Homemade kirieshki in the oven with spices. Homemade Kirieshek recipe

05.11.2019 Dishes for children

"Kirieshki" - salty croutons made from rye-wheat flour with various food and flavor additives. Often any similar product, regardless of the brand or manufacturer, is collectively called "Kirieshki".

Pleasant taste, variety of species and low price make "Kirieshki" a popular light snack. However, a significant amount of preservatives, flavors and dyes in their composition, as well as the intense saturation of the product with seasonings and salt, do not always have a positive effect on health. Delicious crispy croutons, which you can cook yourself, will become a useful alternative to traditional Kirieshkas. As an example, let's try to make "Kirieshki" at home.


To prepare a homemade analogue of "Kirieshek" you will need:

  • 0.5 loaves of bread (white or black - to your own taste);
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry herbs (for example, hops-suneli);
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method

The technology for making crispy crackers at home is not difficult:

  • First, you should cut the bread into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm;
  • Then put the cubes in a plastic bag;
  • Pour salt and spices into the bag;
  • Tighten the neck of the bag so that it is filled with air. Shake well so that the salt and spices are evenly distributed between the bread cubes;
  • Open the bag and pour in vegetable oil;
  • Tighten the neck again and shake;
  • Pour the bread onto a baking sheet, level and place in the oven preheated to 160-180 degrees;
  • Stir occasionally and taste the croutons. As soon as they reach the desired degree of dryness, remove from the oven, allow to cool and serve.

Useful Tips

The following recommendations will also help you to successfully master the recipe for delicious crackers.

Croutons with different tastes under the funny name "Kirieshki" are loved by both adults and children. They can serve as a quick bite (although they should not be "abused" in this regard), an excellent snack for beer or one of the ingredients in a delicious salad. both everyday and festive.

But for all this, it is not at all necessary to run to the store and buy packs of crackers: you can cook them at home yourself. This, of course, will take a little longer, but such croutons will be more useful and much cheaper.

Cooking homemade kirieshki

So, let's try to figure out how to do it at home. For this we need:

  • the main ingredient is bread. In most recipes, it is suggested to take exactly white bread, but this is not at all necessary: \u200b\u200byou can use any variety that you like best. The main thing is to choose varieties of bread that are porous, airy, so that the croutons do not turn out to be too hard;
  • seasoning for soups (such as "Vegeta", "Rollton", "Knorr", etc.), which contains salt and flavoring additives - which ones depend on what kind of croutons you want to end up with;
  • cutting board;
  • a deep bowl in which you can mix pieces of bread with seasoning;
  • a special trellis tray for drying croutons, or, if you don't have one, a regular baking sheet;
  • electric oven, oven or microwave - depending on what you have on the farm.

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Do-it-yourself homemade kirieshki are made like this. Cut the bread into neat cubes of the desired size - most often 7-12 mm, after which we pour them into a prepared bowl (it must be dry and clean). Then sprinkle the bread cubes with seasoning, while taking into account that it is quite salty, and try not to oversalt our future crackers.

After thorough mixing, it would be nice to try a few pieces, after washing your hands so that there is no seasoning left on them. The crackers prepared in this way are scattered in a uniform, thin layer on a baking sheet or tray for drying and sent to an electric oven or oven.

If you dry crackers in the microwave, then you need to stir them periodically so that they dry evenly. Drying time depends on the operating mode of a particular oven. At the end of drying, cool the resulting kirieshki to room temperature - and they are completely ready for use!

Salad recipe with kirieshki and beans

After we have prepared kirieshki with our own hands, you can not only gnaw them, but also use them to make delicious and hearty salads. One of them is a salad with kirieshki and beans.

The main ingredients of this salad are canned red beans in their own juice (1 can), corn, also canned (half a can), croutons (about 50 grams) and a clove of garlic. All this can be mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise and, in principle, limited to this - you will get an original, tasty and nutritious salad. You can eat it with homemade bread.

But for a more interesting taste, you can add some other ingredients to it - for example, smoked chicken or sausage, fried mushrooms, fresh or pickled cucumbers, grated hard cheese, carrots or herbs. Each component will add new unusual flavors to the salad. But the croutons should be put into the salad just before serving, otherwise they will become saturated with moisture, become soaked and lose their "crispness".

