Dried Fruit Immune Boosting Mix. Vitamin Blend Recipe

17.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Recipes of vitamin cocktails are a cheerful morning, a sea of ​​​​energy during the day and a pleasant relaxing ritual before bedtime. For them, nothing is impossible, no matter what task you face - to temper the immune system, bring the body into tone or improve the condition of the skin. MedAboutMe talks about the most important vitamins for human health and offers recipes for healthy drinks!

Vitamin A

This is a whole group of substances close in chemical structure that can be divided into retinoids (found in animal products) and carotenoids - precursors (plant foods are rich in them). Vitamin A helps maintain visual acuity and increases the body's resistance to infections. It stimulates the production of collagen, erases fine wrinkles and helps to cope with pigmentation on the skin.

Where is it contained?

In fresh herbs, milk, cream, green leafy vegetables, green peas, cheese, fruits and vegetables in red and yellow.

Citrus jelly with whipped cream

  • Lemon - 3 pcs.
  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Starch - 0.5 cups.
  • Cream - 100 ml.
  • Mint - 2-3 sprigs for decoration.

Using a fine grater, get the lemon zest, squeeze the juice from the lemons. Boil 1.5 liters of water with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, add the resulting zest, keep on fire for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting liquid, pour in the lemon juice, bring to a boil. Dilute the starch in half a glass of water, pour in a thin stream into the syrup with constant stirring. Remove the kissel from the fire. Whip cream separately with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Serve jelly, decorating each serving with a "cap" of whipped cream.

Strawberry smoothie with milk

  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Apple - large, 1 pc.
  • Green peas (fresh, frozen) - 1 cup.
  • Strawberries (fresh, frozen) - 1 cup
  • Milk (yogurt without additives) - 1 cup.

Whisk all the ingredients in a blender, you can decorate with a mint leaf.

In 1990, scientists developed "golden rice" by enriching the product with vitamin A. It could become one of the measures to prevent blindness, if not for the prejudice of people against GMOs. The culture was banned for sale.

Vitamin K

Plays a key role in the process of blood clotting. It also helps to avoid bruising under the eyes, feelings of chronic fatigue, maintains healthy bones and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Where is it contained?

In green leafy vegetables, fermented soy products, nettles, pumpkin, green tomatoes, broccoli and egg yolks.

Blueberry smoothie with broccoli

  • Broccoli puree - 1 cup.
  • Blueberries - 1.5 cups.
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 1.5 cups.

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and add two ice cubes to each glass before serving. If the smoothie is too thick, add water.

Vitamin C

This powerful antioxidant plays a key role in preventing the aging of the body and maintaining its youth and beauty. Prevents inflammatory processes, reduces the severity of wrinkles and improves skin condition. Deficiency contributes to a decrease in immunity and can provoke the development of scurvy.

Where is it contained?

Almost in all fruits, berries, herbs and vegetables. Rose hips, citruses, cranberries, mountain ash, bell peppers, and strawberries abound in them.

Citrus Apple Cocktail

  • Sweet apple - 1 pc.
  • Orange - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Mandarin - 3 pcs.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

In a juicer, squeeze the juice from all the fruits, add honey and you can serve.

Fragrant smoothie with punch flavor

  • Red bell pepper - half.
  • Grapefruit - 1 large.
  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Mineral water - half a glass.
  • Ice - optional.

Blend all ingredients except ice in a blender. Before serving, put a couple of ice cubes in each glass.

Vitamin E

It is called the "beauty vitamin" because it protects and regenerates the skin. The body does not produce vitamin E on its own, so it must be taken with food. It is especially important to do this in spring and summer - during the period of solar activity, the skin becomes defenseless against UV radiation, and vitamin E helps to strengthen its functions. Among other things, this vitamin has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and reproductive systems of the body.

Where is it contained? In butter, avocado, spinach, tofu, seeds and nuts, vegetable oils.

Cocktail "Fruit Paradise"

  • Flaxseed - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Avocado - half.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Spinach - 1 bunch.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • Water - 1 l.

Crush the flax seed in a mortar. Blend the rest of the ingredients in a blender. Combine both masses, if necessary, add more water. Drink chilled.

Vitamin B3

It ensures the normal functioning of the digestive system of the body, and also plays an important role in maintaining the beauty of the skin. Studies have shown that vitamin B3 is able to stop inflammation and reduce the appearance of acne. Among other things, it helps to overcome insomnia and headaches.

Where is it contained?

In brewer's yeast, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, peanuts, liver, egg yolk, milk and green vegetables.

Milkshake with peanuts

  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Honey - to taste.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Peanuts - a handful.

Beat milk with fresh eggs in a blender, add honey to taste. Serve garnishing each serving with peanuts and a banana slice.

