Poisonous foods that should not be eaten! Instant porridges and cereals with the addition of flavorings and synthetic dyes. What's for dinner then?

19.04.2019 Meat dishes

There is a saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, this is not always the case.

In general, speaking from the point of view, breakfast is important, especially for. But it can do without it. But that's not the point.

Not all foods are equally good as the first meal of the day, and here's why:

  • If the product is not very healthy, then it can do more harm than good, especially on an empty stomach. Such products lead to a feeling of heaviness, a set excess weight, the formation of toxins, and you may also feel sleepy after breakfast with them.
  • A healthy product is one that is rich in fiber, vitamins, healthy fats, proteins, fresh, well absorbed and fills you with energy. Then you have a healthy breakfast.

Let's figure out what is better not to eat for breakfast.

10 worst breakfast foods

1. Dry breakfasts

Are breakfast cereals harmful? This is not to say that they are all bad, but many, unfortunately, yes. Although the packaging may say “from whole grains”, “a source of iron and vitamins”, in reality, most of these breakfasts are deeply processed, and the cat cried whole grains there. BUT nutrients filled up in the process of "fortification".

A study published in a well-known American medical journal (link) states that such breakfasts did not have any noticeable effect on the immunity of healthy children, and children fell ill as often as those who did not eat such breakfasts.

Ready-made breakfast cereals are often made from refined foods and sugar (of which there is a lot), and whole grain added in small amounts "for appearance".

A 2011 report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) states that 1 cup of the popular breakfast cereal for kids often contains more sugar than 3 chocolate chip cookies.

Too much sugar in your diet increases your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health problems.

The alternative is to eat regular cereals, be it oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, wheat, millet or something else.

2. Pancakes and waffles

Such goodies can pull in the mornings on weekends. Their main problem is that they are usually prepared from fine flour, which, according to experts, can lead to insulin resistance and obesity, especially in children ().

In addition to this, waffles and pancakes are served along with something sweet, for example, with some kind of syrup, which also contributes to the development of diabetes.

According to the American Heart Association, people, on average, consume 2-3 times more sugar than recommended. daily allowance. If you like to eat sweet for breakfast, then let it be something more natural and fresh, such as fruit.

3. Croutons with margarine

This is an unhealthy breakfast item for two reasons:

  1. Most of the breads that go on toast are made with flour. premium, so the nutritional value of this product is minimal, as there is little fiber there. As a result, it causes a spike in blood sugar levels, leading to excessive appetite and overeating.
  2. Most types of margarine contain trans fats - the most harmful species fat that only exists. These fats are made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil to produce saturated fats that solidify at room temperature.

There are many studies on the harm of trans fats for the human body, in particular, they provoke inflammatory processes in the body, and also increase the risk of various diseases ().

4. Pancakes, muffins, buns

They are not suitable for a healthy breakfast if they are made from fine flour and contain a lot of sugar.

Another problem: it is easy to eat a lot of them, which can lead to extra pounds.

5. Fruit juices

When it comes to packaged juices (rather than freshly squeezed), they are a poor choice as a breakfast food, especially if you are looking to lose weight or stave off hunger.

The thing is that most juices do not always consist only of juice: there may be some percentage (60%, 50%, 40%, etc.) of juice. In addition, they are often made from concentrated juices, i.e. not direct pressing. Plus - there can be different flavors, sweeteners and colors. All this business increases the chances of gaining extra pounds, earning type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and other troubles.

Unfortunately, this may even apply to the so-called. 100% juices: Colors, flavors and sweeteners can also be added to them.

The main problem is that when you drink "store-bought" juices, they increase blood sugar; at the same time, they do not contain fiber, which could slow down the absorption of the product. The result is a spike in insulin and a subsequent drop in blood sugar, which causes feelings of fatigue and hunger.

If you like juice for breakfast, it's better to drink freshly squeezed juice in the morning, especially if you made it yourself.

6. Baking in the morning

She is different. If it is prepared, for example, from whole grain flour, without sugar, with fruits or spices, then this option can be quite healthy.

