Homemade drinks: DIY lemonade. How to make delicious carbonated lemonade yourself

06.08.2019 Healthy eating

What could be better than fresh, tasty and chilling lemonade on a hot summer day? I bring to your attention a selection of very simple and affordable recipes for summer drinks based on lemonade.

In summer, the heat can be unbearable, but it is on such days that you can prepare and enjoy delicious soft drinks, which you probably would not drink in the cold season.

Instead of getting discouraged and complaining about the heat, as many do, let's remember the benefits of summer and why we will miss it very soon.

The heat also has benefits - you want to swim, be in the fresh air and drink a lot of delicious soft drinks. They take on a special taste in such weather.

Secrets of making lemonade

Everyone can make lemonade, without exception, but there are some subtleties that will help make this drink better and healthier.

First, we have the choice of adding pure water or carbonated water to the lemonade. Of course, you can use gases for a party, but clean water is always better and healthier.

Then, since there are many lemons in the lemonade, it usually takes enough sugar to sweeten the drink. There is, of course, an alternative - and this is honey.

How to make classic homemade lemonade:

  1. Cooking syrup. Pour 200 grams of sugar with 200 ml of water and put on a low heat. The syrup needs to be boiled and it is ready when all the sugar is completely dissolved. If you decide to sweeten lemonade not with sugar, but with natural honey, it is important to know that when heated, honey loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, we do this: boil a little water in a kettle and let it cool, but not completely. In warm, boiled water, add 3-4 tablespoons of honey per 150 ml. Stir with a spoon until the honey dissolves.
  2. Squeeze out the juice... For 2 liters of lemonade, you need the juice of 2 lemons. Cut the lemons into large slices, squeeze the juice out of them with your hands. Throw a few squeezed pieces into a jug, they will give an additional flavor of the zest.
  3. Combining ingredients... Pour 2 liters of pure or carbonated water into a jug, add lemon juice and lemon wedges. Mix and add syrup to taste.
  4. Improving lemonade... Many people add fresh mint leaves to the finished drink for added freshness. A spoonful of ground turmeric will make lemonade more beautiful and healthier. Read about the benefits of turmeric in the material: Turmeric - beneficial properties.

Idea! Strawberry ice for lemonade
Imagine adding strawberry ice instead of regular ice to your lemonade. Mash a few strawberries in mashed potatoes with a fork, add water and pour into molds. If it's not the season, it's easy to buy 200 grams of frozen berries in the store, but it turns out so tasty and unusual!

Simple but delicious lemonade recipes

If we already know how to prepare the classic version of this wonderful drink, then it’s even easier. We take this recipe as a basis and add the rest of the ingredients.

  • Lemonade with orange and mint

This recipe was prepared today. It turns out very tasty and fresh. For 2 liters of drink you will need 1 lemon, 1 orange, 2 sprigs of mint and honey syrup.

It is prepared in the same way as the classic recipe. Of course, it is better to use honey, but with sugar it will also turn out delicious and fresh.

  • Peach lemonade

There are many delicious peaches in stores and markets today, and they can also be used to make a refreshing drink. Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 1 lemon, 2 large peaches, syrup.

Cut the lemon into wedges and squeeze the juice. Put a couple of wrung-out slices into a jug. Cut the peaches into large slices, squeeze them out a little with your hands and put everything in a jug. Pour juice and fruit with water and add syrup to taste. It is advisable to leave the drink in the refrigerator for an hour to cool and infuse.

If you want a richer peach flavor, it is recommended to cook them in syrup for 5 minutes, then add to lemonade.

  • Lime and strawberry and mint

This drink can also be called strawberry mojito. This recipe is popular with many cafes and clubs that offer non-alcoholic cocktails.

You will need: 1.5 liters of water, syrup, juice of 2 limes, 200 grams of fresh or frozen strawberries, 2 sprigs of fresh mint. The strawberries are kneaded a little so that it gives off the juice, then all the ingredients are simply mixed. The drink is delicious and refreshing.

  • Tropical lemonade

Ingredients: juice of 2 lemons, 2 liters of water, a glass of pineapple juice, a glass of apricot nectar, syrup, lemon wedges for decoration.

  • Lemonade with watermelon

Ingredients: juice of 1 lemon, 2 cups of chopped watermelon pulp, syrup.

It is as easy to prepare as the rest of the recipes. The ingredients just need to be mixed, allowed to cool and served with ice cubes.

  • Kiwi lemonade

Ingredients: 1 small lime, kiwi - 6 pcs, syrup. We make mashed potatoes from kiwi using a blender. Combine all the ingredients, pour clean or carbonated water, add syrup to taste and the lemonade is ready.

