Is instant cocoa good for you? Natural antidepressant and energy drink

21.08.2019 Healthy eating

Probably, not everyone knows where cocoa comes from, how to grow it correctly, collect it and whether everyone is allowed to use it.

It turns out that cocoa grows in Latin America on a tree called "chocolate". The height of the tree reaches almost ten meters, so it is not easy to see the fruits at such a height. In addition, cocoa is extracted from the pulp of the fruit of the chocolate tree. They contain many useful substances that can both benefit a person and harm.

Composition and benefits

Cocoa beans contain many useful substances, in particular, the following trace elements:

  • vegetable protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • dietary fiber;
  • sugar.

In addition, there are enough vitamins and minerals in cocoa:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins PP and E;
  • fluorine, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, etc.

In terms of calorie content, this product is superior to many other plant foods. Just 100 grams of crushed cocoa contains 200 to 400 kilocalories. Moreover, there are much less carbohydrates and the amount of fat in one cup than in a small slice of chocolate.

A drink made from cocoa powder (of excellent quality!) Is able to saturate the body, energize it, and without burdening it with calories. This means that ladies who are on a diet can safely drink one cup of cocoa a day. Moreover, it is advisable to drink it in the first half of the day in order to recharge with energy for the whole day.

The benefits of cocoa in medicine

Many do not even suspect, but cocoa can relieve many ailments, including. If the drink is prepared correctly, it will "work" as an expectorant, antitussive and sputum-thinning medicine. In addition, cocoa butter is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • broncho-pulmonary.

It is not difficult to prepare the medicine: a little cocoa butter is added to a glass of hot milk (no more than 40 degrees), dissolved and drunk warm. Of course, the taste of such milk will be unusual, with a characteristic "oily" film, but for the sake of good health it is worth being patient.

In addition to consumption, cocoa butter is used to lubricate the nasal mucosa, this helps to fight viruses during colds epidemics.

Also, with the help of cocoa, such diseases are treated:

  • heart failure and other heart disease;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • remove cholesterol, bile;
  • stomach diseases.

Let's take a closer look at how cocoa affects the work of the heart. In one part of cocoa, 70 percent is occupied by bioactive beneficial components that help block platelet adhesion. In addition to such a useful function, in terms of antioxidant properties, cocoa is several times superior to products such as apples, orange juice, as well as tea, both green and black. And the flavanols contained in cocoa help prevent blood vessels from damage and affect metabolic processes on a positive side.

If you drink a cup of a fragrant drink made from cocoa, the fruits of which have not been heat-treated, then the muscles recover faster after a hard day's work and hard work.

In addition, the fruit of the chocolate tree contains a special substance that stimulates endorphin - the hormone of "joy". That is why, after drinking a glass of hot cocoa, a person feels more cheerful, his mood rises.

But the substance in it, such as elicatechin, helps to reduce the risk of diseases such as:

  1. Stroke.
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  3. Heart attack.

Through experiments, scientists discovered cocoa as a substance that can rejuvenate the skin. Beans contain a special substance that restores healthy looking skin and increases its elasticity. And melanin, in turn, will protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Cocoa during pregnancy

Despite the enormous benefits of cocoa, it turns out that it is undesirable to use it for women expecting a baby. Doctors recommend giving up the drink altogether or drinking it infrequently. This requirement is due to the fact that cocoa retains calcium in the body and prevents it from being absorbed. And this is fraught with both the health of the mother and the full development of her baby.

In addition, cocoa is an allergenic product and can provoke an allergic reaction.

If a pregnant woman loves this drink very much, then she can afford a cup of weak cocoa once a week.

About harm

Chocolate beans contain a little caffeine, so this should not be overlooked when preparing a drink for children. Doctors say that it is undesirable to give children caffeinated products and to be more careful with those babies who are strictly prohibited from caffeine.

The harm of cocoa is also noted in the following: when large plantations of the chocolate tree are grown, it is fertilized and treated from pests. And cocoa is intensively processed. In addition, the harvested beans are again treated with radionuclides in order to destroy pests, and then this cocoa is sent to factories for the production of chocolate. It turns out that 99 percent of this chocolate is consumed by the population of the whole world!

  1. Children under three years of age.
  2. People suffering from diseases such as sclerosis, diabetes, etc.
  3. Obese, fat people.
  4. In stressful situations.
  5. With diseases of the nervous system.

Limiting the use of the drink is also necessary for people suffering from kidney failure and.

How to choose and where to apply

And even despite the fact that manufacturers of raw materials for chocolate claim that cocoa is thoroughly refined, in fact, it is impossible to determine which cocoa powder you got.

There are several types of cocoa on the market, namely:

  1. For industrial production. This species is grown using various fertilizers.
  2. For industrial production - organic, grown without fertilizers. It is considered the most valuable.
  3. "Live" product, harvested from wild trees by hand. Possesses a unique property.

It is not so easy to immediately understand which type of cocoa is on the counter of the store. How to distinguish a quality product:

  1. You are holding a packet of cocoa powder in your hands. Read the composition, fat in it must be at least 15 percent, then the product will be considered the most useful.
  2. Natural cocoa is brown in color.
  3. If you rub the powder in your hands, it should not crumble and roll into lumps.
  4. When the cocoa is boiled, it is necessary to check whether a precipitate has formed. If the product is of high quality, it will not be there.

Pay attention to the manufacturer. Ideally, this should be a country where chocolate trees grow. If this is a different country, then it is possible that the raw materials were overbought and the production technology was violated.

How to cook properly

To brew a delicious drink, you need to follow the exact proportions. To prepare a drink, MirSovetov recommends:

  1. Take three large spoons of cocoa (pick up only with a dry spoon (!).
  2. Mix powder with sugar (one teaspoon).
  3. Boil a liter of milk.
  4. Pour a mixture of powder and sugar into the milk and mix.
  5. Cook over low heat for no more than three minutes, stirring occasionally.

