Cherry dried: Cooking recipe at home. Influence of cherry on the digestive system

Summer is the perfect time to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Cherry, the benefits and harm to the health of which have scientific confirmation, is used in the recipes of traditional medicine and is recommended as a secreting agent.

What vitamins are contained in cherry?

The chemical composition of acidic cherry berries is rich and includes a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other substances beneficial. It is worth dealing with what vitamins in the cherry. So, the meakty is a group in, e, s, a, n and pp. As for the mineral composition, it is also wide and there is in berries of iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and other macro and trace elements. Using the cherry, the body receives pectins, organic acids and fiber.

What is useful for cherry?

If you look at the chemical composition of berries, then no one should surprise the fact of having a huge amount of useful properties:

  1. Scientists have proven that thanks to pronounced antioxidant properties, there is a struggle with free radicals, which is the prevention of oncological diseases. There are both anthocyans that block mutated cells and are not allowed to be converted to malignant education.
  2. When using tap juice, it is possible to reduce the manifestation of muscle pain during exercise. This presence of substances that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are explained.
  3. The use of cherries for the human body is associated with its positive effect on the activities of the cardiovascular system. The composition includes glycoside amygdalin, which reduces the frequency of heart attacks. Due to the presence of Kumarin, the risk of heart attack, stroke and other problems decreases. Do not forget about anthocyans, which have a positive effect on the condition of the capillaries and normalize pressure.
  4. There are a lot of iron in the pulp, so berries and juice are useful to people who suffer from Malokrovia to quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  5. Bones or tincture of cherries have a positive effect on the state of the urinary system, as they contribute to the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  6. Finding out than the cherry is useful for the woman's body, it is worth mentioning cosmetic value. The pulp is used in masks that give the skin elasticity, toning it and removing inflammation.

Dried cherry - benefit and harm

If you correctly carry out the drying process, then the berries are practically not losing useful substances. The dried cherry, the benefits and the harm of which are similar to the properties of fruits in the fresh form, has such an effect on the body:

  1. Used as an anti-inflammatory means.
  2. Contains substances that reduce, so dried berries reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  3. Compote, cooked on the basis of dried fruits, will help to cope with insomnia and normalize the work of the nervous system.
  4. It has a powerful laxative action, therefore, the fruits are recommended for constipation.

Frozen Cherry - Benefits and Harm

To preserve the beneficial properties in the berries, it is necessary to properly carry out the process of freezing. Choose better "shock" mode, which is in many refrigerators. In this case, fruits are obtained, which will not give up to any taste, nor in the composition of fresh product. If you are interested in more than useful cherry for the body, which was frozen, then its properties are identical to fresh and dried berries. It is important to take into account that the repetition process of freezing will worsen the quality of the product.

Slimming cherry benefits

People wishing to lose weight, in the summer should lean on fruits that help to improve the body and lose weight.

  1. First, it is worth noting the low calorie content of cherry berries, so in 100 g there are only 52 kcal. At the same time, they are satisfying, therefore nutritionists recommend them as a snack.
  2. The use of cherries for weight loss is due to the fact that it takes out the decay products from the body, which positively affects the work of the entire digestive system.
  3. Berries increase the production of gastric juices, and this helps digesting other foods.
  4. Cherry has a diuretic effect, helping to get rid of extra liquid and edema.
  5. Essential oils and organic acids that are part of the composition are involved in the splitting of fats.

Therapeutic properties of cherry

Useful properties not only berries, but also leaves, fruits and even the leaves of this tree became the basis for many people's recipes.

  1. The juice. To feel the healing properties of Cherry, drink a drink is needed to two glasses per day. It normalizes metabolic processes and saturates the body with the useful substances. If it is half diluted with milk, then it turns out a drink for asthmatics.
  2. Broth fruzozek. Excellent diuretic, which will also be useful at sexual weakness. For the preparation of 0.5 liters of water, put 2 tbsp. Spoons of fruits and boil after boiling for 10 minutes. You need to take 1 tbsp. four times a day.
  3. Dried berries. Dried cherry, benefit and harm to health is confirmed by numerous studies, is an excellent antipyretic agent. To prepare a medicine 100 g of berries, fill 0.5 liters of water and tailor on a small fire until the volume of the fluid decreases by 1/3.

