Does red wine raise the pressure? Does wine raise or lower blood pressure? The effect of large doses of wine on the cardiovascular system

03.11.2019 Beverages

Alexander, Batumi: Hello, I am 48 years old, I moved to live in Georgia. Previously, there have been cases of spikes in blood pressure up to 160 mm Hg. Art. I am interested in the question whether it is possible for me to drink sometimes. Will this not be the reason for the development of hypertension? Also of interest is the question: "Does wine increase or decrease blood pressure?"

About 30 grams of good dry red wine will only do good. The vessels will expand slightly, the pressure will begin to decrease. If you drink more than the norm, then the blood pressure will begin to rise!

For people who are prone to developing hypertension, it is better to drink dry vintage wines in small quantities. Sweet, sparkling drinks, vermouth cause a hypertensive crisis.

Drinking red wine in small doses can be considered vascular medicine! But abuse can cause persistent hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart attack.

How wine affects blood pressure

It is believed that the stronger the drink, the more the pressure will drop at the time of its consumption. This is due to the expansion of peripheral vessels and relaxation of their walls.

If you drink wine

But the action on a decline has a short-term effect. More often, after 30 minutes, blood pressure rises even more than those limits that were initially.

Sweet and dry wines have different effects on the vascular system:

  1. Sweet red wine initially dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure, but intensifies the contraction of the heart. Because of this, blood pressure increases again after a while.
  2. Unlike table wines, dry wines contain a certain amount of fruit acid. It promotes persistent relaxation of the walls of blood vessels in the body, causes hypotension (lowering blood pressure).

Red wine increases blood pressure if you drink more than two glasses!

According to the results of numerous studies and experiments, it has been established that with the daily use of dry red wine in the amount of 100 g per day, the risk of such pathologies is reduced:

  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels;
  • Diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • Strokes;
  • Various types of neoplasms (cancer and benign neoplasms);
  • Diseases of the gums and teeth;
  • Diseases of the organs of the endocrine system.

Healthy ingredients of wine

As you know, red wine is made from certain grape varieties. The stalks, grape skins and juice are used. The composition of these elements includes some substances that significantly affect the human circulatory system: flavonoids, tannins and procyanids.

  1. Procyanides and tannic acid tannin have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and strength. Protects against various damages and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. The antioxidant substances in wine are flavonoids. These components of the drink inhibit the release of histamine in the human body, thereby inhibiting the development of inflammatory and allergic reactions. It is scientifically proven that flavonoids inhibit the growth and division of atypical cells in the body (reduces the risk of developing cancer).
  3. Proanthocyanid is also found in small amounts in red wine (mostly dry). This substance protects the oral cavity from microorganisms such as mutans streptococcus. This pathogen is the root cause of tooth decay.
  4. Resveratrol, quercetins and catechins contained in wines improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, increase the resistance of the human body's immune system and inhibit the development and growth rate of neoplasias. The activity of brain cells increases with a decrease in the level of glucose in the body under the influence of these substances.

So! Wine lowers a person's blood pressure only for a short period of time. Drinking alcohol to combat hypertension is dangerous. After a while, blood pressure rises above normal and can cause a hypertensive crisis.

It is believed that if you drink red wine during a meal, it will normalize metabolism, improve digestion, and raise your tone. But in connection with the spread of arterial hypertension, it is important to understand: does red wine raise or lower blood pressure? Much depends on the quality of the drink, the dose, the presence of concomitant diseases. Let's try to figure out in which cases a noble drink is useful and in which it is undesirable.

Aromatic wines of dark scarlet color are made from red table grapes. Crushed berries enter containers: there the resulting mass is infused for several days. During this time, the released juice absorbs the taste, pigment and aroma components contained in the peel and bones. In the process of further fermentation, the squeezed juice, with the addition of sugar, gains strength from 9 to 14% (percentage of ethyl alcohol) and turns into dry red wine.


If you adhere to the described technology, a ripe and aged drink acquires a number of properties that are useful for the human body.

