How to make apple cider yourself. Quick homemade apple cider

01.10.2019 Soups

In most cases, cider is made by fermenting apple juice with wild yeast. But any other juice will do, for example, pear juice, the technology does not change. I'll show you how to make cider at home using two proven recipes: from apples and pure juice. Separately, we will consider the natural method of saturating the drink with carbon dioxide.

Cider is an ordinary ("still") or carbonated apple wine with only a different name, which came to us from France, where it is called "Cidre". The preparation method for the two drinks is identical.

If the apples are very sour: they literally bring the cheekbones and pinch the tongue, it is advisable to reduce the acidity by diluting the juice with water (up to 100 ml per 1 liter). It should be remembered, however, that the addition of sugar also lowers the acid content. If the acidity is normal, water is not needed, it impairs the taste of the drink, making it "watery".

Homemade apple cider

Apples of different varieties can be combined. The ideal ratio is one in which one part of sour apples is mixed with two parts of sweet apples. Pear cider is made using the same technology. If possible, I advise you to cook an assortment - mix pears and apples in equal proportions.


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water (in rare cases) - up to 1 liter.

1. Wipe the collected apples with a dry cloth (do not wash), put in a warm room for 2-3 days. Wild yeast lives on the surface of the fruit, which is needed for fermentation, it is important not to wash it off.

2. Remove leaves and tails. Grind the apples together with the peel and seeds with a blender or meat grinder until smooth.

3. Rinse the fermentation vessel with hot water and wipe dry. Fill up to 2/3 full with crushed apples. For example, if you are using three-liter jars, you can put up to 2.5 kg of apple liquid in each jar. Free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide.

4. For each kilogram of apples, add 100-150 grams of sugar, depending on the initial sweetness. The wort should be sweet, but not sugary. Mix.

5. Tie the neck of the container with gauze and put it in a dark place with room temperature for 3-4 days. Stir the contents of the cans every day, knocking down the dense top layer and sinking it in the juice. After 8-16 hours, a characteristic fermentation smell, foam and hissing appears.

6. Squeeze the juice out of the apple slurry, which is then poured into a clean, dry container for fermentation. Next, install a water seal on the jar (barrel) or attach a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers (pierce with a needle).

Cider under a homemade water seal
Glove instead of a water seal

7. Homemade apple cider should ferment in a dark place with a temperature of 18-27 ° C for about 30-65 days. Then a sediment will appear at the bottom, the water seal will not let bubbles (the glove will fall off) and the drink will brighten noticeably, which means that fermentation is over.

If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the moment of installation of the water seal, in order to avoid bitterness, you need to drain the cider through a tube into another container and leave to ferment under the same conditions.

8. Drain the fermented cider from the sediment, then pass through 3-4 layers of cheesecloth.

9. Pour the filtered drink into bottles (if gas saturation is not planned, fill up to the neck) and close tightly with corks. Homemade cider can also be stored in jars with sealed lids.

10. Within three months the drink should ripen in a cool room (6-12 ° C). Then you can proceed to tasting.

Finished cider after 60 days of aging

The result is a honey-colored cider with a pleasant sweet taste and an ABV of 7-12% (depending on the initial sugar content of the apples). It is easy to drink, in moderation does not cause a hangover.

Sugar-Free Juice Apple Cider

The classic recipe used in England and France. It will delight lovers of natural drinks, as it is made without sugar.

Cooking technology:

1. Squeezed juice to stand for 24 hours in a dark place at room temperature.

2. Remove the juice from the sediment, pour it into a fermentation vessel and install a water seal (medical glove).

3. Place the container for 3-5 weeks in a dark place with a temperature of 20-27 ° C.

4. After the end of fermentation (the signs are described at the 7th stage of the previous recipe) pour the cider through a tube into another container, taking care not to touch the sediment at the bottom.

5. If carbon dioxide saturation is not planned, close the container tightly, then keep for 3-4 months in a dark room with a temperature of + 6-12 ° C.

6. Filter again, pour into bottles, cork tightly. If stored in a refrigerator or basement, the shelf life is up to 3 years. Depending on the sugar content of the apples, the strength is 6-10%.