Another cooking method:

  1. Prepare cocoa, sugar, milk, water, whisk or mixer.
  2. Boil water and pour cocoa and sugar into it.
  3. Shake with a whisk or mixer.
  4. Add hot fat milk.

With this method, the drink forms an airy, aromatic cocoa foam.

In addition to making a hot drink, cocoa is added to baked goods and used in the production of sweets and other sweets.

And finally, MirSovetov wants to warn readers against purchasing Chinese-made cocoa. According to gourmets, Chinese buyers buy rotten beans and process them by flavoring them. Such cocoa will not be useful, but can be harmful. Be carefull!

Taste cocoa many love from childhood. Delicious and healthy drinks are prepared from it, it is added to muffins, sweets, cookies and cakes. The homeland of the fruits from which brown powder is extracted is South America. Several centuries ago, this product was an expensive delicacy. Later in Europe they learned how to make real dark chocolate, so the situation changed. Cocoa powder became available to everyone. It is a by-product that remains after the production of cocoa and butter, but is still highly regarded for its unique composition. It is used not only in the confectionery industry, but also in cosmetology and is even included in the menu of medical and healthy food.

Chemical composition

Cocoa powder is rich in substances useful for the body. It is made from beans that are ground into a fatty chocolate substance. Most of the fat is removed from the paste during the manufacturing process. Then it is dried and ground again. Therefore, no harmful fats remain in the finished product.

Natural cocoa powder has a high nutritional value. 100 g of the product contains:

  • proteins - 24.3 g;
  • fats - 15 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.2 g;
  • fiber - 35.3 g;
  • minerals - calcium and phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, iron and zinc, copper.

In total, cocoa contains more than 300 nutrients. It is noteworthy that it contains more zinc and iron than many other products. There are also tonic substances, including caffeine, but it is much less than in coffee.

Video: The benefits of cocoa. The most important thing

Beneficial features

Cocoa benefits the cardiovascular system, tones and helps fight stress, invigorates in the morning and improves metabolism. Zinc, which this product is rich in, participates in the creation of the structure of DNA and RNA, in the synthesis of proteins, in the production of vital enzymes. For adolescents, this element is necessary for the normal course of puberty. Due to the high content of iron, cocoa powder has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis. There is evidence that it even prevents the risk of developing cancer.

Improvement of the heart and blood vessels

It has been proven that cocoa strengthens the vascular walls and increases their elasticity. As a result, the risk of blood clots is reduced by 70%. Also, research results confirm that with regular use of the product, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases decreases by 50%. This effect is due to epicatechin, which also improves short-term memory.

The benefit of exotic bean powder lies in the fact that it lowers blood pressure by stimulating cerebral circulation. By getting more oxygen, the brain starts to function better. Therefore, cocoa powder should be included in the diet of knowledge workers. It also brings benefits to people with weak cerebral vessels.

Skin protection and rejuvenation

Cocoa powder contains melanin. This substance protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. As a result, the risks of sunburn, overheating of the body and even sunstroke are prevented. Therefore, going to sunbathe, it will not be superfluous to drink a cup of natural cocoa.

This powder also has antioxidant properties. Therefore, it rejuvenates the skin and prevents premature aging. It is useful not only to consume cocoa in food. This product is also used in the production of cosmetics - a variety of skin creams, lotions, scrubs, shampoos and masks. In SPA salons, cocoa powder is used for wrapping and other procedures.

Muscle recovery after exercise

It is useful for athletes to drink a cup of flavored cocoa after a grueling workout. This drink contains many vitamins and minerals that allow muscles to recover faster. Among them is magnesium, which relaxes the muscles and also strengthens the bones.

Natural antidepressant and energizer

Cocoa bean powder contains serotonin, endorphins, and natural antidepressants. It also stimulates the natural synthesis of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Therefore, to improve mood, eliminate depression, it is useful to eat a couple of slices of chocolate.

Natural antioxidant

Some scientists argue that cocoa powder has antioxidant properties, and more pronounced than red wine and green tea. Some of the substances contained in this product act on free radicals, stimulating their removal from the body. By including cocoa powder in your diet, you can reduce your risk of cancer.

Cocoa for diabetes

An important part of diabetes treatment is dietary adjustments. It is important to structure your diet in such a way as to keep your blood sugar levels from rising. Drinking cocoa powder drinks is beneficial for type 1 and type 2 diabetes as they contain flavonoids. These substances help regulate sugar levels and prevent the development of diabetes. True, because of the bitter taste, they are often removed in industrial production. However, there are over 300 antioxidants in cocoa powder with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Such substances are beneficial for diabetics. Nevertheless, it is better for patients to consult a doctor before introducing a new product into their menu.

Application in healthy and curative nutrition

Cocoa powder is widely used in healthy diets and is included in therapeutic diets. Drinks are made from it, and it also enhances the taste and aroma of the dish. If you sprinkle it on oatmeal in the morning, it will become much more appetizing.

Here is a list of foods and dishes that cocoa powder is combined with:

  • porridge - rice, millet, semolina, oatmeal;
  • milk and dairy products - sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt, ice cream;
  • berries - rowan, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry;
  • fruits - apples, bananas, pineapples, feijoa.

Do not combine cocoa powder with other products containing caffeine. This is tea, coffee, coca-cola, chocolate.

Since cocoa is an energy drink, it is best to drink it in the morning or at lunchtime, limited to 1-2 cups. Drinking even a small amount of caffeine before bed can disrupt jet lag and disrupt sleep.

Can cocoa powder be consumed on a diet?

