What tinctures can be made from alcohol. Delicious raisin tinctures

Continuing our search in the endless world of alcohol, we decided to turn to strong liqueurs - an ancient branch of daring experiments, which has grown to the present day into a large-scale independent culture. How to prepare tinctures at home: choosing combinations, skillfully handling ingredients and storing the composition - Vyacheslav Lankin, bar manager of the Delicatessen restaurant and a renowned master of the industry, helped us with these questions.

Brief historical background

No one knows exactly when exactly the first time a person thought of insisting on alcohol on any other ingredients, but historians believe that the first tinctures began to be produced by the ancient Chinese - approximately in the 3rd millennium BC. NS. Later, the recipe for the preparation of tinctures - both medicinal and not - reached ancient Greece and Ancient Rome through Asia, and came to Russia, of course, much later - only by the 10th century AD. NS.

The first Russian liqueur is the so-called "Erofey's vodka", which was prepared on the basis of anise, nuts, mint and, of course, vodka. Later, the Russian people, already inclined to experiment with alcoholic beverages, experimentally brought out thousands of intricate recipes - tinctures were heated, cooled, diluted, dyed (for example, with cornflower flowers) and attributed medicinal properties to them. At the same time, rowan was also in the same associative row with vodka, which was used more often than other berries as the main ingredient in tinctures and whose bitterness was masked by not too high-quality moonshine.

Basic rules

As in any responsible business, you first need to immerse yourself in theory, even if at first glance this very matter seems obvious. So, it is customary to call tinctures alcoholic beverages, usually up to 45% of the strength, which are obtained by infusing alcohol on fruits, berries, seeds and herbs - usually with the addition of sugar and many other ingredients. Naturally, in each case, everything is a little more complicated than just mixing alcohol and berries, but more on that later. In terms of time, the process of producing a tincture can take up to seven weeks - in general, you have to be patient and not open the can ahead of time.

Do not confuse liqueurs with liqueurs - these are two different categories of drinks. The latter are most often obtained by fermentation (or, conversely, by simply mixing alcohol with fruit drink, if we talk about industrial quantities). They are also distinguished by the level of alcohol content - no more than 20%.

The meaning of the infusion process itself is that all biologically active substances and essential oils of the main ingredient of the tincture are converted into alcohol. This is exactly what the tincture takes from two to seven weeks. You can speed up this process - if you heat the composition to about 50 degrees. But we do not recommend that you do this - it will most likely turn out worse (on the other hand, you can experiment endlessly).

A sort of alcohol close to tinctures is bitter. It includes bitters, some liqueurs and rare vermouths.

How to make the tincture yourself

It is worth understanding one thing in advance: the culture of tinctures is an endless chain of trial and error. There are many classic recipes or simply guaranteed successful combinations, but some of them turn out to be frankly spoiled, and in other cases, on the contrary, they acquire additional flavoring bonuses. Everything will depend on the compatibility, the set of ingredients and the storage conditions of the tincture - each of these points guarantees you a lot of pitfalls and a whole universe for experimentation. Here we will try to dwell on the last point in more detail, and also give a couple of proven recipes to get you started.

Alcohol selection
and the main ingredient of the tincture

The easiest way is to experiment with the simplest beverages in terms of taste. In fact, you can insist on simple alcohol - it will be much easier to handle such drinks, but much less interesting. More complex spirits are another matter: gin, grappa, even rum, bourbon and whiskey.

For such drinks, you need to carefully select a pair. The main rule is that you need to either supplement or completely interrupt the original taste of alcohol with the main ingredient. For example, juniper gin (although it seems simple and transparent) is not so easy to curb - for this, sweet berries are most often used: currants, raspberries and others.

The second important question is how many berries or fruits to put in the jar. Let's say right away: you shouldn't feel sorry for the product: the more berries there are, the brighter and richer the taste of the final potion. It is also important to understand this rule: the more berries, the more juice will be released into the tincture and the more alcohol will drop in degrees, which is usually not very good - here you will have to find a balance, and better on your own, according to your personal taste.