Green smoothie with fruits and vegetables

  • Green apple - 1 pc.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Sprouted grains of wheat - 2-3 teaspoons.

Blend all of the above ingredients in a blender, adding water if necessary.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is produced in the human body by exposure to the sun, but it can also be obtained through food. True, from a very limited number of products. Vitamin D is essential for the growth and proper development of children. With a deficiency of the vitamin, bone strength decreases and the likelihood of fractures increases. Sufficient content of vitamin D is the key to strong immunity.

Where is it contained?

In milk, eggs, vegetable oils and fish oils.

Milkshake with strawberries or chocolate

  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Creamy ice cream - 1 pc.
  • Chocolate or strawberries (fresh, frozen) - 50 g.

Whip milk with ice cream in a blender. Divide the strawberries into halves or grate the chocolate on a fine grater, add to the cocktail.

The longer a man is in the sun, the higher his testosterone levels. Scientists came to this conclusion after discovering the connection between the male hormone and the solar vitamin. D.

Vitamin P

It is sometimes called the "main protector" of collagen, without which healthy, elastic and dense skin is impossible. Vitamin P stimulates cellular respiration, increases the density of blood vessels.

Where is it contained?

In nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, rosehips, blackcurrants, rowanberries, cabbage, grapes, raspberries, tomatoes, green tea and wine.

Drink "Siberian secret"

  • Walnuts - 1 cup.
  • Cranberries (fresh, frozen) - 500 g.
  • Green apples - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 400 g.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • Green tea - one cup.

Grind the nuts into small crumbs, cut the apples with the peel into cubes. In a separate bowl, grind cranberries with sugar. Put the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Pour into a bottle and add one tablespoon to a cup of tea as needed.

Cocktail "Red ashberry" with ginger

  • Rowan berries - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Ginger root - 4 cm.
  • Nuts - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

Pour the rowan with water, bring to a boil. Add diced apple (no peel), grated ginger root, sugar and cinnamon. Bring to a boil again, boil for 5 minutes and beat with a blender. Strain, when serving, add a handful of walnuts to each glass.

Expert comment

Hair and nails lose their attractiveness when we lack silicon, calcium, zinc, folic acid, iron and vitamins A, C, E, B3, B5, B6, B12. We can find all of this in fruits and vegetables. For example, all orange and yellow foods are rich in vitamin A - these are carrots, persimmons, yellow bell peppers, and pumpkin. Most vitamin C is found in all citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, rose hips, black currants.

Vitamin E can be found in spinach, chard, papaya.

B vitamins are hidden in cabbage, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, legumes, parsley, tomatoes. But avocados provide the body with riboflavin, copper, iron and essential polyunsaturated vegetable fats that help the skin look great.

Strong muscles, healthy bones - more strength

To have strength, you need to get carbohydrates into the body, and there are a lot of them in cereals and whole grain bread. Tofu cheese and soy milk, rich in protein, iron, selenium, calcium and beneficial amino acids, help replenish energy. Walnuts, peanuts - foods with a high concentration of protein and vegetable fats are useful for iodine deficiency and improve brain function, because they are rich in manganese, fluorine, selenium.

With care for the heart

Flaxseed oil should be in the diet of every person - it is not just a source of Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty amino acids, selenium, phytosterols. This product supports and strengthens the immune system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and serves as a prevention of heart attacks.

Life is not the same without protein

It is known that proteins are the main building material for new cells and various hormones, so protein reserves must be replenished all the time. This will help legumes - chickpeas, or Turkish peas, which have a lot of protein, folic acid, zinc, vitamins B, B6. Lentils, peas, beans are the real leaders in the content of protein, zinc and various vitamins.

All greens are useful

Everyone knows that greens are healthy, but not everyone can enjoy them with pleasure, because greens have a specific taste. Especially children often hear from their parents about the benefits of greens, but they don’t dare to put a stalk or two in their mouths. An excellent solution is green smoothies, in which greens are mixed with other fruits and vegetables, so much so that you don’t even feel the taste of greens. But such cocktails contain fiber, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and many useful elements we need. And greens also help cleanse us of toxins, it sucks them out of the tissues like a vacuum cleaner and removes them from the body.

Remember that the most useful vitamins are live ones, and it is also important to combine them correctly. For example, vitamin A found in carrots is fat-soluble, which means it must be ingested with oil, such as olive oil, otherwise it will not be useful. Products containing folic acid (green vegetables) should not undergo heat treatment, in which all useful qualities are lost. The same applies to fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Smoothie Greenlandia


  • Avocado - 40 g.
  • Orange (peeled) - 50 g.
  • Mint with a stem - 3 g.
  • Spinach with a stalk - 40 g.
  • Dates - 30 g.
  • Almond milk - 100 ml.
  • Purified water - 100 ml.


