Medicinal herbs Ivan tea application. Useful properties of Ivan tea, contraindications for use

08.04.2019 Lenten dishes

Ivan-tea prepared for the winter is lovingly used by many residents of our country as for pleasant tea ceremonies ( Koporye tea served to the table by the emperors themselves!), and for medical purposes. In this article we want to talk in detail about Ivan tea, medicinal properties and use in traditional medicine.

Herbalists claim that all parts of the plant have healing power: rhizome, leaves, stems and flowers.

We talked about how the leaf of the plant is fermented and dried in order to enjoy the taste of Koporye tea, as well as how to properly collect the roots, we described in the article.

Healing properties of Ivan tea

The therapeutic effect on the body of fireweed angustifolia is due to its biochemical composition. Young shoots, color and roots of Ivan-tea contain mucus, tannin (in the roots its concentration can reach up to 20%), tannins, proteins (up to 20%), vegetable fibers, flavonoids, pectin compounds, sugars, vitamins (B, C), minerals and trace elements (copper, manganese, iron, boron, molybdenum, titanium, potassium, lithium), calcium, phosphorus and cobalt salts.

Photo: Ivan-tea

The medicinal plant narrow-leaved fireweed has the following therapeutic qualities:

  • sedative (calming effect on the central nervous system, effective in the treatment of neuroses);
  • wound healing;
  • decongestant;
  • painkiller (moderate);
  • hypnotic;
  • antiallergic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • rejuvenating;
  • antioxidant;
  • cleansing;
  • antipyretic;
  • emollient;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antitumor;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • enveloping;
  • antiviral (in particular, inhibits the herpes simplex virus).

Ivan tea: use in medicine

  1. Due to its medicinal properties, the use of Ivan-tea is possible in complex therapy in the treatment of many ailments. The systematic consumption of drinks based on Ivan-tea qualitatively improves blood composition,increasing hemoglobin levels,activates the processes of hematopoiesis. This is due to the fairly high content of fireweed, iron, nickel, B vitamins, copper and manganese. Water extracts from Ivan-tea significantly improve carbohydrate and fat metabolism, increasing the degree of absorption by the body useful substances from food consumed.
  2. With its soothing properties, Ivan tea is only slightly inferior to the roots. Fireweed angustifolia renders positive impact on the conditioned reflex activity of the organism, due to which water extracts from the plant are very effective in treatment of neuroses. B vitamins, flavonoids and magnesium reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, improve sleep quality, contribute getting rid of migraine And relieve the effects of stress.
  3. Unlike synthetic sleeping pills, Ivan tea is not addictive and quite effectively helps in fight insomnia. It should be borne in mind that the active components of the plant are able to increase the effect of other antidepressants, sleeping pills and narcotic substances, so its use simultaneously with them is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.
  4. Mucus, carotenoids, tannins, pectins, chlorophyll and flavonoids in the composition of Ivan tea have an enveloping, regenerating and healing effect on mucosa of the stomach and intestines healing everything digestive organs, normalize the microflora, help in the treatment peptic ulcer. That is why herbalists and herbalists successfully use fireweed to treat many diseases. gastrointestinal tract, with a pronounced tendency to diarrhea.
  5. It is advisable to use Ivan-tea and the active use of its medicinal properties for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. infections and inflammation. Thanks to a slight diuretic effect, Ivan tea helps in normalizing blood pressure. Traditionally, fireweed in folk medicine was considered a male herb that promotes increase in potency, erectile function, the quality of seminal fluid, improve the condition of the prostate gland and other urinary organs of the stronger sex.
  6. Help infusions and decoctions of Ivan-tea and dermatological diseases(psoriasis, acne, furunculosis, dermatitis, eczema), especially if they are accompanied by gastrointestinal upset and neurotic manifestations. Preparations based on fireweed angustifolia have proven themselves in folk medicine in the treatment of scrofula,epilepsy, alcoholic psychoses, some cardiac pathologies,sore throats, otitis media, anemia,SARS, tumors different origin, infertility both male and female.

Ivan tea: traditional medicine recipes

1. Infusion of Ivan-tea for healing from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pour a tablespoon of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, cover the cup or jar with a saucer, leave to infuse for 20 minutes, strain and take 20 ml 4 times a day.

2. A strong decoction of willow-tea for external use. The remedy helps with burns, ulcers, wounds, abscesses, eczema, and others. inflammatory diseases skin. Two st. spoons of dry leaves and colors pour a glass cold water in an enamel bowl, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about half an hour, cool, strain and use as compresses, rubdowns, lotions or for washing. The same decoction is frozen in cosmetic purposes, rubbing ice on the face and neck, as a rejuvenating agent.

3. A decoction of Ivan-tea roots. 10 g of dry crushed rhizomes are poured into a glass hot water and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, cool, filter and take 15 ml 3-4 times a day.

4. Freshly squeezed willow-tea juice. Preparing in summer time from July to September. Squeeze the juice from the leaves, stems and tops of the plant. Reception only fresh, immediately after pressing, 10-15 ml 4 times a day before meals, along with a tablespoon of bee honey.

5. Fresh or powdered willow-herb leaves externally on problem areas of the skin promote wound healing.

How to brew Ivan tea correctly

The drink obtained from the leaves of willow-tea perfectly quenches thirst, moreover, it can be drunk both hot and (if desired) chilled. In addition, it has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on all body systems, heals, tones, relieves accumulated tension and fatigue, charges the body with energy and exuberant vigor. It should be especially noted that Koporye tea, unlike caffeine-containing drinks (traditional varieties of tea, coffee, energy drinks), does not contain undesirable human body substances, in particular purine compounds, oxalic acid and caffeine substances.

In order to get the maximum benefit and the extraordinary taste of Koporye tea, in addition to its proper harvesting, it is necessary to follow some rules when brewing:

  1. It is advisable to take a ceramic teapot.
  2. First of all, the container must be rinsed with boiling water, then pour tea leaves from the leaves of the narrow-leaved fireweed at the rate of half dessert spoon for every 250 ml of drink.
  3. Pour hot, but not boiling water.
  4. Wrap the teapot with a towel to infuse for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour into cups and drink hot.
  6. Ivan-tea goes well with natural forest or meadow honey.

