Canning peach compote. Peach compote for the winter - a fragrant drink for winter evenings

Peaches are delicious, healthy fruits that can be enjoyed throughout the year. In the summer, they can be eaten fresh, and for the winter, they can be preserved. Procurement is very simple. There are many recipes for making delicious treats. without sterilization will be the best workpiece. Details about its preparation are presented in the article.

Peach benefits

Peach is considered a valuable fruit for human health. It is rich in vitamins B, C, T, K, PP, as well as potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus. The content of pectins and essential oil has been confirmed. Even the seeds and leaves have positive properties. The bone is used to obtain almond oil, which is used in cosmetology. The leaves are used to prepare decoctions for treating gastrointestinal diseases.

The fragrant and tasty pulp of this fruit is perfectly absorbed by the body. Peaches can be eaten fresh or made into delicious desserts. So, peach compote for the winter without sterilization will be an excellent drink, which contains many vitamins. It restores the secretory activity of the stomach, allows you to properly digest food, and normalizes appetite. The drink is useful in the treatment of kidney disease, heart ailments, rheumatism and gout.


Before you get peach compote for the winter without sterilization, you need to prepare the necessary components. Rinse the fruit thoroughly with warm water. They should be aromatic, ripe and firm. Damaged fruit should not be used.

Then boil water in a small saucepan and blanch. Each fruit should be dipped in water and kept there for a minute. After boiling water, the fruits must be cooled in cold water, and then the skin must be removed from them. Such preparation will allow you to get a delicious peach compote for the winter without sterilization.

What does it consist of?

To get 1 can of compote, you need the following:

  1. If the capacity is 3 liters, then you need 5-6 fruits, 2 liters - 4 pieces, and for 1 liter take 3-4 peaches. Jars of 0.7 are filled with 2 fruits.
  2. Syrup that will serve for pouring the fruit.

The resulting peach compote for the winter without sterilization will be concentrated, therefore, if desired, it is diluted with water. The finished drink contains valuable fruit vitamins.

How should you cook?

In order for the beneficial properties to be preserved in the drink, it must be stored for no more than 1 year. This is due to the fact that the bones present over time release harmful substances. The preparation is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Jars and lids need to be washed.
  2. Processed fruits must be placed in a jar.
  3. Fruits are poured with syrup, which includes water (1 l) and sugar (400 g).
  4. Jars need to be closed with lids and turned over.

This concludes the preparation of the drink. Since such compote cannot be stored for a long time, you should use a pitted recipe. In this form, it will be more useful.


It will be easy for every housewife to prepare peach compote for the winter. The best compote recipes that we offer in our article will allow you to get a tasty and healthy drink.

For cooking you will need:

  • fruit - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

To obtain compote, which, judging by the reviews, will be stored for more than one year, it is necessary to peel the fruit. The blanched fruit should be cut into 2 halves and placed in a jar.

Then you need to prepare the syrup. For this, sugar is added to boiling water. They need to pour jars of peaches and leave for half an hour. Then the syrup is poured into a saucepan, adding citric acid, and everything is brought to a boil. Banks need to be closed with lids.

This recipe allows you to cook quickly.

Use of modern technologies

A multicooker in the house is considered to be a great helper that makes the work of the owners easier. With the help of this device, according to experienced housewives, it will be possible to prepare a quick peach compote for the winter without sterilization.

Detailed instructions:

  1. The fruits must be washed, pitted and peeled.
  2. Then they are placed in a multicooker container.
  3. Sugar (1 glass) and water are added to them, the level of which should be at the extreme mark.
  4. You need to turn on the "Stew" or "Simmer" program, then cook the peaches for about 1 hour.
  5. Then you need to turn on the "Heating" mode and prepare the jars with lids.

This recipe allows you to get a delicious drink in a multicooker. Such preparation will be within the power of every housewife.

Peach compote is a fragrant and very tasty drink that can be brewed even by the most inept cook. You can drink such a compote just like that, or you can serve such a drink as an exquisite dessert.

To make a delicious compote, you need half a kilo of sweet ripe peaches, a liter of water and sugar. The amount of sand is determined by taste. Those who are not very fond of sugary drinks can take half a glass, and those with a sweet tooth are advised to increase the norm by putting, for example, three quarters of a glass of sugar.

