Evalar teas. Evalar bio for body cleansing

03.03.2020 Soups

Evalar Bio tea is a demanded line of dietary supplements. Manufacturers recommend products for the complex treatment of various pathologies, cleansing the body, reducing body weight and getting a boost of vivacity. However, before using herbal preparations, you need to carefully study the instructions and consult a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.

About the manufacturer

Biochay is produced by the Evalar company, founded in 1991 in the Altai Territory. Initially, the company was run by 2 ladies, from whose names the name was formed.

Over the years of activity, the directions have repeatedly changed - at first they were engaged in chewing gum, then together with the Polish manufacturer Polena of decorative cosmetics. But already since 1995, medicinal fees have appeared in the assortment.

At first, the company simply supplied herbs to pharmaceutical companies as raw materials. However, the management soon realized that the products were popular among buyers, and decided to come to grips with dietary supplements. This is how the tea evalar bio herbal line was born.

Currently, the assortment of Evalar tea has been significantly expanded; on sale you can find more than 20 types of dietary supplements, whose action helps to improve health.

Indications for use

  1. Contamination of the body with slags.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Decreased peristalsis.
  4. Loss of elasticity of blood vessels.
  5. Frequent colds.
  6. Emotional stress, severe fatigue.
  7. Malnutrition.
  8. Poor immune defenses.
  9. Systemic pathologies.

Tea helps to recover from surgeries, as well as infections, relieves the condition of a patient who has undergone chemical therapy. Manufacturers assure that drinks are shown to almost any person upon reaching 55 years of age, since at this age the blood vessels are actively clogged with cholesterol, and they can be cleaned with herbal preparations.


Evalar's advantage over other producers is that it has its own plantations for growing medicinal plants. The raw materials used in teas are collected in ecologically clean places of the Altai Territory, therefore the extracts contain a maximum of useful components. Sometimes the ingredients are purchased from foreign suppliers who have proven their reliability.

When processing herbs, there are several stages during which no harmful chemicals are used. Synthetic flavors or dyes cannot be found in the composition of the products - the raw materials are completely natural, have a natural taste and subtle odor.

In the production process, a partial oxidation method is used, due to which valuable qualities are enhanced.

Medicinal properties

The task of Evalar organic tea is to activate the body's defenses, get rid of toxins and toxins. The products have a biostimulating effect. But the use of herbal ingredients provides a decrease in symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause of the pathology. Therefore, it is advisable to use the fees in a complex manner, against the background of therapy with pills prescribed by a doctor.

Varieties of tea Evalar Bio

The line includes several types, which you need to familiarize yourself with in order to get maximum benefit.

To cleanse the body

Herbal tea helps:

  1. Digestion stimulation.
  2. Reducing the concentration of cholesterol.
  3. Improving the outflow of bile.

Evalar contains:

  • leaves of Alexandrian senna and birch:
  • Bupleurum and meadow clover herbs.

Added black currant, strawberry, peppermint for taste and aroma.

Thanks to dietary supplements, you can cleanse the kidneys, intestinal tract, circulatory system and urinary tract.

Release form

Teas go on sale in standard cardboard packaging, to which a detailed description of the composition, indications and prohibitions is attached. In a pack of 20 filter bags, 1.5 g each.

Mode of application

The instruction contains a standard scheme that can be used to prepare any type of tea.

Priority of actions:

  1. For 1 sachet take 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Brew and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Take the remedy for 1 glass twice a day. Cleansing lasts 20 days. Repetition of the course is possible in 1.5 weeks.

In order to cleanse the intestines qualitatively, it is advisable to adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Exclude from the menu smoked, pickled and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages.
  2. Move more.
  3. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

Prolonged cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract without the knowledge of the doctor can disrupt the intestinal microflora and the consequences of illiterate actions will have to be treated.

With an increased content of uric acid

The collection contains:

  • leaves of lingonberry, orthosiphon, currant;
  • burdock roots;
  • meadowsweet extract;
  • linden flowers.

