Brussels benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of Brussels sprouts, its effect on human health

22.04.2019 Soups

Brussels sprouts- a plant of the cruciferous family. This vegetable belongs to the types of collard greens. This type of vegetable was developed on the basis of wild kale, which grew in the Mediterranean. Belgian scientists from Brussels on its basis bred a cultivar, which later spread throughout Europe.

The plant has a cylindrical stem up to 60 centimeters long. Long and narrow leaves, attached with petioles, sit on the stem. The leaves are green or gray-green in color with a waxy sheen. In the axils of the leaves, small heads of cabbage grow (50-100 pieces) with sizes walnut, their weight is about 10 grams.

Why Brussels sprouts are good for you

Brussels sprouts are considered the healthiest of all the other types of cabbage. This is due to the fact that its small heads of cabbage contain several times more vitamins, vital for the human body.

  • Brussels sprouts are excellent remedy for increase immunity and treatment spring beriberi ... Vitamin C in cabbage contains 3 times more of it than in white cabbage, which is approximately comparable to black currant. When included in the diet of Brussels sprouts, the risk of seasonal infectious diseases is reduced.
  • Brussels sprouts are considered excellent dietary product which contains enough squirrel. It is easily assimilated by the body without unnecessary energy expenditure. Therefore, this type of cabbage is recommended to eat more for children, adolescents, the elderly and the sick, whose body is weakened due to illness.
  • Brussels sprouts has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system person. It contains in its composition a substance that lowers blood sugar... Therefore, this vegetable is recommended for inclusion in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Cabbage, bred by scientists in Brussels, has beneficial effects on the pancreas, normalizing her work. The high fiber content of green vegetables provides laxative effect which prevents the formation of constipation and normalizes work gastrointestinal tract... However, in small quantities, Brussels sprouts give astringent effect.
  • Brussels sprouts have hematopoietic effect due to the high content of magnesium, iron and potassium, which not only nourish the heart muscle, but also contribute to the increased formation of red blood cells in the blood and the absorption of iron. It is useful to include a vegetable in the diet for people with heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Brussels sprouts stimulates regenerative processes... Therefore, it is useful for people with wounds to eat it for the speedy healing of wounds. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious effects, which minimizes the risks of purulent wounds.
  • Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants and chlorophyll anti-cancer effect, in which there are no changes in the composition of the DNA of tissue cells human body... With the preserved DNA structure, the formation of malignant tumors is impossible.
  • Brussels sprouts juice is choleretic and diuretic... This action of the vegetable also helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins that clog the walls of blood vessels and adversely affect human well-being.
  • Fortifying action cabbage allows you to use it in the period after suffering severe infectious diseases. At the same time, the broth of Brussels sprouts in its composition resembles chicken bouillon, which is recommended to drink with a weakened body.
  • Brussels sprouts normalizes arterial blood pressure , preventing him from rising beyond the norm. Therefore, the vegetable is recommended for inclusion in the diet of patients with hypertension. The same property of the vegetable is useful for people suffering from arrhythmia.

Contraindications for Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are contraindicated in exacerbations chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract and gastritis with high acidity.

Refrain from including Brussels sprouts in the diet should be people with a weakened intestine.

Nutritional value of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a dietary food product in which a large number contains proteins and to a lesser extent - carbohydrates and fats. There are only 43 kilocalories per 100 grams of the edible part of the product. The same part of the cabbage contains:

100 grams of Brussels sprouts contains vitamins:

Among the minerals in Brussels sprouts can be distinguished (per 100 grams of product).

Brussels sprouts were presented to the world by Belgian breeders who bred new variety, calling it rosencoli because of the rose-like inflorescences. Due to its unusual taste characteristics and useful properties, it has rapidly spread to other countries, having won a whole army of fans. Today, without it, it is difficult to imagine a menu of a person who monitors the health and beauty of the body. What is the use, what are the features of the application and are there any contraindications to the use of rosencoli?

Useful properties of the product

The uniqueness of this small vegetable consists of a rare combination of high nutritional value and low calorie content. The protein contained in Brussels sprouts is comparable in characteristics to proteins of animal origin. Therefore, the broth cooked from rosencoli will not yield to nutritional properties chicken soup.

