Burnt sugar muffin in vegetable oil. Cupcake in the oven recipe in vegetable oil

04.03.2020 Vegetable dishes

Oh, what a miracle! Cupcakes in general rarely leave me indifferent - they are easy to prepare, but they turn out to be invariably great, but this one is generally beyond praise. Moist, juicy and richly aromatic - baked goods deserve the highest praise. In general, it is so elementary in preparation that it has long become one of my favorites in the field of simple and quick recipes. I can safely recommend it to those who love homemade baked goods, but hate to tinker with the dough for more than 10 minutes. it turns out not to be the most classic and standard in taste, however, it is still a cupcake and, most importantly, delicious!

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Well, who would refuse the constant state of being in love? Who in their right mind would refuse a piece of happiness - bright, rich, chocolate-chocolate? Let's cook today - of course, it is not as wet and "long-lasting" as in the classic recipe with butter, but it is definitely healthier. And cheaper.


120 ml of refined vegetable oil;

250 g flour;

200 g sugar;

180 ml of milk;

1/2 tsp salt;

1 tsp baking powder;

1 tbsp. l. lemon or orange peel;

3 full art. l. cocoa;

50 g finely chopped chocolate.

Break the eggs into a bowl.

Beat with sugar, add salt, butter and baking powder.

Mix flour with cocoa.

Chop the chocolate into medium-sized pieces (small crumbs are simply "lost", it is better if the chocolate is felt in the finished baked goods).

You can even prepare a treat for the whole family using the products that are available at home.

Cupcake with vegetable oil and mayonnaise

The recipe for the most delicate cake with mayonnaise in vegetable oil. You can choose to take jam or condensed milk as a filling.


10 gr. van. sugar and baking powder; 1 st. sugar and fillings; 5 tbsp mayonnaise; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 50 gr. rast. oils.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Sugar and chickens. eggs, beat with a mixer at high speed. A large foam should appear on the surface. I put in mayonnaise, mix the mass.
  2. I enter rast. oil, stir.
  3. I add dry ingredients, mix with each other. I cover the form with rast. butter, shift the dough.
  4. I bake at 180 gr. dessert 30 minutes. If the cake is not yet ready, you need to add 10 minutes extra time.
  5. Let the cupcake cool, you need to leave it lukewarm. I cut into layers. I cover with filling, let the dessert soak perfectly. I powder the top with sugar. powder.

Lush cupcake with kefir and vegetable oil

A fluffy cupcake can be baked on a rast. butter. This recipe will appeal to all those who do not have sl at home at home. oils.

The cupcake will surprise you with its soft crumb and pleasant taste. Thanks to Rast. butter, the dough rises by 1.5 times, at least.


1 tbsp. kefir; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tbsp. sah. powder; 2.5 tbsp. flour; vanilla; 11 gr. baking powder; vanilla; 4/5 Art. rast. oils.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. The dough must be kneaded after the oven is preheated. I mix flour with sugar. powder, baking powder. I mix the mass well.
  2. Beat chickens. egg, salt, add to flour. I pour out the rast. butter and kefir, knead until the dough is smooth.
  3. I pour the dough into the mold. Rast. I smear the form with oil. I bake the cake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Sausage cake with cabbage in vegetable oil

If you want something tasty for dinner, I advise you to cook this delicious treat. It is better to take salami for it, but even boiled sausage can perfectly complement it.

The cupcake can be given to the kids for lunch or taken to a picnic.

So, let's get started, a recipe with step by step photos is presented a little below.


11 gr. baking powder; 200 gr. sausages; 2.5 tbsp. flour; 150 g cabbage; salt; 1 tbsp Sahara; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tbsp. kefir; 100 ml solution oils.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I preheat the oven to 200 gr. temperature.
  2. I mix flour and sugar, baking powder. I stir it.
  3. Beat chickens. egg, salt to get a thick foam. I add the mixture to the flour, pour out the kefir, rast. butter, knead the dough so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  4. I cut the sausage into cubes. I advise you to take more sausages to make the cake even more delicious.
  5. Shinny cabbage. I add cabbage and sausage, mix the dough.
  6. I put the dough in the mold, grease it with rast. butter. Bake 35-40 minutes in the oven and the treat is ready.

Delicious muffins in vegetable oil

This recipe is loved by many housewives. You should not be surprised, because the cupcakes will be delicious, healthy and they are prepared very simply.

The test is based on the most affordable components, the mass of which may be at your home at hand. Fragrant cupcakes in paper tins turn out to be real culinary masterpieces.

They can be safely prepared for a festive feast or everyday tea drinking.

The recipe lists the ingredients that can be used to make 12 small cupcakes.


