Which fruit is yellow? The fruit is yellow with a stone. Exotic yellow fruits

18.08.2019 Bakery products

The vibrant, rich colors of fruits and vegetables on our plates are not only pleasing to the eye, but also tell a lot about their beneficial properties. Did you know that each color in our body performs its own special function to promote health? What do the colors of fruits and vegetables mean for health, read with us.


1. Is the color of fruits and vegetables important?

Yes, the presence of natural colors in fruits and vegetables is extremely important. Doctors and nutritionists have proven many years ago that each color has its own special properties, which affect the human body in different ways and conditionally divided vegetables and fruits into five main color groups. (Photo: Shutterstock).

2. Yellow and orange vegetables and fruits.

Yellow pepper, lemon, carrot, pumpkin, orange, papaya, etc. All of them contain large amounts of beta-carotene, which is known to be the best cancer preventive and also boost our immunity. Beta carotene is also a beauty agent. Eat plenty of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables if you want smooth and beautiful skin, thick and healthy hair, strong nails and a firm body.

This group of fruits and vegetables is also very important for the health of our eyes - it helps to maintain sharp vision for many years. (Photo: Shutterstock).

3. Green vegetables and fruits.

Spinach, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, broccoli, kiwi, green onions, leeks, zucchini, cucumber. The natural pigment they contain - chlorophyll - is often called the "living blood" of plants, and its basic molecule is almost identical in structure to the hemoglobin molecule. The value of chlorophyll-rich fruits and vegetables is that they cleanse the digestive tract and excretory system of a person, that is, they cleanse the blood and lymph fluid, and also contribute to weight loss. A purified body, as you know, better assimilates all the substances necessary for vital activity, making its owner full of strength and energy. (Photo: Shutterstock).

4. Red fruits and vegetables.

Tomatoes, beets, red peppers, cherries, pomegranates, cherries, radishes, strawberries, watermelon. All of them contain lycopene, which has a beneficial effect on the heart: it strengthens it and improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that lowers cholesterol and has proven anti-cancer effects. Red fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, which is also known as a friend of the human heart - it regulates the rhythm of its work and blood pressure. (Photo: Shutterstock).

5. White fruits and vegetables.

Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, chicory, garlic, onions. They are also called the enemies of infection. This group of vegetables is rich in flavonoids (antioxidants) and allicin, which has antibacterial properties. White vegetables, especially those with a characteristic odor, can rightfully be called "natural antibiotics". They strengthen the immune system and have anti-inflammatory effects. Flavonoids also act as an antispasmodic and diuretic. White plants also contain sulfur, which helps to lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. (Photo: Shutterstock).

6. Purple (blue) fruits and vegetables.

Blueberries, dark grapes, eggplants, plums, black currants, chokeberries, dark red cranberries. They will help us live to a ripe old age because they contain powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Anthocyanins slow down the aging process, protect us from infections, and also help prevent inflammation of the digestive system and urinary tract. For chronic diseases of the bladder, the best preventive and therapeutic agent is cranberry. (Photo: Shutterstock).

7. Each color group is important.

Fruits and vegetables play a big role in the prevention of our health. And each color is important in its own way, and they bring the best results together, and not separately. Therefore, in order to be healthy and enjoy beauty, we must eat fruits and vegetables from each color group every day. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Vibrant colors can instantly improve your mood, especially if the vegetables and fruits are yellow. This sunny shade represents emotions such as happiness, joy and hope. When you purchase and eat yellow foods, you nourish your body, mind and soul and reap health benefits.

Yellow vegetables and fruits are a source of nutrition

Yellow vegetables and fruits are rich in carotenoids and bioflavonoids. The latter are a class of water-soluble plant pigments that act as antioxidants. Along with antioxidants, sunshine foods are also rich in vitamin C. Research shows that these nutrients can help your heart, digestion and immune system function, and improve your vision. Other benefits of eating yellow foods include healthy skin, quick wound healing, and stronger teeth and bones.

Yellow vegetables and fruits are one of the most natural types of food

The most common yellow vegetables and fruits are: lemons, pineapple, carambola, winter and summer pumpkins, yellow peppers, corn, quince, bananas (regular and fodder).

In addition to fruits and vegetables, yellow herbs can also benefit your health (make sure you check with your doctor before using any herbs for medicinal purposes). The herb is Canadian yellowroot (another name is Canadian hydrastis, lat. Hydrastis canadensis) can be used as a diuretic, astringent and antiseptic. It is also believed to be able to heal skin rashes. Yellow sorrel is often used to detoxify, improve blood composition, increase the flow of bile and other digestive juices that help digest fatty foods. Dandelion is known to help control weight, relieve anemia, and reduce the likelihood of upset stomach and gas.

