How to store chanterelles after collection. Grows in large groups and singly

04.05.2019 Buffet table

If other freshly picked mushrooms cannot be left unprocessed until morning, then with chanterelles this is permissible. Who ever left forest mushrooms at night, they know that by morning they will be teeming with worms, since it is impossible to detect all the worms, and they spread through the mushrooms very quickly. So with chanterelles this is impossible.
Therefore, they can be put in a breathable bag (that is, not plastic) and placed in the refrigerator at temperatures up to +10 without washing or cleaning. There they can wait a day for their fate.
You can also clean the chanterelles, wash, put in cold water and again put in the refrigerator. It is permissible to keep them in this form for 4 days. But their taste properties at the same time they worsen.
After boiling, they can be kept in the refrigerator.up to 5 days.

Frozen chanterelles

To freeze them, of course, they must be cleaned, washed and boiled for about 10 minutes. Without cooking, they will become rubbery and bitter after freezing, and it will be impossible to get rid of this bitterness later.
Frozen chanterelles can be stored in the freezer for several months (some people store it for a year, but it is still recommended not more than 4 months).
Chanterelles can be fried before freezing. They will taste just as good after defrosting.

Pickled and canned chanterelles

If you pickled chanterelles without rolling, then you need to store them, like everything salted and pickled, at a temperature not higher than +8.
If you canned the chanterelles by rolling them up, then depending on the recipe used, store them either in the refrigerator or in the room. But cold storage is always preferable to avoid botulism.

Chanterelles are considered one of the most useful mushrooms... They got their name due to the characteristic reddish color. Chanterelles are mainly forest mushrooms, famous for unique taste and pleasant aroma... Mushrooms contain many nutrients and vitamins, while remaining low in calories.

Features of preparing chanterelles for freezing

  1. This type of mushroom loses a little taste and aroma when pickling, so they should mainly be used in fresh... Chanterelles are often frozen for the winter. different ways.
  2. To freeze mushrooms, you need freshly harvested specimens that are free from defects. Chanterelles are also famous for the fact that they cannot be wormy. Therefore, before freezing, you should pay attention to strong and whole fruits.
  3. The rest of the mushrooms are best consumed in the near future. Shouldn't be chilled freshly picked chanterelles, because after such manipulations they will acquire bitterness. After collecting the mushrooms, you need to prepare them for long-term storage as soon as possible.
  4. If you prepare the mushrooms quickly enough, you will preserve the maximum properties of chanterelles later when used. Shelf life freshly picked mushrooms in the freezer is up to 5 months.

Method number 1. Freezing raw chanterelles

  1. If you are going to freeze raw mushrooms, you will need freshly picked ones. There is a high probability that if the chanterelles do not give heat treatment, they can taste bitter.
  2. To avoid such an oversight, culinary experts recommend that you carefully consider sorting mushrooms. To freeze fresh chanterelles, choose only dense specimens with no hint of damage. They also should not be large or dry.
  3. Freezing anyway raw chanterelles, you run the risk of facing a similar problem. Whether or not to store the mushrooms in this form is up to you. After packing, wipe each fruit with a paper towel; you do not need to wash the chanterelles.
  4. The manipulation carried out without water will help to better maintain the quality of the product. After processing, send the chanterelles to freezer on a tray, laying them in one layer. The freezing procedure lasts 12-15 hours.
  5. After the allotted time, the mushrooms can be poured into portioned bags or food containers. Next, re-place the chanterelles in the freezer and store until use. The chamber temperature should be below -16 degrees.

Method number 2. Freezing fried chanterelles

  1. Take required amount mushrooms, almost any specimen is suitable for frying. You just have to get rid of the spoiled ones. If you yourself collected chanterelles, it is undesirable to wash them.
  2. Examine the mushrooms carefully, get rid of excess twigs, leaves and possible dirt. Then send the chanterelles to the skillet with a little vegetable oil. The cooking time of the product is on average 20 minutes.
  3. Make sure that excess liquid evaporates from the mushrooms, and the chanterelles themselves are covered with a ruddy crust. The product should be fried without adding any spices and ingredients, except for the oil itself.
  4. Frying with animal fat is prohibited. Otherwise, the mushrooms can find vents, the shelf life will be reduced to 1 month. After roasting on vegetable oil Put the chanterelles on paper towels until they cool completely.
  5. Next, pack the mushrooms in a way convenient for you. Send for long-term storage in the freezer. The undoubted advantage of chanterelles is that they do not need to be boiled before frying.

