Why wine does not play after adding sugar. Silent fermentation, or secondary fermentation

17.09.2019 Restaurant notes

   A rare winemaker did not encounter problems in the fermentation of wine. Sometimes the wort just does not begin to wander for a long time, sometimes it wanders, but weakly. It happens that the process stops altogether. Consider the main problems with fermentation that are found in home winemaking.

Why does not the fermentation of wine begin?

  1. Active fermentation of wine without the addition of wine yeast usually begins after 6-12 hours. With wine yeast, the wort begins to ferment after just 2-3 hours. But do not worry if half a day has already passed, and grape (any other berry or fruit) juice has not begun to foam and hiss. Sometimes the work of wild yeast begins after a day or three. The degree of their activity is influenced by many factors: the raw materials used, the room temperature, and the sugar content of the wort. Therefore, you just have to wait up to 3 days and only if the wort still does not start to roam, start to panic.
  2. In some homemade wine recipes, in addition to fruit and berry raw materials, water is also used. If the liquid is too cold, active fermentation will have to wait a long time. The water temperature must certainly be at least 15-20 degrees.
  3. For several days, yeast actively multiplies, for which they need oxygen. Only after this begins work on the conversion of sugar into alcohol. If you immediately seal the container with a water lock (a punctured glove), the wort does not have time to be enriched with oxygen, as a result of which the fermentation will be either too weak or not start at all. To prevent this, the first few days the wort should be allowed to wander in an open container covered with a clean cloth or gauze. Then the yeast will multiply first, and then begin to act.
  4. To make sure, some winemakers rush to add yeast to the wort (it is usually made from water, sugar and a small amount of unwashed berries or fruits). This is often done when there is no certainty that wild yeast will actually work. But we must not forget that the temperature of the sourdough must coincide with the temperature of the wort, otherwise the yeast will die.

Why is wine fermentation weak or even stopped?

  1. If the room is not suitable for temperature (below 10 or above 30 degrees), the fermentation of wine may not occur. The fact is that at low temperatures, the yeast is inactive, and at high temperatures it is completely at risk of death. To avoid risk, you should install containers with must in a room with a temperature of 15-20 degrees (or slightly higher). It is important that the same temperature is maintained constantly.
  2. Homemade wine usually wanders at the expense of wild yeast - the inhabitants of the skin of fruits and berries. But they are rather capricious, why the wort sometimes wanders very weakly or the process stops altogether, and the winemaker remains at a loss. To prevent this, you can add a little unwashed raisins (about 5 g per 1 liter of wort) or unwashed grapes (1 berry per 1 liter of wort) to the slightly fermenting wort. Another option is to add fermented wine yeast.
  3. Fermentation can be stopped due to wort damage by fungi. Mold is formed due to the use of low-quality (rotten) raw materials and violation of hygiene rules: dirty hands, poorly washed containers. To save the musty must is almost impossible, so it’s better to take care of cleanliness in advance.
  4. An unpressurized hydraulic lock, from which bubbles do not escape, often makes the winemaker understand that the wort does not wander at all. But carbon dioxide still leaves the fermentation tank through openings invisible to the eye. And the wort into which the air enters begins to slowly sour, turn into vinegar. To protect yourself, you should cover with plasticine (dough, silicone) the place where the neck of the container comes into contact with the water seal cover (glove rubber).
  5. The high sugar content of the wort prevents the normal functioning of the yeast. Ideally, sugar should be no more than 15-20% and at least 10%. If the indicator is much higher, sugar will begin to act as a preservative, significantly stopping fermentation. To prevent such a nuisance, you should check the sugar content of the wort with a hydrometer and, if necessary, dilute it with clean water (15% of the total volume of the wort). If the device is not at hand, you will have to focus on your taste. Too sweet juice - you have to add some water. If a prescription requires sugar in the fermenting wort, it is advisable to do it fractionally (usually sugar is added in equal parts every 2-3 days).
  6. Low sugar content for the wort is also undesirable, because the yeast simply does not have food. Fermentation in this case will be too weak, and the finished wine will be low in strength (usually not more than 8-10%). If the sugar content is below 10% (that is, the wort is acidic), you will need to add sugar (50-100 g per 1 liter of liquid).
  7. Too thick wort, weakly amenable to mechanical filtration, ferments very poorly. If you use raw materials with a low juice content (some varieties of apples, mountain ash, bird cherry, etc.), it is advisable to add water to the wort (not more than 15% of the volume of the wort).
  8. Sometimes the fermentation of wine is weak, if the main yeast mass is at the bottom of the fermentation tank. To help the process, it is advisable to periodically mix the wort with a clean hand or wooden spoon.
  9. When the strength of the wort reaches 12-14% (if wine yeast was added, then the strength is up to 15-18%), the death of the yeast occurs. Therefore, you have to go to the merger of the young wine from the sediment. If it was expected to get a wine of greater strength, it is permissible to add a little alcohol (about 5-15% of the total volume of wine obtained).
The signs that the fermentation was completed successfully are the absence of bubbles from the water trap (dropping off a blown glove), the appearance of a thick, plentiful precipitate of yeast at the bottom of the container, clarification of the liquid and its characteristic wine taste and aroma. And the strength of the drink is above 12% (rarely 10%).

