Recipe with currant cucumber leaves. Salted cucumbers with red currants

10.05.2019 Snacks

Autumn is a golden time when preparations are in full swing for winter period. Each hostess tries to create many different pickles in order to eat healthy, tasty and tasty foods during the frosty season. unique dishes. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and other vegetables are also used.


First option

How are they made with red currants? The recipe is simple, you just need a little patience and time.

Required Ingredients:

  • cucumbers - one and a half kilograms;
  • red currant - 1.5 cups (faceted);
  • salt - one tablespoon (with a slide);
  • sugar (one tablespoon will be enough);
  • water - one liter;
  • garlic - a few cloves (two or three);
  • horseradish - 2-3 pieces;
  • currant leaves;
  • peppercorns - ten pieces.

cooking vegetables

Cucumbers must be thoroughly washed and placed in cold water, left there until pickling. Next, the jars are sterilized, a part of currant leaves should be laid out on the bottom of them, and garlic cloves and pieces of horseradish should be laid on them. The next step is dipping the cucumbers (with uncut tips). They need to be sprinkled well with berries, based on a 1.5 liter jar of 1.5 cups of fruit. A cucumber with red currant looks very nice in a jar, especially if you get this beautiful pickle in winter.

Making a marinade and preserving

Next, you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, salt and sugar are added to the water, based on a liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. of the indicated ingredients, but a little more salt, with a slide. This solution must be boiled, also adding currant leaves and peppercorns to it.

Cucumbers are initially blanched in ordinary boiling water, later - in a cooked marinade. Banks are closed with sterilized lids, then pasteurized. The time will depend on the amount of capacity used. For example, 3 liters takes about fifteen minutes. Banks must be rolled up, put upside down, wrapped and kept in this state until completely cooled. Such pickles must be stored in a cool place. Bon Appetit!

Cucumber with red currant

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for such salting. You can choose the most optimal and convenient option for yourself. As a rule, vinegar is not used in such blanks, so do not forget about proper storage. Cucumber and red currant are just perfect together. It is precisely because of the replacement of acetic acid with berries that these cooking methods become more useful, because red currants are found a large number of vitamins needed human body. It has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects, and also removes toxins. Therefore, without any doubt, use this berry as much as possible in food. Now let's look at another way to cook cucumbers with red currants for the winter.

For cooking you will need:

  • cucumbers (two kilograms);
  • 2.5 cups of red currants;
  • six cloves of garlic;
  • sprig of dill;
  • 30 g tarragon;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • black pepper - seven peas;
  • carnation - 5 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf- 5 leaves;
  • salt - 60-70 g;
  • water (two liters).


Now we will tell you how to cook cucumbers with red currants. The recipe is quite simple, and most importantly, the result is an exquisite fragrant salting.
First you need to rinse the cucumbers well in cold water and leave them to dry. If used fresh berry, then it also needs to be washed, and allowed to drain all the water. The next step is preparing the necessary spices and herbs. You also need to peel and cut the onion and garlic.

Banks need to be well sterilized. In them, lay out all the spices and herbs, such as bay leaf, pepper, dill, and others. Next, the cucumbers are tightly packed into jars, currants are gradually poured over them.
Next, prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water, add salt, sugar. Then mix everything thoroughly until the components are completely dissolved.

After all the steps taken, you need to pour the resulting brine into prepared jars with cucumbers, cover with lids and sterilize. The procedure time depends on the volume of the jar, approximately from 15 to 30 minutes. Next, they need to be rolled up, turned upside down, wrapped, and left in this state until they cool completely. After that, the jars must be removed in a cool place before winter. great taste salt is ready!


Now you know how to make redcurrant cucumbers without vinegar. We hope you enjoy this preserve. We wish you good luck with your preparation.

