How to store coffee beans. How and where to store coffee and beans? How to store instant coffee

Coffee varieties differ in taste, intensity and aroma. Also, the chemical composition of the grains determines the place and technology of growing the tree. More than 50 countries around the world grow these trees, allowing us to enjoy a refined and invigorating scent.

The issue of storing coffee beans

By their nature, berries are considered a convenient storage option. When stored properly, you can enjoy a perfectly delicious drink.

On average, roasted or raw berries in an airtight container can be stored for 12 months.

You should understand two basic rules: protect the fried berries from spices and other "extra" odors, do not store them in the freezer. The freezer is ideal for storing fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, but not an option for storing the berries of a tree. In the freezer, they will lose their taste, and due to the increased temperature and moisture, they may become completely unsuitable for consumption. This option for home storage can be considered if the fruits are not fried.

The rules for storing berries in the freezer boils down to the following aspects: it is better to pack the grains in bags for storing vegetables and fruits in small proportions. If necessary, take out the bag, fry the grains, grind them and immediately start preparing the drink.

This is interesting: initially, people consumed fresh grains, and only then they began to fry them and prepare a drink.

General storage rules:

  • Coffee should only be stored in beans. Grinding is not allowed.
  • Avoid the "wrong neighborhood".

The product in question literally absorbs odors. Limit spice grains.

  • Keep the jar away from the oven.
  • Storage utensils must be vacuum and sealed.
  • The seeds should be ground just before brewing the drink.

Where to store the grains? There is no definite rule here. Your task is reduced to compliance with the following parameters: less moisture, less sunlight and heat. The best place for a can is a kitchen cabinet with cereals and pasta. Cereals and pasta practically do not "give off" odors, so they are the best neighbors of coffee beans. We figured out where it is better to store roasted coffee beans. Let's move on to the next block of the article and find out how to store them?

Choosing a container for storage

Coffee is a delicate and delicate drink, so after opening the package it needs to be given a new "home". Let's immediately understand that berries should not be stored in plastic, metal and wooden containers - from this they will lose their unsurpassed aroma.

The tree will "steal" the rich aroma of the drink. Metal will "change" the taste. And if you have previously enjoyed a velvety and aromatic drink, then storage in a metal can can give a cold metallic taste to the taste of the drink. You can use plastic containers, but remember two conditions: the container must be made of environmentally friendly materials, and it must not emit "extraneous" odors.

What can be used to store coffee? A glass jar with an airtight lid is ideal for storage. The shelf life of the product in such a jar is six months.

If you plan to store coffee at home for a little more than six months in time, then you should take care of the ventilation of the glass container.

Frequently asked questions:

  • At what temperature should I store roasted coffee beans?
  • Do grains need to be washed when roasting?

Washing the grains is strictly prohibited. Moisture is the main enemy of fried fruits. In addition, you do not have to worry about their hygiene; in production, the cleanliness of products is carefully monitored at every stage.

  • How long can you store coffee beans outdoors?

In the open form, the grains can be stored at home for no more than 5 days. After they are saturated with moisture, so the taste of the coffee drink, to put it mildly, will not please you.

So, we found out how to store at home. Now it remains to move on to an equally interesting stage: the peculiarities of grinding and storing ground coffee.

Got it? How to store it?

Only freshly ground berries can convey the full flavor and aroma of coffee. Of course, a lot depends on the grade of compliance with the technology of roasting the beans. Whole berries last longer and retain the aroma of the coffee tree.

Coffee lovers advise to use it every time you want to indulge yourself with a fragrant hot drink.

Ground product storage rules:

  1. A sealed foil bag is suitable for storage.
  2. Always seal the coffee pouch tightly.
  3. Do not allow moisture and foreign odors to get inside.
  4. The maximum temperature at which ground grains can be stored is 30 degrees Celsius. Moisture - 70%.

If you grind the beans yourself and are used to doing it in large quantities, you should pack the ground coffee into small portions. Place the coffee pieces in a cool place. If there is no such house, then store the bags in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

The inviting and invigorating aroma of a coffee drink: how to prepare ground coffee?

You can brew a coffee drink. But in a Turk, which is unsightly for many, he turns out to be especially good. To make coffee, you need the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of water;
  • 3 teaspoons of ground coffee;
  • sugar to taste.