Ivan tea (fireweed) contraindications

This plant has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to individual components. However, as with any herbal remedies, undesirable excessive enthusiasm and excess of dosages recommended by a phytotherapeutist. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any chronic diseases, consult your healthcare professional before starting systematic use of willow tea and treatment with Ivan tea preparations.

Having understood the composition of the miraculous herb Ivan-tea, medicinal properties and application in practice, it remains only to wait summer season and go to the forest to harvest useful raw materials in order to always have fragrant tea leaves on hand and the opportunity to prepare healing elixirs for health.

Fireweed narrow-leaved (aka Ivan tea) is a perennial plant from the fireweed family. This herb has long been famous for its miraculous power. In ancient Russia, this plant was used for healing various ailments, as well as for the preparation of a traditional Russian drink - Koporye tea. There are several names for this plant: Ivan-tea, plakun, miller, mother liquor, skrypnik, etc.

Fireweed is used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, and it is also used in cooking, adding to salads, soups and side dishes. What healing properties does Ivan tea have, and how to take it for various purposes, we will consider further.

Natural composition

Availability huge amount medicinal properties narrow-leaved willow-herb due to its vast natural composition. The plant is rich in various vitamins and microelements, which make its use especially useful and effective.

The chemical composition of Ivan tea is presented:

  • vitamins - A, C, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9;
  • macro- and microelements - selenium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium,
  • sodium, magnesium, calcium;
  • tannins;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • organic acids;
  • proteins;
  • lingin;
  • pictin;
  • flavonoids;
  • chlorophyll;
  • essential oils etc.

It is important to note that all parts of the plant are rich in useful trace elements: its flowers, leaves, stems and roots.

Healing properties of Ivan tea

Among the beneficial properties of Ivan tea, its antibacterial, healing and analgesic effect is especially appreciated. This makes it possible to use the leaves and flowers of the plant for the treatment of various wounds, bruises, bedsores, as well as pain in the muscles and joints. Fireweed can also be used for inflammation of the mucous membranes, it disinfects and relieves the inflammation process.

Fireweed angustifolia is an excellent antiseptic. It has anti-infective and antiviral activity. This allows you to use useful grass in the treatment of various diseases:

  • colds, flu and SARS,
  • otitis and sinusitis,
  • dystonia and cardioneurosis,
  • diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and dysentery,
  • heartburn, dysbacteriosis,
  • ulcer and gastritis,
  • psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis,
  • headache and migraine,
  • oncology,
  • cystitis and cholecystitis,
  • venereal disease,
  • poisoning and hangovers.

The use of narrow-leaved willow-herb also lies in its diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. The plant has an expectorant effect, so its use is especially useful in the treatment of diseases of the throat and respiratory tract.

Koporye tea is effective for improving cardiac activity. Ivan tea improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Fireweed is even used for the treatment and prevention of oncological formations. Flavonoids, which are part of the plant, reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Fireweed tea improves digestion, normalizes the microflora of the stomach and stabilizes the work of the stomach. The plant has an enveloping effect. Ivan-tea grass is recommended for use in acne, pimples and boils.

Infusions using fireweed stimulate the process of hematopoiesis and normalize blood pressure. Fireweed normalizes the production of hemoglobin and improves general state blood.

Possessing a diuretic effect, Ivan-tea is useful in the treatment of diseases of the urinary and biliary tract. Grass willow-tea is a wonderful absorbent. This plant cleanses the body, removes toxic substances, toxins and metals.

The use of fireweed is effective for improving the condition and raising the body's immunity. The healing properties of Ivan-tea are recommended for neurosis, depression and nervous disorders. Infusions and medicinal drinks based on Ivan-tea promote relaxation and calm.

The benefits of Ivan tea for men and women

Fireweed for its properties is popularly called "male grass". Decoctions and infusions based on Ivan-tea are useful for diseases genitourinary system particularly in the treatment of prostate adenoma. Ivan-tea contributes to the normalization of the prostate gland. At correct use helps to increase the potency and improve the sexual health of men.

Ivan-tea brings special benefits female body:

  • Helps with heavy bleeding.
  • Reduces the pain associated with PMS.
  • Regulates the female cycle.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the endocrine system.

The benefits of Ivan tea are especially appreciated for female infertility. At daily use Koporye tea, reproductive functions will improve several times.

It is recommended to take fireweed during menopause. A useful plant allows you to alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause: overcome nervousness, normalize sleep and improve the general condition. However, the herb is contraindicated in women who have problems with blood clotting. In this case, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Ivan-tea is used in the form of various facial skin care products. The properties of the plant contribute to the production of collagen and skin rejuvenation. With regular use of masks based on fireweed, the skin will acquire a healthy color and become beautiful and toned.

Application in traditional medicine

Thanks to the large number healing properties, Ivan-tea has found wide application in folk medicine. Alternative treatment involves the use of fireweed in the form of medicinal decoctions, infusions and teas.

Recipes for decoctions and tinctures

For sinusitis take 1 tsp. fireweed, fall asleep in a container and pour 0.25 liters of boiling water there. Let's brew for half an hour. Then we filter and drink the drink 1/3 cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Cooking healthy drinkin the treatment of conjunctivitis. We take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Ivan-tea and pour it into an enameled container. Pour 200 ml of boiling water into it and cook for 15 minutes. Let it brew for about an hour and filter. The infusion is used to wash the eyes. To do this, take a cotton swab, moisten it in a medicinal infusion and do a wash. It is recommended to carry out the procedure three times a day.

With anemia you will need a spoonful of crushed willow-tea. Pour 250 ml of boiling water into the raw material and leave for four hours. We drink a drink of 1 tbsp. l. three times per day. Effective in the treatment and prevention of malignant tumors.

Healthy Recipe in oncology:

  • We take 10 g of chopped fireweed grass, fall asleep in a container.
  • Pour one glass of boiling water.
  • Boil the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Let it brew for half an hour, pouring the boiled amount of liquid into the pan.
  • After we filter and use one tablespoon three times a day.
  • It is better to take the medicine 20 minutes before eating.

