Kidney tea - instructions for use. The composition of the herbal collection for the kidneys, properties and indications for admission

01.09.2019 Meat Dishes

Traditional medicine is at the peak of its popularity today.

Many people who suffer from allergies or want to be treated with natural remedies choose herbs and various herbal remedies.

And this is not surprising because many drugs are based on extracts from plants.

For example, for kidney diseases, doctors often prescribe diuretic herbal teas, as well as real kidney tea - the main component of which is cat's whisker, or staminate orthosiphon.

The leaves of kidney tea are used for harvesting, but the flowers and roots are much less often, which are listened to, crushed and sometimes diluted with leaves of lingonberry, strawberry or corn stigmas.

Features of renal tea

The plant from which the kidney tea is made grows in a humid climate, therefore, when preparing it, all the rules must be followed so that the plants retain their healing properties. Therefore, you should not save money and choose the cheapest fee.

A medicinal infusion, which has an excellent diuretic effect, is most often prescribed for stagnant urine and the need to drive a large amount of fluid through the kidneys. It can also relieve cramping and painful urination.

From the gastrointestinal tract, tea provokes an active outflow of bile and awakening appetite.

Urologists noted that the use of this tea by men is beneficial for the prevention of prostate adenoma. And in older people, the risk of and is significantly reduced.

Also, if staminate orthosiphon is collected with other medicines, then this cocktail is able to increase immunity and strengthen health.

Composition of the preparation

These amazing results are achieved thanks to the unique composition of the kidney tea.

It contains citric, phenolcarbolic and tartaric acids, essential oils and tannins.

It is also rich in trace elements - potassium salts, calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron, boron.

You can also find in it flavonoids (powerful antioxidants), glycoside (increases appetite) and meso-inositol (strengthens and improves hair growth).

In pharmacies, you can find a collection of kidney tea, which includes other herbs that are useful for the kidneys and health in addition to orthosiphon.

They are of three types:

  1. Nephron - which contains lingonberry leaves, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, knotweed, mint, corn stigmas, calamus root and hop cones. Its additional useful properties are the normalization of water-salt balance, reduction of inflammatory processes.
  2. Fitonefrol - which includes bearberry leaves, marigold inflorescences, eleutherococcus roots and dill seeds. It actively relieves inflammation and painful spasms.
  3. Urophyton - which includes bearberry leaves, field horsetail, birch leaves and earrings, plantain, calendula flowers and licorice root. It relieves well, relieves allergic manifestations and has general sedatives, and can also fight fungal infections in the urinary tract.

Useful properties of components

Undoubtedly, such a medicine as kidney tea has useful properties and contraindications.

Among the useful properties are:

  • Powerful diuretic effect and excretion of chlorides and uric acid from the body.
  • Bringing the kidneys back to normal.
  • Prevention of the formation of kidney stones.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Cleansing the body and removing toxins and toxins from it.
  • Strengthening the body by increasing immunity, improving the condition of the skin and hair.

In the event that bouts of hypertension are caused by impaired renal function, then when drinking this tea, the pressure is normalized.

It is often prescribed for pregnant women, as it relieves swelling well and gradually.

It is also prescribed for children who suffer from inflammation of the genitourinary system, decreased appetite due to low acidity.

Using kidney tea

Therapists note that in order for the renal tea to have a therapeutic effect, use should be regular and at least six months.

Sometimes, after a few months, the results become noticeable, but in this case it is recommended to continue the treatment to consolidate.

Only then it will be clear what kind of individual effect the treatment had and whether it can be continued in the required amount.

In addition to pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases, the therapist recommends drinking renal tea for the following diseases:

  1. Kidney stones and gallstones.
  2. Gout.
  3. Cystitis and inflammation of the prostate adenoma in men.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels that cause swelling.

Instructions for use

Now herbal teas are sold in filter bags that resemble tea bags and are very convenient for consumption.

The daily dose is two filter bags or one heaped teaspoon. 200 ml of boiling water is poured over the grass and kept in a water bath for about 15 minutes.

An important condition is that the infusion must be closed with a lid, and it should not boil.

Then, for about an hour, the resulting composition is cooled and infused. It is filtered cold and diluted with 200 ml more water.

Drink it 2 times a day in the morning and evening before meals, dividing the infusion into two equal parts. Be sure to shake it up before drinking, so that small particles of grass get into the body.

  • From 3 to 7 years old, you should not drink more than one teaspoon.
  • From 7 to 12 no more than one dining room.
  • 12 to 14 about 1/3 cup.

In the event that, in addition to the renal tea, the above medical fees are used, then they are brewed separately.

Two heaped teaspoons pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for about 8 hours.

After straining, the resulting drink can be drunk instead of water throughout the day, for half a glass.

In the case of acute kidney disease, a consultation with a doctor is necessary and if he recommends taking kidney tea, then the infusion must be at least 40 degrees.

Contraindications for use

As you know, any drug has its own contraindications. Kidney tea has them.

A controversial point is the intake of renal tea during pregnancy and lactation, since the staminate orthosiphon itself does not have any harmful effects on the fetus and young children.

But other herbs that are sometimes included in this collection can cause allergic reactions, so you should carefully study the composition and if there are no impurities, then feel free to drink.