To store the tincture, first of all, you need to acquire the correct capacity: not too narrow glass containers with a sealed lid and always transparent - in order to follow the process. Another important thing that you definitely have to stock up on is your patience. Frequent opening of the lid "for testing" or "sniffing" can lead to disastrous consequences.

Vyacheslav Lankin

bar manager of the restaurant Delicatessen

“When I set out to prepare my first such tincture - then it was gin on raspberries - it captivated me so much that I was happy to show it to all my friends, open the can and let it smell. Over time, because of this, the berries that floated to the surface began to become moldy (and this even though the gin was 57 degrees). So remember - it is contraindicated to open in vain. And with emerging berries, you can fight with the help of special weights and chintz ”.

It is easier and best to store the magic jar at normal room temperature - leave the rest of the options to the experimental area. But the meaning of the temperature regime in general is quite simple: an increase in temperature increases the diffusion rate, so the tincture is prepared faster. But not always, however, it is better for her.

Another important detail from the storage area is the rays of light. If you leave the container in a dark closet, the tincture will turn out to be darker in color and seem to be thicker in appearance. This is the classic version. But you can go further and put it in the sun (for example, on the roof of your villa) - the color will fade, it will become more rusty and lighter, and the tincture itself, no matter how strange it may sound, will acquire a smoked taste and smell.

You can uncork the potion after two weeks of infusion. Only after that does it make sense to somehow taste and smell the tincture. And then in the event that you use juicy berries or fruits. It will take much longer to insist on solid, dried ingredients or seeds and seeds.

The easiest way to determine the degree of doneness is visually - when the color of alcohol and berries is mixed, and the contents of your jar are almost 100 percent uniform, you can stop infusion. An exception is your personal experience or the seeds contained in fruits and berries, for the sake of additional astringency of which you can continue to insist and wait a long time for the coveted result.

The final stage before consumption is the separation of the fruit from the alcohol. First, strain everything through a fine sieve, pouring the berries soaked in alcohol there, and leave it for 20-30 minutes. The question remains whether to squeeze the berries or not. Everything is also quite simple here - you can squeeze everything except berries, which are a gruel in a shell (like currants and raspberries) - then there will be no way to strain these small residues. And the rest is all - the tincture is ready.

Some additional tips

2. Before putting the berries in the tincture, they should be frozen - the ice will destroy the structure, and they will give away juices and other elements faster.

3. There is an opinion that the readiness of the tincture should be determined by the berries that have floated to the surface. In fact, this is not the case. In any case, this thesis should not be used.

4. Another common opinion: harmful acids are released from the seeds of the berries during the infusion. This is true, but you should not be afraid of them - the doses are too small to cause any harm to a person.

Vodka is considered one of the best and most effective bases for tinctures from medicinal plants and herbs, since alcohol is the best solvent that maximizes its useful qualities from the raw material. Vodka tincture is a kind of alcohol extract from a medicinal product.

Do not confuse the concepts of "infusion" and "tincture". Infusions are prepared in water, by steaming various herbs and plants, boiling, boiling and infusion for many hours.

They are characterized by a rather troublesome and long preparation, as well as a very short shelf life. Whereas the tincture is usually stored for two to three years and has the concentrated properties of a medicinal product. Another difference between tinctures and infusions is the dosage.

Tinctures are usually taken in small portions, in the form of drops, while infusions have much larger portions. Tinctures can be made with alcohol, vodka or moonshine. But the indisputable advantage of vodka tinctures is its availability in comparison with the same alcohol or moonshine.

The process of making any vodka tincture is not complicated at all. Raw materials of plant origin - herbs, roots, flowers, berries, leaves and other parts of various plants - can be dried or fresh.

Usually it is crushed with a knife, in a mortar or using a meat grinder, placed in a glass container with a sealed lid and poured with vodka in certain proportions. Infusion takes place in a dark place and lasts from several hours to a month.

Some tinctures are filtered, and some are not. They are stored at room temperature, with the exception of a few that require refrigeration.