Cherry - Diabetes use

People with diabetes should carefully monitor their diet, but doctors allow them to cherry. It consists of anthocyanins, the action of which is aimed at increasing the degree of activity of the pancreas by 40-50%. It is important to know not only than a cherry for women and men with diabetes, but also how to use it. Doctors allow berries and juice, and you can also prepare a decoction using 1 dessert spoonful of fruits on 1 tbsp. boiling water. Everything should boil 10 minutes. You need to drink 0.5 tbsp. Three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Cherry benefit when goug

Scientists by conducting experiments found that berries have the ability to reduce the level and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the antioxidant property, you can save the body from toxins. The benefits of health cherries are also due to the fact that when regular use can be cleaned blood and increase the level of hemoglobin.

With exacerbation of gout arthritis, doctors are recommended several times a day to eat a large number of cherries. Due to this, it is possible to facilitate the state and reduce the degree of manifestation of pain syndrome. Experiments have shown if the cherry, benefit and harm to health is confirmed by doctors, will be eaten daily in the amount of 1 kg every three days, then the concentration of urates salts can be reduced. In addition, the swelling and redness of the affected joint decreases.

Treatment of hemorrhoids Cherry

Among the folk recipes you can find options suitable for treating hemorrhoids. It has been proven that the berries together with the bones are provided by the fascinating actions, helping to restore the tone walls of the vessels. Treatment of hemorrhoids of cherries with a bone effectively due to the fact that she removes the swelling and inflammation, pulls the hemorrhoidal knots and contributes to healing wounds. When the hemorrhoidal nodes fall out, the oil of cherry bones, which rubbing the problem area is well helped. You can still use a special decoction.


  • cherry - 3 h. spoons;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Mix the components and put on a small fire.
  2. After boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Accept the decoction is necessary in the cooled form of 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

What is harmful to the cherry?

Like many products of Cherry berries have a list of contraindications that should be considered to not harm health.

  1. It is impossible to include in the diet with a tendency to diarrhea and problems with the operation of the digestive system.
  2. Doctors prohibit acidic fruits with ulcers and acute gastroenteritis stage.
  3. It is necessary to abandon this product in chronic lung diseases.
  4. The harm of the cherry can bring when drinking berries together with bones in large quantities. This is due to the fact that they are inside the substance that is converted into a sinyl acid in the intestines.

Prepare a dried cherry house is quite simple. As soon as you try to do it, you will never buy it in the store anymore. Regardless of how you use it (in the bars from the grains, as an ingredient of cream cheese or ice cream), it has a sweet taste and is stored much longer than fresh berry. In addition, you can avoid using sulphates used in industrial drying of fruits.

How it's done?

Applying a dried cherry cooking recipe will not require a lot of your time. And, judging by the reviews, the most time consuming part is processing and preparation of berries. And although this process is not complicated, he still can take some time if he is manually engaged in it. Work is much faster when you use a special sequel to choose a bone. Therefore, if you want to dry the berry in large quantities, you are better to buy it in advance. Of course, you can make the cherry dried with a bone, but it will not be very comfortable to use it.

What does this process look like?

Rinse the cherry with clean water and let it dry in a gauze or on a dry rag. When the berries are dried, remove the stems and remove the bones. Without a special device, the easiest way to do this is to cut them in half and pull the bones with their hands.

The recipe for dried cherries is very simple. Put the berry into one layer in the food dehydrator or on the baking sheet. If you use the oven, put a battlefield in it with a 40 degree cherry and hold for 6 hours. If you use a food dehydrator, set the same settings and a similar amount of time (or slightly less).

Cherry dried is ready when the berries look like big raisins. They will be ticker and sweet to taste. This is an ideal snack without adding sugar. You can use it as a component of homemade muesli and granges.

If the dehydrator is not

You can make a dried cherry at home and in the sun. To do this, it is necessary to prepare berries as indicated above, and leave them on the tray in a sunny place for from 2 to 4 days. You must put the cherry higher from the ground to protect against moisture. Do not forget to cover her marley to not attract birds.

As soon as the berries are completely dried, place them in the oven, preheated up to 70 degrees, about 30 minutes (to kill any insects that hit drying).

After the cherry is dried, give berries to cool at room temperature for about an hour before packaging. Then store the product in sealed containers or sealed bags.

After packaging, watch banks or containers during the first week. If you notice any signs of moisture formed inside, this means that the berries are not completely dried, and they will not be well preserved (probably the mold is formed). Remove the cherries and dry out a little more.