100 grams of Brussels sprouts can cover 15% of the daily requirement for vitamin B6, potassium and organic acids, and more than 110% for vitamin C.

Also, as a result of regular consumption of rosencoli, brain activity improves, nerves are strengthened and sexual function normalizes.

Brussels sprouts will help a pregnant woman cope with toxicosis, heartburn, anemia, constipation and overweight. At the same time, the use of the product is advisable in any trimester:

  • in the first, when the embryo is transformed into a fetus and all organs are formed, for which protein is needed as a building material;
  • in the second, during which the baby's skeletal and nervous systems begin to develop;
  • in the third - during the period of active formation of the child's brain.

It is better if this vegetable "settles" on the table at the time of pregnancy planning. This will improve hormonal background, accelerate conception, bring the body of the future baby maximum benefit and save money on buying vitamins.

Brussels sprouts are no less necessary during breastfeeding, when the mother's body suffers most from a lack of nutrients and elements.

The use of the product (especially freshly squeezed juice from it) is shown for men and women in the postoperative period. This is due to the fact that rosencol promotes the production of red blood cells, which heal wounds, and increases the overall resistance of the body.

Oncologists emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet for preventing the occurrence of cancerous tumors... Brussels sprouts will also become an indispensable assistant in this matter, since the isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol contained in it effectively remove carcinogens and help in preventing the development of many diseases related to oncology.

With pancreatitis, rosencol will protect the pancreas from irritating foods and bring maximum nutritional benefits from permitted food. Against this background, Brussels sprouts are a real salvation, soothing and restoring a sick organ. As for patients with diabetes mellitus, it will help them in normalizing blood sugar levels and will beneficial influence on the endocrine system.

Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, the product is necessarily included in all diets recommended for weight loss. Due to the fact that the vegetable is rich in mineral salts, it also perfectly relieves the frequent companions of diets - feelings of weakness and nervousness.

Table: Chemical composition and nutritional value of Brussels sprouts

Nutritional value per 100 grams of edible product:
Carbohydrates3.1 g
Fats0.3 g
Protein4.8 g
Organic acids0.3 g
Alimentary fiber4.2 g
Unsaturated fatty acid 0.1 g
Saturated fatty acids0.1 g
Mono- and disaccharides2.7 g
Ash1.3 g
Starch0.4 g
Water86 g
Calorie content35 kcal
Trace elements:
Iron1,3 mg
Magnesium40 mg
Potassium375 mg
Sodium7 mg
Phosphorus78 mg
Calcium34 mg
WITH100 mg
PP (niacin equivalent)1,5 mg
PP0.7 mg
E1 mg
B5 (pantothenic acid)0,4 mg
Beta carotene0.3 mg
B6 (pyrodaxine)0.3 mg
B2 (riboflavin)0.2 mg
B1 (thiamine)0.1 mg
A (RE)50 mcg
K (phyloquinone)29 mg
B9 (folic acid)31 mcg

Contraindications and possible harm

Due to the high content of amino acids, rosencol is carefully introduced into the menu with increased acidity of the stomach (for example, with gastritis), enterocolitis, frequent intestinal spasms and the presence of active inflammatory foci of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, a consultation with a gastroenterologist will help to understand the advisability of using the product and the permissible daily norms. Wherein negative impact it is most clearly manifested when it is absorbed in its raw form, therefore, to partially neutralize some of the disadvantages of rosencoli for a specific person will help heat treatment product.

In the case of decreased thyroid function, consuming Brussels sprouts may do more harm than good. This is due to the fact that the gaterogens contained in it suppress the production of thyroid hormones, and indoles impede the absorption of iodine. Despite the fact that heat treatment neutralizes Negative influence of these substances, it is not worth including rosencol in the diet without qualified medical advice.

Another contraindication is an excess of vitamin C in the body or individual intolerance, which is rare.

Nuances of use

The norm for an adult

Brussels sprouts are among the few versatile vegetables suitable for use in raw, boiled, baked, stewed, pickled and fried... They cook from it great amount the most varied dishes: from salads and side dishes to casseroles, sauces, omelets and pastries. Therefore, you can not be afraid that the rosencoli-based menu will be monotonous and boring.