Upon receipt of wine during the processing several types of fermentation can occur:

Fermentation conditions

The winemaker should make sure that alcohol fermentation begins as soon as possible, and all the others in the prepared wort stop. To start it, you need the right temperature and enough food for yeast.

Why does the rate of propagation of wine fungi depend on the correct temperature? If the temperature is too high, they become depressed, multiply poorly, and organisms that are not needed for the winemaker develop. Practice shows that when a sufficient amount of cultured wine yeast is added to the must, it is better to maintain the temperature of the liquid in the range of 20-25 ° C without fear of creating favorable conditions for wine pests. When wine is fermenting without adding or when an insufficient amount of spores is introduced, the heating of the wort should be limited to 18-20 ° C. When these parameters are lowered, the work of wine yeast slows down, and other types of fermentation are launched. Therefore if wine prepared in the cold season, it should be kept in a heated room away from heat sources, protected from drafts and sunlight. You should also protect the wort from temperature changes, when the yeast passes from an active life to an oppressed state.

The presence of food is the second condition of fermentation. Usually, sugar is always available in the amount necessary to start fermentation, even if the wort is highly diluted with water. To start fermentation properly and bring it to the end, you can add a small amount of ammonia to wine, which promotes the growth of yeast. Usually it is added at the rate of 0.2-0.3 grams per 1 liter of wort. To maintain the vital activity of bacteria during the fermentation process, sugar is introduced portionwise in the required amount of 2-3 times. How much to add is determined based on the sugar content of the raw material.

Mistakes that interfere with the normal fermentation of wine

Exact adherence to the recipe cannot guarantee normal wort fermentation. There are situations when wine that has started to ferment suddenly stops the process of processing alcohol. This is possible in the following cases.

If too cold water was added to the wort, then it will turn out to be very cold and the fermentation process will not start. To start the process, a part of the liquid should be heated, bringing it to a temperature of 40-50 ° C and adding it to the bulk. To achieve an increase in the temperature of the delivered wine to 18-20 ° C. In this case, with enough food, the yeast should work.

A typical mistake of novice winemakers is that after installing a water seal or donning
rubber gloves the fermentation process will be immediately noticeable. After not detecting a few hours of bubbling or raising a glove, they try to activate the process in various ways. As a result of the addition of various activators, transfusion, the resulting wine may lose a significant part of its taste. It should be remembered that yeast is a living organism and it takes time to start activation, it is worth worrying if after 3-4 days there are no signs of fermentation.