For the treatment of atherosclerosis 5-6 spoons dried leaves Ivan-tea pour 350 ml of water. We bet on water bath and cook the drink on low heat for 15 minutes. Then let it brew for 20 minutes and filter. We drink a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day.

With inflammation of the mucous membranes two tablespoons of narrow-leaved fireweed are mixed with two glasses of boiling water. We insist the drink in a thermos for six hours. Then we filter. The resulting decoction is used for douching, rinsing and washing.

For ear inflammation Pour one tablespoon of Ivan tea leaves into a glass container and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for six hours, filter. We take a cotton swab, moisten it in a decoction and insert it into the ear cavity.

Cooking useful decoction to normalize the work of the stomach. Grind fireweed herb (20 g) and pour them with a glass of boiling water. We let it brew for 15 minutes. Take this infusion twice a day, 20 minutes before meals.

To boost immunity and calm the nervous system we take the flowers of Ivan-tea (15 g) and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Strain the drink, add a spoonful of honey. We drink this tea twice a day.

In the treatment of prostatitis pour one tablespoon of fireweed leaves with two cups of boiling water. Let it brew for two hours, then filter. We use the drink twice a day in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed, 20 ml.

Recipe for a decoction for stomach and duodenal ulcers:

  • Two st. pour a spoonful of dry leaves of Ivan-tea with one and a half liters of water.
  • We put in a water bath.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • After that, insist 40 minutes and filter.
  • We drink a decoction three times a day.

A folk remedy based on Ivan tea helps with gastritis and colitis. We take 15 grams of fresh fireweed flowers, grind them and fill them with 200 ml of water. Cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, then filter. Drink drink 1 tbsp. spoon four times a day. This drink is also recommended for external use - for washing wounds and applying compresses (for burns, wounds, abscesses).

To stop bleeding we prepare a decoction of the rhizomes of Ivan-tea. We take 10 grams of willow-tea rhizomes and pour 250 ml of hot water. We put in a water bath and let it boil for 20 minutes over low heat. After that, we filter the medicinal drink and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

For psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis take two st. spoons of fireweed flowers and pour 500 ml of boiling water. We insist 5-7 hours, then filter. Dip a cotton pad with the resulting broth and apply to damaged areas of the skin. This remedy helps in the treatment of skin infections and inflammation. The infusion can be used for washing and rubbing the skin.

Medicinal collections with Ivan-tea

With oncology of the genital organs we take two parts of the flowers of willow-tea, nettle and medicinal plantain, as well as in equal proportions of the grass of the bird's mountaineer and the flowers of white acacia (proportion 2:2:2:1:1). Pour a large spoon from the leaf collection with 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for two hours, filter. We drink a drink once a day, one glass.

For kidney or bladder cancer will need:

  • Three parts of yarrow herb;
  • An equal amount of willow-herb leaves;
  • Two parts ;
  • One part of celandine flowers;
  • 4 parts rose hips.

Mix all ingredients and 1 tbsp. spoon from the resulting collection pour 250 ml of boiling water. We put the mixture in a water bath and boil for three minutes. We filter and add the amount of water that has been evaporated.

Herbal collection for female infertility: equal amounts of lemon balm, fireweed leaves, peppermint, nettle, garden parsley, ordinary cuff and wild strawberries, mix and pour a tablespoon of the collection with 250 ml of boiling water. Put in a water bath and cook for five minutes. Cool and strain the drink. For treatment, you need to take a decoction of 1-2 glasses a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Leaf decoction is indicated for obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It improves the functioning of the female genital organs and enhances reproductive function.

Ivan tea brewing methods

Several centuries ago, Koporye tea was especially popular in Russia. It was even shipped to other countries. This traditional Russian drink is still known among the people. Tea has amazing healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the body.

It is very important to brew Ivan tea correctly so that its beneficial properties are revealed, and taste qualities became brighter and more expressive. Fireweed tea can be prepared in a classic way, or it can be used in combination with other herbs, in the form of a collection.

Classic recipe:

  • We take 20 g of flowers of Ivan-tea angustifolia.
  • Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  • We let it brew for 15 minutes.
  • Strain and add spoon natural honey.
  • It is recommended to take fireweed tea twice a day.

There are other ways to brew Ivan tea with the addition of other useful medicinal herbs. More often, the drink is brewed in the form of a medicinal collection.

The second most popular is collection based on equal partswillowherb leaves, horsetail, nettle and goldenrod. Fill the resulting collection with one liter of boiling water. We leave to infuse all night. In the morning we filter and take one glass after the main meals.

According to the third recipe, mix echinacea, willowherb and lemongrass in equal proportions, fall asleep in a thermos. Pour the herbal collection with a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then we filter the broth and drink two or three glasses a day.

No less useful collection of leaves of strawberries, currants and willow-herb tea. We take the ingredients in an amount of 100 g, pour into an enameled container and pour one and a half liters of boiling water. Then bring the leaf mixture to a boil and let it brew for 4-5 hours. Accept decoction need one cup twice a day.

Use in cooking

Surprisingly, fireweed is also used in cooking. It is used in soups, salads and side dishes. Good start days - pancakes with Ivan tea. Cooking pancakes correctly to preserve the beneficial properties of the herb will help step-by-step instruction:

  • Take one egg and beat it with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, pour a glass of kefir.
  • Add salt and a tablespoon vegetable oil.
  • IN separate dishes mix a glass of flour with half a teaspoon of soda.
  • Mix the flour consistency with kefir until smooth.
  • After that, finely chop the leaves and flowers of fireweed and mix with the bulk.
  • Heat the pan well, pour in the oil.
  • Fry for 3-4 minutes on both sides until golden brown.

Can cook nutritious salad with addition medicinal herb. Green salad we prepare shoots of spinach and fireweed as follows: cut young shoots of fireweed, lettuce leaves, add young spinach leaves. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, sprinkle olive oil.