It is prescribed for disorders of uric acid metabolism, as well as for prophylactic purposes with the risks of arthritis, gout, hypertension and kidney pathology. The product provides a diuretic effect, removes minerals accumulated in tissues.

Release form

Standard packing.

Mode of application


Consisting of:

  • herb yarrow, oregano;
  • chamomile and calendula flowers;
  • leaves, seeds and fruits of sacred vitex;
  • peony roots.

Instructions for use Evalar of this type explains that tea helps with problems with the mammary gland and uterus in the case of:

  1. Mastopathy.
  2. Increased elasticity of the gland.
  3. Uterine bleeding.

Bio tea can be used after organ surgery. Used to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Release form


Mode of application

Assign a course of 20 days. 2 glasses of organic tea are shown per day.

For the kidneys

Each filter bag contains:

  • leaves of strawberry, birch, strawberry and mint;
  • cherry substrates;
  • bearberry and bird highlander grass.

Provides a diuretic effect, facilitating the functionality of paired organs. A dietary supplement is recommended for the appearance of puffiness of the face in the morning hours, high blood pressure.

Release form

The drug can be purchased in a cardboard box containing 20 sachets.

Mode of application

They are taken in courses of 20 days with obligatory breaks of 1.5 weeks. 2 glasses are shown per day.

For colds

Reduction of symptoms is provided by the content:

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • rose hips;
  • basil;
  • chamomile;
  • linden.

Thanks to the components, sweating increases, soreness in the nasopharynx area is removed. Regular use eliminates the risk of colds and improves immune defenses.

Release form


Mode of application

Bio Evalar tea is taken 5-10 days in 2 packages.

When coughing

Facilitates the discharge of phlegm. Consisting of:

  • plantain;
  • oregano;
  • chamomile;
  • elecampane;
  • calendula;
  • thyme.

The mucus accumulated in the bronchi is diluted. At the same time, the swelling of the airways is relieved

Even doctors confirm that Evalar organic tea resembles herbal syrups in composition and action, helping to get rid of cough.

Release form


Mode of application

It is allowed to use from the age of 14. It is optimal to add natural honey to the drink. Up to 4 glasses are shown per day.

With diabetes

The herbal collection contains:

  • galega;
  • rose hip;
  • buckwheat;
  • cowberry;
  • black currant;
  • nettle.

The herbal remedy lowers glucose concentration, which is beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

Release form

Carton with 20 pcs.

Mode of application

Shown 3-4 courses throughout the year. Take 1 glass for a month.

For appetite control

  • horsetail;
  • mate;
  • birch;
  • garcinia;
  • corn.

Weight loss occurs as a result of the diuretic properties of the ingredients. But there is a short-term effect, to maintain which it is necessary to practice dietary nutrition and exercise.

Release form


Mode of application

Use in courses of 2-3 weeks. Every day, 2 glasses.


The package contains:

  • yarrow;
  • Dill;
  • mint;
  • chamomile.

Due to its composition, Evalar gastrointestinal tea eliminates increased gas formation in the abdomen, relieves painful stomach cramps, and improves digestion.

According to the assurances of manufacturers, the drink can also be used to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Release form


Mode of application

Bio Evalar gastric tea is taken regularly, 2 filter bags per day.

For the liver

Herbs that have a choleretic effect are used:

  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow.

Helps in the prevention of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Release form

Cardboard box with 20 pcs.

Mode of application

1 glass 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to conduct 3-4 courses for 3 weeks annually.


A special bio tea that increases the secretion of breast milk. As part of this remedy from Evalar:

  • melissa;
  • nettle;
  • oregano;
  • fennel.

The manufacturer assures that using dietary supplements can significantly increase lactation.

Release form


Mode of application

Tea should be drunk within 1 month. Then they take a break and repeat the course. Daily for 2 tbsp.

For the heart and blood vessels


  • Clover;
  • buckwheat;
  • hawthorn;
  • melissa;
  • mint;
  • strawberries;
  • currants.

