Sedative herbal tea is an excellent sedative. What are the soothing teas?

27.09.2019 Meat Dishes

Modern life is full of tension and stress. Sometimes, when we come home, these feelings do not let us go for a long time. We can't sleep in the evening. In the morning we feel tired and overwhelmed. Where is the way out of such situations? How to calm the nervous system? Do you really need to go to the doctor, prescribe sleeping pills. They usually have many side effects and do not cure.

Teas that calm the nervous system can come to the rescue. They will help to take off the work day:


Calm the nervous system.

There are many recipes for such teas and it is quite possible to choose the right one for yourself.

In addition to the calming effect, they have many other useful properties, they have a healing effect on the entire body.

Which tea calms the nervous system

Unfortunately, stress has become a part of our daily life. Constant stressful situations have a negative effect on the entire body. Everyone has their own ways to relax. Someone prefers a walk. For some, meditation helps.

One way is to consume herbal teas with a calming effect. One of the main requirements for them is the absence of caffeine. Most herbs do not contain it.

Herbal preparations can help calm down. Prepare the body for sleep. In such collections, as a rule, lavender, valerian, passionflower, chamomile are present. They have a calming effect and help you fall asleep.

In addition, lavender causes a decrease in blood pressure, reduces the heart rate.

Valerian interacts with gamma-aminobutyric acid. A chemical compound that regulates nerve impulses. Promotes a sense of calmness, reduces anxiety.

Herbal teas for sleep can also help reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress. Especially useful for relaxation. The best choice for sound sleep is chamomile. It contains flavonoids that bind to receptors in the brain and cause sedation.

Green tea is another drink that can help relieve stress. However, it does contain caffeine. As a sedative, it is best to drink it during the day and not too much. Before going to bed, its use is prohibited.

The soothing herbs include adaptogenic herbs. They do not directly affect falling asleep. They are useful in order to increase endurance, restore balance in the body. Protect against the negative effects of stressful situations. Such herbs include astragalus, tulsi (tulasi, holy basil), ashwagandha.

Since different herbs have different effects on the body, they can interact with medications. Consult a physician prior to use.

What teas are soothing

You need to stop your choice on those that contain the highest levels of enzymes and nutrients. Here are some of these highly effective nerve-soothing drinks.

From valerian

It has long been known for its sedative properties. Valerian tea has been used as a powerful sleep aid by the ancient Romans. It is an excellent remedy for insomnia. Shoots:


In addition, valerian infusion will be a great way to relieve sore throat.

Drink no more than two cups a day to avoid complications. Do not drink before surgery if anesthesia is used.

Of passionflower

This tropical plant is better known as passionflower. Passion flower decoction has a very strong calming effect. One cup of drink before bed will calm your nerves, help you fall asleep faster, ensuring healthy sound sleep.

With St. John's wort

It is very useful for the treatment of menstrual, climacteric pain, sore throat, stress, anxiety.

Contains natural endorphins, which are produced by our body, boosts the immune system. One cup is enough for a good soothing effect.


A very effective tea for relieving stress, anxiety, anxiety. Calms the nervous system well. You can drink as much as you like. This is one of the few herbs that is harmless.

Besides, if you suffer from menstrual cramps or menopause, sore throats, colds, flu, constant stress at work, chamomile tea is one of the best to get rid of these problems.


Lavender, like valerian, is one of the herbs renowned for its sedative properties. Lavender tea is drunk with stress and anxiety. It helps to fall asleep quickly and sleep in a healthy sound sleep.

Spring primrose

This nondescript flower, which blooms in early spring, is useful not only for calming the nervous system. Helps with a breakdown, gives a surge of energy and strength. By the way, its stems are edible.


Fireweed or ivan tea has pronounced soothing properties. This plant grows almost throughout the entire territory of our country. Its crimson flowers attract with their delicate beauty among shrubs and trees.

In addition to sleeping pills, it helps to normalize blood pressure and has many more useful properties.

Viburnum ordinary

Viburnum fruits are widely known for their blood pressure-reducing properties. An excellent vitamin remedy that strengthens the immune system. Viburnum bark is used less often. Meanwhile, it has a good calming effect. It can be brewed for nervous disorders, insomnia and irritation. Helps with headaches caused by migraines.

In addition to herbs, there are many more preparations that will help calm the nerves, relieve stress, anxiety, irritation. You can buy one of these collections of herbal teas in this online store.