Ivan-tea porridge - nutritious and healthy breakfast for the whole family. We follow the recipe:

  • Grind the dry roots of Ivan tea in a coffee grinder.
  • Pour into boiling milk.
  • Mix well.
  • Cooking for 5 minutes.
  • Add a spoonful of honey and mix well.
  • Top with any berries (blueberries or raspberries) and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

For cooking fireweed puree soup boil chicken bouillon. While it is cooking, take the leaves and stems. young fireweed, wash and boil. Then we skip them in a meat grinder or grind with a blender. Fry one onion, carrot and one tomato in a pan. When the dressing is ready, grind it with a blender and mix with fireweed. The resulting mass is mixed with 150 ml of broth. Garnish with parsley before serving.

Collection and storage

In order for narrow-leaved fireweed to retain all its medicinal properties, it must be properly harvested. Grass is harvested in several ways:

  • withering,
  • twisting,
  • fermentation
  • drying.

For the purpose of treatment, all parts of the plant are used: stems, leaves, flowers and roots. Young shoots are harvested in spring (May), and roots in September (October-November). Ivan-tea roots are washed, cut into four parts and dried in a dryer (oven). They are stored in cardboard containers for no more than three years in order to preserve their medicinal properties.

The collection of flowers falls on the flowering period of Ivan-tea. They are collected and laid out on a flat surface in a thin layer. Dry them in a well-ventilated area. After that, the flowers are twisted, squeezing the juice out of them. The resulting roll is left to dry for another eight hours, after which it is placed in a special oven to complete the drying process. The young leaves of the plant are dried in the same way. Store them in a glass, airtight jar or cardboard box.


Despite the beneficial properties, narrow-leaved fireweed has a number of contraindications. Brewed tea or medicinal decoction has a high concentration active components.

Main contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • increased blood clotting.

With prolonged use or non-compliance with the dosage, there may be side effects in the form of a violation of the liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, with great care, leaf fireweed should be consumed by women during pregnancy and lactation. It is also forbidden to take the plant in any form to children under 10 years old.

Hello, our dear readers. We have already considered in previous articles what kind of plant it is - willow-herb (angut-leaved fireweed), its benefits for humans, and its unique chemical composition. Today we have prepared for you a more detailed article about what Ivan tea treats and its effect in the treatment of various diseases and, of course, how to take it and how to prepare it.

The properties of Ivan-tea are very well known for those people who suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the stomach and digestion. The mucus, tannins and other substances contained in its composition cope very well with the foci of inflammation of the stomach and intestines and envelop the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is designated as an effective aid for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis and enterocolitis. Taking drinks from Ivan-tea (fireweed), they have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize digestion processes, fight constipation, flatulence, and diarrhea.

Ivan-tea recipe for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

You will need:

  • fireweed leaves finely chopped - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - 2 cups.


To prepare a drink recipe that has a good astringent effect, you need to mix two cups of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fireweed leaves and leave them to brew in a thermos for 6 hours.

How to use:

In this case, the treatment herbal tea take 1/4 cup 4 times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe for the treatment of Ivan-tea gastritis, ulcers and their prevention

You need to take:

  • mashed Ivan tea - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • hot water - 1 glass.

How to brew and take:

For the treatment of symptoms of peptic ulcer and gastritis, a decoction of willow-tea should be taken. Prepared 3 tablespoons of grated dry tea is poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled for 15 minutes, filtered and so much water is added to make the initial volume of the drink. 2 tablespoons of the resulting product should be taken in the morning, afternoon and evening right during meals. By the way, the same remedy can be used to treat headaches, gargle with acute tonsillitis and heal wounds on the skin (in this case, compresses are made).

The effect of fireweed on the nervous system

For its good ability to have a calming effect on people with increased nervousness and excitability, fireweed is often prescribed as part of complex treatment various kinds of neurosis and even mental illness. In stressful situations, Ivan-tea will help to cope with a nervous state and normalize sleep. This is facilitated by the presence of protein in it and a large amount of vitamins and minerals, the effect of which is beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.

Recipe for the treatment of the nervous system with Ivan-tea

Have to take:

  • boiled hot water - 1 glass;
  • dry crushed willow tea - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to prepare and take a decoction:

If you feel constant fatigue, irritation and lack of healthy sleep for a long time, try drinking a decoction prepared from 1 glass of hot water for 1 month. boiled water and 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs willow-tea. The drink must be infused for half an hour, then strain and consume 1/3 cup daily before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Ivan-tea in the treatment of the genitourinary system

The same protein, as well as the presence of such elements necessary for a person as iron, calcium, potassium, boron, sodium and others, makes Ivan tea (fireweed) an indispensable healer of diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women. For the stronger sex, it helps to fight prostatitis and prostate adenoma, significantly improves potency and restores male strength. beautiful half Humanity Ivan-tea is recommended to use if they have problems with the regularity of menstruation, there are negative side effects with PMS and menopause. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is an excellent remedy for treating cystitis and diseases caused by harmful bacteria.

Treatment of prostatitis with Ivan tea - recipe:

Required for the recipe:

  • fireweed dry - 1 tablespoon;
  • 2 cups boiling water.

How to prepare and take:

To prepare a healing composition that can save a man from prostatitis, you will need the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon dry fireweed, 2 cups boiling water. The resulting mixture must be insisted for 10-15 minutes, then passed through a fine sieve or gauze and put in a cool place. It should be taken twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening half an hour before going to bed.

Another recipe for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs. One tablespoon of dry leaves is taken, poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for two hours and filtered. The doctor also determines the doses and the scheme of use.

Treatment of Ivan-tea ENT diseases, eye diseases

Since Ivan tea is famous for its effective antiseptic effect on inflamed organs, therapy with its use is also prescribed for patients with diseases. respiratory system, with the common cold and SARS, diseases of the ears, throat and even eyes. Drinks prepared from this plant are used as an antipyretic at high temperatures. Rinses with the same compositions can significantly improve the condition of the oral cavity, prevent the appearance of caries and periodontal disease, and also have a healing effect in case of stomatitis.

Sinusitis Treatment


  • dried Ivan tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiled water - 1 glass.