The largest number of nutrients is retained when consumed raw product or making juice from it. Those who like to eat cabbage in this way should choose the varieties "Boxer", "Curl", "Explorer" or "Dolmik", which are distinguished by pleasant taste characteristics... Considering that almost all vitamins and trace elements remain in the vegetable when quick freeze, dishes from it can be prepared all year round.

As for the daily norms for the use of rosencoli, no clear dosages have been established. People who do not have direct contraindications to the consumption of Brussels sprouts can enjoy the product to the extent that they consider necessary.

Unless you're a big fan cabbage dishes, it will be enough to eat 300 grams of rosencoli per week. According to research by scientists from Austria, this dose is enough to prevent oncological diseases and strengthening the immune system.

With pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus

With pancreatitis, the vegetable must be subjected to heat treatment as raw cabbage can irritate the pancreas. But the juice will not bring harm.

The product is best consumed in the form of puree, which has an additional enveloping effect. It is worth starting with a couple of teaspoons, observing the reaction of the body, and gradually increasing the dose. In the absence of pain, the serving size can be increased to 100-150 grams.

At diabetes mellitus you should include dishes from Brussels sprouts in boiled and stewed form as often as possible. Due to the low carbohydrate content, which is responsible for the level of sugar, there are no restrictions on the size of the servings and the frequency of consumption of the vegetable.

When losing weight

The maximum benefit will be brought by the use of vegetables in raw, boiled or steamed.

Quickly get rid of a few extra pounds will help two week diet rosencoli-based, meaning it daily use in three different variations with a combination low-fat varieties fish and poultry meat.

Remember that any diet is ineffective without limiting the use of alcoholic and carbonated drinks and bakery products... Sports activities and an active lifestyle are also not canceled.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding

The most useful during this period will be salads from raw cabbage, steamed dishes, vegetable broth and Fresh Juice... Use fried foods better to restrict because of increased load on the digestive tract.

Pediatricians recommend introducing Brussels sprouts into the diet of a nursing mother two months after the birth of a baby. This time is enough to overcome the most difficult period of colic, which often torments infants.

As with any new product, you should start with small doses(30-50 g), carefully monitoring the well-being of the child during the day. In the absence of adverse reactions (flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, allergies) daily rate the use of rosencoli can be increased. Otherwise, its entry into the menu should be postponed for 1–1.5 months.

During lactation, it is better to give preference to steamed, boiled or baked cabbage dishes. Have raw or fried vegetable more likely to cause flatulence in the baby.

Rosenkol in the diet for children (including newborns up to a year)

If the child is six months old, you can safely introduce Brussels sprouts soup into his diet. You should start with a teaspoon in the morning feeding, increasing the portion daily (in the absence of negative reactions).

Although the vegetable is considered hypoallergenic and easy to digest, it is better to use mashed potatoes or squash as the first complementary food.

As for other possible rosencoli dishes, while the child does not know how to chew, it is worth giving preference to boiled and baked vegetables only as part of mashed potatoes. Later, the baby should be taught to chew. small pieces cabbage.

Recipes for using cabbage for health and beauty

Brussels sprouts in cooking


Boil 400 grams of fresh or frozen cabbage in salted water for a couple of minutes. You can add a pinch of baking soda or a spoon lemon juice, preventing the appearance of bitterness of the product. Mix the finished rosencol with coarsely grated fresh carrots and season the salad with olive oil and spices to taste.


Before cooking, remove:

  • medium carrot;
  • rosencol - 300 grams;
  • one onion;
  • potatoes - 250 grams;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • fresh herbs and salt.

Chop carrots and onions finely and sauté in olive oil. Add the cabbage after blanching it in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and continue stewing. At the same time, boil in salt water potatoes, 5-10 minutes before the readiness of which, add the rest of the vegetables. Remove the pan from heat and, after cooling a little, beat the soup with a blender. Serve garnished with herbs.


Combine 400-500 grams of cabbage with salt, pepper, four tablespoons of olive oil and three large cloves of finely chopped garlic. Let the mixture steep while the oven warms up to 200 ° C. Place the cabbage in a baking dish and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese 10 minutes before cooking.

Slimming smoothie

Cut three heads of Brussels sprouts into small pieces and beat in a blender. Separately squeeze 100 grams of juice from carrots and celery, add to the blender bowl and mix everything again.