Heart failure is one of the contraindications for taking renal tea

With great care, you should drink it for problems such as: and, the presence of which requires a careful medical examination.

If any allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop using it and consult an allergist.

Perhaps this is a consequence of impurities and it is advisable to carefully study the composition with a doctor in order to exclude dangerous plants.

If it is known that the patient has high acidity, then the dose should be reduced and food should be taken immediately so as not to provoke gastritis.

In general, pediatric therapists note that in its pure form, renal tea has no contraindications if the dosage is strictly observed and the patient does not drink more than 100 milliliters at a time.


Kidney tea is a very useful natural medicine that will help heal kidneys for both children and the elderly.

It is very important that it has no side effects, in parallel with treatment, it strengthens the immune system, improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Video: Kidney tea: beneficial properties

Kidney tea helps to get rid of not only kidney problems, but also many other diseases.

However, there are contraindications to its use.

Beneficial features

This drink helps to normalize the functioning of the kidneys, and therefore the urinary system, helps to cleanse the body of toxins and removes stones from it. When drinking renal tea, you need to strictly adhere to the instructions, otherwise you can harm the body instead of the expected benefits.

The main component of kidney tea is staminate orthosiphon, but to enhance its effect, in addition to this plant, there may be others in the tea. This tea helps to normalize kidney function, removes stones and harmful substances from them.

Its action helps to get rid of problems with the urinary system. Doctors often prescribe this tea to pregnant women to prevent swelling of the limbs.

This is an excellent drink to completely cleanse the body of toxins, which means to improve the body's condition and appearance. The ability of this tea to strengthen the body makes it even more popular.

It contains just a colossal amount of useful essential oils and trace elements, essential vitamins.

Indications and contraindications for use

The very name of this drink partly speaks of its main purpose, but kidney tea is used for many diseases, among which are:

  • gout;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • diabetes;
  • cholecystitis;
  • renal failure.

This is a panacea for many organ diseases, but not always its benefits outweigh the possible harm. For example, it should not be consumed if a person shows signs of hypersensitivity to this drink or if its use is accompanied by allergic reactions.

Kidney tea is contraindicated:

  • with gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • children who have not yet reached the age of three;
  • when combined with alcoholic beverages.

Instructions for use

When buying this tea in a pharmacy, you should not neglect the instructions for use, because it performs the function of a full-fledged therapeutic agent.

According to any instructions for using kidney tea, its use should look like this:

  1. Use 2 tea bags or a teaspoon of tea leaves for 200 ml boiling water.
  2. Insist no more than 15 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Chill the drink for 45 minutes.
  4. Consume half an hour before meals, and with cholecystitis half an hour after meals.

When drinking this tea, a strict dosage must be observed. Children aged three to seven years are given a teaspoon of tea twice a day, from seven to twelve years old - 2 teaspoons 2 times a day, from 12 to 14 years old - a third of a glass 2 times a day, and from 14 and for adults it is recommended to take half a glass of tea 2 times a day.

Before taking tea, you should consult a doctor, and he will decide which dose is required for a particular person and whether it will be safe for this person.

Contraindications to the use of staminate orthosiphon

Orthosiphon staminate has a unique composition that is not useful for everyone.

The aerial part of the plant contains a lot of components, and only a medical examination can show whether they are suitable for a particular person.

Contraindications for renal tea with staminate orthosiphon leaves:

  1. Tea, which contains this plant, should not be used by people who have an individual intolerance to this plant or it causes them allergies.
  2. Quite often, the tea that contains this plant is recommended for pregnant women with puffiness in the later stages, but in most cases it cannot be consumed in this position.
  3. During lactation, it is also not recommended to take kidney tea, since it contains the leaves of staple orthosiphon.
  4. The use of the plant is not recommended for children under 12 years old, but with the exception of those cases when the doctor permits.

Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary to be careful about the cat's whisker:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • if they are going to use it for children;
  • with allergies to grass and individual intolerance;
  • if a person has gastritis and ulcers;
  • when taking alcoholic beverages.

In all other cases, the content of staple orthosiphon in tea is allowed, and at the same time it will have a positive effect to the maximum.

Where can you buy this product

The best place to buy kidney tea is in a pharmacy, as well as to buy other herbs with medicinal effect, because only high-quality and certified products can be found there. When buying, you should definitely pay attention to whether there is an instruction inside the package and what is the shelf life of the kidney tea.

Very often people are offered to buy herbs and medicinal teas on the market, but such a purchase does not give guarantees for anything, because it is impossible to know whether the raw materials were collected correctly, how they were dried and stored.

You can buy tea on the Internet, but the drink is not too expensive and there is no need to pay extra for its delivery.

We do it at home

Almost every type of medicinal raw material can be stocked independently, but it takes a very long time to carry herbs for kidney tea. The main ingredient of the drink is staminate orthosiphon, which can not always be found in places suitable for this collection.

In addition, it is very difficult to ensure the correct fermentation process of raw materials at home.

