Technology production of cupcakes on chemical bars. Technological process of cooking cupcakes

02.05.2020 Meat dishes

Technological card numberCupcake Metropolitan, 1 kg. (CP-recipe No. 154)

Publishing House of Kiev "A.S.K" 2005

  1. Requirements for raw materials

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cookingcape Cape Must meet the requirements of existing regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their security and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, qualitative certificate, etc.).

The preparation of raw materials is made in accordance with the recommendations of the collection of technological standards for catering enterprises and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

  1. Reception
NameRaw material consumption for a portion, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processing Net weight, g% for thermal processing Exit, G.
Butter277,0 2.00 (losses at the knee) 271,0
Sugar sand217,0 2.00 (losses at the knee) 213,0
Chicken egg4 things.2.00 (losses at the knee) 157,0
Soda10,0 0,00 10,0
Salt10,0 0,00 10,0
Wheat flour285,0 2.00 (losses at the knee) 279,0
Raisins200,0 0,00 200,0
Lemon50,0 60.00 (juice, zest)20,0
Butter20,0 20,0
Mass dough 1160,0 13,79
Output 20 pcs. x 50 g
  1. Cooking technology

Creamy oil is prepared - cut into small pieces, leave at room temperature until softening.

Raisins are moved, washed, covered with boiling water, leave 0.5 hours. Then water is drained. Raisins are dry.

First, the softened creamy oil with sugar for five minutes is whipped. Then add one eggs and constantly whipped for about three minutes. Add washed, scratched and dried raisins and a grated lemon zest.

Stir. Then flour with salt and soda are added, soda is quenched with lemon juice. Beat the dough to the state of the lush homogeneous mass. Put the dough in the molds.

Baked in the oven at 170 degrees about 15-25 minutes. Finished cupcakes are covered with a towel at about half an hour.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish, semi-finished product.

Appearance - Products baked in shape. On the context of the cupcakes, the swollen raisins are visible. Consistency - porous.

Taste- baked fruited products, raisins. Without an extraneous lift.

Smell- baked fruited products, raisins. Without odorous smell.

  1. Requirements for registration, implementation and storage.

Cupcake Metropolitanmenu on the menu. Bake the day of use. Do not store.

1 300

Finished substrates with nutritional media to identify basic groups of bacteria, a common bacteriological examination, yeast and mold fungi. Fast research results. No need to independently applying media, special laboratory conditions.

In the company of the flask, it is possible to order free test samples. Application can be sent by e-mail by attaching the requisites of the organization.

The price is per package of 10 identical tests (for one type of study). When ordering, please specify which tests you need.

Tests are implemented without VAT


Microbiological express tests "Petritone" are used in all regions of the food industry.

Express tests are designed to identify such microbiological indicators as:

  1. Bacteria in intestinal sticks
  2. Yeast / Mushrooms
  3. Salmonella bacteria
  4. Bacteria Staphilococcus
  5. Determination of the total microbial number (Kmafanm)

Petritone is made in the form of a substrate (plastic cup of Petri) with a ready-made nutritious modified agar-based medium.

This allows you to use the test immediately after opening without additional sample preparation processes.

Advantages of express tests for Petritest microbiology

Efficiency. The cost of one test is 120 rubles, while domestic analogues are 200-240 rubles, foreign - over 300.
Easy application, ease of operation and storage. A separate laboratory is not required, expensive equipment, special training or vocational education for their conduct.
Fast result. 4 times faster than analogs
Long storage period (12 months at to +2 .. +6 OS).

Appointment of each type of microbiological express tests ("Petritest")

Express test on bgcp

As part of the control of microbiology of production and products, along with others, the bacteria of the group of intestinal sticks (BGPP) are also determined, which are causative agents of food intoxication. Determine the intestinal wand and for sanitary and hygienic assessment of water purity and surfaces of pipelines, equipment, equipment, containers, work surfaces of enterprises, as well as staff cleanliness.