The first rule is that the Turk must be clean and dry. Do not throw coffee into wet dishes. The second rule is that you should not bring the drink to a boil - this will ruin its taste and your bar.

We heat the Turk over the fire. Add 3 tablespoons of ground coffee and fry it over low heat for 30 seconds. We add water. We turn up the fire. When the water starts to bubble slightly, remove the turk from the heat and pour the drink into a cup. You can add sugar and other necessary spices to taste.

It seems as if the aroma of coffee already reigns in the room. You can talk about the drink for a long time, but it is better to enjoy its exquisite taste and aroma. Just don't overdo it, because it contains so much caffeine. Where to start the day? With a cup of coffee. How to end the day? A cup of milk drink!

How to store coffee properly? There are several nuances that must be taken into account in order for your favorite drink to remain fresh and tasty for a long time.

First you need to decide how long you need to store your coffee? The fact is that short-term and long-term storage of coffee are opposite in their direction and should be approached from diametrically opposite sides. In general, experts advise buying a drink with a margin of 7-14 days - no more. This is the optimal time to keep your coffee fresh and retain all its precious properties. However, situations are different - for example, someone offered you a good deal: to buy high-end coffee in large quantities, or you were brought expensive coffee beans from the country of origin. What to do with this? How not to get confused and keep the taste of natural coffee? And why is it better to store coffee in small batches? There are some subtleties that will help you keep the drink for a long time without compromising its quality. Remember that coffee's worst enemies are oxygen, moisture, heat, and sunlight. What is the best way to keep yourself and your favorite drink safe? So, we will answer your most common and frequently asked questions.

Why are foil coffee bags good?
Recently, more and more manufacturers began to produce their coffee in foil bags with a valve and a zip lock. This is no coincidence - more and more experts and coffee lovers alike recognize that such a bag is the most suitable thing for storing coffee. Firstly, it protects coffee from all sorts of unnecessary odors, and you and I know very well that the porous structure of coffee beans tends to retain all the shades of smells caught, especially sharp ones. Secondly, such a bag protects the coffee from unwanted air intake, and the existing valve allows the accumulated gases to escape freely. Thirdly, the soft packaging of the bag allows you to twist it in order to release all remaining excess air, and the oxidation process of essential oils of coffee beans will be minimized (and it is thanks to the oils that we feel the fragrant aroma of coffee). Fourthly, the foil bag protects the drink from dampness and sunlight.

How to store coffee in cans?
Glass and ceramic jars are considered less preferred, but acceptable storage methods. The first condition is to have a tight-fitting lid with a silicone gasket. The presence of such will save your drink from the penetration of unwanted odors, oxygen and moisture. The jar for storing coffee should be opaque. Otherwise, you need to keep it exclusively in a dark place.
One of the disadvantages of this storage method is that excess air cannot leave the beans, so if you are going to pour coffee into a can, then place it in this container no earlier than a few days after roasting. Another negative point: when you close a can of coffee, some amount of air will definitely remain there, so the coffee in the can will still oxidize.

Should you store coffee in containers?
Plastic containers are the most undesirable option. It is believed that such materials give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste, and possibly even a smell. Surely only a few will find this "addition" attractive.

If we are talking about "coffee for every day", that is, about a drink that should be at hand, then, perhaps, a cabinet in the kitchen is the most suitable place. But at the same time, it is worth choosing a position as far as possible from the stove and not heated by the sun's rays. In addition, if you store coffee in a glass jar, it is best to place it in a drawer that you do not look into often to minimize exposure to sunlight.

It is not advisable to store coffee in the refrigerator during daily use, it negatively affects the drink. The thing is that a lot of foreign odors accumulate in the refrigerator, and besides, with such storage, it is almost impossible to get rid of dampness. When you take out the can, due to the temperature drop, condensation forms on the coffee beans, which will be absorbed into them later. In addition, the temperature in the refrigerator is not low enough to significantly affect the shelf life of the coffee.

The freezer is a great option for long-term storage of coffee beans. The best effect can be obtained by freezing the beans immediately after roasting, otherwise the overall shelf life will be reduced. With the freezer, coffee can be kept in excellent condition for up to two months. Don't believe me?
Not so long ago, an experiment was carried out with the participation of experienced specialists, who confirmed the accuracy of these data. For the test, we took several varieties of coffee, some of which were frozen immediately after roasting. After some time, the participants in the experiment were blindly asked to indicate the coffee stored in the freezer and the fresh one just brewed. Professional coffee lovers could not distinguish between drinks - they all seemed fresh.

