Rapeseed oil is what they do harm. Rapeseed oil: what is more in it for a person - benefit or harm

15.04.2019 Fish dishes

How exactly the rapeseed plant originated, from which the healing oil is extracted, scientists have not yet figured out. It does not grow in the wild, but has been cultivated as an agricultural crop for several millennia. This plant belongs to the cabbage family and ten years ago they began to extract biofuel from it.

According to geneticists, rapeseed originated from vegetable cabbage and superets, or field cabbage, which was considered a weed for a very long time. But at the same time, from the seeds of the superperets, oil has been extracted for many years, which is then added to soap, as well as to various technical liquids. So the superperetsu is considered one of the varieties of rapeseed, and in some sources, these two plants are generally described as one whole.

Where exactly rapeseed appeared is also unknown, but in Russia they began to plant this crop in the 19th century, at the same time they began to make oil from it. But then, for almost a century, rapeseed was forgotten and only very recently this oil appeared in production.

Many people believe that rapeseed oil is healthier, although the latter is considered almost universal. These two oils are similar in taste and nutritional properties, but rapeseed oil costs a little less. It is because of this similarity that in some countries rape is called "northern olive", although it is not a tree.

The composition of the oil has not yet been studied thoroughly, it is known that one hundred grams of it contains about 900 kcal and almost one hundred percent of fats, which contain saturated and unsaturated acids. Most of all in oil oleic acid, there are also erucic and eicosenic acids. Among polysaturated acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids are especially valuable. Among the vitamins, vitamin E and group B can be distinguished, from useful substances - phosphorus, carotenoids, calcium, copper.

Useful properties of oil

Due to the fact that rapeseed oil contains a lot of unsaturated acids, MirSovetov recommends including it in their menu for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, because with regular use of this product, the risk of blood clots is reduced. The intake of oil also has a good effect on the metabolism, the process of cell renewal is accelerated, overweight people get rid of extra pounds, due to the fact that harmful cholesterol does not settle on the vessels, but is excreted. In dietetic food, this oil is recommended to be used instead of all other oils in dishes.

Rapeseed contains more essential acids than olives, which play an important role in the body, they are needed for cell membranes and have properties.

Rapeseed oil is often used not only in cooking, but also for cooking. It perfectly softens the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it. And in pharmacology, sterilized oil is used, it is needed to prepare a solution for injection.

The demand for this product is growing every day, because its quality also changes. There are countries where rapeseed oil is made on the basis of margarine and then it is added to salads, and it remains transparent for a long time and does not deteriorate upon contact with air.

In women, this product is the prevention of breast cancer, due to the fact that it contains an analogue of the female sex hormone estradiol, only of plant origin. This hormone is very important for the female body, because it is he who is responsible for the woman's ability.

A couple of years ago, scientists conducted a social survey among the residents of San Francisco, and it turned out that those women who used rapeseed oil for cooking were much less likely to find lumps in their breasts than those who used any other vegetable oil.

If we talk about the benefits of rapeseed oil for the heart system, then in terms of the content of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are needed for the smooth functioning of the heart muscle, this product will rank first, yielding to olive oil and bypassing sunflower oil. This product is even added to baby food, citing the fact that it is useful for a growing body.

The use of rapeseed oil

The most beneficial for the body is to consume rapeseed oil in its raw form. You can fill them with vegetable salads. You can make such a vitamin salad: take half a kilogram of raw carrots and one hundred grams of prunes and dried apricots. peel and rub on a medium-sized grater, wash and pour boiling water for a few minutes so that they become soft. Then finely chop them and pour with rapeseed oil, about 50 ml, add salt to taste, pour a little lemon juice, you can add cumin or dill seeds if you wish, mix the salad and serve.

Rapeseed oil is also used in the preparation of home cosmetics. A bath with this product will be especially beneficial for the skin. After it, the skin will be very soft, velvety. To prepare a healing bath, take a glass of milk, a quarter of a glass, a teaspoon of corn starch, two tablespoons of rapeseed oil, a couple of drops, linden extract, some dried flowers, preferably lavender. Add this mixture to warm water and take a bath for a quarter of an hour. Such a bath not only nourishes the skin, but also soothes the nerves, relieves inflammation on the skin, and eliminates microbes.