However, if its ingredients include white flour fine grinding, sugar, soybean oil, margarine, etc., then it is better to refrain from such pastries for breakfast. All the same, the cat wept for protein and fiber. But a lot of carbohydrates, from which the weight will grow, as if on "yeast".

One study found that women who ate more carbs than protein for breakfast ate larger portion sizes and were more likely to be hungry than those who ate more protein than carbs.

7. Burgers

The same as with fine flour baking: we get a product with great content calories and sugar, which is low in protein and dietary fiber.

Why is fiber so often mentioned? The thing is that it controls blood sugar (which affects the feeling of hunger), slows down the absorption of food (again, delaying hunger), protects us from overeating, and also promotes normal operation intestines.

Therefore, it is very good to eat foods rich in fiber and protein (which is the building material for our body) for breakfast. Well, in general, fiber is always needed in enough if we don't want to suffer.

8. Sweetened yogurt

Why is yogurt bad in the morning? The yogurt itself great option for breakfast. But it should be plain, white, natural yogurt, no sugar or additives. It can be eaten with berries or fruits.

But if we are talking about store-bought yogurt with all sorts of "bells and whistles" in the form berry jams, low fat content, and other things, then you should not use it for breakfast. Some brands may contain more sugar than a similarly sized serving of ice cream.

healthy fats in plain yogurt help to prolong the feeling of satiety, because. take longer to digest than carbohydrates; they also stimulate the production of the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK, pancreozymin), which causes a feeling of satiety.

9. Muesli bars

They are positioned as a great option for breakfast, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case, because, in fact, such bars may not be better than candy.

Certainly, oat flakes(or whatever), which are part of such bars, are rich in fiber, however, based on the weight of the bar, you will get only 1-3 g of these dietary fibers. At the same time, sugar is added to them, usually a lot, which can lead to the consequences already mentioned above in the form of increased blood sugar levels, hunger and overeating.

As for protein, there is also not enough of it, respectively, in order to “catch up” with protein and fiber, you will have to eat more than one bar - and therefore all the sugar contained in them.

Gluten-free diets have become popular due to concerns about the potential negative impact gluten on health, as well as with its intolerance.

Of course, there is nothing particularly wrong with eliminating gluten from your diet. The problem is that we eat foods that are positioned as gluten-free (gluten), but at the same time, do not differ in anything else useful.

For example, gluten-free flour made from rice, potatoes and tapioca - it has a high glycemic index, i.e. can quickly increase blood sugar levels. Accordingly, the level of insulin increases, which leads to the appearance of unreasonable hunger and subsequent weight gain.

The same applies to gluten-free pancakes, muffins and muffins - they are, in terms of nutritional value, no better than those made from wheat flour, because contain little protein and dietary fiber.

Why is breakfast important?

Breakfast affects the amount of energy we have during the day, our productivity. Thanks to healthy breakfast we stay full longer, don't overeat, and don't gain weight.

If in the morning we eat not quite healthy food, we will get hungry faster, and our “batteries” may not be enough until the evening. If we regularly eat improperly, health problems will not keep us waiting.

The ideal breakfast is one that is rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, and consists of fresh produce suitable for your dosha (Ayurvedic constitution).

Surely you have heard the wise saying that dinner is best given to the enemy. This means that before going to bed, the meal should be light, no heavy foods that take a long time to digest, make the stomach work all night.

Here is a list of foods that you should refuse in the evening.


We usually use refined rice. This product contains a lot of starch and fast carbohydrates. Therefore, it is better to refuse rice and other cereals after dinner.


Even a few pieces of dark chocolate can be harmful to health. After all, it contains too many fast carbohydrates, sugar and caffeine. Therefore, experts advise eating chocolate and other sweets in the morning.


