Alcoholic drinks: what women choose. Delicious alcohol for girls

27.08.2019 Salads

Primordial traditions do not allow us to hold any celebration without the participation of a rich variety of various alcoholic cocktails.

Of course, the male half of the population uses much stronger drinks on holidays in comparison with the representatives of the fair half of society. Ladies willingly indulge themselves with various weak cocktails in order to enjoy a pleasant company and cheer up.

Unlike men, women prefer more refined, sweetened mixes, in which you can feel a curious flavor bouquet and an interesting aroma, and not be content with the strength of alcohol.

According to statistics, the fair sex is curious about the taste subtleties, and not about the study of the strength of the drink. It is much more interesting for lovely ladies to consume elegant cocktails, deciphering the complex interweaving of tastes and aromas of the components used and at the same time conducting very active conversations on any topic.

Let's discuss which women's alcoholic cocktails are more popular and why.

Did you know? According to one poll, alcoholic cocktails for girls may contain sweet wines, champagne, vermouth, liqueurs and, in rare cases, fruity hoppy beer.

Seasoned bartenders admit that satisfying the diverse tastes of women is much more difficult than that of men. The only riddle that they managed to solve is that the girls need something light, "airy", sweet and a little dizzy.


A refreshing vodka-based red mix is ​​a drink for modern fashionistas and real vamp women.

The main component that determines the taste of the famous cocktail - Cosmopolitan - is orange liqueur, which can be quite successfully replaced. The drink has a refined taste and an unobtrusive, light aroma.

Would need


  1. Before direct cooking, put all the ingredients in the freezer for 10-13 minutes.
  2. Fill the glass to the top with crushed ice.
  3. Pour strong alcohol into a shaker, then orange liqueur and both types of juice.
  4. Whisk the mixture vigorously for 15-20 seconds.
  5. Pour the ice mass out of the glass and fill it with the prepared mix.
  6. We decorate the edge of the container with a slice or a circle of fresh lime or lemon.

Tropical paradise

Delicate sweet mix is ​​a constant favorite of alcoholic cocktails for girls. Prepare it at home and have a sudden impromptu bachelorette party.

The presence of a banana in the list of ingredients allows you to prepare a thicker and richer mix. The female drink has a perfectly balanced concept that successfully combines bright and subtle shades of color, taste and aroma of various fruits.

Would need


  1. Put ice cubes in a blender bowl, pour in rum, juice and liquor.
  2. Peel the banana and cut into small cubes, then add them to the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Beat the ingredients at maximum power until a smooth, thick consistency is obtained.
  4. Pour the prepared mix into a pre-chilled glass.
  5. Before serving the drink, decorate it with pineapple, orange and strawberry slices. Some bartenders put whipped heavy cream on top of the alcoholic cocktail, forming a neat, beautiful "cap".

Azure dreams

If you are tired of the bustle of the city and dream of the gentle sea surf and silky sandy coast, then this mix will help you to travel to a tropical fairy tale.

A female exotic drink will bring refreshing, bright, piquant notes and a special flavor to your girls' gatherings that will help you relax and get the most out of communication.

Would need


  1. Let's start with making lemonade. To do this, we cut off the zest from the citrus, trying not to catch the white pulp, otherwise the mix will be very bitter.
  2. Fill the zest with granulated sugar and lightly grind the ingredients with a regular fork.
  3. Pour the resulting mass with boiling water and mix well.
  4. Let the liquid cool to room temperature.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the peeled lemons and pour it into the cooled infusion.
  6. We send the lemonade to the refrigerator for at least an hour, after which we filter it through a fine sieve and cheesecloth.
  7. Fill a tall glass to the top with ice cubes.
  8. Pour vodka, liqueur and 150 ml of ice-cold lemonade there in turn.
  9. Stir the mix and serve it with a thin straw and a cocktail umbrella.

Did you know? If you don't have time to make lemonade, then you can replace it with a mixture of 30 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 120 ml of soda.

Strawberry caresses

The presented alcoholic mix is ​​chosen by playful, funny and frivolous beauties. The stunning combination of tequila and citrus will undoubtedly appeal to the fragile female heart.