You can take rapeseed oil as a medicine on an empty stomach, a teaspoon a day, preferably in the morning. And after consulting your doctor.

Oil contraindications

It is impossible to use rapeseed oil for people suffering from exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, gallstone disease, and also if there is an individual intolerance to the drug.

One of the main disadvantages of this product is a large amount of erucic acid, it is difficult for enzymes to cope with it in the body, and it is not completely consumed, but accumulates in the organs and one day it can malfunction in the reproductive system of the body. In children, this can affect the delay in sexual development. In addition, this acid negatively affects the functioning of the liver, heart muscle, the state of the skeleton and blood vessels. Therefore, in some European countries, certain varieties of this oil are prohibited for use as a food product. Despite this, in Germany this product is one of the most popular and is consumed much more often than other oils.

When choosing an oil, pay attention to its smell, it should be fragrant, not rancid, and color - a good oil has a light color with a yellow tint. If there is sediment in the bottle, it means that the oil has oxidized, you do not need to take it. It should be stored only in a dark place, it is not recommended to use it for frying, hazardous compounds are formed in it under the influence of high temperatures. It is better to add it to salads and be sure that it only brings benefits.

Relatively recently, besides sunflower and cottonseed oil, it was quite difficult to find other types of vegetable oils on sale. Therefore, few of the housewives could answer what rapeseed oil is made of. But today there are no problems with the choice of goods, so one after another women began to try this product in their kitchen. It should be noted that many people liked it. Using rapeseed oil gives you the chance to offer your family a variety of healthy salads. It is similar to olive, but much cheaper. In some cases, this is the determining factor.


Let's now take a closer look at what rapeseed oil is made of. From the seeds of the plant of the same name. It is predominantly edible oil, although it is also used in some industries. Producers were so interested in the value of the product that it was necessary to significantly increase the cultivation of raw materials. What rapeseed oil is made of is no longer a secret today. Let's say a few words about the plant itself.

Raw material source

The relative cheapness and ease of cultivation led to the fact that the volume of production began to increase every year. In parallel, the popularity of the product and the demand of consumers grew. So what is rapeseed oil made of? It is a herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family, that is, a relative of cabbage.

It contains an important set of fatty acids. These are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and some others. It is this composition that determines the properties of rapeseed oil. Margarine was originally made from it. But further research showed that this is a storehouse of useful substances, and therefore it can be used for a variety of problems, in order to improve the body, and not only as a food product.

Technical subtleties

The production of rapeseed oil is not difficult at all. The procedure is very similar to obtaining similar raw materials from sunflower seeds. Raw materials are inexpensive, so profits will start to appear quite quickly. To obtain the final product, it is necessary to cleanse the seeds from impurities and debris. Then there is drying and pressing, oil settling in the bunker, filtration and cooling.

Beneficial features

It was said above that the composition of rapeseed oil is very similar to olive oil. All substances included in it are perfectly absorbed by the body. Fatty acids can normalize cholesterol levels. This is a very important moment for those over forty.

But this does not exhaust all the useful properties. Here are its advantages:

  • Rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E. It is a natural defense against free radicals. Probably, there is no element more necessary for women's beauty and health.
  • The second group of irreplaceable elements that are in the composition are vitamins of group B. Almost all internal processes in the body depend on the timely intake of these substances. Without them, the nervous and circulatory systems of the body will not function normally.
  • Vitamin A - for eyesight.
  • Vitamin D - for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Mineral substances are also very necessary and important for the body.

As you can see, there are many reasons for introducing this product into the diet. This will have a positive effect on all organs and systems. Regular use will help improve the condition of the skin. But in fairness, it should be noted that there are much less nutrients in it than in more popular types.

