water and placed with their neck down on a container in which water is boiling. It takes 10-15 minutes to sterilize. The second method of sterilization is as follows: wash the jars thoroughly and put the neck down in the oven. Then the oven must be heated to 150 ° C and the jars placed in it must be sterilized for 15 minutes. You can also sterilize jars in the microwave. The washed, wet cans should be placed in the oven, turned on at full power, and sterilized until they are completely dry.

Jars for packaging jam, jam must be dry and hot after sterilization. When the jam is placed in jars, they must be re-sterilized (about 15 minutes). And only then roll up the lids, which were previously sterilized in boiling water for at least 2 minutes.

Homemade tricks for the winter

For drying, fruits, vegetables, large mushrooms are cut into thin slices, and berries and small products are dried whole. The products must be laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dried in the oven (temperature not higher than 80 ° C) with the door open. Then put the dried products into fabric bags. Store them in a dry and cool place.

Berries, corn, herbs, bell peppers, green peas, eggplants, carrots are foods that are best suited for freezing. Immediately before freezing, food must be thoroughly washed and dried well, and if necessary, peeled or cut. Then put the food, which is decomposed in a thin layer in the freezer, into a quick freeze. And only then pack the frozen foods in sealed jars, boxes or bags and send them to the freezer for preservation (temperature -18 ° C). With this method, products can be stored for 8-12 months.

It is advisable to sign all homemade preparations (name of the preparation, date of packaging) so that you can check their condition at the time of use.

Sometimes it happens that cans with homemade products "swelled" or "exploded". This happens as a result of non-compliance with the conservation technology or with poor sterilization of containers for blanks. Such preparations cannot be eaten.

Keeping food edible can be difficult, especially in hot or dry weather. When storing food, it is important to protect them from soaking and musty, do not allow food to tightly adhere to each other and to the ground.

Products such as bread, crackers, cereals, flour, salt, sugar should be kept in a dry, ventilated place. Especially should be protected from moisture sugar, salt, crackers. It is advisable to place them in waterproof pouches made of PVC film or tarpaulin, inspect them regularly and, if necessary, dry them in the sun.

Fats and especially butter in summer should be stored in a cool, dark place in a lidded container on a wooden deck, not on the ground. In hot weather, it is better to reheat the butter. Oil cans can be filled with saturated sodium chloride solution.

Vegetables are well preserved at a temperature of + 1-3 ° C. At the bases, small stocks of vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets) can be buried in dry sand in a cool place. In this case, you need to make sure that the cabbage is not clogged with sand. The berries, cleared of debris and leaves, are usually stored in birch bark boxes. Berries such as lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, and mountain ash retain their nutritional properties well when frozen. Frozen vegetables lose their nutritional properties and are of little use for food.

Canned food with a high liquid content should be protected from freezing, as cans (glass or tin) are destroyed when frozen. The cheese also spoils in the cold.

When preparing products for future use, in order to preserve their basic nutritional properties, they use smoking, drying, drying and salting. When smoking products, it should be borne in mind that this process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of smoke. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the requirements of camouflage.

Smoke is least noticeable during daylight hours at high air temperatures; at night, in the evening, and especially in the early morning, it spreads along the ground.

Of the mushrooms, the most suitable for drying are white, aspen, boletus, boletus, moss, early honey. Moreover, only clean, unaffected mushrooms are selected. In the field, mushrooms are dried only on dry sunny days, strung on strings. After air-drying, mushrooms can be dried near a fire at a temperature of 60-70 ° C.

Vegetables and mushrooms intended for storage are salted. Salting requires special dishes - barrels. Therefore, its use in the conditions of the activities of reconnaissance groups is limited.
Salted (sauerkraut) cabbage retains its nutritional properties well. For pickling, cabbage is cleaned of dirty leaves and chopped.

Sprinkle chopped cabbage with salt and grind, add finely chopped carrots. You can put cranberries, lingonberries, apples in cabbage. The cabbage prepared in this way is placed in a barrel (a small amount of cabbage can be fermented in any non-oxidizing container), covered with a clean cloth on top, and then with a wooden circle with oppression. At the beginning of the leavening process, the cabbage ferments. At this time, you need to remove the fabric and make holes with a wooden stick so that gases come out; if mold develops, rinse the cover cloth and load with hot water. Store in a cool place. Do not allow cabbage to freeze. From this, it loses its nutritional properties.