Aged cider without sugar

How to make cider sparkling

Making cider according to the above two recipes involves getting the so-called "still" drink without gas, in fact, ordinary apple wine. To saturate cider with gas, you need to do the following:

1. After fermentation is complete, remove the homemade cider from the lees.

2. Prepare bottles (plastic or glass): wash and wipe dry.

3. Add sugar to the bottom of each bottle (10 grams per 1 liter of volume). The sugar will cause a slight re-fermentation, which will release carbon dioxide.

4. Fill bottles with cider, leaving 5-6 cm free space from the neck. Seal tightly with plugs or lids.

5. Transfer containers for 10-14 days to a dark room with room temperature. Check the gas pressure once a day.

Attention! If the pressure is too high, bottles can burst, so it is very important to release (release) excess gas in time in case of accumulation.

6. Transfer carbonated cider to refrigerator or basement. Keep in the cold for 3-4 days before use.

Apple cider is a delicious DIY drink. The classic homemade apple cider recipe is quite simple, and it is recommended to try it for the first time. Next time, you can experiment with the ingredients, cooking methods and infusion period.

Classic recipe

According to the classic recipe, you need a minimum of products from which you get a clean, aromatic drink.

We need:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • 300 gr. Sahara.

Let's start making apple cider. Any variety of apples is suitable, the main thing is that they must be fragrant. We wash all apples well, cut off rotten areas and other damage, remove the core. Then we finely cut them and put them in a three-liter bottle. After adding half of the product, layering with some sugar, add the other half of the fruit, and add the rest of the sugar. Add raisins on top - it will give the desired fermentation process. Fill the top with spring (if possible) or distilled water in a volume of 200 ml.

We close the container tightly and insert a special water seal, into which we pour 60-degree moonshine or vodka with a volume of 40-60 ml. We leave for 10 days. When bubbles begin to go in the bottle - fermentation has begun, when they stop rising - the process is over, you can start filtering.

Take a sieve and a container for pouring. Insert a funnel with a piece of cotton wool to filter the sediment. Pour the drink, close tightly. Store in a dark place.

On a note. Instead of a water seal, you can put on a sterile medical glove on the jar, after having pierced one hole with a needle to release the gas. When the glove is inflated, fermentation has begun, when it is lowered, it is over.

The easiest and fastest cooking method

Such a recipe for apple cider will be relevant in the winter season - the drink is drunk hot, such as mulled wine. Quick apple cider warms up well after walking in the cold.

For a homemade low-alcohol drink:

  • apple juice 1l;
  • 1 apple and 1 orange;
  • brown sugar ¼ cup;
  • from spices 2 sticks of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and a little allspice peas.

Cooking method:

To begin with, cut the apple in half, peel and stick the clove inflorescences into it, cut the orange into circles, and rub the nutmeg on a fine grater.

We put the juice to heat. As soon as the juice heats up, add brown sugar to it and stir until dissolved. Then add the rest of the prepared ingredients. Bring the drink to a boil and cook for ¼ hour. Then we catch the pieces of fruit.

The drink is ready to drink. It is served hot.

Sugar-free juice recipe

An option for making delicious homemade cider quickly - from simple store juice:

  • apple juice 2.5 l;
  • yeast.

As a rule, store-bought juices contain a lot of sugar, so there is no need to add additional sugar.

We use a sterilized three-liter jar as a container. Pour apple juice into a container. Fill an incomplete teaspoon of dry yeast with 50 ml of warm water and leave for 15 minutes. When the yeast is ready, pour it into a jar of apple juice and put it under a water seal. Leave to ferment at room temperature for a week.

We filter the fermented juice and pour it into clean bottles for storage. Store in a cool, dark place.

With the addition of honey

Honey cider made from homemade apple juice turns out to be very tasty and ... quite alcoholic. Quite a lot of time passes from the beginning of preparation to the possibility of tasting. Nevertheless, the drink is worth it, we recommend trying it:

  • liquid flower honey 1.5 l;
  • water 4.5 l;
  • a bag of wine yeast;
  • freshly made apple juice 1.5 l.

First, we prepare the honey base - pour the honey into water and begin to slowly cook. It is important to remember the water level, as at the end of cooking the honey water will become much less and will need to be added.

When it starts to boil, foam will stand out, which must be collected. Continue simmering for 1.5-2 hours over low heat until foam stops appearing. Add drinking water to the original level and bring to a boil. After we put it to cool in a basin of water, it will be faster.