How to use Ivan-tea in the treatment of sinusitis:

Used to treat sinusitis next remedy: 1 tablespoon of dried willow-tea is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered and taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

With the same composition, you can wash your eyes with conjunctivitis. For inflammation of the middle ear, it is recommended to take only a warm infusion, as it is used to moisten cotton swabs that are placed in the ears.

The positive effect of Ivan-tea on the circulatory system

Thanks to the unique combination of vitamins and minerals, fireweed successfully copes with diseases such as anemia and anemia. Regular intake of Ivan-tea drinks helps to increase the level of hemoglobin, normalize the functioning of all systems as a whole, improves immunity and fills the body with vigor and strength. The increased content of antioxidants makes it an active fighter against free radicals, able to prevent the harmful effects of these particles on cells and protect them from premature aging. Its positive effect is manifested in how quickly Ivan-tea (fireweed) cleanses the vessels and other body systems of toxins, toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Ivan tea recipe for anemia treatment

Have to take:

  • Ivan tea dry or fresh - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiled water - 1 glass.

Prepare and receive:

The recipe for a decoction used for anemia is also easy to prepare, as above: 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh fireweed is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, passed through gauze and placed in the refrigerator. This mixture should be taken 1 tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The duration of the course is best discussed with your doctor.

Skin diseases, their treatment with Ivan-tea

Being an excellent antiseptic, Ivan tea has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It helps in the treatment of diseases such as dermatitis and eczema, regardless of the nature of their origin. Also, fireweed drinks are recommended for patients with psoriasis, as it greatly facilitates the course of the disease and the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

In addition to decoctions and infusions, preparations for external use are prepared from it, which are used to wash open wounds, scratches and abrasions. Such compresses not only accelerate healing, but also rejuvenate the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. The beneficial substances contained in this plant are able to accelerate the synthesis of collagen, due to which the skin becomes less susceptible to age-related changes and retains a young and attractive appearance longer.

Ivan tea in the treatment of oncology

One of the most important properties willow-herb is the ability to fight cancerous tumors. It is usually included in collections of several herbs and used for the prevention and treatment of cancer (usually as an additional remedy for medical preparations). Although some adherents of traditional medicine claim that fireweed successfully fights malignant tumors on its own, without the addition of other ingredients.

Recipe for the treatment of cancer with Ivan tea

Would need:

How to prepare and take:

Even many doctors suggest that patients with such a diagnosis take the following decoction 3 times a day shortly before meals: pour 1 glass warm water 10 grams of fresh herbs willow-tea, bring the mixture to a boil, hold it on low heat for another 15 minutes, then insist for 1 hour and strain. The recommended dose is 1 tablespoon of the drink at one time.

More useful and healing Ivan-tea recipes

Treatment of purely male diseases. For cooking healing drink you need 15 g of dry tea and 200 ml of boiling water. The composition filled with water is infused for one hour, then filtered and taken one tablespoon three times a day after meals.

Treatment of otitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis. In this case, 2 tablespoons of tea is poured with a couple of glasses of boiling water, left to infuse for 6 hours, filtered and taken according to the doctor's prescription.

Preparation of an analgesic and soothing infusion. 1 tablespoon of ready-made dry tea is poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 45 minutes, passed through cheesecloth and taken 1 tablespoon three times a day. This remedy is especially effective for insomnia and nervous disorders.

Preparing an infusion for a steam bath before a cosmetic massage. 1 tablespoon of fireweed flowers is poured into a glass of hot water and used immediately, until the mixture has cooled.

Making an anti-inflammatory mask. To do this, you must first insist 10 ml of fireweed flowers on alcohol or vodka, then add half a small spoon of salt and oatmeal to them. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed to the state of liquidish sour cream and applied to the face for about 10 minutes.

When else is it good to use Ivan tea

Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are usually not recommended to get involved herbal preparations, since they can provide Negative influence on the health of the baby, however, these prohibitions do not apply to Ivan tea. Studies have shown that with its moderate use, no side effects have been identified. In addition, thanks to the universal combination useful components it is able to have a beneficial effect on the health of mother and child, increase the production of breast milk and alleviate the condition of babies during teething.
Anyone who wants to always be cheerful and full of strength is recommended to use Koporye tea twice a day, which is prepared according to a very simple recipe: 1 teaspoon of dry fireweed is poured into 1 cup of boiling water in the usual teapot and infused in the same way as regular black tea. The positive effect of taking this drink is felt within a few days after you start using the decoction.

What diseases does the plant treat?

Ivan-tea is used for ailments, they treat many diseases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation - has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer - stimulates epithelization and tissue granulation;
  • prostate adenoma - normalizes the endocrine system;
  • insomnia - has a hypnotic effect;
  • bedsores - relieves inflammation, irritation;
  • skin diseases - reduces inflammation and kills bacteria;
  • stomatitis - restores the microflora of the oral cavity;
  • throat diseases - relieves inflammation, destroys bacteria;
  • oncological diseases - removes toxins, salts, toxic substances;
  • gynecology - able to stop bleeding;
  • diabetes mellitus - has a beneficial effect on the heart and restores metabolism;
  • hepatitis - helps speed up digestion in the small intestine;
  • anemia - increases the production of hemoglobin.


Ivan tea has different qualities:

  • normalizes blood and metabolism processes;
  • anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action;
  • diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • increases lactation;
  • laxative and sedative effect;
  • analgesic and wound healing;

Ivan tea is rich in trace elements and vitamins. It is used in folk medicine both fresh and dried. It has proven to be excellent for both indoor and outdoor use.

Ivan-tea application in gynecology

You can ask the question: “How does Ivan tea help in solving female gynecological problems?” But in fact, the answer is simple - all components of the plant (root, stems, petals, flowers and leaves) are used for treatment. And in the aggregate, they contain more vitamin than medications.

Important! Gynecological problems often arise due to poor hygiene, from malnutrition (oddly enough, but the cause may be intestinal diseases), stress - in our body everything is interconnected.

For the treatment of willow-tea for women's diseases, mainly leaves and roots are used. The leaves contain protein, tannins and mucous substances, carbohydrates, and vitamin C (in larger quantities than in citrus fruits).