Beneficial features

There is a huge variety of vodka tinctures and they all have a variety of medicinal properties, depending on their constituent components.

But since the basis of the tinctures under consideration is vodka, it is possible to designate its following properties, due to which it has a positive effect on the human body:

  • antiseptic action(vodka tinctures are used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant in the treatment of wounds, abrasions, cuts, purulent formations);
  • antipyretic effect(quickly evaporating from the surface of the skin, cooling occurs);
  • anti-shock and narcotic effects(indispensable for sudden injuries, especially if there are no pain medications at hand).

Traditional medicine uses vodka tinctures for a variety of purposes and areas of treatment. Pure vodka tincture has a vasodilator, diuretic, choleretic, restorative effect.

And medicinal herbs and plants infused with vodka enhance their healing effect and are easily absorbed. They help to strengthen the immune system, eliminate radionuclides, and increase potency.

Competently prescribed treatment and correctly selected dosage will certainly help in the treatment of existing diseases.

Vodka tinctures are used in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases and conditions:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • and dizziness;
  • rheumatism, sciatica, joint pain and cervical plexitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • angina (read about the treatment of the disease in adults), tonsillitis, pharyngitis and others;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • and viral diseases.

A number of vodka tinctures in traditional medicine recipes can be classified as tonic and tonic. They help to increase immunity, strengthen the body's defenses, thereby enhancing its resistance to various viruses and diseases.

The best cooking recipes

From cumin

50 g of caraway seeds must be crushed (for example, in a coffee grinder or blender), add a glass of sugar and 1 liter of vodka. Place in a glass jar and leave for about two weeks, shaking occasionally.

After the expiration of the period, strain the tincture and take a teaspoon three times a day before meals. Take until all the tincture ends. It is an excellent tool for strengthening the heart, cleansing blood vessels, and also has an antihelminthic effect.

From birch buds

This tincture helps with diseases of the stomach with high acidity, with ulcers, gallstone and urolithiasis. Also has a positive effect on bronchitis and atherosclerosis.

For cooking, we take birch buds and vodka in proportions of 1: 2. We insist in a dark place for a month, filter and take 40 drops three times a day before meals.


Finely chop 400 g of ginger root and pour in a liter of vodka. To improve the taste and relieve the pungency of ginger, you can add honey. Insist in a glass jar covered for 2-3 weeks. Drink 2 times a day, one teaspoon half an hour before meals.

It is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, allergic rhinitis, female infertility, gastrointestinal diseases, and also normalizes blood circulation and blood cholesterol levels.


Chop freshly picked peppermint (2 tablespoons) and pour over a glass of vodka. Send to infuse in a dark, preferably cool, place for a week. The strained tincture should be taken 15-30 drops per tablespoon of water three times a day.

It is used to normalize digestion processes, in the treatment of hangover syndrome.

To cleanse the blood

We take a liter glass jar, fill it up to the middle with nettle, tamp it, add one branch of peppermint and thyme each.

Pour vodka to the top and leave for a week. Strain the tincture and drink three times a day, one tablespoon half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is recommended in spring and autumn.


Take a large aloe leaf and grind it. It is recommended not to water the plant for a week before this procedure. We also grind the red hot pepper together with the seeds.

Add a tablespoon of finely chopped dry celandine to the mixture. Put the mixture in a 0.5 liter jar and pour 0.4 liters of vodka. Close the jar tightly and insist for three weeks.

For arthritis and arthrosis, rheumatism, the tincture should be rubbed into the painful areas. It is used as an effective remedy in the fight against dermatitis, seborrhea and acne. Also used for quick healing of wounds, cuts, and sore throats.

Tincture of meadow clover inflorescences

50 g of plant inflorescences pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist for 10 days, avoiding light. Strain and take 1 teaspoon before meals. It helps to improve appetite, is effective for dizziness and headache, angina pectoris and heart attacks.

There are many different recipes for infusions prepared with vodka. They have long been used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, as well as for health, cosmetic and prophylactic purposes, having experimentally proven their effectiveness.

