Interesting potato dishes. Amazing Plain Potato Dishes

15.03.2020 Egg dishes

If there are no potatoes in the house, then there is nothing to eat! Our mothers thought so, although they knew that potatoes (from German Kartoffel) were brought to Europe from South America for only approx. 300 years ago. It is now the fifth most important source of calories for modern humans after wheat, corn, rice and barley. You can cook several thousand dishes from potatoes. Boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, potato casseroles, potato pancakes, mashed potatoes, potato cutlets, stewed potatoes, potato ragout, fried potatoes, stuffed potatoes ... Edible tubers go well with literally any product: fish, meat, vegetables, with mushrooms, cheese, milk, sour cream, with any sauces, with herbs, even with berries and seafood. Potatoes are served both hot and cold, as a main course, and as a side dish.

In the section "Potato dishes" 434 recipes

Young potatoes baked in the oven with sour cream

There is no difficulty in boiling young potatoes. It makes no sense to overcomplicate the recipe, but I want to improve it a little, and so that there is no need to buy expensive ingredients. Recipe for potatoes in sour cream, baked ...

Potato cheesecakes with minced meat

You can cook many tasty and interesting dishes from potatoes and minced meat. Today we offer a recipe for oven baked potato cheesecakes with meat. Despite the intricate name, the preparation itself is not difficult. Hoz ...

Potatoes with minced meat in the microwave

Today there will be a recipe for potatoes with minced meat in the microwave. Cooking time is just over 5 minutes. Of course, it is unrealistic to cook a kilogram of potatoes and meat in such a time, but a portion for 2-3 people is quite. If you do everything according to the recipe, you get aro ...

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

Potato zrazy with mushrooms are delicious, look appetizing and can decorate any table. And they are easy to prepare, and the most affordable products are used. There are many cooking options. For example, in this recipe for minced potatoes, take raw potatoes ...

Cheesecakes with potatoes

We offer a recipe for unusual cheesecakes with potatoes. Unlike the traditional version, there is no sugar at all in these cheesecakes. The dough is kneaded from cottage cheese with the addition of mashed potatoes, eggs and flour. Cheesecakes with potatoes can be served as a side dish for meat and ...

Mashed potatoes with carrots

Want to make mashed potatoes in a new way? Here's a simple recipe for you. Cook the peeled potatoes as usual, add the carrots fried with onions and mash them. Surprisingly, in this version, mashed potatoes are great in taste. D ...

Fragrant fried potatoes in a slow cooker

If you love fried potatoes, you probably cooked them differently. When cooked, its taste depends on the spices added during frying. Potatoes can be fried in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker. There are two ways to make it fragrant ...

Potatoes stewed with chicken hearts in a slow cooker

The recipe for potatoes with chicken hearts is suitable for a multicooker and for a regular saucepan. For main courses, the hearts are first fried or stewed until tender, and only then the rest of the ingredients are added, for example, potatoes, rice or pasta. Into the multi ...

Mashed potatoes with stewed cabbage

Mashed potatoes with cabbage will diversify your menu when it is winter outside, cold weather and fresh vegetables only in greenhouses. The recipe for the dish is simple: you need to boil the potatoes, mash them in mashed potatoes and mix with the cabbage puréed with an immersion blender, which must be cooked ...

Potatoes stuffed with Olivier salad

A very simple recipe for stuffed potatoes, the filling for which is prepared in almost the same way as an Olivier salad. I didn’t put the canned peas on. there are so many toppings, but you can add that too. As usual, the potatoes are first ...

Mashed potato tortillas with dill and flax seeds

Potato cakes with dill and garlic are such a cozy, aromatic, homemade baked goods that immediately make you feel warmer. Tortillas, instead of bread, can be served with soup or salad. You can make tortillas in a frying pan or oven. In the last ...

Mandirmak - Dagestan potato casserole in a pan

To try the national Dagestan dish, mandirmak, you don't have to visit a beautiful mountainous country. It is enough to have the simplest and most affordable products and a desire to touch the culture of other nations. Mandirmak is a recipe for ov ...

Stuffed potatoes with vegetables and mozzarella cheese

For stuffing potatoes according to this recipe, the tubers are pre-baked until tender, and then cut in half and filled with baked vegetables. The resulting stuffed potato boats are covered with mozzarella cheese and put in the oven again so that the cheese ...