For food and more

It was mentioned that this is not only a valuable food product. Oil extracted from rapeseed helps to heal the human body. The composition contains the female hormone estradiol. Therefore, it is recommended for use by both healthy women and those who have problems with the reproductive system. For pregnant women, it is advisable to add a teaspoon to food every day. This will protect the embryo.

The healing properties are not limited to this. Today our goal is to fully disclose the harm and benefits of rapeseed oil. So, it allows you to quickly restore damaged tissue, helps to relieve inflammation. It is for this reason that women sometimes replace creams and lotions with them. The effect is no worse, and the cost is many times less.

Use in traditional medicine

You can often find recipes in which rapeseed oil is one of the most significant components. It has long been used for burns, wounds and cuts. When heated, it is excellent for the treatment of joints. It relieves pain and inflammation. Doctors note that everything that is included in the composition has a positive effect on health. Its components:

  • Helps improve immunity.
  • Break down bad cholesterol.
  • Serve for the prevention of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Help protect against malignant tumors.

Rapeseed oil is used in diets. Of course, this alone will not help you lose weight, but as an addition to your diet, it is a great way to improve your metabolism.

The opinion of official medicine

Today, doctors are in complete solidarity with their colleagues, who are supporters of traditional methods of treatment. Of course, rapeseed oil is not a panacea, but it works great for prophylaxis, and in some cases as an adjuvant remedy.

This is the recognized elixir of youth. Among other things, the oil improves collagen production. What does it do? Slows down the aging process, allows you to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, as well as correct the emerging wrinkles. And this is not only about home masks. Today, the oil extract is also successfully used in injections. The effectiveness of such treatment is much more effective, since all nutrients quickly get to the right place.


Rapeseed oil is a storehouse of useful substances, but in some cases, doctors recommend giving it up. The reason is that the composition contains erucic acid, which can accumulate in the body, which leads to a deterioration in health. It has a detrimental effect on the liver, heart and other organs. Of course, in order to fully experience the effect on yourself, you need to consume oil regularly and in large quantities. Therefore, adults can use it for salad dressing almost fearlessly. But for children it is better to give up the use of rapeseed.

One more point. When heated, this product begins to release carcinogens. Therefore, it is highly discouraged to use it for frying. But for dressing light salads - that's it.

How to choose and store?

If you decide to introduce this product into the diet, then you need to choose only the highest quality of what is offered on the market today. The inscription "rapeseed oil" should not be the only selection criterion. Useful properties and contraindications directly depend on the quality. Let's take a look at the main points to look out for:

  • During the selection, it is worth looking if there is a cloudy sediment at the bottom of the bottle. In this case, in front of you is a low-quality product that cannot be used for food.
  • Examine the label. The content of erucic acid must be indicated. If the indicator is more than 0.5%, then abandon the purchase.
  • Refined oil is more desirable as it goes through all the purification steps.
  • The bottle must be made of dark glass.

For storage, you also need to choose a dark and cool place where the sun's rays do not fall. In this case, the oil will retain its medicinal properties for five years.

Use in cosmetology

This choice was not made by chance. Rapeseed oil is used by cosmetologists for the following reasons. First of all, due to the high content of micronutrients and macronutrients. Also important is the affordability, as well as the neutrality of color and smell. It is used for the preparation of various creams and lotions, shampoos and injections, balms. The oil effectively moisturizes and protects the skin from external irritants, gives the hair shine and invigorating power.

Cooking use

But more often than not, we take oils for use in the kitchen. Today, rapeseed varieties have been developed, in which the content of harmful acid is minimal. Thanks to this, the product can be used without harming your health. As mentioned above, it is necessary to check the erucic acid content on the label. This product is perfect for marinades, for the preparation of mayonnaise. The most popular dish is carrot salad with prunes and dried apricots, seasoned with rapeseed oil. The calorie content of the refueling is high, but since no one pours it in liters, then you should not worry. Usually, no more than a tablespoon of oil is consumed per salad plate.