If there is a need to prepare a salad in advance, then all its ingredients, except for mayonnaise and crackers, are mixed in advance and put into the refrigerator, and everything that is missing is added to it just before serving, since it will take no more than two minutes.

Salad with kirieshki and sausage

Another unusual recipe is a salad with croutons and sausage. It is prepared very easily and quickly, is inexpensive, and eaten even faster than it is prepared, because the taste is simply amazing. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of smoked sausage;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 50 grams of crackers;
  • mayonnaise.

Cut the tomatoes with a thin sharp knife. We try to do this beautifully so that the juice does not flow out and neat pieces are obtained. Using a sieve, let the excess juice drain from them. Cut the smoked sausage into neat cubes, rub the cheese on a fine grater.

We mix all the ingredients in a deep plate, add croutons to them last and season with mayonnaise. It is better to take low-fat mayonnaise for such a salad - after all, the dish itself is quite hearty and high-calorie. The salad is ready, it remains only to serve it on the table, and - bon appetit!

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An excellent addition to a variety of dishes In cooking, croutons are often used - finely chopped rye or wheat bread. They are appreciated for the amazing property they can give to a dish. So homemade crackers often complement a particular recipe. They are added to salads or soups for

Mar 05, 2011 Posted by Nata Caesar is a popular salad and one of the most famous dishes in North American cuisine. The salad was named after the American chef of Italian origin, Caesar Cardini, who in the 20-40s of the XX century owned several restaurants in the city of Tijuana, now located on

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Everyone loves to feast on fragrant croutons - kirieshkas. But call them " tasty and healthy product"Is impossible. The point is not that they are very high in calories - 100 g of croutons contain 702-714 calories - additives and taste improvers make the delicacy even dangerous.

German scientists have conducted an interesting experiment. The rats were divided into 2 control groups.

One was fed simply with dried bread, the other with kirieshki. In rats from the first group, after 20 days, signs of vitamin deficiency and hair loss were noted, but they all survived.

The group eating Kirieshki has thinned by a third. In the remaining rats, in addition to the crawled hair, deafness, blindness, and partial paralysis were recorded.

Of course, there will be no harm from crackers that gnaw for pleasure 2-3 times a month - if there is no tendency to allergic reactions.

But if you want to please yourself every day, then it is better to cook kirieshki at home.

What do you need to have?

First, you need to prepare the ingredients and provide yourself with the necessary accessories for the continuous process.

The most important thing is bread. The requirements for it are as follows:

  • light;
  • porous;
  • fresh;
  • no flavors.

And white, gray or rye bread - it all depends on individual preference. Then the necessary dry seasonings and olive oil are prepared. The last component is optional.

Cooking kirieshek is impossible without kitchen appliances:

  • deep bowls;
  • a sharp knife;
  • cutting board;
  • a baking sheet or wire rack;
  • ovens.

It is worth dwelling on seasonings in more detail. There are several options for homemade kirieshek recipes: more similar to store-bought ones and absolutely homemade. For the first option, seasonings purchased in the store are used ready-made. It can be seasonings for "Knorr", "Rolton", "Vegetta" soups or something similar.

For homemade kirieshek, taste improvers are mixed on their own. Various types of peppers, various dried herbs, salt, marjoram and other favorite spices are used.

If you make kirieshki at home, the second option is preferable. With an independent selection of all the ingredients, you can be sure that there will be no surprise in the form of an allergic reaction.

Cooking Kirieshek

The recipe for Kirieshek is simple.


  • Bread;
  • Seasonings;

Cooking method:

While the crackers are in the oven, they need to be constantly stirred. Small pieces of bread brown unevenly and burn quickly. The cooking process must be monitored very carefully.

Once the bread is dry enough, turn off the oven and wait until it cools down to room temperature. If the container with crackers is pulled out earlier, the required crunchiness will not work. They take out the cooled kirieshki - and you can crunch.

Cooking nuances

To make the croutons tastier, you need to know the following secrets:

  1. It is best to dry the croutons in the oven on a wire rack, placing a tray under it - so that the crumbs do not fall on the heating elements;
  2. The optimum temperature for the cooking process is 150 ° C;
  3. Do not sprinkle the croutons with cheese. It will melt, and the desired crunchiness will not work;
  4. Olive oil will improve the taste of the dish, especially if the initial product is rye bread. They are poured over slices of bread until deboned in spices. For 1 kg of bread, take no more than a tablespoon of olive oil;
  5. If you want garlic croutons, add dried garlic to the seasoning mixture.