60 gr. rast. oils; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 80 gr. Sahara; 10 gr. van. Sahara; 130 g raspberry jam; 230 gr. kefir; 300 gr. flour; 100 g raisins; sah. powder; half tsp soda; 2 tbsp lemon zest.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Chicken. I interrupt the eggs with a whisk, complementing the van. sugar. I introduce kefir, rast. butter, jam and zest.
  2. I pour boiling water over my raisins. After 20 minutes, let it dry on a paper towel.
  3. I add flour and soda to the bowl.
  4. I introduce raisins covered with flour. I stir the dough. I do the kneading smoothly, the dough for muffins does not tolerate sudden movements.
  5. I put it in paper forms, bake at 175 gr. temperature in the oven. 30 minutes and the muffins are ready.

You don't have to use raspberry jam for your muffins. Perhaps some will note that it does not crunch very pleasantly on the teeth, because there are small bones in raspberries.

Experiment, your efforts will definitely be appreciated by loved ones!

Sour cream cake with vegetable oil

Treats with sour cream and rust. butter will surprise everyone with an airy and tender dough. It is not wet, but porous and resilient. A very good batch, because the treat will be fresh even the next day.

Preparing to knead dough based on sour cream, rast. butter, sugar and flour. I note that all these components are often found in every home. The advantage of the recipe is that you can knead by hand, you don't even need a mixer.

If you want, you can dilute sour cream pastries with candied fruits, jam or pieces of chocolate. Feel free to connect your imagination!


3 pcs. chickens. egg; 150 g Sahara; 4 tablespoons rast. oils; 100 g sour cream; 2 tbsp. flour; half tsp soda; 1 tsp vinegar; vanillin; dried fruits.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I rub chickens. eggs and sugar together in a bowl.
  2. I introduce sour cream and rust. butter. I stir the mass.
  3. I introduce soda, quenched with vinegar. I pour it into the dough. I add vanillin and flour. I knead with tbsp.
  4. I add fillers to the dough as desired.
  5. I grease the form with rast. oil. Sprinkle with flour. I put the dough. I equate. I bake in the oven at 180 gr. temperature for 30 minutes. I check the readiness with a toothpick.
  6. I put it on a dish, sprinkle it with sah. powder. I cut into portions.

That's all, this is where the recipes in the article come to an end. But I suggest you check out my recommendations for baking perfect muffins in vegetable oil!

  • Dessert baked goods need the addition of vanilla, cinnamon. The aroma will become even tastier. Your family will be delighted with the smell and will gather in the kitchen themselves in anticipation of a delicious meal. Even children never refuse such a treat, and many of them are really problematic to feed.
  • Supplement the muffins with candied fruits, nuts, raisins, dried apricots. But these additives are not necessary, even if they will improve the readiness of the dish. You can use chocolate for muffins.
  • To add chocolate to muffins, mix the chopped product into the dough. When baked in the oven at high temperature, the pieces will melt. The pastries will become delicious, sweet and chocolatey.
  • If you don't have kefir at hand for kneading dough, take sour milk, yogurt. This will not spoil the taste.
  • You can add frozen berries or a crushed apple to the dough.
  • In the absence of baking powder, you can take soda slaked with lemon juice for the dough.

My video recipe

The recipe for muffins with vegetable oil is similar in composition to traditional baked goods. The difference is that creamy muffins made with butter are more nutritious and dense in structure, but they cannot be cooked during the fast. Muffins, based on vegetable oil, have a more porous texture and can be cooked on fasting days if the use of eggs is limited. And if the sugar in the recipe for muffins in vegetable oil is replaced with fructose or a sweetener, then the dessert can be considered dietary.

Cupcake is one of the most beloved and, at the same time, simple desserts of all times and peoples. Try making your own cupcakes and see for yourself.

Simple vegetable oil cake with fruits and spices

This cake is good for cooking in small, shallow tins. It bakes well, but doesn't feel dry due to the fruit.

To make dough:

  • sugar - 20 g;
  • water - 100 g;
  • yeast - 1 sachet.

For the test:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • cream - 250 g;
  • vegetable oil - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • nutmeg, cardamom, lemon zest and salt - pinch each;
  • dried berries and fruits (candied fruits) - 500 g;
  • almonds - 70 gr.


  1. We put the leavened dough in a warm place for 40 minutes.
  2. Sift flour, add sugar and warm cream. Gradually add the dough to the flour and knead the dough. Lastly, we introduce fruits - berries with nuts and warmed vegetable oil.
  3. Knead the dough thoroughly, let it stand for an hour.
  4. Mix the dough well again and pour it into a greased mold. While the oven is heating to 180 degrees, the dough is suitable. To make the cake at the exit lush and dry, you should not rush.
  5. Sprinkle the prepared muffins with powdered sugar and you can serve them to the table.