Instead of a conclusion

Rapeseed oil is only gaining popularity today, so you can often find it only in large supermarkets. This is a great alternative to expensive olive oil, as many people note the similarity in taste. The price is very different. It can be used for dressing cold dishes and snacks, making sauces and marinades. The remnants of rapeseed oil can be used as a mask for the skin of the hands and face, as a hair balm. Due to the low price, you can constantly keep a bottle of such oil at home and use it at your discretion.

Rapeseed oil is considered one of the most demanded, because its production accounts for approximately 14% of the total volume of vegetable oils produced. What is rapeseed oil made of? Where is it used? What are its benefits and harms? You will find answers to all these questions in the article.

What is rapeseed oil made of?

This oil is added when preparing margarine and vegetable oil. What is it made of? It is made from rapeseed, a plant that belongs to the cabbage species.

Due to the fact that people did not use such oil in the food industry, almost no one paid special attention to the properties of the product. Until the seventies, there was a lot of poisonous erucic acid in its composition, but after a while the breeders were able to bring out a new variety in which such a substance is not contained at all or is contained, but in a minimal amount.

Production of rapeseed sunflower oil

What is rapeseed oil made of? Rape is used for its production. Such a plant has been known for a long time, but it is especially popular in warm countries.

Rape is an unpretentious plant. It grows in huge numbers, because about 2% of the sown area in the world is sown with it. Actually, this is precisely what explains the increase in oil production and its low cost.

Rapeseed oil has an inviting nutty aroma and original taste. It is mainly used for refueling, but it is not recommended to fry products on it, since toxins appear during combustion. It should be noted that it is necessary to avoid inhalation of such vapors and fumes, because they negatively affect the condition of the lungs.

Currently, there is a high growth in the production of such oil, since it has come to be regarded as a raw material for the production of diesel fuel. The production of rapeseed oil has increased and even exceeded the level of production of palm and soybeans.

Types of rapeseed vegetable oil

There are the following types of rapeseed oil:

  • refined;
  • unrefined.

The first type is obtained by hot pressing, in other words, the seeds are initially heated and then exposed to a mechanical press.

For the manufacture of the second type, the method of cold pressing is used.

It should be noted that it is the second type that is considered useful, since all the useful substances and vitamins are preserved during the preparation process, and the first method, although it allows you to increase the shelf life of the product, kills all the useful substances to a greater extent.

Useful properties of rapeseed oil

Why is rapeseed oil useful? It contains a high percentage, therefore, doctors recommend including in the diet for patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, since the frequent use of this product prevents the formation of blood clots.

The oil contains vitamin B, which helps to strengthen the nervous system, vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision, and which promotes fat metabolism.

Rapeseed oil promotes metabolism, and also helps to lose weight, accelerates the regeneration process in cells and lowers cholesterol levels. It should be noted that due to its unique properties, it began to be used in healthy diets, replacing vegetable oil with it.

It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, therefore it is used in dermatology and cosmetology. It is also used in pharmacology.

Such a product has a positive effect on the woman's body, since the oil contains the hormone estradiol, which helps to treat gynecological diseases and helps in the fight against infertility. This product is also recommended for pregnant women for the normal development of the fetus.

Rapeseed oil is good for children, which is why it is present in some children's products.

In addition, this product is also used in traditional medicine. So, on its basis, baths are prepared, which help to cure sore joints, and they also lubricate burns.

Uses of rapeseed vegetable oil

According to experts, the popularity of rapeseed oil is due to the low production costs, as well as the fact that the waste is used to make animal feed.

Uses of rapeseed oil:

  • in the food industry - in the manufacture of butter, mayonnaise and margarine;
  • in metallurgy;
  • in the production of soap;
  • in mechanical engineering;
  • in the manufacture of cosmetics;
  • in cooking;
  • for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Rapeseed harm and benefit

The benefits of rapeseed oil are as follows:

  • The product has a pleasant taste, thanks to which the dishes prepared with its use will please even true gourmets.
  • The oil contains essential amino acids.
  • The product contains vitamins that protect the body from ailments.
  • The product has a positive effect on metabolism. It lowers cholesterol and prevents blood clots, and stops the development of breast cancer in women.
  • The use of the product for cosmetic purposes can improve the health and condition of the skin. For example, there are a large number of hair care recipes based on rapeseed oil.