Rosenkol in folk medicine

For cuts, wounds and burns

Compresses made from freshly squeezed rosencoli juice help to accelerate the skin regeneration process. Its amount depends on the area of ​​damaged skin: there should be enough juice to abundantly moisten gauze, which is subsequently applied to the wound. Above the diseased area should be covered cling film and dry matter. It takes at least an hour to keep the compress. The duration of the course of such treatment is until recovery.

Against cardiovascular diseases

In this case, it is recommended to take a cabbage broth. To prepare it, you need to mix 450 ml of water and 150 g of chopped rosencoli. Remove the mass brought to a boil from the heat and let it brew for at least a quarter of an hour. Drink the filtered broth once a day, adding diuretic foods to the diet.

With ailments of the respiratory system

A speedy recovery in tracheitis, better sputum discharge in bronchitis, as well as an improvement in asthma is facilitated by taking a remedy made from juice:

  • rosencoli, which will need 100 ml;
  • radish - 40 ml;
  • carrots - 50 ml;
  • celery - 40 ml.

Use ready drink it is necessary on an empty stomach every morning until the moment of recovery. In asthma, the remedy should be started during the exacerbation period and taken within two weeks.

With diabetes mellitus

To normalize blood sugar levels, you need to prepare 150 ml pure juice rosencoli with the addition of lettuce juice, green beans and carrots, to drink twice a day.

Brussels sprouts in cosmetology

Anti-wrinkle mask

A mixture of rosencoli and moisturizer should be applied to the face and décolleté twice a week for half an hour. The minimum course is 1 month. Additionally, it is recommended to wipe the skin with freshly squeezed cabbage juice instead of tonic, which perfectly narrows pores.

Mask for age spots

To prepare it, you will need to mix red rowan puree and rosencoli juice until a mushy mass is obtained. It must be applied to problem areas for 15 minutes. You need to do the mask three times a week until you get the desired result.

Small but amazing vegetable has truly unique and versatile characteristics that allow you to get the maximum benefit from both its use and from external use. Dishes and remedies with it will help the body cope with many problems, not only medical, but also of aesthetic nature.

Nutritionists can tell a lot about the benefits and dangers of Brussels sprouts. Small heads of vegetable, no larger than walnuts, contain many useful substances. Correct processing products and their regular use can affect the state of the body in the most positive way. One bad thing is that in our country it is not so easy to find Brussels sprouts in fresh... Most often, you have to buy frozen blanks.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value

One of clear advantages Brussels sprouts are low in calories. 100 g fresh product contains no more than 43 kcal, in frozen preparations only 36 kcal. Thanks to these characteristics, vegetables can be safely used in any dietary regimen; they will not harm even the most stringent diets.

In addition, the products can "boast" of such substances in their composition:

  • A large amount of protein and an abundance of amino acids. In terms of their properties, these substances are practically not inferior to analogues of animal origin. Taking into account the low fat content, this product can be safely introduced into the diet of athletes.
  • Water, ash, dietary fiber. Effective stimulants of metabolic and chemical processes... They start cleansing the body, accelerate the excretion of excess water from the tissues.
  • Organic and fatty acids. They neutralize the danger of free radicals, toxins, heavy metal salts, and harmful cholesterol.
  • Monosaccharides and disaccharides. They are a source of energy that modern man needs so much.
  • Vitamins A, groups B, C, E, K.
  • Minerals, including quite rare ones.

So rich chemical composition endows Brussels sprouts with a number of beneficial properties. Here are just the most basic ones:

  1. Fight against diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In particular, this is arrhythmia, hypertonic disease and atherosclerosis.
  2. Prevention of failures in work endocrine system which can lead to obesity and diabetes.
  3. Prevention and treatment of pathologies associated with the functionality of the respiratory system (asthma, bronchitis).
  4. Relief from signs of digestive problems. Eating Brussels sprouts relieves constipation.
  5. Pathologies of the genitourinary system, for example, the formation of stones.

In addition, the substances in the composition of Brussels sprouts actively fight toxins, remove excess fluid from the body, relieve signs of vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency. They stimulate the outflow of bile, facilitate the process of sputum discharge. It will not be superfluous to have a vegetable in the diet of people who have had an infectious disease, suffering from oncology and weak immunity.