With a tightly closed container, wine can oxidize. This is especially dangerous during the period when the wine begins to ferment and at the end of the process. At the initial stage, the air that has got into the wort leads to its acidification and the formation of mold in the cap from the pulp. During the active phase of processing, an unpressurized container is not so dangerous, the released carbon dioxide prevents the contact of wine with oxygen contained in the air. At the final stage, vinegar forms in an unpressurized container.

Violation of the temperature regime leads to the fact that at low temperatures, the yeast becomes inactive, but at high temperatures they simply die. The optimum temperature is considered to be a range from 18 to 25 ° C. Therefore, when sluggish fermentation occurs, you should first check the temperature of the delivered wort. Depending on the thermometer, wine should be cooled or heated. If the temperature of the wort rose above 30 ° C, then a new portion of wine yeast or yeast should be added to the wine container.

Excess or lack of sugar leads to poor fermentation of wine. Why is this happening. With a lack of food, yeast does not have a product for processing, at a high concentration, sugar turns into a preservative. Wort sugar is considered optimal for work from 10 to 20%. Measurements are carried out using a special hydrometer. At home, the presence of sugar is checked for taste, the wort should be moderately sweet, but not cloying. Too thick drink mix prevents   normal fermentation. If you get a very sweet or thick wort, then it should be diluted with water.

Wild yeast used at home by winemakers is quite unstable and can stop fermentation at any time, especially at the initial stage. Therefore, to conduct high-quality fermentation, you should use ready-made wine yeast or make a sufficient amount of wine ferment yourself.

The appearance in the wort of mold is due to the use of rotting or starting to ferment on their own raw materials. You can also infect wine by neglecting basic sanitary standards when dirty containers, unwashed fermentation tanks, etc. are used. In the initial stage, you can try to cure the wine by separating it from mold, but it is impossible to guarantee healing.

Reasons for stopping fermentation

The reasons that wine stops fermenting before all sugar is processed are usually temperature violations, anaerobiosis and improper shaptalization.

High temperature contributes to the rapid course of the process of processing sugar into alcohol, but it also contributes to its cessation. There are no specific temperature values \u200b\u200babove which the yeast dies, and the excess of unrefined sugar remains in the wine. Why is this happening. It is generally recommended not to exceed the heating of wine above 30 ° C. Already at this value extremely unfavorable conditions are created for fermentation, and at 34-36 ° C the bacteria die completely and the wine stops fermenting. But this indicator largely depends on climatic conditions, so wild yeast can tolerate a rise in temperature in different ways.

  Low temperatures are usually used to produce white varieties of wine. This is necessary to obtain a delicate aroma inherent in these drinks. But at home, the low temperature of wine preparation leads to the fact that the yeast multiplies very weakly and their quantity in the wort is not enough and the wine ferments poorly. This can lead to the fact that with an increase in the alcohol content in the liquid, the spores will become depressed and will cease to multiply and process sugar, as a result of which the fermentation will stop.

Low anaerobiosis leads to the fact that the yeast experience oxygen hunger and therefore do not breed well. This usually occurs when wine is fermented in large containers. At home, low anaerobiosis can occur in the initial stage of fermentation, after 2-3 days, when reproduction is most significant.

Oddly enough, sugar, oddly enough, also leads to delayed fermentation. Especially this often happens when wine is produced naturally by a strength of more than 10%. The increased alcohol content leads the yeast into a depressed state and completely stops fermentation, despite the high content of the food supply for bacteria. The higher the sugar content in this case, the higher the risk of stopping fermentation.

Suspension of fermentation can occur when microscopic mold fungi, for example, Botrytis cinerea, which can appear on the skin of berries of overripe grapes, get into the must. In a number of winemakers, the appearance of a small amount of this mold is a sign of grape maturity. Once in the culture medium, mold fungus actively develops, helps to reduce the amount of wild yeast and stop fermentation.