All of the above plants can be found freely in the pharmacy. They are sold not only in boxes, but also in tea bags, which are very easy to brew. They are not very expensive.

The main thing is to understand that accumulating irritation, anxiety, anxiety, stress is harmful to health. Accumulating, all these mental and physical problems, over time, affect health more serious.

After drinking a cup of tea with soothing herbs, in the morning you will feel refreshed, confident in your own strength and relieved of nervous tension.


Herbs for the most part have no side effects, unlike drugs. However, the brewing dosage must not be exceeded. Do not drink large quantities at once. One cup of tea at night this amount will be enough to relieve the stress of a working day.

With individual intolerance to this or that herb, an allergic reaction is possible.

If the feeling of tension, insomnia does not leave for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

With the help of soothing teas, you can not only cope with various nervous disorders, but also improve the general condition of the body, in particular, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.

Soothing teas are made from herbs and a variety of plants that have a sedative effect. You can buy a ready-made collection at the pharmacy or choose a combination, focusing on your own taste and the effect you want to achieve.

Many people dislike the taste of a herbal drink, in which case you can use green tea as a base, adding soothing herbs to it when brewing. Almost any type of green tea can be used as such a base tea, since they contain great amount flavonoids and antioxidants that help the body overcome depression and stress. It should be noted that lime and jasmine also have a calming effect, while they do not affect perception and increase the level of performance.

Soothing tea composition

Valerian is one of the most famous soothing plants. Teas with the addition of valerian roots normalize heart rate and blood pressure, providing a wonderful relaxing effect.

Motherwort has not only antidepressant and sedative effects, but can also act as an antispasmodic. The leaves of this plant are usually added to tea.

St. John's wort has a complex, mild effect on the body. It relieves anxiety, feelings of fear, significantly increases resistance to stress and depression. For the preparation of a soothing tea, St. John's wort flowers are used, collected in the first half of summer.

Chamomile is another common ingredient in soothing teas. It puts nerves in order, relieves anxiety, and is also a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent.

Mint teas are widespread. This plant is a natural antidepressant, improves sleep and increases the body's resistance to a variety of stresses.

Hops has an anticonvulsant effect, relieves aching pains in the stomach and heart, which often occur during nervous overstrain. It is best brewed with green tea, as hops have a rather pronounced and specific flavor.

Soothing teas are best drunk in small courses of two or three weeks, which makes them more effective. It is very important to observe the correct dosage so as not to harm the body. Keep in mind that most calming herbs in too high doses can cause drowsiness and negatively affect memory and attention. If you are sensitive to such drugs, be sure to reduce the dosage.

Problems, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep - all this loads the nervous system and does not allow to fully enjoy life. Sedating herbs can help you calm down and deal with stress. This natural herbal infusion can be taken even by babies who sometimes sleep poorly due to nervous immaturity.

Herbal Soothing Tea

Adults and children face increased physical and mental stress. Constant stress causes problems with sleep, concentration, and mood. Unfortunately, there is not always time to fully rest - with prolonged sleep, regular meals and walks. In this case, a calming tea will help unload the nervous system.

The pursuit of an ideal, the desire to become the best is good motivation, but sometimes good intentions lead to neuroses and anxiety. Tea that calms the nervous system is necessary as part of the complex therapy of such diseases:

  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • vegetative vascular dystonia;
  • intestinal colic;
  • neuroses, hysteria;
  • hyperreactivity in a child;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insomnia.

Active herbs

The infusion of certain herbs has a vivid sedative effect, has a minimum of contraindications, in contrast to drugs. You can brew a single ingredient drink or prepare a soothing mix.

The sedative effect is most pronounced after taking the following plants:

  • Valerian officinalis... The brewed infusion of roots relaxes, causes drowsiness, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Hop... Relieves cramps, nerve pains in the heart, stomach and intestines.
  • Motherwort... Leaves release clamps and spasms, depressive conditions.
  • Lavender... Helps to fall asleep, makes sleep sound and long.
  • Chamomile... Removes inflammation, mental stress.
  • Mint... Normalizes falling asleep, relieves stress.
  • St. John's wort... Flowers have a mild effect - they relieve anxiety, fears, and increase stress resistance.
  • Green tea... Contains flavonoids and antioxidants that relieve stress and increase performance.