While the honey base is boiling, we prepare the juice: we clean the apples, chop and pass through a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice with cheesecloth.

By this time, the honey syrup (sated) will have cooled, it will be a little warm. Add sugar and stir thoroughly.

In accordance with the dosage indicated on the bag, dilute the required amount of yeast in warm water, leave for 15-20 minutes.

In the meantime, pour the honey fed into a sterilized bottle, then add yeast and put a water seal. We leave to ferment at room temperature for about a month.

A month later, carefully drain the drink through the filter, leave it for another 2-3 days so that the last precipitate falls out. During this time, the drink will become more transparent.

Prepare bottles for carbonation. You will need a teaspoon of sugar per liter bottle. We pour on carbonation - the formation of gases. Carbonation lasts about three weeks.

On a note. If the apples are sweet or sweet and sour varieties, you will need to cook 1.5 liters of them. If acidic - 1 liter is enough. The best option is 1.5 liters from different types of apples.

Homemade apple pear cider recipe

Mixed apple and pear cider turns out to be very aromatic and unusual:

  • pears 6 pcs.;
  • apples 5 pcs.;
  • wine yeast;
  • sugar (50 grams per 1 liter of drink).

Fruit can be taken in different varieties. My good. We remove the damaged areas, darkened spots from the fruit, cut out the cores and cut into small pieces, so that it is convenient to pass through a meat grinder or juicer. Turn the prepared puree into juice. By volume, a three-liter bottle is obtained. Depending on the size of the fruit, it may turn out slightly larger or smaller.

Ferment yeast with warm water in a separate glass, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. After that we pour them into the puree and add 0.3-0.5 drinking water. It is important to leave a small free space up to the neck of the bottle. We introduce sugar in the amount calculated for the received volume of the drink. We put a water seal and leave to ferment for 1.5 weeks. It is recommended to pour a little vodka or moonshine into the odor trap so that germs do not get into.

Pass the fermented cider through a sieve and pour it into disinfected bottles to ripen for 1.5-2 months in a cool, dark place.

On a note. A hydrometer is used to measure the alcohol level in a beverage. The approximate value for cider is about 23, this is somewhere around 10-11 degrees.

Non-alcoholic drink for children

Not only adults like the apple drink, children will also appreciate it. But with the usual method of preparation, the cider turns out to be alcoholic. In this recipe, we will tell you about non-alcoholic cider for children:

  • apple juice 3 l;
  • orange 1 pc .;
  • we use not ground spices: star anise (5 pcs.), cinnamon (2 sticks), pepper (10 pcs.), cardamom (5-6 broken boxes), fennel (2 tsp.), cloves (10 pcs.);
  • flower honey.

Pour the juice into a saucepan. Cut the orange into small rings, then into quarters and add to the juice. Add spices immediately.

We put the saucepan on the fire and cook until it boils. When it boils, let it boil for about 10 minutes, remove from the heat and let it stand for a while (40 minutes). After that we catch all the fruits and spices, add honey to taste, stir well until it is completely dissolved and pour into cups.

On a note. Homemade juice makes cider tastier than store-bought juice.

From apple dried fruits

Cider or mash with dried fruits is a good option for preparing a drink from dried seasonal fruits in winter:

  • dried fruits 2 kg;
  • sugar 6 kg;
  • yeast 300 gr.;
  • filtered water 20 l.

First of all, we heat 10 liters to 80 degrees. Pour dried fruits into a large container and fill with water. Cover with a lid and let the wort brew. We are waiting for its temperature to cool down to 35 degrees.

We heat the rest of the water to 50 degrees and dilute sugar in it. By this time, the wort will have reached the desired state and the sugar syrup can be combined with the apple wort. We mix and measure the temperature, which should be 35-37 degrees. If the temperature is correct, add yeast. Leave to roam. When the foam ceases to stand out, filter and bottle.

How to make cider sparkling?

The carbonation of the drink depends on the sweetness of the apples. Most of the gas bubbles are almost invisible, making the cider look like apple wine.