The main purpose of this female alcoholic cocktail is to raise the mood to unimaginable heights, tune in a sublime mood and evoke a “brutal” appetite. This mix is ​​suitable not only in quality, but will also become a worthy completion of a hearty dinner as a delicious dessert.

Would need


  1. Rinse fresh strawberries with running water, removing the tails.
  2. Put the berries in a blender bowl and grind until a mushy state is obtained.
  3. Pour tequila, liqueur and lime juice there.
  4. Add crushed ice last, and then beat the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  5. Moisten the edges of the glass with lime or lemon juice, then dip it in powdered sugar.
  6. Gently pour the prepared mix into the glass, trying not to touch the "sugar frost".
  7. We use strawberries and a lime ring as decoration.

Chocolate perfection

Chocolate is the most tempting treat that no woman can resist. Recipes for sweet alcoholic mixes with his participation are in great demand.

The very name of the mix speaks of an incredibly successful balance of ingredients. The female drink will captivate hearts with its extraordinary interweaving of spicy and sweet taste, flavored with citrus notes and an incredible surprise from quail eggs.

Would need


  1. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath.
  2. Add rum to the hot mass, mix and cool slightly.
  3. Put thin rings of hot red pepper on the bottom of a tall glass.
  4. On top of them, drip lime or lemon juice.
  5. We break the quail eggs and carefully put them in a glass, being careful not to damage the whole yolk.
  6. Without stirring the ingredients, carefully pour the chocolate-rum mixture over the eggs.
  7. You can add whipped cream and a slice of fresh banana or lime if you like.

The magic of aromas

Many representatives of the fair sex prefer alcoholic cocktails based on martini or. Its sweet-tart taste and exquisite herbal aroma is perfect for realizing your imagination when preparing various mixes.

This women's cocktail has absorbed all the best qualities of the ingredients used and surpassed in its tasting properties even the most daring assumptions of the bartenders, since the martini and sparkling champagne created a particularly sophisticated, harmonious union.

Would need


  1. We combine all alcoholic and non-alcoholic liquid components in a shaker.
  2. Shake everything vigorously for 15-20 seconds.
  3. Fill the glass with ice for no more than a third and pour in the prepared mix.
  4. Before serving directly, decorate the drink with a slice of fresh lemon or orange.

Video of recipes for women's alcoholic cocktails

For general development, I propose to view the presented videos that reveal the secrets of making alcoholic mixes that will most of all please the lovely ladies.

  • Video # 1.

An experienced bartender offers one of the popular versions of the women's mix called Martini Royale, made on the basis of vermouth.

  • Video number 2.

Here is an elementary recipe for a refreshing women's cocktail "Golden Acapulco", which is in great demand among girls at youth parties.

  • Video number 3.

After watching this video, you will learn how to make a feminine cocktail with a “killer” effect, the main components of which are alcohol and champagne.

Useful information

  • For those wishing to satisfy the capricious tastes of the female half of society, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the various versions — cocktails with liqueur —.
  • I also advise you to look through the recipes, perhaps you will pick up an interesting idea and prepare your own unique mix.
  • will also please the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and will be a worthy treat for both family and business celebrations.
  • Finally, I propose several simple but curious versions of cooking, which will not only invigorate, but also tune in the right way.

I hope, dear ladies, that you will like my women's cocktails and will decorate any festive event with your participation. Let us know in the comments the recipes of your favorite female mixes and tell us why they so sunk into your soul. Good luck and new ideas in creating female masterpieces!

Do not rush to think that this article is far from reality. Of course, person's character- a very complex substance, you cannot talk about it relying only on a horoscope, on a person's preferences in food and drink, you cannot determine it only by handwriting ... In order to get to know someone well, you need to communicate with him for a long time and visit different life situations. This is the best way to find out the multifaceted nature of the person you are interested in.

As for alcoholic beverages and their choice, it is known that choice of alcohol very often depends on the emotional state in which the person is. Women are generally more governed by emotions. Based on her emotional experiences, a woman makes a choice, anyone - what to wear today and with whom to spend the evening.

If you are on a date with your beloved woman, pay attention to which drink she chooses - it depends on it emotional background the whole meeting and what follows.