For cooking compote, you need to select only healthy fruits that do not have traces of blows and other stains. Wash the peaches, cut them into two halves in a hollow and remove the seeds from them. Should you peel peaches? Usually it is not advised to do this, since the skin itself leaves during the cooking process.

We begin to prepare peach compote. Put fruits in an enamel pan, add sugar and pour in water. We are waiting for the compote to boil, and then we strongly reduce the heat so that the liquid only slightly “gurgles”. Cook the compote in this mode for about five minutes, and then remove it from the stove and leave it to cool completely. During this time, the peach compote will infuse and acquire a characteristic aroma and taste. In this dessert, not only liquid is tasty, but also the fruits themselves, which retain their shape, but become somewhat softer than fresh ones.

Of course, today it is not a problem to buy peaches in winter, but their cost will be quite high. Therefore, many housewives prefer to make preparations by closing the compote from

Cooking this type of canned food is not particularly difficult, but it requires adherence to certain rules.

Firstly, the peaches that will go to the workpiece must be of the same size, have the correct shape and a smooth surface, without defects. Secondly, the fruits should not be soft and overripe, from such raw materials a delicious compote will not work.

For canning compote at home, it is better to choose varieties of peaches, in which the stone is easily separated. As for the skin, there are different opinions on the need to remove it. However, the most transparent and beautiful-looking peach compote can be obtained if the skin is removed.

There are two ways to peel the fruit. You can simply peel it off with a knife, but in this case the appearance of the compote will suffer, since the surface of the peaches will be uneven and cut. It is much easier to remove the skin if you first pour boiling water over the fruit. After this treatment, the skin is removed very easily, even with your fingers.

And if it is decided not to remove the peel, then each peach must be wiped with a woolen cloth to remove the existing fluff.

Prepared halves of peaches (pitted) are placed in cleanly washed jars. In order for as many fruits as possible to enter the container, it is necessary to put them with the convex side up. Then the jars are filled with hot, but not boiling syrup, without adding about two centimeters to the edge of the neck.

Sugar syrup for the preparation of this compote is prepared with a concentration of 35-40%, that is, 600-670 grams of sugar are required per liter of water. If this proportion is observed, we will get 1300-1400 grams of syrup. This amount is sufficient to fill approximately five liter jars filled with peaches.

In order for our workpiece to be stored for a long time, jars of fruit in syrup must be sent for sterilization. From the moment the water boils, liter cans should be kept in boiling water for 20 minutes. Then they are removed one by one from the sterilizer, immediately rolled up and placed upside down. There is no need to wrap the peach compote in a blanket, let the jars cool in the air.

Peach compote, which has been preserved according to all the rules, can be stored for a year at room temperature.

How to make compote

peach compote for the winter

6 l

1 hour

80 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

According to many people, from peaches it turns out one of the most delicious compotes. One can argue with this, since everyone has different tastes, but there is some truth in this statement. In addition, the appearance of peaches and a delicate taste takes us into the hot summer, when a blizzard is raging outside the window.
Buying peaches for compote, choose hard fruits, even slightly greenish ones. Too soft fruits will creep, and instead of compote, you will get mashed potatoes. Choose peaches without flaws. If you still come across several of these fruits, then cut off the damaged areas. Naturally, such compote should not be served to guests.

Well, enough words. Let's start cooking compotes.

Peach compote for the winter without sterilization

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  • plate;
  • pot;
  • a bowl;
  • ladle;
  • 2 three-liter cans;
  • seamer;
  • 2 canning lids;
  • sponge;
  • towel.


Peach compote for the winter - a simple step-by-step recipe

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, stir and wait until it boils. We wash the peaches with a clean sponge under running water.
  2. On each peach, we make two cuts along the fruit and separate it from the stone.
  3. Wash the bottles thoroughly and set them to dry.
  4. Wipe the covers with a damp cloth. Place peach slices evenly in each jar.
  5. If you wish, you can add lemon wedges.
  6. Pour a little sugar syrup into each jar to warm the jars.
  7. Then fill the bottles with syrup completely.
  8. Cover with lids and tighten with a seaming machine.
  9. We turn the cans over and cover them with a towel, and on top with a blanket or thick cloth.