The variety of recipes offered in our time for harvesting vegetables for the winter is amazing. There are so many options that every year you can change the approach to such a tedious process in the past as canning. Interesting and unexpected combinations in one jar of berries, vegetables and herbs will turn homework into creativity and surprise guests at a winter meal.

Why currant?

By giving preference to non-traditional recipes, you can increase the benefits canned food. Many have prejudice against vinegar, indispensable for marinating. Vinegar is good preservative, does not allow the brine to become cloudy and gives pleasant sourness pickled vegetables. But at the same time, it is not recommended to use it for gastritis, hypertension, obesity and several other diseases, one of which is sure to be found in everyone. Therefore, when preserving synthetic (table) vinegar, they try to replace it with something natural and not so aggressive.

Good substitute for vinegar when preparing pickled cucumbers is redcurrant. Everyone knows her sour taste, due to which this berry is more often used in sauces for meat than in sweet dishes. The characteristic taste of red currant is formed due to the high content of ascorbic acid, which is not only a valuable vitamin, but also 5 times weaker than acetic acid. Thus, if you pickle or pickle cucumbers with red currants, you get the expected result: a decrease in acidity finished product. And the taste of cucumbers becomes much more interesting than ordinary vinegar.


Although ascorbic acid is weaker than acetic acid, it is still an acid and should not be used for exacerbations of gastritis or peptic ulcer. Also, red currant is harmful for people suffering from reduced blood clotting, cholelithiasis.

Canning cucumbers with red currants

For canning does not fit any cucumber. It is necessary to choose pickling varieties, with dense pulp and medium skin thickness. Size - no more than 9 cm in length. Cucumbers intended for pickling for the winter are harvested in the morning or soaked in cold water for several hours to restore elasticity to the fruits.

Properly sterilizing cucumbers is difficult, if overdone or exceeded allowable temperature, the workpiece will be damaged. Therefore, it is preferable to choose preservation methods without sterilization. Red currant will perfectly cope with its role as a preservative. And of course, the cleanliness of the dishes and the thoroughness of the execution of the recipe will also be the key to success.

Too many spices can ruin the workpiece., and even provoke souring. It is better to store cucumbers pickled without vinegar in a cool place and not longer than one winter, after all, ascorbic acid is weaker than acetic acid.

Currant berries can be frozen so that it is enough for harvesting for the whole summer.

It is recommended to add three leaves of cherries or fragrant varieties of currants to jars, this green has bactericidal properties and releases tannins to preserve the crunchiness of the cucumber. There is only one main recipe, the rest are only variants of the first.

Recipe #1

Prepare liter jars according to the number of cucumbers. Each of them will include 8-10 small fruits. Wash, rinse with boiling water. In each. Add an umbrella of dill, 3-4 cloves of garlic (lightly crushed), then lay the cucumbers vertically. Pour red currant berries on top, slightly shaking the jar, put a few currant or cherry leaves so that they take up as much space as possible.

At this stage, the jars look very nice, but, unfortunately, when pouring brine, the currants will lose their bright color.

Boil the expected amount of water and fill the jars to the top. Cover with lids and hold for ten minutes. Drain liquid from all cans in one pot and boil again, adding another half a glass of water, for absorption and evaporation. Pour into jars again for 10 minutes. Not to say that this method saves time, but, nevertheless, this is not a classic sterilization.

For the third time, add to the drained water for each jar:

  • a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • one tablespoon of table salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 8–10 pcs. allspice

Boil again, fill the jars to the neck and immediately roll up. Put on the lid under the blankets to cool. Not a single winter month will be left without a crispy snack!

Recipe #2

The same cucumbers and currants, but the bouquet of spices is richer. Add sprigs of celery, parsley, basil, horseradish leaf and 2 pcs. to dill umbrellas. onion sets. Put everything on the bottom of the jar in the same way, and place cucumbers on top. Fill the cavities with currants. Filling with boiling water and brine is described in the previous recipe.