  • Strawberry lemonade with melon

The lemonade is very unusual, the taste is summer and refreshing. Ingredients: juice of one lemon, a glass of melon diced into small cubes, and syrup. We make mashed potatoes from the melon. To do this, use a blender or fork if the berry is soft enough. Pour 2 liters of water into a jug, add lemon juice, melon puree, mix, then add syrup to taste.

  • Berry lemonade

Ingredients: juice of 2 lemons, 200 grams of any fresh or frozen berries, a spoonful of ginger powder, ice cubes. Chop the berries, then separate the juice from the seeds. Next, just mix all the ingredients and add the syrup to taste.

  • Ginger lemonade

Favorite lemonade of those who follow their figure and like to add spicy notes to their drinks. For cooking, you need the juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons of fresh chopped ginger, a spoonful of honey and a liter of water. Pour a glass of water into a small saucepan and add ginger. Bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool, then filter and discard the remnants of ginger. Add honey to ginger water and mix until completely dissolved. It remains only to mix the resulting syrup with the rest of the ingredients and the drink is ready.

Sultry summer, bright sun, creamy ice cream and cold lemonade ... The three months that Russians look forward to every year can become even more pleasant if you abandon products with added dyes and other chemicals and give preference to fruits and vegetables, ice cream without artificial additives and homemade lemonade.

In which country the lemonade was first made is not known for certain. According to one version, they began to cook it in the hot East, according to another - in refined France. According to legend, the court chef of King Louis I confused the barrels with wine and juice. Trying to somehow correct the situation and save his life, he decided on a bold experiment - he added mineral water to the juice.

The king was unexpectedly delighted with the new drink. When asked what it is, the cook replied: "Schorle, Your Majesty." Since then Schorle has been called the "royal lemonade".

In the 17th century in France, lemonade was made from water and lemon juice, or lemon tincture with added sugar. The aristocracy preferred lemonade made on the basis of mineral waters from medicinal springs.

Almost at the same time, lemonade became popular in Italy, only here they began to add all kinds of herbs and fruits to it.

In Russia, the lemonade, like the fashion for everything European, was brought from Holland by Peter I. And unlike most other innovations, Russians immediately liked the overseas drink.

But the first carbonated lemonades appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century, after which the Englishman Joseph Priestley invented a saturator - an apparatus that saturates water with carbon dioxide. At the same time, we learned to secrete citric acid. And only in the 20th century the industrial production of this drink began.

With the start of mass production, lemonade lost its natural ingredients, acquired an unacceptable sugar content and got into the top of the most harmful products.

However, don't skip the lemonade. It is enough just to start making it yourself again. MIR 24 remembered the traditions of different countries for making lemonade, and offers its readers recipes for the most delicious varieties of this drink from all over the world, which will not harm the figure and health.

Egyptian lemon lemonade

For the past 700 years, classic Egyptian lemonade has been made from lemon juice and sugar.

We need:

  1. large Egyptian lemon (can be substituted with lime)
  2. two tea spoons of sugar
  3. 300 ml chilled water

Cooking like this:

Cut off half the lemon (in the case of lime, 1/3 part is enough), cut it into four parts. Dip the lemon slices into a blender, add sugar and water. Grind the ingredients for a minute. We filter the juice into a glass through a sieve. Egyptian lemonade is ready!

Indian lemonade

Compared to European lemonade, Indian lemonade can be called exotic. Here, ginger is added to the lemon juice. Sometimes saffron, cumin and even garlic salt are used.

We need:

  1. 1/2 cup lemon juice
  2. 1/3 cup maple syrup
  3. 2/3 cup lemon juice
  4. 8 glasses of water
  5. 1/2 teaspoon ginger

Cooking like this:

You don't need a blender to make Indian lemonade. Dip all ingredients into a jug, cover with water and mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. Then refrigerate, pour into glasses and add ice cubes.

Italian lemonade

Italians prefer sweet lemonade to classic versions. Therefore, due to the presence of syrups, those who carefully follow the figure are not recommended to abuse this type of summer drink.

We need:

  1. 200 g fruit syrup
  2. 100 g of any fruit or berries
  3. 0.5 lemon zest
  4. 800 g boiling water
  5. sugar (to taste)

Cooking like this:

Mix fruit syrup with lemon zest. Pour boiling water over the mass and stir thoroughly.

Add fruit and sugar. Cool the lemonade in the refrigerator. The Italian drink is ready!

French lemonade

In fact, lemonade in this country is called a drink made only from lemon juice, and it is similar to the Egyptian. Other fruit drinks have their own names: pear - duchess, grenat - grenadine, orange - orange. We decided to choose the original French lemonade.