Combining herbs

Plants have different effects on the body: some relax and put to sleep, others relieve stress and increase efficiency. When compiling a soothing collection on your own, start from the desired result: for effective work without nervous tension, take green tea, bergamot, chamomile, mint.

To get a full sleep and get rid of the feeling of anxiety, soothing teas from valerian, lavender, motherwort, hop cones, licorice, violets will come in handy. When treating heart disease, take hops, lavender to normalize the rhythm and pressure.


Do not forget about the possible side effects of herbal infusions, especially if you are preparing a soothing tea for children. Despite their naturalness and usefulness, herbal ingredients can provoke an allergic reaction.

For babies, succession, rosehip, valerian, fennel, chamomile, linden are suitable. Soothing mint teas are contraindicated for crumbs under 3 years old.

The sedative effect of plants can cause excessive sleepiness, memory impairment, and decreased concentration. Valerian can cloud vision - do not drink soothing teas from this root before driving. St. John's wort increases sensitivity to ultraviolet light - in the summer this can cause sunburn.

Recipes for adults

Here are the recipes by which you can easily make soothing teas:

  • Mix valerian root, motherwort, lemon balm in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour in a mug of boiling water, leave warm for 20 minutes. Consume 1 spoonful three times a day.
  • Measure out 2 tsp. tea leaves (green), 1 tsp. lemon balm leaves, St. John's wort, linden flowers. Pour 2 cups of boiling water to the herbs, leave for 10 minutes, add tea leaves, strain after 5 minutes.
  • Put a spoonful of St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, oregano, mint. Stir well, collect 1 tsp. collection, pour a mug of boiling water. Keep in a warm place for 15 minutes, add honey.
  • Pour into a container of 50 g. valerian and mint leaves, a pinch of dill seeds. Pour a cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. mixture, strain after 30 minutes. Drink half a cup twice a day.
  • Take equal shares of motherwort, hops, rose hips, mint, valerian. Add a mug of boiling water to 1 tbsp. l. plants, soak for 30 minutes. Drink half a cup 2 times a day.

Toddler recipes

Soothing tea for children will gently cope with moods, restless sleep, irritability in babies. For infants, choose a collection without sweeteners, colors, and artificial flavors. Start with one-way drinks to track your reaction to a new product.

Fennel as part of a soothing tea for babies will soothe the baby, normalize the bowels, and reduce the amount of gas. Chamomile flowers will relax muscles and relieve hypertonicity, have antimicrobial effect.

Try a baby soothing tea with 1 part hop cones and valerian and 2 parts mint leaves. Pour in 120 ml of boiling water to 1 tsp. mixture, soak for 20 minutes. Give an infusion of 2-3 tablespoons during the day and at night.

An effective soothing tea for children made from equal shares of lemon balm, chamomile, oregano. Pour a mug of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. mixture, soak 15 minutes. Drink the crumbs 3 times a day with a teaspoon of the drink.

Herbal infusions have a cumulative effect, to obtain a pronounced result, take them regularly in courses of 2-3 weeks.

There are no absolutely calm children in nature. Even if the baby always eats and sleeps on schedule, behaves quietly, does not scream unnecessarily and does not be capricious, this does not mean that one day he will not need a sedative. After all, the baby can get sick, experience stress, which will adversely affect his ability to fall asleep easily and soundly. Children's herbal teas with a calming effect will be a good help for parents. This is an alternative method that is practically harmless and very effective.

What are they?

Teas, whose vocation is to gently soothe, stabilize the child's nervous system and have a mild sedative effect, are always made on the basis of plant materials. They are single-component and complex. Pharmacy (ready-made) herbal teas are sold both in the form of a dry herbal mixture for brewing, and in filter bags. They are exclusively herbal and with additives of prebiotics and pieces of dried fruit.

In addition, you can always make your child a soothing tea yourself from herbs collected with your own hands or from ready-made collections. It is important that the herb for tea is collected in accordance with all the rules, after all, chamomile can be different - one grows in the field far from settlements, the other - by the road, where it absorbs the remains of spent car fuel, dust, dirt and even radiation doses.

It is important that the raw materials for baby tea are environmentally friendly

For a baby soothing tea, the herb must be perfectly clean. If you are not a professional herbalist, it is better not to take risks and buy a ready-made collection at the pharmacy, safe, tested for toxicity and heavy metal impurities, collected and dried in accordance with all norms and requirements.