We send all the ingredients to a blender and beat at high speed for a minute.

Russian winter is not only fluffy snow, sledding and magical holidays. Unfortunately, the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections are activated, and this is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous: complications after these diseases “don’t let live” for many people for years, and avoiding the disease by staying in a big city during epidemics is not easy. Many new and effective drugs are released, but viruses adapt to them perfectly, quickly changing their structure and behavior. And the best protection against any disease remains nothing less than immunity: a strong immune system helps us survive and stay in shape even in critical situations. Lifestyle and nutrition play a key role in building strong immunity, and one of the most effective methods of protection against seasonal infections is recognized as healing the body and strengthening immunity with the help of delicious drinks - juices and smoothies.

Juices for immunity: "tasty victory"

Cocktails for immunity

Excellent immune cocktail: freshly squeezed (through a juicer) carrot juice (200 ml) is mixed with juices

What are vitamin drinks for, their beneficial properties and contraindications. Recipes for cooking from various ingredients.

Description and purpose of vitamin drinks

The purpose of vitamin drinks is to saturate the human diet with substances that strengthen the immune system, and thereby protect against ailments, because the body's defenses directly depend on our nutrition. With all the variety of recipes with which you can easily, pleasantly and tasty fill the lack of vitamins, there are 10 types of such drinks:
  • Kvass. This is a traditional drink of the Slavs. It has a pleasant sour taste and is made from malt, flour or rye bread by fermentation with the addition of honey, herbs, fruits, berries and vegetables.
  • Cocktail. This is the name of a drink obtained by mixing several ingredients.
  • Compote. It is brewed from berries and fruits, fresh, dried or canned, with the addition of sugar or honey.
  • Morse. This is a sweet drink made from berry, fruit or vegetable juice by diluting it with water.
  • Infusion. Dosage form obtained without cooking, water-based, acetic or oil-based. Used by Avicenna in the 10th century. It can be both for external and for internal use. An infusion is like a drink made with water.
  • Decoction. The obsolete name is decoction. This is a liquid in which any useful plant was boiled. In fact, the technology for preparing decoction and compote is the same, the difference is that not fruits and berries are used in the broth, but leaves, bark or roots.
  • Syrup. Saturated sugar solution (from 40 to 80%) with the addition of juice extracted from the fruits or berries of useful plants.
  • Mixture or potion. Dosage form, which consists of a liquid (infusion, decoction) and solids.
  • The juice. It is obtained by squeezing fruits or berries, less often stems, roots or leaves of plants.
  • Tea. This is a drink that is obtained by brewing specially processed leaves of a tea bush or another plant, but in the latter case, the word “tea” must be supplemented with an explanation: “fruit”, “berry”, “from herbs”.

Please note! For general health promotion in home cooking, teas, juices, compotes, cocktails, fruit drinks and kvass are usually used. But infusions, decoctions, mixtures and syrups are dosage forms. They are meant to heal and are therefore usually less tasty and enjoyable.

Useful properties of vitamin drinks

For the normal functioning of the human body, vitamins are not just necessary, but vital. In the cold season, when their intake is naturally limited, healthy vitamin drinks come to the rescue. Thanks to them happens:
  1. Immunity Boost. It is thanks to these substances that resistance to infections develops, a person gets sick less, and when he gets sick, he suffers the disease more easily and recovers quickly.
  2. Appetite improvement. This happens against the background of a general activation of metabolism, enzymes and hormones, which occurs due to the intake of fortified drinks.
  3. Feeling better. A good mood, sound sleep, an influx of energy lead to a decrease in fatigue and an increase in efficiency.
  4. Appearance improvement. The condition of the skin and hair largely determines our beauty and directly depends on the diet. If there are enough vitamins, then the reflection in the mirror will delight you.
  5. Strengthening the skeleton and teeth. Vitamins also contribute to this. But their lack leads to scurvy, rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.

Remember! For the preparation of fortified drinks, you can use berries (rose hips, mountain ash, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, etc.), fruits (lemon, banana, apple, pear, etc.), any dried fruits, vegetables (most often beets and carrots), root crops (ginger is the most popular), adding sugar or honey for taste, as well as all kinds of spices (vanilla, cinnamon, turmeric, coriander) and fragrant leaves and herbs (for example, mint, thyme, nettle, linden).

Undesirable consequences of drinking vitamin drinks

In addition to the benefits, taking healthy drinks with vitamins can be harmful to health and cause malfunctions in the body. No one is immune from individual intolerance to any product or drink. Therefore, if you are trying an unfamiliar fruit, berry, greens, or a mixture of them for the first time, pay close attention to your reaction.