Method number 3. Freezing chanterelles in the form of broth

  1. This option is considered ideal if you plan on making soup. Prepare the chanterelles using the standard method, get rid of debris and bad specimens. Pour in enough water in a heat-resistant container, wait until it boils.
  2. After the first bubbles appear, add salt and pepper to taste. You can also add fresh chopped herbs. Send the mushrooms to the total mass in a saucepan, stir the composition thoroughly. Cook the chanterelles for about 7 minutes.
  3. Then discard them in a colander, while saving the broth. Wait until the mushrooms and liquid have cooled. Take a food container, place it in cling film or a plastic bag.
  4. Place the mushrooms in a container, pour the cooled broth over the chanterelles. Submit finished product in the freezer for a couple of hours. After hardening, remove the compound from the container by pulling on the plastic.
  5. Place the resulting briquette in a bag, then re-send it to the freezer until the right moment of use. On the basis of a semi-finished product, you can cook tasty soup or the second dish.

Method number 4. Freezing boiled chanterelles

  1. A clear advantage boiled chanterelles is that you do not risk leaving the bitterness in the mushrooms. Sort the product thoroughly, get rid of foreign debris. Cut large specimens in half, if necessary.
  2. Pour water into the cooking utensil so that it turns out to be 2 times more than the mushrooms. Wait until it boils, add 15-20 gr. rock salt for 1 kg. product. Then add the right amount chanterelles.
  3. The duration of boiling mushrooms is 6 minutes. If a film forms during the process, get rid of it immediately. Chanterelles can be cooked a little longer, but then you risk that the mushrooms will lose their former aroma and taste.
  4. After carrying out the main manipulation, place the chanterelles on a sieve or in a colander, wait until the liquid completely drains. Next, put the mushrooms on a waffle towel, let the chanterelles dry.
  5. Ignoring the advice, excess moisture will stand out and turn into ice. There is nothing wrong with that, only the aesthetic appearance of the product will deteriorate. Place the mushrooms on the tray, send them to the cell for 12 hours. After that, place it in portions in containers, re-send it to the camera for a long time.

How to defrost chanterelles correctly

  1. To defrost mushrooms properly, you need to divide the actions into stages. Remove the frozen food and place it on the coldest shelf in the refrigerator. Open the door periodically to monitor the process.
  2. Once the ice has thawed a little, place the mushrooms at room temperature... It is forbidden to accelerate the defrosting of chanterelles with microwave oven... Try to use the right amount of mushrooms in a short time.
  3. It is also forbidden to repeat the freezing procedure. Initially, calculate the approximate amount of mushrooms for cooking a dish.
  4. If you have frozen chanterelles in various ways, you should initially sign the packages or containers. Explain by what method you performed the procedure.

It's easy to prepare chanterelles for the winter if you stick to simple tips... Almost all dishes can be cooked from thawed chanterelles, there are no restrictions. Add mushrooms to basic ingredients, baked goods or salads. Choose the most suitable way freeze or use each of them.

Video: chanterelles for the winter in butter

Not every housewife considers chanterelles to be mushrooms worthy of taking up space on the table, but, nevertheless, many continue to love them and eat them. Most mushrooms, including chanterelles, do not withstand long-term fresh storage, so they prefer to process or preserve them - in this form, they have a chance to stay longer.

How to store chanterelles correctly

There are three main types of long-term storage of chanterelles: conservation, freezing, drying.

A large crop of chanterelles suggests that you will have to stockpile for the winter. You can pickle mushrooms in jars - this is a very convenient option. The color of the chanterelles will fade and they will not be as attractive as fresh, but they will taste very good.

If you eat these mushrooms only fresh, for example, fry them for salad or pizza, then the freezing method will suit you. Frozen chanterelles keep a large number of vitamins and substances that they contain.

Before salting or freezing, prepare the mushrooms: sort out the debris, peel, discard the spoiled ones, and rinse the rest several times. Keep the mushrooms clean, as insects love to feast on chanterelles in the forest.

Sometimes the crop turns out to be bitter - especially after freezing. Do not be alarmed, slight bitterness is not a sign of improper storage. Bitter are chanterelles collected in a certain period - rainy, or in a certain area.

You can get rid of the bitterness just by boiling the mushrooms in water. It is necessary to cook for no more than 20 minutes, after which the cooled chanterelles must be divided into portions and put into bags. We send all portions back to the freezer. Remember that processed mushrooms are no longer suitable for re-freezing, so make sure the portions are small - count on the size of the future dish and the number of servings.

Many housewives harvest fried mushrooms In oil. Chanterelles are first boiled, then fried in vegetable oil until tender. It is important that there is enough oil. After frying, we transfer the mushrooms to pre-prepared jars. It is better if they are small, again, for a few servings - no more. When the mushrooms are laid out, fill them with oil on top - this way they will last longer. We send the blanks in cans to the refrigerator.