The most optimal option for the definition of intestinal sticks is microbiological express tests "Petritest". The attractiveness of this technology is that you do not need a laboratory and specially trained employees to carry out microbiological analysis. Moreover, when using the expensive test, you do not need to buy media ourselves, cook them, pour through Petri dishes and sterilize. You just sow sowing a sample on a ready-made "Petrésta" environment and thermostatic it.

Express Yeast Test / Mold

Meaning unicellular mushrooms that are called yeast, and gifal mushrooms whose body consists of intertwined branching threads (GIF), that is mold.

Mushrooms were widespread in the food industry. So, yeast cause fermentation and successfully apply in brewing and quasovaniya, bread accumulation, etc. Molds are used for the manufacture of cheeses, lemonic acid production, winemaking, etc.

However, in no case cannot underestimate the danger of human health mushrooms. Many mold mushrooms produce mycotoxins - poisonous substances, a series of saprophytes (mushrooms feed on dead organic substances) cause human and animal disease - mycoses, aspergilates, etc. Also some types of mold can cause allergic reactions. The negative impact of mushrooms and agriculture is widely known - mold is started in grains and animal feed.

Currently, there are several techniques for determining mushrooms in food. They differ in both the nutritional environments and in the methods of sowing and the time of incubation. When studying products, which specifically add mold or yeast during the manufacturing process, it is necessary to determine the compliance of these indicators available to the standards.

Express tests for mushrooms "Petrithest" give an accelerated result of the study!

As a rule, the definition of mushrooms takes about 72 hours, which makes it difficult to work, for example, with perishable products. When using "Petritesta", due to the presence of technological additives in it, the results can be 4 times faster.

The main role in the occurrence of food salmonellosis belongs to meat, offal, milk and eggs. Meat Salmonellas is proceeding both in the inspirence and after slaughter - with incorrect processing of carcasses or processing by non-disabled tools or a person - carrier bacteria. It is characteristic that in the headlace Salmonella develop faster than in whole meat slices. Unfortunately, with heat treatment of stuff prepared products, it is very difficult to achieve their complete sterility.

Milk can be infected with bacteria when making cows and milk processing. The danger is that Salmonella is preserved for a very long time in dairy products: in the creamy oil of more than 4 months (130 days), and in some types of cheese until the year. In turn, eggs are seized with salmonells both exogenous and endogenous.

Interestingly, when Salmonella appears in these products, its organoleptic indicators usually do not change, therefore, what is called "taste" to determine the presence of bacteria is impossible. Given this fact, as well as the fact that salmonellosis represent a serious danger to people's health, it becomes obvious - without high-quality microbiological control in the food company can not do.

Petritest (substrate) on the definition of Salmonella will help you to make a biocontrol in your enterprise as soon as possible, without using the laboratory - your own or third. Due to this, you reduce the costs of analyzes and reduce the timing of them. In the enterprises that are already using Petritets, the studies are produced, without attracting laboratory technicians.

Express test for staphylococci

Some of the most common bacteria - staphylococci. These bacteria produce enterotoxins that can cause acute infections and diseases, serious purulent inflammatory processes in almost all organs and tissues.

In the food company, sources of food to food are people, and not only with lesions of the skin (burns, cuts, frills, etc.) or Praising ARVI. It has been proven that healthy carriers of pathogenic bacteria can infect products. The formation rate of hazardous enterotoxins depends on the temperature and composition of food products. Staphylococci can be both in protein products and in carbohydrate. So staphylococcal toxicosis can easily occur in dairy products, and in confectionery, and in meat (the minced meat is especially dangerous), and in salads.

Now you do not have to wait for the results of the tests for several days, attracting a third-party laboratory. All you need is "Petrittes" and after 12 hours you will learn whether there are staphylococci in your territory and which one.

Petritone on the definition of a general microbial number (Kmafanm)

Analyzes on OMC (general microbial number) are carried out on all food production. This allows you to quickly detect the foci of spreading pathogenic microorganisms, their degree of reproduction, and subsequently take all measures to prevent the development of foreign microflora or for its destruction.