When taking such tinctures, you should remember to observe the dosage, the duration of the course of treatment and the conditions of manufacture and storage. Also, do not self-medicate without consulting your doctor.

I would never have thought that I myself would prepare liqueur from homemade berries and fruits. Sweet and tasty vodka based on fresh berries, taking in all the juice collected over the summer. Pouring is no longer just alcohol, but a delicious, slightly alcoholic refined drink made at home. I can already imagine how I will buy beautiful glasses for liqueur and a beautiful decanter. Everyone has their own recipe for liqueur, I tried several and will describe all my experiments and variations in one post. I see no reason to paint a hundred homemade liqueur recipes, because the principle of preparation is the same and the recipe is universal. You need to mix vodka, berries and sugar, and time will do its job. Whether you mix everything at once, or alternate in stages, the result will be one, stunning homemade liqueur according to the simplest recipe. And most importantly, your guests will be surprised again, each of them will want to receive such a gift from you when leaving you home.

I would like to note right away that the liqueur does not require pharmaceutical accuracy, which immediately sweeps aside all obstacles with weight measures (usually vodka: berries: sugar goes in proportions of 1: 1: 1 and very little water to dilute sugar, if not a strong liqueur is needed, for stronger water we exclude and use vodka). You can start to insist on the filling already at your own dacha, then transport it home if you do not live in your own country house (oh, dreamily you rolled your eyes upstairs and sighed, somewhere there is my future cellar with wooden shelves, on which in even rows like jars of jam and bottles of liqueurs and liqueurs are placed on the showcase).

Do not bother with kg, take a convenient container, for example, a three or a liter jar and measure everything with it (one jar is one part of a product).

If you use 1 liter of vodka, then you will get almost three times more liqueur at the output, due to the juice of berries and sugar that you add.

Berries of different acidity require different amounts of sugar. By default, stick to the recipe, but the second time you decide for yourself whether to leave as much as there is or subtract it depending on the sweetness of your liqueur. I even add a little sugar to cranberries or lingonberries.


  • berries one part (I have a liter jar of berries, about 800 grams of raspberries or 900 grams of cherries fit into it)
  • vodka (for a liter jar of berries, it took a little less than a liter of vodka, about 800 ml)
  • sugar one part (I usually measure sugar in the same jar)
  • water 1/10 of one part of the berries (you can completely exclude, but I do not drink strong alcohol, therefore I follow the recipe and usually add, i.e. if you use a 1 liter jar, then 100 ml of water will be needed.)


In general, you can follow the simplest recipe, mixing everything at once in one large container and closing with a tight lid (if you like it stronger, then you do not add water at all, only vodka, sugar, berries in equal parts), remember that the size of your container increases by three times, you have three parts of a different product. I divide everything into three parts and put it by eye in three identical jars.

It should be remembered that here you will have to shake your liqueur well every three days so that the sugar that has dropped to the bottom of the jar mixes with the vodka and melts, this is of course a hassle, there is a lot of sugar and it does not dissolve so quickly in vodka. Do not worry, time will do its job and in a month and a half your liqueur will be ready, the longer it costs, the cooler the liqueur.

I put as much sugar in the liqueur as I put berries

There is another way that I liked, here you do not need to constantly shake and turn your liqueur in the hope that the sugar is about to mix with vodka and dissolve (this moment always annoyed me and it seemed that it would never dissolve, although it is not so , the constant shaking of the bottle or can was still annoying).

So way 2:

Put clean and dry berries in the jar, they should not reach the edge of the jar by at least 3-4 cm, fill with vodka, close the lid tightly and put away for 4-5 weeks in a dark place, I have this in a kitchen cabinet. The filling now needs room temperature, no need to put it in the refrigerator and occupy the shelves. If you have a summer terrace and want to put it there, no problem, the tincture will be infused there, diffusion will do its job even at low temperatures, but you should still make sure that it does not freeze into ice from the autumn night frosts, which can to be.