But if you collect the leaves for tea yourself, then you need to know how to do it correctly:

  • raw materials are collected exclusively in the summer;
  • only the tops of the plant need to be cut;
  • for fermentation, it is necessary to lay the grass in a thick layer and press down with a press;
  • you need to dry the leaves at a high temperature, you can in the sun.

Plants should be dried in a warm, dry and well-ventilated place. It is necessary to brew raw materials for kidney tea, which is collected on your own, following all the instructions of the same tea from the pharmacy.

If you prepare and consume kidney tea correctly, it will cleanse the body of all unnecessary things quickly and help you forget about many problems.

This tea contains many components that are necessary for the body of every person and therefore its competent use will not harm anyone. It can be found in any pharmacy, it has very pleasant taste and aroma, which means you can drink it and improve your health with pleasure.

But, in order not to cause even minimal harm to the body, before taking a drink you should consult a doctor and get competent recommendations.

Kidney tea is an affordable remedy for treating many diseases and strengthening the human body as a whole.

The advantage of this tea

Today, the shelves of pharmacies are full of a large selection of various medicinal and herbal preparations. Most people have opted for a variety of teas. Kidney tea can act as the main or additional medicine and be used in complex treatment.

The main advantage of renal tea, in comparison with other medicines, is its healing, multifunctional effect. He is able to have a positive effect not only on the kidneys, but on the entire body as a whole. Provide support for the immune system accordingly. In this regard, the fight against the disease will be faster and more effective.

The drink contributes to the normal functioning of the urinary system, removes toxins and stones from the body. This function is facilitated by trace elements, organic acids, vitamins and essential oils.

Consider the features of the drink:

  1. The diuretic is actively fighting puffiness.
  2. The drink is rich in potassium, which helps to actively remove harmful substances and excess fluid from the body.
  3. The diuretic is an excellent antispasmodic.
  4. Galenic elements contained in the plant have a positive effect on the walls of the stomach, promote the production of gastric juice.
  5. Tea increases appetite.
  6. Iron and magnesium improve the functioning of the circulatory system and lower leukocytes in the blood.

Kidney tea, unlike other drugs, is suitable for pregnant women. In case of edema and urination problems, in most cases, the doctor prescribes the presented drink.

The therapeutic efficacy of the diuretic will increase significantly if you take tea in combination with other herbal preparations: lingonberry leaves, bearberry, field horsetail, birch buds.

The most effective remedies

Today modern pharmacies present the consumer with a huge assortment of renal teas with various effects. Consider the most famous and effective diuretics used in inflammatory processes of the urinary system and kidney disease.

  1. Kidney tea Ortosiphon vigorously expels urea, uric acid, chlorides and lead salts from the body. Has an antispastic effect, is used for renal colic, increases the secretion of gastric juice, enhances the secretion of bile. The drug is used for diseases: cystitis, lithiasis, stone formation, ischemic and hypertensive ailments, edema, inflammation of the gallbladder and chronic kidney disease. The medicinal drink is sold over the counter without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Phyto-tea "Urophyton" reduces puffiness, prevents the appearance of kidney stones, and reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. The tea contains bearberry, birch and plantain leaves, licorice root, marigold, St. John's wort and horsetail. A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase the drink.
  3. Kidney tea "Nephron" has an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect on the human body. The drink helps to normalize mineral metabolism, prevents the formation of stones. It is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent that actively fights against various kidney diseases.

    Tea consists of:

    • st. John's wort;
    • lingonberries;
    • knotweed;
    • corn silk;
    • goldenrod;
    • calendula;
    • nettles and mint;
    • calamus root.
  4. Effective renal tea "Fitonephron" specializes in the treatment of renal pathological disorders and genitourinary systems. It has a strong analgesic, diuretic, antiseptic and restorative effect. The preparation contains: bearberry, peppermint, dill, eleutherococcus. The drink is pleasant and aromatic to the taste.

Many girls use Fitonefrol tea as a means for losing weight. This is due to the diuretic effect, which removes excess fluid and toxins from the body in a short period of time. As a result, weight loss is observed. However, the fullness quickly returns as the tea is not designed to fight body fat. Therefore, it is best to consult a dietitian before taking tea.

Possible side effects

Kidney teas are effective natural medicines for the treatment and prevention of kidney and urinary system diseases. But still, some components of the drug may have side effects and contraindications.

As a result, when starting to use the drink, be sure to read the instructions and the main contraindications.

  • with a pronounced form of heart or renal failure;
  • with intolerance to the ingredients presented in the preparation;
  • with stomach disease (ulcer, gastritis;
  • children under twelve years old.

Sometimes there are cases when the herbal collection causes side effects. They can appear in the form of: swelling, itching, hyperemia, rash, redness of certain areas of the skin.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you must seek the advice of a qualified specialist (urologist or allergist). After conducting the examinations, the doctor will determine the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Opinions and reviews of people who took this drink

For a long time, renal teas have been actively used by people for pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system. Reviews of patients who used the healing drink for medicinal purposes are positive.

The presented medicine is a natural and safe remedy that perfectly suits the price criteria. After taking the drug, patients observe a significant improvement, a decrease in swelling, and a cessation of pain in cystitis. Future mothers express positive reviews about phyto-tea. Indeed, during pregnancy, most women suffer from edema. It is not easy to find an effective drug, because there should be no side effects, so as not to harm the baby.