Improper shaptalizatsiya (sugar) can cause the termination of the process of obtaining wine. Sugar should be added to the wort with low sugar content in portions, at certain intervals at the initial stage or during rapid fermentation. The introduction of sugar at the final stage leads to the fact that the yeast already inhibited by the produced alcohol has difficulty in processing it and fermentation may stop.

Actions that will lead to the resumption of fermentation

When the process slows down or stops, the sediment should be agitated first. If the temperature regime is not violated, then this is a very effective method. The fact is that the bulk of the fungi participating in the fermentation settles to the bottom in the form of a dense precipitate. The top layer in this case works, and the rest of the yeast is not involved in the process. Therefore, at the final stage of fermentation, the wine should be periodically shaken or stirred with a wooden stick.

If the fermentation of the wine is slow, it should be saturated with oxygen. This is achieved by blowing, transferring the wort from one container to another or through short-term access to air, opening the container for several hours. Airing is recommended to be carried out several times at the initial stage and when 5-7 percent of alcohol appeared in wine.

If fermentation has ceased as a result of temperature conditions, when the liquid has cooled below the recommended parameters, the wine should be heated. To do this, the room is heated or the tank is placed in more comfortable conditions. After some time, the fermentation process should resume. When the temperature rises, when all the yeast contained in the wine has died and it does not ferment, the wort should be cooled to acceptable temperatures and the necessary amount of new wine yeast or yeast should be added.

If the wine is severely affected by mold, then in this case almost nothing can be done with it. In any case, it will have a putrid taste. The best option in this case is to add the necessary amount of sugar and pressed yeast in order to obtain mash, which is distilled into moonshine.

Raspberry is a tasty, sweet, aromatic and very healthy berry, it produces amazing jams, preserves, desserts, as well as chic red wine. But sometimes amateur wine makers face such a problem - raspberry wine does not wander, what to do, what could be the reason and how to “reanimate” the process so as not to spoil the products?

Consider the possible mistakes that could be made in the technology of making wort and in what ways you can activate the fermentation of wine.

How long does raspberry wine roam

Before we move on to the main problem, consider the question of how long raspberry wort should roam. The fact is that some novice winemakers, not seeing signs of fermentation in the early days, begin to be alarmed, believing that something went wrong. Although in fact sugar processing by yeast has simply not yet begun.

Raspberries are one of the best berries for winemaking precisely because in most cases there are no difficulties with fruit fermentation.

At the first stage before filtration, the wort fermentation period can be from 4 to 10 days.

The speed of activation of the process depends on the amount of sugar in the liquid and the temperature of the medium in which the container with wine is located. The room should be warm (+ 18-25ºC). Do not worry if you have not noticed bubbles in the first 72 hours. If the wort does not ferment after 3 days, then a problem has arisen.

At the second stage, when the wort is filtered and the pulp is removed, the period of wine fermentation from raspberries is on average 60 days. The beginning of the process can be noticed after 3-4 days. If after this period the wort does not ferment, then something is wrong and you need to understand the problem.

Now that we have learned how much raspberry wine roams, consider the reasons why this process can be disrupted.

Why wine does not roam

There are many reasons why this problem may occur. But the good news is that in most cases the trouble can be fixed.

Little yeast

If you did not add yeast additionally, and fermentation on wild fungi (which is contained on the surface of the berry itself) did not start after 3 days, there may not be enough microorganisms in the wort.

How to fix

Add wine yeast (sold at winery stores), a handful of dark unwashed raisins, or a little ammonia to the wort. You can also prepare the leaven separately and add it to the liquid, but it will take a lot of time, so it’s better to use the first tip.

Too little or too much sugar

Often the reason why raspberry wine does not ferment is because of the wrong proportion of sugar. Depending on what kind of wine you want to get, table, dessert or dry, you need to use from 10% to 20% sugar of the volume of the wort. You can check the sugar content of the drink using a special device - a hydrometer. If it is not, then it remains to taste.