Usually everyone writes that, depending on the tenderness or elasticity of the skin of the berries, they are dried before pouring with vodka or pierced so that they would give their juice more easily, I never do this and you don’t bother, everything is much simpler, read on. I don’t pierce the cherries and don’t wither; I also pour cranberries and lingonberries with vodka, as well as the most delicate raspberries. In five weeks, vodka penetrates into the berry and saturates it so that it becomes like dried and easily gives up its juice later.

After 4-5 weeks, your berries gave the juice to the vodka and it turned into the color of the berries. We drain the resulting berry-vodka infusion, for now we will pour it into the bottle and close it, remove it to the same place where the jar of berries was, this is half of our liqueur, have you noticed how much vodka the berries have absorbed?

We continue to cook the second part of the liqueur, then we mix both in one bottle.

So, from the jar of berries you have only berries poured with vodka, they even continue to exude it from themselves. Our task is to fill them 1: 1 with sugar. It is easier to do this in a container twice as large and if you are not going to dilute your liqueur with water for the smallest strength, then this is how it should be eat (this is the case when water is not used in the recipe at all, i.e. it is excluded from the recipe at this stage). As I said above, I add it and do such manipulations.

I divide the berries from the jar into two parts and cover them with sugar (half the berries, half the sugar), then transfer the remaining second half of the berries to the jar where the sugar was, because we had a jar of sugar equal to the jar of berries. It turned out two cans of sugar: berry 1: 1. I fill them with boiling water of the same water (do not forget to divide the water into two cans).

Boiling water will help dilute the sugar and slightly remove the degree in the liqueur. You can exclude water, but then the sugar will dissolve longer, you will have to go to the jar longer and shake it from time to time.

Another little secret is the one that will help you avoid the hassle of "piercing" or drying in the sun, dense berries such as cherries or cranberries, making liqueur.

Our berries, infused with vodka, became liquid and very alcoholic and juicy. When you fill them with sugar, you can lightly press down on them and let their vodka juice flow. This will simplify and speed up the task of dissolving the sugar, especially for those who do not add water to the liqueur. In our case, excess moisture for melting sugar is always beneficial.

Given the huge variety of recipes, choosing the best recipes for alcohol tincture is very difficult. Therefore, to begin with, you need to decide what is included in the concept of "best" tinctures. For some people, the "best" are infusions with exceptional taste, without considering the consequences. For others, these are those, after even excessive intake of which there is no headache and other "consequences". For the third, the decisive factor is the medicinal properties of the tincture (in this case, of course, their use is not designed for "excessive" intake, and even taste is an insignificant requirement).


First of all, it should be noted that none of the alcoholic tinctures will be beneficial to health if consumed as a "drinking" drink. The healing properties of alcoholic tinctures are manifested when consumed dropwise (maximum 30-100 g per day and strictly according to the recipe). In large quantities, there can be no talk of any medicinal properties.

The "hangover" properties of tinctures (no headache, dry mouth, etc.) are often very individual and depend on many factors:

  • the state of the body at the time of admission;
  • the quality of the snack;
  • emotional condition;
  • the degree of ventilation of the room during sleep;
  • individual reaction of the body to the ingredients of the tincture.

In addition, many alcohol-based tinctures are generally not intended for oral administration and are used exclusively externally, for rubbing and compresses.

Alcohol tinctures

The alcohol tends to allow the ingredients in the tincture to be absorbed better. In addition, alcoholic tinctures have a "warming" effect, both when ingested and when used externally.

Therefore, when applied externally, the tincture should not be used unless local heating is required. The "cooling" effect is temporary (associated with very rapid evaporation of the alcohol solution from the skin surface), followed by heating.

When consumed internally, the dissolved alcohol helps to retain additional moisture in the body. Therefore, with already onset edema and kidney disease, the use of alcoholic tinctures is not recommended.

It's important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE WINNED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Any alcoholic tincture should be stored in glass, in a dry, cool, always dark place (it is possible in the refrigerator). In the light, even at low temperatures, there is a very rapid disintegration of molecules and the formation of new substances that are not typical for tinctures. As a rule, the shelf life of alcoholic tinctures, unlike decoctions and infusions without the use of alcohol, is very long: 3-4 years (some resources indicate that "unlimited", but, as you know, there is nothing eternal).