Thus, if you are going to store grain coffee for a long time, then it is better to do it using the freezer, but you need to use some simple rules.
The drink must be securely hidden in an opaque package, excluding the ingress of air.
During the entire shelf life, coffee does not need to be removed from the freezer unnecessarily. And it is better not to use the compartment where it is stored, so as not to create temperature changes.
After removing the coffee from the freezer, wait until the beans have reached room temperature. Otherwise, the coffee will cool the drink, and, importantly, it will prevent the formation of a creamy foam in the espresso.
The shelf life of the drink in the freezer should not exceed 2 months.
If you want to use coffee gradually, keeping the leftover beverage in the freezer, then it is best for you to split the coffee into parts. This way you can take out each new package as needed. The main condition here is that the coffee extracted from the refrigerator should not be returned there.

Attention! And now the main postulate for all coffee lovers in the country: do not buy coffee for future use and in reserve, but buy coffee often and little by little! When buying coffee, read the instructions for storing the drink indicated on the package. There are different storage conditions depending on the type of coffee.

Compare how do you store your favorite drink? Do you follow basic rules? Now that you know the basic rules of storage, it will be much easier to preserve the great taste and aroma of good coffee! Enjoy your coffee!

Most popular products in this category - Coffee beans

1167 RUB

676 r

RUB 700

1926 RUB

RUB 2999

569 r

RUB 2999
Most popular products in this category - Ground coffee

The taste of coffee depends on the variety, the quality of the roast and the country of origin. But even the most flavored drink can lose its properties if stored improperly. For example, the shelf life of coffee beans is drastically reduced if kept outdoors or in the wrong can. And these are not all the conditions for preserving the taste and aroma of the grains.

Rules for storing coffee beans

  • the aroma disappears from them;
  • grains absorb moisture and damp;
  • foreign odors are absorbed along with moisture;
  • coffee oils, which are responsible for aroma and taste quality, evaporate.

If you brew a drink from such beans, then instead of invigorating coffee, you can get a liquid that is far from perfect. You can extend the shelf life and preserve the taste if you store the grains in a vacuum package or jar.

Factory packaging. When opening, only one corner needs to be cut, not the entire strip. This will allow you to pour in the required amount of beans and close the package tightly.

To do this, you need to remove air from it as much as possible, wrap the bag and close the slot with a clerical clip.

Jar with a tight lid. You can choose a container for storing coffee from any material (glass, metal, ceramics), the main thing is that it closes well and does not get air into the jar.

In a well-closed factory package, the grains are stored for up to 24 months. If the integrity of the package has been compromised, then you should consume coffee within two weeks. However, true connoisseurs of the drink are advised to use the grains 10 days in advance.

Where to store ground coffee

The most delicious coffee is considered to be made from freshly ground beans, therefore it is recommended to crush them immediately before use. But since not everyone has time for this, it is possible to grind the grains for future use, the main thing is to store them correctly.

  1. Beans that a person has milled on their own should be kept in a multilayer bag or in a jar with a tight lid. According to the rules, this coffee should be consumed within 5 days.
  2. The shelf life of ground coffee in a factory package is 12 months, but if the package has already been opened, then you should not delay drinking the drink.
  3. It is necessary to pick up the powder with a dry spoon, since the ingress of moisture threatens to lose its taste. Also, you can not leave the package or container in the light; you need to put them in a cool, dark place.

When buying ready-made coffee, you should carefully study the packaging. If the product is of high quality and all the rules for its packaging are followed, then the bag must be firm and compressed to the touch.

If a person drinks a drink a certain number of times a day, and knows how much powder is needed for one serving, then he can buy himself special cans for storage. Usually such containers are small in size with tight-fitting lids, in which it is very convenient to hold coffee.

How long can instant coffee be stored

Instant drink, of course, is inferior in taste to ground coffee, but if you do not want to delve into all the intricacies of coffee making, then this option is quite acceptable. This powder also has its own storage characteristics:

  1. Instant coffee has a shelf life of a maximum of 24 months in unopened containers. If the number on the bank is higher, then, most likely, this is a deception.
  2. When choosing between glass containers and a package, you should opt for the first option. The instant powder is practically devoid of the original coffee smell, and the can can retain what is left of it.
  3. After opening the can, the drink should be consumed within two months.
  4. We must not forget that constant contact of the product with air is unacceptable. Therefore, as soon as less than half of the powder remains in the container, pour it into a smaller jar.
  5. Do not completely trust the clasps on the pouched coffee, as they are often not very reliable. The package should be rolled up tightly and secured on top with a paper clip or a paper clip.