In this case, doctors prescribe the use of renal teas for pregnant women. They reduce swelling, normalize blood pressure, and remove excess uric acid from the body. After taking the drink, patients feel better. The basic rule for using the drug is strict adherence to the dosage.

Despite the positive feedback from people and the popularity of drinks, doctors are sure that tea rather acts as an auxiliary method in the fight against urological diseases. Herbal preparations are able to remove the symptomatic sign of the disease and help in the fight against infections, but not eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, before taking a collection of medicinal plants, you must consult with a specialist. The doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis, select the correct complex treatment.

Kidney tea - benefits and harms, instructions for use

4.9 (97.14%) 14 votes

Why is the staminate orthosiphon plant useful? What does it heal? How to use it?

Orthosiphon staminate is an evergreen plant of the Labiate family that grows naturally in tropical regions of the planet, in particular, in the forests of Sumatra, Java, Indonesia and in some other areas. In Europe, staminate orthosiphon is cultivated on the Black Sea coast.

Orthosiphon staminate shrubs can reach a meter in height.

The tetrahedral and highly branching stems of the plant are greenish-purple in color. Opposite, oblong, with short petioles, the leaves of the plant have denticles at the edges. Orthosiphon's flowers are medium-sized, pale purple in color, growing in racemose inflorescences. They bloom in summer, but practically do not give seeds under conditions of cultivation.

Orthosiphon staminate: contraindications and medicinal properties

Like many plants, staminate orthosiphon is used as a medicine. Its positive properties are known, first of all:

  • as a kidney collection
  • with cystitis
  • as a remedy for edema
  • for lactation
  • as a slimming aid

IMPORTANT: Orthosiphon staminate has pronounced diuretic properties, while potassium is not washed out, but, on the contrary, is replenished

Leaves and apical shoots of the plant have healing properties. They are collected and dried as a source:

  • potassium salts
  • organic acids (rosemary and citric)
  • tannins
  • triterpene saponins
  • orthosiphonin glycoside

Orthosyphonin dissolves in both water and alcohol. The dried leaves of the plant acquire a brownish-green color. They have no smell, but they taste bitter-astringent.

  • swelling of a different nature, including that caused by kidney disease
  • gout
  • arterial hypertension
  • uric acid diathesis
  • liver diseases
  • gastritis with low acidity
  • cholecystitis
  • urolithiasis
  • and some other diseases

Ortosiphon as a homeopathic remedy has practically no contraindications. Doctors sometimes recommend infusion and decoction from it even during pregnancy and lactation. At the same time, this remedy should be taken with caution by those who have kidney stones, so as not to cause their movement and so that as a result there is no blockage of the ureter, as well as people with heart failure.
Nevertheless, as in any other cases, one should not self-medicate, and any remedy, even one that does not have actual contraindications, should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

VIDEO: Ortosiphon staminate (kidney tea)

Renal collection, staminate orthosiphon - indications for use

Physiologically, renal tea made from staminate orthosiphon is capable of:

  • alkalize urine
  • improving renal tubular function
  • remove urea from the body
  • therefore, improve kidney function, relieve swelling and have an antispastic effect

How to prepare the infusion:

  1. 0.5 teaspoon of dried herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, insist for 20 - 25 minutes
  2. Strain the resulting infusion and add to the original volume
  3. Take 0.5 cups in 20 - 25 minutes. Before meals twice a day
  4. Treatment course: 1 - 1.5 months

How to prepare a decoction:

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of dried leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water
  2. Keep the broth in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Insist for another 45 minutes
  3. Strain the resulting broth and add to the original volume
  4. Take 0.5 cups twice a day 25 minutes before meals

Orthosiphon kidney tea: instructions for use

Orthosiphon kidney tea is considered a herbal medicine, so it has an official instruction, which indicates:

  • indications for treatment with this tea
  • contraindications to it
  • method of application (in the form of herbal and in filter bags)
  • side effects
  • interactions with other medications
  • shelf life

IMPORTANT: Before drinking renal collection from staminate orthosiphon, you must read the instructions

Ortosiphon staminate during pregnancy: application

Infusion of staminate orthosiphon is one of the few remedies that can help pregnant women who have kidney problems and edema during this period, or who have inflammation of the genitourinary system.
However, pregnant women can take this remedy only if a doctor has prescribed it, and no more than 3 weeks in a row.

Orthosiphon for lactation: application

The use of staminate orthosiphon during lactation after a doctor's appointment will help to improve the general condition of a woman, get rid of edema and treat problems of the genitourinary sphere.
The only precaution that women who are breastfeeding (or pregnant) should be aware of is that the so-called kidney tea should contain only orthosiphon without adding other ingredients to it. This precaution is not superfluous, since orthosiphon is included as a component of several renal teas and collections.

How to use Orthosiphon for children?

For children, orthosiphon is prescribed only after they reach 12 years of age for health reasons.

How to use orthosiphon for cystitis?

With cystitis, tea from orthosiphon will help get rid of unpleasant pain sensations, relieve inflammation and facilitate the passage of urine.
After a week of its use, cystitis can be cured.