Stomach problems, rashes and itching, sneezing, nasal congestion - these are the symptoms that should alert you. No matter how useful the drink is, give it up if after drinking it your health has worsened.

Another undesirable reaction is hypervitaminosis. The reason is simple - non-compliance with the dosage or an unbalanced diet rich in some kind of vitamin, and its simultaneous additional intake. There are acute hypervitaminosis, caused by a single intake of an overestimated dose of an element, and chronic, when it is taken in a slightly overestimated amount for a long time. An overdose can be very dangerous, this is a real poisoning. Symptoms: rash, nausea, diarrhea.

Problems from hypervitaminosis can be very different. So, an excess of vitamin A will lead to dizziness and headaches, loss of appetite, drowsiness, lethargy, hair loss and peeling on the skin, and in children the fontanel may protrude due to increased intracranial pressure, fever and vomiting begin.

A fivefold excess of the dosage of vitamin B6 will irreparably damage the nerves, coordination of movements will be disturbed and movement will be difficult, and B1 will disrupt the functioning of the cerebral vessels and cause migraines and memory impairment.

Too much vitamin C combined with too much iron will damage cells. It also causes an increase in pressure, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, problems with vision and pancreas. Some researchers even argue that older diabetic women develop heart disease from excess consumption of this vitamin, and osteoporosis occurs from an excess of vitamin E.

The treatment of hypervitaminosis is simple - to limit the intake of the corresponding vitamin into the body.

Remember! To avoid health problems, never prescribe any medications and vitamins on your own, even if they are not pills, but just homemade drinks. Always consult with your doctor!

How to prepare a vitamin drink for immunity

Self-made vitamin drinks for immunity are an excellent substitute for store-bought fruit drinks and juices. After all, you are sure of the environmental friendliness of the products from which they are made, as well as the absence of flavor enhancers, preservatives and other harmful chemicals.

Recipes for vitamin drinks from mountain ash

This plant has a powerful energy and transmits a positive charge of energy to people. You may not believe in the extraordinary abilities of mountain ash, but its healing power is beyond doubt. Berries and juice are useful for those who have high cholesterol, as well as for gastritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, anemia and exhaustion.

Here are some healthy drink recipes:

  1. rowan juice. Dip the washed and sorted rowan berries in boiling water for a couple of minutes, put in a colander and let drain. Then squeeze out the juice. If you want to prepare it in reserve, boil the syrup (1 cup of sugar per liter of water) and while it boils, pour in the juice and cook, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes, after which you can pour into jars and roll up.
  2. . Make a tea mixture from the following ingredients: dried rowan and raspberry berries (300 g and 50 g respectively), dried currant leaves (25 g). Another version of the tea mixture: dried berries and rowan flowers (100 g and 30 g), dried mint leaves (10 g). Two tablespoons of this mixture is enough for a single brewing of tea.
  3. rowan cocktail. Mix apple and beetroot juice (1 cup each) with 6 tbsp. spoons of rowan juice, add sugar or honey to taste. Another recipe: mix rowan juice and cranberry juice (2 parts and 4 parts respectively), sweeten to taste with honey or sugar. Can be garnished with whipped cream or ice cream. Drink chilled.
  4. Rowan infusion that increases hemoglobin. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of rowan berries with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. If you like, add sugar or honey. This amount of infusion should be drunk during the day.
  5. rowan jelly. Pour 1 glass of rowan juice into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, pour 3 cups of water and boil. Then pour in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of starch, previously diluted with water, and, stirring, bring to a boil again.
  6. Rowan infusion with wild rose. Place in a saucepan 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rowan berries and rose hips, add 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After removing from heat, cover, wrap and leave for at least four hours. Then strain and drink.
  7. Rowan-honey drink. Crush 200 g of rowan berries, pour 1 liter of water and heat without boiling. Set aside and let cool. Take out and squeeze the berries, strain the drink, put a couple of tablespoons of honey into it, pour it into a convenient container and refrigerate for 2-3 days, and then drink it to your health.

Please note! For the preparation of vitamin drinks, you can use both fresh and dried rowan berries, but remember that people prone to constipation and thrombosis are contraindicated in their use.

Rosehip vitamin drink

Most of us do not know that cinnamon or damask rose is another name for the wild rose we are used to, just as we are unaware that it is 5 times more than lemon in terms of vitamin C content. Its fruits will save you from sclerosis and scurvy, increase immunity and resistance to diseases.