Video recipe for peach compote for the winter without sterilization

The video clearly shows the entire process of preparing peach compote without sterilization.

PEACH COMPOTE for the winter. The easiest recipe! No sterilization and hassle

Peach compote for the winter without any problems. Very easy to prepare. This is the king of all compotes))
Sugar 500 g per 5 l. water

The composition "Ecstasy X" belongs to the performer Audionautix. License: Creative Commons Attribution (

2017-08-10T15: 56: 23.000Z

Find out other recipes for compotes for the winter without sterilization. I also recommend making a delicious strawberry compote.

Peach compote for the winter

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 2 liter cans.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  • plate,
  • pot,
  • 2 liter jars with screw caps,
  • a bowl,
  • skimmer,
  • scoop,


Step-by-step recipe for peach compote for the winter

  1. We put a pot of water on the fire.
  2. My peaches.
  3. We put them in boiling water for one minute.
  4. Then we take out the peaches into cold water. We peel them.
  5. We make a circular incision and draw out the bone.
  6. We put a saucepan with 1 liter of water on the fire, add sugar and stir.
  7. Put slices of peaches into boiling water.
  8. The water should boil well again. Only then do we transfer the peaches to the jars.
  9. Pour boiling syrup into jars to the brim. Close the lids tightly.
  10. Turn the jars over, letting them cool completely.

Video recipe for peach compote for the winter

Watch the video recipe for one of the simplest and most delicious peach compotes.

An amazing property of compotes - in summer they enjoy their taste and quench their thirst, and in winter they are an additional source of vitamins and a reminder of the warm days gone by. This is exactly what can be said about peach compotes cooked for the winter. Juicy, southern fruits in amber syrup in winter will remind you of the summer sun and delight you with a refreshing taste.

Compote is a dessert vitamin drink made from one or several types of berry platter. With the addition of sugar, compote becomes a high-calorie drink, this should be taken into account by people who are prone to overweight.

By changing the ingredients, you can make the compote sweet, sour, tart, with bitterness, but the main thing is that it is necessary to preserve everything that is most useful for the body in it, not to destroy vitamins during the cooking process.

  • berries and fruits must be extremely fresh;
  • the water for the drink is purified;
  • take no more than 3 parts of water for 1 part of fruit.

Selection and preparation of peaches

When choosing peaches, it is necessary to reject rotten, moldy, with broken skin. Peaches have peels with villi; a lot of dusty particles accumulate between them, so they must be washed thoroughly, under running water.

And the best way is to soak the fruit for half an hour in a weak solution of soda ash. After that, rinse them, and the villi will wash off themselves under running water.

Some housewives believe that if the seeds are not removed from the stone fruit, then the compote will become unusable in a year, therefore, it is better to remove the stone for harvesting for the winter. Put the washed fruit on a clean cloth or paper to dry it out, and you can start canning.

Peach compote recipes at home

The compote is closed in glass containers without cracks, scratches or chipping. They are washed with soda solution, rinsed and sterilized. The lids with which the cans are rolled up must be boiled.

An easy way for the winter

The prepared fruits are sorted by size. Large fruits are closed in 3-liter jars, smaller fruits in 1-liter jars.

How dense the peaches are placed in the container depends on the preferences of the hostess. And the syrup is prepared according to standard norms: 130 grams of sugar is dissolved in 1 liter of water. If a sweeter syrup is needed, the amount of sugar is increased.

Without sterilization

The most common and reliable way of canning. If the fruit is too large, it must be cut up. Fill the jar with fruits by two-thirds.

Prepare syrup:

  • purified water - 2.5-3 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 400 grams.

Boil the sugar syrup, pour over the peaches, roll up the lid. Turn the jar over, cover with a blanket.


Place the peach halves without the kernel in a glass container. Blanch for 10-12 minutes. After this time, the water is drained from the cans.

Make a sugar solution by mixing sugar and water in a ratio of 130/1000. Boil it and pour the peaches back to the neck of the jar. Screw the lid back on quickly, leave it upside down for a day until it cools.

With bone

They look very nice, and the presence of the stone gives a slight astringency. Whole peaches of the same size are poured into a sterilized container, two thirds of the volume. Size is important for the fruit to warm up equally when blanching. Boil clean water, pour over the fruits, cover with lids. The peaches should warm up for at least 20 minutes.

