Is the fresh fruit compote useful? What compote can you drink with pancreatitis? How to store dried fruit compote

28.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Compote - traditional drink for Russia and Eastern Europe. Its safety is ensured by sterilization. The taste and usefulness of the compote depend on the way it is prepared. The washed fruits and berries can be cooked (cook for 10 minutes) or pour boiling water over, leave for 8-10 hours. In the second case, they preserve the natural taste and useful components as much as possible.

Types of compote

Maceduan is a cocktail of blanched or fresh fruit, which are poured with berry syrup. To improve the taste and give a degree, liqueur is added to the drink,. According to the original French recipe from the 18th century, ice cream is placed in Maceduan.

A distinctive feature of this drink is the content of fruits of only one season (autumn, summer, spring or winter). In addition, they must necessarily be peeled, seeds, pits and cut to the same size, corresponding to the dimensions of the smallest berry. Dense fruits are pre-cooked in sugar syrup, but very juicy and tender (citrus fruits,) are added fresh.

Maceduan is served chilled.

Compote is a fruit, non-alcoholic, refreshing drink obtained from frozen, dried, canned or fresh edible berries and fruits.

Uzvar - in fact, this is the same compote, in which thick dried fruits predominate. Instead, they put it in an uzvar, and the raw material is insisted or brought to a boil ("brewed").

Canned compote - sterilized liquid fruit desserts for long-term storage.

Cooking technology

Compote can be made in different ways. Most often, fruits are cooked in sugar syrup, the concentration of which affects the sweetness of the drink. For the preparation of compote, the ingredients are selected observing the following proportions: for 1 liter there are 300-400 g of fruit and 200-300 g of sugar. The more acidic the berries (for example), the more you need to sweeten the uzvar.

Method of preparation: sugar water, bring to a boil, lay peeled and pre-cut fruits and berries, cook for 10 minutes. In order to enrich the taste, spices are introduced into the drink - cloves, vanilla, citrus zest, sticks. After that, the uzvar is covered with a lid, insisted for 2 hours so that it absorbs the smell and taste of fruits, spices.

In the case of compote preparation from frozen fruits, they are not previously thawed. Remember, in 15 minutes of cooking, more than 80%, 85%, 90% and 98% are destroyed. As a result, it turns out delicious drink but completely useless. To preserve vitamins, put fruits in boiling water. And in the case of preparing a compote from dried fruits, pre-soak the raw materials in the evening, in the morning bring the resulting infusion to 90 degrees, insist until it cools completely. An uzvar prepared in this way will lose only 40% of its vitamins.

What is the use

The properties of the compote are determined chemical composition ingredients - berries, fruits, dried fruits.

The use of the Uzvar depends on the incoming components:

  1. Currants, peaches, apples, - sources of vitamin C, prevent the development of seasonal bronchopulmonary diseases. In addition, the organic form of ascorbic acid stimulates the work of the endocrine glands, participates in hematopoiesis, neutralizes free radicals, balances the work nervous system, enhances the protective functions of the body.
  2. Apricot compote improves heart function, peach compote increases overall tone, plum compote has a laxative effect, eliminates constipation, apple is a powerful source, has anti-radiation properties, and is useful for people with high levels suffering from chronic hepatitis.
  3. , cherry - suppliers. They improve the condition of the central nervous system, normalize metabolism.
  4. Pear resists kidney, heart and stomach diseases.
  5. supplies the body and has anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help to resist tuberculosis, anemia, bowel pathologies.
  6. Uzvar from dried cranberries, and it is useful to drink for diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, urinary systems and joints.
  7. Dried fruits contain less nutrients than fresh berries and fruits. However, they serve as a real salvation in winter period when the diet is depleted of vegetable, vitamins, and.

Dried fruit compote increases the efficiency of the body, therefore it is indicated for children and adults during seasonal depression, vitamin deficiency.

Dried apples and pears speed up metabolism, reduce intracranial pressure. And dried apricots and prunes normalize stool by improving intestinal motility.

Compote - perfect drink for losing weight people. It supplies the body with dietary fiber, vitamin and mineral complex, astringent substances.

At regular use, fruit broth normalizes metabolism, strengthens immunity, stimulates intestinal motility, removes decay products, supports the vital activity of normal microflora.

What is the danger

The harm of compote depends on the concentration of sugar, ingredient composition and the volume of use

Too sweet a drink has a high, which can reach 98 kcal per 100 ml and pose a danger to people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

The harm of compote lies in the abundance active substances in him. The predominance of sour berries in the broth can cause stomach discomfort in people with gastrointestinal diseases. Red currants, cherries, cranberries, gooseberries and are contraindicated for liver dysfunction, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, duodenitis). These fruits contain alimentary fiber and aggressive organic acids, which provoke a severe attack of pain, increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, stomach cramps, diarrhea. As a result, they can transfer the chronic form of the disease into the acute phase.