To cook kirieshki at home, you do not need to watch a video - even a teenager can easily cope with deboning crackers. But a teenager is only able to make croutons, and then immediately "crunch" them. And on the basis of kirieshek you can prepare delicious salads.

Kirieshek salads

Absolutely not a dietary option.


  • kirieshki - 100 g;
  • canned corn - 150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled sausage - 120 g;
  • crab sticks or bacon - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

In store-bought crackers, the effect of different tastes is achieved with the help of artificial flavors.

At home - with natural herbs and spices. You shouldn't save time on cooking. The home version can be produced under the slogan: “crunchy, tasty and healthy”! In the industrial version, the stress in the word "healthy" falls on the first syllable.

Delicious croutons, called kirieshki by someone, have firmly won a place in the hearts of beer lovers, and not only. They can be used as a salad ingredient, added to soups, or simply as a snack. And a trip to the store is not so necessary if you know how to make kirieshki at home.

  • The best bread for making homemade crackers is rye. The texture, color and taste of rye bread will help make kirieshki close to the original.
  • If there is an opportunity to purchase a sliced \u200b\u200bloaf, this is what we need.
  • To cut the bread into the correct cubes or cubes, it is better to take yesterday's product. Dried bread does not crumble so much when cutting and is easier to prepare.
  • If you urgently need to make a spicy dish for a fragrant soup, you can resort to a trick by placing rye bread in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • For soups, it is better to cut the bread into regular 1 cm cubes.And for beer, sticks about 5-6 cm long and 1.5 cm wide will be more pleasant.
  • It is better to dry crackers in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 120 degrees. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven. In time, the process lasts 30-40 minutes.
  • When kirieshki are needed very quickly, at a temperature of 200-220 degrees, they will be ready in 10 minutes. With this cooking option, we get crumbly croutons.

Not a very healthy but often desired spicy treat

Have a strong desire to pamper yourself with a salty, spicy and unhealthy product in a noisy company with beer, or add a high-calorie zest to your favorite salad? Of course it happens. So we get such popular crispy croutons and chips.

However, you shouldn't run to the nearest supermarket and spend a lot of money. Let's do some magic in a cozy home kitchen. Let's prepare a treat that is safer, cheaper and tastier. Let's treat the process with love, imagination and get a variety of tastes. So, let's study the recipe for making kirieshek at home with colorful and detailed photos.


  • 0.5 kg of rye bread;
  • 0.5 kg of wheat bread;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground sweet paprika;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfood salt - 1 tsp;
  • 5 g of dried dill;
  • a mixture of peppers - 1 tsp;
  • 1 tsp dried basil.


What kind of croutons you can find on sale today! The variety of flavors is simply amazing - salami, jellied meat with horseradish, garlic, ketchup, bacon, crabs.

We have already considered how to make kirieshki at home in the traditional way, and you can experiment with fragrant ingredients. We will be assisted by dry mixes, chicken cubes and tomato paste. When we introduce crackers into a salad, it is better to use kirieshki with a neutral taste so as not to be distracted by the smell of fish or sausage. Consider an interesting recipe for kirieshek in tomato sauce.


  • rye bread - 700 g;
  • tender ketchup - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, a mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • olive oil.


  1. Cut the tender bread into neat regular cubes.
  2. Mix in a container tomato ketchup, salt and pepper.
  3. In a one-sided baking sleeve, vigorously mix the prepared slices with a homogeneous paste.
  4. We spread the bread on a baking sheet and dry in the oven. We set the temperature to 120-150 degrees and watch, because the tomato will quickly do its job.
  5. It is advisable to turn the croutons over and bring the dish until golden brown. On average, the process lasts 30-40 minutes. Our croutons should ring.

Gourmet salad with croutons

Let's fantasize a little to satisfy the taste needs of those who like interesting salads. Combine kirieshki with vegetables, cheese, meat and enjoy the unforgettable taste of a magical culinary masterpiece.


  • bread;
  • cream cheese;
  • cold cuts;
  • olives;
  • salted cucumbers;
  • cherry tomatoes.