Everyone knows how to brew wild rose, and you try to cook something unusual out of it:

  • Rosehip juice. Take 500 g of fresh fruits, wash and sort so that there are no leaves, cuttings and damaged berries. In the meantime, boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan and throw the prepared fruits into it. Boil for 5 minutes and, having closed the lid and wrapped in a towel, leave to infuse for 24 hours. Drain the liquid into a separate container, then squeeze the berries through cheesecloth and add the squeezed to the set aside broth. Strain everything and add sugar to taste.
  • Refreshing drink with lemon. Grind dry rose hips (2 tablespoons) and put them in a thermos. Pour in 1 liter of boiling water and close the lid. Insist for 5-8 hours, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a few slices of lemon to taste.
  • Rosehip tea with chicory. Pour into the teapot 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed rose hips and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chicory Pour boiling water over and leave for 5 minutes. Add sugar to taste in a cup with a drink.

Remember! Vitamin C has a bad feature - it decomposes in the light. Therefore, rosehip drinks, in which there is a lot of this element, are prepared in opaque dishes, for example, in a thermos. For their preparation, you can use both whole and chopped fruits, which are convenient to crush as follows: put them on a towel, cover them with it and walk with a hammer or rolling pin from above.

Vitamin drink with ginger

Ginger is a well-known spice that helps burn fat in the body, and therefore drinking drinks that contain it is useful for those who want to lose weight. And the root is also rich in trace elements and vitamins, ginger teas and infusions perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Try to cook them according to the following recipes:

  1. Infusion with orange. Squeeze the juice from four oranges, add peeled ginger root cut into cubes and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let it cool a little and brew, and then add 2 teaspoons of honey.
  2. Drink with cinnamon and anise. Grate the ginger root. Take 4 teaspoons of this mass and mix with the juice of one orange and lemon, then put a cinnamon stick, anise star in the drink and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Let it brew and cool, add 8 teaspoons of honey and drink throughout the day.
  3. Decoction with mint. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, throw in ginger (finely chop about 4 cm of the root), half an orange, cut into slices, a bunch of mint and a third tablespoon of cinnamon. Boil and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and drink a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening. This drink is pleasant both warm and cold, but on the second day its taste becomes richer.
  4. Cold drink with milk. Pour three-quarters of a glass of water into a saucepan, throw in the ginger (cut about half a centimeter of the root) and boil for 2 minutes, covered. Pour in a quarter cup of milk and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and pour into cups. When it cools down a bit, add honey to taste.
  5. ginger tea. Pour half a tablespoon of ginger with a glass of boiling water and boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, add 1 teaspoon of black tea, let it brew for 2 minutes and strain the broth. Then pour into cups, adding honey and lemon to taste.
  6. Syrup with spices. 130 g of fresh ginger root, pour 300 ml of water, add 300 g of sugar and spices (2 cinnamon sticks, 6 black peppercorns, half nutmeg, 4 cloves), boil for 20 minutes to make the ginger soft. Remove from heat, strain and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey Boil again and strain. This syrup can be added to regular tea.

Please note! If you want the ginger drink to be more intense, grate the root. If you do not like too tart taste - cut into pieces.

Vitamin drink for boosting immunity with cranberries

Cranberry juice contains a lot of tannin - a substance that can resist infections. Therefore, cranberry drinks are powerful immune boosters.

There are many recipes for them, here are some:

  • . Mash one and a half cups of cranberries in a bowl and add half a cup of sugar. Let stand for 3 hours, drain the resulting syrup into a separate container, for example, a convenient glass bottle with a screw cap. Pour the remaining berries with 1 liter of water and cook for 7 minutes. Then remove from heat, strain and refrigerate. Before drinking, add cranberry syrup to the drink.
  • Concentrate for fruit drink. Grind cranberries with a blender and sprinkle them with sugar to taste (the benzoic acid contained in cranberries is a natural preservative that interferes with the fermentation process). Let stand 3 hours, put in a jar and store in the refrigerator. If you dilute such cranberry puree with water, then you will get a ready-to-eat fruit drink, which not only quenches thirst and supplies vitamins, but also reduces the temperature during a cold.
  • Cranberry smoothie. Mix with a blender 2 tbsp. spoons of frozen cranberries, 1 banana, 1 kiwi and half a grapefruit. Add honey to taste, stir and enjoy.