Baked goods usually contain a lot of sugar, vegetable and animal oils. The feeling of satiety does not come, so we eat bun after bun. And all this is deposited primarily on the hips.

sweet fruits

Sweet fruits such as apricots, peaches, melons, grapes and watermelon contain a large number of fast carbohydrates. It is better to eat them before lunch. But of course, it is better to dine with grapes than with a piece of cake.

red meat

Red meat (whether boiled or fried) contains a lot of tyrosine, which affects the increase in adrenaline levels. Therefore, it is better to eat it in the morning, by the evening the level of adrenaline will normalize, and you will be able to sleep peacefully. When choosing what to cook for dinner, it is better to give preference to fish or white meat.

Smoked meats and sausages

Most sausages, boiled pork, smoked meats and other meat delicacies contain an amino acid that increases the production of norepinephrine, a substance responsible for the production of nerve impulses. Its excess stimulates the brain and prevents sleep. In addition, smoked meats are too fatty, and dinner should be light.


Nuts are very high in calories and fat. A small handful of nuts can contain up to 600 kcal. And this is half the daily calorie intake for those who are losing weight. However, even if you are not on a diet, it is better not to eat nuts for dinner - this is not a very healthy and indigestible food.

Horseradish and mustard

Spicy sauces based on horseradish and mustard can cause sleepless nights. In addition, in the afternoon it is difficult for the body to digest spicy food, and this is fraught with the appearance of heartburn and other unpleasant sensations in the stomach.

Various pickles

Salty and pickled vegetables too heavy on the stomach, they often cause heartburn, which may not go away even after dinner. Because of this, there may be problems with sleep. Therefore, try not to consume these products in the evening.

Fast food

Needless to say, there is no benefit in fast food. These foods are very fatty, salty, often spicy, and high in sugar. Fat burgers at night is harmful. There may be heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

What then is for dinner?

Very useful variety fish dishes, seafood, poultry, rabbit meat, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, fruits (unsweetened). Remember that the volume of the portion eaten for dinner should not be more than two palms folded in the shape of a boat.

In the variety of products lying on the shelves of supermarkets, we are surrounded by food that causes real harm body. From the general list of “harmful things”, we have identified 10 products that are simply strictly forbidden to eat, or (in extreme cases) it is worth limiting their use to a minimum.

Fruit juice

Consumption of concentrated sugary juices affects the pancreas and increases blood sugar levels. The body is not able to adequately survive such an overload of fructose. Limit freshly squeezed juice in your diet and drink it only occasionally!

soy protein

Almost all soybeans grown on Earth are GMOs. Plus, most people don't have the enzymes to digest soy products. Eating soy protein has been shown to cause numerous diseases, including cancerous tumors. It is best to avoid hard-to-ferment soy products.

farmed fish

All-round dangerous product - popcorn for microwave oven, because it contains GMOs and is simply filled with carcinogens. The surface of such popcorn is covered with counterfeit oils, which, if inhaled repeatedly, can cause lung disease. A bag of popcorn is coated with perfluorooctanoic acid, which releases toxins when heated. Popcorn itself has a low nutritional value, so if you want to eat healthy popcorn, buy pure, non-GMO, organic popcorn kernels and make your own.

Factory grown meat

Each person is what he eats. As a rule, a cow also consumes GMOs, pesticides and hormones with corn. Therefore, by eating such meat, you also get all the toxins that these cows were fed with. It is very important to know where the meat you eat comes from on your table. Even at the organic food store, labels should be checked to make sure the cow was grass-fed and that the beef is truly organic. If possible, be sure to check with the farm if they give antibiotics to cows for prevention or only at the risk of death.


The "margarine myth" convinced people that the unsaturated fat content of this product would protect heart health. In fact, everything is fundamentally wrong. Margarine usually contains trans fats - cheap industrial fats fast development, which in nature does not exist at all. Margarine should be eaten as little as possible due to the high concentration of such trans fats and the low content of saturated fats that the body really needs. Trans fats in margarine increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and strokes. An alternative would be butter, ghee or coconut oil.