When salting cucumbers and tomatoes, they are placed in rows in a barrel or other dish, shifting with dill, black currant or cherry leaves. It is advisable to pick tomatoes of the same ripeness, although you can pickle not only ripe, but also green fruits. The pickle for tomatoes and cucumbers is prepared separately. Put 600-800 g of salt on a bucket of water, bring the brine to a boil and pour it hot into the barrel. Then, as with sauerkraut, cover with a clean cloth, a wooden circle and put oppression.

People tend to procure food for future use. This is what life itself teaches. One of the options for long-term storage of food is canning with sugar.

Methods for preparing food products

In order to be able to eat vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms all year round, you need to make supplies. Indeed, in the conditions of our climatic zone, harvesting is possible only once a year. The rest of the time people eat what they could save. Depending on the type of product, this is done in different ways, among which are:

  • pickling;
  • drying;
  • salting;
  • urination;
  • fermentation;
  • freezing;
  • high temperature processing;

The latter option is most suitable for berries and fruits. Various candied fruits and confitures are prepared from them. Here, each hostess adheres to her tastes and desires. Finished products are packed in specially prepared containers and sent for storage. It is worth noting that some of them can remain completely edible and edible for years. This is one of the features of this unique method.

Conservation mechanism

To understand why canning with sugar is needed, you need to figure out what reasons force you to resort to this method. Scientists have noticed that most plant foods are 85-90% water, which is known to be an excellent environment for the development of a wide variety of bacteria and other microorganisms. Products during their development in every possible way prevent the penetration of these harmful creatures inside. This task is primarily performed by the skin, which tightly covers the delicate inner layers, protecting them from external influences. When harvested, this thin barrier is damaged, the fruits are practically unprotected. The harmful microflora freely penetrates inside and begins to methodically eat away the product layer by layer. To prevent this, it is necessary to "bind" the moisture inside the product. To do this, it is impregnated with a concentrated sugar solution. This is canning with sugar. Bacteria, as you know, do not eat sugar. Due to the lack of food, they do not develop at all, which means they cannot spoil anything.

Basic preservatives

The canning technology provides for the use of additional substances in the procurement process, which, by their action, should protect the finished product from damage and thereby extend its shelf life. They are called preservatives. The name of the substances speaks for itself. These special additives used in canning can have two different effects on the product:

1. Bactericidal... As a result, preservatives destroy harmful microorganisms.

2. Bacteriostatic... It allows you to slow down or stop the rapid reproduction process of dangerous microflora for some time.

There is a special international codification system in which these compounds are assigned the index "E". Any additives used in canning are of natural origin and created synthetically. The most commonly used natural compounds are:

  • acids (acetic, sorbic, sulfurous, benzoic);
  • salts (derivatives as well as table salt and others);
  • ethanol;
  • various gases (carbon dioxide, sulfurous).

All preservatives used in the food industry are subject to certain requirements regarding their effect on the human body.

Sugar is the perfect preservative

The most effective way to protect fruits and berries, both at home and on an industrial scale, is canning with sugar. It can be done in two ways:

  • cold (fruit rubbed with sugar);
  • hot (cooking in the presence of sugar).

The second option is usually used in combination with other cooking and pasteurization), which, in turn, kill not only harmful microorganisms, but also the aroma properties of the product, as well as its vitamin composition. Everyone knows that jam with a high sugar content will last longer, but it requires a longer cooking time and therefore leaves behind less nutrients in the original product. During the process, heating is carried out to a temperature of 100 degrees, which leads to the killing of living cells, which subsequently absorb sugar more easily, which allows you to preserve not only the product itself, but also its shape and appearance. The concentration of natural preservatives in such products usually reaches 65 percent.

Complex canning

An increased sugar content reduces the ability of oxygen to dissolve in water, which means that microorganisms (aerobic) will not be able to grow and develop under such conditions. It is this action that helps to preserve the product for a long time. In the food industry, several substances are often used in combination to prevent the processes of spoilage and decay. So, canning is used with sugar and other preservatives at the same time. Here, additional storage components can be:

  • salt;
  • acid;
  • preservatives category "E";
  • additional methods of product processing (thickening, drying).