These elements perfectly relieve inflammation. Often when gynecological diseases bleeding opens - Ivan-tea copes with this problem. It rids our body of bacteria and restores the microflora.

Ivan-tea is used for dysbacteriosis, infertility, leucorrhoea, reduces the volume of menstrual flow and is a prophylactic agent for tumors of the genital organs.

  • 3 tsp pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • put to brew for a third of an hour, filter;
  • The resulting decoction is taken before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. (can be diluted with tea, water).

In cosmetology

Knowing how useful microelements and vitamins are, cosmetologists have not bypassed this plant. In this area, based on Ivan-tea, there are several types of face and hair masks.

With the help of masks, decoctions and ice cubes for the face prepared with fireweed (this is also called Ivan tea), boils, acne can be cured and inflammation can be relieved.

During procedures with masks, there are several recommendations:

  • before applying the mask, the face must be cleaned and washed;
  • prepare the mask before the procedure;
  • apply the mask according to the instructions for facial massage, without stretching the skin;
  • overdoing the time is strictly prohibited, 15 minutes is enough (the effect of more time will not get better);
  • facial muscles should be relaxed;
  • select a mask for each type of skin individually (combination, dry, oily, normal).

Recipe for acne:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed plant pour 200 ml of vodka;
  • insist 7 days;
  • in 1/3 tsp. add a pinch of salt to the finished tincture, mix everything thoroughly;
  • apply on face for 15 minutes.

On the basis of fireweed, hair care products were also invented. Tinctures are prepared and rubbed into the scalp. After 2 months you can see the result.

Recipe for oily hair type

1 glass of fresh Ivan-tea flowers pour 1.5 glasses of vodka, let it brew for 3 weeks. Rub the tincture at night, and in the morning wash it off with a decoction of fireweed. Apply 2 times a week.

Recipe for dry hair

It is necessary to prepare 1 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, rub the resulting tincture into the roots. It is necessary to wash off with a decoction of the same plant.

Ivan tea in nutrition

It is not necessary to brew and infuse fireweed, it can be introduced into your daily diet as a dish, or as a seasoning for soup or sauce - it's up to you.
In food, Ivan-tea is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, malignant tumors, with low hemoglobin, and nervous conditions. Salads are prepared mainly from young sprouts of the plant (but not in all cases), and properly dried roots are recommended to add flour - baked products acquire a pleasant aroma.

Salad Recipe:

  • thoroughly wash the rhizomes of the plant and finely chop 100 g,
  • Grate 1 medium carrot and mix everything;
  • squeeze 1 clove of garlic;
  • rub on fine grater tablespoon hard grade cheese;
  • top with mayonnaise.

Bon Appetit!

Ivan tea for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by an increase in blood sugar. It occurs in young people due to the death of pancreatic cells. In people with a category over 40 years, it appears, most often due to obesity.

This disease is accompanied by migraines, headache, loss of vision, fatigue, thrush in women, skin diseases, rashes, poor wound healing, and Ivan-tea fights all these ailments.

This plant is not only able to get rid of adverse symptoms, but also to improve the condition, mood of the patient and cure the causes of the disease. You can forget about high blood pressure for sure.

The advantages of consuming Ivan tea is that it has practically no contraindications. And the side effects that medications have will definitely not bother you anymore.

Recipe for Ivan-tea for diabetes:

  • 1 tsp collection of plants pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 15 minutes;
  • drink 3 times a day as a regular tea.

Important! The first thing you need to pay attention to is the peculiarity of brewing; in case of diabetes, tea should not be so strong.

With prostatitis

Medicines have helped many men, curing them of prostate adenoma and prostatitis. The cause of prostatitis is the entry of bacteria into the prostate gland in different ways. This disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes, a violation of the hormonal background - these are the first signs.

As everyone knows, Ivan tea has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effects. Its composition of trace elements and vitamin will be the best medicine for a sick man.

For the treatment of prostatitis, you will need flowers, leaves, roots and stems of willow-tea. It is necessary to select the best and purest herb for the preparation of the infusion. If you do not have the opportunity to buy at a pharmacy or you do not trust pharmacy products, you can collect this plant yourself.

plant harvesting

Fireweed blooms from early summer to September. But flowers at the end of the first summer month. And the root needs to be dried after the plant stops blooming - in October - November. Leaves can be collected at any time.

All assembled components must be laid out on thin paper and rolled up. Leave the grass in this state for 1/2 day. Then dry everything in the oven at a low temperature. After the grass has dried, it is well crushed and poured into a jar with a tight lid (you can take a glass, clay or metal stainless steel container).

Infusion recipe:

  • 1 st. l. pour Ivan-tea with a glass of boiling water;
  • put to infuse in a dark place for 45 minutes;
  • store the infusion in the refrigerator;
  • use fresh, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Apply for 10 days, then take a break for 2 weeks and start again. Do the procedure until complete recovery. Basically, a full course requires 3 months of treatment, but, with a severely neglected form, it may take six months.


Treatment with this drug is the safest. Of the contraindications can be noted:

  • individual intolerance to a plant is a rather rare occurrence (you can take an analysis to make sure that it is absent);
  • when taking sedatives;
  • when taking Ivan-tea, do not use antipyretic drugs.

Important! In any case, it is better to consult a doctor about combining fireweed with medicines.

It is worth observing some precautions: do not abuse drinks and infusions, do not make very strong teas so as not to provoke. If you collect the plant yourself, then you need to choose sites that are located away from factories, factories with dusty, chemical and reactive waste, as well as from highways. Plants should be fresh and juicy (they contain the largest number beneficial substances).

A cup of Ivan-tea with daily intake will be beneficial to your body.

Ivan-tea medicinal properties and contraindications will tell about the original Russian drink with its own unique history. The article provides cooking recipes, the chemical composition of the plant, as well as the features of the reception and contraindications.