We need:

  1. 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
  2. 1/2 lemon
  3. 3 eggs
  4. 2 glasses of sparkling water
  5. 1/4 packet vanilla sugar
  6. 2 sprigs of mint

Cooking like this:

Beat two eggs in a blender and add lemon juice. After that, put the vanilla sugar and ice in a blender. Beat the mixture for 2 minutes.

We filter the mixture, pour it into glasses. Decorate with mint and lemon wedges. Serving French lemonade on the table!

Greek lemonade

For the Greeks, lemonade is like compote for Russians: a drink that is associated with childhood and vacations with grandmother.

We need:

  1. 5 lemons
  2. a glass of sugar

Cooking like this:

Wash the lemons and slice as thin as possible. Then put half the lemon slices into a deep bowl and add half a glass of sugar.

Add the remaining sugar to the squeezed lemons and continue squeezing with your hands. Then we pour the resulting liquid into our bottle.

Fill the bottle with boiled water to the end and cool it in the refrigerator. The lemonade is ready!

American lemonade

Remember how the kids in the movies sell lemonade on the street? This is truly an American tradition. And fresh lemonade is very popular there.

We need:

  1. 3-4 lemons
  2. 3/4 cup sugar
  3. 4-6 glasses of water (to taste)

Cooking like this:

First you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, mix a glass of water with sugar, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil on the stove. When the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the pan from the heat.

Pour the resulting lemon juice, syrup and 3-5 glasses of cold water into a jug, depending on how sour you would like to get the lemonade.

Then we cool the lemonade in the refrigerator, pour it into glasses and decorate with lemon wedges. Hollywood lemonade is ready!

Mexican lemonade

Mexico is famous not only for tequila, but also for lemonade. And if not every Mexican likes tequila, then lemonade is to everyone's taste.

We need:

  1. 1 kiwi
  2. 25 seedless grapes
  3. 2 cups apple juice
  4. 1 glass of ice

Cooking like this:

Wash the grapes and peel the kiwi. Place the fruit in a blender, pour in the apple juice and blend for 2 minutes.

Put half a glass of ice into an empty glass and pour in the resulting liquid. Enjoy!

Ekaterina Degtereva

Lemonade is a very tasty drink familiar to all of us. It perfectly quenches the feeling of thirst. But recently, shop windows have been filled with lemonade made from chemical constituents containing a large number of food additives, dyes and preservatives. Therefore, most people are increasingly thinking about the question of how to make lemonade at home.

This article lists as many as ten homemade lemonade recipes! Among them, you will surely find exactly the one that suits your taste!

Homemade classic lemonade recipe


  • Lemons - 6 pieces
  • Boiling water - 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Rinse the lemons thoroughly and pour over boiling water. We wash the zest of lemons on fine grater, so that the white skin remains on the lemon. Cut off the white skin with a knife.
  2. Put the lemons and grated zest in a saucepan in which we will prepare lemonade. Squeeze all the juice out of the lemons, trying to squeeze out all.
  3. Then add sugar and one and a half liters of boiling water.
  4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we filter the mixture.
  5. If the lemonade is sour, you can add more sugar to taste.
  6. We bottle the finished lemonade and store it in the refrigerator.

Homemade mint lemonade recipe


  • Lemon juice - 100 ml
  • Mineral sparkling water - 350 ml
  • Honey or sugar syrup - 50 ml
  • Mint leaves - 3-4 pcs
  • Lemon wedges - 2-3 pcs


  1. Pour water and syrup into lemon juice.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Decorate with lemon wedges and mint sprigs.

Homemade lemon-orange lemonade recipe


  • Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemons - 3 pieces
  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Boiling water - 700 ml
  • Carbonated mineral water - 1/3 of the total volume of ready-made lemonade


  1. From oranges and lemons, carefully cut off the zest and put it in a bowl.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the fruit carefully, add it to the zest, fill it with sugar and pour 700 milliliters of boiling water.
  3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, cover and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. In the morning, mix everything again, add one tablespoon of sugar, then filter everything.
  5. We pour lemonade into bottles, refrigerate.
  6. Before serving, dilute the lemonade with mineral sparkling water in a ratio of 1: 3.

Homemade hot lemonade recipe


  • Hot tea - 1 l
  • Lemon syrup - 10 g
  • Honey - 20 g
  • Blackberry syrup - 10 g


Pour syrups into hot tea, add honey, mix everything thoroughly until honey dissolves.