The herbal collection is really useful for cardiac problems, as it has a calming effect, relieves chronic heart failure, and lowers blood pressure. But you need to use it in complex therapy.

Release form

Typical packaging for Evalar organic tea.

Mode of application

Regularly take 2 tbsp. per day.

Gynecological herbs

Designed to improve the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Bio tea includes:

  • calendula;
  • oregano;
  • Melissa;
  • yarrow.

Fees reduce inflammation, eliminate soreness during menstruation, relaxing the muscle tissue of the uterus, prevent the development of anemia with heavy bleeding.

It is forbidden to use bio tea if you have a tendency to thrombus formation.

Release form


Mode of application

For 2-3 weeks they drink 2 tbsp.

Antihypertensive herbs

To maintain normal blood pressure help:

  • hawthorn;
  • currant;
  • chokeberry;
  • mint;
  • Melissa.

Efficiency is achieved thanks to the soothing action of the ingredients. The number of heart contractions decreases, the tone of the blood vessels normalizes.

Release form

Regular packaging from Evalar.

Mode of application

Systematically 1 glass twice a day.

Calming evening

Relieves stress, normalizes sleep. Present:

  • oregano;
  • hawthorn;
  • eschsholzia;
  • chamomile;
  • Linden.

Sedation is moderate, does not impair daytime performance. Helps relax.

Release form

Cardboard box with 20 filter bags.

Mode of application

Take before bedtime, brewing 1 pc.


Promotes increased performance, contains:

  • rose hip;
  • rooibos;
  • leuzea;
  • hibiscus;
  • lemongrass;
  • rosemary.

It has an adaptogenic and psychostimulating effect. It can replace the usual coffee.

Release form


Mode of application

No longer than 3 weeks, 1 glass twice a day.


Release form

Common to Evalar.

Mode of application

1/2 cup twice a day for 1 month.

Rose hip

Release form

Carton containing 20 filter bags.

Mode of application

Within 3 weeks, 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.


Senna tea provides a laxative effect by improving intestinal motility.

Release form

Box of 20

Mode of application

To relax, use before bedtime. It is advisable not to resort to bio tea all the time, otherwise diarrhea, violation of the organ microflora, problems with the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract are likely.


Release form

Common to Evalar.

Mode of application

Accepted in courses of 3 weeks. Every day 2 packages.

This bio tea is believed to help blood vessels.

Release form


Mode of application

1 tbsp. Once a day.

Black and Green

They do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, have a pleasant taste, and are used as a favorite drink. Contains black or green tea, chamomile leaves.

Release form

Box with 20 pcs.

Mode of application

Drink organic tea to taste.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

You cannot resort to any dietary supplements during lactation and gestation without a doctor's permission. The components of herbal preparations are able to penetrate into the bloodstream, through the placental barrier, having a negative effect on the development of the child.


Prohibitions on the use of Evalar organic tea should be considered on an individual basis, depending on the composition of the product. But the general include intolerance to ingredients. In this case, an allergic reaction is provided, leading to the following symptoms:

  1. Swelling of tissues.
  2. Red rash.
  3. Suffocation.

Precautionary measures

Many patients begin treatment with herbal preparations without first consulting a doctor. As a result, self-therapy is harmful, as medicinal plants are not completely harmless.

The use of Evalar products must be supervised and approved by a physician.

Cross-drug interactions

Side effects

If you violate the duration of the courses and do not take breaks between them, allergic reactions are likely.


Exceeding the permissible volume of organic tea provokes:

  • diarrhea;
  • rashes;
  • vomiting.

In this case, the herbal remedy is discarded.

Not so long ago, Evalar bio-tea appeared on the shelves of many Russian pharmacies. He immediately attracted the attention of buyers. In addition, the new product aroused keen interest from other manufacturers of similar products.

Many people are used to thinking that tea is a regular infusion that just needs to be consumed after a meal. It is perceived as a dish symbolizing the end of a meal. This opinion was finally changed by the bio-tea "Evalar".