Then you can combine any teas from such pharmacy fees. The main thing is not to forget that herbal preparations also have a shelf life and storage conditions. If they are violated, herbs can lose all their beneficial properties.

Follow the rules for brewing and storing herbal preparations

What herbs will you need?

The following ingredients may be helpful for making baby soothing tea:

  • Pharmacy chamomile. The flowers of this plant have the widest range of beneficial effects. They disinfect, destroying many types of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, lower heat, are choleretic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, anti-allergic agent. From the side of the question of interest to us, chamomile flowers perfectly normalize the child's sleep. This herb can even be given to newborns from the first days of life.
  • Motherwort. The herb and leaves of this plant have a pronounced sedative effect. Many diseases of the cardiovascular system are treated with drugs based on them. Motherwort is an excellent remedy for nervousness, sleep disturbances, hyperexcitability, tantrums.
  • Melissa. Leaves and stems of lemon balm normalize digestion, stimulate appetite, are diaphoretic. This plant is able to relieve cramps and have anti-inflammatory effects. Melissa is a strong natural antidepressant, and therefore teas with lemon balm will help to establish the normal functioning of the child's nervous system.

  • Valerian. The roots and rhizomes of this plant effectively treat many disorders of the central nervous system, disorders of the coronary circulation, and some diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Mint.Medicinal mint leaves and stems are excellent diuretic, antiemetic, and pain reliever. Peppermint has an excellent sedative effect, it normalizes sleep, tidies up the nervous system.
  • Fennel. The inflorescences, seeds, and leaves of this plant are commonly used as a carminative to treat colic in infants and to treat flatulence in older children. In addition, fennel mildly soothes and makes it easier to fall asleep. But lactation, contrary to popular belief, does not contribute.
  • Linden. The flowers of this tree have an expectorant and diaphoretic effect, and also soothe the nervous system, relieve internal stress, and facilitate sleep.
  • Calendula. The flowers of this plant are used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing herbal remedy. Calendula has a mild effect on the nervous system, relieves the effects of stress, anxiety, reduces anxiety, and facilitates easy sleep.

Most herbs also have tonic properties.


"Chamomile drink" (one-component)

For such a soothing tea, you need 5 grams. pharmacy collection of chamomile. Pour boiling water over the herb and let it brew for 25 minutes. You can even give this tea to newborns, starting with half a teaspoon twice a day.

Calendula drink (combined)

For this soothing tea, you need 3 grams. dried flowers of calendula, mint leaves, 2 gr. motherwort dried. Mix the herbs and "grind" with a wooden spoon or mortar. You can prepare tea leaves in a separate glass container by scalding with boiling water or in a water bath. Then dilute it with water to a volume of 200 grams. A child can drink this tea from a starting dose of 3 teaspoons four times a day.... Increase the amount of tea gradually.

"Soothing mint drink" (combined)

To prepare such tea, you will need mint (fresh or pharmacy collection) 3 gr., Dry motherwort 2 gr., Roots and rhizomes of valerian 3 gr. Mix all ingredients and grind finely with a wooden mortar. Pour boiling water over and leave for about 40 minutes. Take tea for a child under 4 years old, 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day, for children older - 50-150 ml. (depending on age) three to four times a day.

Which teas are safe for children?

0 to 4 months You can only give fennel one-component tea, it will relieve colic and improve baby's sleep. From 4 months to 1 year - fennel, chamomile one-component, chamomile combined.

1 to 2 years - in the above herbs you can add motherwort, lemon balm and sage.

From 3 years old to 5 years old - valerian and thyme can be added to baby tea.

About 7 years - feel free to add linden blossom and honey to tea, if there are no allergic reactions to it.

Be sure to follow the dosage when brewing tea

How to take baby herbal soothing tea correctly

Discuss giving your child a soothing tea with your pediatrician.Usually, doctors allow the use of medicinal herbs from 4-6 months along with the baby's first complementary food. An exception is fennel tea or dill water. You can drink them earlier.

It is necessary to take herbal tea systematically, since its effect is slow and cumulative. Try to give it to your child before bed.

Nursing mothers can also take herbal teas, but you need to carefully read the composition, so that the child, along with breast milk, does not receive those herbs that are "not for his age" yet.