Women! Read these fun facts about yourself and alcohol to see if it can help you sort out some questions about yourself.

Alcohol and the nature of women

  1. Champagne
    This fizzy drink is preferred by coquettes and giggles. Women who choose champagne are playful and frivolous, they are not averse to having fun from the heart today. Not surprisingly, this drink is a regular at all-female parties. They quickly get drunk from him, which means that if a woman drinks champagne with you, then she trusts you.
  2. Vodka
    This strong alcoholic drink is drunk by strong, strong-willed women with a strong character. They do not hide their desires and get drunk very slowly. Often the desire to drink vodka is caused in women by overload. Perhaps she is very tired at work or has experienced a lot of psychological stress lately. It is better not to overdo it with vodka, but choose as a method of calming, relaxation, peace and male care.
  3. Cognac
    This is a drink for women who need warmth, care and affection. Give her more attention, try to understand why she wants to drink? Cognac is not a drink that makes people quickly get drunk, it is chosen by balanced, self-confident people.
  4. Whiskey
    Women drink whiskey without complexes. After all, everyone knows very well that intoxication from whiskey comes pretty quickly. If a woman goes for it, she is ready for any turn of events. Those who lack thrills and new impressions in their lives tend to drink whiskey. After drinking, women, like men, can be extravagant, unpredictable.
  5. Tequila
    A drink for extravagant young ladies. Drinking tequila means having a good taste, many believe and choose trendy cocktails with tequila. If enough is not enough, a woman's behavior can become completely uncontrollable, especially if she is not used to dealing with her emotions. Therefore, it is better to stop the lover of the insidious taste of this drink in time.
  6. Rum cola
    A simple and straightforward drink that doesn't make you intoxicated. He is chosen by careful young ladies who want to control themselves and everything that happens around them. Of course, you can drink a lot of rum-cola, but usually it is drunk only for show, trying not to stand out in a company where everyone drinks alcohol.
  7. Gin and tonic
    The drink of intellectuals, people who like to speculate. After drinking a gin and tonic, a woman can start talking a lot and on different topics. This is a sign that she needs to speak out, that in her life she has few moments when she can just be herself. Be an attentive listener and you will win the heart of a gin lover.
  8. Red wine
    Emotional, passionate natures prefer wine. In appearance, a woman may be restrained, but inside her there is a hurricane. Wine is chosen by women who know a lot about food and drinks and have a taste for life in general. With such a drink, the evening will be successful in any case.
  9. Liqueurs
    Domestic women who love sweets are very big connoisseurs of liqueurs. The desire to feel the sweet taste conveys the feminine desire to get pleasure, because, surprisingly it does not sound, liqueur is a very romantic drink.
  10. Beer
    A woman chooses beer to be closer to a man, to a man's company. There are, of course, people who just love the taste of this drink with different snacks, but the psychological moment is undeniable - beer is still a man's drink. Such a woman is a good friend, even if it is your wife. Beer is good because it does not get drunk for a long time, and it is also not capable of bringing as much harm to the female body as other alcoholic beverages from this list. Smart women choose beer.

This is a fairly small list. alcoholic beverages, but it will help you understand the motives of the woman choosing this or that alcohol. Psychology does not sleep, the choice of alcohol is a wonderful indicator of the state of a beautiful lady at the moment.

It is worth considering what is happening in the lives of women who seek to escape reality with the help of alcohol. Sometimes it's just pampering, and sometimes it's a way to show a loved one that she needs care, support and understanding.

The alcoholic fever is taking over everyone! Remember about sense of proportion and drink alcohol properly. As it is sung in one famous song: “ Do not drink wine, Gertrude, drunkenness does not paint the ladies". You can feel the rich taste of the drink, even if you drink a little of it, and, alas, psychological problems cannot be solved with the help of alcohol.

Tell all your friends about the connection between alcohol and the emotional state of women! This information gives ground for thought.

This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each of whom is an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create content that is truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration!

The division of drinks into women and men makes sense, because true ladies prefer refined aromas, in which dozens of shades are guessed. That is why not every type of alcohol can fall into the category of drinks for real ladies.