He presented a product familiar to everyone from a completely different side. To begin with, it should be noted that this is not just a dried leaf of the tea tree, but a mixture of several herbs. They are selected in a certain proportion and are capable of influencing some life processes. In fact, this raw material for its production is specially grown in Altai. The plantations are located in ecologically clean areas. That in itself says a lot. In addition, in the process of growth, they are by no means treated with any synthetic substances and fertilizers. Everything is used only natural. And you also need to pay attention to the fact that new modern technologies are used for the production of such tea.

A little about the manufacturer

The company that produces Evalar bio-tea was founded in 1991 in the city of Biysk, Altai Territory. It was created on the basis of a center that was previously engaged in the production of gases for the military industry. At the helm of the company are two women, from the initial letters of whose names a new name appeared. In the course of work, the enterprise changed the direction of its activities several times. It all started with chewing gum. Later, the company started producing decorative cosmetics, taking over as a partner the well-known Polish company Polena. For a while, things went well, but then new ideas were required. Since 1995, medicinal herbs have appeared in the Evalar range. They were packed in briquettes and sold to pharmaceutical companies. In pharmacies, trade was very brisk, especially when a local mummy appeared on sale. Since then, the company has come to grips with dietary supplements. Now the company is known all over the world for its natural products, which are aimed at preserving human health.

Natural raw materials

Bio-tea "Evalar" is made only from natural raw materials. The company has its own plantations, which are located in ecologically clean areas. It is there that those herbs are grown, which later become components of a new popular product. Using exclusive modern technologies, the company's specialists manage to obtain fairly high yields without using harmful synthetic fertilizers. In the process of processing, the raw material goes through several stages. The result is a product with a rich aroma and delicate, delicate taste. Some businesses sometimes use flavors and chemical dyes when creating herbal mixtures. Evalar never allowed himself to do this. This is another distinctive feature of famous Russian pharmacists. In addition, as a result of partial oxidation in tea, the activity of biological substances that a person needs for health increases.

Competent opinions

Now many people have started buying Evalar BIO tea. The reviews of those who had a chance to try at least one of the produced copies were divided in two. Some believe that such mixtures do not harm, but they also do not carry much benefit. Others are firmly convinced of an excellent result.

Take the appetite control product, for example. In addition to the tea itself, it also contains birch, clover, cassia, black currant, mint and other substances of natural origin. After processing, a preparation is obtained from them, which is capable of easily removing hazardous substances accumulated in it in the form of toxins and slags. As a result, in addition to adjusting the weight and figure as a whole, a person's health sharply improves, inflammatory processes pass, and liver function normalizes. It is especially important for women that this tea noticeably improves the appearance. The skin becomes smoother and smoother, and the complexion speaks volumes about the excellent state of health.

Helpful prevention

Nowadays, many people are familiar with Evalar BIO tea. The composition of the mixtures is selected based on specific indications.

During its work, the company has mastered more than a dozen drugs that have a positive effect on a variety of human organs, solving complex medical problems. For example, tea “For blood vessels and heart”. It brings together a lot of useful plants:

1. Clover, which lowers blood cholesterol levels. As a result, the vessels are freed from unnecessary plaque.

2. Buckwheat strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces their fragility.

3. Hawthorn, which improves blood circulation and at the same time is a good antiseptic.

4. Black currants, strawberries, peppermint and green tea (fermented). All these herbs are part of a special aromatic complex, which is designed to give the product a pleasant taste.

5. Melissa, which calms the nervous system. It also relieves cramps and pain in the heart, and also reduces shortness of breath.

According to doctors, the drug is quite effective, but it is not recommended to take it without a doctor's advice.

For the beautiful half of humanity

Some products have clear targeting. So, there is a special version of "Evalar BIO" for women. Both green and black long tea are used here.

In addition, the mixture contains:

  • calendula,
  • oregano,
  • Melissa,
  • yarrow,
  • flavoring additives from mint, tea and strawberry.