  1. You need to take the product by brewing a teaspoon of dried herbs in a glass of boiling water
  2. Next, it should be insisted for half an hour, strain and add more boiling water to the infusion to replenish the volume
  3. Take before meals 30 minutes warm
  4. Brew infusion daily

An infusion or tea from orthosiphon can be taken once to relieve spasmodic pains, since this plant in infusions and decoctions is able to relax smooth muscles and relieve spasms.

How to use orthosiphon for edema?

Edema occurs in the body due to malfunctioning of the kidneys, bladder, fluid accumulation in the body.

Being an excellent diuretic, orthosiphon allows you to get rid of edema in a fairly short time, however, to consolidate the result, it should be taken for three weeks.
It should be taken according to the recipes indicated above, that is, before meals, 100ml, after brewing an infusion or making a decoction.
Orthosiphon can also be purchased in the form of filtered sachets. The method of brewing them will be indicated on the packaging.

How to use orthosiphon staminate kidney tea for weight loss?

Orthosiphon staminate can also be taken as a means of promoting weight loss, since it will help remove excess fluid from the body, and without harm to it, as is the case with medicinal diuretics.

To do this, brew a bag of ready-made tea or dry herb in a thermos for a day and drink it before meals for 25 - 30 minutes. Such brewed tea can be stored for no more than one day. It is drunk warm, it tastes quite tolerable.

Ortosiphon staminate kidney tea: reviews

Positive reviews about tea from orthosiphon relate to its diuretic and anti-inflammation and pain-relieving qualities, which is especially important for kidney diseases and cystitis.
Sometimes in the reviews the question arises about the advisability of this remedy during pregnancy and lactation, despite the time-tested confidence of doctors in its harmlessness. In any case, only a doctor for each individual patient can assess the degree of benefits and harms of any agent for human health.

VIDEO: Kidney Tea Useful Properties

I would like to touch upon the topic of edema during pregnancy again. I have already left a review about the Canephron tablets, which did not help me.

Now I will tell you about kidney tea, or rather about Ortosiphon staminate.

At the 7th month of an interesting position, my legs began to swell, the doctor sounded the alarm and immediately prescribed kidney tea.

Directly about tea:

  • price: I got it for 60 rubles
  • 20 filter bags in a box
  • the smell is weak, almost imperceptible
  • bitter taste, slightly astringent
  • crushed leaves inside the filter bag, not "road dust"

After applying for a month, I can already draw some conclusions. Kidney tea did not help me with edema, although it acts as a diuretic. I only put my thumbs up because the product is completely natural.

Neutral reviews

In the last trimester of pregnancy, I was faced with such an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon as edema. Although I ate very little and did not use any harmful products, my weight was growing rapidly, fluid was retained in the body, my legs, face and hands were very swollen. I looked like a kind of pot-bellied hamster and did not fit into any of my shoes.

Usually, diuretics and other drugs are prescribed to pregnant women with edema, the condition of the fetus is carefully monitored and, if anything, even put in a hospital. I had a doctor who absolutely did not care about all my complaints and too rapid weight gain (sometimes 2 kg per week). She just glanced that there was no protein in the analyzes and that was all, go for a walk, problems allegedly due to the fact that I do not follow a diet. They say that the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. from me, I myself had to look for an effective and safe remedy for edema.

On the Internet, on the forums of expectant mothers, I read that doctors prescribe kidney tea for many girls, it is safe during pregnancy. So I decided to try, because I no longer had the strength to endure such swelling. Kidney tea turned out to be very tasteless, I brewed it in a thermos and drank it slowly throughout the day. On the first day, I began to groom in the toilet more often than usual (tea seems to have worked). My swelling did not go anywhere, they were as they were and remained until the day of birth. Nevertheless, I stopped being inflated even more.

Good day everyone!

I also want to write a review about this "miracle - tea". Immediately about the cost. The price is reasonable, ranging from 55 to 70 rubles. I have edema - these are constant companions of life. One kidney is omitted, and chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis only aggravate the situation. A friend advised me this gull, they say it helps super.

It's not a problem to buy it in pharmacies, in our city they sell it everywhere. It tasted bitter, so I added a little sugar, later, when I realized that it didn't really work, I drank like regular tea. Lemon + sugar. The package contains 20 sachets. I drink in the morning, but not on an empty stomach, but after a glass of water. Has a small diuretic effect, but not immediately, has a cumulative effect! I took it for three weeks, unfortunately it does not save from severe edema, only if you swell a little (although in this case you can do with green tea).

Therefore, I personally did not notice the effect, as I got up in the morning as a Chinese beekeeper, and I get up. Only the restriction in liquid helps (basically I try to drink only water and a little coffee). Of the pluses, only naturalness (for this I give a C). So I will look for a more effective remedy for my problem.

I learned about staminate orthosiphon during pregnancy, when swelling of the legs and hands began to appear in the last trimester. In order to remove excess fluid from the body, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy sent me to a day hospital for treatment. I already took "Kanefron" then. The doctor in the hospital, in addition to droppers with magnesia (flap.rf / Medicine / Magnesium_sulfate_ (Magnesia) / Reviews / 7454203), prescribed a diuretic tea, the name of which I then learned. No, I really haven't heard about such a plant as orthosiphon, and even less about its effect.