The WineStreet store studied the statistics of purchases and was able to compile a list of the 5 most popular women's drinks that can fall into the category "for real ladies." We study, evaluate and choose.

Almost every woman can appreciate the rich aroma of sparkling wine and champagne, because the heady bubbles of this drink carry sophistication, style and impeccable taste.

The classification will help you to choose the version of the drink to your liking:

  • doux sparkling wines will appeal to lovers of sugary sweetness;
  • demi-sec - semi-sweet wines with a rich palette of additional notes;
  • semi-dry wines sec and extra sec will appeal to those who prefer harmonious taste and moderate acidity;
  • dry wines with a minimum sugar content brut and extra brut are suitable for those ladies who know how to appreciate the astringency of taste.

Bollinger Grande Annee white brut, Nicolas Feuillatte Demi-Sec semi-dry and Bosca Verdi Spumante sweet are the very representatives of sparkling wines that often occupy the wine shelves of real ladies.


This type of alcoholic beverage gained immense popularity among women and did not succeed at all among men. The tart and sweetish taste of vermouth falls into the category of women's drinks and takes the second position in our rating.

There are not so many well-known names among brands and manufacturers:

  • Martini;
  • Cinzano;
  • Cin

The most popular are Martini and Cinzano, because it was these brands that stood at the origins of the development of vermouth.

When choosing a type of drink, you should focus on the degree of its sweetness, because how much you like this or that drink will depend on it. White, red and pink vermouths are a category of sweet drinks, with a sugar content of 15% or more.

Dry vermouth contains less than 4% sugar, which makes it more astringent and less cloying. Finally, a special category of vermouth is represented by bitter varieties. They are practically not in demand by the female audience because of the strange aftertaste.

Is definitely a feminine drink that has the same sophistication and sophistication. The choice of this drink is a whole science. However, a subtle feminine taste can recognize the best options:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon will offer shades of chocolate, fruity notes, as well as a whole bunch of woody shades that appear after long aging in special barrels;
  • Chardonnay wines are especially appreciated by fans of a well-balanced fruit taste;
  • tart Merlot will suggest currant aromas.

This sweet and aromatic drink holds an important place in the heart of every lady. The taste palette of liqueurs is quite diverse, which allows every woman to find her own special taste.

It is customary to divide liqueurs into:

  • strong (those that insisted on herbs. For example, Jägermeister and Becherovka);
  • dessert (for example, Amaretto);
  • cream (Baileys).

Strong liqueurs can be immediately excluded from our list, but dessert and cream liqueurs are just what you need. Low strength, sweetness and rich flavor bouquet can be appreciated by every lady.

Fruit beer became an unexpected, but interesting and final drink of our rating. Although beer has always been considered only a man's drink, modern producers have managed to please the ladies by offering a rich assortment of fruit options.

What wedding or special occasion can go without alcoholic drinks? Traditionally, it is believed that men drink much more at these events than women. However, the fair sex is also not averse to pampering with drinks that have a pleasant taste, cheer you up, make your heart beat faster, and your cheeks become hot. What exactly are these drinks? This will be discussed in this article.

It's no secret that men prefer stronger ones, while women are more interested in the taste of alcohol, and not its effect on the body. At the same time, women are also very fond of alcohol, sometimes not the most feminine, as it would seem. To put it bluntly, drinks that only women drink, and not a single man of them, do not exist. As well as vice versa, there are no exclusively male drinks. However, there are some statistics that girls and women prefer more.

List of drinks that women love

  • wine (rose, red, dry, semi-sweet);
  • vermouth;
  • fruit beer;
  • champagne;
  • liquor;
  • rum, gin and tonic, tequila, vodka

Let's start with the most popular women's drinks. One of them is wine. Moreover, the wine, with its small strength, differs in color and composition.

Ladies most often prefer semi-sweet red wine, for the production of which grapes with added sugar are used.

There is also white wine, which has a calmer, colder taste. He is usually preferred by women who know their worth, they are prudent, careful. Rosé wine tastes more like white, and red in color. However, he also has his own group of fans.