To avoid side effects, consult your pediatrician before taking tea

Review of Pharmacy (Ready-to-Drink) Soothing Teas

The most popular, according to parents, children's soothing herbal teas:

  • “Grandma’s mint basket”. It can be drunk by babies from 3 months. The tea contains nothing superfluous, only mint leaves. For convenience, it is packaged in filter bags.
  • "Grandma's basket - rosehip." Shown for babies from 4 months. Rosehip fruits not only effectively calm the child's nervous system, but also make up for the lack of vitamins C, E in the body, as well as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium.
  • "Hipp" (HIPP). Herbal tea for children, which is a foreign analogue of the same "Grandma's basket". Some seeing tea "Hipp" can be brewed by a baby from 4 months. Soothing "Hipp" consists of several useful herbs - linden blossom, chamomile. It has no sugar at all. For older children, there is "Hipp - Good Night", which is made on the basis of strong natural soothing herbs - lemon balm, hibiscus and thyme.
  • "FIT baby elephant". This is a granular instant tea for children. There are one-component, for example, only with fennel, and combined. Teas "Elephant FIT" are often served with pieces of fruit, dried berries. But such herbal tea options are not suitable for newborns and babies. They are designed to calm naughty guys aged 3 years and older.
  • "Tea of \u200b\u200bDr. Tais".A multi-ingredient tea that can be found in any pharmacy. It contains rose hips, primrose flowers, mint leaves, caraway seeds, chamomile. It is also an instant tea with no added sugar.
  • "Evening fairy tale". Children's herbal tea of \u200b\u200bRussian production. It consists of the fruits of anise, fennel, peppermint, lavender. According to parents' reviews, it is quite effective tea. It should be taken, at the request of the manufacturer, once a day, before bedtime.

The modern rhythm of life leaves a person less and less time for proper sleep and rest. Constant haste, the desire to be the first, the desire to know everything and be able to make the nervous system overexcited and more susceptible to the development of various disorders. In order to gently and without consequences restore emotional health, you can return to your grandmother's recipes - to prepare herbal teas.

Tea for the nervous system

A truly soothing tea is primarily an herbal drink. Herbal medicine is more relevant here than drugs, which are better left for later. In nature and among cultivated plants, there are many of those that contain substances that can slow down the transmission of nerve impulses, thereby preventing overexcitation of the entire nervous system.

These plants include:

  • motherwort;
  • chamomile;
  • valerian;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • st. John's wort;
  • lavender;
  • hops, etc.

When creating soothing teas, herbalists recommend combining 2 or more plants in one collection. To make the drink tastier, aromatic herbs are added to the collection, for example, oregano, linden blossom, mallow, rose hips, dried apples, etc. The base for many drinks is Chinese green tea, which is also rich in vitamins, antioxidants, micro- and macroelements and other useful substances.

Tea, which calms the nervous system, does not work immediately. The effect occurs after a few days with the systematic use of the drink. The reason for this is the accumulation of specific substances in the human body, which can have the desired effect only at a certain concentration in the blood.

The 4 most popular ingredients in tea

You can buy a finished product at a pharmacy, or you can compose it yourself. It is always better to start with tea than taking a sedative. In the first case, a completely natural product is obtained with a mild effect and does not have negative effects on human health. Sedatives are also mostly herbal preparations, but these are extracts, extracts, much more concentrated, with the addition of chemical compounds.

To fall asleep easier and faster, to relax after a busy day, tea is drunk in the evening 1-2 hours before rest. If a person feels nervous and is constantly in an overexcited state, it is recommended to take 2-3 glasses of herbal drinks throughout the day. Sugar is not added to such teas; it is replaced with honey if desired.

Homemade teas recipes

At home, you can easily prepare soothing teas from both collected independent material and purchased at the pharmacy. To know which tea to make, you need to understand the effect of its components.

  • St. John's wort - helps to cope with stress and depression, acts gently, relieves anxiety.
  • Valerian - The root of the plant is used. Normalizes sleep, heart rate, lowers blood pressure, has a pronounced sedative effect.
  • Mint, lemon balm - the lightest of the soothing herbs, helps to cope with increased excitability, smooths out stressful conditions.
  • Hops - gently affects the nervous system, helps to cope with anxiety, eliminates nervous tremors, pain in the stomach, in the region of the heart.
  • Lavender is a good remedy for insomnia, but it is rarely used because of its pronounced bitterness.
  • Chamomile is a mild sedative, indicated for children and pregnant women.
  • Motherwort is a sedative herb. Lowers blood pressure, soothes, reduces heart rate. Contraindicated in bradycardia and low blood pressure, asthenic conditions.