Sugar is the food of fungi and if it is less than the specified norm, then microorganisms are not enough nutrition. If too much - sugar turns into a preservative and “freezes” the vital activity of yeast.

How to fix

In case of excess sugar, dilute the must with warm filtered water. In case of deficiency - add by thoroughly stirring it until dissolved.

Not enough oxygen during primary fermentation

The wine goes through two stages of fermentation - a short primary, and a long secondary. During secondary fermentation, a tight seal is placed on the neck of the container, which does not allow air to pass through. But many inexperienced winemakers make the mistake of tightly clogging the banks during the initial fermentation. This can not be done, yeast needs oxygen for active reproduction.

How to fix

At the first stage of fermentation, gauze folded in several layers is put on the neck of the containers. Remove the water lock if you put it on in the first stage, mix the liquid and put gauze on the neck.

The shutter passes a lot of air during secondary fermentation

As mentioned above, in the second stage of fermentation, when the wort is filtered, tight closures are put on the container. They should have a small opening for the release of carbon dioxide generated during fermentation, but if the hole is too large, a lot of oxygen will get inside, this can lead to wine oxidation.

How to fix

Change the water seal. At home, it is best to use ordinary medical gloves, punctures in each one finger. If the glove is inflated and takes upright position, then everything is going as it should.

Temperature not observed

The term, how many days the raspberry wine roams, largely depends on the temperature at which it stands. It should not be below + 16ºC and above +25 ºC. At lower temperatures, yeast hibernates, and at high temperatures they simply die.

How to fix

Make sure that the room where the wort is standing has a stable air temperature within the specified limits.

If you find that the wine was in too hot an atmosphere, organize the right environment for it, and add yeast or yeast to the wort, as the fungi died in it.

Too thick pulp

This may be the case if you did not add water to raspberries or add too little of it. The consistency of the pulp becomes thick, jelly-like and it is difficult for yeast to multiply in such an environment.

How to fix

Add warm clean water and mix well. You can add a little leaven or wine yeast at this point.


This is another common problem why raspberry wine does not roam. Mold can form in the pulp if rotten berries were used or sterility conditions were not observed when preparing wine (poorly washed containers, dirty hands, trash, etc.).

How to fix

It is rarely possible to restore the wort after its mold. You can try to do this if the mold is still a bit: remove all the affected areas, prepare a new container and pour the liquid into it. Add to the wort wine yeast or sourdough.

Why fermentation abruptly stopped

It happens that the primary fermentation of wine was successful and the secondary fermentation process began quite actively, but then it stopped abruptly. This usually happens for two reasons:

  1. Harmful microorganisms that suppress the reproduction of wine yeast got into the liquid. In addition to mold, there are a lot of bacteria, viruses and other "animals" that can destroy wine.
  2. Too much alcohol has been produced. With an increase in the concentration of alcohol in the wort above 14%, the yeast begins to die.

Wine stopped wandering, what to do

The first problem is almost impossible to solve, since to separate all harmful microorganisms from the mass is a very laborious process.

But the second trouble you can try to fix by diluting the wine with warm boiled water. If after this the raspberry wine does not roam, add more wine yeast to it and watch the temperature in which the container is located.

Raspberry wine is bitter

Another unpleasant situation that winemakers may encounter - the drink gives bitterness. Why is this happening and is it possible to eliminate an unpleasant aftertaste?

Bitterness raspberry wine can give tannins (tannins) contained in small seeds of berries. Separating them from the pulp is extremely difficult, and few are willing to do this.

A lot of bitterness arises when a blender was used in the process of rubbing raspberries or you pressed the berries too hard, because of which the seeds were crushed and the tannin was released in large quantities.

Another reason why raspberry wine is bitter can be spoiled berries or fertilizers in large quantities. These are the most common cases why raspberry wine is bitter.