The harm of rapeseed oil is as follows:

  • Some varieties of this oil contain up to 50% erucic acid, which tends to accumulate in tissues, as a result of which puberty does not occur on time. In addition, this acid provokes disturbances in the work of internal organs.
  • The composition contains sulfur-containing organic compounds that have toxic properties. Such substances negatively affect the thyroid gland. In addition, such substances impart a bitter taste to the oil.

Breeders have developed relatively safe varieties in which thioglycosides are also contained in a minimum amount. For example, the Canola rapeseed variety does not have thioglycosides.

How to choose and store rapeseed oil?

Before purchasing such a product, you need to pay attention to its label and familiarize yourself with the information about the expiration date and composition.

So, you should choose a product with a lower content of erucic acid - the norm is 0.3-0.6%. You should also choose an oil that is hydrogenated - if this information is not indicated on the label, then you should not buy it. You do not need to purchase low-quality refined oil, since such a product can provoke serious food poisoning. The choice should be rapeseed oil, which does not contain GMOs.

When choosing such a product, you should also focus on the color of the oil - it should be yellow, without sediment.

Store the product in a cool place, protected from light, only in glass containers.

If you plan to use rapeseed oil for cooking, it is best to use it as a dressing. Although some manufacturers insist that various dishes can be fried on their products, it is better to choose a different oil for this purpose, because when heated to a temperature of 160-170 degrees, rapeseed oil releases toxins, and inhalation of smoke can cause lung cancer ...

Who is prohibited from eating rapeseed oil?

Rapeseed oil, the properties of which we are considering in this article, is not recommended for everyone. Doctors forbid it to people who have problems with the liver, gallbladder, including hepatitis and stones. Also, such a product is forbidden to be eaten in case of allergies, therefore, before proceeding with use, it is recommended to check for a possible reaction.

Also, the use of the product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

Today we will talk about rapeseed oil, what they are made of, its composition and calorie content, we will discuss on the site the benefits and harms of the product for the body, the use of oil, thanks to its beneficial properties in folk medicine, cosmetology, and cooking.

What is rapeseed oil made of, what is rapeseed, photo of a plant

Rape Is an oilseed culture of the cabbage species. A related plant - rape, their inflorescences (yellow small flowers, collected in a bunch) are similar.

Rapeseed is grown on an industrial scale for the production of:

  • oils for technical purposes, biofuels;
  • detergents;
  • cosmetics;
  • edible oil;
  • feed.

The history of rapeseed oil

Due to the great demand for oils for technical purposes during the Second World War, rapeseed began to be used in their production. It significantly improved the technical qualities of weapons and equipment, and extended the service life.

In the post-war period, they tried to produce edible rapeseed oil, but it turned out with a bitter taste and unpleasant odor, and even greenish in color.

Later, Canadian scientists obtained a variety of rapeseed (canola), in which erucic acid (a compound harmful to the body) is less than 2%. After the development of a new variety, rapeseed oil became usable.

The modern food industry uses rapeseed oil in the manufacture of margarine, convenience foods, fast food, confectionery products, chips, popcorn, etc.

Adherents of the use of rapeseed oil claim that it is similar in properties to, and opponents of its use insist that the oil is not completely excreted from the body (it settles on the walls of blood vessels).

Types of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed contains about 40% oil. It is obtained by squeezing and pressing without heating.
The seeds are cleaned, crushed and squeezed. The result is unrefined oil that preserves nutrients and all its properties.

Refined oil obtained by physical and chemical processing of unrefined oil.
The cake also goes into business - it is re-pressed, added to livestock feed.

In modern rapeseed oil production, new technologies are used to produce oil with a small amount of erucic acid. The low percentage of its presence in oil makes it possible to use it in food.

Rapeseed oil is produced three varieties:

  • 1st grade - erucic acid<0,5%;
  • 2nd grade -<2%;
  • 3rd grade -<5%.