  1. Cream cheese goes well with all types of meat. Pickles, cherry tomatoes and olives will be a great addition.
  2. Sprinkle the assortment with olive oil and add crispy kirieshki.
  3. In the previous recipe, we prepared salty croutons with a spicy taste, enriched with aromas of herbs that give a unique flavor to any salad.
  4. Just don't forget: to enjoy crispy kirieshkas, add croutons just before serving.

Including croutons instead of bread in the diet is quite rational from the point of view of calorie absorption. However, there is one thing - the calorie content, and, by the way, the usefulness of the factory kirieshki, due to the presence of various flavors, somewhat disappointed. It is better to use homemade crackers. By choosing a recipe, we can independently regulate the amount of calories. Enjoy your meal!

When asked how to make kirieshki at home? well, the same tasty, salty, and tasteful) given by the author Kareglazaya the best answer is For spicy croutons:
- 0.5 loaves of bread (preferably "Darnitsky");
- 1.5 tsp. salt;
- 1 tsp dry spices;
- 3-4 st. l. vegetable oil.
For croutons with tomato paste:
- 1 loaf of rye bread;
- 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
- salt, pepper to taste;
- vegetable oil.
For homemade Kirieshki crackers:
- 1 large loaf;
- 2 chicken cubes;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- 50 ml of vegetable oil.
Spicy croutons
Cut the bread into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm. Put the bread slices in a plastic bag, add salt and spices of your choice (for example, red pepper, suneli hops, dry ground herbs). Tie the bag and shake thoroughly to distribute the salt and spices evenly.
Pour vegetable oil to the bread with spices. Close the bag again and stir the butter. Spread the bread cubes on a baking sheet, flatten so that the croutons lie in 1 layer. Place in an oven preheated to 160-180 ° C and dry to the desired degree of hardness. Stir spicy croutons from time to time and taste them.
Croutons with tomato paste
Cut the crust off the rye bread. Cut the pulp into slices. Mix the tomato paste, salt and pepper thoroughly until smooth. Spread a very thin layer of spicy tomato paste on each piece of bread. Then cut it into small pieces. Fry the croutons in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil until a crust appears.
Croutons "Kirieshki at home"
Cut the loaf into about 1 cm cubes and pour them into a deep bowl. Grind the chicken cubes into a powder, or use dry seasoning directly for the chicken-flavored soup. Taste the seasoning to determine the amount of salt. Pass the garlic through a garlic press or finely chop. Add garlic, vegetable oil and salt to the chicken cubes to taste, stir thoroughly.
Add the seasoning to the bread and stir the mixture well with your hand, evenly distributing the dressing. Each crouton should be topped with a spicy mixture. Preheat the oven to 150 * C. If the oven has a forced hot air circulation mode, turn it on. Spread the bread on a baking sheet in a small layer and leave to dry for 20-30 minutes.
Source: Kirieshki

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to make kirieshki at home? well, the same tasty, salty, and tasteful)

Answer from Natural philosophy[guru]
For taste, choose from the trail. : 1. dried garlic, 2. dried dill, 3. ground paprika, 4. black. pier pepper, 5.red. pier pepper, 6. curry, 7. hops-suneli. I use salt in all types, combine the components (for example, dill + paprika + garlic).
You can take, if you like, a bouillon cube with bacon or mushroom flavor, then there is no need to add salt.
Spices can be added before frying or after.
Cut the bread into cubes, transfer to a bowl, sprinkle the rast well. butter, stir, then add salt and spices, stirring well to distribute evenly, leave min. by 5.
Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it, spread the croutons and fry, stirring constantly. Prepare very quickly, do not burn.
Croutons are hard on the outside and soft on the inside, on the trail. day harden, but until the next. days usually do not survive.

Answer from Proscenium[newbie]
I cooked according to these recipes, everyone liked it)

Answer from chevron[newbie]
For my taste, the most delicious "Kirieshki" are made from a white loaf. But this does not mean at all that they cannot be prepared from bread of a different type and grade. For the preparation of salted crackers, it is necessary to take varieties of bread with a loose, porous structure. This structure will eliminate the excessive hardness of the croutons after drying and provide crunchy properties.