Recipes to help you increase your intake of yellow vegetables and fruits

  • Banana flour bread with cocoa
  • Fragrant lemonades
  • Fried feed bananas
  • Stuffed Baked Peppers
  • Dumplings / Chinese dumplings with shrimp, basil and pineapple salsa
  • Pumpkin flowers

Skirt steak with avocado and corn salsa

The right diet contains foods of different shades. Fruits and vegetables can be divided into five main color categories: red, orange and yellow, purple and blue, white, green. Each color has its own characteristics, usually the presence of specific vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For example, green vegetables have the most vitamin K and folic acid, while orange or yellow ones usually contain beta-carotene and vitamin C. It cannot be said that there are clear rules, nevertheless, it is worth grouping vegetables and fruits by color. Eat foods from different groups. You should have a rainbow on your plate. However, it should be noted that one of the colors is most often left without attention, and this is purple. Here is a list of purple foods to try if you haven't eaten them before. They are really important to your health.

Why purple?

Purple or blue vegetables and fruits contain several powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that help the body fight the damaging effects of molecules known as free radicals. These molecules are formed during digestion, exercise, stress, and exposure to environmental pollution. You should try to neutralize them as soon as possible, because they have a destructive effect at the cellular level and can lead to disease and premature aging. Antioxidants from food help neutralize these molecules and keep you healthy. Purple foods are especially rich in powerful antioxidants. These include flavonoids, polyphenols, and anthocyanin, which have incredible health benefits in helping manage diabetes, lowering cholesterol and inflammation, and strengthening brain function. Evaluate your diet, are you eating purple foods?


The deep and rich hue of the beetroot signals its amazing properties. Beets contain a variety of vitamins: A, C and B 6. Plus, this vegetable is an amazing source of folate, fiber, zeaxanthin, lutein, and other healthy minerals. One of the components in beets, known as betaine, has been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing chronic diseases. Beetroot can help you control blood pressure and cope with senile dementia. In addition, beets accelerate post-workout recovery and improve performance during exercise. In short, it is an incredibly important product for health. Bake the beets in the oven for a delicious treat. Pair with goat cheese or feta.


These mouth-watering berries are packed with antioxidants called anthocyanins. In addition, it contains other useful substances, as well as vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium and zinc. Scientists have studied blueberries: they can reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and obesity. Blueberries even reduce the growth of cancer cells by fifty percent. When these berries appear in the summer, eat them fresh or use them in your morning porridge. You can also add it to salads and smoothies.


Cabbage is a vegetable that contains substances that cause gas production. Nevertheless, it does not harm the body at all. Cabbage is also rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids, carotenoids and other antioxidants. This product is able to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and cardiovascular disease due to its anti-inflammatory effect and its effects on certain hormones. Purple cabbage is rich in fiber and vitamin K. Use it in salads with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.


Blackberries are another amazing berry that has tremendous health benefits. It contains not only a variety of antioxidants, but also vitamin C, fiber, lutein, zeaxanthin, potassium and magnesium. It is one of the best foods to fight free radicals. Blackberries have been shown to slow the development of lung, breast, bowel, and prostate cancers. Plus, blackberries help support brain health. Blackberries taste amazing and can be added to cocktails, salads or desserts. Either way, it's important to eat it more often.

Purple cauliflower

The purple variety contains the same nutrients as regular cauliflower, but with one exception - the purple hue means high anthocyanin content. At the same time, this product is low in calories and high in fiber. The cabbage also contains vitamins C, K, B 6, folic acid. You can cook this cabbage in the same way as regular white cabbage, for example, by baking or adding to soups.


These berries come from South America. They have only recently become quite common, they are used for fruit cocktails. The advantage of these berries is that they are very high in anthocyanin, which helps to promote heart health, lower blood pressure, and protect the body from various diseases. Studies have shown that acai can also lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels. The berries are usually sold frozen and can be added to fruit salads or cereals.

Purple carrot

Purple carrots not only add color to the dish, they are also just as healthy as the orange variety. The rich color is provided by anthocyanins. Moreover, both purple and orange carrots contain the same amount of beta-carotene. Eat these carrots in a salad, bake for a side dish, or consume raw.


Eggplant is a vegetable that not everyone likes. Many people dislike it because of its specific texture. However, eggplant contains a lot of nutrients, so don't exclude it from your diet. It is an excellent source of vitamins K, C, B 6 and many useful minerals. Like many other vegetables, eggplant is also rich in fiber. In addition, the anthocyanin found in eggplant may reduce the risk of cancer, promote cardiovascular health, and prevent aging of brain cells. Combine eggplant with tomato paste to serve with pasta. It is delicious baked and can be added to lasagna instead of pasta.