  • Antioxidant action. The role of fighters against free radicals is played by resveratrol, which is transferred from seeds and peel (it is almost absent in white wine), quercetins, saponins and catechins. These components inhibit oxidation processes, including cholesterol, preventing the appearance of its deposits on the vascular walls. The most powerful antioxidant is resveratrol. Modern scientific research has confirmed that it increases the resistance of the immune system, prevents and inhibits the growth of cancers.
  • Strengthening blood vessels. Their elasticity and resistance to damage are increased by procyanides and tannin (tannic acid).
  • Protection against pathogenic microflora. Anthocyanins, which color the wine brightly, are natural antibiotics. They infect one of the types of streptococcus that lives in the mouth and protect it from many diseases.

Red wines are rich in vitamins and minerals. Among the latter, it is worth noting magnesium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, rubidium. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain activity. Vitamins C, group B, PP, organic acids, essential compounds effectively raise the tone of the body.

In the course of numerous experiments, it has been established: if you periodically consume high-quality dry wine from red grape varieties in an amount of no more than 100 ml per day, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of the following pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • strokes;
  • tumors;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • periodontal disease, caries, gingivitis.


According to doctors, the negative effect of red dry wines is manifested only with an increased daily rate and systematic use. The constant intake of ethanol into the body causes jumps in blood pressure due to an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. Regular drinkers develop hypertension, liver, stomach, and joint problems. As a result of excessive intake of red wine, the development of such pathological processes is possible:

Any alcohol (regardless of the percentage of ethanol) has a bad effect on the nervous system: concentration of attention is lost, the reaction is inhibited, the person becomes irritable. The effect of wine depends on the individual's susceptibility to its components. For example, there are people who, even with small doses, suffer from tannin-induced headaches.

Please note: There are 160 calories in a glass of wine - this is another strong argument in favor of consuming an alcoholic drink wisely.

Effect of wine on blood pressure

Ethyl alcohol, the level of which in red wine is insignificant, dilates blood vessels: they gradually relax, the lumen increases, and the resistance to blood flow decreases - accordingly, blood pressure decreases for a short time. When the effect of alcohol is over, it will rise again due to vasoconstriction. The persistence and duration of the vasodilating effect depends on the amount and type of wine drunk.


A smooth decrease in blood pressure is observed after drinking 50-100 ml of the drink. When you drink two glasses, ethanol activates the sympathetic nervous system, which stimulates a rapid heart rate. In this case, the heart muscle begins to pump blood in an enhanced mode, the pressure on the walls of the vessels increases. The risk of negative consequences for the cardiovascular system increases if more than 250 ml of this noble drink are consumed every day (for women, the rate is halved).

Beverage type

Many people are interested in: which wine lowers the pressure for a longer time and then increases it not too abruptly? It is worth mentioning right away: we are talking specifically about grape alcoholic beverages, and not about blends from various fruit and berry wine materials.

White wine and pressure

According to the manufacturing technology, it differs from red: the skin and bones are immediately removed, the juice is filtered. The size of the molecules of the finished product is smaller, so the active substances are absorbed faster. Both dry and sweet white wines tend to increase low blood pressure quickly enough. The mild hypertensive action promotes the activation of blood circulation during hypotension. Such treatment is permissible only with a daily dose of no more than 100 ml and in agreement with the doctor.

Red dry (vintage) wine

Most varieties contain no more than 11% ethanol, due to which the pressure decreases slightly (by 10-15 units), but for a longer time. The prolonged hypotensive effect is achieved due to the presence of a large amount of fruit acids, which prevent vascular spasms after the end of the alcohol action. Thanks to this natural antispasmodic, vintage wine constricts blood vessels less intensely than all other alcoholic beverages.

Finding out how dry red wine can lower, rather than raise blood pressure, it is worth noting its ability to increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood. In fact, this compound works like nitroglycerin: it dilates the coronary arteries, activates blood flow, improves blood supply to the heart, and at the same time reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Magnesium and potassium, found in vintage red varieties, strengthen the heart. Procyanides and tannin inhibit the growth of cholesterol plaques, helping to fight atherosclerosis. Thanks to the “bouquet” of useful macro- and microelements, the blood composition improves - it becomes thinner, the percentage of hemoglobin in it increases, and the risk of thrombosis and anemia decreases.