These berries can be simply so, but they look good and felt in baking and as a topping for ice cream, yogurt, etc. Most recipes that demand raisins, according to reviews, it turns out well with dried cherries, so you can try to make such replacement.

What is useful for cherry?

Dried cherry, like other dried fruits, contains a significant amount of antioxidants, including anthocyanine. This is a substance that gives the berries deep red color. These antioxidants work in such a way that they can prevent the development of free radicals (atoms in our bodies that can cause a negative chain reaction) and, accordingly, damage to our cells.

Cherry is anti-inflammatory and anesthetic

When the body contains too many free radicals, the immune system is actively involved in the fight against harmful reactions. Therefore, the high level of antioxidants contained in the cherry can support the body, reducing inflammation, pain and a sense of weakness.

Cherry is a sleeping pill

Studies show that the cherry, in addition, is a food source of melatonin - a natural hormone used by the body to achieve deep and quiet sleep. Various environmental factors and diseases can reduce its level and interrupt a healthy sleep. Therefore, Cherry's consumption, according to specialists, can provide a calm night rest with suffering insomnia.

Cherry can reduce cholesterol

Cherry contains a high level of pectin - dietary fiber, often occurring in fruit. Studies suggest that pectin can reduce the level of poor cholesterol.

On the other hand, the cherry berries contain high levels of compound called beta-glucosidase, which is believed to reduce the likelihood of degenerative diseases.

It was proved that the anthocyanidines of Cherries inhibit the activity of xanthinoxidase - an enzyme that plays an important role in the production of uric acid, which helps to treat gout. In addition, the antioxidant activity of anthocyanidines in the cherries turned out to be stronger than the activity of vitamin E in the same quantities, and it is very useful to relieve muscle pain after intensive exercises.

It was suggested that the daily consumption of anthocyanins could also play a role in preventing arterial hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, which is most likely due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants in cherries have the potential to reduce blood sugar levels by increasing the natural insulin production in the body.

Berry vitamin composition

Dried cherries contain vitamin C, A and E, which stimulate the immune system and help the body to struggle with the disease.

A quarter of a dried fruit glass contains 8 milligrams of vitamin C - 11 and 9% of the recommended daily consumption rate for women and men, respectively. This compound stimulates collagen production, which strengthens the cells of the body and protects you from free radicals. Obtaining a sufficient amount of vitamin C in your diet also contributes to the growth of new cells and helps healing wounds after injuries.

Vitamin A, in turn, also supports the growth of new cells, and also plays a big role in healing wounds and improving immunity. He, besides, helps to improve eyesight and nourishes the skin. A quarter of a glass of dried cherry contains vitamin A in 1132 international units. This is 38% of the recommended daily consumption for men and 49% - for women.

Squirrels, Fats and Carbohydrates

Dried cherry does not represent a high-blooded snack. A third of a dried fruit glass contains only 1 gram of protein. Carbohydrates make up most calories in dried cherries. The third of the glass contains 34 grams of the total amount of carbohydrates, including 2 g of dietary fiber. Fat this dried fruit almost does not contain.

Dried cherry: calorie and properties, contraindications

During the drying, the fibers of the berry described and its chemical composition changes insignificantly, since this process of preparation assumes only the removal of the fluid. However, the caloric content of dried cherries becomes much higher than that of fresh: 286 kcal per hundred grams against 52 kcal.

This is connected with the final weight of the prepared product. In addition, dried fruits usually slowly cause saturation and thereby can provoke excessive consumption. For example, you can successfully eat a glass of fresh berries, but in the dried form the same amount of cherries will be less than four times. Using a quarter of a glass of dried fruit, you will not get saturation, and add your snack something else.

Cherry berries are usually considered safe, but this refers to those who have no allergic manifestations or contraindications. Therefore, caution is recommended when it is consumed in large quantities, since the accumulative allergic reaction is possible.

In addition, this culture contains many acids, which means that its use is undesirable to those who suffer from chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.

How is dried cherry?

As noted above, unsweetened dried cherries may not only be an independent snack or additive to cereals and salads. So, a lot of good reviews received tincture on dried cherry. This tool can be manufactured by pouring dry berries by vodka and a long settling. It is usually taken in medicinal doses to facilitate headaches, as well as remove the stress in the muscles and joints.

Cherry powder also adds fresh fragrance to cocktails, pies or any sweet meal. Tea from it helps to maximize the antioxidant properties of the cherry. As a rule, the berry powder is mixed with aromatic herbs so that the tea is particularly tasty.