Vegetable oils

Rapeseed and other vegetable oils contain mostly GMOs and partially hydrogenated fats. The components contained in these oils increase the risk of numerous diseases. Fatty acid, which are contained in vegetable oils also raise cholesterol levels. Use healthy coconut oil!


After processing, heating and adding to food, most table salt does not have a drop of iodine and loses all the health benefits that it previously contained. At least use a real one. sea ​​salt. It is more effective to use Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt.

artificial sweeteners

Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners cause disturbances in the intestinal flora and can provoke the development of diabetes. Sugar substitutes can lead to brain tumors, breast cancer, seizures, obesity and many other diseases. Choose instead of sweeteners raw honey is nutritious and useful substitute Sahara.

Skimmed milk

It's time to stop being afraid of normal fat. Usually low fat foods have added sugar. In addition to the fact that low-fat milk on the shelves is a GMO product, and the cows that give it are fed pesticides, it is also pasteurized. When drinking such milk, the lactase enzyme is destroyed in the body, and this leads to the fact that milk lactose and sugar are not digested. Use grass-fed cow milk instead of dairy products from the supermarket and enjoy delicious meals.

Eat safe products and keep your health with the help of this knowledge.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat as many natural and fresh foods as possible. Contained in sausages spices and spices, preservatives and carcinogens do not meet this requirement and do not contribute to the health of mother and baby.

Alas, forbidden fruit is sweet. And how you want something harmful during pregnancy - a hamburger, fried potatoes in oil or noodles from a bag! Fast food is bad for everyone, not just expectant mothers!

In a certain amount, they cause allergies - for an unborn baby. Certainly a cult peanut butter more characteristic of the United States, but in Russia there are many lovers of this product. Our "menu for pregnant women" against.

First of all, the one that is able to accumulate mercury in itself is dangerous. These are tuna, mackerel, swordfish, shark. It is better to exclude shrimps, lobsters, crabs from the diet of a pregnant woman - because of their high allergenicity.

Produced on the basis unpasteurized milk, but it is not completely safe for a pregnant woman. Foods may contain bacteria that cause listeriosis (an acute infectious disease).

Eating canned food can be dangerous. Due to improper preparation and storage, it can cause botulism, a disease whose outcome is unpredictable. We exclude from the menu for pregnant women.

Some herbal tea supplements certain concentration unwanted on early dates pregnancy. In the old days, mint, thyme and chamomile were used as an abortifacient, so they should be discarded in the first trimester.

Sodas are dyes and cause bloating and heartburn. Kvass must also be abandoned because of small dose alcohol, which it releases in the stomach during fermentation. In general, forget about delicious drinking colors during pregnancy.

It is believed that the diet of a pregnant woman and pickles are inseparable. Really strange taste preferences like cravings for strawberries mixed with pickled mushrooms are possible in the first trimester. But after the 12th week, it is better to limit such desires. Salt retains water in the body, which causes swelling.

Number one on this list is meat. And first of all red. Pork, beef, lamb, as well as soups based on them. Cutlets, goulash, stews and much more make up our daily diet. The benefits of red meat are undeniable, because it supplies the body with valuable protein that forms bone and muscle tissue and strengthens our immunity. However, it is not necessary to eat it all the time. Experts from the American Institute for Cancer Research (Scientific Research Institute of Nutrition) proved that daily use red meat can significantly increase the risk of malignant tumors in the stomach and intestines. This risk increases significantly if grilled meat is consumed. According to representatives of the institute, no more than 50 grams of grilled meat per week can be eaten without harm to the body.

And one more important argument against the daily eating of red meat. It takes six to eight hours for the body to digest it (for comparison: we digest vegetables in four hours, and fruits in an hour). It is unlikely that the next meal will come later than the indicated time, therefore the meat in the stomach has not yet been digested, and we will already load it with other food. Undigested meat will start to rot. And if new food will be incompatible with the protein food already consumed, the process of decay will only intensify. As a result, methane will begin to be released, which destroys vitamin B3, without which insulin ceases to perform its functions: blood sugar is not converted to glycogen - as a result, people get diabetes.