Remember! Cranberries are contraindicated in people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin drinks at home with lemon

Lemon tea is the leader in frequency of use and ease of preparation. This popular drink helped out many who wanted to heal and strengthen the body's antiviral defenses. But let's diversify life with new recipes based on this citrus fruit:
  1. lemon kvass. Take 130 g of sugar and boil in three liters of water, let cool. Then add 30 g of yeast, the same amount of raisins and 130 g of grated lemon. Put for 3 days in a cool place.
  2. Vitamin drink with turmeric for weight loss. In 4 liters of boiled or mineral warm water, add 150 ml of honey and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of turmeric Let cool and put 4 lemons, previously finely grated with zest. Leave to infuse in a cool place for 2 days. Strain before use. Drink in the morning before meals.
  3. morning lemonade. Pour 1 glass of warm boiled or mineral water and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. Add honey to taste and stir. Drink half a glass of this lemonade on an empty stomach in the morning, it will energize you for the whole day and even help you lose some weight.
  4. . Cut 2 lemons and a piece of peeled ginger root (10 cm), chop in a blender, put in a jug and pour 2 liters of chilled mineral water. Leave for 2 hours, add 1 glass of sugar, stir and strain.
  5. pumpkin lemonade. Cut 300 g of fresh or frozen pumpkin pulp into cubes, pour boiling water over it, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Let cool, grind with a blender and squeeze the juice of 1 lemon there, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and mix.
  6. lemon jelly. Grate 2-3 lemons to get the zest, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Boil one and a half liters of water with 1 glass of sugar, add lemon zest there and cook for 10 minutes. Strain the syrup, add the lemon juice and bring to a boil again. Pour in starch (half a glass), previously diluted in half a glass of cold water, stir, when it thickens, remove from heat. Let cool and serve in a glass with a straw or in a bowl (if very thick), garnish with mint leaves and whipped cream with sugar.

Need to know! Lemon juice contains pectin, which helps fight hunger.

How to make a vitamin drink - look at the video:

Healthy vitamin drinks can be consumed throughout the year, they are easy to prepare yourself at home, choosing from a wide variety of recipes that suits you. They are not burdensome for the budget, are not difficult to prepare and are very healthy, especially in winter and spring.

Delicious home-made drinks will help to increase the body's resistance to colds and viral diseases without resorting to expensive dietary supplements and medicines. In order to charge large and small households with health and vigor, it is worth a little magic in the kitchen. After all, there are many recipes with the simplest and most affordable ingredients, not difficult to perform, but very tasty and containing all the necessary vitamins and substances.

Kvass and teas, compotes and jelly, infusions and potions, syrups and smoothies for immunity - from such a variety, everyone will choose what he likes. The only secret of healthy vitamin drinks is in proper preparation:

  • Kvass is prepared for a long time, because the basis of their recipes is the fermentation process.
  • Fruit drinks are easy to make and are made by diluting berry or fruit juice with water.
  • Compotes are cooked from fruits and berries, because of boiling they retain less useful properties.
  • According to the cooking technology, a decoction is very similar to compote. The only difference is that in the decoction, the roots and leaves of plants are most often used, and not the fruits and berries.
  • Syrups are concentrates. They are made by mixing fruit or berry juices with a strong sugar solution. Syrup for immunity is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, since sugar acts as a preservative.
  • If you squeeze the fruits, berries or roots of plants, you get juice to increase immunity. It is drunk both in its natural form and with the addition of sweeteners.
  • Tea, in addition to the usual black, green and red, can be herbal, fruit and berry. There are many more useful properties in such teas, which is why older people love them so much.
  • The role of kefir in maintaining the body's immune defenses cannot be underestimated. it favorably affects the intestinal microflora.
  • Infusions, like fruit drinks, are prepared without boiling, but in hot water. The infusion takes a long time to prepare. Some drinks stand from 3 hours to several days.
  • Nutritious and delicious cocktails. Even a child can cope with their preparation, because the process is very exciting and simple. Using the most ordinary products, fantasize - and your immunity cocktail will be appreciated by friends and relatives.

The benefits and harms of vitamin drinks

In order for all organs to work properly, a person is vigorous and energetic, he needs vitamins and nutrients in sufficient quantities. You can get them with proper nutrition or with the help of special supplements. Drinks to boost immunity replenish the missing vitamins in the body without damage to the wallet. Their presence in the diet allows:

  1. increase the body's resistance to viruses and colds;
  2. improve appetite;
  3. strengthen teeth, nails and hair;
  4. improve the appearance of the skin;
  5. fill the body with energy and increase efficiency.

These properties are especially important in late autumn, winter and spring, when there are few natural vitamins in food.

However, when making vitamin drinks, it is important not to overdo it so that natural medicines do not turn into harm. Some components, although they have many benefits, are contraindicated in certain diseases, therefore, you should not mindlessly get carried away with this or that product, not knowing its properties.