In general, the doctor prescribed 3 filter bags per day. Each bag, of course, is brewed once. The brewing method is trivial: pour boiling water into a glass with a bag and wait at least 15 minutes. I like teas of moderate temperature, so I took the broth after 30-40 minutes. She brewed the daily dose in the evening, and in the morning, without getting out of bed, first of all she drank the broth.

Kidney tea tastes good. Perhaps not for everybody, but I like it. I love herbal teas, especially those where there is no sweetish element like licorice root (brrrr!). Drinks for pleasure. Three glasses during the day, I remember, added their charm to my regulated drinking regimen.

The most important thing is the effect. From my personal experience, staminate orthosiphon cannot be called a panacea for edema, especially large-scale. In a complex treatment together with "Kanefron" and a strict drinking regime, he works harmoniously: there is an urge to urinate, but straight to endlessly "drive to the toilet", as was the case with magnesia, no. Quite all in moderation. The swelling subsided, but that was the main merit of the magnesium sulfate droppers. After being discharged from the day hospital, I continued to drink renal tea for some time. I drank two packages for sure. Then it was necessary to stop, since it is not recommended to abuse such tea for more than 3 weeks. Kidney tea supported the course of treatment with magnesia for some time: edema was minimal.

Then I drank kidney tea several times with exacerbation of cystitis. A good, solid, pleasant drink, which, as it seemed to me, eased my suffering. But as an independent remedy in my cases, tea is still rather weak.

A package of staminate orthosiphon cost about 50 rubles - quite inexpensive. If a specialist recommends such a decoction, listen to the recommendation. She obviously will not be superfluous.

Since childhood I have suffered from kidney problems. During an exacerbation of pyelonephritis, the kidneys hurt so much that you want to climb the wall. For long goals, I already have my own proven methods that are perfect for my body and help me cope with the exacerbation of the disease. These include Urolesan tablets and Kidney Tea.

I always buy "Kidney tea" from the producer of medicinal plants Lektrava Ukraine. The herb is always of very high quality, made from environmentally friendly raw materials and securely packed in a cardboard box.

In the box, you can find a method of making tea and a dose appropriate for the patient's age. I drink this tea twice a day, half a glass about half an hour before meals, for the best effect.
But it should be remembered that medicinal herbs can cause allergic reactions, so you should not self-medicate. Before using, you should consult your doctor.

For example, this tea suits me. In complex treatment, the symptoms of exacerbation of pyelonephritis pass faster, but after all, each organism is individual, and there are a lot of kidney diseases. Only an experienced urologist can prescribe an adequate treatment for you.

The last time I bought "Kidney Tea" in a pharmacy at a price of 12.85 hryvnia, but now the prices have increased slightly. It should be remembered that the drug should not be given to babies under three years old. The shelf life of the drug is four years. The weight of such a box is 50g.

Be healthy!

Positive reviews

This kidney tea helps me out in cases when I inadvertently drink too much liquid at night. In the morning, this manifests itself in swelling of the eyelids - such a light, but unpleasant puffiness. It is clear that this does not add attractiveness, it is difficult to apply makeup on such skin - in such cases, kidney tea comes to my aid, which contains only one herb - staminate orthosiphon.

Orthosiphon staminate is a useful herb that has a diuretic, disinfectant and antispasmodic effect. The peculiarity of orthosiphon is that, together with urine, it also removes a lot of harmful and toxic substances from the body. In addition, orthosiphon is a fairly harmless herb and can even be taken by pregnant women, therefore, it is these teas that are recommended during pregnancy to relieve swelling and improve the condition, and when feeding to improve milk production.

I usually brew one bag, insist for half an hour and drink, dividing the volume in half.

It is advisable to take the broth before meals, it works in about 40 minutes - there is no trace of edema. The taste is somewhat specific, but not unpleasant. It is possible to take a long enough time - up to six months. A harmless and effective tea - I recommend it.

I really do not like all kinds of decoctions. For me to cook them on a steam bath, then cool and insist is a very tedious process. Not only is it not very pleasant to drink all this, but you also need to cook for half an hour, at least. Therefore, it's easier for me to buy something more expensive, but so that it is in bags that can be brewed in 3 minutes, or eat a pill. But my mother, on the contrary, very much saves every penny, therefore, in case of puffiness, she brews Lektravy Ukrainy Kidney Tea.

It costs a penny, about 10 hryvnia, and the effect is the same as, for example, from an expensive (40 hryvnia) nephrophyte, I will write about it a little later.

It is very effective, the swelling decreases on the first day.
How to brew - everything is in the instructions. I recommend it to those who suffer from puffiness and a carriage of time).

When I was young, I caught a cold in my kidneys. After that I have been suffering from kidney ailments for decades. Often they find sand in my kidneys. When other means did not help me, I began to use kidney tea. In a glass of boiling water, I put kidney tea leaves and brought to a boil. Then, he strained the tea and, after cooling, consumed half a glass three times. Each time I made the tea anew to be effective. I note that the greatest efficiency of tea is manifested after prolonged (up to six months) use.