Together, these ingredients create a product that produces special substances in large quantities - flavonoids. Once in a woman's body, they activate the action of many very important enzymes. In addition, they save human cells from destruction, which naturally interferes with the aging process. And for the weak half of humanity, this is especially important. The beneficial effect of unusual substances does not end there. They correct the work of the heart, digestive tract, increase the body's resistance to disease and increase immunity. In addition, tannins are also present in special women's tea. They give it a special astringency. They are also very important for the body.

Usage rules

For the product to be beneficial, you need to know how to use Evalar BIO tea. Instructions for use are usually found in each package. The consumer must clearly follow everything that is written there. In principle, the process of preparing a tasty and healthy drink is no different. The composition is selected by experts in the field of pharmaceuticals. A person can only consistently perform the following actions:

  1. In a glass (or teapot), put one bag with the tea inside.
  2. Pour a glass of boiled water over it and leave for 5 or 10 minutes.

It is necessary to take such a remedy in a whole glass during a meal. The preventive course should not exceed ten days. Before using the drug, you should definitely consult your doctor. If necessary, it is he who will appoint a second appointment. Do not change concentration or prescribe treatment yourself. This can lead to undesirable consequences.

As for everything else, this tea is very easy to consume. You just need to prepare the infusion before you sit down at the dinner table. A hot aromatic drink will be a great addition to any menu. The package contains 20 filter bags, which corresponds to two unit courses.

Convenience of choice

Having come to the pharmacy, it is very easy to choose Evalar BIO tea. The photo on the package will tell you which herbs are part of this drug.

In addition, there is an inscription about the purposes for which a particular product is used, and what gives a person its use. It is very comfortable. Especially when a person comes across such a product for the first time. On the cardboard box there is a note that the product is 100 percent natural and a stamp confirming the quality guarantee. On the reverse side, the composition of the initial components is listed and recommendations for the preparation and use of this drink are given. Pictures are also posted here, which schematically show how the preparation should be brewed. Thus, the user will not have any questions. The packaging is tightly sealed in plastic wrap so that during storage the product does not deteriorate and does not absorb foreign odors. It is necessary to store such a box for no more than one year at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Rich assortment

Now many people already know Evalar BIO tea. The types of this drug are simply amazing with their variety. It seems that it can be used to cure anything. According to manufacturers, without pills and expensive procedures, the work of the heart, kidneys, intestines and stomach can be put in order.

In our pharmacies, there are mainly 12 samples, which in America have already received an international quality certificate a year ago. Customers can rest assured that the product has been tested by the world's best experts. Manufacturers continue to develop new species. But those that already exist are worthy of special praise. For example, "Evening Calming" allows you to quickly adjust the body to sleep after a hard day. There is a tea that can help with any type of cough. And a drink marked "LactoMama", judging by the reviews, will be a real salvation for nursing women who, for one reason or another, have lost their milk. The rich variety provides any buyer with a choice.

To cleanse their bodies of toxins and toxins, people use different methods, sometimes quite complex and unsafe for health. The Evalar company offers its own way of cleansing - drinking Evalar Bio tea. It contains medicinal herbs, the healing properties of which help to comprehensively cleanse the body of harmful substances. Some people use this medicinal tea drink to lose weight and improve their health. What effect does the biotea from "Evalar" have on the body and is it so safe for health?

A little about the manufacturer

The Evalar company has been producing biologically active food supplements and herbal medicines for 25 years to strengthen and maintain human health:

  • for weight control;
  • soothing;
  • for heart;
  • for men's health;
  • to cleanse the body and others.

In the production of drugs, only environmentally friendly raw materials are used, grown in the Altai Territory or purchased from reliable suppliers from other countries. Thanks to the latest technology, growers obtain plant extracts with maximum bioavailability.