Champagne or sparkling wine. To be honest, this type of alcohol is most correctly called sparkling wine, since the name champagne can only be worn by the product that was produced in the province of Champagne, France. Sparkling wine attracts with its lightness, huge number of bubbles. Young women love it very much, it is very easy to drink. It is not for nothing that it is used at buffets before the wedding, because it so easily cheers you up! However, there is a danger in this drink - it is very easy to get drunk, because the bubbles add the desire to drink more and more!

Sparkling wine can be white, red, pink. It is also distinguished by the amount of sugar: it can be almost or completely without added sugar (brut or extra brut), semi-sweet (demi-sec), semi-dry (sec or extra sec), also sweet - dokes. Which one to choose depends on the individual characteristics of each woman.

Vermouth. It is, in essence, a fortified wine, to which various spices are added. The best vermouths are produced in France and Italy. Experts distinguish between dry vermouth, which contains no more than 4% sugar.

White contains no more than 15% sugar, and red vermouth is tart and sweet. Pink, slightly less sweet than red, but still tart. And also bitter vermouth, which is not prepared from wine, like the others, but from alcohol. By the way, the name vermouth is very suitable for this drink, because it is translated into Russian as wormwood. The strength of vermouth is usually between 15 and 18 degrees.

One of the most common vermouths is Martini. It also comes in different colors and, accordingly, tastes. For example, a red martini tastes like tea, while a white martini Bianco is slightly tinged with vanilla and spices. One of the new products in the Martini line is Gold, which is made from white wine with the addition of saffron, bergamot, citrus zest, ginger, and other spices.

Liquor. Its alcoholic varieties are very popular among women. In the Middle Ages, this product was called the elixir of life, which is not surprising given some of the beneficial properties of alcohol when consumed in moderate doses. Most often, liqueurs are sweet, with a taste of coffee or milk, the color is very similar to these drinks. The culture of drinking liqueurs is diverse - it can be consumed undiluted, as part of various cocktails, even added to taste in tea or coffee.

Liqueurs are produced on berry or fruit juices with the addition of spices, milk, coffee. The liqueurs have a very varied taste, there is even a liqueur with a melon or artichoke aroma.

The strength of this drink also varies: it starts from 15 ° up to 60-70 °. It is important to consider that liqueurs are also very good and pleasant to drink, so you need to be very careful about the amount of drink you drink.

One type of liquor is Baileys. It consists of Irish whiskey and cream. Thanks to the addition of vanilla, caramel, sugar, cocoa and vegetable oil, a very pleasant taste is obtained, which many women adore. This liqueur is very popular all over the world.

Most Popular

Although some women are very fond of regular beer, both light and dark, some even prefer fortified beer, however, many do not like it because of the unusual bitter taste. That is why fruit beer has become more widespread in recent years. The strength of this drink is "female", because it is only 5 ° -7 °. This drink, unlike the classic one, is not bitter at all, it has a pleasant aroma and taste. In addition, it is available in small bottles - usually 0.33 liters.

Indeed, fruit beer is the world's bestseller among girls. This beer has many flavors. This includes a variety of berries such as cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, and fruits such as coconut.

By the way, in some bars such sweet coconut beer is served in a coconut shell, which makes drinking this drink especially pleasant for a girl. Interestingly, it is very small, so this is another reason to consume it, and not liqueurs, for example, which are the most high-calorie alcoholic drinks in the world. Of course, it is important to remember how many bottles you are going to drink.

For those women who are willing to take the risk, there are stronger spirits. For example, some people prefer rum, which is made from cane and to which spices and caramel are added. Others indulge in gin and tonic. Due to the fact that alcohol is diluted with carbonated water, it is very easy to drink, and it is very easy to get drunk from this mixture.

On vacation, especially in all-inclusive hotels, it is this drink that is most popular among spirits. Older women choose cognac, which helps them to gain the attention and warmth of their beloved man.

Tequila with salt is also an integral part of parties and extravagant ladies love it. Among women, there are even those who are not averse to drinking vodka on an equal basis with men - usually those who have a masculine character, specifics and clarity in their heads.

Having considered some alcoholic beverages, one can understand that there are a huge variety of them that women like. It is probably very difficult to try everything. But when drinking alcohol, it is important to remember the rule - everything is good in moderation. Therefore, you need to know your measure and beware of counterfeits.