The calorie content of cocoa powder is quite high. 100 g of a natural product contains 289 Kcal, and the same amount of soluble product contains up to 390 Kcal. Still, you should not completely deny yourself a cup of a fragrant drink, following a diet for weight loss.

Cocoa will not allow you to spoil the figure for several reasons:

  • one cup of the drink satiates well, interrupts the feeling of hunger and can replace one meal - for example, an afternoon snack;
  • cocoa can be prepared without sugar with the addition of skim milk - the drink will still remain tasty;
  • one cup of ready-made unsweetened drink contains about 65 kcal - this is much less than in sweets and chocolate, which can be difficult to refuse for those who are losing weight.

Another advantage of cocoa is its low fat content. There are 0.3 g of them in one glass of the drink, although in a chocolate bar there are as many as 20 g. In taste, these two products are not inferior to each other.

Potential harm

Despite its many beneficial properties, in some cases, cocoa powder can be harmful. Due to the presence of caffeine in its composition, it is not recommended to use the product for nervous disorders and insomnia. Do not drink cocoa at night, especially for children. This product is contraindicated for babies under 3 years old.

It is better not to consume cocoa products during pregnancy. They interfere with the normal absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the development and growth of the fetus. But when planning a pregnancy, cocoa powder will be beneficial. It contains a lot of folic acid, and it ensures the correct formation of the nervous system at an early stage in the development of the body. Cocoa-containing delicacies will cheer up the expectant mother, help calm down and prepare for a new stage in her life.

With gout, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that include cocoa powder. It contains purines, under the influence of which salts are deposited in the joints.

Allergy to cocoa is common, so if you are prone to this disease, it is better to refuse cocoa-containing products. It is not recommended to use them for atherosclerosis and constipation.

How to choose a quality product?

The assortment of cocoa is huge, it is offered by different manufacturers, and the cost varies in a wide range. When choosing, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. The most useful is natural powder. The fat content in it reaches at least 15-16%. In appearance, it should be brown or light brown, in consistency - homogeneous, not containing foreign impurities.

To check the quality of the cocoa powder, you need to rub it with your finger. If it is of good quality, no lumps will form. After brewing with boiling water, no sediment should appear. If it is formed, then it is a product of poor quality.

Aztec tribes drank cocoa with pleasure several centuries ago, it was believed that this drink increases potency and gives wisdom. Cocoa, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, is still controversial - some say that the product is harmful, others argue that it is useful and necessary in the diet. Who is right?

Butter is obtained from cocoa beans, the remaining dry cake is used to prepare cocoa powder. It serves as the basis for delicious drinks, and in the confectionery industry for chocolate pastes, glaze, and fillings.

The composition of cocoa powder (100 g) includes the following substances:

  • proteins - 24 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10 g;
  • fats - 15 g;
  • dietary fiber - 35 g;
  • water - 5 g;
  • vitamins B1, B2, E, PP;
  • mineral salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • theobromine;
  • caffeine, etc.

Cocoa is a good antidepressant that gives you a boost of energy and vitality.

Cocoa: health benefits for women and men

Cocoa is a real gift of nature, it is not for nothing that its taste is so attractive to people of all ages. This product has a rich set of valuable substances, it is equally useful for men and women.

The properties of cocoa are due to its composition:

  1. Vitamin PP cleans the blood from bad cholesterol, removes its excess. It participates in redox processes, converting fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy for life.
  2. For the synthesis of sex hormones and erythrocytes, vitamin B2 is needed, there is a lot of it in cocoa. Drinking cocoa increases the potency of men and the attractiveness of women.
  3. Zinc is involved in protein synthesis, ensures the normal functioning of cells, and is essential for healthy skin, hair and nails. Iron increases the level of hemoglobin, participates in the formation of blood cells, and prevents the development of anemia. Cocoa contains more of these elements than other products.
  4. The alkaloids caffeine and theobromine tone up, increase efficiency, dilate blood vessels and stimulate the central nervous system.

As in ancient times, cocoa is considered a strength-enhancing beverage that improves mood and brain function.

Benefits of cocoa for pregnant women

Large quantities of cocoa are not recommended for pregnant women. You can have a cup of flavored drink with milk in the morning and before lunch. In the evening, it is better to abstain from it, this can lead to overexcitation and poor sleep.

The benefits of cocoa for pregnant women are that the drink contains the natural antidepressant phenylethylamine.

It helps to cope with depression, strengthens the immune system, and gives a feeling of vigor. Cocoa contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health.

How to properly consume a drink for health

Cocoa is best drunk in the morning with breakfast. It is recommended to consume no more than 2 cups of the drink per day.

There are three main recipes for cocoa:

  1. Melt a bar of dark chocolate in hot milk and beat until frothy.
  2. Cook dry cocoa powder with sugar and vanilla in milk.
  3. Dissolve instant cocoa powder in water or milk.

To prepare the drink, take fresh milk, which will not curdle when heated.

Choosing quality cocoa powder

When choosing cocoa powder, you need to give preference to a product that does not contain food additives, it is healthier and tastier. To determine the quality of the powder, rub it between the fingers, it should be rubbed, and not crumbled like sand.

In addition to the shelf life, when choosing cocoa powder, pay attention to information about what type of cocoa beans it is made from and the production technology.

There are three main types of cocoa bean products on sale:

  • Criollo;
  • Forastero;
  • Trinitario.

The first variety, Criollo, is considered elite and has a pleasant aroma. The highest quality cocoa powder and chocolate are made from it. Forastero has a bitter taste. It is a common species, accounting for over 80% of the chocolate tree harvest. The quality of cocoa powder made from most varieties of this variety is lower than that of other groups. Trinitario is a hybrid variety, it is also used to prepare elite varieties of cocoa and chocolate.