Ivan tea description, photo

Ivan tea (Chamerion) is a herbaceous perennial plant, it belongs to the family of Cypress. This plant is known by many names, there are more than a dozen of them: Willow grass (due to the fact that the leaves look like willow leaves), Fireweed, Red color, Wild flax, Wild Violet, Field sage, etc., but the most common and familiar name - Ivan tea, narrow-leaved fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium).

In the old days, fireweed was also called Wild hemp, and it was used as a raw material for the manufacture of fabric, since its stems give about 15% of the fiber, flour was even made from its roots, and cotton wool was produced from the fluff released during flowering, for which the plant was also called Pukhovik .

Ivan tea grows up to 2 meters, the average height is 1.5 meters. The stem of the plant is straight, with dense foliage, the root system is creeping, with additional vegetative buds. The leaves are simple, up to 12 centimeters long, 2 centimeters wide, wedge-shaped, in some cases almost completely round, green above, dark green, rarely pink or reddish below.

Flowers of both sexes, up to 3 centimeters in diameter, are collected at the top in a brush up to half a meter in length, have pink, red, purple, there are species with white flowers. Flowering usually occurs in mid-July and lasts up to 35 days.

The fruit is presented in the form of a slightly fluffy box, which contains oblong seeds. Fruit ripening occurs in late summer, early autumn.

The plant is light-loving, grows mainly in open areas, in a temperate climate, is found in subarctic latitudes. One of the main conditions for growth is the presence near water bodies - rivers, lakes, since Ivan-tea needs high humidity at night. The shrub prefers to grow away from other plants, this is due to the relative weakness of its seeds, therefore, when choosing places for sowing, this circumstance must be taken into account, otherwise fireweed may not take root.

Origin story

Fireweed has been known in Russia for a long time, it was used to make fabric, cotton wool, and also used as a drink called Russian tea or Koporsky tea (after the name of the village where the production of this drink first began). Ivan tea began to be brewed as early as the 12th century, in monasteries, as Chinese tea was banned there for its stimulating properties. When raw materials were harvested, traditional fermentation was not used in the preparation of tea leaves - the leaves were simply dried or dried.

The greatest distribution of the drink began in Catherine's time thanks to the trip of the yard man, the landowner Savelov, to China. Upon his return to Russia, he began the production of a substitute Chinese tea based on fireweed. For the cheapness of this plant, a drink from it spread throughout the empire - a pood of Russian tea cost almost a hundred times cheaper than Chinese. The production technology was no different from the Chinese - the leaves were scalded with boiling water, then dried with hot stones.

Because of its cheapness, Koporye tea began to be mixed with Chinese tea, producing a counterfeit product, as a result of which, after complaints from tea merchants, in 1839 it was forbidden to use, collect and grow this plant.
However, in the 19th century, Russian tea became so popular again that it competed with the East Indian Tea Company and its famous Indian tea. Subsequently, after lawsuits and scandals, in 1917, supplies completely stopped.

Chemical composition

The plant has the following chemical composition:

  • tannins represented by tannin;
  • polysaccharides;
  • fiber;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotenes;
  • routine;
  • protein;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • pectin.

Tannin has an anti-inflammatory effect, it will be extremely useful for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and this substance also binds and removes toxins from the body. Polysaccharides increase activity, fiber is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines, carotene is involved in the synthesis of vitamin A. Ivan-tea contains 5 times more ascorbic acid than lemon, and pectin improves metabolism and digestion, and it also removes cholesterol.

Flavonoids represented by quercetin and kaempferol strengthen vascular system. This shrub contains quite a lot of trace elements such as iron, manganese and copper, a small amount of potassium, calcium and alkaloids was found.

In addition to vitamin C, medicinal herb there are also B vitamins (B2, B6), vitamin A, folic and nicotinic acids.

The healing properties of Ivan tea

The healing properties of fireweed angustifolia have been known for a long time, currently the popularity of this herb is growing, this is not surprising, because with its help it is possible to cure many ailments, increase the body's immune defenses.

Ivan tea has practically no contraindications for use, so it can be used even by pregnant women. The drink made from this herb is caffeine-free and will have a mild sedative effect similar to valerian, making it soothing. nervous system helps with stress. The substances in the composition, especially vitamin C, B and A, will have a general strengthening effect, increase the protective functions of the body.

You should also pay attention to the ability to bind toxins, remove from the body heavy metals. Possessing such properties, fireweed is especially recommended for people living in places with poor ecology, residents of megacities with developed industry. Regular use of Ivan-tea helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize metabolic processes, and increase immunity.

In folk medicine, it is used as a remedy for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Anemia.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis).
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men.
  4. High blood pressure (hypertension).
  5. Acute respiratory diseases.
  6. Skin diseases.
  7. Neurosis, depression, stress.
  8. Menstrual disorders due to hormonal disruptions.
  9. Auxiliary therapy in oncology.

Possessing big amount beneficial trace elements and vitamins, this plant has therapeutic effect almost the entire body.

How to brew Ivan tea

To reveal all the useful and medicinal properties of this plant, it is necessary to properly prepare raw materials, conditionally this process can be divided into three stages:

  • Collection.
  • Fermentation
  • Drying.

Collection of raw materials

First of all, it is necessary to collect the leaves - the collection is made during the flowering period, since at this moment the concentration of nutrients in the leaves is maximum. After that, the raw materials must be washed and dried. Then the leaves are dried - laid out on any surface and left for about a day, stirring occasionally.


The next step is fermentation. Lightly dried leaves are twisted with palms into small tubes, laid out in dishes, preferably enameled and covered with a damp cloth, left to ripen for 12 hours. Temperature regime should be between 25-28 degrees. A sign that the leaves have gone through the fermentation process is the appearance of a light floral aroma.


After fermentation, the raw materials are crushed with scissors and dried in an oven at a temperature of 50 degrees, while the door should be ajar. For better drying ventilation is desirable, but if it is not available, an open oven or drying chamber door will suffice.

Properly harvested leaves have a dark tea color, break easily, but do not turn into dust. Next comes the brewing process. Fireweed is brewed like regular tea - at the rate of a teaspoon per glass.