But, although real tea is called renal, it is also used for heart ailments with swelling of the extremities. In such cases, use a collection consisting of this tea, birch buds, lingonberry, bearberry and other ingredients of plant origin. This remedy is also prescribed for diabetes, gout, cystitis, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Tea-kidney is also called by another - orthosiphon, cat's whisker. It not only relieves pain, but also increases appetite, gastric juice, reducing mucus and leukocytes in bile, and normalizes metabolic processes. Tea does not have an unpleasant, repulsive odor. Given its natural origin, I consider renal tea a safe remedy. I recommend.

Good day! When I turned thirty, my body seemed to start living in a new regime, not very pleasant for me - tennis, aerobics, climbing the stairs to the fifth floor - for some reason it all became difficult. Maybe there really was some kind of restructuring in the body? In addition to this incomprehensible fatigue, kidney problems began. I don't drink very much liquid, but in the morning I often have swollen eyelids, arms and legs. The Uzi didn't tell me anything, but I decided to cleanse my kidneys a little.

I looked for something effective among the drugs, but if it helps someone, it is very expensive. Therefore, I bought the most common herbal preparation for the kidneys. Brewed once every three days, it turned out twice a week. And immediately after taking this tea, I began to lose this extra water. For a month of such tea drinking, I lost two kilograms! That was exactly how much excess fluid was in me. I don't see the point of drinking every day, twice a week is enough for me. The tea tastes normal, so I can safely recommend it to you. Moreover, getting rid of this excess water, my body condition has improved a lot, at least - I run up the steps to the fifth floor :-)

Many people had to deal with problems and diseases of the kidneys, but not everyone found a panacea for themselves and still buys expensive medicines.

How many different medicines - herbs, drops, pills I drank before I found my remedy, which now always helps me out with renal colic. And this remedy turned out to be the most ordinary kidney tea. Or rather, how to say ordinary, it is not so simple. There is a large assortment of kidney teas in the pharmacy, but kidney tea turned out to be really effective for me, the main and only component of which is the herb orthosiphon. I take Lectrava tea, the packaging may sometimes differ, I have this this time
, last time it was white and green. I'll post all the photos right away so that you can read the indications for use and contraindications, as well as the method of application

This is what tea looks like inside the box - the most ordinary ground herb
When brewed, the broth turns out to be a pleasant brown color, the aroma is ordinary herbal, the taste, I would even say, is pleasant, with a little bitterness. I love herbal teas, so I like the taste and aroma of this tea. I brew it according to all the rules, as indicated on the pack, but I drink it my way. As soon as I feel that the kidneys are starting to rebel - it hurts, I feel aching and pulling pain, I immediately brew the tea and drink for the first day as indicated on the package, and then as soon as I feel that the pain intensifies, I take a sip or two and the pain and heaviness very quickly recede. And after a couple of three days, I no longer feel pain and heaviness.

Tea costs a mere penny, and the effect of it is like a mega expensive medicine. Try it, maybe it will help you. Just ask you to pay attention once again - ask in the pharmacy exactly Ortosiphon kidney tea, it is this herb that miraculously affects diseased kidneys.

I have already written more than once about different herbs that I often use in different preparations, either for the treatment of a disease, or for the prevention of exacerbations.

Today I want to tell you about the kidney tea "Lectrava Ukrainy". Honestly, I don’t remember why this tea ended up in my medicine cabinet. Most likely I bought it as an additional herb for some kind of collection, because the indications say that it is used to treat acute and chronic kidney disease, puffiness and cholecystitis. But, and this package stood for some time untouched. The shelf life is long - 4 years.

A month ago, I began to notice that I wake up and see in the mirror a not very pleasant picture: bags under my eyes, and my whole face is a little swollen. The first couple of days I thought it was just fatigue (there were so many times to do in those days), so I decided to take myself a day off. But, unfortunately, the rest did not help much, the mirror showed the same picture in the morning. That's when I remembered kidney tea.

I brewed it as it is written on the package and literally after a few days the puffiness was gone.

And I decided to write about this tea after last week my husband complained of pain in the kidney area. He said he was tolerant, but he walked around gritting his teeth and clutching his back. To persuade a husband to go to a doctor's appointment is a thankless task, a negative result is known in advance. After several hours of "gritting his teeth", he agreed to drink the infusion first. And as you can imagine, I took this kidney tea from the medicine cabinet. Naturally, there was no immediate result, but, according to her husband, by the evening it was already easier for him, and in the end there was no need to go to the doctor. Everything worked out and after a few days the husband had already stopped drinking the infusion.

This is how this weed helped us out twice this year.

Kidney tea is packaged in the usual green packaging for this manufacturer.

On the one hand, the composition is indicated. I thought it was a collection, but it turned out that the composition of kidney tea contains only one plant - orthosiphon stamen leaves. I have been familiar with herbs for a long time, but this is the first time I hear this name.

There is also a method of application and dosage on the package.
Once again we were convinced that nature gives us everything we need for health. You just need to be able to use these gifts correctly. Plus, they're not expensive at all.

Treatment of any pathologies of the urinary system includes not only the use of medications, but also herbal medicine, including. Scientists have proven for a long time that properly selected herbal preparations have an excellent healing effect on the kidneys:

  • dissolve stones;
  • improve the process of diuresis;
  • have antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect.