  1. It is imperative to filter home cider from the sediment.
  2. Thoroughly wash and dry plastic or glass cider containers.
  3. Add a teaspoon of sugar per liter bottle. It is sugar that promotes secondary fermentation, but since the bottles will be tightly closed, the drink will remain carbonated.
  4. Pour the cider into the bottles, not adding 3-5 cm to the neck and close tightly.
  5. Leave to ripen for two weeks in an unlit place.

Shot from the movie "Good Year"

There is a legend that King Charlemagne invented cider when he once sat on a bag of overripe apples. We hasten to disappoint you: now it is no longer accepted to make apple alcohol in this way.

Over the thousand-plus years that have passed since the momentous discovery, the preparation of cider, but we decided to choose the simplest recipe suitable for home conditions.

And even if you do not have “your own, dear” apples, which you “didn’t watered with any nasty things,” it doesn’t matter - we will take the purchased ones.


    10 kg apples

    1.5 kg sugar


    three-liter cans

    medical gloves


    medical dropper tubes (available at the pharmacy)

Step 1: preparing the apples

Wipe the apples with a dry cloth. They cannot be washed, because wild yeast lives on the surface of the fruit, which is necessary for fermentation. Remove leaves and tails.

Step 2: send the apples to the juicer

Before that, you do not need to peel the apples - process them together with the peel and seeds.

Step 3: pour sugar into the jars

Do not forget to sterilize the container first. Add four tablespoons of sugar to each jar.

Step 4: pour the juice

Fill the jars no more than 2/3 of the volume, free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide. Don't forget to stir.

Step 5: place the shutter on the jar

We put on a glove and a small hole on the neck so that it does not explode.

Step 6: wait a few days

Let our future cider ferment in a dark and warm place for about a week. You will understand that he stopped doing this because the glove will change position from vertical to horizontal.

Step 7: strain the sediment

To do this, pour the juice from a can into a saucepan through cheesecloth. And then into a clean jar.

Step 8: repeat steps 4, 5 and 6

This time we wait half as much - four days will be enough.

Step 9: filter the sediment again

But now we do it with the help of tubes. Place one end in the middle of the jar, and the other over the pan. To make the process go, suck in air from the free end of the tube, as if you were about to drink your cider. Why can't you use gauze again? Because now we need to act more delicately, without disturbing the harmful sediment at the bottom. The process is slow, but necessary.

Step 10: the final push

Close the jar with a lid, send it to stand for another ten days. Then repeat point 9, and the home stretch!

Step 11: bottle the cider

Close the bottles with the lids. That's all.

How to make cider sparkling

According to the recipe above, we got a "quiet" apple wine, but if you want gaziks, you can add them if you take two more simple steps.

    Add sugar to the bottom of each bottle (10 grams per 1 liter) and leave 5-6 cm of free space from the neck. Shake it up.

    Then transfer the containers for 10-14 days to a dark room with room temperature. Check the gas pressure once a day so that your bottle does not explode, otherwise it will be a pity for the apples and your efforts.

In summer, as a rule, there is always a large harvest of apples, markets and shops are literally inundated with a huge amount of these delicious fruits. And many summer residents sometimes wonder what to do with so much fruit. But they can be used to make an excellent low-alcohol cider with a rich apple flavor and a pleasant aroma.

For the first time, cider was invented in France, and in its taste and appearance it slightly resembles sparkling wine, like champagne. Making apple cider at home does not take a lot of time, it is very easy to make, the main thing is to have the right amount of apples and sugar in stock.

Depending on which recipe and variety of fruit you prefer, the drink can come in different colors, from golden to pale green, and the taste will vary from sweet to dry. The strength of cider is usually no more than eight degrees, and its flavor notes will appeal to almost everyone. Such an invigorating drink will not harm health, and you can drink it as much as you like, because it is made only from natural products, which means it brings benefits to the body and even “throws” vitamins on it.

Apple cider is classified into three classes, sweet, dry, and traditional, and comes in four flavors: sweet, bitter, semi-sweet, and bittersweet. It all depends on which recipe you choose, simple or more laborious, because you can make cider not only from apples, but also from juice. Not so long ago, it was considered a drink of commoners, but over time, the taste of cider was appreciated all over the world. Today, many lovers of light drinks have begun to make this drink at home for family holidays.