Recipe #3

The same cucumbers and spices, but instead of currants, its juice is used. Composition on liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 7–8 pcs
  • red currant juice - 100 ml
  • spices, Carnation
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon table salt

Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2-3 hours. From juice, sugar and salt prepare the marinade and dilute to 300 ml with water. Boil it and pour it into a jar. Dip the jar in boiling water and hold for no more than 8 minutes (half-liter - 4 minutes). After a short sterilization, twist and put in the cellar until winter.

Among winter preparations with creative hosts you can find not only cucumbers, but also tomatoes, and pickled garlic with red currants. There are recipes for pickling the berry itself. If, nevertheless, there is no complete confidence in the preservative properties of ascorbic acid, and vinegar is added to the blanks, you should not refuse the recipe with currants. At least for the sake of original taste finished product.

It seems that we know everything about pickled cucumbers. They are prepared in different ways: with tart horseradish and bay leaves, with fragrant tarragon, cloves and even with honey. And also, it turns out, with currants and spicy basil.
Pickled canned cucumbers with red currant - sounds tempting, looks - luxurious. Ruby clusters of berries sparkling among tight ripe cucumbers, emerald leaf currants and purple basil, snow-white cloves of garlic - a traditional jar of preservation will appear in a completely different form. The taste is cucumbers, like a sponge, they absorb all the smells, and the dish blooms with all the flavors - spicy, bright, extremely appetizing.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients for 3 liters of finished preservation:

  • Cucumbers 1.7-1.8 kg;
  • Red currant 150-200 g;
  • Basil, dill (seeds) bunch;
  • Garlic 1 head;
  • Currant leaves 7-10 pcs.
  • Salt 2 tbsp
  • Vinegar 100-135 g;
  • Sugar 2 tbsp
  • Water 1.2-1.3 l.

How to cook Pickled Canned Cucumbers with Redcurrant and Basil

Inspect medium-sized cucumbers selected for harvesting for the winter for damage: among them there should not be spoiled, cracked, overripe and very large. Also, do not use cucumbers with thick skins: they do not salt well, and the taste leaves much to be desired. Rinse under running cool water, dry.
Many masters home canning when salting, the tips of the cucumbers are cut off.
I do not cut them, because releasing the juice, the cucumbers become soft, less crispy.

Rinse the currant leaves, berries and basil, peel the garlic.

Put the bottom of the jars, previously sterilized over steam, with dill "umbrellas", cover them with basil and currant leaves, put a few cloves of garlic.

Place part of the currant berries on the bottom, part - distribute evenly throughout the entire volume of the jar.

Fill the jars more tightly, putting currant clusters and garlic cloves in the space between the cucumbers.

To prepare the marinade, salt, sugar are put in boiling water, vinegar is poured in, mixed thoroughly, and allowed to boil again.
Some housewives claim that if there is currant in the recipe, you can do without vinegar.
This is a controversial issue: firstly, vinegar acts as a preservative, and currant berries contain mainly ascorbic acid. Secondly, there are no data confirming its successful use in canning. Therefore, it is better to use vinegar in the old fashioned way: you can be sure that the blanks for the winter will not “explode”.
Nevertheless, in the currant, in its fruits and leaves, there are a lot of tannins, which make our preservation crunchy, juicy and tasty.
Pour as quickly as possible, preventing the brine from cooling, prepared jars, cover with lids. Within 5-10 minutes, the cucumbers should be steamed properly, after which the marinade can be drained back into the pan and boiled again.

Thus, repeating the procedure three times, seal the preservation with a seaming machine, cover with a thick cloth or towel to keep warm. To make sure the seam is tight, you can turn the jars of cucumbers upside down for 10-15 minutes.
A small nuance: currant and basil can cause the marinade to stain: it may become not completely transparent, it will acquire a reddish tint. At long-term storage the berries lose their saturated color, become whitish, and the brine becomes cloudy, and it is best to open these blanks in the winter in the first place.