Calorie Cherry Dried

Cherry is a representative of the family pink, a panion of plants of plum.

Like a fresh cherry, which was not subjected to heat treatment, and the dried cherry has a lot of trace elements and vitamins. It contains vitamins E, C, PP, B-groups. Moreover, the cherry contains phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and organic acids.

Since the dried cherry has iron and copper, it increases hemoglobin. Also, glucose and fructose entered the composition, as a result of which you can quickly stock up the energy for the whole day. She is wonderful quenching thirst.

Calorie dried cherry - 290 kcal. The composition turned out to be proteins - 1.5 g, carbohydrates - 73.0 g.

The dried cherry is able to have a beneficial effect on digestion, this is explained by pectin substances contained in it. As in many other berries, in the cherry you will not find cholesterol and fats, therefore it is an excellent dietary product enriched with antioxidants.

It is entertaining that scientists advise to use the dried cherry to those people who wish to quit smoking. It weakens nicotine addiction. She can also help in a concentration of attention, which can be useful to scattered people in working days.

If you talk about the beneficial properties of dried cherries, then it, along with all of the above, improves sputum release, provides an easy effect of the laxative. Useful for the nervous system and hearts, because Amigdalin is concentrated in it.

Together with all its benefits, the dried cherry is also tasty. For example, you can make beautiful fragrant muffins from chocolate and dried cherries, compotes, schwarcorian pie and a lot of other dishes at any time of the year.

Cherry Cherry Calorie

Industrial options for the harvesting of cherries dried in the lion's share of cases imply the branch of juice and its replacement with natural preservative, sugar syrup, which provides a pleasant sweet taste. As for the process of rising berries in a similar way, it is quite a long and difficult, mainly under the exposure to high temperature, and as a result, an aromatic and delicious product comes out, with high calorie and without many useful qualities and properties.

However, traditional taking is a way to process fresh vegetables and fruits, which allows not to lose most of the beneficial substances. At the same time, it can be realized to life itself, and it is also noticeable to save.

Calorie dried cherry - 290 kcal. Also, there are proteins - 1.5 g., Carbohydrates - 73.0 g.

The cherry can be knocked out as in the old days - outdoors in the shady, in an electric or gas oven, a drying cabinet, a Russian oven (it is necessary to control temperature control - no more than 42 degrees), or using the latest technologies - with the help of a dehydrator. Cherry, which has not been subjected in the process of dancing with the influence of high temperatures, does not yield to fresh biochemical properties.

Unique combination of minerals (sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, calcium, fluorine) and vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B9, PP) in the composition of the cherry allows you to call Its prophylactic means of blood diseases and cardiovascular diseases, maintaining women's beauty, youth and health. Anthocyans and vitamin C present in the composition of the cherries are able to prevent the premature aging of cells, are characterized by antioxidant activity, reduce the risk of oncological diseases. The cherry is advised to use strokes and heart attacks, formation of cholesterol plaques and thromboms, at a low level of hemoglobin, anemia, an excellent half of humanity with regular abundant bleeding and during pregnancy for folic acid saturation.

However, the cherry can and adversely affect diabetes mellitus, increased acidity, ulcerative disease of the stomach, obesity. It is also necessary to be attentive with cherry bones - they contain amygdaline glycoside, which turns into the intestines in the poison - the sinyl acid.

Dried fruits are a real rescue for a long winter. With proper drying, they retain vitamins and minerals. It is easier to store them, rather than frozen, as they decrease in volume and do not occupy a place in the refrigerator. Today, the subject of our conversation is the cherry dried and different ways of her drying.

Preparation of berries

Bring cherry, sort, remove the fruits. The fine cherry is preferable, as it dries faster.

Rinse berries. Boil water by adding a soda to it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of fluid. Prepare a large saucepan or cold water pelvis

Throw the cherry with boiling water with soda and immediately place it in cold water. Put on the colander and give liquids dragging. This procedure is called blanching. It contributes to softening the skin of berries, which will speed up the drying process.

After that, you can remove bones. This is not necessary if you plan to use berries only for cooking compotes. In other cases, it is more convenient to apply a cherry without seeds, remove which can be used by a special device, a tube for juice, a stick, a spin, a pin.

Drying in the Sun.