Important! This type of compote must be used within a year, after this period, the bones release hydrocyanic acid.

With citric acid

The best safeguard against exploding caps is to add citric acid to the syrup. The peaches and the container are prepared in the usual way, but when cooking the syrup, lemon juice or acid is added to it. Fill a container with peaches, pour boiling syrup, close immediately.

To properly prepare the syrup, you must:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 130 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 grams of lemons.

Mix all the ingredients, bring to a boil. Citric acid is a good preservative, while the taste becomes more pronounced, with a pleasant sourness.

With apricot

The combination of peaches and apricots makes the compote sunny, amber, which is especially valuable in winter. You can cook it without seeds, or you can cook it with seeds. In the second case, conservation cannot be stored for more than a year.

Apricots are selected to be of medium ripeness, they must be firm. They are washed, allowed to dry. Fill the container with fruits in equal proportions. Pour in strong boiling water, stand for 10-15 minutes.

For syrup you need for 1 liter of water:

  • sugar - 130-150 grams;
  • lemons - 5 grams.

Mix all the ingredients, boil, pour over the heated fruit, immediately roll up the lid. The jars are turned over and left to cool, wrapped under a blanket.

From fig peaches

The flat shape allows you to fill the jar with a lot of fruits and get a delicious compote. They are prepared like regular peaches:

  • select intact, dense, immature;
  • wash thoroughly;
  • laid out on a cloth to dry.

Flat peaches in a 3 liter jar can fit 1.5-2 kilograms. To get a tasty compote, preservation should be done without sterilization. For this, the fruit is poured with hot syrup, sealed, and allowed to cool under a blanket.

From nectarines

Nectarines resemble peaches, but they are bald, without lint on the skin. They select strong fruits, without damage, wash. Fill a glass container with fruits, pour over with boiling water. After 15 minutes, the water is drained, a syrup is prepared on it at the rate of: 1 liter of water, 130 grams of sugar, 5 grams of lemon. Pour in boiling syrup, roll up the lid.

With plum

Adding plums will change the color of the drink, the fruit will exchange flavors, making them extraordinary. The peaches will turn into a pleasant pink color and the plums will take on its scent.

The plum should not be overripe, firm. Fill a jar with fruit, pour boiling water over, cover with a lid, and stand for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water into an enamel bowl and boil the syrup in it. Plums contain more acid, so more sugar is added to the syrup - for 1 liter of water, 150 grams of sugar and 5 grams of lemon are needed. Warm fruit is poured with hot syrup, sealed, the container is turned over and covered with a blanket for a day.

With apples

Apples are chosen from hard, sour varieties, preferably green. This will not only complement the taste of the compote, but will also look very beautiful from the outside.

Peaches are prepared in the usual way, and apples:

  • wash, allow to dry;
  • cut in half or into slices;
  • remove the core.

Lemon zest will enrich the taste of such compote. For this.

Step 1: preparing the cans and lids.

First, let's prepare the inventory. We take 2 three-liter cans 2 metal lids for preservation and thoroughly rinse them under running water with the addition of any detergent, so that it does not leave stains on the walls of the cans and the prepared compote does not turn out soapy. Here I want to note, if you are an ardent opponent of chemistry, you can use soda. Clean cans must be sterilized. To do this, put a kettle half-filled with water on the stove, which is turned on, on a strong level, and bring it to a boil. Remove the lid from the teapot and put the jar with the neck down in this hole. A three-liter jar, like any other jar, very well keeps balance on the kettle, so you don't have to worry and be sure that it will not fall. Thus, we sterilize each jar within 10 - 15 minutes, depending on how you begged her. We put clean lids for preservation in a saucepan, we collect water in it so that it completely covers the lids and put it on the stove turned on at a strong level, after the water boils, we sterilize them for 15 minutes. We put the prepared sterile jar on the table with the neck down on the table previously laid with a clean waffle towel and sterilize the second jar in the same way. Turn off the stove under the saucepan, and leave the lids in boiling water. We rinse the rest of the equipment that will be used during conservation with hot water that remained in the kettle after sterilizing the cans.

Step 2: prepare the peaches.