The maximum benefits of Brussels sprouts and the minimum harm to the vegetable are possible only with proper handling of the workpieces. There are not so many rules, but they are all mandatory:

  • Heat treatment of products should not be prolonged, otherwise most of the useful chemical compounds will be destroyed.

Interesting fact: In terms of its composition, nutritional value and properties, Brussels sprouts broth is in no way inferior to chicken analog. Therefore, if you have a tendency to form kidney stones, you should think about switching to a healing vegetable liquid.

  • The best way to process products is to steam them. To do this, you can use a steamer equipped with a multicooker, an ordinary saucepan with a colander.
  • Brussels sprouts can also be fried, baked or stewed. Small heads of cabbage of bright color are ideal for decorating dishes.

Generally, this vegetable is versatile. It can become one of the components vegetable soup or a stew, go for a pie filling. Even if you use it in pure form as a side dish or independent dish, you can count on getting benefits and gastronomic pleasure.

Useful properties of Brussels sprouts

The introduction of Brussels sprouts into the diet should be given special attention to the following groups of people:

  1. Children and the elderly. Chemical compounds in the composition of products help to strengthen bone tissue... This allows you to prevent the development of rickets in childhood and osteoporosis in the elderly.
  2. Pregnant women. In this case, the value of Brussels sprouts is mainly due to the presence of vitamin B9. It is necessary for normal formation and development. nervous system fetus and reduce the risk of birth defects in the child. Vitamin C will not be superfluous during pregnancy, which will strengthen the immune system and cleanse the tissues of toxins.
  3. People who have undergone surgery. Brussels sprouts juice is rich in vitamin K and other substances necessary for a quick recovery from major interventions. The use of the composition or the vegetable itself accelerates the healing process of wounds, improves blood composition, and has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Before the introduction of the product into the menu of people belonging to one of the above groups, it is recommended to coordinate this moment with a specialist. Untimely or misuse Brussels sprouts can backfire.

Harm of Brussels sprouts, contraindications to use

A nutritious and valuable vegetable can be dangerous in only two ways. The first is if there is an ingredient constantly, trying to replace other food products with it. Even unpleasant consequences are possible when using the product against the background of reduced functionality of the digestive system.

You should not eat Brussels sprouts in any form if there are such contraindications:

  1. Increased acidity of gastric juice.
  2. Enterocolitis.
  3. A tendency to develop intestinal spasms.
  4. Weakened intestinal motility.

It is worth considering that the vegetable contains a lot of purines (special nitrogenous compounds). Their abundance can lead to complications of the course of gout. In this case, you must first obtain the permission of the doctor, who will also tell you about the permissible dosages.

Rules for the selection and storage of Brussels sprouts

Before buying Brussels sprouts, you should evaluate its quality. The easiest way to do this is if the packaging of the products will be transparent, or they will be sold by weight. Here are the main points of interest:

  1. The upper leaves should be fresh, clean, bright. The presence of spots, darkening, signs of rot is unacceptable.
  2. If the heads of cabbage are fixed to the trunk, this automatically increases their quality. But the barrel itself must be checked for the absence of the above negative points.
  3. The presence of a yellowish tint indicates a violation of the rules for storing vegetables or non-compliance with the technology of their cultivation and collection.
  4. Products sold in cling film or cellophane begins to deteriorate immediately after the packaging is removed. Therefore, such products must be immediately put into operation or frozen.
  5. It is better not to defrost the frozen products before adding to the broth, but to lower them directly in this form. This will preserve the optimal texture of the blanks.

For several days, Brussels sprouts can be kept in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. In this case, it is better to keep it on the trunk and cut off small heads of cabbage as needed. If, during storage, signs of deterioration appear on the products, they must be cut off, and quality products send for freezing.

Eating a valuable vegetable rarely causes negative reactions from the body. If the introduction of a product into the diet leads to a deterioration in well-being, nausea and dizziness, this may indicate a slagging of the body. In this case, you should either carry out a profile cleaning and detoxification, or reduce the amount of vegetables consumed and increase it gradually.

Brussels sprouts are an exotic type of cabbage for our country and very popular in Europe. This miniature vegetable is very useful at any age and begins to benefit even children who are still in the womb.