Storing alcoholic tincture in glass

Children under 3 years old should not be given such tinctures. Older children are also not recommended. You should be very careful to drink tinctures with ulcers and increased acidity of the stomach. Not all, but many alcoholic tinctures (usually from berries or herbs) have acidity-increasing properties.


Before making a tincture from alcohol, you should collect the necessary ingredients and prepare them. The phrase "What difference does it make when to collect them! Roots are roots, and leaves are leaves, even in spring, even in autumn" is absolutely wrong. "Each berry has its own term," they used to say in the old days. And this applies not only to berries. At different times of the year, the chemical composition of leaves, roots and other parts of the plant is different (even if the chemical elements are the same, their percentage is significantly different).

Leaves should be picked just before flowering. When collecting the leaves, the petioles are pruned, since there is nothing useful in them. To avoid burns when collecting nettle leaves, you should collect them with gloves. First, you need to mow the grass and leave it in the sun for a couple of days. Then the leaves lose their pungency.

Time for harvesting bark: April-May. The branches from which the bark is taken should be 1-2 years old. Old bark won't do. About covered with moss, etc. and out of the question. An annular incision is made 1-3 cm at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. The rings are connected by longitudinal cuts (from 1 to 3). First, the bark should be slightly peeled off and left to dry for 1-2 days. Then remove, dry, grind. Please note that the branches (or seedlings) after such an operation are not residents! You cannot "kill" a tree, so only some branches are used, which will then be cut down.

Collecting the bark for making tinctures

Kidney collection time: March-April. You should wait for their swelling, but before blooming. Flowers are harvested at the stage of bud formation or at the very beginning of flowering. If the inflorescence is a "basket", then you should wait for the full disclosure of the flower (with the exception of arnica flowers, where the collection is carried out before the flower opens). The flower stalks are removed.

Fruits and seeds are harvested early in the morning or late at night in wet weather. Fruits (especially juicy) must be dried immediately, until they are crumpled. The roots can be harvested in any weather. But the harvesting period is important: autumn or late August (at the end of the growing season). For biennial and perennial plants - fall of the 2nd or 3rd year.

Drying (roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds) is carried out in a dry, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight. An attic or even a shed will do. The buds should be dried in a cool, dry place, also away from direct sunlight. The place must be cool, otherwise there is a risk that the buds will bloom.

Some vitamin plants and herbs containing glycosides should be dried quickly at elevated temperatures (50-60º). These are the leaves of henbane, dope, motherwort, lily of the valley, foxglove, black currant berries. Rosehips, wild strawberries, primroses are dried at 70-80 º. Shelf life of raw materials: 1-2 years for aboveground parts, 3-5 years for underground parts.


For each alcohol tincture there is a recipe. Some recipes are indicated in spoons, others in grams. For this, a correspondence table is provided:

  • 1 tbsp. l. with a slide - 20 g;
  • 1 tbsp. l. without a slide - 15 g;
  • 1 tsp - 5 g.

Ingredients for alcoholic infusion

If the tincture contains more than one ingredient, then grind them separately, and then mix them. Ingredients filled with alcohol or vodka are infused for 1-3 weeks, then filtered and allowed to stand for another 3-4 days, at a temperature of about +8 º (it is possible in the refrigerator). It must be remembered: in order for the alcoholic tincture to be useful, vodka and alcohol should be taken of good quality.


Tincture of calendula flowers is good against inflammation. It is used for sore throat, gum inflammation, as well as for skin inflammations. Vodka (100 g) is poured into 20 g of the flower mass of calendula. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Shake occasionally. When used, dilute to 1/3 with water. For rinsing the throat and mouth, dilute at the rate of 1 tsp. tincture for 1 glass of water.