According to the quality, cocoa is divided into aromatic (noble) and mass (consumer). The first category includes Criollo and Trinitario. The second includes the Forastero varieties, except for the Nacional grown in Ecuador.

According to the production technology, cocoa powder can be prepared and unprepared. Prepared cocoa, which is produced under the brands "Golden Anchor" and "Extra", tastes better, it does not form a precipitate. Untreated varieties include - "Prima", "Our Mark", "Golden Label".

Cocoa butter: properties and applications in cosmetology

In the production of cosmetics, the beneficial effects of cocoa on human skin and hair are used. It is added to shampoos, creams, face masks and soaps.

Massage salons make cocoa butter wraps, therapeutic massages with its use. The oil actively nourishes the skin, softens and prevents its aging. It is suitable for all skin types, but is especially useful for women over 35.

The beneficial properties of the product are due to the presence of fatty acids, antioxidants, phytosterols, vitamins and mineral salts.

Thanks to the use of cocoa butter in the composition of the masks, the complexion is improved, and damaged skin cells are regenerated. Such masks relieve inflammation, smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate hyperpigmentation, and help cure the effects of furunculosis and acne.

For home use, you can buy cocoa butter from specialized stores.

A simple nourishing night mask

Clean and steam the skin before applying the mask. Apply the oil to the face with light circular movements in the direction of the massage lines. After 20 minutes, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk and blot with a napkin.

This procedure is done daily in the summer for 10 days, then a 7-day break, and the course is repeated. In winter, winter and autumn, a nourishing mask with cocoa butter can be done every day.

Contraindications and possible harm

The negative effects of consuming cocoa can be caused by the small amount of caffeine in its composition. It has an aphrodisiac effect and can cause trouble falling asleep if you drink it before bed.

There are other contraindications:

  1. The cocoa beans contain purines. In case of excessive intake into the body, they contribute to the accumulation of uric acid, the deposition of salts in the joints, kidney and bladder diseases.
  2. You can not use cocoa for people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, gout and atherosclerosis.
  3. Sweet chocolate and drinks containing sugar are contraindicated for those with diabetes.
  4. Cocoa is not recommended for overweight people. For those who suffer from constipation, drinking the drink is undesirable due to the high content of tannins in it.

The health benefits of cocoa far outweigh the potential harm. Moderate consumption of the product prolongs life and makes it rich and joyful.

Cocoa powder and the drink from it evokes nostalgic childhood memories for most of us. The product is a powdered paste made from the fruit of the cocoa tree, which is pre-dried and then ground.

The history of cocoa powder is very long and interesting. They say that it appeared in Europe thanks to the famous Christopher Columbus, who tried it with the Aztecs. Since ancient times, the indigenous people of modern Mexico have grown cocoa trees and fully used their fruits for cooking. The drink was especially favored, giving the warriors energy, strength and vigor. In addition, they prepared a product that today can be considered the prototype of chocolate, so beloved by most of the world's population. The very word "chocolate" comes from the name of the very drink that impressed the famous traveler - "chocolatl".

Europeans quickly adopted ancient traditions and even began to create their own recipes for "chocolatl". Moreover, the Swiss, British and French were especially successful in this.

How do they do it?

How is cocoa powder made? Technology hasn't changed since the time of the Aztecs. Unless they perform it with the help of modern equipment. Although at home, the fruits are still harvested by hand and produce a very high-quality product:

  • the procedure begins with the collection of ripe fruits, for which a very sharp knife is used (it is important to leave precious inflorescences and unripe fruits intact);
  • the fruits are opened as soon as possible and the seeds are extracted, which are fermented;
  • seeds are placed in baskets or boxes lined with banana leaves and burlap for up to 1 week;
  • in the process, the temperature of the mass increases to 50 degrees, due to which the death of the embryos occurs: the tart aftertaste disappears, but an excellent chocolate aroma and a unique taste appear;
  • after that, the contents of the boxes are scattered on a flat surface under the sun and left to dry, and then polished (by the way, the tradition of polishing the fruits with their feet in the process of the so-called "cocoa dance" is still preserved);
  • at the last stage, there is a thorough sorting of low-quality, defective seeds and all kinds of impurities; The beans are ground in a conventional mill, oil is extracted from the powder, and the powder itself is used to make drinks, chocolate and other things.

Types of cocoa powder

As a result of these manipulations, several types of cocoa powder are obtained. They differ in the quality of processing and subsequent cleaning, as well as the terrain in which the beans are grown. In this sense, cocoa can be conditionally divided into industrial (technical product grown on fertilizers), organic (environmentally friendly, processed by industrial methods) and living (obtained by hand).

In stores today you can find such a variety of cocoa products that it is very easy to get confused. This is surprising, because one source is used to obtain cocoa, and the technologies differ slightly. It would be most correct to divide the product into two types:

  • directly cocoa powder, which is brewed to obtain a delicious drink;
  • cocoa drink prepared by the usual dilution of the product with boiling water or milk.

It should be understood that there is a completely natural product that contains a huge amount of useful substances and has excellent properties and benefits for the human body. But there is also a modern version, so much in demand in the age of "fast food". Such drinks (instant) can boast only of taste and aroma. Raw materials for them are obtained by processing alkaline compounds "alkali" (from the Arabic name), so today we have the "pleasure" to buy alkalized instant cocoa powder. It just does not need to be boiled: it is enough to pour water or milk, and it will dissolve even in cold liquid. But to preserve the nutritional value, various synthetic additives are most often added to it.

How to choose?