The benefits of compote depend on the soil and climatic conditions for the growth of fruits, berries and fruits. If uzvar components are grown using preservatives, toxic chemicals in an environmentally unsafe area near industrial plants, busy highways or roads, they pose a risk to human health. Accordingly, a decoction from these fruits will not benefit the body, but on the contrary, it will harm, it can cause poisoning.

Sour compote is contraindicated for people with high acidity of the stomach, as it causes colic, heartburn and painful sensations in the epigastric region.

A decoction of fruits is introduced into the diet of children in moderation (starting from 30 ml), observing the reaction of the baby's body. In the event of an allergy, the child is given first aid, if necessary, they are given antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor. At the same time, the compote is excluded from the menu. In the absence side effects the dose of the consumed drink is adjusted to 150-200 ml per dose.

Preservation of compotes

This is the easiest way to prepare fruit drinks for the winter. For the preservation of the compote, only freshly harvested, well-washed berries are used, otherwise the seaming may "explode". Large fruits (apples, pears) are peeled and cut. The seeds are extracted from the fruit.

Compotes are canned from one type of berries or an assortment is prepared from sweet and sour fruits: currants, apricots, cherries, cherries, plums,. Pasteurization is carried out in a saucepan.

The principle of preserving compote:

  1. Sterilize jars, lids.
  2. Wash, peel, cut the fruits.
  3. Arrange the fruits in jars.
  4. To boil water.
  5. Add spices, sweet syrup or sugar.
  6. Pour boiling water over the berries, close the jar with a lid, and stand for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Drain the water, boil again, boil for 3-4 minutes.
  8. Fill the jars with fruit broth.
  9. Roll them up with a sterile lid.
  10. Check the tightness of the preservation. To do this, the jar is turned upside down and checked for leaks. It shouldn't leak. Then the seam is wrapped in a blanket and cooled. Store the workpieces at room temperature.

The amount of fruit depends on individual preference. For those who like thick soup, fill the jar with ¾. berries Those who want to enjoy the taste of the drink - by ¼.

Secrets of a delicious compote:

  1. Pour the syrup over the jars to the very top. If air remains, gradually the fruits will become moldy, and the drink will quickly turn sour.
  2. To prevent the berries from bursting during the preservation process, and the fruits not to become porridge, choose them without traces of damage, slightly unripe and firm.
  3. To prevent the jars from cracking when filling with syrup, pre-sterilize them in an oven or over hot steam. Otherwise, a sharp temperature drop can lead to the fact that they burst.

Remember homemade compote made from fruits, dried fruits or berries is much healthier than store drinks. it natural source organic acids, vitamins and mineral compounds without harmful chemical additives.

Interestingly, the sugar content in dried fruits is 2-5 times higher than in fresh fruits, so a decoction based on them is not recommended for people with overweight and diabetics.


"Is it possible to drink compote on the Ducan diet?"

Yes, but not right away. A decoction of fruits can be introduced into the diet of those who are losing weight at the final stage - Consolidation. At the same time, during the "Attack" and "Cruise", you should refuse to use the Uzvar.

"Is compote with seeds a danger to human health?"

Fruit kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which is a natural insecticide. This substance protects the plant from pests. It has a low density, high volatility and a highly toxic component. In the bones, hydrocyanic acid is in the composition of glycosides and does not pose a danger to human health. However, in the event of a violation of the integrity of the nuclei, chemical reactions occur that contribute to the release hydrocyanic acid... She has Negative influence on the human body: it inhibits tissue respiration, leads to an energy deficit, which causes the brain and central nervous system to suffer.

The action of the poison leads to a lack of "nutrition" as a result of which the structure of nerve cells undergoes changes, the release of blood cells from the spleen is stimulated, and the enzyme system is inhibited. Thus, compote is allowed to be cooked from fruits with seeds, but they must be complete, without damage. Otherwise, instead of a healthy drink, you can get a poison that gradually kills the body.

"How much is compote stored?"

To avoid cyanide build-up, the shelf life of canned fruit drink does not exceed 1-2 years, and cooked - 3 days.

"What spices can you put in compote?"

Cloves, sweet peas, cinnamon.

"What is the healthiest compote?"

The greatest value for the human body is provided by an uzvar made from fresh berries, fruit, sugar free. To preserve nutrients, do not expose the fruits to strong heat treatment. The duration of their preparation should not exceed 10 minutes.