How to choose and prepare fruit for cider

Absolutely any recipe requires a competent selection of apples and their correct preparation. Consider the fact that the fruits were not too sour or, on the contrary, too sweet, since this one will only harm the drink, and you will not achieve the required degrees. It is also not recommended to use unripe, overripe and, of course, spoiled fruits; it is best to make homemade cider from late varieties of apples, since such fruits contain more extractive and tannins.

That is, from such fruits, the drink turns out to be more tasty with a more pronounced aroma. Therefore, apples first need to be carefully considered, and if there is even a hint of worminess, discard such fruit immediately. Also, there should be no traces of blows on them, which means that fruits that have fallen to the ground are not suitable, they must be removed from the tree for cider.

And another important nuance: you cannot use several varieties, even two. The variety should be exclusively one, the only way you get a pronounced and pure taste of homemade apple cider.

In addition, the recipe requires in no case to wash the fruits, but simply wipe each of them with a soft cloth. This is necessary in order not to wash off the natural, wild yeast, which is of great benefit - it is thanks to this yeast that the fermentation process will take place. If you wash the apples, you will cause significant harm to the future cider.

A simple homemade cider recipe

This recipe is for those who want to make a regular classic cider at home and get a delicious, aromatic drink with a honey tint with a little strength. As ingredients you will need 5 kg of apples and 750 grams of granulated sugar. Moreover, the juicier the fruits turn out to be, the more cider you will have.

If you have a desire to diversify the taste of the drink, then you can add to it some cinnamon, star anise, raisins or lemon , it won't do any harm. Strength depends on the amount of sugar, this recipe gives us the average to get the traditional seven to eight degrees. And don't forget that beverage cans must be washed, sterilized and dried.

The cider is drunk chilled; you need to pour it into the glass at a considerable distance. This is done in order to release carbon dioxide gases. The drink is not finished to the very end, since a small sediment remains at the bottom. It is better to store it in the cellar, in extreme cases - in the pantry, but with a shelf life it is advisable not to tighten it and drink the drink within six months. It will taste like apple champagne.

Homemade Apple Juice Cider Recipe

If you do not have the opportunity to make cider from natural fruits, then we bring to your attention a recipe according to which you can easily prepare this aromatic drink at home, using juice instead of fruit.

It is very easy to do this, you only need three liters of natural undiluted juice, two tablespoons of granulated sugar juice and 50 grams of wine yeast... They are necessary due to the lack of wild yeast that is present on the apple peel. And since you are using juice, yeast is needed for fermentation. You can also add lemon zest to taste.

  • First you need to prepare the starter culture. How to do it? Dissolve wine yeast with two tablespoons of granulated sugar in half a glass of purified water.
  • Stir and leave for one hour until fermentation begins.
  • Pour three liters of apple juice into a dry jar and add the ready-made sourdough to it.
  • Install a water seal or pull on a rubber glove with a punctured finger.
  • As soon as the glove falls off, the drink must be carefully drained from the yeast.
  • The final step: strain the cider through cheesecloth and seal the container tightly.

The amount of sugar can be varied to taste. If you add more, there will be no harm from this, just the drink will turn out to be stronger and sweeter. The benefit of this cider is that all vitamins and nutrients are preserved in it. The drink turns out to be sparkling and effervescent, it is perfect for a festive feast and quenches thirst well. It should be stored in the refrigerator, but not for long, otherwise it will taste like vinegar.

Video recipe for making cider from juice

Homemade Apple Cider with Honey Recipe

If you want to refine your regular cider with a honey flavor, then you can prepare an apple-honey sparkling drink. How many ingredients are required for this? First of all, these are, of course, apples and honey. Necessary take 8 kg of fruit, 1.5 kg of viscous natural honey and 6 liters of water ... Any fruit is suitable - the main thing is that they are in excellent condition. If you wish, you can also add pears, do it “half and half” with apples, you will be no less useful from this.

  1. Cut the fruit into four pieces and put them in a canvas bag.
  2. Tie the fabric tightly, put in an enamel pot, cover with a wooden circle with a net and press down with a load. A bucket of water is suitable as a load.
  3. Dissolve honey in boiled water and add to a saucepan, covered with gauze on top.
  4. Place the drink in a dark, cool place for five weeks to ferment.
  5. Then drain the liquid into a clean container, and pour the honey syrup over the pulp again.
  6. Repeat this procedure one more time, pouring the drink into different dishes.
  7. After the third time, mix all three ciders and leave alone for nine months.
  8. At the final stage, pour the drink into bottles and seal tightly.
  9. Leave to ripen in a cold place for another month.