To avoid the appearance of astringent taste and bitterness, you should use only high-quality fruits without rotten berries, and with the pressure of the pulp you can not use electrical appliances. Grinding should be done carefully, without pressing too hard on the fruit.

Is it possible to neutralize the bitterness in the finished wine

What to do if the drink is almost ready, and bitterness spoils the whole taste. There is also a solution to this. Powdery binders are sold in specialty stores for winemakers.

They are different and each has its own instruction. In a nutshell, this process can be described as follows: a powder is added to the fermented drink, which, when dissolved, binds tannin and forms a precipitate. After neutralizing the bitterness, the wine should be filtered and poured into a clean container. The preparations themselves do not affect the taste of wine, but the bitterness is removed very well.

Now you know, if raspberry wine does not roam, what to do, how to fix the situation and not lose the product, as well as how to eliminate bitterness, and why it appeared. Do not be upset if you have such troubles. Yeast is a living organism and you never know exactly how it will behave. Exact adherence to technology does not guarantee that everything will be successful. Even experienced winemakers experience difficulties from time to time.

It often happens that homemade wine does not roam. Or the process started normally, and then, for some unknown reason, subsided. If the situation is not corrected in time, then you can spoil the product. Then all the costs of growing and harvesting grapes will be wasted.

What conditions are necessary for wine fermentation

Homemade wine is made not only from grapes. The raw material for the drink can be pears, apples, plums, various berries. But the main process is always the same: fermentation or conversion of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) into ethyl alcohol under the influence of microorganisms - yeast. This conversion is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide.

In order for grape or fruit juice to begin to ferment, that is, turn into homemade wine, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for such a process.

To do this, you must:

  1. Good raw materials are grapes or berries, fruits with a sufficient degree of sugar content so that the yeast fermentation process is started. The optimum sugar content is about 10-20% in the juice. Therefore, for homemade wine, you must use only ripe grapes or other fruits. To taste, the wort should be sweet rather than sour. It is also important that the berries are fresh, not damaged, without signs of decay, not infected with mold. Rot and mold are the main enemies of fermentation, they greatly interfere with fermentation and can spoil house wine at the initial stage of production.
  2. Active yeast in sufficient quantity. It is these microorganisms that are responsible for the process. If they work poorly or if there are few of them, then vinegar will be obtained from juice rather than homemade wine, or there will be no fermentation effect as such.
  3. The optimum temperature.For active fermentation, the wort (juice) must be kept all the time at a temperature of 18-27 ° C, without sharp changes. At lower temperatures, microorganisms will work poorly, fermentation will occur very slowly, with constant uneven stops. At too high temperatures, they will simply die.
  4. Sealing the vessel.  Another prerequisite for successful winemaking is the absence of oxygen (air). Yeast only roams when oxygen does not interfere with their vital functions. To do this, use a special water lock or put on a rubber glove over the hole, which will create a semblance of a vacuum.
  5. Enough time.  Do not hope that homemade wine will wander just a couple of days. The conversion of sugars to alcohol does not occur instantly. Before grape juice turns into wine, several weeks must pass (from 2 to 5).

If at least one of the listed factors is violated, the house wine at some point will stop wandering or the process itself will not begin at all.

Why house wine does not roam: possible reasons

One or several reasons at the same time can nullify all the efforts of the winemaker. Of course, you should not open a container with juice that is fermenting every day, this will only damage the process. But even unattended to leave the future product is also impossible.