Filled potato croquettes

Potato croquettes are balls of mashed boiled potatoes, deep fried. It is more convenient to prepare such a dish on a weekend or for a festive table. An unusual side dish of potato croquettes goes well with meat or fish. Blush balls can be ...

Potato Granny with Chicken

There are many recipes using potatoes in Belarusian cuisine. One of them is a recipe for potato granny with chicken. It turns out to be something between a potato casserole and a potato pie with a layer of chicken pieces, sausages and greaves ...

Potatoes with cheese in a slow cooker

There are many ways to cook potatoes. This recipe for baked potatoes with cheese and herbs is suitable for a multicooker. The dish can be either a side dish or an independent dish. The process of cooking potatoes with cheese in a slow cooker is very simple ...

Potato pancakes with onions with crispy crust

There are many options for cooking potato pancakes. Today we offer a recipe for potato and onion pancakes with a crispy crust. The peculiarity of cooking potatoes for dranniki is that it is first chopped on a coarse grater, and then ...

Years passed and our ancestors saw through this overseas vegetable, today we have dozens of options that can be prepared from potatoes. We know how to cook potatoes in a country style, how to cook potatoes in French, how to cook potatoes in sour cream, baked and fried potatoes. Potato recipes in some families make up half of the menu. Potato recipes can be found in almost all national cuisines of the world, because potato dishes, recipes with potatoes, are very nutritious, combined with a variety of products. There are few people who do not like potato dishes. Almost everyone quickly knows what to cook from potatoes: fry or boil in a uniform. Usually, cooking potatoes is straightforward. We know very well what can be made from potatoes. But how tasty to cook potatoes is of interest to many.

Many people like potatoes, but traditional potato dishes often get bored, so housewives sooner or later wonder what to cook non-trivial and tasty from potatoes. For example, it can be homemade potato chips, stuffed potatoes, potato pancakes. But of course this is not all that can be prepared from potatoes. Boiled potatoes in their uniforms or just boiled potatoes are recipes that even a child can cook. There are other simple potato dishes: mashed potatoes and casseroles, potatoes in the oven, and potatoes in a double boiler. Steamed potatoes, like baked potatoes, are considered the healthiest ways to cook potatoes. There are also such simple potato dishes as fried potatoes, fries, which are very tasty, but not very healthy. There are also very unusual potato dishes, the recipes here can be cited as follows: potato pears, gratan, hunting potatoes. But these are already more complex recipes for cooking potatoes, even festive potato dishes. Also worth mentioning are the various potato salads, side dishes, snacks and other delicious potato dishes. We mean, for example, such potato disheslike potatoes with cheese, potatoes in bacon, potatoes with bacon, puff potatoes, potatoes in cream, potatoes in sour cream. Success is guaranteed if you cook potatoes in bacon, potatoes with cheese. Another option for how to cook potatoes deliciously is to boil the potatoes in milk. It has a very delicate taste. Also, potatoes in milk are cooked in the oven, baked with cheese and spices. The potatoes are delicious when cooked with spices. For example, these are potatoes with rosemary.

Despite the fact that potatoes are difficult to spoil, if you have chosen some original potato recipe, we recommend that you cook it with our photo tips. Choose dishes from potatoes with photos, recipes from potatoes with photos, potatoes recipes with photos, potatoes recipes with photos, and cook potatoes for health.

Potato dishes

Potatoesoften called the second bread and therefore potato dishes are very popular - they are loved by both adults and children.

It is interesting that when Peter I brought potatoes to Russia, the peasants were forced to plant them literally by force. Now soups are cooked with it, fried, boiled and baked.

But it is quite possible to cook and unusual potato dishes - this simple product. For example, pizza. Are you surprised? Below we will give 11 recipes for original potato dishes.

Potato canapes

Potato canapes

So the first dish is canapes... Canapes are small sandwiches cut figuratively or in regular slices, and then skewered for convenience.

Potatoes and bacon make a pretty satisfying snack. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. If there is an airfryer, we will use it.
Then we cut the potatoes into small washers or take whole small potatoes. Note that you can clean them at will. You can simply brush and rub with salt.

Next, wrap the potatoes with pieces of bacon or regular bacon, then put them on skewers and bake in the oven until the bacon or bacon is golden brown. This dish can be served with tomato or sour cream sauce with garlic.

Potato sandwiches

Potato sandwiches

A sandwich with potatoes. Yes, don't be surprised. The most common hot sandwich will be tastier and more satisfying with a slice of fried potatoes.