"What fruit to cook compote from?"

  • to increase efficiency, normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, reduce weight - prunes and dried apricots;
  • to improve metabolism, lower blood pressure, eliminate depression and stress - pear and apple;
  • to strengthen blood vessels, preventing the appearance of edema, improving the condition of patients suffering from heart failure - raisins;
  • to cheer up, establish work endocrine system, restoration of thyroid function and improvement of memory -;
  • to fight gout, rheumatism - dried peaches;
  • to support the body suffering from overwork, fatigue and depression - dried bananas;
  • to increase the level of hemoglobin and improve blood clotting - dried cherries;
  • for the prevention of viral infections, strengthening the immune system - dried strawberries.


  • apples - 750 g;
  • - 750 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 300 ml;
  • white wine - 100 ml.

Cooking principle: peel the oranges, remove the core from the apples. Cut the fruits into slices, 0.5 cm thick, arrange in vases. Mix water with sugar, heat until it is completely dissolved, add wine. Pour the fruit over with sweet syrup.

"Beetroot compote"


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice and zest;
  • cloves, cinnamon.

Cooking technology: wash the beets, peel, cut. Pour spices, sugar and vegetable pieces into boiling water. Cook over low heat until the beets are tender. After removing the pan from the heat, add lemon juice to taste.


  • plums - 500 g;
  • cherry - 50 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • peaches - 4 pcs;
  • water - 5 l;
  • black currant - 300 g;
  • cherry - 50 g.

Cooking principle:

  • wash and chop fruits (remove seeds from plums and peaches);
  • boil water;
  • add cherries, cherries, currants, plums and peaches, cook for 7 minutes;
  • remove the pan from heat, cover, leave until cooled.

You can add any fruit to the assorted compote, the main thing is to combine sour and sweet tastes, do not subject them to prolonged heat treatment. A combination of apples, pears, cherries, apricots, gooseberries, plums and currants is encouraged.


  • water - 1.5 l;
  • dried fruits - 500 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • sugar - 200 g

Cooking sequence:

  • dried apricots, raisins, dried apples, pears and cherries sort through (remove spoiled fruits), rinse under warm water;
  • pour boiling water, add sugar, cook for 20 minutes until soft;
  • acidify the compote citric acid, leave to infuse until the next day.

Drink chilled. It is recommended to prepare dried fruit compote in winter, when there are no fresh seasonal fruits and berries. They eat the bulk of the drink, it turns out to be no less tasty than the drink itself. The sweetness of the uzvar depends on the ripeness of the dried fruit. If they are harvested ripe, the compote turns out to be sugar-free without any additives. In other cases, it is recommended to add Bee Honey.

For a variety of flavoring bouquet and aroma, put in the uzvar dried cranberries, prunes. At the same time, bananas will not work at all,

Despite the beneficial properties, compote is contraindicated for ulcers, gastritis, obesity, allergies to components, diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis.

A decoction of dried fruits strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the digestive system, supports the body in autumn and winter, when there is an acute deficiency of vitamins and microelements. To prepare a healthy drink, it is recommended to use fruits grown without the use of chemical fertilizers.

The pioneers of compote were French chefs, but in Ancient Rus also prepared a similar soft drink- broth or uzvar. Its beneficial properties are largely determined by the chemical composition of the constituent components - berries, fruits, including dried ones. Today this drink is prepared in every home, canned for the winter and boiled from frozen fruits in winter. It is especially useful for a growing child's body.

The benefits of compote can hardly be overestimated and is determined by the ingredients included in the composition:

  • There is a lot of vitamin C, which acts as the prevention of seasonal bronchopulmonary diseases, in currants, peaches, gooseberries, apples, plums, apricots. Peach drink also increases tone and improves heart function. The latter property also applies to apricots;
  • cranberries increase immunity, and plums have a laxative effect and are good for preventing and eliminating constipation. Apples are a powerful source of iron, and a drink based on them is also recommended to be included in the diet for those who work under radiation conditions;
  • sea ​​buckthorn, cherries and plums normalize metabolism and the state of the central nervous system due to the vitamin B2 they contain. Pear compote fights stomach, heart and kidney diseases;
  • quince drink contains tannins and pectins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They help the body to resist bowel ailments, anemia and tuberculosis;
  • the benefits of dried fruit compote are beyond doubt, otherwise it would not have been given to children in kindergartens and schools. During the period of seasonal depression, vitamin deficiency and other "delights" of winter, the drink can be just a salvation for the tired, suffering from loss of performance of the body. Dried apricots and prunes will improve intestinal motility, apples and pears will reduce intracranial pressure, speed up metabolism. The drink is recommended to be included in the complex therapy of cystitis, colds, gout, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases.