Perhaps this method is a little laborious, and you have to do a lot of movements, but the result will be very impressive. You will become the owner of an amazingly tasty and healthy drink with an apple-honey aroma without harm to health.

Homemade Dried Fruit Apple Cider

You don't need to use fresh fruit or natural juice to make a great apple drink. It is quite possible to replace them with dried fruits. The only condition is that dried fruits must be without core, seeds and skins. The method of making cider is extremely simple and easy.

Fold the dried fruits into a clean dish (preferably a glass, large bottle or jar), fill with purified water. One kilogram of dried fruit requires ten liters of water. You do not need to close the lid, just cover with gauze and put in a cool place for five days until the fermentation process begins.

And only after the drink ferments, the container needs to be corked, leave to ferment for a period of one month. It is recommended to throw a handful of raisins into the bowl before this, the taste of the drink will only improve from this. After the required period of time, the cider is bottled and removed for storage in the basement.

The technology of making a low-alcohol drink from apples has been known for several centuries. Real cider is made without adding yeast and without pasteurizing the finished product.

Preparatory stage

If you are seriously interested in how to make cider, then you need to decide what will come in handy in the process of making it. First you need to choose apples. Sweet and sour varieties of these fruits are best suited for these purposes. You will also need sugar, water and a fermentation vessel to prepare the drink. The composition of the complementary foods depends on the recipe you choose to cook. In addition to the above, you will need a regular medical rubber glove or a special cap.

Before figuring out how to make cider at home, you need to prepare your apples. They need to be rinsed with water, cored with seeds and chopped on a grater, in a food processor or with a knife. There is no need to peel the apples, and you should also not pour boiling water over them or use detergents to clean them. These fruits contain yeast on the skins that aid in fermentation.

Preparing a drink in a standard way

One of the most common apple cider recipes is as follows. Prepare the fruit as described above and fill the washed and sterilized glass container with about 1/3 of it. It is also necessary to add sugar there at the rate of 100 grams for each liter of apple mass or, as it is also called, pulp. You can also put some raisins into the container.

If it seems to you that the apples are not juicy, then add water to the container with the pulp at the rate of 1: 1. Now a regular medical rubber glove is put on the neck of the can. It can be used to judge how the fermentation process is going. In addition, it is needed to block the access of oxygen, otherwise the pulp may simply turn sour. Now the container needs to be placed in a dark place where the round-the-clock temperature is maintained at 21-30 degrees Celsius. She should stand there for about a week. You can assume that making cider at home was successful if, after a specified time, you see an inflated glove on the can. It's time to remove it and strain the resulting drink into a jar.

But that is not all. Now the strained liquid must be placed in the refrigerator and wait for the formation of a precipitate. After that, all that remains is to drain the pure cider without the grounds with a hose, pour into bottles and seal tightly.

The correct method

Those looking to learn how to make a classic cider recipe will have to find ripe wild apples. It will be necessary to squeeze out pure juice from them. It is the basis for the preparation of a classic low-alcohol drink. The juice is poured into a glass container so that it is 2/3 full. The used jar is closed with a special lid - a water seal. When using it, air does not enter the container, but emitted carbon dioxide can escape from it.

The jar must be placed in a dark place for at least three weeks, in which the temperature will be at 22 degrees. After that, it is necessary to drain the clean liquid through a hose so that the sediment remains in the container. This fermented juice must be poured into jars, covered with a lid and stored for 3-4 months at a temperature of 10 degrees. Only after completing all these steps will the juice cider be ready, it can be bottled, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for up to three years.

Note that it does not use sugar, raisins or yeast. Such a product is considered natural.

Old recipe

But these are far from all the ways to make cider. To make a drink using the old-fashioned method, you will need a canvas bag and a wooden barrel. If necessary, the barrel can be replaced with a large enamel saucepan. The washed and peeled apples are poured into a bag, which is placed in a prepared container. After that, you can start preparing the syrup. It is made from 6 liters of water and 1.6 kg of sugar (if you wish, you can use honey instead), this amount is needed for 8 kg of fruit. Top apples are covered with a lid - it can be either solid wood or mesh. Oppression is installed on it - so that the apples cannot float.