Option one - with sausage and cheese. Place a fried potato slice, a sausage slice and a cheese slice on top of a slice of bread. We bake for five minutes in the oven, airfryer or microwave.

Option two - with tomato and bacon. Fry a slice of potatoes and a slice of bacon. We put it on a piece of bread, then a slice of tomato, on top you can grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. We also bake.

Option three - peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater (like on potato pancakes). Squeeze the garlic into the potato mass, pepper a little, add some salt. Place the grated potatoes on the bread slices. Next, you will need to fry them in a pan in vegetable oil over medium heat. To do this, put the sandwiches with potatoes down. We fry the side with potatoes for about five minutes, turn over and fry the bread a little more. It turns out an appetizing sandwich that is very tasty to eat hot.

In general, there can be a great variety of options, according to your taste. Additives such as fried onions, mushrooms, pickled cucumbers, ham, lettuce will only add spice. Imagine, because hot sandwiches can help out when guests unexpectedly come to the house.

Stuffed potatoes

Stuffed potatoes

In order to cook stuffed potatoes, we take a fairly large potato.

Option one - wash the potatoes thoroughly and clean them with a brush. Cut in half and scrape out the inside to make a boat.

Cooking the filling. Anything is suitable for this - fried onions, mushrooms, fried slices of bacon or sausage, cheese, mayonnaise.

Mix the filling with the middle potatoes and fill the boat. We bake until tender in a hot oven.

The second option is to bake a whole potato in foil, then cut and stuff with the cooked ingredients. Such a hearty dish can be prepared in advance and taken with you to a picnic. And you can heat our crumb-potatoes on coals in foil.

Potato roses

Potato roses

Baked mashed potato roses... An excellent option for recycling yesterday's puree.

Knead the potatoes better (if there is no mashed potatoes, then, accordingly, clean, cook, knead the potatoes). You can add a little more oil and garlic. Next, put foil or baking paper on a baking sheet and spread the potato roses with a spoon or decorate the roses with a pastry syringe. You can sprinkle a little cheese on top, but not necessary. We bake until crusty.

Potato rings

Potato rings

Mashed potato rings... Another disposal option. Put the finished puree in the freezer for a while. Then we form the rings. It's simple - we roll up thin sausages and connect them in a circle, then roll them in an egg and breadcrumbs and fry. A great alternative to beer chips!

Potato waffles

Potato waffles

Potato waffles. Are you surprised? If you have a waffle iron, you can also make a great breakfast with leftover mashed potatoes.

So, add grated cheese, a little greens to the puree, you can put slices of sausage or onions. Add the beaten egg and a little flour, mix everything thoroughly. Next, bake like regular waffles. A hot and hearty breakfast is ready.

Potato mini pizza

Potato mini pizza

We cut the potatoes into halves. We scrape out the middle and use it for cooking mashed potatoes or face masks. And in the potatoes we put your usual pizza filling. Alternatively - ham, olives, pickles, onions and cheese. There are many options. We bake until the potatoes are ready.

Potato salad

A very popular dish in Europe. It is not so common in our country due to the fact that the potatoes in it are cold. But if you want to try, please. So, boil potatoes, cool, cut into slices of any shape. Next, we fill it with mayonnaise and herbs. Garlic or pickled onions can be added as desired. Let it brew a little and serve.

Potato gnocchi

Potato gnocchi

A very popular dish in various cafes. Gnocchi are balls of mashed potatoes with or without filling. They are either fried or boiled. So, we boil the potatoes, adding some salt to the water. After kneading it, add one egg, flour, to make an elastic dough. If you are making gnocchi with a filling, then roll the cake and put the filling in the center according to the principle of pies. If not, just make balls.

The dietary option is to boil our balls in water, you can add a couple of black peppercorns and a little garlic. Serve with tomato sauce. If you want to fry them, then you need to roll the balls in flour or breadcrumbs and fry until crisp.

Potato truffles

Yes, you heard right. Real chocolate truffles can be made with mashed potatoes, chocolate chips, and vanillin. Form sweets and roll in cocoa or coconut flakes.

Potato cake

Potato cake

For him we need:

  • three medium-sized boiled potatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • raisins and vanillin.

Beat eggs with sugar until frothy. Add cocoa and grind with potatoes. Beat the whole mass until fluffy and pour into a greased mold. We bake for about an hour at a temperature of about 180 degrees.

As you can see, original appetizers and even dessert can be made from such a cheap product as potatoes. They will not take away your energy or money. And this is very important in some situations.