Of course, everything here will depend on what ingredients prevail in the drink, what is the concentration of sugar and in what volumes the compote is used:

  • too sweet a drink is very high in calories and is not recommended for persons suffering from obesity and diabetes mellitus;
  • the harm of compote lies in the high concentration of active substances in it. Cranberries are contraindicated for gastritis and liver dysfunction. Actually, the predominance of sour berries in the broth can cause pain and discomfort in the stomach for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. A large amount of fiber can cause diarrhea and stomach cramps;
  • the benefits of compote will exceed the harm from its use, if taken within reasonable limits. Everything is good in moderation and this applies to any food and drink;
  • serious damage to health can bring a decoction of dried fruits and fresh fruits, which during production and cultivation were treated with toxic chemicals and added preservatives. This also applies to those fruits that were collected near busy highways and roads.

Influence of compote on the child's body

The child's body needs much more than an adult enough vitamins, minerals and others nutrients... After all, babies grow and develop, spend a lot of energy on games and mental work.

How fruit decoctions affect the child's body:

  1. They increase immunity, help to resist infections and other ailments. This is especially true in the cold season, when there are no seasonal berries, and those brought from abroad contain a large amount of chemical components that nullify all useful properties. Some children refuse to eat fruits and berries even in season, so homemade drinks are the salvation for mothers.
  2. Compote for children can be a kind of home remedy - effective and affordable. After all, what kind of mother would refuse the opportunity to replace a traditional medicine with a bunch of side effects on the same effectiveness, prepared by oneself without any preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives.
  3. Many mothers doubt whether a child can have compote? If there is no allergy to fruits, and sugar is normally tolerated by the body, then it is not only possible, but also necessary. And if sugar is not allowed, then you can always make a drink without it or add honey, fructose.
  4. Allergy to dried fruit compote very rarely develops, and another advantage of this drink is that in dried fruits, useful substances are concentrated in a higher amount. Therefore, a drink made from a small cake of dried fruits in its own way nutritional value is equivalent to a drink obtained from a half-liter jar of fresh fruits.

As you can see, compote is just a storehouse of the most valuable substances necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, you should not neglect it and cook regularly, delighting your family and children.

Cherries - what is useful and harmful :: Compote recipe

Common cherry is a small tree or shrub from the Rosaceae family. Such a plant has simple, petiolate, elliptical, slightly pointed leaves. The bark of such a tree is light brown, but the flowers are white and pink, which are collected in one small inflorescence. Cherry berries are red and have a sweet and sour taste. The homeland of such a plant is the territory Black Sea coast: Crimea and the Caucasus.

This small cherry berry, the benefits and harms of which, have long been known to mankind, has a huge list useful qualities... The role of cherries in the usual human diet is great. If you have tried cherry berry, then, most likely noticed how it quenches thirst and improves appetite. And all thanks to the high content of coumarin - a substance that lowers the blood clotting threshold and reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. It should be noted that this berry has a beneficial effect on circulatory system person. If you have any heart problems, then you should definitely eat cherries.

Cherry berries are used to improve the motility of the digestive tract. After all, it is she who is able to properly stimulate the secretory function of the stomach, gallbladder and pancreas. It is worth noting that this berry copes well with harmful bacteria: it prevents them from multiplying and even destroys them. It has long been known that cherries have a laxative and expectorant effect. Very often, medicines for children are made on its extracts.

What is cherry good for? The benefits of berries

V folk medicine the fruits of the cherry tree play an important role. Cherry fruits are used as an antipyretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Cherry juice contains a certain enzyme that enhances the action of vitamin C. Thus Cherry juice has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Note that this juice contains a huge percentage of vitamins B1, B6, iron, copper and magnesium. They have a positive effect in the treatment of leukemia and other diseases that are associated with hematopoiesis.

Cherry berries are great for treating sore throats, intestines or stomachs. Pursuing the goal of studying these medicinal properties of cherries, an experiment was carried out that fully proved the destructive properties of cherry juice for E. coli and dysentery. It completely removes these bacteria in less than an hour. This is made possible by anticyanides, which have a bright antiseptic property.

The benefits of cherries

As already mentioned, cherries are used to prepare medicines. They use both the berries themselves and the dried sap of the tree. It contains a huge amount of arabinose, pentose and galactose. It is cherry juice that is the best enveloping agent.

It copes well in the fight against low hemoglobin - anemia. Reduces blood clotting due to the large amount of coumarin. Thus, cherries help prevent heart attacks caused by blood clots. Coumarin is found in huge quantities in the varieties Griot Pobeda and Cherry Stepnaya.