How much to store chanterelles in the refrigerator

Even a refrigerator cannot provide long-term storage for raw fresh mushrooms. Yes, the temperature in the refrigerator allows you to store the chanterelles in this form, but no more than a day. If you want to extend the deadline, try to process the mushrooms according to the following scheme: fill with water and soak for several hours; rinse; boil. If the chanterelles were subjected to heat treatment, then their period is increased by 5 days.

If you have fried chanterelles and store them in a jar, then they can be edible for no more than six months. In the freezer, processed mushrooms do not spoil for 4 months, but watch how you defrost them - this requires room temperature.

How to store dried chanterelles

There are many benefits to storing mushrooms dry. First, they take up much less space. Secondly, they are stored for a very, very long time, and thirdly, drying of mushrooms is additional processing, eliminating germs and pests.

If you keep dried mushrooms at the bank - prepare them in advance. It is necessary to release oxygen from the cans - pour alcohol into them and set them on fire, closing the can with a lid. Thus, you exclude the possibility of mushroom oxidation, and all useful substances will linger in them for a long time.

Highly interesting option storage dried mushrooms - in powder. If your mushrooms are dry, grind them to make something like a powder. This powder can be stored in a bag in a dark place and used to create a variety of food sauces.

A mushroom like a chanterelle sometimes gives a rich harvest. Therefore, it is often harvested for the winter. Most often to save tasty product on for a long time, it is frozen. But sometimes chanterelles can taste bitter after defrosting. This happens if the harvest is harvested in a spruce forest or there has been no rain for a long time. What to do?

Storage rules

The mushroom must be thoroughly washed before any manipulation. cold water... It is also worth going over the harvest. Do not use old and dry specimens for food.

To avoid bitterness after defrosting, as well as to keep the natural taste, the chanterelles are pre-boiled. The whole procedure takes 20 minutes. After they cool. Then you can pack in containers or bags and freeze.

Defrosting is necessary only at room temperature. Keep frozen for up to 4 months.

But sometimes there is no way to cook, the mushroom is simply put in a cold place until the time comes, but the question immediately arises - how much can you store chanterelles in the refrigerator? Usually this period is a day, but this is only if the mushroom is dry. If it is wet, then it can only be kept for a couple of hours on the coldest shelf. Later it can no longer be eaten. If you manage to boil the mushrooms, then they will be edible for up to 5 days.

The best recipes

The crop is most often salted, but its appearance is not so attractive. If a fresh mushroom fascinates with its beauty, then a salty one is no longer so beautiful.

In most cases, after cooking, the product is fried, and then laid out in sterile jars, poured over with oil and rolled up. Such preservation can stand up to six months in a cool place.

Some housewives prefer to dry the product. And this is reasonable. After all, dried mushrooms take up little space, the shelf life is significantly increased, and you can use it in any dish. Usually they are folded in linen bags and placed in a dark place. You can use a sterile jar instead of a bag, but first release all the air with alcohol.

The question of how much chanterelles can be stored is very relevant. If they are raw, then no more than a day. It is best to pre-boil the product, then you can use it for another 5 days. Housewives also practice drying, salting, freezing conservation. If you use a freezer, then it is better to boil the mushrooms first.

How to freeze chanterelles correctly? Sometimes after freezing, chanterelles develop bitterness. How to freeze chanterelles in the refrigerator - helpful tips.

Novice mushroom pickers do not always know how to freeze chanterelles correctly. Hence the statement that these mushrooms acquire bitterness after freezing. Fresh chanterelles can be stored for no more than a day. If there are a lot of mushrooms, then they must be quickly processed.

Mushrooms can be salted, but the beneficial properties of chanterelles are lost from the effects of salt. The easiest way to preserve is by freezing and storing in the fridge freezer.

Before you freeze the chanterelles

Before freezing in any way, the mushrooms must be prepared, following simple rules.

  • It is impossible fresh mushrooms keep warm for a long time - with every hour the quality of chanterelles deteriorates.
  • The mushrooms should be sorted out and sorted. For freezing, choose young mushrooms.
  • The selected chanterelles must be cleaned of debris. I believe that it will not be superfluous to rinse them in running water. Do not soak chanterelles before freezing. Put the washed mushrooms in a colander. When the water drains, spread the mushrooms in a thin layer on paper towel to dry.

Ways to freeze chanterelles for long-term storage

There are only two most popular freezing methods.

First way. The washed mushrooms are placed in containers or bags and placed in the freezer. But with this method of freezing and long-term storage sometimes they develop bitterness that spoils the preserved mushrooms.

Second way. With this method, the mushrooms do not taste bitter, but they lose some beneficial features... Pour the mushrooms with water and bring to a boil. You can add salt to boiling water. It is recommended to boil for no more than twenty minutes. After boiling, the mushrooms are washed in running water and spread on paper napkins in one layer to dry. After drying, spread in a thin layer on a tray and place in the freezer. Next, the frozen chanterelles are laid out in bags and placed in the freezer for storage.