Otherwise, pickled cucumbers with currants will certainly appeal to lovers of aromatic and spicy pickles, connoisseurs of good home cooking. Also, it's a good reason to get away. classic recipes. Redcurrant will give cucumbers a special aroma and pleasant sourness, tart dill seeds, fragrant basil and garlic will create a marvelous bouquet of aromas reminiscent of summer.

At the height of summer, every housewife strives to prepare as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Most often, cucumbers are preserved, including those with currants for the winter.

At this time, cucumbers are just the most. There are many ways to preserve. Each housewife uses her favorite way of harvesting cucumbers for the winter. Very interesting and tasty various variations with the addition of currants.

What ingredients are needed for preservation

Ingredients may vary depending on the recipe. But most often on a three-liter jar they use:

  • cucumbers - up to twenty pieces;
  • tomatoes - four to five pieces (small);
  • currant berries - one or two glasses;
  • garlic - up to ten teeth;
  • greenery;
  • seasonings;
  • table salt - three tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - two tablespoons;
  • vinegar;
  • acetylsalicylic acid.

Preparation of vegetables and berries

Canning cucumbers with the addition of currant berries is as simple as in a standard way. The most important thing is to follow the recipe instructions, as well as the use of fresh, intact fruits, processed and prepared accordingly:

  • vegetables are soaked for 3-6 hours, then rinsed and cut off the tops;
  • the stalks are separated from the berries, and the damaged ones are removed. They are placed in jars in clusters;
  • garlic cloves are separated from the husk.

Preparing banks

Canning containers are washed with cleaning agents and sterilized. To sterilize, you need to boil water and use steam to process the inner surface of the cans for a quarter of an hour. Lids used for seaming are boiled for ten minutes.

How to preserve cucumbers with currants

There are many recipes for harvesting cucumbers with the addition of currant berries. Let's consider the main ones.

A simple recipe for canned cucumbers with red currants for the winter

Prepare a container for canning according to the amount of vegetables available. Up to eight medium cucumbers are placed in a liter jar. They must be washed and treated with boiling water. Then put the greens and a few garlic cloves. Cucumbers are stacked vertically. Then red currants fall asleep. Shake the container to distribute the ingredients evenly. You can put a few leaves of currant or cherry on top.

After treatment with boiling water, the berries will no longer be red and turn pale.

The contents are poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes, previously covered with lids. The water is then poured into separate dishes, you need to add another glass for evaporation. Boil again and pour into jars for the same time. Thus, containers can not be sterilized.

After the next merge, you need to add:

  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • herbs and spices.

The contents are poured with the drained boiled liquid, the jars are rolled up, covered and left to cool. Crispy pickles are ready.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers with red currant

You can pickle vegetables according to the recipe:

  • Vegetables are washed and left to soak for two to three hours.
  • Canning containers are sterilized, and greens are placed in them, and cucumbers are placed on top.
  • The contents are poured with boiling water for 3 approaches, so as not to sterilize the fruit.
  • Full jars are covered and stand for ten minutes. Then the liquid is drained.

  • Re-filling with boiled brine is carried out. We wait another ten minutes.
  • Once again, the drained brine is salted, granulated sugar, pepper, garlic are added.
  • Next, the liquid is boiled, added acetic acid.
  • Clusters of berries are placed in the container. Next, fill with drained liquid.
  • Banks are rolled up and turned over to cool. However, they must be covered.

With blackcurrant

The fruits are soaked for a couple of hours. Then the ends are cut off. Then they are washed again, you also need to wash the berries and garlic.

Greens and garlic cloves are placed in a jar. Then - cucumbers and bunches of berries. Water is boiled and poured into containers. You need to let her cool down.

The cooled liquid is poured into a separate bowl and brought to a boil again. At the same time, it needs to be salted, add granulated sugar and spices. After boiling, you need to pour in acetic acid at the rate of 10 grams per 1 liter. The resulting marinade is filled with jars. After that, they need to be rolled up and turned over so that they cool down.