For headache, dizziness, noise in the head, red is applied. After drying, pour the flower mass into a jar (do not tamp, do not shake) and pour vodka or alcohol solution. Infusion period: 2-3 weeks. Drink 1-2 tsp. 3 times a day. This remedy is also recommended for improving the blood supply to the brain (including during the period of rehabilitation after a stroke).

From bruises, ulcers, for the treatment of wounds with suppurations are used. 3 tbsp. l. flower mass is poured with 200 ml of vodka. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. For external use (wounds, ulcers, suppuration, inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth), it is used as a filler for compresses and lotions.

For colds, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, homemade tinctures of chamomile greens are used. In 2st. l. chamomile greens pour 200 ml of vodka or alcohol solution. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. For external use (for example, for rinsing), a 10% solution with water is used. For inflammation of the stomach or intestines and for colds, drink 20-25 drops 2-3 times a day.

Elderberry tincture is a good diuretic for kidney inflammation. Pour 100 g of alcohol solution or vodka into 20 g of crushed rhizome of wild elderberry. Infusion period: 8 days. Drink a diluted tincture: 15-20 drops per 3 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day. Not more! Otherwise, there will be a risk of dehydration.

Elderberry infusion

Another good diuretic is aspen bark tincture. In 1 tbsp. bark pour 250 g of alcohol solution or vodka. Infusion period: 3 weeks. Then drain the vodka, squeeze the bark. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink diluted: 20-30 drops in half a glass of water 2 times a day.

An effective choleretic for liver problems is dandelion tincture. 1 tbsp. l. Pour 100 g of 70% alcohol of crushed dandelion leaves and roots. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Drink diluted: 20-30 drops in half a glass of water 2-3 times a day.

For severe bleeding (uterine, menstrual, intestinal, hemorrhoidal) use a tincture of nettle leaves. In 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves pour in 100 g of vodka. Infusion period: 1 week. Then drain the vodka, squeeze the grass. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink diluted: 20-30 drops in half a glass of water 2-3 times a day. For hemorrhoidal problems, use externally, diluted: 1 hour. l. for 1 glass of water.

As a "restorative" remedy for bleeding in the stomach, they resort to the help of mistletoe and horsetail tinctures. 1 tbsp. l. Mix each ingredient and pour in 200 g of vodka or alcohol solution. Period of infusion: 1.5 weeks, from time to time it is necessary to shake. Then drain the vodka, squeeze the grass. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink diluted: 15-20 drops per 70 g of water (about 1/3 cup).

With hypothermia and colds, you can drink blackberry tincture as a warming agent. Vodka is poured into fresh berries in a ratio of 1:10. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Then drain the vodka, squeeze the berries. Strain the pressed raw material. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

Blackberry tincture

With rheumatism, in case of pain in the joints, it is indicated for use as an external remedy for edema and inflammation. In 2 tbsp. flowers pour 200 g of vodka. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks. Filter out. Apply externally as a grind.

For rheumatism, neuralgia, radiculitis, it is recommended to use it as an external remedy. In 2 tsp. Pour in 100 g of an alcohol solution (70%) of crushed capsicum. Period of infusion: 2 weeks, from time to time it is necessary to shake. Then drain the alcohol, squeeze the pepper. Strain the pressed raw material. Apply externally as a rub.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma and improvement of vision, ginger medicinal tinctures are recommended. Peel and grind 0.5 kg of ginger. Pour in vodka or alcohol solution (to cover completely). Infusion period: 2 weeks. To use diluted: 20-30 drops per 1 glass of water. Drink after meals.

For rheumatism, gout, radiculitis and colds, a tincture of poplar buds is used as a rubbing. Pour 200 ml of vodka or alcohol solution into 20 g of crushed poplar buds. Infusion period: 2 weeks, shake from time to time. Then drain the alcohol, squeeze the kidneys. Strain the pressed raw material.

A remedy for the feverish state of the respiratory tract with influenza, malaria, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract is a tincture of sunflower.