The list of possible reasons why homemade wine does not roam is as follows:

  1. IN container with wort air enters. Oxygen interferes with the conversion of grapes into wine, this process should proceed under anaerobic conditions. If the juice comes in contact with air (oxygen), then the wort turns into vinegar and gradually turns sour.
  2. Temperature jumps.Despite the fairly wide range of temperatures allowed for fermentation, house wine does not like strong fluctuations. Sudden changes will cause the yeast to hibernate, stop fermenting, and it will take time to activate them. In this case, the whole process will be greatly stretched, which will negatively affect the taste of the drink.
  3. Unsuitable raw materials are must.If there is little sugar in the juice, then the yeast will have nothing to process into alcohol, that is, the fermentation itself does not begin. If on the contrary, there are too many carbohydrates, then they simply do not have time to cope with their increased concentration. Another disadvantage of the wort is its insufficient physical properties, such as density, viscosity. Too thick juice obtained from fruits with pulp is more difficult to ferment.
  4. The problem is leaven.  On the peel of the grapes there are "wild" yeast. In favorable conditions, they are quite enough for the juice to turn into wine in a natural way. But in practice this is not always the case. Sometimes natural leaven is not enough for fermentation, especially when it comes to fruit homemade wine. Then you need to add yeast.
  5. Foreign microorganisms can interfere with the fermentation process,  especially mold. From moldy juice of wine will not work. To avoid this, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the dishes, use only fresh berries without the slightest sign of rot, and also actively fight various grape diseases even before the berries appear.

The last factor, when house wine does not roam, is the natural stoppage of the process, its completion. On average, it takes from 15 to 35 days to get wine. After that, the process stops. Sometimes it is artificially stopped by adding alcohol to the wine.

Important! If a glove is used as a shutter and after several days it does not rise, it is worth checking the tightness of its connection with the container.

No initial fermentation

For the grape juice to begin to ferment, a certain amount of time must pass. The first signs of yeast work more often appear after a few hours. But do not be scared if they are not visible in the first three days. This is normal, the winemaker should start to worry if the composition does not show any signs of activity for 4-5 days.

The first step is to check the sugar level in the wort. If there is no special device (hydrometer), then you should try the future wine to taste. It should be sweet, but not too sugary and not very viscous. If sweets are not enough, then add regular sugar at the rate of 50-100 g for each liter of liquid. It is better to pour not all of the product at once, but to divide it 4-5 servings. If the liquid is thick, then add 10-15% of water.

Next, check the seal and tightness of the container. If necessary, coat the perimeter of the lid with dough so that oxygen does not get inside. If after that a couple of days later homemade wine does not begin to ferment naturally, you will have to add yeast.

Reasons for stopping wine fermentation after adding sugar

The easiest way to activate fermentation is to add sugar to the wort to provide microorganisms with food. But if you pour too much of it, then this can suspend the process. The reason is that high doses of sugar act as a preservative, they inhibit the vital activity of microorganisms. In addition, the yeast does not have time to process large quantities of carbohydrates.

In order not to make such mistakes, it is necessary to acquire a hydrometer and measure the sugar content of the wort before fermentation. After adding sugar, it should not exceed 20%. To save too sweet homemade wine, you will have to dilute it with water. Next, you will have to add a new portion of yeast.

Important! Sugar is always introduced not all at once, but in small portions so that the yeast can ferment it, with an interval of 3-4 days, be sure to pre-dissolve it in portions of the wort.

What if homemade wine does not roam?

If the wort does not show signs of fermentation, it is necessary to check all the factors important for this process.

Most often, the problem can be solved in one of the following ways:

  • improving the sealing of the fermentation vessel, blocking the access of oxygen;
  • an increase in the amount of sugar in the wort to a concentration of 20%;
  • with excessive sugar content or viscosity, on the contrary, dilution with water is required;
  • raising the temperature (slightly warming up) the juice to activate the yeast, but not above 30 ° C;
  • ensuring a constant room temperature in the range from 16 ° C to 27 ° C;
  • introducing an additional portion of fresh yeast.

If the reason for stopping the winemaking process lies in the rapidly growing mold, then there is only one way out: to destroy the unsuccessful wine and be sure to sterilize all containers.


If homemade wine does not ferment or the fermentation process suddenly stops, do not panic. The reason for this to be determined. If it is eliminated in time, then the young wine can be saved and made from it a natural and tasty drink.