Another question arises - how to choose quality natural cocoa powder? For this, experts give detailed recommendations:

Even if you are lucky enough to purchase real high-quality cocoa powder, you need to create optimal conditions for its storage. For this you will need a dry, dark place with good ventilation and the absence of foreign odors... Also, the standards for temperature (15-20 degrees) and humidity (up to 75%) must be observed. Under such conditions, storage in metal and branded sealed containers is one year. If the packaging is different, then the time is reduced by 2 times.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of cocoa powder are very diverse, and new information appears every year. To begin with, it all depends on the chemical composition of the product, and it really amazes:

  • vegetable proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • organic compounds;
  • aromatic components;
  • minerals;
  • tanning and dyeing compounds;
  • caffeine;
  • terbromine.

The presence of all these components determines the taste characteristics of cocoa powder and its effect on the human body. For example, the famous caffeine has a strong effect on the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, stimulating them. Theobromine is great for the treatment of chronic cough, because it copes well with suppressing the cough reflex. It is enough to drink a cup of hot drink for relief. But the composition of cocoa powder also includes extremely useful vitamins and elements that expand the list of useful properties of the product at times:

  • Saturated fatty acids deserve the gratitude of cosmetologists, because have a beneficial effect on skin and hair... Cocoa is actively used in home and salon procedures for external use.
  • Antioxidants are components that interfere with the aging process and the destruction of cells in the body. It is reliably known that one cup of cocoa contains 5 times more antioxidants than black tea and 2 times more than green or red wine... Iron, which is part of cocoa, is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, thanks to which a small piece of chocolate will only benefit.
  • Zinc is an active element that manages to manifest itself in protein synthesis, the formation of enzymes, the normalization of cells and the creation of nucleic acids. That is why during pregnancy you should not deny yourself a drink, of course, in moderate doses.
  • Melanin is a protective filter against ultraviolet and infrared radiation. It protects against overheating and sunburn. Try eating a couple of slices of chocolate before heading to the beach on a bright sunny day. A a daily cup of cocoa eliminates the need to apply sunscreen every day(Naturally, when taking long sunbathing, this method is not particularly effective).
  • Phenylephylamine is a well-known natural antidepressant that perfectly improves mood in the morning due to the activation of the production of the hormone of joy "endorphin". It provides an excellent opportunity to cheer up without additional doping, and not worse than traditional coffee.
  • Folic acid is an essential compound during pregnancy.

It is still not worth getting carried away with the product, even despite such a set of useful properties. After all, cocoa powder has a high nutritional value - 300 kcal per 100 grams of product. That's why it is better to limit your diet to one morning cup of drink, especially people who watch their weight. The purchase of fat-free cocoa will not save the situation, because the composition contains a large amount of carbohydrates. And the removal of fats only indicates the processing of raw materials and the loss of their value. This calorie content of cocoa still contributes to quick satiety. Remember how in kindergarten we were always given it for an afternoon snack to add energy to the "furnace" of a child's active organism.

Cocoa powder can cause allergic reactions, which led to the emergence of rumors that in our country it is possible to use only a low-quality low-grade product. In fact, the product contains a strong allergen chitin, due to which cocoa is excluded from the menu of pregnant women, as well as strong allergy sufferers.

The use of cocoa beans is not limited to their nutritional value. The beneficial properties of the product are successfully used in pharmaceutical and perfumery industries.

Cooking use

The use of cocoa in cooking is very popular, because it is characterized by unique taste characteristics. The powder goes well with many products, but mainly its sphere of "influence" extends to confectionery and baking. Also, the production of such favorite dairy products as yoghurts, ice cream, chocolate milk and butter cannot do without it.

The taste of the cocoa itself is very pleasant and unique. The product has a light buttery aftertaste (it depends on the degree of processing at the initial stages of pressing) and chocolate aroma. It is used as a natural dye, giving a characteristic brown color (depending on the degree of saturation, it will vary from dark brown to beige). It is these indicators that determine its use in the manufacture of:

  • frosting, cake creams;
  • cookies, cakes, muffins;
  • pies, pancakes;
  • sweets;
  • chocolate paste;
  • drinks (hot chocolate, cocoa with milk), desserts;
  • tiled chocolate.

In the countries of Latin America, in the homeland of cocoa beans, the powder is actively added to the sauce for meat, combining it with chili sauce. The product goes well with sugar, vanilla, nuts and fruits, therefore, the number of dishes can be very varied.

The most common use of cocoa is to make delicious drinks and chocolate.

How to make cocoa from cocoa powder?

There are several ways to prepare cocoa from powder, but the traditional version with milk is the most popular. This is how the taste is the softest.

To prepare one cup, you need 2 tablespoons of the product, a glass of milk and sugar to taste. Mix all the components, grind the lumps that appear and beat with a whisk, cook over low heat, preferably without boiling.

A daily portion will perfectly replenish energy reserves, and when working related to mental activity, cocoa is practically irreplaceable, since it is a real storehouse of vitamins. If you care about your figure, just skip the added sugar.

Another delicacy that has been made from cocoa since ancient times is chocolate. Today, sweet bar is available to almost everyone, but 300 years ago, chocolate was considered exclusively "food of the gods" and the privilege of the highest nobility.

Chocolate is prepared from derivatives of cocoa beans - powder and butter. It is they who give the delicacy a unique taste and aroma (by the way, white chocolate is the same product created without the addition of brown powder). The more cocoa, the darker the sweetness. And the benefits of a high content of cocoa products are much greater. That's why bitter dark chocolate (from 60%) is considered the most useful... In addition, its fat content is much lower, due to which the calorie content is reduced. But it's all just provided that you buy a quality product, because today so often precious cocoa components are replaced with plant analogues - palm and coconut oil, strong carcinogens and trans fats. If you find a product prepared in accordance with GOST, consider that you are incredibly lucky, since most often manufacturers prefer to adhere to TU standards and keep silent about substitution.