Enjoy your meal!

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Time passed, and this vegetable became simply irreplaceable for Europeans - they began to call it “the second bread”. Try 10 simple and delicious potato recipes every day

Potato meatballs for breakfast

We take: 4 boiled potatoes, 100 g of hard cheese, 150 ham (or sausages), 2 raw eggs, 1 tablespoon of flour, vegetable oil for frying, green onions, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking: potatoes, cheese and three grated sausage. Add eggs, green onions, pepper and salt. Add flour and mix everything well. Dip in flour, form the meatballs and fry in a pan in vegetable oil. Serve hot with sour cream.

Baked potatoes

We take: potatoes, spices to your liking, a little vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Cooking: Peel the potatoes and cut into slices, boil in water for 5 - 7 minutes, sprinkle with oil and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown. Young potatoes will be ready in 15 minutes. Small potatoes can be baked whole. If you want the spices to be evenly distributed, put the potatoes, spices and oil in a plastic bag, squeeze it with your hand on top and shake everything well.

Dauphine potatoes

We take: 9 medium potatoes, 9 teaspoons of butter, 9 slices of Dutch or Gouda cheese, salt and ground pepper to taste.

Cooking: peel the potatoes by cutting off a small piece from one edge so that it can be placed vertically. We make cuts along the entire length of the potato with a knife, as if you were cutting for French fries, but without cutting to the edge of about 1 cm. Salt, pepper, put 1 teaspoon of oil inside each potato, if you wish, you can put a little garlic in the cuts. Place the potatoes in a high-edged baking dish. Put a slice of cheese on top of each potato. We bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 45 - 50 minutes (until tender). Eat hot on the table, sprinkle with herbs.

We take: potatoes, bacon, cheese, a clove of garlic, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking: choose potatoes not very large, elongated. We make cuts throughout the potatoes, undercutting to the end. Brush lightly with salt. In each cut of the potato we insert a slice of bacon and cheese, alternating them. Pepper on top, wrap in foil (put a clove of garlic in foil). Put in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes.

Homemade roast with potatoes

We take: 0.5 kg of chicken meat, 5 - 6 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 small carrot, 2 tablespoons of flour, salt and pepper to taste, vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking: cut the onion into half rings, rub the carrots on a coarse grater, fry them until golden brown. Cut the chicken into medium pieces, fry until almost cooked with onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes into large cubes or rings. Add 2 tablespoons of flour to the potatoes, mix. Add potatoes to the meat. Fill the roast with water so that it covers the potatoes. Salt and pepper Simmer under the lid until the potatoes are cooked.

Potatoes baked with tomatoes and cheese

We take: 0.5 kg of potatoes, 200 g of hard cheese, 350 g of tomatoes, salt to taste.

Cooking: Peel the potatoes, boil in salted water until tender (about 20 minutes after boiling). Cool it down. If the tomatoes are small, cut them into slices, if large - in semicircles. Cut the cheese into slices. Cut the potatoes lengthwise into two parts, put them in a greased baking dish. Put cheese and tomatoes on the potatoes. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. We bake for 20 - 25 minutes.

Potatoes with curd cream

We take: 1 kg of potatoes, 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 cloves of garlic, herbs, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking: Peel the potatoes, boil in salted water until tender. Finely chop the greens. We mix cottage cheese and sour cream. Add greens and garlic squeezed through a garlic into the curd, mix, salt and pepper. Cut the hot potatoes lengthwise into two parts. Put the curd mass on the potatoes. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

We take: 1 kg of potatoes, 500 g of mushrooms, 300 g of onions, vegetable oil, herbs, salt to taste.

Cooking: Finely chop the onion, cut the mushrooms into small pieces, cut the potatoes into cubes. Fry the onions in vegetable oil, add mushrooms, fry for 5 - 6 minutes. Add potatoes, fry until tender (about 20 - 25 minutes). Salt to taste. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Potatoes baked with quail eggs

We take: 5 medium potato tubers, 10 quail eggs (medium-sized chicken eggs can be used), 50 g cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking: boil potatoes (without peeling) in salted water, peel. Cut into two parts, cut a little from the bottom so that the potatoes can be placed. Using a teaspoon, make a depression in the potatoes. We break and pour a quail egg into the recess in the potato. Place the potatoes in a baking dish. Salt and pepper. Rub the cheese on a fine grater. Sprinkle cheese over the potatoes. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown (about 30 minutes).