Honey cake with vegetable oil

Such baked goods acquire a special taste and aroma of honey. Honey, as an excellent preservative, does not allow the cake to become stale, it makes it possible to show all its advantages and qualities acquired over time.


  • 2 glasses of flour;
  • 0.5 cups of honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves, grated nutmeg;
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1 egg.


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Flour with soda is sifted through a sieve, spices are added to the dry mixture and mixed. In a water bath, another mixture is prepared from honey, vegetable oil and sugar. The third mixture consists of a blended egg and milk. Combine all three mixtures and knead a homogeneous dough. The texture of the dough is liquid.

Ingredients for 12 muffins:

  • 1 large orange;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • a little more than a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1.5 teaspoon baking powder;
  • one packet of vanilla sugar;
  • a glass of heavy homemade cream;
  • a glass of fatty sour cream.


I remove the zest from the washed orange and crush it. I grind the orange in a blender. I mix vanilla sugar with baking powder with sifted flour.

I put it in the molds and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. I don't take it out of the oven right away, I cool it right there. This allows the muffins to acquire the desired texture and not fall off when removed from the oven. I decorate these muffins with a mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon. Try it, delicious and satisfying!

Cottage cheese and raisin cupcake

The addition of cottage cheese to the components of the dough provides an impeccably correct texture of the dessert and greatly simplifies its preparation. It turns out an almost classic recipe for cake with vegetable oil, but with its own twist.


  • one pack of fatty cottage cheese;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.


  1. First of all, let's deal with raisins. It must be thoroughly washed, steamed and cooled in a colander.
  2. The raisins are cooling down, and at this time we shake the eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Continuing to stir, dilute with vegetable oil.
  3. Grind cottage cheese on a sieve or grind in a blender until creamy. We add soda to the curd in the process of grinding it.
  4. Add beaten eggs to the curd, mix until smooth.
  5. The sifted flour is added to this mixture in small portions to avoid the formation of small lumps.
  6. The final chord will be an introduction to raisins dough. We put it in an oiled form and send it to the oven for baking. We bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about an hour. Cool it right in the mold.

Pumpkin muffin with nuts and spices

Pumpkin muffins are delicious. And the addition in the form of a mixture of spices and an assortment of nuts give it even more flavor.


  • pumpkin (peeled) - 400 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 350 gr;
  • soda - 15 gr;
  • lemon (zest) 1 pc .;
  • cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ground nutmeg - 10 g each;
  • walnuts (peanuts) -150 gr;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 gr.


  1. Remove the zest from the lemon using a vegetable knife and finely chop. If the nuts are not fried, fry. Cut the peeled pumpkin into small pieces and grind with a blender. You should not be especially zealous: small vegetable fragments will not interfere. Shake the sugar with eggs and butter until a light foam forms.
  2. Without stopping to interfere, we introduce soda, lemon juice and salt. Mix the spices with each other, add lemon zest to them and mix all this with sweet eggs.
  3. Gradually add flour. Add pumpkin and roasted nuts last. While stirring, we check: whether lumps have formed when kneading the dough. We send the dough laid out in the form into a preheated oven and bake for an hour. You can decorate the cake with crushed almonds and powdered sugar.

Children's chocolate dessert

The vegetable oil in the chocolate cake will not only maintain the required structure, but also significantly reduce its calorie content. Therefore, such a cake is recommended primarily for a children's table, and baked in its original form and soaked in syrup or cream, it may well serve as a substitute for a cake.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 200 gr flour;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 60 grams of cocoa powder;
  • a small pack of sour cream;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a glass of any canned fruit.


  1. The cooking process is unchanged: grind sugar with eggs, add oil, mix.
  2. The flour mixed with cocoa and baking powder gradually combines with the sugar and egg mixture.
    Add fruit last. If they are small (cherries, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, etc.), we introduce them whole; if the fruits are large (apricots, plums, apples, peaches), they should first be cut into centimeter fragments.
  3. We line the bottom of the mold with parchment, grease the sides with oil and put our dough into it. In an oven preheated to 170 degrees, bake for 50 minutes. We study without taking it out of the mold. We check the readiness of the cake with a dry stick.