Unlock tray or straight with dense paper. Spread on the surface of the berry. Place a tray on the street in a sunny place. In the afternoon, let berries dry under the rays, and remove the cherry at the roof overnight.

If you dry one-piece berries, the process will take four days. Cherry dried should be elastic, not highlight juice when pressing and have a slightly glossy surface.

If you fruits were cut on halves, then after this time they need to be placed in the oven preheated to 55-60 degrees and keep there for 10 hours. At the same time, 2-3 hours before the end of the drying should increase the temperature to 70-75 degrees.

Of 1 kilograms of fresh berries, approximately 200 grams of dried are obtained.

Drying in the oven

If you do not want to wait for the berries in a natural way, you can use the oven. You will get absolutely the same dried cherry. Recipe offer the following.

Prepare sugar syrup: pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, wait for boil and gradually (one spoof) add 800 grams of sugar. Mix thoroughly until it dissolves completely.

Install the middle fire. Place the berries into the water and boil for 5-8 minutes. Then climb them with a large spoon or apparatus and put on a colander. It is desirable to do this above a large clean bowl so that the delicious cherry syrup does not disappear. If a lot of cherries, then process the batches in the same way using the same water.

When the liquid is fully stroke with berries, spread them on the shining paper for baking counter. Place it on the top of the oven, set the temperature of 165 degrees and keep the berries inside for 3 hours. Then reduce the temperature to 135 degrees - let it be dried further. It can take away from 12 hours before a day.

During the drying, the oven door must constantly be ajar.

Drying in the dryer

Berries are prepared by the method described above. The subtlety is only that when using a bone dryer will have to be removed, since the protective sheath should be broken. Otherwise, hot air will not penetrate inside, and instead of dried you get boiled cherries. You can simply damage (strip, cut) every berry, leaving the bones in place, but it is irrational.

The rest of the process is simple: the cherries are laid out in the dryer, the average mode is set (55-60 degrees). If the berries are laid close to each other, then they must be stirred periodically.

Cherry, dried in the dryer, ready to get slightly soft and sticky. If it has become a solid, it means that you are dried with drying.

Dried cherry, the first way

It happens not only the cherry dried, but also the cherry dried.

Prepare the cherry in the usual way. Connect sugar with water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. A 1 kilogram of cherries will require 250 grams of sugar and 300 ml of water.

Put half the berries in a saucepan. When the water boils back, cover the capacitance with a lid and cook for 7 minutes, after which lay out the berries on the colander. Similarly, process the remaining cherries. Remove the bones if necessary.

After stalking the liquid, spread the berries for drying on the counter or tray. You can do it with your hands or tweezers - as you are more convenient. Lining paper or lubricate surface optional.

The next day or in the day turn the cherry.

Drink to the degree of softness that you need. Depending on the temperature and humidity in the room, the process will take one or two weeks. If you can place in the sun, then faster.

Of 1 kilograms of fresh berries, about 300 grams of dried are obtained.

Dried cherry, the method of the second

Prepare cherries, fold into the enameled saucepan and pour sugar. Sugar can be taken 400-500 grams per 1 kilogram of cherries - depending on how sweet berries themselves.

After that, leave the cherries for a day at room temperature to allocate juice. After this time, beat the berries on the colander. Cook sugar syrup of 300 ml of water and 300 grams of sugar. Remove the syrup from the fire, fold into it berries and stand 5 minutes.

Cherry cut out of the sweet water to decompose on the counter in one layer and send an oven to heated to 80 degrees for half an hour.

Remove the berries from the oven, and let them completely cool at room temperature. After that, gently turn them with a wooden blade and send it to the oven for half an hour, but at a temperature of 70 degrees.

After a second drying, cool the berries again and repeat the "session" of drying at a temperature of 65-70 degrees for 30 minutes.

Storage of dried berries

Store dried cherries in home ceiling in a sealed container or in a glass jar with a lid. It is even better if you are preliminarily sterling. It's a cotton bag, but this will reduce the shelobidity of dried fruits. Polyethylene packages should not be used, as the cherry in them will be covered with mold after a while.

You can make small fabric sacs with salt and put them in a container with berries to increase the shelf life.

Make sure that the cherry dried uniformly. Inadvertible berries, select and dry, otherwise, in the process of storage, pests can be put in them, which will spoil the whole game.

The optimal temperature is from 0 to 10 degrees, so it is preferable to place dried fruits in the refrigerator. In such conditions, the cherry dried "will live" about a year and a half.