To cope with hepatitis, you need to brew a decoction of cherry leaves. To prepare it, you need to grind 10 grams dried leaves, which are cooked over low heat in milk for 30 minutes. After that, such a broth should be drunk in half a glass 3 times a day.

Cherry is a good healer. For nosebleeds or bruises, use a water decoction on cherry leaves. It should be applied externally.

It is worth noting that cherry juice is excellent for bronchitis. It also performs well in the fight against fever or colds.

To stop diarrhea, you can use a cherry bark decoction. It can also be used to treat colitis.

The stalks of the cherry tree have excellent astringent and diuretic effects, remove excess urea from the body, are used for gout, edema, urolithiasis and hypertension. To do this, use a decoction from the very stalks.

Cherry berry juice perfectly removes pain in arthrosis.

You can provide a sedative and anticonvulsant with an aqueous infusion of these berries.

Cherry pulp copes well with the causative agents of dysentery, streptococci and staphylococci.

Who is cherry dangerous to? Harm and contraindications of berries

It is very important to remember that you should never swallow pitted cherries. With a large consumption of seeds, poisoning may occur, which occurs due to the high content of glycoside and amygdalin in them. They decompose in the intestines under the harmful action of bacteria, which leads to the formation of hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous for the body.

Remember, cherries need to be consumed in normal adequate quantities, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Cherry compote recipe

For this you will need:

500 grams of cherries;

10 tablespoons of regular sugar

1 liter of clean water.

The sequence of your actions:

1. Sort out the berries, peel them of seeds and leaves. Put clean fruits in a saucepan.

2. Cover them with sugar, pour water there. Put on fire.

3. Bring the compote to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes.

4. Pour the compote into sterilized jars, cover and place in a dark but ventilated place.

Indications and contraindications for the use of dried fruits

Dried fruits and berries are dried fruits, the benefits of which have been known for a very long time. The assortment includes raisins ( dried grapes), dried apricots (apricots), peaches, apples, pears, prunes.

Cherries, melons, cranberries and blueberries are often dried. Delicious dried bananas, figs and dates. Exotic dried fruits are mango, pineapple and kiwi.

Dried fruits are used mainly as finished product or they cook compote, jelly from them.

Beneficial features

An easy way to cook dried fruit is to dry it in the sun or in the oven. This method allows you to preserve all the nutrients contained in fresh fruits. This makes it possible to saturate the body with vitamins both in winter and in spring.

Dried fruit compote is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It is recommended to drink to everyone, but especially to children and people with poor health. It is clear that the benefits of the final product largely depend on its ingredients. The benefits of dried fruits "in the context":

  • raisins - it increases hemoglobin well, improves digestion, strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, is a gentle diuretic and helps to reduce edema and restore kidney function. It is an excellent source of potassium and calcium. It is known that eating raisins is very beneficial for nursing mothers, as it increases lactation,
  • dried apricots - can strengthen eyesight, is used to combat anemia, the benefits of dried apricots for the heart are known, due to the high concentration of phosphorus, potassium and calcium,
  • figs - has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, restores strength well, helps to improve mental activity, and improves mood. Figs are used in folk recipes for the treatment of sore throat cough,
  • prunes - acts as a laxative, helps a lot with vitamin deficiencies, restores the work of the intestines and stomach,
  • apples and pears - compote from these dried fruits perfectly replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body, is good for diseases of the liver and kidneys, thyroid gland. Pear removes from the body heavy metals and harmful toxins,
  • dates - saturates the body with energy, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue. It is recommended for migraines and colds because it contains a substance similar to aspirin. Dates contain a lot of vitamins, especially E, H and B5,
  • blueberry - wonderful remedy in case of intestinal disorders, restores visual acuity, cures anemia. From dried berries recommend cooking compote and jelly for baby food,
  • pineapple - burns fat, promotes weight loss. Pineapple fiber improves digestion, stabilizes the intestines,
  • bananas - these dried fruits contain a large number endorphins, therefore, they are excellent at fighting fatigue, bad mood and autumn depression.

Unlike dried fruits, candied fruits are almost completely devoid of vitamins and minerals due to prolonged processing with the use of chemistry.

Can Dried Fruit Be Harmful?

The benefits of dried fruit drinks are known. Warm compote from drying relieves nervous tension no worse than motherwort tincture, also helps to raise mood and strengthen immunity. However, you should remember:

The benefits of cherries

Today we invite you to talk about cherries. These fruits with a sweet and sour taste have many admirers, and there are more than 600 types of cherries themselves, however, not every cherry is edible - it is worth knowing about it.

About cherry history and what cherry is good for, and in what form it is better to use it in order to extract from it maximum benefit Is our today's publication.