Ingredients and utensils that are required to prepare "Kirieshek":
1. White bread. Naturally, you can also experiment with another name for bread.
2. Dry seasoning for soups, including salt and flavorings. You can use Vegeta-type seasonings or others, depending on your taste. The possibility of using several seasonings at the same time, after their preliminary mixing, is not excluded.
3. Cutting board and knife.
4. Deep bowl for mixing sliced \u200b\u200bbread with seasoning.
5. Lattice (for better air circulation) tray for drying croutons. If not, you can use a baking sheet or heat-resistant plate.
6. Electric oven with forced circulation of hot air. If there is no such oven, then you can use a conventional oven or microwave.

After the dishes and the corresponding ingredients from the products have been prepared, you can start cooking using the following technological transitions:
1. Cut the bread into cubes 7 - 12 mm in size.
2. Pour the diced cubes into a prepared deep cup.
3. Sprinkle evenly with dry seasoning, stirring the croutons thoroughly. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the salinity of the seasoning and try not to oversalt. To make the right decision, I advise you to remove a taste test from one or more cubes at the end of this transition. Rinse your hands before taking a sample so that no residual seasoning remains on them, which could settle during the mixing process.
4. Sprinkle the seasoned cubes in an even thin layer on the wire rack.
5. Place the wire rack in the oven to dry.

In order to work out the drying time for a particular oven, I recommend periodically checking the readiness for the first times.

If the drying of the cubes will be carried out in a microwave oven or in an oven without forced circulation of hot air, then it is necessary to periodically stir the cubes.
If drying on a wire rack is done in the oven, place an empty baking sheet below the wire rack to prevent crumb crumbs from getting into the bottom of the oven.

After the end of drying, cool Kirieshki at room temperature and pour into the prepared dish. Now they can be served.

Enjoy the taste of "Kirieshek" cooked at home.
Enjoy your meal!

Answer from Bagheera[guru]
what is delicious there? ? regular homemade crackers are much better

Answer from Anya Konon[expert]
How many things are written -__-
You just need to cut the crumb of white bread into cubes, sprinkle it with a cube of maggi (you can still grate it with cheese) and put it all away to dry until tomorrow.
It's simple.

Answer from Natalia[active]
Classic Kirieshki
This is a recipe for traditional kirieshek with salt, pepper and spices, but without additional flavors.
The first thing to choose when making salty croutons is bread. More soft and crumbly kirieshki are obtained from white bread. If you want a traditional option, choose a rye loaf. The bread must be cut into equal pieces. If you prepare kirieshki for beer, it is better to cut the bread into cubes, if for soup - into cubes. It is very important to keep the croutons the same size - so they dry evenly and do not burn. To cut the bread evenly, it doesn't need to be fresh. Better to take yesterday's loaf. If you need crackers today, just place the bread in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Cold bread does not crumble, it is easier to cut.
The next thing to do is collect the set of spices that you prefer. Put some salt, pepper, basil, dill, paprika, whatever you love into a small cup. The special taste and exquisite aroma is given to kirieshki by the hop-suneli seasoning. It contains special spicy herbs that give the bread a delicate taste and aroma.
To prepare kirieshek you will need a plastic bag, it must be absolutely airtight. Pour slices of bread and prepared dry seasoning mixture into it. Close the bag so that there is as much air in it. In this case, it will be much more convenient to mix the contents. Shake the bag well to allow the seasoning and salt to penetrate between the pores and give the croutons a natural flavor.
To make the croutons taste more intense, you need to season the pieces of bread with vegetable oil. However, it is important not to overdo it here - a large amount of oil will make the croutons rancid and oily. You can add no more than three teaspoons of butter per kilogram of fresh bread. Pour the oil into the bag and shake it thoroughly as well. Be careful when doing this - don't remember the croutons.
The next stage is drying up future Kirieshek. On a baking sheet you need to line parchment paper and pour the prepared crackers on it. Distribute them so that they are in one row. If there are a lot of crackers, it is better to dry them in two passes.
It is better to dry crackers at a low temperature, but for a long time. This way they will not change their color. When dried quickly, kirieshki are more crumbly, but they become dark and unattractive. The optimum oven temperature for drying is 150-180 degrees. It usually takes about 30 minutes to fully cook. Crackers need to be stirred from time to time so that they dry evenly. If you do not do this, the rusks around the edges of the baking sheet will begin to burn, and the middle ones will not be ready yet.
When the croutons are dry, they just need to be removed from the oven and allowed to cool. A delicious and unusual appetizer is prepared quite quickly - everything will take you no more than an hour. But kirieshki can be not just classic, but with various additional flavors.