With white currant

The jars are washed, the greens are also washed, which are then laid on the bottom. Also put garlic cloves and dill. Vegetables should be clean, tops should not be removed. We fill the containers to the top with cucumbers and berries.

The cooled liquid is drained into a separate bowl, where spices are first poured. The brine is then boiled again, at which time acetic acid is added. It is important that at this time the fire is reduced, and foaming does not occur. The marinade should become transparent.

The resulting solution is poured into jars to the top. After which they roll up, turn over and take cover. When they have cooled, they can be moved to a dark, cool place for safekeeping.

Without sterilization

Vegetables, peppers, bay leaves are placed in washed containers. Next, the contents are filled with boiling water for ten minutes, the hole is covered.

Over time, the water is drained into a separate bowl, salted, granulated sugar is added. Bring to a boil again.

Currants are poured to the cucumbers, peeled and sorted in such a way as to exclude spoiled fruits. Two hundred grams is enough for one liter.

Pour boiling water into jars and roll them up.

without vinegar

The containers are filled with spices, dill, bay leaves, garlic cloves and vegetables. Then currants are laid. The contents are poured with boiling water and left to infuse for a third of an hour. Then the liquid is poured out, granulated sugar is added to it, table salt. Boiled brine is again poured into jars. They are rolled up and allowed to cool. Thus, acetic acid is not required.

Cucumbers in red currant juice

The fruits are soaked for up to three hours.

  1. It is necessary to mix currant juice, granulated sugar, table salt and water. Then the mixture is brought to a boil.
  2. Bay leaf, dill, horseradish leaves, spices and fruits are placed in the container.
  3. Fill the contents with boiling liquid.
  4. Next, the poured ingredients are heated in boiling water for several minutes. After that, blockage is made.

Salted cucumbers with red currants

Pickled cucumbers become even tastier if, in addition to currant berries, they add lemon slices. To do this, the lemon is dipped in boiling water for several minutes, then cut, the bones must be removed.

Step-by-step recipe for cucumbers for the winter with currants with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Blanks, Preservation
  • Recipe Difficulty: Difficult recipe
  • Preparation time: 12 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Servings: 1 portion
  • Amount of calories: 130 kilocalories

For lovers unusual blanks for the winter. Sterilize the jars and put in each the necessary spices. Wash currants and cucumbers. Put cucumbers in jars, sprinkling with currants. Pour boiling marinade from water, salt and sugar. Sterilize jars in boiling water for 10 minutes, then seal and leave upside down until completely cool. Good luck preparing!

Servings: 1

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • Cucumbers - 600 Grams (All ingredients are per 1 liter jar.)
  • Currant - 150 Grams
  • Salt - 50 Grams
  • Sugar - 100 Grams
  • Stems and umbrellas of dill - 25 Grams
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Cherry leaves - 2 Pieces
  • Carnation - 2 Pieces
  • Allspice peas - 2-3 Pieces
  • Black peppercorns - 2-3 Pieces
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 2 Pieces
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Water - 1 Liter

step by step

  1. Sterilize jars and lids.
  2. In each liter jar, put the following spices - bay leaf - 1 pc., Cloves - 2 pcs., Cherry leaf - 2 pcs., Blackcurrant leaf - 2 pcs., Umbrellas and dill stalks - 25 gr., Garlic cloves - 2- 3 pcs., Black peppercorns - 2-3 pcs., Allspice peas - 2-3 pcs.
  3. Wash the currants and prepare the berries at the rate of one glass of currants per liter jar.
  4. Put cucumbers in jars, sprinkling with currants. Prepare the marinade - per liter of water 50 gr. salt and 100 gr. Sahara. Bring it to a boil, pour jars with cucumbers. Sterilize jars in boiling water for 10 minutes, then seal and leave upside down until completely cool.