Petrithest Supplies

Comes with packs of 10 finished substrates. The price is per pack.

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Food is the main condition of a person's life. Without it, a person dies, the animal dies, the plant dries. Instinct satisfaction of hunger is the strongest of all others, as it guarantees the preservation of life.

At the same time, there are foods that, in addition to having a high nutritional value, calorie and good digestibility, are the same delicacies. And they are designed not so much to meet the feeling of hunger, but in order to give their views, taste, aroma to give joy to people and on holiday, and on weekdays.

Confectionery is distinguished by a pleasant, usually sweet taste, complex aroma, beautiful appearance,

Cupcakes - flour confectionery, which includes a significant amount of egg products, sugar and fat, as well as valuable fillers in flavoring - raisins, candies, fruits, nuts, etc. In some types of cupcakes come in spices - Cardamom, Saffron, Vanilla powder or vanilla essence - salt and dyes. Sugar is used in the form of sugar-sand, powdered sugar or powder refine. Creamy oil, margarine, vegetable oil are used from fats. In some types of cupcakes, dairy products are part of whole milk, milk powder, cottage cheese, as well as fruit-berry journey and starch pattern.

Moisture of cupcakes 10 - 33%. Extremely beneficial in food, dry matter causes high energy value (360 kcal and more per 100 g), pleasant taste and aroma of cupcakes. Attractive form is created due to a variety of shape, mass and external finish. Recently, enjoy in high demand cupcakes with filling (jam from forest berries), glazed cupcakes.

The dough for cupcakes is a multiphase structured system, which has an air phase in its composition, providing a porous structure. Chemical barelipers or yeast are included in the recipes of muffins. Surface-active substances (surfactant), which are part of the main raw materials, mainly egg products can perform the role of breakdowns. Depending on the method of preparation and recipes, cupcakes are divided into groups: on yeast, on chemical bars, without chemical bars and yeast.

Cape manufacturing technology includes the following operations:

cooking test;


When developing cupcakes with filling or in glaze in the technological scheme, include operations for the preparation or preparation of filling and glaze, these operations can be combined into a mechanized line.

The economic significance of the confectionery industry is determined by the importance of the food industry as a whole - one of the largest industries, the effectiveness of which determines the price level of food products. The confectionery industry ranks fourth among the food industries (following the bakery, dairy and fish). It accounts for 10% of the employment of the entire food industry. The growth in productivity to the confectionery industry will contribute to the growth of the performance of the entire food industry, and consequently an increase in the level of economic development of the country and the standard of living of the population.

In this course work, the value that flour confectionery is played in the life and nutrition of a person is considered. A detailed analysis of the composition of the cupcakes, the main ingredients from which they consist are.

The technological processes of the production of cupcakes, a change in product properties in the production process. The paper presents the classification and the main range of cupcakes in the Sambury-7 store.

Not coincidence and the value of packaging of cupcakes, which is important not only to save the goods, but also to attract the attention of the buyer.

The second part of the work examines in detail both the general theoretical issues of the expert assessment of the quality of the cupcakes, and contains specific examples of determining the falsification of cupcakes, and also gives recommendations for the examination of quality.

Cupcakes - flour pastry, which include a significant amount of egg products, sugar and fat, as well as valuable fillers in flavoring - raisins, candies, fruits, nuts, etc. In some types of cupcakes come in spices - cardamom, saffron, vanilla powder or Vanilla essence - salt and dyes. Sugar is used in the form of sugar-sand, powdered sugar or powder refine. Creamy oil, margarine, vegetable oil are used from fats. In some types of cupcakes, dairy products are part of whole milk, milk powder, cottage cheese, as well as fruit-berry journey and starch pattern.

Moisture of cupcakes 18 - 30%. Extremely beneficial in food, dry matter causes high energy value (360 kcal and more per 100 g), pleasant taste and aroma of cupcakes. Attractive form will be created thanks to a diverse form, mass and external finish. Recently, enjoy in high demand cupcakes with filling (jam from forest berries), glazed cupcakes.