The lowest-quality product is packed in cans and bags, so it is better to refrain from buying coffee in such containers. Although coffee has a good shelf life, it should still be consumed as soon as possible. Since, if you hold the can open even for 15 minutes, then there will be no trace of the coffee smell.

Storage space for coffee

It is important to choose the right not only airtight container, but also a specific space for storing coffee in the kitchen. First of all, it is necessary to find a place where ultraviolet rays do not penetrate, since they deprive the grain of not only taste, but also color.

You cannot put powder on open shelves, because the jar will not be protected by anything from light and moisture. In addition, constant temperature fluctuations are inevitably present in the kitchen, which also negatively affect the taste and aroma of the product.

Many people advise keeping coffee in the refrigerator, but this is fundamentally wrong advice. Since inside this technique there are a lot of foreign odors that interrupt the aroma, and there is high humidity.

But it is allowed to store beans or powder in the freezer if they were purchased for future use. Due to the low temperatures, coffee can lie in the freezer for a long time, but the product can be frozen only once. Repeated exposure to cold destroys the grain structure. Therefore, it is better to immediately pack the product into small portions and put it in an airtight bag or cling film.

This method can only be used if the kitchen has a modern freezer with a "dry freeze" function. It is better if there is a separate box or compartment for coffee, but when there are no free boxes, then you can simply put the sealed coffee in a container with a lid.

The most ideal place to store coffee is in a closed kitchen cabinet. There are no drafts and no light in it, and besides, there is almost always constant humidity and temperature. It is important that there are no spices near the product that give off a strong smell.

True connoisseurs of coffee know that grain should be stored according to certain rules. The taste of the drink depends on the degree of roast, the selected variety and how the coffee will be stored. We will figure out further how to store coffee beans, powder, drink in capsules, what are the features and nuances.

How to store coffee correctly - general rules and features

Grinding grains is worth immediately before preparing a drink.

Experts call the basic rules for storing coffee:

  • It is highly undesirable to keep the product for a long time. The drink can lose its important qualities. Purchase as much of the product as will be used in 1-2 weeks.
  • You need to grind the grains just before cooking.
  • It is preferable to store coffee beans over ground powder. Essential oils remain intact inside the grains. After grinding, the oils come into direct contact with oxygen, and after a long storage of the ground coffee, the taste of the drink is significantly deteriorated.
  • Temperature conditions for storing all types of coffee - + 13- +16 degrees.
  • The moisture index is of the utmost importance. The required humidity level for proper storage is 50-60%. The product is not stored near the stove, on which it is constantly cooked.
  • Choose a container designed for storing coffee with a hermetically sealed top.

What is the risk of improper storage

If you break the rules, the consequences can be as follows:

  1. When ground powder comes into contact with air, oxidation occurs, which negatively affects the taste of the drink.
  2. The wonderful aroma can evaporate from the drink or become very weak.
  3. Since the beans absorb the surrounding odors, the drink may taste odd.
  4. In a room with too dry air, the grains often disintegrate into small pieces.
  5. After opening the package, it is recommended to store coffee beans in a room with the necessary humidity. Otherwise, mold can form.

Due to improper storage of beans, the drink may lose its aroma.

Shelf life of vacuum-packed beans and ground coffee

In packaging, the shelf life of coffee beans can be up to two years if the original package is hermetically sealed. Having opened the package, the grains can be stored for no more than 15 days. Roasted beans are stored for 4-5 days.

On a note! If you use a special container for beans, storage increases to several months.

After grinding the grains, the powder should be used immediately. But in a vacuum factory package, the ground powder is stored for about a year. Having broken the tightness of the package, it is advisable to use the product within 10 days.

Features of storing coffee beans

How to store coffee beans:

  1. In the original vacuum packaging, carefully cut off the corner. Do not cut off the whole top of the pack. Pour the required number of beans, and then, after extracting air from the bag, twist the top as tightly as possible and fix it with a clip.
  2. The storage temperature of the coffee beans should not be too high or, conversely, too low. A suitable temperature indicator is 14-15 degrees.