Under the shelf life is reduced to a year. In this case, it is better to choose the upper shelves of kitchen cabinets for accommodation, since there is air land there.

If you place a berry in a fabric bag, then let it lies as far as possible from the products with a sharp smell.

In the process of storage, especially when using a leakage container, periodically check if the bugs did not start in the berries.

Benefit and harm dried cherry

Which is very simple, not only diversified the winter menu, but also make it useful. It contains vitamins C, A, RR, as well as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron, antioxidants.

Pectines are removed from the body. Harmful substances are improving the intestinal peristalsis, normalize metabolism.

So we figured out how to do and how to keep dried cherry. Bon Appetit!

Cherry has a rich mineral and vitamin composition. The product is saturated with vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, RR, E, H, Beta carotine, calcium mineral substances, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, molybdenum, cobalt, manganese, copper, chrome, zinc.

Calorie of frozen cherry per 100 grams of 46 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 0.9 g of protein;
  • 0.5 g of fat;
  • 10.8 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the fact that during freezing the berry loses a number of useful substances, the use of frozen cherry is still large enough. Regular use of the product contributes to the strengthening of immunity (due to high content in vitamin C cherry), normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal organs, restores appetite, warns heart disease and vessels.

Calorie dried cherry per 100 grams

The calorie content of dried cherries per 100 grams is large enough and is 291 kcal. In 100 g of delicacy:

  • 1.48 g of protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 73.2 g of carbohydrates.

The dried cherry was saturated with vitamins of the group B, C, RR, E, potassium minerals, copper, sodium, iron, phosphorus. Contraindications to the use of the product are diabetes, obesity, exacerbation of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, intestines, liver.

Calorie of dried cherry per 100 grams

The calorie content of dried cherries per 100 grams (on the example of the product Vitalan) is 288 kcal. In 100 g of such a cherry:

  • 1.3 g of protein;
  • 0.15 g of fat;
  • 73.9 g of carbohydrates.

The dried cherry is shown in bronchitis (contributes to the discharge of sputum), is widely used to prevent constipation, heart disease. Proved the properties of berries to stimulate the brain and nervous system.

Calorie Puffs with Cherry

Calorie Puffs with cherry in 1 piece 276.3 kcal. In 100 grams of flour, contains:

  • 3.2 g of protein;
  • 13.8 g of fat;
  • 37.2 g of carbohydrates.

Such sweet products are characterized by high fatty, therefore are contraindicated with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes in the liver, tendency to meteorism and constipation. Due to the high calorie content from the cherry layers, it should be abandoned when weight loss and dietary nutrition.

Calorie Jam from Cherry per 100 grams

Calorie of cherry jam per 100 grams of 255 kcal. In 100 g sweets:

  • 0 g protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 64.2 g of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of cherry jam are considered:

  • strengthening with regular use of the product of immunity;
  • maintaining heart health and vessels;
  • pronounced bactericidal effect of jam;
  • the product helps to warn atherosclerosis;
  • because of the laxative action, the jam is shown in constipation;
  • the product is recommended for bronchitis to stimulate expectoration.

Fresh cherry benefits

The famous benefits of fresh cherry is as follows:

  • the product has bactericidal properties, including helps to eliminate the inflammatory processes of the mucous oily cavity;
  • eating a berry is advised at colds and ORVI. In this case, the cherry will help bring down a high temperature;
  • due to the soft-laxative action of the cherry is shown during constipation;
  • high content in the product of vitamin C makes the cherry indispensable to strengthen the immunity;
  • due to the presence of iron and magnesium, the berry is shown for the prevention of anemia;
  • cobalt and copper of fresh cherry are useful for normalizing the function of the blood formation;
  • high content in cherry vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium makes this product indispensable in heart disease and vessels;
  • the cherry is saturated with vitamins B, which are necessary for the normal operation of the nervous system.

Harm fresh cherry

Contraindications to consuming fresh cherries are:

  • negative effects of the berries for the enamel of the teeth. To prevent the destruction of enamel, it is recommended after eating cherries thoroughly rinse the mouth;
  • in no case should not eat cherry bones. They contain substances, with the breakdown of which the syntic acid is harmful to health;
  • from berries should be abandoned with the ulcer of the stomach and intestines, an elevated level of acidity of gastric juice, diabetes;
  • do not eat product with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, psoriasis, exacerbation of gastroenteritis.