The dough for cupcakes is a multiphase structured system, which has an air phase in its composition, providing a porous structure. Chemical barelipers or yeast are included in the recipes of muffins. Surface-active substances (surfactant), which are part of the main raw materials, mainly egg products can perform the role of breakdowns. Depending on the method of preparation and recipes, cupcakes are divided into groups: on yeast, on chemical bars, without chemical bars and yeast.

Cape manufacturing technology includes the following operations:

Cooking test;


Bakery products;


When developing cupcakes with filling or in glaze in the technological scheme, include operations for the preparation or preparation of filling and glaze, these operations can be combined into a mechanized line (Fig. 16.1).

Technological process cooking dough on yeastbegins with the preparation of dishes. Yeast (50% prescription quantity) for peasants are crushed and stirred in warm water (40 ° C). Then part of the melange and flour (50 - 60%) are introduced and everyone is thoroughly mixed. The surface of the pits at the end of the mixing are slightly poured with flour, covered with a web and leave for fermentation by 4-4.5 hours at a temperature of 30 - 32 ° C. Quality Quality Indicators: Humidity 44 - 52%, Acidness 3 - 3.5 degrees of acidity.

To prepare the test, sugar sand, a mixture of fat from the recipe amount of melange, heated to 35 - 40 ° C, is loaded. The mass is thoroughly mixed, after which the remaining recipe components are introduced into it. All raw materials with a blind are thoroughly mixed 10 - 30 minutes. Then the dough sprinkles with flour, covered with a web and leave for fermentation indoors with a temperature of 30 -32 ° C. The duration of fermentation is 1.5 -2 h. During this time, one or two windows are produced to remove part of carbon dioxide from the test, which is formed during fermentation, and create optimal conditions for further fermentation. Quality indicators of the finished test: humidity 20 - 32% (depending on the type of cake), acidity 3 - 3.5 degrees of acidity, temperature 30 -32 ° C.

Technology preparations of test on chemical bars in the first wayincludes: Fat Kit (butter, margarine); Introduction of sand sugar and knocking it with fat; Introduction of egg products; Introduction of other recipe components, with the exception of flour; Introduction of flour and kneading test.

A creamy oil was knocked down in a molecar, heated to a temperature of 40 ° C, for 7-10 minutes. When using cold oil, it is pre-softened at small, and then with a large number of speeds of the molecule. Add sugar-sand and continue to knock down within 5 - 7 minutes. After that, eggproducts are gradually added to the mollar machine. The total duration of knocking down 20 is 30 minutes. A raisins, essence and chemical bars are added to the mole of a small velocity of rotation of the machine blades, all thoroughly mixed. Lastly, flour is introduced and within 3 - 5 minutes in a knocker or 10-15 minutes in the test mixer leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass. The cupcake obtained from such a dough, air, has a big rise. This method is used when the dough is prepared on melange or on eggs.

The second way to prepare the test on chemical barsincludes: knocking out egg rods with sand sugar for 25 to 30 minutes; softening and knocking down the butter; adding all prescription components to a knocked oil, with the exception of flour; Introduction to the resulting mixture of a bitten egg-sugarmass; Introduction flour. Cupcake from the test obtained by the second method characterizes a uniformly fine structure, but the dough in this case is less saturated with air. High-quality dough has humidity 23 - 31% .

The assortment has cupcakes produced on chemical bars with adding surfactants playing the role of emulsifiers (special "cake). Dough for such cupcakes is prepared in three stages: softening and knocking out margarine with sand sugar; mixing the resulting mass with melange, surfactant and other prescription components, except for flour and cocoa powder; Casting dough with flour and cocoa powder. Surfactant is introduced in the amount of i % total mass of prescription components.

Technology preparation of test without chemical bars and yeastincludes: softening the cream oil for 5 to 8 min; Singing oil with sand sugar 10-12 min; Introduction of the parts of the yolk and knocking 15 to 20 minutes to the disappearance of crystals of sand sugar; The addition of flour and starch to a shot down mass and stirring for 20 - 30 s; knocking up egg protein 13-17 minutes before the formation of a strong foam; Mixing shot protein with the bulk. The finished dough has a humidity of 27 - 29%.