About cherry history

This is how the cherry blossoms

Cherries are usually referred to as Rosaceae, and the cherry tree itself bears fruit round fruits with bones. Cherry blossoms occur in April-May, but fruiting in June-August. Cherry is a rather unpretentious tree that grows almost everywhere, but the birthplace of cherry is still considered to be Northern Persia and the Transcaucasus, where cherry is in special honor.

It is noteworthy that the ancestor of the cherry was ... the sweet cherry. But the cherry itself is more sour and cold-resistant than sweet and soft cherries.

The benefits of cherries

The benefits of cherries are primarily due to their composition. So, cherries contain a lot of useful and valuable substances. The cherry pulp itself is rich in bactericidal components, and due to the fact that it contains anthocyanin- cherries are well absorbed by the human body. And here coumarin- he is responsible for reduced blood clotting, therefore, cherries can be safely used as a prophylactic agent against arterial atherosclerosis. It is also known that for the treatment and prevention of anemia, it is recommended to eat cherries, and this is due to the fact that cobalt, iron, B vitamins and vitamin C and useful pigments can be found in cherries.

Scientists have also proven that cherries have the ability to remove nitrogenous toxins from the human body, but natural cherry juice can not only quench thirst on a hot day, but also with its help increase the feeling of appetite and forget about arthritis. Cherries are also used for treatment nervous disorders as a mild laxative and as an effective expectorant for moist but unproductive coughs.

Another name for cherry - heart berry- not by chance. So, as cherries have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood capillaries, increases their tone and even reduces increased blood pressure... Well, a complex combination of all nutrients and vitamins contained in cherries helps the human body strengthen immunity and fight various ailments relying on the resources of your body.

An interesting fact, as a result of medical research, it was found that those people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system who regularly consumed cherries were less likely to suffer from heart attacks than those who did not eat cherries.

Frozen cherries benefit

Frozen cherry

When the cherry season begins, each housewife strives to prepare the maximum cherry possible ways, including the freezing method. It is noteworthy that this method of preparation is not only fast, but also very useful, and also the most economical - you do not need to use sugar, jars, lids, waste your time to cook jam or cherry compote. Simply, they washed the cherries, dried them, packed them in plastic bags into the portions you need and frozen them.

By the way, it is the frozen cherries on the frozen food market that are among the ten most demanded and favorite frozen semi-finished products.

In frozen cherries, everything is saved useful vitamins and substances found in fresh cherries. The shelf life of such frozen cherries is 12 months and this product not subject to re-freezing.

The benefits of dried cherries

Another simple and convenient way to prepare cherries for future use is ... to dry them. Such dried cherries can later be added to tea, cook compotes and jelly from it, add to pastry baked goods... It is noteworthy that useful composition dried cherries are as close as possible to the composition of fresh ones, therefore, using such dried cherries, you can remove all of them from your intestines harmful substances and take care of your heart. By the way, the use dried cherries promotes blood coagulation processes, therefore, those people who have problems with the hematopoietic system are advised to pay attention to cherries.

Eating a handful of dried cherries a day will provide your body with daily rate magnesium and cobalt, which are known to strengthen bone tissue, and serve as the prevention of anemia, and take care of the condition of your skin, normalize your blood pressure and increase the stress resistance of your body.

How to dry cherries properly?

For drying, only ripe and good berries, wash them dry paper towel and spread out in a thin layer on a tray that you cover with white paper. Dry the berries in direct sunlight, occasionally turning them over to the other side. Drying cherries in the oven is not recommended. Although this method is faster, but the nutrients in such a cherry will noticeably decrease, and you and I do not need this at all. When the cherry dries up, you can easily remove the seeds from it, and if necessary, dry the cherries in the sun for a few more days. And, then the cherries can be transferred to a glass container or into paper bag and store in a cool and dry place.

Dried cherry tea is an excellent antipyretic agent that can be given to children. Also, such a drink will help you get rid of chronic bronchitis and arthritis ..

And, if you grind dried pitted cherries on a coffee grinder, then you will get cherry powder, which you can add to tea and other drinks. This powder will give a light cherry flavor your tea, and, of course, enrich it with cherry vitamins.

It is noteworthy that dried cherries contain all the same nutrients and components as fresh ones. Therefore, enjoy pleasant taste and useful vitamin composition, folic acid, fructose and glucose, vitamin B6 (it has a hypnotic effect and has a calming effect on the nervous system).
Just don't eat cherries on an empty stomach.