In this case, there is a double impact effect. This gives an additional guarantee and confidence in the safety of the prepared product. Microorganisms, in addition to the blockade with a concentrated sugar solution, feel additional actions on themselves, which minimize all negative processes.

Blanks without preservatives

In some cases, canning without salt and sugar is used. This option is applicable for a wide variety of products: berries, vegetables, mushrooms and fruits. This method is much simpler than the others and, by the way, takes much less time. Without ingredients such as sugar and salt, products can be harvested by:

  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • preparation of mashed potatoes using modified products (sorbitol);
  • thorough processing (sterilization or pasteurization).

In the first two cases, storage is possible due to the fact that there is no environment in which the existence of microorganisms that cause spoilage is possible. Other options involve the destruction of harmful microflora (bacteria, fungi) by additional exposure. Moreover, organic compounds in the form of glucite (sorbitol) are no less effective than prolonged heat treatment. In addition, they are classified as dietary products and can be eaten by people with diabetes.

According to numerous requests from subscribers of my mailing list, I have prepared a complete answer to the question of the best way to harvest berries, vegetables and fruits for the winter. Indeed, on cold, cloudy days, you so want something sunny and natural ...

This is very useful for everyone who monitors the proper nutrition of their family, their figure, the well-being of their loved ones, as well as for those who adore all kinds of fruits, vegetables and berries at any time of the year and in any weather.

So, what are the ways of harvesting vegetables, fruits and berries?

1 - Salt in a barrel

Everything would be fine - there are no preservatives, fiber and some useful substances are preserved, but in this method of preparing vegetables for the winter, a lot of salt is used, which is not the most useful and harmless product. And salt, as you know, likes to leave its deposits in our body, which slows down the rate of metabolic processes and the removal of used fluid from cells. Therefore, pickles are not the best way to keep live foods for the winter.

2 - Canning

Everyone is familiar with the way of harvesting vegetables and fruits for the winter. But the addition of salt, sugar, vinegar or other acid mercilessly destroys all the vitamins, minerals and some fiber that the body needs so much in winter. But it fills vegetables and fruits with all sorts of preservatives, which "canned" our body when we eat such products. For the normal functioning of our body, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water are needed. But not vinegar, salt, sugar and other preservatives. If you feed the body with the wrong foods, then it will not work properly, causing illness and other troubles. Therefore, canning is one of the most undesirable ways of harvesting vegetables, fruits or berries for the winter.

3 - Freeze

Great thing! No preservatives and excess salt. You do not need to bother for a long time in the workpiece. Many vitamins and minerals are preserved in berries, fruits and vegetables. But beneficial enzymes, alas, are destroyed. Therefore, freezing, although it preserves a lot of things, but the enzymes for the nutrition of useful microflora and normalization of the stomach are destroyed. If it is not possible to use the most ideal type of harvesting fruits and vegetables for the winter, then it is better to use freezing than canning or pickling.

4 - Drying at temperatures less than 40 degrees (!)

Perfect option. But the postscript "temperature is less than 40 degrees" is required. Why? Useful enzymes are destroyed when frozen and at temperatures of 40 and above degrees Celsius. Therefore, to get the most out of your winter food, use the drying method at less than 40 degrees. It is a living food with all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes found in fresh berries, vegetables and fruits. It's almost the same if you go and pick these berries right from the bush. It is similar to the fact that you, sitting on a tree, pluck and immediately eat one by one apricot, cherry, plum and other fruits. This type of food preparation is as close as possible to healthy and fresh vegetables from the garden.

Special dehydrators (electric dryers) are ideal for drying and harvesting fruits, berries and vegetables for the winter. Since it is possible to set the drying temperature in them, as well as the products, while they are drying, are not covered with a layer of dust, as is the case when drying "the old fashioned way" - in the sun with a gentle breeze.

In no case do I force anyone to run headlong into the store and immediately buy the most expensive dehydrator. Not! I am just sharing information on the correct preparation of fruits, vegetables and berries for the winter period in order to preserve all the useful substances in them. If you want to provide healthy food for your family, you can now start changing your eating habits for healthier ones in a pleasant, easy and simple way.

Who, if not you, will take care of the health and well-being of your entire family?

P.S. Here are just some of the health benefits of dried foods -