Cocoa powder benefits and treatment

The health benefits of cocoa powder have long been proven. Even the Aztec tribes skillfully used the product to improve their physical condition. For example, it has been noticed that a cup of hot drink becomes a real elixir during a cold: the composition of the product rich in vitamins helps to restore strength. In addition, they can easily replace all fashionable energy drinks, which simultaneously cause great harm to the body.

How can cocoa powder be beneficial for your health? The list of properties of this delicious medicine is very wide:

Cocoa powder is included in all kinds of dietary supplements as an extremely active component. At home, you can use the product for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Severe cough, chronic bronchitis... Mix 100 g of butter and goat fat (you can replace it with pork or goose fat) and send to heat in a water bath, add 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe juice, lemon and 50 grams of cocoa powder. Mix everything well, cool and take a spoonful 2 times a day before meals. You can drink the medicine with milk.

Stomach ulcer... Mix equal proportions of cocoa, butter, honey and add chicken yolk to the mass. For two weeks, consume 1 tablespoon every 3 hours (at least 5 servings per day). After 2 weeks, the course of treatment can be repeated if necessary.

Haemorrhoids... All inflammatory and painful sensations in the rectum are treated by introducing self-prepared suppositories into it. To do this, you just need to mix 2 grams of cocoa and 0.2 g of natural propolis and inject the suspension overnight for a month. The course can be repeated periodically.

Application in cosmetology

The use of cocoa in cosmetology brings not only great benefits to our appearance, but also incredible pleasure during procedures, thanks to its delicious aroma. Means based on this product have a wide spectrum of action, contributing to the preservation and restoration of our natural beauty. And a "holistic" approach with topical application and consumption will give just great results.

  • anti-cellulite wraps;
  • anti-aging face masks;
  • tanning enhancer when added to sunscreens;
  • healing balms and body ointments;
  • strengthening nails;
  • massage;
  • delicate body and face scrubs;
  • moisturizing and nourishing hair masks;
  • whitening procedures, removal of age spots;
  • making soaps and shampoos for care.

There is even a whole industry based on cocoa therapy, offering chocolate massages, baths and wraps, after which the skin becomes incredibly soft and firm.

The advantage of the product is that it is suitable for all skin types, its action is very multifaceted due to the rich set of active substances in its composition. But can cause allergic reactions due to individual intolerance, which, by the way, is quite common.

Harm of cocoa powder and contraindications

The harmful effect of cocoa on the human body still exists, which is very sad in the presence of so many useful properties. Due to the fact that a poor-quality product is a strong allergen, experts prefer to prevent the occurrence of troubles in advance and introduce some restrictions on its use. These include:

  • gout and kidney problems, which can be exacerbated by the action of purine;
  • children under 3 years old, so as not to overexcite their nervous system;
  • chronic constipation;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy and the period of feeding the child.

Allergy is caused by the substance chitin, which gets into the powder during processing, provided that it is carried out in unsanitary conditions, as well as due to the residues of chemicals used to clean the raw materials. Cocoa itself of natural origin does not contain any "compromising" substance in its composition.

What could be better than a cup of hot cocoa with milk on a cold early morning. The drink invigorates, uplifts the mood, brings stunning colors to the atmosphere and envelops the space with an incredible aroma. This product is widely popular in all countries, it is a favorite product of famous chefs and confectioners, world chocolatiers. Moreover, the smell of the drink instantly revives each person and inspires a sense of celebration, joy and delight. What is this drink - cocoa, what are its benefits and harms to the human body. Is it possible to give it to children, and if so, at what age. How is it useful for men, what is the history of the origin of chocolate nectar. We will reveal all the secrets, based on research and expert opinion.

A bit of the history of cocoa

The drink known to all of us, accompanying from childhood, has a very interesting history. Cocoa began to be consumed in ancient times by the inhabitants of South America, but the consistency was strikingly different from our modern drink. The drug, made by the Indians, was a thick and unsweetened substance that bears little resemblance to the beloved cocoa. Ancient "chefs" made it in different ways. The beans were ground into a fine powder, mixed with maize flour, spices and hot peppers.

But what is interesting, then, as well as now, they loved to consume it with foam. For this, the liquid was poured from one vessel to another for a long time until a thick and beautiful foam was formed. In those days, the name was also given - "chocolatl", that is, literally "foamy water". Due to the laborious manufacturing process, it was used only by representatives of the upper clan, recognized warriors.

Cocoa came to Europe thanks to a Spanish general who visited Mexico. The leader of the Aztec tribe treated the distinguished guest to a drink with an interesting taste. The Spaniard liked the treat and took the recipe and a load of beans home with him. So the drug began to quickly spread throughout the country, then throughout Europe. Over time, certain ingredients began to disappear from the recipe and new ones were introduced. So hot peppers and maize flour left, they brought in amazing spices that can only enhance the taste - cinnamon, anise, nuts and vanilla.

Plus, the drink has undergone a very important change in the order of consumption - unlike the Indians, who drank it exclusively cold, the Europeans served it only hot.

What is cocoa

According to research and archaeological excavations, the soft component of the fruit was used as early as 100 BC. Today it is impossible to imagine a human diet without this divine drink, the main component of which is theobromine. Let's study the description in order to know the idea of ​​which plant we are talking about.

The cocoa tree is an evergreen plant with oblong leaves and pink flowers. They decorate the crown, releasing clusters of inflorescences from the sections of large branches or crown. The tree belongs to the Malvov family, it can reach a height of 15 meters. Such beautiful crowns can be found by travelers in South America, Central, off the coast of Mexico. These countries are the places with the most chocolate trees.