The assortment of tea drinks from "Evalar" is represented by 18 different collections of medicinal herbs, designed to maintain and cleanse various systems and organs, to control weight and appetite, for example:

  • Valar Bio tea for kidneys - normalizes the urinary system;
  • calming evening biotea - relieves nervous tension, helps to relax and fall asleep faster with insomnia;
  • tea "Evalar Bio" when coughing - liquefies and removes phlegm, cleans the bronchi, reduces coughing attacks;
  • tea for diabetes - lowers blood glucose levels;
  • biotea gynecological herbs - normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves spasms, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Evalar Bio tea for the heart and blood vessels - improves the condition and function of the cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal tea - eliminates flatulence, spasms, normalizes bowel function.

What components provide the medicinal effect of tea?

The composition of the cleansing tea and its properties

Tea "Evalar Bio" for cleansing the body stimulates the digestion process, cleanses the blood vessels, kidneys and liver from harmful substances. The herbs included in the collection help to get the desired effect.

The components of biotea "Evalar" complement and interact with each other, providing a comprehensive cleansing of the body: the accumulated feces, stagnant bile from the bile ducts and gallbladder are released, blood vessels are cleared from cholesterol plaques, urinary tract, kidneys. Taking a tea drink can get rid of excess fluid in the body and reduce weight.

Indications for use

The concentration of nitrates, carcinogens, pesticides and other harmful substances in the body is so great that the kidneys, liver, lymph and intestines cannot cope with the cleaning functions, which is why decay products - slags accumulate in the blood, lymph and tissues.

They poison the body, which leads to unpleasant phenomena:

  • bad breath;
  • rapid fatigue and apathy;
  • frequent headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • skin rashes;
  • bitterness in the mouth.

These symptoms should alert you - this is how the body reports pollution. If no cleaning measures are taken, slagging will gradually lead to serious illness.

The course use of the cleansing herbal collection from "Evalar" helps the body to remove all unnecessary, get rid of the symptoms of pollution toxins and restore the work of all its systems.

Mode of application

Bio-tea is produced in filter bags, which simplifies the process of its preparation. The instructions for use indicate the following recommendations.

  1. Brew a cleansing drink twice a day, one sachet per glass of boiling water. After 5-10 minutes of infusion, the tea is ready to drink.
  2. To completely cleanse the body, it is recommended to drink medicinal tea for 20 days (you will need two packs of Evalar biotea).
  3. The course should be repeated after 10 days.

In order for the cleansing effect of tea to fully manifest itself, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules when cleaning the body:

  • switch to vegetarian food, exclude fatty, smoked, pickled food, alcohol from the diet;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day;
  • lead an active lifestyle: move more and be outdoors.

Before you start cleansing with herbal tea from "Evalar", you need to visit a doctor and consult about the possibility of its use. Herbal cleansing is considered the safest way to cleanse the body, however, it is contraindicated for some people.

Contraindications to tea cleansing

The herbs included in the collection are valuable sources of vitamins and flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of enzymes and on the entire human body. They are needed for normal life, do not cause side effects and are useful to absolutely everyone.

But the organic acids and glycosides that are part of plants can harm the body, since they have a negative effect on the stomach and cardiovascular system.

Common contraindications for the use of biotea cleansing are:

Side effects can be caused by taking Evalar biotea for the intestines: prolonged use of senna leaf in its composition can lead to an addictive effect and weaken natural motor skills. In addition, the use of laxatives causes the flushing of beneficial minerals and vitamins from the body. It is not recommended to take senna leaf for inflammatory diseases of the small or large intestine.

Doctors forbid taking diuretics and choleretic drugs in the presence of urolithiasis or gallstone disease. Taking these drugs can cause the stones to move along the ducts and lead to a violent attack.

Cleansing the body is a necessary procedure for a modern city dweller. But it is important to remember that cleaning affects all organs and systems of a person and sometimes leads to unexpected effects.

Cleansing tea from "Evalar" is an affordable and effective remedy, but you cannot call it safe - there are too many contraindications and "pitfalls" when using it. Its use as a body cleanser in the recommended dosage is permissible only for healthy people. With the help of the medicinal components of tea, you can really get rid of harmful substances, remove them from the kidneys, gall bladder and intestines, and improve health.