On a note! Avoid high humidity and temperature fluctuations in the room. It is better not to keep grains in cabinets hanging near stoves.

  1. A glass container with a tight-fitting lid is suitable for storage.

How much coffee beans are stored

The shelf life of an unopened package of coffee beans is approximately 24 months. Many people are interested in how much coffee beans are stored after opening, and whether all its useful properties are preserved during depressurization. After opening the package, the grain must be consumed within a week.

How much coffee beans can be stored at different temperatures in a vacuum sealed package:

  • + 13-16 degrees - 12 months;
  • 0 to -20 degrees - 18 months;
  • + 25- +35 degrees - 9-10 months

Is it possible to store coffee in the refrigerator

Some people prefer to store coffee in their refrigerators, citing the fact that low temperatures have a beneficial effect on the retention of aromatic oils in the beans. In fact, the volatility of aromatic substances is influenced not so much by temperature as by oxidation, which occurs due to direct contact with oxygen. Refrigerators are not suitable for storage for a number of reasons. Due to the constant opening of the door, the humidity inside the chamber is almost always increased, and in addition, there are various odors that the beans will surely absorb.

Is it possible to store grains in the freezer

If the grains were purchased in large quantities, a freezer is suitable for the preservation of the product. Once the food has been removed from the freezer, it must not be re-frozen. Experts advise to pack the grains into small portions before freezing. For these purposes, it is better to use squares of foil or cling film.

For storing grains, a modern freezer working on a dry freezing system is suitable. Grain packages should be placed in a separate compartment. If it is not possible to separate the bags with grains from other frozen foods, you should put all the bags in a plastic container and close the lid.

How much coffee beans are stored in the freezer? The storage period reaches one and a half years.

Storing ground coffee

Fans of a flavored drink often buy already ground powder. In the absence of a coffee grinder, this is the most suitable option, which significantly saves time. Features of the storage of the ground product:

  • Manufacturers often care about high-quality vacuum packaging. The contents of a closed package are stored for a long time.
  • It is not recommended to pour products from several batches into one container.
  • The product jar must be airtight and must be filled to the top.
  • The powder instantly absorbs all odors. For this reason, tightly closed packaging should be kept away from other foods.
  • If you need to measure a portion of coffee, in no case should you do it with a wet cutlery. Moisture must not get inside.

Shelf life of ground coffee

The storage duration depends on which method was chosen:

  1. In a sealed original packaging, the contents can be stored for up to one year;
  2. In glass with a tight-fitting lid - 7 days;
  3. If exposed to oxygen, the product should be used immediately.

How long capsule coffee is stored

Nowadays, capsule coffee is used more and more often, so the question becomes relevant: how much coffee is stored in capsules? Since the capsule product is always hermetically sealed, the shelf life is extended to two years. The timing depends on compliance with all the required storage conditions, as well as on the manufacturers themselves.

It happens that in the kitchen cabinet there are suddenly several capsules of coffee. Throwing away expensive capsules does not raise an arm, but can an expired product be used?

Expired capsules have not been scientifically proven to be harmful to health. But you should be prepared for the fact that the drink will turn out to be not so aromatic, and the caffeine content in it will be lower than in the fresh product.

Storing green coffee

It is allowed to store green coffee in all possible ways: indoors in compliance with all the rules, as well as in the freezer compartment. Green beans have the longest shelf life. In unopened factory packaging, green beans have a shelf life of 36 months. If stored comfortably, green beans can be used after five years.

Typically, green coffee is sold by weight in specialty stores. After purchase, you should carefully sort each grain, separating the beans with black dots and kinks. After that, the grains are dried on paper towels for 12-15 hours (at room temperature).

On a note! Having put the product in the freezer compartment, you should know that the temperature of the grains must be at least + 17 degrees before use.

How is instant coffee stored?

Coffee in a can

True connoisseurs of the drink zealously criticize powdered sublimate, but millions of people consume instant drink every day. Instant drink storage rules:

  • Unopened original packaging can be stored for about five years. As soon as its integrity is violated, the shelf life is reduced to six months.
  • An instant drink in powder or granules cannot be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, where it will quickly lose its taste.
  • To avoid excess moisture from entering the jar, after opening, the top should be tightly wrapped with foil.
  • If the aroma is lost, a cinnamon stick will help, which must be put directly into the jar.