But the plant began to be cultivated to obtain valuable beans in other countries where climatic conditions permit. The cocoa tree cannot withstand direct sunlight, but requires hot and humid conditions. To do this, it must be planted between bananas, avocado, rubber, mango and coconuts. These trees protect the cocoa from wind and cold, while at the same time creating a favorable environment for crop yields.

The main regions where cocoa trees are grown for industrial purposes are Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil, Ghana, Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, etc. The fruit of the tree resembles a large lemon with grooves. Inside is sweet-tasting pulp and 50 beans. Harvested twice a year - when the rainy season ends and drought sets in, and before the incessant rains begin.

The fruits are cut off with a special hatchet - a machete and placed in special tanks. Stored at 50 degrees for 10 days for fermentation. The beans are fermented, then they are laid out in the open sun or dried in special ovens. Due to drying, the product loses 50% of its value. Next comes the export, and the goods are used in cooking, confectionery, for the manufacture of chocolate, as well as for widespread use in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Chemically useful composition of cocoa

Even in the menu of the kindergarten, the drink we study is included not only because of its taste, but also for its useful qualities. It is one of the safest and most healing hot foods, thanks to which only positive phenomena occur in the body, and all thanks to its composition. So, the cocoa drink contains:

  • a number of minerals: calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, etc .;
  • trace elements: zinc, fluorine, chlorine, iron, molybdenum, manganese and copper;
  • vitamins: C, A, D, B, PP;
  • antioxidants;
  • unsaturated type of fat;
  • alkaloids - theobramine and caffeine;
  • flavanoids.
  • also the product contains carbohydrates, proteins.

The energy value of the drink (with milk) is only 290 calories in 250 grams.

The healing properties of cocoa drink

Given the fact that cocoa is a high-calorie product, you should not consume it all the time. It is enough to enjoy a cup at an afternoon snack, thereby replacing the meal. It is advisable to minimize the amount of sugar, it is even better to give it up.

  1. Cocoa powder is rich in valuable substances such as zinc and iron. Zinc takes an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, stabilizes hormones, promotes rapid healing of wounds, and facilitates the condition of the body during puberty.
  2. Iron is one of the main components of the hematopoiesis process, takes an active part in the synthesis of enzymatic components, is a building material for the formation of RNA and DNA structures.
  3. The composition of useful substances contains melanin - an excellent component that protects against the negative effects of sunlight and other types of radiation on the human body - infrared, ultraviolet. That is, regular consumption of a cup of cocoa before visiting a hot street or beach will help protect against provoking rays that cause burns and cancer. If you don't want to drink a drink, eat a couple of slices of chocolate.
  4. Drinking a drink is necessary in order to avoid colds, infectious ailments, since the composition strengthens the defenses and mechanisms, and also helps to restore the body's previous strength after long-term ailments.
  5. The presence of potassium ensures the normalization of the work of the heart, blood vessels, and the nervous system. Calmness is felt, the quality of sleep improves and insomnia disappears, bouts of irritability, aggression and anger are leveled.
  6. A large amount of antioxidants allows you to effectively fight not only viruses, bacteria, but also to rejuvenate the body, gain strength of health and longevity. Substances work great with skin, hair, nails.
  7. Flavanols (the same antioxidants), regulate blood flow, help nutrients and blood to reach the smallest capillaries, including in the brain. Thus, thinking skills, memory, vision, hearing are improved. The drink is useful for people with anemia and anemia, poor-quality blood flow. Also, these substances are involved in metabolic processes, protect the vessels from perforation.
  8. According to research by some scientists, it became clear that cocoa contains many times more antioxidants than coffee or green tea. And they are known to be the best fighters against substances such as free radicals. They are formed with poor blood quality and the accumulation of decay products. And polyphenols prevent the deposition of radicals and are thoroughly removed from the body and prevent the development of oncological processes.

Passion for energy drinks by modern youth only leads to negative consequences. But why go through dangerous experiments when you can drink a cup of delicious cocoa or chocolate. It will not do any harm and, together with vigor, energy and good mood, will only bring good health.

  1. A cup with a tasty and fragrant potion will quickly restore strength and muscles after long and hard workouts, physical labor.
  2. Cocoa contains components that stimulate the production of endorphins - hormones that give joy and lift.
  3. The epicatechin component prevents the development of diabetes mellitus, cancerous pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and endocrine systems, heart attack and stroke.
  4. The procyanidin in cocoa is responsible for the beauty, firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Can pregnant women drink cocoa?

Mom-to-be, no less than others, strive to enjoy cocoa and its derivatives - hot and regular chocolate. But what about the contraindications? Is it possible for a pregnant woman to consume this drink. We already know about the beneficial properties. It should be added that the drug lowers the level of bad cholesterol, enhances creative and mental activity, and normalizes blood pressure. All this is very important for a woman's body in an "interesting" position.

  1. But there is another component - folic acid, an important element for the formation of the neural tube and the prevention of pathological defects in the embryo.
  2. Also, a woman during pregnancy is prone to hormonal changes, which is why her mood deteriorates, drowsiness occurs,. Phenylephylamine, included in the list of substances in the drink, invigorates, pleases, soothes. But still - can a pregnant woman drink cocoa? Despite a number of positive points, doctors still cannot give a definite answer.

There is a golden rule - everything is good, if in moderation! Yes, and you can not forbid a lady what she used to use throughout her life before pregnancy.

Important: cocoa can cause side effects due to individual intolerance.

  1. Cocoa is a product with strong allergenic properties.
  2. Despite the fact that the composition contains calcium, the drink can also flush this element out of the body.
  3. Caffeine can lead to a narrowing of the walls of blood vessels, become the culprit of the tone of the uterus, which often leads to a lack of oxygen for the baby and miscarriage.
  4. It is not recommended to get involved in the drug for people with high blood pressure.