A recipe for those who want to please their family with homemade cakes for Easter, but are reluctant to mess around with yeast dough. This wonderful muffin with raisins and protein icing will perfectly fit into the Easter menu. Making a cupcake on kefir is not difficult at all, but its taste and aroma are at their best!

raisins, cognac, flour, butter, sugar, kefir, eggs, yolk, baking powder, soda, salt, protein, powdered sugar, sprinkles, lime juice

The yeast-free cake according to this recipe turns out to be soft and very fragrant. For its preparation, the dough is kneaded with the addition of cottage cheese and carrots. It is thanks to these ingredients that the cake-cake turns out to be very tasty and original in the context. Prepare a carrot and curd cake, and the Easter holiday will take on new colors.

flour, cottage cheese, carrots, eggs, sugar, butter, soda, lemon juice, salt, vanillin, powdered sugar, dragee

The recipe for the perfect chocolate cupcake in a cup! Delicious, soft crumb with an amazing velvety texture and rich chocolate aroma - you will get all this in just 10 minutes, because such a chocolate cake is prepared in the microwave!

wheat flour, cocoa powder, sugar, eggs, milk, sunflower oil, baking powder, salt

Do you want to bake a cake that combines two types of dough, and not just like that, but in the form of a certain figure inside? Then read the Easter Bunny Cupcake recipe and get down to business, because the result is worth it. A cupcake with a chocolate bunny inside is a wonderful pastry for the Easter holidays. Children will absolutely love it!

flour, cocoa powder, eggs, sugar, butter, milk, baking powder, vanillin, flour, eggs, protein, sugar, vegetable oil, milk, baking powder, vanillin

Omelet muffins with vegetables and cheese are a great alternative to the usual scrambled eggs. Such a breakfast will give you not only a wonderful delicate taste, but also a great mood for the whole day.

eggs, milk, hard cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, broccoli, dry Italian herbs, salt, vegetable oil

Delicious Homemade Chocolate Date Cake Recipe! Mashed dates are one of the ingredients in the dough, which is unusual in itself, but gives an amazing result. This chocolate cake with dates is very similar to brownie - the cake has the same rich chocolate taste, color and aroma, but the structure is still a real cake, crumbly and tender.

dates, black chocolate, eggs, butter, sugar, wheat flour, baking powder

Healthy baked goods can be delicious! An example of this is a muffin made from mashed banana, milk and vegetable oil, with the addition of oatmeal, nuts and chocolate to the dough. Nuts and chocolate enrich the cake and make it taste richer, while cinnamon gives baked goods a characteristic spicy aroma.

banana, flour, milk, sugar, oatmeal, walnut, chocolate, sunflower oil, baking powder, vanilla sugar, ground cinnamon, salt

Recipe for delicious and healthy pastries without butter, sugar and wheat flour! It's hard to believe, but these muffins are really prepared without the usual baking products - oatmeal replaces flour, banana and dried fruits give sweetness, and the absence of oil is completely invisible. Oat muffins are soft, flavorful and great for a healthy diet!

Baking with kefir and vegetable oil can be safely considered the starting point of my culinary experience. It was with her that I began to create. And why? Because ingredients such as kefir and vegetable oil are always in the house. Plus, the recipes are really simple and take less than an hour to prepare. Today we will cook a cake with kefir and vegetable oil. But first things first.

First, there are different kinds of kefir. Which one you take is up to you. The fatter the product, the correspondingly fatter the finished cake will turn out. And as we know, the fatter, the tastier :)

Secondly, vegetable oil is also different, the most popular is, of course, odorless sunflower oil, which I use. But no one forbids experimenting with olive, sea buckthorn, cedar, sesame or whatever. Try with different options.

I also like baking with kefir because it is enough to use soda as a baking powder. Just do not overdo it, otherwise bitterness will appear in the finished dish. And put it at the end, along with the remaining flour. Then stir and quickly in the oven, because when soda gets into the sour dough (and kefir makes it sour), a reaction immediately begins and carbon dioxide is released, making the baking airy.

So let's get down to cooking. We need the following ingredients.

Combine eggs, salt and sugar in a bowl.

Beat with a whisk for 2-3 minutes - until the mass is clear and bubbles appear. You can use a mixer to speed up the process.

Add vegetable oil and kefir to eggs and sugar.

Stir until smooth.

Sift flour to liquid ingredients.

Add soda. We take a teaspoon without a slide.

Knead the cake dough with kefir and vegetable oil. It will turn out like thick sour cream.

Without hesitation, we shift the mass into a mold and immediately put it in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. We bake for 20-30 minutes. The baking time depends on the size of the dish. If necessary, we lubricate the walls with oil - that is, if the mold is metal, glass, etc. This is not required for silicone molds.

We check the readiness of the cake on kefir and vegetable oil with a wooden stick. Cool in the form, then put on a wire rack until it cools completely (so that the bottom does not get wet).

The cooled cake is served to the table, decorating as desired. I greased the baked goods with jam and sprinkled them with crumbs made from the top of the uneven crust on top.

I deliberately took a wide form, and therefore my pastries turned out to be low. A muffin made with kefir and vegetable oil can also serve as a crust for a cake.

Bon Appetit!