Red table wine

Strong sweet and semi-sweet varieties (up to 18% ethanol) only briefly reduce blood pressure. Due to the large amount of sugar, the pressure quickly returns to its previous values. With an increase in the dose of fortified drink over 150 mg, the heartbeat increases, hypertension increases. You can reduce the strength of table wine by adding mineral water to it, but hypertensive patients should not drink it.

Precautions and contraindications

Speaking about how red wine affects blood pressure, it is worth noting: people suffering from high blood pressure are at risk. Here are some guidelines for those diagnosed with grade 1 hypertension:

People often ask: is it possible to lower or raise blood pressure with the help of red or white wine, using it instead of a medicine? Doctors advise against doing this. If the numbers on the tonometer exceed the norm by 15-20 mm Hg, it is better to drink something from hypotensive herbal preparations. With hypotension, a cup of strong sweetened coffee will invigorate and tone up.

The use of wine is completely prohibited for expectant mothers, people with hypertension of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, as well as for the following ailments:

  • chronic migraine;
  • asthma;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • an allergic reaction to any component of the intoxicating drink (for example, grapes).

Drinking wine systematically is not recommended for both women and men. Under the influence of alcohol in the blood of women who drink, an excess of testosterone (male hormone) is formed, and the stronger sex produces more estrogen (female hormone). This is fraught with infertility, decreased libido and potency, premature menopause.

It is known that high-quality alcohol, when consumed in moderation, has a beneficial effect on the human body and even helps to get rid of some diseases. Special medicinal properties are attributed to natural fermentation products of dark grape varieties, which normalize the work of the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of heart attack by 15-20%. Many people are interested in the question: red wine raises or lowers blood pressure, and how to take it correctly for the purpose of health improvement. Let's try to figure it out.

The rich chemical composition of red wine helps to improve the condition of all organs and systems

In the process of fermentation of grape raw materials, a product is formed with unique characteristics. The rich chemical composition of the drink helps to improve the condition of all organs and systems, especially the heart and blood vessels:

  • flavonoids strengthen the heart muscle, prevent capillary fragility;
  • amino acids stimulate the production of blood cells, normalize the composition and rheological characteristics of blood;
  • procyanides, catechins and tannins increase the strength and elasticity of the vascular walls and venous valves, prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • antioxidants reduce the number of free radicals, reducing the risk of developing pathological oxidation processes in all tissues and body fluids;
  • essential oils stimulate general blood flow;
    polyphenols and complex organic alcohols prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes are involved in metabolic processes, stimulate the work of the myocardium, protect against the harmful effects of stress and unfavorable ecology.

Important! For medicinal purposes, only dry red wine is suitable, made from quality raw materials and aged for at least 3 years. The daily dosage of the drink should not exceed 100-120 ml for women and 250 ml for men.

Drinking wines, regardless of their strength and aging, is absolutely contraindicated in the following cases:

In addition, they normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines, prevent obesity, relieve swelling, help with chronic fatigue and insomnia.


Alcohol should be used with caution for medicinal purposes in endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus, as well as in peri

od of taking any medication. Often, the components contained in the drink can cause allergies. If any signs of a negative reaction appear (itchy rashes, redness and swelling of the skin, dry hacking cough and sore throat), you must immediately exclude the use of alcohol-containing products.

Red wine and pressure

The components of the drink are quickly absorbed by the gastric mucosa and penetrate into the general bloodstream within a few minutes after consumption. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the vessels expand, their walls relax, facilitating blood flow. Fruit acids contained in wine have a pronounced antispasmodic effect that persists for a long time after drinking the product.

A little red dry wine will tone the body

At the same time, due to the unique composition of the drink, the blood is saturated with oxygen and its viscosity decreases, which significantly reduces the load on the valve system of the veins. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the mild diuretic action of the product, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate edema, which are frequent companions of hypertensive patients. All this allows doctors to say with confidence: red wine lowers blood pressure. However, this applies only to high-quality branded dry drinks consumed in moderate dosage.