Eat healthier with purple foods

If you want to get the most out of purple fruits and vegetables, try to eat a variety of different types as often as possible. This does not mean that you need to eat all of these types every day, just try to include at least one food in your diet each day. Choose vegetables and fruits that are now in season, for example, in summer, berries are the most affordable and healthy. Choose varieties that are locally grown rather than imported ones. Eat both cooked and raw, because some nutrients are better absorbed after processing and some are only preserved raw. Also, eat the foods you like. There is no point in forcing yourself to eat kale if you just can't stand the taste of it. Of course, not all healthy purple fruits and vegetables are listed on this list. Figs, plums, grapes and olives are other foods to keep in mind. In addition, potatoes, onions, and corn are purple. Even rice has a healthy purple variety.

The color of any products directly depends on their chemical composition, which means that the color of a fruit or vegetable can be judged on its beneficial qualities for humans.

The main rule of nutrition should be such that all phytonutrients necessary for health are present in your diet every day. This is the name of the natural nutrients that are found in vegetables, plants, fruits, herbs, berries. For example, tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene, a unique antioxidant, grapes contain resveratrol, and green spinach contains lutein. All these substances are vital for us. Scientists have also shown that different nutrients can give fruits and vegetables a certain color. And to provide the body with a full range of beneficial phytonutrients, it is necessary to eat plant foods of different colors every day.

Fruit color - yellow and orange

Pineapples, oranges, yellows, tangerines, pumpkin, corn, sweet yellow peppers, carrots, peaches, passionfruit, mango, papaya, apricots and other gifts of nature, shades of bright sun contain, first of all, a large amount of beta and alpha carotene, hesperidin , beta-cryptoxanthin, and quercetin - phytonutrients that strengthen the cardiovascular and immune systems, help vision, are responsible for the development and growth of the body (they are especially useful in childhood!). All cells of the body are protected. These substances are also responsible for good hydration and skin condition. And if you try to drink enough water every day and use a moisturizer, but your skin still remains dry, dehydrated, be sure to analyze whether there are enough orange and yellow vegetables on your table and what kind of fruit you eat.

Fruit color - red

Strawberries, radishes, red apples, raspberries, bell peppers, pomegranates, watermelons, and other fruits, vegetables, and red colored berries are very rich in proanthocyanidins, beta-carotene, anthocyanidins, as well as ellagic acid and lycopene - powerful antioxidants. These valuable substances support the health of the prostate, vascular and immune systems and are responsible for the healthy state of DNA cells. In addition to these qualities, scientists say: exposure to lycopene reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the body, therefore, if you like to sunbathe, first of all, make sure that your menu contains enough red vegetables, berries and the same red fruits. ... Pictures depicting these fruits can be seen on many sites on the Internet.

Fruit color - blue, purple, violet

Blueberries, blackberries, red grapes, black currants, figs, eggplants and other blue-purple fruits and vegetables are brightly colored thanks to quercetin, resveratrol, ellagic acid and other types of anthocyanidins and procyanidins. These phytoelements, useful for health, are powerful antioxidants that protect the cells of your body from the damaging effects of free radicals, they have a positive effect on the health of the heart and the quality of vision, help the functioning of brain cells, and help preserve youth and beauty of the skin.

Fruit color - green

There are many green fruits and vegetables available. Bell peppers, apples, pears, spinach, sorrel, Brussels sprouts, peas, many types of greens, zucchini, lettuce and broccoli - it's easy to choose from all this variety the gifts of nature that will suit your taste! Dyed green plant foods boast phytonutrients such as isothiocyanate, beta-carotene, lutein, epigallocatechin, and zeaxanthin gallate. Their positive effect on vision, strengthening of bones and teeth is known. They are able to keep the lungs healthy. In addition, these beneficial phytoelements manage to improve the functioning of the body at the cellular level, promoting the growth of new cells and protecting us from premature aging!

Nowadays, from nutritionists you can often hear a strange, at first glance, advice: "Eat more colorful". No, this is, of course, not about lollipops, but about vegetables and fruits of different colors! Plant-based vegan foods have been found to contain chemicals called phytonutrients - not only are they extremely beneficial to health and protect against many diseases, but they also give foods their bright colors.

Scientists have found a relationship between color and the beneficial properties of phytonutrients. Surely you would be curious to know what is the meaning and what is the use behind each specific color - today we will share this information with you. But until we get down to scientific facts, it is worth noting: it has been proven that colorful, beautiful, bright food is useful simply due to its attractive appearance, because stimulates a healthy appetite! This is especially important in baby food - after all, children are sometimes capricious and do not want to eat. But who would refuse a plate of delicious "rainbow"? After all, we all - both children and adults - eat first with our “eyes”. Food should bring not only benefits, but also joy: saturate, including mentally.