People with chronic diseases need a doctor's consultation and strict control when cleansing with biotea from "Evalar". You should not use it constantly, replacing your morning or evening tea.

Has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, helps to cleanse the body *

Ingredients: delicate aroma of birch leaves and bullock grass combined with pleasant sweetish taste of cassia acutifolia and clover grass.

How ingredients work

Leaves participate in the processes of urination and urination, help cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract 1.

Leaves have a mild laxative effect, aid digestion, help cleanse the intestines 2.

Grass promotes blood purification, has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic properties 3.

Grass has a choleretic effect, helps to cleanse the liver 1.

Advantages of Evalar BIO teas

    100% natural ingredients.

    Most of the herbs included in the composition are collected in Altai or grown on their own plantations Evalar in the ecologically clean foothills of Altai without the use of chemicals and pesticides

    The high microbiological purity of teas is ensured by a mild processing method - "instant steam" - in a modern French installation.

    For the best preservation of the medicinal properties, delicate taste and aroma of herbal tea, each filter bag is individually packed in a multilayer protective envelope.

    Produced by Evalar under the GMP standard - a guarantee of quality, purity and potency

Delicate taste and delicate aroma of Altai herbs will bring you real pleasure
Taste-aromatic complex Evalar BIO - fermented strawberry and green tea leaves enrich the tea with an increased content of active biologically active substances; leaves of black currant and peppermint improve the taste and aroma of the tea.


grass, leaves, leaves (cassia acutifolia), grass, leaves, leaves, leaves, natural flavoring "Black currant"

2 filter bags per day provide at least 4-15 mg of flavonoids in terms of rutin and at least 4 3 mg of chrysophanic acid, which is 50% and 30% of the adequate level of consumption, respectively.

Recommendations for use

1 filter bag (free from individual packaging) pour 1 glass of boiling water (200 ml), leave for 5-10 minutes, take for adults 1 glass 2 times a day. Duration of admission - 20 days, if necessary, after 10 days, admission can be repeated


Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

State Registration Certificate (SOGR)

No. KZ.Е.002832.12.14 dated 05.12.2014

Release form Filter bags
Number of filter bags in a package 20 filter bags, 1.5 g each
Best before date 3 years
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° С

* Information confirmed by CoGR.
1 Minaeva V.G. Medicinal plants of Siberia. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991 .-- 431 p.
2 Lavrenov V.K., Lavrenova G.V. Complete encyclopedia of medicinal plants, in 2 vols. - SPb .: Publishing House "Neva"; M .: OLMA-PRESS, 1999 .-- 816 p.
3 Maznev N.I. Medicinal plants. Directory. - M .: Martin, 1999 .-- 479 p.
4 In accordance with TU 9100-270-21428156-14

The body of an average city dweller experiences increased stress every day due to polluted air and water, poor-quality products, and bad habits. Natural cleansers can be used to prevent these effects from harming the body. One of them is Evalar BIO tea for cleansing the body. It is a supplement to the daily diet and consists of 100% natural ingredients:

  • senna leaves - have a mild laxative effect and do not irritate the intestines;
  • birch leaves - help to remove harmful substances through the organs of the excretory system;
  • meadow clover - helps to cleanse the blood, has a small diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • Bupleurum herb - cleanses the liver, helping it cope with daily high stress.

In addition, Evalar BIO tea contains additives that improve its taste and smell to cleanse the body: mint leaves, strawberries, currants, tea. The combination of plant components also ensures the intake of the daily intake of valuable substances - flavonoids - into the human body. When drinking Evalar BIO tea in the recommended volumes (1 filter bag 2 times a day), a person receives 15 mg of rutin and 3 mg of chrysophanic acid.

The maximum duration of the drug is 20 days, after which a ten-day break is required. If necessary, you can prescribe a second course of taking the cleansing tea "Evalar BIO".