Video about the beneficial properties of dried cherries:

Cherry compote useful properties

If you have frozen and dried cherries, but you still have a few kilograms of cherries left, you can make compote from it. Such homemade compotes without dyes, preservatives are much healthier than store-bought ones. sweet water... True, during conservation, the ascorbic acid of cherries evaporates almost all, but B vitamins, pectin, minerals, antioxidants - all this is preserved, and can be beneficial for our body with you. But, probably, the only drawback of such cherry compotes is the high sugar content in them (otherwise the compote will not last for a long time), and this, as you know, negatively affects our health, our figure and harms our teeth.

There are many. In the summer it is cooked from fresh fruits and berries, and if this was not done in time, then in the winter the drink is cooked from dried fruits. The recipe for making compote is unusually simple, and the question of whether compote is useful is beyond doubt.

Useful properties of compote

Any compote is very healthy. Under certain conditions and diseases, a drink made from certain fruits or berries will be useful. For example, apricot will be useful for diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver.


Pear compote will help to cope with stomach, heart, kidney, infectious diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Useful substances of compote

Fruits and berries retain vitamins even when canned. True, this does not apply to all vitamins.

  • Withstand heat treatment PP vitamins contained in apples, cherries and plums;
  • Vitamin C is rich in blackcurrant, peach, strawberry, sea buckthorn, gooseberry, pineapple, apple, plum and apricot compotes;
  • When canning, vitamin B2 is also preserved, which is rich in cherries, plums and sea buckthorn.

Plum compote beneficially promotes the work of the kidneys and liver, stomach, cures anemia, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, rheumatism, gout. The composition of quince compote contains tannins and pectins, it has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents intestinal diseases, anemia and tuberculosis. V raspberry compote a lot of vitamin C, which makes it especially useful for colds, viral infections. Grape compote is an excellent diuretic, it is useful for stomach and kidney diseases.

Is dried fruit compote useful?

Dried fruits retain most of the nutrients and vitamins contained in fresh fruits. Each fruit has its own characteristics, many of them go well with each other. By mixing components in compote, you can diversify its taste and combine a set of minerals and vitamins.

Compote from dried apples or pears is useful for diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, ulcers, gastritis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prune drink increases hemoglobin, helps the digestive system.

Raisins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Dried apricots and compote from it are indispensable for anemia, edema and vision problems.

Fig drink improves the functioning of the pancreas and respiratory tract.

Thus, choosing dried fruits for compote, you can make combinations of nutrients that you and your family need.

So dried fruit compotes are very useful. They contain a lot of pectins that improve digestive processes, stimulate intestinal motility, normalize metabolic processes, remove toxins and toxins from the body. The vitamins and microelements contained in dried fruit compotes make the drink much healthier than store juices.

Compote is contraindicated:

  • With renal failure;
  • Pregnant women in the 2-3 trimester;
  • With gastritis with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • With an ulcer;
  • If the tooth enamel is damaged.

How much compote can you drink per day

Is compote useful in unlimited quantities? Yes. You can and even need to drink homemade compote as much as you want.

Basic rules for making compote

For compote, select only suitable fruits or dried fruits.

You should not add sugar to the drink for babies, you can sweeten it with honey if the child is more than seven months old.

The washed dried fruits should be boiled for about twenty-five minutes. It is important to remember that the volume of cooked fruit is doubled. Based on this, you need to take about a glass of dried fruits per liter of water. Strain the cooked compote and cool before use.

Healthy compotes recipes

Dried fruits compote

  1. Take 400 grams of any dried fruit and rinse in hot water leaving them to soak for a while.
  2. Put 2 liters of water on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar: no more than 150 grams, if dried fruits are sweet.
  3. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add the hardest fruits, pears or apples, for example, to the syrup. They require a long cooking time. After 20 minutes of simmering, add vanilla, lemon or orange peel, as well as other fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes).
  4. Let it simmer for another 5 minutes.

Compote is ready. Be healthy!

An unusually favorite drink of the majority of the population of Russia has always been compote. Especially unusually tasty compotes are prepared in the southern regions of Russia. Having tried such compotes, it seems that nothing tastier exists at all.

The summer period can be called the season of compotes. The ripening of numerous fruits prompts zealous southerners to prepare this extraordinary drink for the family for the long winter months. The main rule for preparing this drink is to preserve most of the available vitamins. Drinks prepared in summer from currants, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, apricots are extremely aromatic. For the indispensable sweetening of compote, many housewives use natural bee honey, which is naturally more useful than the use of sugar.