The main contraindications of drinks for immunity are:

  1. Allergy to a certain product. Symptoms such as stomach problems, itching, sneezing, watery eyes should alert. In this case, it is better to refuse the allergen and consult a doctor.
  2. An overdose of any vitamin. If the body has enough of a certain vitamin or substance, then its additional intake in large doses can lead to an overdose.
  3. In addition, substances tend to accumulate in the body, which can also adversely affect health over time. Therefore, when drinking vitamin drinks, it is advisable to alternate their components, and not get carried away with the same composition for a long time. Signs of hypervitaminosis are very different: headaches, nausea, drowsiness, peeling of the skin, rash, high blood pressure.
  4. Not all products are useful for pregnant women and young children. So, with caution you need to take ginseng, ginger, cranberries.
  5. Chronic diseases. Almost all useful products affect the functioning of various organs, so people with chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver should be careful about vitamin drinks and study in detail the properties of the main components.

How to prepare drinks for immunity?

There are a huge number of recipes for making a drink for immunity. Most of them do not require special skills, and are available to almost all people. Consider the most popular of them.

Turmeric with milk

Turmeric is an inexpensive and common spice. Its beneficial properties are known and widely used in folk medicine. Turmeric is good for the immune system, joints and circulatory system. This spice is made from the tumeric plant, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is used as an antioxidant.

The simplest and most delicious recipe is a turmeric drink for immunity in combination with milk.

First, prepare the mixture:

  1. a third cup of ground turmeric;
  2. two thirds of a glass of water.

We stir the turmeric in water, put the resulting mixture on medium heat and heat for about 10 minutes. In the process of stirring, the mixture will thicken and become like a paste, remove from heat, cool. The shelf life of this blank in the refrigerator is up to 30 days.

As needed, 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture are diluted in a glass of warm milk. If desired, you can add honey, but in this case the milk should not be too hot, otherwise the honey from a healthy product will turn into poison. The optimum temperature is 30-40°.

For those who do not like honey and milk, the mixture can simply be diluted with boiled water.

Take a drink in a glass once a day, immediately or divided into several doses.

Important! Turmeric removes fluid from the body, so drink more water or decoctions of linden, rosehip, chamomile while taking it. The beneficial properties of these plants will give an additional effect in the fight against colds.

Watch the video on how to make a turmeric drink with milk:

ginger teas

For those who love tea with milk:

  1. take the root of fresh ginger (medium, 50-60 grams);
  2. finely chopped;
  3. boil a glass of water;
  4. add ginger and cook for 10 minutes;
  5. add two cups of milk, cook for another 5 minutes.

If you don't like milk, use a fruit recipe. It includes:

  1. a large spoonful of freshly ground ginger;
  2. citrus peel (orange, lemon);
  3. dried apples (a handful);
  4. cinnamon (stick);
  5. star anise (asterisk);
  6. honey or orange juice to taste;
  7. tea (green or black).

Boil a liter of water, add ginger, zest, apples and spices. Warm on low heat for 5 minutes and remove. Pour in tea, let it brew and cool slightly under the lid, then add honey and orange juice (optional). Pour into cups through a strainer.

Carefully! Do not use ginger for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, high temperature and pressure, bleeding. It is better to refrain from this drink for pregnant women.

Lemon kvass and kissel

Many people know how to make traditional lemonade, but kvass and jelly are not so common.

To make kvass from lemon, you need 130 grams of sugar, the same amount of grated lemon, three liters of water, 30 grams of yeast and raisins.

  1. Sugar is diluted in water and boiled;
  2. let's cool down;
  3. add yeast, raisins and lemon;
  4. we stand in a cool place for three days;
  5. immune cocktail is ready!

Lemon jelly cooks much faster:

  1. grind on a grater two or three lemons;
  2. squeeze the juice, separate the zest;
  3. dilute half a glass of starch with the same amount of cold water;
  4. dissolve a glass of sugar in one and a half liters of water, bring to a boil;
  5. add citrus zest, cook for 10 minutes;
  6. we filter;
  7. pour lemon juice into the syrup and bring to a boil again;
  8. Pour in starch, stir until the jelly thickens, and remove from heat.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry well brings down the temperature, removes toxins after illness and, due to the high content of vitamins, strengthens the immune system.

Cranberry fruit drinks are useful for both adults and children over 3 years old.

Important! The benefits of this berry are lost when boiled, so before preparing a fruit drink, the berry must be squeezed out.

Classic morse:

  1. squeeze the juice from a glass of cranberries through gauze or a very fine sieve;
  2. boil a liter of water and cool to a warm state;
  3. add squeezed juice and sweetener (sugar, honey);
  4. wrap the container with a fruit drink with a towel and leave to cool and infuse for a couple of hours.

Cranberry juice for the lazy:

  1. kill a kilogram of cranberries with 700 grams of sugar in a blender or pass through a meat grinder;
  2. store the resulting semi-finished product in the refrigerator, if necessary, dilute the required amount with boiled water or tea.