Prepare it like this: in 1 tbsp. l. Pour 200 g of vodka or alcohol solution into the marginal flowers of the sunflower. Infusion period: 1.5 weeks, shake from time to time. Then drain the vodka, squeeze the flowers. Strain the pressed raw material. Take 20-30 drops half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day.

And a little about secrets ...

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The quality of a homemade drink will directly depend on the purity and softness of the water. It is recommended to use bottled, for example, from the line of baby food - then the base will not have to be additionally cleaned. However, the alcohol needs to be prepared.

For cleaning, pour it into a clean glass jar and add powdered pharmacy activated carbon (15 tablets per 3 liters). Stir the contents of the container and let stand. After a day, pour the alcohol into a clean dish through ironed gauze or white flannel.

Add purified alcohol to the water in small portions. To achieve the desired strength of the drink, use. If you do not have a special measuring device, stick to the common proportions: 2 parts alcohol and 3 parts water.

Vodka does not have to be 40% ABV. According to the State Standard of the Russian Federation, alcohol in this drink can be from 40 (in European countries - from 37.5%) to 56%.

To add softness to the vodka, it is advisable to add sugar syrup, which must be prepared from equal parts of water and granulated sugar. Add 1 teaspoon of syrup to 1 liter of homemade vodka, seal the dishes with an alcoholic drink hermetically and let stand for at least a day. Chill the vodka before drinking.

Alcohol tincture

Homemade alcoholic tinctures are usually called a strength of 18% to 60%. Fruits, berries, spices, spices and other additives are often cold insisted on diluted with water (home strength 45-50%).

Wonderful fragrant you will get it. Grind a glass of clean berries with the same amount of granulated sugar, pour 0.5 liters of homemade vodka and leave for 2 weeks to a month. After aging, it can be diluted, if desired, with clean water to the desired strength:

30 to 60% - bitter or semi-sweet drink;
- from 18 to 25% with a sugar content of up to 30 g per half glass - sweet liqueur.

If there are 30 to 40 g of sugar in 0.5 cups of tincture, then this is already considered a liqueur; even sweeter drinks (about 50 g of sugar per half cup) are called liqueur.

It remains to strain the finished drink and place in the cold.

Homemade liquor

Liqueurs are usually based on fresh fruit and berry juices, which are fortified with purified alcohol and sweetened. Alternatively, you can infuse the fruit. You can add various aromatic essences to your taste.

A very fragrant liqueur is obtained from fresh strawberries. Pour 1 kg of berries into 1 liter of vodka and keep in a warm place in a sealed container for half a month. After that, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Boil the syrup from 0.5 l of water and 1 kg of sugar, cool to room temperature. Mix the strawberry infusion and place in a dark place for a week.

Caraway, mint, rose hips, marjoram, zest and other additives give a characteristic aroma to homemade liqueurs. Essences for an alcoholic drink can be made in advance by drying the plants. Grind them into powder, fill them with high concentration alcohol (at least 75% -90%) in a ratio of 1:10 and let stand for a week. Using various essences, spices, herbs, berries and fruits, you can create your own signature recipes.

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Homemade alcohol tinctures are used to treat many diseases, as well as for rubbing. For their preparation, they use ordinary medical alcohol, which can be bought at a pharmacy, and medicinal plants. Tinctures are used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases while taking medications.


Pour 40-70% rubbing alcohol into a wide jar or bottle and add medicinal herbs. For convenience, first pour herbs, and then pour alcohol. If you are using a jar, fold the herbs in cheesecloth and tie it in a knot, then place it in a container.

The tincture is prepared for 7-10 days. Shake the container periodically, if not, then upon reaching a certain concentration in the lower layers alcohol medicinal infusion, enrichment alcohol stop herbs. Store the tincture container in a dark, roomy place with the lid tightly closed.


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High-quality vodka is quite expensive in the store, however, you can independently purify the alcoholic product of which you doubt the quality. This can be done in various ways, for example, with coal. Moreover, there are several "coal" options for purifying vodka.

You will need

  • Vodka, activated black carbon, gauze or paper napkins, optional charcoal water filter, raisins, tricolor violet root.