Peaches can be prepared in different ways. I am a follower of old traditions and I roll peaches in the usual jellied way, whole with seeds. Such a compote turns out to be more saturated, the peach fruits are elastic, firm and do not disintegrate in the hands when you take them out of the jar. The peach fruit is very easy to prepare. To begin with, put a saucepan with ordinary running water on the stove turned on at a high level and bring it to a boil. Approximate amount of water 3 - 4 liters.
While the water is boiling, rinse in the sink under running water 3 kilograms peaches, put them in a clean bowl and fill with boiling water. Thus, we scald the fruit and get rid of the bitter aftertaste of almond oil and amygdalin contained in the peach seed. Leave the peaches in boiling water for 30-40 minutes.

Step 3: pour the peaches for the first time.

After the peaches have settled in the water, we put them in sterilized jars so that they fill it in half, we get one and a half kilograms of fruits in each jar. On the stove, turned on, on a strong level, put a deep saucepan with clean distilled water and bring it to a boil. Of course, you can use ordinary running water, but after boiling it, a sediment from heavy metals always remains at the bottom, which you absolutely do not want to use, especially if you are preparing this compote for children. After the water in the pan has boiled, carefully take the pan with a clean waffle towel and pour the boiling water into the jars of peaches, so that the jar is filled with water to the edge of the neck. We cover the jars with sterilized lids and let the peaches brew in boiling water 30 - 40 minutes NS. During this time, the peach will change color and the remaining air will come out of the fruit.

Step 4: second pouring of peaches and preserving.

After the peach fruits have settled in boiling water, they are completely ready for further processing. We remove the sterilized lids from the jars with clean hands and put them in the stewpan with water in which they were sterilized. Now there are two options, you can play it safe and boil the lids again for 5-7 minutes or leave them in a saucepan with boiled water, in any case they are clean and sterilized. We drain the water from the cans into a deep saucepan in which it was boiled, add to it 800 grams of sugar and put it on the stove turned on at a strong level. The water should boil within 15 minutes, during this time, the sugar will completely dissolve. Then add citric acid to taste, depending on which type of peach you purchased. If it is very sour, it is better not to be zealous with citric acid, if the peach is very sweet, in any case it must be acidified so that it does not become insipid and tasteless after conservation. After you have added citric acid to the syrup, boil it still 2 - 3 minutes... Sweet and sour syrup from sugar, water and citric acid is ready. We remove the pan with syrup from the stove and carefully pour it into the jars so that it is poured to the top, right up to the neck of the jar. If you did not have enough syrup, and it does not reach the very neck, it’s not scary, this happens, since during the boil the water evaporates. Everything can be fixed, take a kettle, pour a small amount of water. So that it boils quickly, and pour the lacking liquid into the jars. But this happens very rarely, since the sugar dissolves and adds the necessary mass to the water. Cover the jars of syrup and peaches with sterilized lids and immediately roll them up with a preservation key. We perform all actions with clean, washed hands. Jars with ready-made compote should cool, but they should do this in a warm place. Carefully, using a dry and clean waffle towel, turn over the cans with compote, supporting the bottom upside down with your hand from the side of the lid, and place them on a spread woolen blanket. Cover the jars with the other end of the blanket so that there are no gaps. Thus, cans with compote cool slowly without temperature changes.

Step 5: Serve the peach compote.

Peach compote is served in a glass or decanter, cold for adults and warm for children. Canned peaches can be served alone with whipped cream, ice cream, or added to a fruit salad. Also, such a peach can be used to decorate cakes, pastries and pies. I hope you enjoyed the peach compote. Bon Appetit!

- - Peaches for this type of compote can be prepared in another way, blanch the fruits, cut them in half with a knife and take out the pit, then peel the peaches from the halves, the peach is prepared. But it is worth remembering that the chopped peach becomes very soft during pouring and a sediment in the form of villi is obtained at the bottom of the compote.

- - Preservation jars can be sterilized in an autoclave for 15 minutes. Or, in a large saucepan, pour running water into it so that it is two fingers higher than the cans, and boil the cans in it for 15 minutes.

- - Peach compote can be made more concentrated in liter jars. Put clean, blanched peaches into the prepared jars to the very top and make two fillings in the same way as on three-liter jars. During tasting, such compote should be diluted with clean, distilled boiled water to taste. Or a concentrated compote can be used to make fruit sauces.