How to store coffee grounds and cake

Dense and cake are often used for various purposes:

  • As a scrub for the skin of the body and face;
  • As a fertilizer for the garden;
  • As a vitamin supplement for indoor flowers.

In this regard, the question arises, how to store coffee cake? It is advisable not to store it, but immediately use it for its intended purpose. If there is a large amount of cake left, it should be placed in a tightly closed glass or plastic jar in the refrigerator. To prevent the formation of mold, the cake must be dried well beforehand by spreading it out on paper towels or a napkin. The process can take several days, the main thing is to constantly stir the cake.

The storage time for brewed coffee is a very short period - only 3-5 days.

Where to store coffee - containers, cans, dishes

The most important thing is the container for storing the coffee. Where to store coffee beans at home? A special package with a zip-lock is perfect. The product can be stored in glass and plastic containers with sealed lids. Before pouring grains or ground product into a jar, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements:

  1. It is advised to wrap the grains in cling film or parchment in order to preserve all the useful properties;
  2. The container with fried grains should be opened periodically;
  3. The container must be filled to the limit so that as little oxygen as possible remains in the container.

The most suitable containers for the correct storage of coffee:

  • Special bags with valves. Many manufacturers immediately pack products in bags that are equipped with valves for tightness. The bag protects the grain from direct light, temperature extremes, high humidity. The contents of the package do not come into contact with oxygen and foreign odors, so its taste and aroma remain unchanged. After opening the bag, excess air should be released from it, and then tightly closed with a special valve. With a home vacuum for sealed bags, the product can be stored for much longer.
  • Ceramic or glass containers. In supermarkets, you can find special cans for storing coffee beans made of ceramics and glass with tight-fitting lids. The basic rule is that the lid should fit very tightly to the jar. It can be twisted or closed with a metal latch. Can I store coffee in a transparent jar? It is better to choose an opaque material and store the product in a dark, dry place.

Important! Do not pour grains into jars immediately after roasting. You should wait several days, and only then pour them into containers. Freshly roasted beans actively emit gas and oxidation can begin.

The container must be filled to the very top, but products from different batches must not be mixed.

  • Plastic / metal containers. These options are often chosen, since they have many advantages: containers are light, compact, do not allow air to get inside, protect from foreign odors, and protect from excessive moisture. Can I store coffee in a tin can? Supermarkets sell special cans with airtight lids to help protect the grains from moisture and sunlight. As a rule, tin containers are more compact and come in different shapes and colors.
  • Kesper stainless steel vacuum can. A container specially designed for storing almost all types of coffee. It will not only help preserve your favorite drink for a long time, but will also fit into the interior of every kitchen.
  • Delonghi vacuum container. Protects grains from oxidation and high humidity. As soon as the vacuum container is closed, excess oxygen is automatically removed from it. Airtight containers help preserve the aroma of your favorite drink.

On a note! Natural wood is considered an environmentally friendly and safe material, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for storing grains. Wooden containers do not protect against moisture, sun, foreign odors.

In order for your favorite drink to always delight with its taste, give vigor and cheer you up, you need to know the rules for storing it. It is necessary to create temperature conditions, monitor the level of moisture, do not allow sunlight to enter. But the best option is to purchase your favorite product in small quantities, using it for a maximum of 10 days.

How to store coffee beans correctly? This question is of interest to many lovers of this drink. It is important that the storage of this product is carried out correctly, this is the only way to fully preserve its aroma and useful components.

The most natural product is coffee beans. Many people choose to buy green beans and roast and cook them at home. But there are certain rules for procurement and storage, without which it is impossible to properly prepare this product, and even more so to preserve it.

In order for ground coffee beans to retain all their valuable qualities, they should not be left outdoors after preparation. They must be placed in a tight sealed package. In addition, this is required in order to prevent the following conditions:

  • When the product is kept outdoors for a long time, coffee oil evaporates from it. This leads to a complete loss of flavor and aroma of the drink;
  • Grains quickly absorb moisture from the air, this can lead to a complete loss of their qualities;
  • The drink, which is prepared from such grains, turns out to be not so rich, aromatic and far from perfect;
  • When the grains are in the open air for a long time, their structure is compacted. Foreign compounds can form in the cavity. This leads to the fact that the finished drink has a sour taste, and a tasteless foam forms on the surface.