After completing these stages, the container is placed in a dark place for fermentation.

When the process is over, the liquid is drained into a clean dish using a flexible hose. With the same apple pulp, these steps can be repeated several times. That is, you again need to prepare the syrup and pour the fruit over them, and after a month, drain the clean liquid. The drinks obtained from several approaches are mixed and settled in a cold place for at least six months. Only after this is the low-alcohol wine cider considered ready.

Yeast recipe

Many people believe that the use of additional ingredients will help speed up the preparation process. But it is not always the case. It will take more than six months to make yeast cider. It is done as follows.

Apples are cut into small pieces, folded into a jar and filled with water so that they are completely covered. This container is placed in a warm place for fermentation for about two weeks; during the process, the liquid must be regularly stirred. After the specified period, the resulting juice is filtered and warmed up a little.

Now you need to add sugar and yeast. The main thing in this case is to observe the proportions. So, 25 grams of yeast and 5 glasses of sugar are mixed with 4.5 liters of fermented juice. Now you need to put it in a container and cover with a lid. As soon as the liquid begins to ferment, it must be poured into a barrel, after the end of the process, it clogs up and stands like this for about six months. Only 6 months later, homemade apple cider is ready and can be bottled.

Quick recipe

Another option for making a low-alcohol champagne drink is the following.

For it you will need 8 kg of apples, 2 kg of sugar, 10 liters of water and the zest of two lemons. Note that you can make cider from these ingredients in just a week.

A homemade recipe with accelerated technology looks like this. Small apples are selected, cored and cut in half. The fruits prepared in this way are folded into a container, covered with sugar and filled with water with the addition of lemon zest. The container is covered with gauze, previously folded in several layers, and placed in a warm place. After a week, the drink can be filtered and bottled, this will already be cider. The homemade accelerated method of preparation, of course, does not coincide with the technology established by specialists for making this drink without adding sugar and other components, but you will be able to drink it in a week.

There is another way to make this low alcohol drink. It can be made from freshly squeezed juice from non-acidic apples. Keep in mind that packaged drinks sold in supermarkets cannot form the basis for cider.

For its preparation, it is necessary to add 100 grams of sugar, wine yeast or a special leaven for each liter of juice. By the way, it can be made from unwashed raspberries, water and sugar. To do this, chopped berries are poured with half a glass of warm water and covered with a spoonful of sugar. The container is closed and placed in a warm place for three days. Moreover, it must be shaken every day.

The juice, mixed with sourdough and sugar, is poured into a jar and closed with a water seal. The container is kept in a cool place until gas bubbles stop, but this is not yet cider. The homemade recipe for this drink requires that the liquid is carefully drained without sediment. After that, you need to wash the container, pour the base of the future wine there again and put it in a cold place for three months. After this period, the cider can already be bottled.

Dried Fruit Drink

If you are on fire preparing this drink at the height of winter, then you should not be upset and wait for a new harvest of apples. For the drink, you can buy inexpensive fresh apples, which are sold all year round, and dried fruits. Cider is made from these ingredients as follows. A layer of dried apples is placed in a jar or barrel, and on top of them - prepared, fresh cut into large pieces. The fruit should fill about half of the container in which you plan to make the cider. A homemade recipe for making a drink from these components is that they must be poured with boiled cooled water and corked for about three weeks, leaving in a dark place for successful fermentation. After the indicated period, the cider can already be drained. The base for this drink can be poured with water and infused at least three more times. But keep in mind, you will get a rather sour drink. It can be sweetened before eating.

Drinking culture

Once you understand how cider is made, it would also be a good idea to figure out how to consume it. It is believed that the dry drink is ideal for various seafood, such as shrimp, oysters. It can also be successfully combined with various cheeses, low-fat kebabs and vegetables. But sweet varieties are better to drink with desserts. This cider goes well with baked goods, yoghurt cakes, sweets, chocolate, mascarpone.

This drink has many benefits. It does not contain any chemical additives, in addition, it is not only a source of vitamins B 6, B 1, C, but also iron, calcium, potassium, pectin. They also say that cider is able to normalize blood pressure and have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. But do not forget that during the fermentation process an alcoholic drink is obtained, so you should not abuse it.