White and rosé wines differ significantly from red wines in composition, do not contain many useful components, due to which they do not have the ability to lower blood pressure. Semi-dry red wine contains up to 30% of unfermented grape raw materials, which significantly reduces its medicinal properties. Sweet and semi-sweet grape fermentation products contain a high concentration of sugars, leading to the rapid degradation of organic fruit acids and other unique components, minimizing the therapeutic effect of the drink. Therefore, it should be remembered that white and red dessert, sweet and semi-sweet wine increases blood pressure, as a result of which it is not recommended for use by hypertensive patients and persons suffering from cardiovascular pathologies.

Pure grape juice has no effect on blood pressure. Its components acquire a healing effect only in the composition of wine, having passed all the stages of fermentation and fermentation. It is dangerous with high blood pressure to drink strong alcoholic drinks, liqueurs, vermouth, as well as low-quality powdered wines. The main active ingredient of these products is ethyl alcohol, which, when it enters the circulatory system, first expands the vessels, bringing temporary relief, and after 30-40 minutes narrows again, significantly worsening the overall well-being.

But even a drink recommended by experts can have the opposite effect if used incorrectly. Often, dry red wine, drunk on an empty stomach, in the morning, in large quantities or in combination with excessively fatty, spicy or salty foods, increases blood pressure.

It is effective to drink dry red wine with high blood pressure right after a light dinner.

In order for the fermentation product of grape raw materials to bring tangible benefits to the body, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. If the pressure is more than 150 mm. rt. Art. or is accompanied by a deterioration in general health, nausea, vomiting, drinking any alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  2. It is effective to drink dry red wine with increased pressure immediately after a light dinner, which includes a large amount of vegetables and herbs. The alcoholic drink should be washed down with a small amount of clean water and kept quiet for the rest of the day.
  3. Semi-dry and semi-sweet foods can be used under reduced pressure. The best time to consume the product is around 4-5 pm. It is undesirable to combine therapy with food intake.
  4. It is necessary to drink wine starting from 50-60 ml per day, gradually increasing the dose to the daily rate in the absence of side effects.
  5. It is allowed to dilute the drink one and a half to two times with plain boiled or mineral water without gas.
  6. The maximum duration of therapy should be 14 days.
  7. After drinking alcohol, one should not engage in physical activity, take a hot bath or shower, or consume large amounts of food. During treatment, it is advisable to avoid stress and sleep more. Slow walks in the fresh air for 30-60 minutes before bed are helpful.
  8. During therapy, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure indicators before and after drinking alcohol, as well as every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. To strengthen the heart muscle and effectively lower blood pressure, insist dry red wine on lemon or orange peels in a cool dark place for 48 hours. Drink 50 g of the product in the evening after a meal, adding one teaspoon of natural liquid honey just before use.
  2. To reduce blood pressure, drink 2-3 tablespoons of aged vintage red wine with a meal, mixing it with a few drops of aloe juice. It is allowed to replace the product with high-quality cahors.
  3. For headaches and dizziness caused by unstable blood pressure or anemia, it is useful to drink 70-80 ml of dry red wine per day, gradually increasing the portion to the recommended daily allowance.
  4. To strengthen blood vessels and myocardium, consume 50 ml of dry red wine with garlic daily (3-4 cloves per bottle, infuse for a day in a dark cool place).
  5. With reduced pressure, a glass of mulled wine or warmed red wine with the addition of spices (cinnamon, ginger, anise, cloves, pepper) helps well.

All of these recipes are more effective when used as a preventive measure than therapy for acute conditions.

It is not allowed to continue treatment if signs of allergy or gastrointestinal upset appear. Red wine should not be considered as the main treatment for high or low blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions. In the absence of therapy results, deterioration of the condition, the appearance of seizures, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a person is prone to low or high blood pressure, diet should be followed. Many people are wondering: Does red wine raise or lower blood pressure? Let's note right away: alcohol affects the cardiovascular system. Different alcoholic beverages can raise or lower blood pressure. With increased pressure, products that lower the pressure are recommended: red wine is one of them. It can be drunk in small quantities and preferably diluted. Wine is an integral attribute of a festive feast: it allows you to relax, escape from the daily hustle and bustle. Dry red wine has an excellent taste, for which customers appreciate it.