Dough formfor cupcakes in metal forms. When developing some varieties of cupcakes ("spring"), the dough is divided into pieces, give them a round shape and placed in forms. Dough, made on yeast, exposed informs 90-110 min to an increase in volume of 2 -2.5 times. Small cupcakes bake in corrugated molds or in molds in the form of cylinders. Forms are pre-lubricated with oil.

The formation of cupcakes occurs with bakingas a result of physicochemical processes, mainly colloidal. At the same time, flavoring qualities are formed, aroma, color. Technological parameters of baking (temperature, duration) of cakes depend on the formulation, the mass of the shape of test blanks, the design of the furnace. Baking cupcakes is produced in the furnaces used for baking flour semi-finished products, at a temperature of 160 - 200 ° C for 18-120 min, depending on the mass of test blanks, their shape and recipe composition. Baked cupcakes are cooled with 4 - 5 hours, removed from the forms and cleaned the surface with a knife or grater.

Then the cupcakes are finished. To give cakes a nice view and reduce surface drying, their decorated with finishing semi-finished products- powdered sugar, lipstick, zucats, refined syrup, sugar icing.

Chocolate-glazed cupcake finishes, consists in covering the surface with a referred chocolate icing. Application of the glaze is carried out both manually and in glazing machines and machines to splash chocolate demolition-Basic. The formation of a solid chocolate shell on the surface occurs as a result of crystallization of cocoa butter during cooling.

Keksams are called confectionery diverse shapes made from a bumping test. Usually, various components are added to the dough for cupcakes, among which nuts, tuts, dried fruits and other additives. As a rule, cupcakes are distinguished by a high calorie content.

In our source, the word "cupcake" firmly entered the twentieth century. The Word itself comes from the English "Cakes", which the British call various sweet pastries with fillings. Culich can be called the closest relative of the cupcake in Russian cuisine. However, with all the similarity, cupcakes have a different test technology from cakes.

Now, cupcakes You can call an integral part of the kitchens around the world. Confectioners work not only to improve the taste of cupcakes, but also over their appearance, trying to make it more attractive.

For the preparation of various types of cupcakes, several, in many ways similar, but also have significant differences, the technologies of the kneading test, however, almost all recipes have a common feature. The dough used for the preparation of cupcakes is usually different in fluidity.

If you use forms to prepare, then before filling the test, it is necessary to lubricate it with oil, or lay out the washed parchment on it. As a rule, small piece cupcakes bake in corrugated forms. The bleaching process lasts about 15-20 minutes at a maximum temperature, which is usually about 200º C. Keks of the same major form, try to bake for a longer time. Their cooking takes about 1-1.5 hours. They are baked at a temperature of 175-185º C. The degree of readiness of the cake is determined by the pile of it with a stick, a knife, or a wooden skewer.

In general, technology making cupcakes It does not differ in difficulty, but at the same time, the cupcake is a rather capricious product that requires strict compliance with cooking and recipe technology. The dough used for the preparation of cupcakes must be missed very quickly. Also be sure to comply with the temperature of the baking. In order not to disrupt the structure of the test, it is not recommended to move the form within 15 minutes from the beginning of baking. For the preparation of cupcakes, it is necessary to use an oven, the heating of which occurs evenly, otherwise, the likelihood of which the cupcakes will not be penetrated from the inside.

Is it worth saying that some requirements are also presented to products used for cakes of cupcakes . If you use fruits and berries as an additive, then before adding, they must be fastened and dried. Dried fruits and tsukata must first go over, and then rinse with water. It is also recommended to go through and clean from various impurities of nuts, almonds, seeds. If you use different jams, jam, fruit puree, it is not desirable to dilute them with water. Moreover, you need to follow, so that the products are fresh, because all this can have a significant impact on the taste of cupcakes.