Homemade strawberry lemonade recipe


  • Strawberry juice - 4 tbsp l. (or a few strawberries)
  • Lemons - 2 pieces
  • Egg white - 2 pieces
  • Carbonated mineral water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Squeeze juice from lemons using a juicer, add strawberry juice or strawberries to it. Then add the egg whites and ice.
  2. Beat the mass with a mixer for two minutes. The lemonade should foam well, and the ice in it should be crushed into small pieces.
  3. Then we filter everything and add sparkling mineral water.
  4. Drink lemonade immediately after preparation, until the foam has settled.

Homemade pineapple lemonade recipe


  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Pineapple juice - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Lemon slices - 8 pcs
  • Mint sprigs - 8 pcs


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another ten minutes.
  2. While the syrup cools down, mix the pineapple juice, lemon juice and mineral soda water.
  3. Pour the cooled syrup into the juice mixture, add ice, decorate the lemonade in glasses with lemon wedges and mint sprigs.

Homemade peach lemonade recipe


  • Peaches - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - ¾ tbsp.


  1. Peel the peaches, cut into small cubes, add sugar and water.
  2. Bring everything to a boil, reduce heat and cook for ten minutes.
  3. Pour the broth into the prepared container and squeeze the fruit as much as possible.
  4. Add lemon juice to the broth, mix and refrigerate for four hours.

Homemade watermelon-raspberry lemonade recipe


  • Watermelon (Melon) - 8 tbsp. chopped pieces
  • Raspberries - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - ½ tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.


  1. Finely chopped watermelon (melon) and raspberries in mashed potatoes. This is best done with a blender, but if you don't have one, you can knead the ingredients thoroughly with a spoon.
  2. Then add lemon juice, sugar and water to the fruit and berry puree.
  3. Pour the prepared lemonade into glasses and add ice cubes to each glass.

Homemade honey mint lemonade recipe


  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Honey - ½ tbsp.
  • Fresh mint - 4 vet.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar to taste


  1. Put honey in water, put the mixture on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, remove from heat. Add mint and refrigerate.
  2. When the liquid has cooled, remove the mint from it, pour in the lemon juice, sugar, stir everything thoroughly and refrigerate.
  3. When the lemonade has cooled enough, pour it into glasses and add ice to each glass.

Homemade apple juice lemonade recipe


  • Apple juice - 2 tbsp
  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Plum compote - 1.5 l
  • Lemon - ½ piece
  • Mineral sparkling water - 2 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar to taste
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife


  1. Cool all liquids separately. Then mix them all.
  2. Finely chop the orange, sprinkle with icing sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Put one compote plum, two orange slices and one piece of ice in prepared glasses.
  4. Next, pour the prepared lemonade into these glasses.

As you can see, there are a lot of homemade lemonade recipes. The only permanent ingredients are lemons and sugar. Knowing this, you will be able to come up with and prepare lemonade at home on your own from any ingredients! And the pleasant taste of this drink will perfectly refresh you on a hot day!

Enjoy your drink!

Try replacing regular water with sparkling water. You can make sparkling lemonade by using soda instead of regular water. If you're making an old-fashioned lemonade, use plain water when making the syrup and soda instead of plain water when you add it directly to the pitcher.

Take honey instead of sugar. For classic lemonade, use ½ cup (175 grams) natural honey instead of 1 cup (225 grams) sugar.

Add lavender flowers to lemonade according to an old recipe. When making an old-fashioned lemonade syrup, add 1 tablespoon of dried lavender flowers (edible) to the sugar water. Let the syrup cool for 30 minutes. Strain the syrup through a sieve as you pour it into the pitcher. The lavender flowers will remain on the sieve, and the syrup infused with the flowers will fall into the jug. Throw away the lavender flowers and enjoy the lemonade.

  • Lemonade infused with lavender will not be purple. If you want to give the lemonade a lilac hue, add a couple of drops of purple food coloring to the drink and stir it. If you don't have purple dye, add 1 drop of red and 1 drop of blue dye. Stir the drink thoroughly to get an even color.
  • Make an old-fashioned herbal lemonade. When you make the old-fashioned lemonade syrup, add ½ cup (15 grams) fresh basil, thyme, or mint leaves to the sugar and water and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, remove the pan from the heat and turn off the stove. Let the syrup sit for 30 minutes, then pour the syrup into a pitcher of lemon juice through a sieve. Remove the strainer and stir the lemonade.

    Add strawberries for strawberry lemonade. Puree 2 cups (400 grams) of chopped strawberries in a blender. Add the strawberry puree to the lemonade and stir well until smooth.

    Add extravagance with ginger. Place three slices of ginger in a jug of lemonade for an even more refreshing drink.