The benefits of red wine for the body:

  • restores pressure;
  • helps to fight extra pounds;
  • stimulates intellectual activity;
  • cleanses the blood and blood vessels;
  • provides the prevention of cholesterol plaques;
  • saturates the body with acids, vitamins;
  • tones up muscles;
  • improves sexual activity in men;
  • slows down the aging of brain cells;
  • provides stroke prevention.

How does red wine affect blood pressure?

Many people think that red wine increases blood pressure: there is some truth to this: the drink increases pressure in exceptional cases. It is generally accepted that red wine can lower blood pressure. When we drink alcohol, we feel a pleasant euphoria, but the blood vessels are strained and the heart is under strain. Red wine does not give such a load, but you need to drink it in limited quantities: once a week is enough.

When used in small doses, the product will not increase blood pressure; it is indicated for hypertension. It is better to give preference to dry wine, you should pay attention to the quality. It is important to know that white wine is less healthy than red wine. Sweet wine, alcoholic liqueurs disrupt the activity of the heart, including due to the sugar content. Thus, they are able to increase blood pressure. Red wine in this case is an exception: it normalizes high blood pressure. Dry red wine contains a large amount of fruit acids, and they dilate the heart vessels, thus, the blood circulates better.

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Useful composition of the drink

The product contains a large amount of polyphenols, including resveratrol. Useful substances in its composition improve the work of internal organs, normalize the arterial pulse. They also provide tumor prophylaxis, provide a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Wine, rich in polyphenols, lowers blood sugar, thus preventing diabetes. Due to the fact that the vessels expand, the tissues are saturated with air.

Red wine lowers blood pressure thanks to antioxidants. They tone up the blood vessels, while at the same time they protect them from plaque. Experts believe that wine reduces the risk of heart attack and brings hypertension into remission. In the peel of berries there is a useful acid, it tones up blood vessels, gives them elasticity. Wine with hypertension can be consumed, but in strictly limited quantities.

Recommendations and contraindications for high blood pressure

Do not get carried away with the drink! Despite its medicinal properties, it can become harmful. Wine has a positive effect on the health of people with diabetes. But if consumed daily or even systematically, it will lead to damage to the cardiovascular system. Despite the positive characteristics, the use of wine in large doses leads to the progression of hypertension, as well as to the development of pancreatitis. Frequent alcohol consumption causes cirrhosis of the liver, so you need to know when to stop.

Now we know the answer to the question: "Does wine increase or decrease blood pressure?" When consumed in moderation, the drink lowers blood pressure; excessive use leads to a short-term increase: this can complicate the work of internal organs. Red wine can be drunk in small quantities, it is advisable to dilute it with water. To strengthen the cardiovascular system, the varieties "Cabernet" and "Sauvignon" are shown. They contain beneficial flavonoids, polyphenols that lower blood pressure and prevent hypertension. If you dilute wine with mineral water, it will retain useful substances.

If you are on medication, you can buy ethanol-free wine. Alcohol with ethanol enhances the effect of medicines, it is better not to use such a product. As for the benefits of white wine, it is not so pronounced: the drink has fewer acids and vitamins necessary for the body. White wine does not cleanse the blood or nourish the entire body.

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Important: The information on the site is not a substitute for medical advice!

The effect of wine on hypertension has not been studied. The composition of the drink makes it possible to understand whether wine increases or decreases red pressure? The blood contains more nitrogen. It dilates the veins, increasing blood flow. Many studies have focused on how red wine affects blood pressure. It was found that wine reduces the risk of stroke by 20%, and heart disease by 15%. But if the dosage is respected.

Which wine is better for pressure?

For hypertension, red wine is useful, but dry. Preference should be given to vintage wines. Drinking from different grape varieties in the absence of the skin has less negative impact. It turned out that there are more antioxidants in red varieties. But the result from them is greater in white drinks, since the absorption into the cells is better. But in red varieties, there are more useful trace elements. Therefore, they are more useful.

In addition to vitamins of group B and A, C, E, PP, red wine contains microelements important for the body: iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

Distinctive features of wines:

  1. Half an hour after drinking red varieties of the drink, the content of antioxidants in the blood serum increases. They improve mood, prevent signs of aging, viral diseases. The effect lasts for 4 hours. No such changes were found after the white varieties.
  2. With an increase in the protein content of endophelin-1, the risk of blood vessel pathologies (atherosclerosis) increases. Red wine lowers its quantity. After white varieties, this effect is not observed.