When the fruit wort is placed in a bottle and fermentation begins, the juice turns into wine, the degree of which gradually rises. This is due to the fact that the yeast processes sugar into alcohol. This process is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. It is for its removal from the fermentation tank that a water lock is installed.

The end of the rapid fermentation suggests that the young home-made wine is ready. It is still quite muddy, sweetish, with a high content of impurities, but. The taste of this drink clearly indicates which raw material it is made from. In many countries with widely developed wine production, festivals are held in honor of young wine. On an industrial scale, it is considered young from the moment fermentation ends, and this is usually October-November until January of the following year.

Shelf life of young wine, what happens upon their completion

The life span of a wine has several stages. As for his youth, winemakers have their own opinions. Someone considers the drink young only a few days after the rapid fermentation has passed. Others define this period several months before the start of a new calendar year. Still others call wine not spilled in barrels for storage.

Young homemade wine requires increased attention. So how exactly at this? Age? it is susceptible to diseases that are better prevented than cured.

Once the wine has fermented, it should immediately be removed from the lees. This must be done so that it does not acquire an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. It is necessary to do transfusions repeatedly. Thus, the drink is clarified, freed from suspensions and “aired”.

Pour for further storage in a bottle or bottles. It is important that their volume is completely filled and the bottles are tightly closed with corks. The less space for oxygen, the better, since its presence can lead to vinegar fermentation and other diseases. You need to take care of the tanks in advance. If it happens that the drink is not enough enough to add to the neck, then the addition of water is allowed. But this can only be done with strong wines.

If the acidity is elevated, then first it should be stored in a room with a temperature of 14 to 18 ° C, with low acidity the first week is kept at a temperature of 2 to 6 ° C. The ideal storage temperature is 13? C.

What to do with fermented wine

No one is safe from the fact that homemade wine will fall ill. Various factors can contribute to this:

The most susceptible to fermentation is a drink whose strength is below 14 ?. The winemaker's task is to constantly watch the ripening must. If you can detect the problem on time, you can save homemade wine.

Acetic fermentation is considered one of the most common diseases. The presence of bacteria is evidenced by a characteristic vinegar odor and a gray film on the surface. Acetic bacteria decompose wine alcohol. Therefore, the diseased wine quickly lost strength.

If during the manufacture (this applies mainly to red wines), the pulp was heated in order to make the color more saturated, then the drink may undergo mannitol fermentation.

In addition, homemade wine can ferment if the process of milk souring begins. It can cause high temperatures, as well as an untreated container in which the wort is stored. The drink becomes cloudy and acquires an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of pickled vegetables.

At the initial stage, you can try to stop the souring process.

This should be done as follows: place a container with a tightly closed lid in a pan on a stand and warm (pasteurize) in a water bath for 15-20 minutes so that the water temperature does not exceed 70 ° C. But such a wine is better to drink immediately, it is already spoiled.

Another salvation option? adding juice and yeast to start a new fermentation. Do it better
immediately after pasteurization.

You can try to make fermented wine healthier by mixing it with healthy wine. But it is better not to leave such a blending drink for further storage.

To get rid of the film, the wine is filtered through a thick cloth or paper. Do this until the film has sunk to the bottom.

If you start souring, then in the future to do something to fix it will be impossible.

In most cases, vinegar fermentation cannot be stopped. From this drink you can make wine vinegar, which is used for marinades and salad dressings. Although you don’t need to do anything for this, the bacteria will cope on their own.

Another option: if there is a technical possibility, distill the fermented wort into alcohol.


Due to improper care, home-made wine can be susceptible to even a single disease and various defects.

So that it does not ferment the best way? This is to observe the cooking technology and do the prevention:

  • During the preparation of the drink, pasteurized containers and devices should be used.
  • It is recommended to strictly observe the proportions of juice and water: do not dilute the wort too much.
  • Avoid contact of air with wine.
  • Observe temperature conditions.