    Add color to lemonade with berries or citrus slices. You can make lemonade more interesting (with complementary flavors) by adding fruit or citrus directly to your drink. You don't have to cook or knead anything. You can use whole raspberries or dark berries, or halved strawberries. You can also slice lemons or limes.

    Add fresh herbs to lemonade. Take about 8 mint or basil leaves (or a few sprigs of thyme) and add them to lemonade. Use a long spoon or spatula to rub the herbs on the sides of the pitcher. Leave the herbs in the lemonade. The longer the lemonade is infused with herbs, the more flavor and aroma of herbs it will acquire.

  • Decorate the glasses. When you're serving the lemonade, figure out how to color the glasses to make the drink look more sophisticated. Here are some ideas:

    • Place a sprig of lavender or thyme in a glass before pouring lemonade into it.
    • Garnish the drink with two to three fresh mint or basil leaves after pouring the lemonade into the glass.
    • Cut a lemon or lime into thin slices and cut each slice halfway. Slip the slice over the edge of the glass. You can also cut a strawberry slice and slide it over the edge of the glass.
    • Serve lemonade in a jar with a colored cocktail straw for a more rustic drink.
    • Serve the lemonade in a tall glass with a paper umbrella or cocktail cherry for a more classic drink.
  • 1. Without using a siphon


    You will need:

    • 2 teaspoons of baking soda;
    • 2 teaspoons of citric acid;
    • 1 glass of water;
    • sugar to taste;
    • syrup.

    Mix the citric acid and cover with the mixture of water, sugar and syrup, add ice and drink as quickly as possible. Citric acid will react with baking soda, bubbles will appear. If the taste seems too strong, reduce the amount of baking soda and citric acid.

    Of course, such lemonade will not be carbonated for long, but you can try it as a fun experiment. Plus, it's fast and inexpensive.

    2.Using a homemade siphon

    You will need:

    • 2 plastic bottles;
    • awl;
    • 2 plugs;
    • a small hose or flexible tube;
    • the spoon;
    • funnel
    • 1 cup vinegar
    • 1 cup baking soda
    • any liquid.

    Make holes in the two caps, seal the hose in them. Calculate so that one end of the hose almost touches the bottom of the bottle. Pour the liquid you want to carbonate into one of the bottles and close tightly. The hose should sink into your future lemonade as deep as possible.

    Pour soda into the second bottle through the funnel, fill it with vinegar and quickly close the second lid. If you hear hiss and see the mixture bubbling, you've done everything right. If the vinegar and baking soda doesn't react strongly enough, shake the bottle. This will intensify the reaction.

    The gas will flow through the hose, saturating the lemonade with carbon dioxide. If the connection is leaky, you will get a slightly carbonated drink.

    You can carbonate any water-based drink, but it's best not to experiment with coffee and tea. On average, a liter bottle of water can be carbonated in 15–20 minutes. Of course, the process of creating a siphon will take time, but it will not be wasted.

    3.Using a commercially available siphon


    The siphon can be ordered online or searched in stores. Now there is a large selection of plastic and metal siphons for carbonation, even with pictures. So finding one that fits in will be easy.

    The principle of operation of a purchased siphon is the same as that of a home-made one, only cans with compressed gas must be purchased separately. And if you find a vintage siphon, it not only helps sparkling water, but also serves as a stylish piece of furniture.

    How to make homemade lemonade

    Ginger lemonade


    This lemonade is more popular in Asia than here, but for fans of everything unusual, it can become a favorite drink.


    • 1 liter of sparkling water;
    • a small piece of ginger root;
    • sugar to taste;
    • zest of ½ lemon.


    Peel and chop finely. Mix with the rest of the ingredients, pour boiling water over and let cool.

    You can prepare ginger syrup in advance and dilute it with water. To do this, grate fresh ginger on a fine grater and add to the sugar syrup.

    Cucumber lemonade


    This light lemonade with a mild flavor is excellent thirst quencher. And cucumber water is the basis of many detox diets.


    • 1 liter of sparkling water;
    • 1 large cucumber;
    • ½ lime juice;
    • 1 teaspoon honey.


    Cut the cucumber into thin slices and cover with water, let it brew for about 30 minutes. Then add honey, lime juice and soda. You can add berries before serving. They will pleasantly set off the taste of the drink.

    Cinnamon Grapefruit Lemonade


    A grapefruit charge of morning vigor for those who love non-standard combinations.


    • 1 liter of sparkling water;
    • 3 cinnamon sticks;
    • juice of 1 grapefruit;
    • juice of ½ lemon.


    Mix the juices, soak the cinnamon sticks in them for 30 minutes. Then take out the cinnamon, dilute the juice mixture with soda water. Return the cinnamon to the lemonade for garnish before serving.