The oil has qualitative characteristics of the composition, differs in the method of production. These parameters are reflected in the name of the oil:

  • Deodorized, refined, premium. Erucic acid up to 0.5% or up to 2%. It is consumed as food.
  • 1st grade, deodorized, refined. It is consumed as food.
  • Refined, non-deodorized. Used in industry.
  • Unrefined. Used only in industry.

Composition, calorie content and useful properties of rapeseed oil

The calorie content of rapeseed oil is 900 kcal per 100 g.

Rapeseed oil contains:

  • trace elements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese);
  • fatty acid , ;
  • oleic acid;
  • erucic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins (A, E, group B).

Why is rapeseed oil useful?

The beneficial properties of rapeseed oil when taken regularly are directly related to its composition:

  • prevents the effects of free radicals;
  • helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • microelements in its composition are well absorbed;
  • 1 tablespoon oil contains 30% of the daily value of vitamin E;
  • reduces the amount of bad;
  • prevents the formation of vascular thrombosis;
  • counteracts breast cancer in women (there is an analogue of the female hormone estradiol in the oil);
  • helps to strengthen the nervous system and;
  • speeds up the exchange processes;
  • improves digestion;
  • helps to restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • improves the structure of hair, nails, skin moisture balance.

Regular consumption of oil up to two dessert spoons a day, according to doctors, will provide the body with the necessary elements.

Various uses for rapeseed oil

In many industries, in the production of culinary and cosmetic products, in folk medicine, rapeseed oil is used very productively.

Application in cosmetology

  • Hair Mask:

the oil is rubbed into the hair roots and skin, wrap the hair for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo (done twice a month).

  • Hair mask (dull, thinned):
  • Shampoo:

mix shampoo with rapeseed oil (10 ml per 100 ml of shampoo), use for washing hair

Application in traditional medicine

  • , strengthening the body: an hour and a half before breakfast, drink one or two tablespoons of oil.
  • Improving the digestive tract: drink 1 tsp oil before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Abrasions, scratches, wounds: lubricate the damaged area with oil.

Cooking applications

In cooking, public catering for the preparation of various dishes, salads, desserts, pastries, sauces (hollandaise sauce, mayonnaise, aioli sauce, etc.), marinades, along with other vegetable oils, rapeseed oil is widely used.

From the oil, by hydrogenation, margarine is obtained, which is widely used in cooking when baking confectionery products.

Arlecchino salad with rapeseed oil: boiled rice (200 g), chopped (2 pcs.) And (1 pc.), Canned peas (3 tablespoons), cut into circles (50 g), combine and season with rapeseed oil. Add a little lemon juice instead of salt.

Mayonnaise "Sunny Beach": refined rapeseed oil (240 ml) and 1 egg, beat well with a blender, add salt (0.5 tsp), sugar (1.5 tsp), (1 tsp), wine vinegar 6% and lemon juice (2 tsp each), (1 tbsp) and beat again. Carrot juice gives the mayonnaise a beautiful color. Tip: It is better to refrigerate food before cooking.

Rapeseed oil goes well with other oils, with lemon juice, balsamic and wine vinegar.

The harm of rapeseed oil

The negative effect of erucic acid on the animal organism has been confirmed experimentally. The effect of acid on the human body has not been thoroughly studied.

It is known that it is poorly digested, is able to accumulate and can negatively affect the child's body, causing growth retardation and disturbances in the formation of the skeleton, and cause disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

The practice of using rapeseed oil all over the world shows that correct, competent, moderate intake of good quality oil does not have a harmful effect on the body, but only benefits.

For example, in Germany, rapeseed oil is very popular - 80% of the population use it in their daily diet.

Contraindications to the use of rapeseed oil

With strong heating of rapeseed oil, like all vegetable oils, carcinogens, toxic substances are released, which are poorly excreted from the body, therefore, its use is not recommended for frying.

The product is contraindicated in some cases, since the action of erucic acid affects the work of some organs:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney disease;
  • hepatitis, cholecystitis (exacerbation);
  • allergy to rape and similar types of herbs;
  • upset stomach and intestines.