Description of Brussels sproutsNS:
Brussels sprouts bred by Belgian vegetable growers from kale... This cabbage is very similar to normal forks, only much smaller in size (with quail egg). The sweet nutty taste of Brussels sprouts is unlike any other cabbage.

The composition of Brussels sprouts:
The composition of Brussels sprouts is rich in substances useful to humans. It contains C and group B. It is very rich in folic acid (vitamin B9). Also, Brussels sprouts contain phosphorus, enzymes, sugars, amino acids and other useful substances.

Calorie content of Brussels sprouts:
The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is about 40 kcal.

Useful properties of Brussels sprouts:

  • Brussels sprouts help to strengthen the immune system, increase the protective functions of the body, has anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Brussels sprouts help to cope with broncho-pulmonary diseases.
  • Brussels sprouts reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease... Helps fight hypertension and arrhythmias. Helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood composition.
  • Experts recommend including Brussels sprouts in the diet of people with diabetes.
  • Brussels sprouts are useful for the prevention and treatment of diseases digestive system... Helps relieve constipation.
  • Frequent consumption of Brussels sprouts significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Brussels sprouts have a wound healing effect, therefore it is recommended for people who have undergone surgery.
  • Brussels sprouts have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems.
  • Brussels sprouts are recommended for pregnant women, as they contain a large amount of folic acid, which significantly reduces the risk of congenital malformations in children.
  • Experts recommend including Brussels sprouts in children and the elderly.
  • Brussels sprouts are a good aid in the fight against excess weight.

Contraindications for Brussels sprouts:
Brussels sprouts should be used with caution for people with high acidity of gastric juice or suffering from gout.

Consumption and use of Brussels sprouts:
Brussels sprouts can be steamed, boiled, baked, fried, prepared for salads, soups and other dishes. Dishes from Brussels sprouts will decorate both everyday and festive tables.

Enjoy Brussels sprouts and others. And remember that healthy image life is not only made up of proper nutrition but also from physical activity, and other components.

Brussels sprouts belong to the cruciferous family. Vegetable culture is a copy white cabbage only in reduced size. The weight of one Brussels sprouts varies from 10 to 30 grams, the volume of the vegetable does not exceed the parameters of a walnut. On these interesting features everything does not end, cabbage also has a number of positive qualities.

Varieties of Brussels sprouts

There are many varieties of vegetables, the popularity of one or another type depends on the growing area and the personal preferences of the population itself. In the vastness of our homeland, the following varieties are in wide demand:

  1. Dolmik. Early maturing Brussels sprouts, which were bred and cultivated by the Dutch. The variety is rounded roots that have a dull greenish tint and the average size... Most often, "Dolmik" is consumed fresh, it is frozen for the winter, and also stewed.
  2. Boxer. The variety has become popular due to its resistance to extremes. temperature regime and the first frost. Boxer, similar to the previous variety, was bred in Holland. Its roots are round, dense, medium-sized, rich green. Cabbage is suitable for making mashed potatoes (twisting), freezing for the winter, stewing, and eating fresh.
  3. Curl. Late-ripening cabbage, bred by the Czechs. The roots are of medium density and relatively light in weight; the color varies from yellow-green to faded green. "Curl" is in demand due to its excellent taste, and the variety itself is high-yielding. Fresh or processed cabbage is suitable for reception.
  4. Hercules. The variety was bred and cultivated by our compatriots. Late-ripening cabbage is extremely resistant to the first frosts and temperature changes. The roots are oval in shape, the diameter varies within 3-5 cm, the density is low. The variety of cabbage is suitable for preservation and use at home (stewing, etc.).