So, to drink or not to drink - the answer is simple. Sometimes a small cup is unlikely to lead to negative effects (except for allergies). Therefore, if you really want to - allow yourself to enjoy cocoa, but occasionally.

Is cocoa possible for children

Many of us are familiar with the smell of this drink from childhood. Mixed with milk, it brought real pleasure and joy. Thanks to the drink, the baby receives valuable phosphorus, zinc, vitamins and other valuable components.

  1. Polyunsaturated fats are involved in the formation of cell membranes.
  2. Cocoa is very beneficial for obesity, as one cup can replace a whole meal and satisfy hunger.
  3. The substance theobramine inhibits the dry cough reflex, which is important for colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.
  4. Drinking cocoa in the morning improves mental abilities and allows you to get only good grades at school and it is easier to endure stress.
  5. If a child participates in the sports section, then the drink will help him to restore strength, increase efficiency and endurance.

When you can give your baby this drink - start no earlier than 3 years old. Considering that cocoa is a powerful allergen, a scanty portion is needed, literally half a sip. Treat in the morning and watch the body's reaction. If redness, tearfulness, itching, swelling, rash occurs, stop taking it immediately and give an antihistamine. And see a doctor.

If the body has accepted the drink normally, gradually increase the dose, but not exceed 50 grams until 5 years and no more than 2 times a week.

Cocoa contraindications

  1. The drink contains two powerful substances - theobramin and caffeine. Too much can lead to a hyperactive toddler, restless behavior, and irritability.
  2. You can not give cocoa before bed, at least 3 hours in advance.
  3. Not recommended for children with liver disease and impaired purine metabolism.
  4. Frequent cocoa consumption can cause constipation.
  5. Cocoa is often the culprit in migraine attacks.

Why is cocoa good for men's health?

The main reason why men should consume the drink we are describing is diseases of the cardiovascular system. The epicachetin component prevents the development of enjoying intimacy for a longer time.

A strong half of humanity bears a heavy physical burden, so after work it is very useful to drink a cup of the product to restore the lost strength, to get new ones.

Cocoa for the elderly

  • substances contribute to the normal functioning of the heart;
  • epikachetin enhances brain activity and has antispasmodic properties;
  • protects against heart attack, stroke, thrombosis;
  • enhances blood flow, including to the vessels of the brain, which improves memory, vision, hearing, thinking abilities.

Before consumption, it is necessary to take into account contraindications and the presence of allergies.

Losing weight on cocoa - 10 kilograms in 2 weeks

Is it possible to lose extra pounds "sitting" on such a high-calorie product like cocoa. Doctors firmly answer - Yes! This type of unloading of the body belongs to mono-diets and the main thing is to follow the rules.

Important: with a diet, it is necessary to follow it for no more than 4 days, then a break for 3 days and repeat.

In addition to losing excess weight, you can get rid of toxins, toxins, excess fluid and toxic accumulations in the intestinal tract.

Cocoa substances are involved in the breakdown of fats, but you should not expect any immediate results. After the second and third respite, excellent work will begin, the results of which will pleasantly surprise. For 14 days - minus 8-10 kilograms, you see, this is an excellent result.

Some may like the monotony of the diet, but this is the basis of an effective method of losing weight.

So, let's begin:

First day
Morning bake an apple with cinnamon and drink a cup of cocoa drink (in water and a little milk without fat and a teaspoon of honey)
Snack a cup of drink and a slice of chocolate (black)
Dinner cottage cheese casserole (low-fat cottage cheese + chicken protein + 2 tablespoons of cocoa, grated apple, 50 grams of papaya (dried) and ground oat flakes)
Afternoon snack whipped mix from a glass of yogurt (no additives), banana, a spoonful of cocoa
Dinner only procedure: mix 6 tablespoons of powder with a glass of milk, a third glass of cream (fatty) and a few drops of almond oil. Apply to the skin all over the body and wrap in a film and so pass for half an hour, forty minutes. Then we wash everything off and before going to bed we drink a glass of low-fat kefir with cinnamon

The two types of menus can be used for 2 weeks and must be alternated.

Important: before you start losing weight on cocoa, you should consult a doctor.

Drinking it regularly can cause headaches, constipation, and nerve problems.

How to brew cocoa correctly

To begin with, you should study a number of subtleties, thanks to which the drink will turn out to be truly divine and healthy. So:

  1. You need to cook only from fresh powder.
  2. When buying, you should carefully study the product label and choose only a high-quality product.
  3. Buy cocoa only from trusted manufacturers.
  4. It is not worth saving - a quality drink cannot be cheap.
  5. Don't put too much sugar in your drink.

Recipe on water. Everything is simple here. You need to dissolve a couple of tablespoons of cocoa in hot water (for 1 glass), add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Add cream or milk if desired.

Milk recipe. Mix 2 tablespoons (teaspoons) with the same amount of granulated sugar and pour into a container. Boil the milk in a separate bowl and pour it into the mixture. Mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool slightly and pour into cups. As a bite, you can put marshmallows, sweet pastries, cakes or pastries on the table.

Well, here we have studied another useful product called cocoa. Now we know about its valuable properties, we got acquainted with the contraindications for use. But in moderation, as they say, everything is possible. After all, only one name already plunges us into the memories of this drink. How we love to wrap ourselves up on cold days in a warm blanket and sip hot cocoa, snacking on delicious cookies or marshmallows. Positive moments, moments of joy immediately arise in my thoughts. The hand is still reaching for the book that we read once in childhood and we are happy to meet the heroes of our favorite works. And immediately a pleasant and fragrant warmth spreads through our body, thanks to which we calm down, feel complete comfort and harmony with the world around us. Drink cocoa and be healthy!

Goodbye to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.