And now about the ratio of the colors of vegetables and fruits and the nutrients they contain.

1. Red

Red vegan foods contain large amounts of beta-carotene (vitamin A), fiber and antioxidants: vitamin C, flavonol quercetin, lycopene. These substances protect the body from free radicals, cancer and cardiovascular disease, and provide tangible support for the digestive system.

Red fruits (by the way, they are not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful!): Watermelon, cranberries, raspberries, red grapefruit, strawberries, cherries, pomegranates, red apples.
Vegetables: beets, red peppers (both cayenne and paprika), tomatoes, radishes, red potatoes, red onions, chicory, rhubarb.

2. Orange

Orange fruits and vegetables are very healthy because contain many antioxidants, including beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene (which the body converts to vitamin A). They improve the health of the eyes, skin and respiratory system, help with arthritis, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. These antioxidants also boost immunity.

Fruits: oranges (naturally!), Tangerines, nectarines, apricots, cantaloupe (cantaloupe), mango, papaya, peaches.
Vegetables: Butternut squash ("nutty" or "musky" pumpkin), carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes.

3. Yellow

Yellow foods are rich in carotenoids (antioxidants that protect against cancer, retinal diseases and cardiovascular diseases) and a bioflavonoid that has a positive effect on collagen (which is responsible for beauty!), Tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Yellow fruits and vegetables invariably contain vitamin C (which has anti-inflammatory effects) as well as vitamin A, potassium and lycopene.

Fruits: lemon, citron palm ("Buddha's hand"), pineapple, yellow pear, yellow fig.
Vegetables: yellow pumpkin, yellow tomatoes, yellow peppers, corn (scientifically speaking, this is not a vegetable, but a grain crop), and yellow ("golden") beets.

4. Green

It is no surprise that green vegetables and fruits are traditionally considered extremely healthy, as they contain vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, as well as chlorophyll, lutein, zeaxanthin and folic acid. Green vegetables help to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and the risk of cancer, normalize high blood pressure. They are also good for the eyes, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion (due to their high fiber content) and provide the body with calcium, which is important for bones and teeth.

Fruits: kiwi, green tomatoes, zucchini, sweet green peppers, pear, avocado, green grapes, green apples, round "
Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, asparagus, celery, peas, green beans, artichokes, okra, and all dark green leafy greens (various types of spinach, kale, and others).

5. Blue and purple

Scientists had to combine blue and purple fruits and vegetables into one group, because it is impossible to separate them chemically. Foods appear blue or purple due to the presence of substances such as anthocyanin and resveratrol. The final color will depend on the acid-base balance of the product.

Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects, help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and are useful in combating obesity and obesity. Resveratrol is a substance that prevents aging, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Blue and purple foods contain lutein (important for good vision), vitamin C, quercetin, and are generally beneficial for health and longevity.

Fruits: blueberries, blackberries, figs (figs), dark grapes, currants, plums, olives, prunes, elderberries, acai berries, maca berries, raisins.
Vegetables: Eggplant, purple asparagus, red cabbage, lilac carrots, purple flesh potatoes.

6. White / brown

You can get so carried away by eating delicious colorful vegetables and fruits that you completely forget about ... white! And this would be a big mistake, because they contain useful substances-anthoxanthins (which help to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure), as well as sulfur (it cleanses the liver of toxins, is good for the protein structure and skin health), allicin (it has anti-cancer properties ) and quercetin (anti-inflammatory effect).

White vegetables and fruits strengthen the immune system and help control weight. The most useful ones are dark (brown) on the outside and white on the inside (like a pear or
Other healthy white foods include cauliflower and white cabbage, onions, garlic, mushrooms, ginger, Jerusalem artichoke, parsnips, kohlrabi, turnips, potatoes, fennel, and white (sweet) corn.

7. Black

Another color that you don't think about at first when imagining a fruit and vegetable "rainbow"! But you cannot lose sight of it, because many black fruits and vegetables are recognized as superfoods. It is usually black vegan foods that contain the most antioxidants, which is why they have such an intense color. It's a great source of anthocyanins - powerful phytonutrients that fight cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers!

Black foods (not just fruits and vegetables): black lentils, black or wild rice, black garlic, shiitake mushrooms, black beans and black chia seeds.

Here is such a wonderful fruit and vegetable palette. As a rewarding experiment, try eating a different color every day for seven days - and on weekends, you can say you've “ate a rainbow” in a week!