In the practice of medical specialists of various specialties, renal tea is widely used.

The herbal tea contains only natural ingredients, so it practically has no side effects and contraindications. Tea at a minimal price can be purchased at any pharmacy, but it is not recommended to use it without first consulting a doctor.

Kidney tea composition

To begin with, the renal collection is a complex of herbs that have a therapeutic effect on the functioning of the genitourinary tract. The composition of such teas includes components of natural origin that fight the primary source of the inflammatory process. But, before opting for a particular tea composition, you need to consult your doctor.

For example, if a person suffers from urolithiasis, then, without hesitation, to stimulate the outflow of stones, you can use a kidney collection, the composition of which consists of horsetail, birch leaves and juniper berries.

With pyelonephritis, to cleanse the kidneys, he can prescribe flax seeds, which are included in almost all kidney fees .

Any tea for the kidneys has diuretics in its composition, the actions of which are aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process in the body: nettle, horsetail, burdock, parsley, string, etc. Dried and powdered watermelon rinds, calamus roots have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and a bear ear.

And other medicinal herbal preparations and plants can be part of kidney tea: dandelion roots, violet, St. John's wort, sage, etc.

There are other herbal ingredients that can be taken along with tea for the kidneys: ortochifon, half-fallen, etc. Just keep in mind that only a doctor can choose a kidney collection that will help in your case. Self-medication can only do harm.

Benefits of tea for the kidneys

This specific herbal renal tea is an essential medicine for people suffering from kidney and urinary tract diseases. Since herbal tea has a wide spectrum of action, it is prescribed not only for preventive purposes, but also for the treatment of acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis and other problems of the genitourinary system. And since herbal preparations are sold in a wide variety of modifications, you can always choose a drink that will help with a specific disease.

I would like to note that almost all types of fees for the kidneys have an antispasmodic effect, and also relieve the edema of the kidneys and urinary tract. Thanks to these therapeutic properties, the patient feels a significant improvement after the first tea treatment.

The painful sensations arising from edema of the urinary tract are helped to cope with the anti-inflammatory properties that the renal collection has.

Herbal infusions have a pronounced diuretic effect, which has a positive effect not only on the functioning of the kidneys, but also on the body as a whole. The diuretic properties promote the removal of stones and sand from the kidneys. In addition, tea treatments help to naturally remove harmful deposits and toxins from the body.

Kidney tea is useful for a variety of diseases associated with disorders of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Collecting herbs helps with pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, and kidney stones. Infusions help relieve edema, normalize the work of the excretory ducts and kidneys, and relieve inflammation.

Useful properties of renal infusion:

  • kills infectious agents that cause inflammation;
  • reduces the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system;
  • accelerates the processes and filtration in the kidneys, therefore it improves;
  • with renal colic relieves spasms, so the pain syndrome becomes less pronounced;
  • eliminates edema syndrome in women during pregnancy;
  • accelerates the activity of secretory cells, which has a direct effect on the process of food breakdown;
  • kidney collection helps alkalinize urine, thereby dissolving small kidney stones.

Kidney tea health benefits

Contraindications to the use of herbal medicine

Unfortunately, renal tea has beneficial properties and contraindications too. You can face side effects if the herbal components of the collection were selected independently, without consulting a doctor.

There are a number of contraindications that should not be neglected:

  • serious pathologies in the work of the genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • pregnancy (for some fees) and lactation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • acute infectious and viral diseases.

Instructions for using kidney tea

Instructions for using kidney tea are simple and accessible: in many pharmacies, the collection of herbs is sold in the form of filter bags, the brewing process of which does not differ from the brewing of ordinary tea. Such packaging facilitates the process of preparing a drink, eliminating dosing errors.

If you follow the exact instructions for using the renal collection, the infusion is prepared as follows:

  • two filter bags are placed in an enameled container;
  • the bags are poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for twenty minutes;
  • remove the filter bags from the dishes and dilute the infusion with 100 ml of warm water;
  • chilled kidney tea is recommended to be taken three times a day, half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

The use of infusion during pregnancy

Despite the fact that the period of bearing a baby is one of the contraindications to treatment with herbal diuretics, kidney collection is the best remedy for expectant mothers to improve kidney function and fight edema.

Medical specialists are of the opinion that diuretics of natural origin are milder than medications, and therefore, for women in an "interesting" position are more harmless.

Kidney tea can be used during pregnancy, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully. Infusions can be drunk in small portions no more than 3 times a day. The plant-based drink reduces swelling, removes lactic acid from the body, and helps to normalize blood pressure.

Application for cystitis and pyelonephritis

If there is inflammation in the kidneys or bladder, the doctor ascribes not only medications, but also herbal infusions that have diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Since the disease can turn into a chronic form, infusions, such as Zerde tea, are an indispensable component in the treatment of pyelonephritis.

With cystitis, herbal infusions help flush harmful bacteria and microorganisms out of the bladder. And also with inflammation of the bladder, it is recommended to drink antiseptic decoctions prepared on the basis of bearberry and lingonberry.

Video: Instructions for using renal tea