The benefits of Brussels sprouts

  1. You should include cabbage in daily menu to make up for the lack of nutrients. The vegetable concentrates folic acid, which has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and the fetus inside the womb.
  2. Cabbage also accumulates other B vitamins; they are responsible for the activity of the human central nervous system. Frequent use improves the psycho-emotional environment and reduces the likelihood of insomnia.
  3. Brussels vegetable improves digestive processes, it is often used to combat constipation. Low calorie content allows overweight people to eat cabbage and gradually lose weight.
  4. Incoming amino acids in combination with natural saccharides cleanse the blood channels from cholesterol and protect the heart muscle from malfunctioning. Minerals strengthen blood vessels and arteries, increase blood circulation.
  5. Cabbage contains mineral compounds that increase their positive properties when combining a vegetable with olive oil.
  6. The culture includes zeaxanthin and lutein, which are essential for maintaining eye health. It is recommended to consume cabbage for categories of people with low vision. Special substances prevent fiber degeneration and prevent glaucoma.
  7. A large amount of vitamin K is concentrated in Brussels sprouts. It is necessary to stimulate neurons in the brain, increase mental activity improving memory and concentration. In combination with B-group vitamins, the work of the heart and central nervous system improves.
  8. Beta-carotene combined with antioxidants, immunostimulants, dietary fiber cleanses the body comprehensively. Cabbage is essential for preventing premature aging of tissues, removing toxins and preventing cancer.
  9. Vegetable culture is beneficial for the elderly. Cabbage strengthens bones and reduces the likelihood of fractures, lubricates joints, and prevents senile dementia. Also, the vegetable has a positive effect on the heart, reducing the risk of defects to a minimum.
  10. Not without the value of cabbage for children. The composition contains vitamins and other compounds that improve the absorption of calcium and form the central nervous system of the child.
  11. Brussels sprouts can be safely called a male vegetable. A vegetable-type culture is necessary for the prevention of diseases associated with genitourinary system... Also, cabbage increases the ability to conceive, increasing the pungency of sperm.
  12. Experienced doctors advise people who have recently undergone surgery or a serious illness to take thermally processed cabbage. The vegetable has regenerative properties, so recovery will come faster.

  1. All of the above useful qualities safely applicable to the health of the female half of the population. But there are some more features. Thus, the culture improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  2. Cabbage is indicated for consumption by girls who are carrying a child or are on breastfeeding... In the first case, the fetus will be formed in accordance with the period, in the second, lactation and milk fat content increase.
  3. Indole-3-carbinol, which is present in the vegetable, is necessary for the prevention of breast cancer and the treatment of an existing ailment. This complex compound blocks the flow of blood to the tumor, triggering its destruction.
  4. Useful qualities extend to those who are just planning to conceive a child. Folic acid has a positive effect on the reproductive system, increasing the chances of reproduction in children.

Brussels sprouts for weight loss

  1. The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is extremely low. Per serving weighing 100 grams. only 42 Kcal are allocated. The final value depends on the variety, sometimes the calorie content rises to 50 Kcal.
  2. Despite these indicators, the nutritional value of the vegetable crop is high. Eating two servings a day will relieve sharp bouts of hunger and increase metabolism.
  3. Brussels sprouts go well with stew and other vegetables. This will help you balance correct diet nutrition.
  4. To have the effect of losing weight, balance your diet. Avoid fast food and other unhealthy foods. Get into the habit of exercising or start going to the gym.

  1. Studies have been carried out with the participation of this culture, during which they proved beneficial features cabbage for cancer patients.
  2. The vegetable concentrates isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol. These substances prevent cancer of the lungs, mammary glands, ovaries, and colon.
  3. The effect of cabbage on the body is impressive. Special substances block blood circulation and the formation of new capillaries in the area of ​​the tumor. The neoplasm begins to dissolve, partial or complete recovery occurs.
  4. Among other things, isocyanates release internal organs from radionuclides, remove toxic substances, salts heavy metals... All this leads to improved cardiac performance.

Harm of Brussels sprouts

  1. If you consume vegetable cabbage stewed, the muscles of the digestive tract begin to relax. This can lead to heartburn, flatulence.
  2. In some cases, there is allergic reaction, this is also worth remembering.
  3. If you have chronic ailments of the stomach or intestines, before the first acquaintance with the vegetable, visit a gastroenterologist.
  4. In the vegetable culture, a high accumulation of geytrogens is noticed, which are not the most the best way affect the activity of the thyroid gland. Therefore, with ailments of the endocrine system, be careful.
  5. Indoles interfere with the full assimilation of iodine. Eliminate the consumption of cabbage if you are deficient in this element.

Brussels sprouts are good for the human body if consumed correctly. Observe the measure, take into account contraindications, make sure that there are no chronic diseases. Stew the vegetable or consume it fresh, pairing with meats, herbs, and even nuts. This type of cabbage is often used to shed those extra pounds.

Video: how to cook Brussels sprouts