But research results do not mean that white wines are useless. They improve the functioning of the heart system, are useful for anemia and atherosclerosis. The main thing is to observe a reasonable dosage.

The effect of the drink on blood vessels

Alcohol relaxes the venous walls, lowering blood pressure. But this effect does not last long. The contraction of the myocardium becomes more frequent, the release of blood into the veins and arteries increases, which causes an increase in blood pressure. For heart disease, alcohol should be avoided. Allowed dry red wine under pressure. Due to the sour taste and the presence of fruit acids in the composition, blood pressure decreases.

Branded drinks have a therapeutic effect. Tinctures, table varieties, and vermouths only increase the pressure. Dry wine has a higher content of fruit acids. They are antispasmodics, dilate blood vessels.

Based on the results of medical research, a decrease in blood pressure after taking a drink occurs only in those cases when it was initially increased.

The benefits of red wines

The composition of red grape varieties contains:

  1. Lots of polyphenols. One of them is resveratrol. It eliminates inflammation, myocardial defect, relieves swelling, has a hepatoprotective effect. It improves the supply of oxygen to cells, lowers the amount of sugar in the blood, and accelerates cell metabolism.
  2. Antioxidants and Procyanids. They improve the condition of the veins and arteries, the system as a whole. The likelihood of developing arterial hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction decreases.
  3. Tannin. The component preserves the color of the drink and prevents oxidation. It has tanning properties, prevents thrombus formation, increases the elasticity of veins.
  4. Flavonoids. They improve the work of enzymes, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reducing their permeability. The protective properties of the body increase. A person is not so susceptible to seasonal viral diseases. Prevents the development of cancerous growths. There are more flavnoids in dry varieties without a sugary sweet taste.
  5. B vitamins and minerals. Improves immunity.

The beneficial effect on the body is provided by a moderate amount of the drink. The daily rate is up to 150 ml. And with daily use, the dosage is reduced to 100 ml.

Glass of drink:

  • will charge the body with energy;
  • soothes the nervous system;
  • improve metabolism.

According to doctors, the fruit acids contained in natural red wine relieve vasospasm after the effect of alcohol ends.

Antioxidants and catechins remove cholesterol from the body. Essential oils lower blood pressure, remove toxic substances.

Table red wine at low pressure is not prohibited in moderate doses. It accelerates myocardial contraction and increases blood pressure. The recommended dose of the drink is 50-100 ml per day. To reduce the strength, you can dilute with mineral water. This will not affect its beneficial properties.

The benefits of white varieties

Many people do not know whether white wine raises or lowers pressure? The result is influenced by several factors:

  • strength of the drink;
  • dosage;
  • individual characteristics of the patient.

All alcohol increases blood pressure. What kind of wine lowers blood pressure? These are dry varieties. But red wines are healthier due to their higher content of flavnoids and tannins.

No white wines have the ability to lower blood pressure: neither dry nor sweet table wines.

The benefits of dry white wine:

  1. Reduces blood pressure.
  2. Reduces the likelihood of coronary heart disease.
  3. The lungs function better.
  4. Strengthens the vascular walls.
  5. Normalizes the work of the myocardium.

Wine contains:

  1. antioxidants;
  2. trace elements;
  3. salt.

All substances are easily absorbed by the body. Wine is a light drink that quenches thirst well. The daily rate should not exceed 120 ml. When consumed 2-3 times in 7 days, 50-100 ml per day is considered the norm. If the dosage is exceeded, wine increases the pressure and can exacerbate the problem.


Wine is contraindicated for:

  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • asthma;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • allergies;
  • migraine attacks;
  • alcoholism.

For hypertension, only dry varieties are useful. The rest contain a lot of sugar.

Is it harmful to the body?

If an alcoholic drink is consumed not for prophylaxis, but in an amount higher than the recommended norm, you can harm the human body. With alcohol abuse, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver is disrupted. Diseases of the digestive system, heart attack develop. Signs of skin aging come earlier.