Correct selection of rapeseed oil and its storage

When choosing oil, you need to know what it is bought for (frying, baking, cold dishes):

  • refined deodorized oil (light yellow color with a slight odor) is suitable for heat treatment;
  • unrefined oil (darker shade, aromatic, with a pronounced taste) is used only in cold dishes.

When buying, you should carefully read the data indicated on the label, consider what the oil looks like:
erucic acid - less than 0.5%;
manufactured in accordance with GOST (31759 - 2012);
light, yellow;
without sediment.

Deodorization Is the removal of volatile compounds from the oil by bleaching, freezing is the removal of wax. The sediment at the bottom indicates the poor quality composition of the raw materials.
Hydrogenation Is the saturation of heated vegetable oil with hydrogen. In this way, trans fats are obtained. Oil that has undergone this treatment is stored for a long time.

The optimal storage times and temperatures are indicated on the label.
It is better to store oil in a glass container.

The popularity of the oil has grown in recent years, because a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, natural products are popularized, and rapeseed oil is one of the components of healthy products.

Rapeseed oil, which is known for its benefits in the food industry, is made from the seeds of an agricultural plant. Increasingly sown areas are allotted for rapeseed. Therefore, it is interesting for what purposes the products are used and what is their value.

Rapeseed oil: benefits, harm

Until the 1960s, it was only used for technical purposes. So is rapeseed oil a technological product or a food product?

A decade later, Canadian agronomists have created a new variety of rape, which they began to use as a food additive. This oil is marketed under the name Canola.

Rapeseed oil is no worse than sunflower oil. It contains beneficial Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. The balance between them is 1: 2, and this is almost ideal, according to scientists, the ratio. In addition, a refined product includes a number of such vitamins: A, D, E. To provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin E, it is enough to consume 1 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil a day.

Find out what benefits canola oil has:

  • Reduces blood cholesterol, which means it reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.
  • Tones up blood vessels, stops the process of thrombosis.
  • Strengthens the immune system and improves vision.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  • The antioxidants in the composition fight free radicals, therefore they resist the development of tumors.
  • Accelerates metabolism, promotes healthy metabolism.
  • Tones up muscles, prevents aging.

The harm of rapeseed oil lies in the content of erucic acid. It is important to understand that processing technologies remove almost all harmful substances. But this does not give a 100% guarantee. This is why erucic acid is harmful:

  • inhibits the development of the body, disrupts the formation of bones and tissues;
  • negatively affects reproductive function;
  • provokes heart disease;
  • high concentration of glucosinolate leads to poisoning.

Rapeseed oil: where it is applied

In its usual form, butter is added to food, it becomes the basis of mayonnaise and margarine. The product is stored for a long time and does not become bitter over time.

Rapeseed oil can be used both for frying and for dressing cold dishes. Oleic acid in the composition does not form carcinogens.

In addition, the products are used in cosmetology for the manufacture of masks. Home remedies like these can help strengthen hair, give it shine and restore a healthy look. Anti-inflammatory properties help fight acne.

Pharmacologists have appreciated the beneficial effects of the oil. Therefore, the product becomes the basis for medicinal ointments and injections.

From rapeseed oil, fatty esters are produced, which are indispensable for biodiesel fuel, a lubricant. The textile and rubber industry also cannot do without this product. Even plant waste (cake) is not wasted, but is used as animal feed.

To get the most of your nutrients, buy rapeseed oil properly. Follow these principles:

  • Examine the contents of the bottle carefully, there should be no impurities.
  • Examine the composition. The capacity of erucic acid should not exceed 0.3–0.6%.
  • Buy products that are light amber in color.
  • Do not use hydrogenated oil. Its unstable molecular backbone will have no beneficial effect.

It is best to keep the oil in glass bottles or jars. Make sure that the container is not exposed to sunlight, store it in a dark and cool place.

Demand creates supply. Today rapeseed oil conquers the market more and more.

Having studied its benefits and harms, you can make an informed choice. Buy quality products and saturate your body with nutrients.