Find out more detailed information about this product of the Evalar company using the feedback form on the website or call the specified contact phone number.

The product is available depending on the legislation of the country and the availability of the product from the distributor.

Relatively recently, the Evalar Bio company presented a whole line of herbal preparations of various actions. Such herbal teas should not be considered as a useful replacement for the usual drinks, because in their composition they belong to biologically active substances. Our article discusses the features of the use of Evalar Bio tea for cleansing the body, its composition, action and effectiveness.

The manufacturer of phytopreparations is a company engaged in the supply of natural medicinal herbs from the Altai Territory. In this area, the ecological purity of nature has been preserved, there are no industrial enterprises, as well as densely populated cities. The value of herbs grown in such conditions is difficult to overestimate, therefore such collections are natural.

Evalar Bio's cleansing tea contains:

  • Birch leaves. They are known for their diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects and are often used for infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Meadow clover. Promotes the elimination of harmful cholesterol, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Holly cassia leaves. Normalizes the digestive system.
  • Senna herb. Known for its laxative effect, it helps the natural emptying of the intestines and cleansing it of accumulated feces.
  • Stranded hairball. It cleanses the liver and has a good choleretic effect, it also helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Berry leaves: currants and strawberries, as well as peppermint. They give the drink a unique taste and aroma, as well as enrich it with vitamins and valuable minerals.

For ease of use, all components are packaged in filter bags. This will allow you to quickly brew a drink at work and at home, without using additional devices. It is enough just to dip the bag into a cup, leave for at least five minutes, and then remove it. It is recommended not to use additional sweeteners for maximum effect. The taste of the drink is quite pleasant, so you can refuse sugar.

Application features

Before using such teas, you need to consult a specialist that such a collection will be useful for you and will not bring additional problems. Due to its natural composition, there are not so many contraindications for the product.

In what cases the additive is not used:

  1. During pregnancy.
  2. During breastfeeding.
  3. With individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  4. Use in childhood is agreed with the pediatrician.

They are used in courses of 20 days, after which a break is required (10-15 days). For a noticeable effect and consolidation of the result, it is necessary to take two courses every six months.

Tea has the following effects on the body:

  • Effectively relieves constipation.
  • Helps cleanse the liver and kidneys.
  • Helps avoid puffiness.
  • An excellent choleretic effect is provided.
  • The feeling of hunger decreases, the craving for sweets disappears.
  • The complexion and skin condition improves.

When using Evalar Bio tea, you must strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. It is necessary to drink no more than one or two glasses of tea per day and only during meals. If any unpleasant symptoms and allergic reactions are found, the collection should be discontinued.

Assortment of herbal preparations

In the product line of this company, there are many fees to help solve various health problems. Their composition varies depending on the expected effect, and before using it, you should definitely read the instructions and consult a doctor.

What products does the company offer:

  1. Preparations for weight loss and body cleansing.
  2. To raise vitality, increase efficiency and energy.
  3. Strengthening the heart muscle, cleansing blood vessels and normalizing the work of the system.
  4. Anti-inflammatory preparations for colds and flu.
  5. Products that stimulate the digestive function.
  6. Phytopreparations for cleansing the liver and kidneys.
  7. Herbal preparations that enhance lactation.

All of these categories belong to the so-called dietary supplements - biologically active additives. There have been no scientific studies of the effectiveness of such funds, but this does not prevent them from being used as a useful supplement to the diet. Having excluded possible contraindications for admission, as well as having received the advice of your attending physician, you can use herbal preparations in courses, making sure to take breaks recommended by the manufacturer.

Tea under the Evalar Bio brand for cleansing the body made a splash, appearing relatively recently in pharmacies and online stores. It contains natural herbs from the Altai Territory, collected according to their beneficial effects. Reviews of the application are rather contradictory, but many note its effectiveness in normalizing digestive function and cleansing the body. The mild laxative and diuretic effect helps to get rid of unnecessary "ballast", contributing to the natural cleansing of the body.