Rosehip decoction

Rose hips are useful for immunity, first of all, with vitamin C, which is 40 times more in these fruits than in lemons. Therefore, like cranberries, rose hips should not be boiled. This fragile vitamin cannot withstand temperatures above 80º and loses its benefits.

To prepare the decoction, it is necessary to carefully select the berries, they must be dry, but not overdried (do not crumble), without gray coating and excess debris.

Berries for decoction are stored in a well-ventilated dark place.

To prepare a decoction, you need:

  1. Take 4 large spoons of wild rose per liter of water.
  2. Boil water and cool slightly.
  3. Fall asleep wild rose.
  4. The container with the broth should be well wrapped and set to cool and steam very slowly, at least 3 hours.
  5. Strain the resulting broth.

The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days.

Immune drinks for kids

From the moment babies are weaned from the breast or during artificial feeding, it is very important to increase the immunity of children, since mother's milk ceases to protect the children's body. At the same time, at this age, the likelihood of allergic reactions is high, so it is better to introduce even the most useful foods in small quantities.

Also, you should not give pure squeezed juices, it is better to dilute them in the form of a fruit drink. Ginger, honey, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries - you should not give them at an early age. Such products in the diet of children should appear after 3 years.

But viburnum berries, on the contrary, are very useful and have hypoallergenic properties. Children from six months can be given not strong drinks to increase immunity - compotes and fruit drinks, but after a year juices, mousses, kissels and the berries themselves diluted with water.

Nature gives man access to the natural reserves of all the necessary substances. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly and in moderation, then health, strength and beauty will be preserved for many years.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

- delicious food and health benefits. To make cocktails, you need the most ordinary products. Moreover, the very process of creating cocktails is fascinating - there is room for imagination, which will be appreciated by relatives and friends.

Fruity Multivitamin Shake

You will need: apple, pear, kiwi - halves of each fruit, orange - two or three slices, grapefruit - two slices, rosehip broth - 100 ml, liquid honey - half a teaspoon, pine nuts and sunflower seeds - one tablespoon each.

Use a blender to grind and mix nuts, seeds and fruits. To the resulting homogeneous mixture, add honey and rosehip broth, move again.

One glass of a natural cocktail is a vitamin and mineral charge for the day. Seeds and nuts play an important role in it. They will improve metabolism, help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

Cocktail "Protection against colds"

You will need: one lemon, one head of garlic, honey - two tablespoons, boiled water - no more than one liter.

Cut the lemon into small slices (1/3 slices, 5 mm thick). The garlic needs to be crushed and minced. Place lemon and garlic in a liter jar, add liquid honey and fill with warm water. Close the jar tightly and shake. Place in refrigerator. After two days, the cocktail will be ready.

Healthy breakfast cocktail

You will need: carrots - one or two pieces, orange, banana, apple - one piece of each fruit, orange fresh (without additives and sweeteners) - 700 g, oatmeal - about 30 g.

Grind the peeled fruits, with the exception of the banana, in a blender. Then add the peeled banana, flakes, pour fresh juice and mix again.

"The shake has enough vitamins and calories to make it a complete breakfast for those on a diet."

Cocktail "Youth and harmony"

You will need: apple, cucumber - one piece each, a couple of sprigs of dill, celery stalk - 200 g, lime - one piece.

After grinding and mixing the ingredients, pass them through a juicer.

Products in the cocktail are sources of antioxidants. Trace elements in their composition take care of the beauty of a woman. This is the most favorite low-calorie cocktail of all those who follow the figure.

Cocktail "C-vitamin"

You will need: parsley - one bunch, one lemon, sugar - no more than 50 g, water - 500 ml, a couple of ice cubes (optional).

Chop the parsley and lemon with a blender. Add sugar and water (warm enough to dissolve the sugar). Many people like this cocktail more chilled, so it is recommended to add a couple of ice cubes.

Parsley is the leading "supplier" of vitamin C in our body, and it also has a fantastic effect on metabolic processes.

Immune Boosting Beetroot Cocktail

You will need: beets and carrots - one each, celery stalk, flower honey - one tablespoon, freshly squeezed lemon juice - a couple of teaspoons, olive oil - one teaspoon.

Make a carrot, beetroot and celery juice using a juicer. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and stir.

Cocktail "E-vitamin"

You will need: milk (pasteurized, 3.2% fat) - one glass, half a banana, five strawberries, one scoop of ice cream, and a couple of tablespoons of syrup or jam. It is better to purchase a syrup at a pharmacy, for example, from cranberries or rose hips. You can take homemade jam.

All ingredients are ground and mixed in a blender. It is not recommended to add vegetables or sour fruits to the milkshake, as they cause the milk to coagulate quickly.

The cocktail is suitable for lunch or afternoon tea. It cooks quickly, has a sweet taste and bright color, which is especially liked by children.