Women, like men, have their own drinking habits. It rather depends not on gender, but on taste, character and age. Although there are drinks that are considered feminine. They are distinguished by their low strength and their own taste characteristics.

Most popular alcohol

There is a wide variety of spirits. The production technology is being improved, interesting ingredients are added, flashy names are invented.

Types of alcoholic beverages:

  1. Low alcohol. These include alcoholic beverages with an 8% ethanol content and below: beer, apple cider, kvass.
  2. Medium alcohol. With an alcohol content of up to 30%. Popular among them are noble wines, punch, mulled wine.
  3. Strong alcoholic drinks. The strength of some of them reaches 80%. Among them, preference is most often given - strong vodka, cognac, rum, whiskey, brandy, liqueur, tinctures.

When choosing alcoholic beverages, a person pays attention to its strength, especially for women. Some of them get drunk quickly from strong alcohol. Therefore, they prefer lighter, in terms of ethanol content, drinks. Men are not confused by the strength of alcohol, but, on the contrary, attracts like a magnet.

Popular in Russia are vodka, beer, wine and champagne. When visiting other countries, people tend to try something new. But returning home, they prefer more familiar and affordable products.

Woman and alcohol

Some ladies drink as well as men. This is most often due to the fact that they slowly get drunk. But there are many dangers in this, one of which is alcoholism. Women get drunk faster than men.

In addition, excessive alcohol consumption by beautiful ladies is fraught with dangerous consequences:

  1. Problems with childbirth. Drinking girls reduce their chances of having healthy children, without any pathologies. In some cases, infertility awaits them.
  2. Deviations in health. Ethanol destroys the female body, weakens the immune system.
  3. Deterioration in appearance. Women begin to age faster. Their skin becomes flabby and dehydrated, hair falls out, and dental problems begin.
  4. Alcoholism. Female alcoholism is dangerous, since it is quite difficult to cure it.

A woman should know when to stop in alcohol. Large doses will not benefit anyone. Even noble alcohol in large quantities is hazardous to health. If a woman occasionally drinks a glass of wine or a bottle of beer, it will not harm the body. On the contrary, such small doses are beneficial to health. With their help, you can prevent the development of some ailments and improve mood.

Alcoholic drinks, which the fair sex prefers

A woman, using alcohol, seeks to get pleasure from it. Her task is not simply to get drunk. More often than not, ladies want to try something pleasant to taste to turn their heads a little and relax:

  • wine of various strengths and types;
  • beer, especially fruit beer;
  • champagne;
  • liquor;
  • rum and tequila.

While in society, women have a preference for wine. This noble alcoholic drink is considered healthy and completely harmless in small doses. In addition, it has a great variety. Business women give more preference to white, savory varieties. The romantic nature most often chooses red, semi-sweet wine. This option is the most optimal for any woman.

A woman will not refuse a bottle of cold beer, especially in hot weather, when it cools well. The fair sex love beer with various fruit flavors.

Champagne is a sparkling wine, every holiday it decorates the festive table. Many women will love a bubbly drink. After all, it tastes good, relaxes well, a little "noise" in the head.

Alcoholic drinks for women

Ladies prefer lighter alcoholic drinks. It is important for them to feel a pleasant taste, while not getting drunk, but remaining in a relaxed state. That is why there are such popular alcoholic drinks among women:

  • champagne (sparkling wine);
  • vermouth;
  • liquor;
  • fruit beer;
  • wine.

Champagne is rightfully called a drink that is produced in the Champagne province. Its other cousins ​​are sparkling wines, they are sweet, semi-sweet and semi-dry.

Sweet-tasting liqueurs are made on the basis of berry or fruit juices, with the addition of aromatic herbs. This drink was popular in the Middle Ages and was called the "elixir of life". At the same time, you cannot drink a lot of it, since it is alcohol with a high sucrose content.

Recently, fruit beer has become popular among women. Unlike usual, it has a pleasant sweetish taste. Among him, women give special attention to coconut.

Wine is a noble feminine drink. The wide variety allows ladies to choose something to their liking. For example, white sweet or red semi-dry. The main thing is not to forget that these are alcoholic beverages and you need to be careful with them.