In order for the product to retain its qualities for a long time and the drink from it to be tasty, aromatic, you need to know important recommendations for storing coffee. These include the following rules:

  • It is recommended to keep coffee beans or ground coffee at optimum temperature - it ranges from 13 to 16 degrees Celsius, while the relative humidity level should be 50-60%;
  • When selecting containers for storing coffee beans, it is recommended to pay attention to the increased tightness so that air does not penetrate into them. You can use a jar or packaging. The product can be poured into a earthenware jar with tight-fitting silicone gaskets and a metal base latch. You can store ground coffee or beans for a long time in a glass container with a screw cap, it does not allow air to pass through. It is recommended to pour into a vacuum package with a density of at least 50 microns, air does not penetrate through it;
  • When using containers made of opaque plastic, it should be borne in mind that they must be marked "for bulk products". However, you should be prepared for the fact that during storage the aroma of the product will be absorbed into the walls of the containers, which can remain for a long time;
  • Better you need to open a bank once a month or packaging, pour out the grains or grind and dry it at room temperature for 10-12 hours;
  • It is recommended to store coffee beans in a dark place. without the presence of sharp fluctuations in temperature. An excellent storage option would be a kitchen cabinet, but only if it is located at a distance of 4-5 meters from heating devices;
  • Do not store this product next to spices. or cereals. If the tightness of the containers in which this component is poured is broken, its smell can transfer to other products. Also, coffee can acquire aroma from spices and other products;
  • Many people store coffee in the refrigerator. , but you shouldn't. The fact is that this device has to be often opened, as a result, condensate settles on the cooled grains, which after a while makes all the stocks of this product unusable;
  • A good storage space would be a freezer. , but there are some important conditions to follow. It is better to divide beans or ground coffee into separate portions, each of which will be calculated for one time. They are separated for 10 days, and the rest are placed in the back of the freezer. For storage, it is recommended to use an opaque vacuum package, therefore, when direct light falls, the nutrients of the drink are destroyed;
  • It is not advisable that air remains in the container, because it has a negative effect on the quality of the product. For this reason, when pouring coffee into a can or package, you must fill it more fully;
  • You can not store coffee beans at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius, this can cause the process of activation of chemical reactions, the release of moisture, essential oils. All this will lead to the formation of mold, and the moldy product will simply not be suitable for drinking.

Features of storing raw beans

It is raw or green coffee beans that have a long shelf life. The average shelf life of the drink is about three years. But subject to certain rules, this period can be extended to 4 or more years.

It is imperative to fulfill the conditions:

  • after purchasing weight grains, you need to sort them carefully. Be sure to remove all broken grains and nigella;
  • often along with high-quality beans go small black components, which can greatly spoil the whole taste of the rest of the grains, for this reason they should be completely removed;
  • after the unnecessary is removed, everything should be thoroughly dried at room temperature for 10-12 hours;
  • if the product is stored in the refrigerator or in the freezer, then before frying it must be left to lie down for a while at room temperature so that it warms up. Otherwise, it will fry unevenly, and there may also be an increased release of moisture.

How to store roasted grains

Unopened packaging has a shelf life of approximately 2 years. But coffee from an open pack is recommended to be consumed within two weeks no more. But if you follow certain rules and conditions, then the shelf life of coffee is extended to 8-12 months.

In this case, some important recommendations can help:

  • after roasting, do not immediately put coffee beans in an airtight container or jar. The fact is that immediately after frying, carbon dioxide is released from the hot product, and when it is loaded, deformation of the container may occur. It is better to wait a few hours for them to cool down;
  • the temperature level of the grains, especially if they are stored in the refrigerator, should be at least 17 degrees Celsius.

How to store ground coffee

  • for storage, you should use a small bag or small jar. It is better that the coffee completely fills the package so that no air remains in the container. wow

How to store instant coffee

The storage time of ground coffee directly depends on the container material and packaging quality. It can be from 10 days, and sometimes it can persist for 10 years, namely:

  • an open bag of coffee is stored for 10 to 14 days;
  • the storage period of sealed containers can be from 12 to 18 months;
  • the vacuum bag is stored for 3 years.

When storing, it is important to follow some important rules:

  • do not add new coffee to the container with the old product. Perhaps it has acquired an unpleasant aroma that will saturate the new grind and spoil the taste of the drink;
  • for storage, you should use a small bag or small jar. It is better that the coffee completely fills the package so that no air remains in the container.

Video: how to store coffee