Any of these plants can be added to green tea infusions. It will be a mild sedative that tastes good and has health benefits. Recipes for effective and popular drinks for adults that you can make at home are presented below.

It is necessary to select the composition of tea based on the action of each component.

Recipe number 1
Combine green tea, motherwort and hop cones in equal proportions. Pour 200 ml of hot water (95 degrees) 1 tsp. collection, insist in a thermos for 20 minutes. Drink with honey in the afternoon.

Recipe number 2
A collection of oregano, mint, St. John's wort, hops and chamomile taken in equal quantities soothes the nerves well. Take 1 tbsp for a glass of hot water. l. mixture and insist 15 minutes.

Recipe number 3
Take 1 part of green tea, linden flowers, chamomile and St. John's wort, mix and pour 1 glass of hot water over 1 tbsp. l. collection. Insist 10-15 minutes, drink with honey.

The lightest composition of a soothing tea can be chamomile and mint taken in equal amounts. Among the pharmaceutical preparations, one can single out the products of the Evalar company, for example, the evening soothing Bio tea. It is a natural herbal tea bag that promotes good sleep and emotional well-being. It includes:

  • linden flowers;
  • oregano herb;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • hawthorn fruit;
  • californian escholzia.

It is necessary to take tea 30 minutes before going to bed for 20 days.

On sale you can also find monastery anti-stress tea, consisting of 8 herbs: oregano, sweet clover, mint, motherwort, fennel, chamomile, valerian and hawthorn fruit. It will improve the quality of sleep, relieve nervous excitement, headaches of a nervous nature, and help with overwork.

Dried fruits can be added to any of the described tea recipes to promote overall health and increase the stability of the nervous system. These include dried rose hips, which are best ground in a mortar before adding to tea. Dried apples will add a pleasant sourness to any tea.

For children

Soothing herbal teas are popular products even for newborn babies. From 2 months, you can give such drinks to restless babies to help them adapt to the world around them, sleep better, and solve digestive problems. Depending on the composition, teas have age restrictions. Mint tea with fennel is considered the safest; it can be found among the products of Babushkino basket, Hipp (Hipp) and other manufacturers.

These baby drinks are best purchased in filter bags, where the dose is clearly measured for a certain volume of water. A soothing tea is given, as a rule, before daytime and evening sleep, and if the composition also includes components to improve digestion, then before each feeding (3-4 times a day).

Babushkino Lukoshko is the most popular brand on the domestic market

The herbal drink Evening Fairy Tale from Krasnogorskleksredstva is intended for children from 6 months old who are already starting to switch to an extended menu. The tea contains soothing ingredients (mint and lavender) and digestion improving (anise and fennel). The drink will help soothe a hyperactive baby, improve digestion and increase sleep depth. Intended to be consumed before bedtime.

Children from 2 years of age and older can prepare teas on their own from a small amount of mint, lime blossom, rose hips, dill seeds, add dried berries, cornflower petals and other useful ingredients to the cup.

For expectant mothers

Herbal teas for pregnant women are an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical preparations. The safest drinks are considered to be chamomile, mint, lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. It is recommended to drink them from the 12th week of pregnancy. The course is on average 10-20 days, then a mandatory break is required.

There are ready-made packaged herbal teas offered by manufacturers of baby products. By the way, it is children's soothing teas that pediatricians recommend to drink to expectant mothers and nursing mothers so that the child's body gets used to them and reacts normally.

If the expectant mother is too irritable, she has trouble sleeping, you can brew 2 hop cones with a glass of boiling water every evening, leave for 10 minutes and drink a warm infusion. Mint tea also has a mild sedative effect. Take 1 tsp in a glass of water. mint, insist for a maximum of 10 minutes, drink with honey and lemon.

Monochays are always safer than drinks with a rich composition, and it is with them that it is recommended to start for pregnant women and young children. Thus, the body's reaction to plant components is also traced, in particular the development of allergies.

Herbal tea not only soothes, it enriches the body with useful organic compounds, normalizes the functioning of systems and organs, is the prevention of certain diseases, and improves overall well-being.