Each type of compote has its fans. One of the most useful drinks is compote made from. The cranberry itself - healing berry with extraordinary properties. The content of vitamin PP, contributing to the effective assimilation of ascorbic acid. This extraordinary drink helps to increase immunity, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the human body is especially weakened. When preparing cranberry compote, you must first squeeze out cranberry juice, you should only boil the skin, the remnants of the pulp. After boiling, the compote is filtered, only after that it is necessary to add pre-squeezed cranberry juice. This method of preparation does not destroy the important vitamin C.

If you prefer strawberry compote, you need to remember that strawberry drink considered the most allergic food, especially for young children. The benefits of compote made from fragrant strawberries, lies in its antioxidant effect on the human body. Contains this drink a whole set of microelements and macroelements necessary for normal human life. The only condition for obtaining a perfect color shade strawberry compote it is considered necessary to use exclusively berries of medium ripeness, overripe berries will not work.

Restoring strength, contributing to a significant improvement in vision, strengthening the heart muscle, is peach compote... It must be remembered that for the preparation of a real healthy drink, you should use 500 grams of fruit per incomplete glass. granulated sugar... Immediately before cooking, carefully washed peaches should be dipped in boiling water for 3 minutes, after which it is required to peel the peaches, remove the stone, remove the skin, cut the fruit in half.

Marvelous delicious compote made with currant has a unique characteristic. If, during boiling, ascorbic acid is destroyed in absolutely any varieties of compotes, vitamin C in the blackcurrant drink is preserved in its original state. The tannins that make up this beautiful berry help preserve ascorbic acid.

Rowan compote is very useful. This simple berry possesses simply extraordinary medicinal properties... "Rowan miracle" - this is the name of this drink, due to the ability to prevent colds, strengthen the immune system. To prepare a mountain ash compote, you need to take a glass of mountain ash berries, half a lemon, and natural bee honey for two liters of water. Rowan berries are boiled with water for only 10 minutes, after which lemon and honey are added.

The unnatural juices that fill everything grocery stores.

It is not for nothing that in kindergartens and schools, children are given only compote or tea. And only parents buy something else. But this is very costly and harmful! The only thing that can benefit the body from the ready-made drinks Is a natural mineral carbonated water.

The benefits of compote

Despite the apparent complexity, compote is easy to cook. The most useful will be dried fruit compote. The recipe can include any amount (depending on how you like it, sweeter, rich) dried apricots, figs, raisins, candied prunes, rose hips, banana and other dried fruits - in any combination. Such compote due to the high concentration of vitamins and minerals in dried fruits will be equally useful fresh fruit and berries! In the summer, you can cook it more, cool it, and the whole family will be happy to drink your compote instead of harmful soda and will say thank you!

How to cook dried fruit compote

The more various dried fruits in the compote, the more valuable and useful The recipe is simple. Bring water to a boil in large saucepan... Throw in dried fruits with a third of the volume of water. If you are a lover of sweets, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. And cook for 25 to 35 minutes.

Dried apricots in compote will enrich it with calcium and iron. If you drink such compote regularly, you can correct vision problems. Pears are used to normalize the intestinal microflora, not to mention the content of iron, calcium, potassium in it ... like pears, they contain a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, intestinal microflora. Prunes are rich in the beauty vitamin (vitamin A) and vitamin B. If consumed in large quantities, it will have a laxative effect on the body. Raisin compote is cooked if there are problems with digestion (cooked for 25 minutes, infused for 2 hours). Pineapple has always been known among nutritionists as a good fat burning stimulant, but only if you consume it before physical activity... If there is no activity, then fat will not be burned, even with the help of pineapple. Apples and pears are an irreplaceable source of nutrients for the Russian person (“native”, local fruits are better perceived by the body).

The only difficulty is that the cooking time will be different for each dried fruit. For example, dried apricots will quickly boil down, they need to be added later to the dried fruit compote. The recipe takes into account the cooking time of the fruit. For example, vitamin compote includes dried apricots, prunes, apples, rose hips, mountain ash, pears, raisins. First, we throw apples, pears and dried apricots into the pan; after 10 minutes of cooking - rosehip, mountain ash; and at the end of cooking (in 5 minutes, when dried apricots are almost boiled) - raisins (it is always added last).

It is quite allowed to cook a compote from one type of dried fruit, it will still be a compote from dried fruits. in this case it is simplified. Dried apple compote is more often cooked. The time required to prepare such a compote is 35 minutes. For taste, add dried apricots (10 minutes after the start of cooking). Instead of dried apricots, you can put cloves at the end of cooking. Or make a compote from one raisins: cooked with sugar, 25 minutes, infused for 2 hours.

Remember that compote is the healthiest and healthy drink, especially for patients with various diseases(with problems in the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, pancreas, in digestive system, with vision). The main thing is to buy for him quality dried fruits with a natural color, not treated with chemistry and wash them well before use.