Healing properties for men

Fireweed angustifolia is often called "male grass" by the people, for its beneficial properties for men's health. Decoctions and infusions of this herb are used in the treatment and prevention of such common ailments as:

  • prostatitis;
  • impotence;
  • BPH.

It is also used after surgery on the prostate due to its excellent antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. The use in urological practice is due to the ability of the plant to stop the transformation of the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, with its increased formation and accumulation in the prostate tissues, adenoma develops.

In the treatment of these diseases, antibiotics and hormone therapy are often used, which, with prolonged use, adversely affects health. Alternative traditional methods treatment - Koporye tea, a natural remedy that does not cause side effects Moreover, it is able to stop the development of tumors, thereby reducing the risks of an unfavorable course of the disease.

Flavonoids, which are part of Ivan tea, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so this remedy will be useful for impotence. With erectile dysfunction, a simple infusion recipe will help: pour 5 grams of dried leaves and flowers with 250 milliliters of boiling water, cover with a towel and leave for one hour. Drink the drug should be 3 times a day before meals, 50 milliliters. The course of treatment is one month.

Important! Be sure to take a break between treatments. Ivan tea should not be drunk for more than 1 month, since the coumarins that make up the composition accumulate in the liver and can adversely affect its work.

For women

Decoctions, infusions of field sage will help to cope with various pathologies women's health. Positive dynamics is observed with:

  1. Painful menses.
  2. Thrush.
  3. Infertility due to soldering of the fallopian tubes.
  4. Menorrhagia (heavy menstruation).

Relief of pain symptoms during menstruation is achieved due to the analgesic properties of some components of the plant, as well as the high content of vitamin C.

In the fight against thrush, or, as it is also called "whites", a decoction will help, which should be drunk three times a day before meals.
Infertility against the background of soldering of the fallopian tubes is treated with medication, however, tea based on fireweed is often used as an adjuvant therapy, since the substances that make up the composition strengthen the vessels, make them more elastic, which affects the whole body, including the walls of the uterus .

Plant juice will help normalize menstruation, which you need to drink four times a day, about one tablespoon, but no more. In order to make the taste more pleasant, you can add honey.

The antibacterial effect will help with fungal infections of the genital organs of a woman, due to the restoration of normal microflora.

In addition, fireweed will be useful for nursing mothers - it increases the secretion of breast milk. For girls and women who want to normalize their weight, wild flax will be a real find - its micro and macro elements help to accelerate and normalize metabolism, which undoubtedly affects weight loss.

Attention! During pregnancy, a doctor's consultation is required!

For oncology prescriptions

The ability of this plant to slow down the growth of cancer cells is due to the presence of a biologically active compound called hanerol. This natural substance does not concede on antitumor activity to medicines. The value of this herb in the treatment of cancer lies in the fact that active substances affect the DNA of cancer cells, which leads to their death, while not affecting healthy cells.

Recipe against cancer

Pour a tablespoon of dry inflorescences with 500 milliliters of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. After the infusion has cooled, it should be filtered and drunk three times a day, 100 milliliters before meals.

An important point in the preparation of the infusion is that the raw materials cannot be boiled, they must be filled with hot water (no more than 90 degrees). When boiled, most of the nutrients decompose and the healing effect is reduced.

During pregnancy

High medicinal value and a minimum of contraindications, fireweed is recommended for use during pregnancy. The healing effect on the body of expectant mothers is due to the high concentration of nutrients that will benefit not only the female body, but also the unborn child.

Vitamin C, contained in large quantities, increases the protective functions of the body and prevents the development of many diseases, especially colds. This product will be especially useful in the first 3 months, since medications and chemicals are not recommended during this period. Vitamin B, in turn, is necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

Minerals such as iodine, manganese, iron, potassium improve metabolic processes contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, enrich the body with oxygen. Pectin binds and removes toxins, tannin normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it will be especially useful, because during pregnancy problems with stools are often observed.

Also, a drink made from medicinal herbs helps to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis. Contraindications for taking during pregnancy is individual intolerance, but it is rare, you should not forget about the dosage: you can drink no more than two cups of the drink per day. The recipe is very simple: you need to take clean enamelware, a couple of teaspoons of dry herbs and two cups of boiling water. Decoction to insist literally 5-10 minutes, then squeeze.

Important! During pregnancy, consult your doctor for individual intolerance.

Healing folk recipes

For a headache

Headaches can occur for various reasons: sleep disturbances, malnutrition, frequent stress, vascular problems. To eliminate the cause of pain, of course, you need to contact a specialist, but the symptoms can be alleviated with the following recipe.

Need to mix the same number dry mint, fireweed and oregano. The mixture is poured with a quarter liter of boiling water, insisted under the lid for one hour. After the infusion has cooled, it is filtered and the entire volume is drunk at a time.
The combination of natural analgesics will quickly relieve pain.

To improve memory

Since field sage contains substances that improve and strengthen blood vessels, this remedy will useful action on brain activity, especially on the state of memory. For maximum effect, a medical collection is used, consisting of equal parts:

  • Ivan-tea;
  • red clover (three parts each);
  • two parts of birch leaves;
  • parts of hypericum.

Herbs are mixed, then one spoonful of the collection must be poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. You need to drink the remedy throughout the day, the course of therapy is 3 weeks.

An infusion will help improve memory: 2 tablespoons with a slide of dry inflorescences, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermal dish for 5 hours. Drink infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

Against insomnia

With a mild, sedative effect similar to that of valerian, this herb relieves stress, calms the nerves and helps to fall asleep quickly and deeply. For this, apply next recipe alcohol tincture.

For 500 milliliters of vodka, ten tablespoons of dry raw materials are taken. ready mix insist 7-10 days room temperature. Periodically, the tincture needs to be shaken - once every couple of days. After insisting, the remedy is filtered and drunk 30 drops twice a day - at lunch and just before bedtime.

Harm and contraindications

The advantage of this medicinal plant in that it has practically no contraindications. The only thing to take into account is that, like any other medicinal herbs, fireweed should not be consumed for a long time without interruption. The maximum period of admission is one month, after which a break of several weeks is necessary. Before use, you also need to consult a doctor. Contraindications include.