How to cook ordinary pasta in a saucepan. How to cook pasta

19.08.2019 Meat Dishes


  • Feather pasta (Penne)
  • Refined sunflower oil
  • Spaghetti

How much pasta to cook

How to cook pasta in a saucepan step by step instructions with a photo:

Step 1

For work we need pasta (or spaghetti), salt, water, sunflower oil, a saucepan, a colander.

Step 4

Dip salt in boiling water. Stir until dissolved. Wait for the water to boil again and dip the pasta into the water. Stir with a spoon. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Remove the lid, reduce the heat. Interfere again.

Step 5

Cook the pasta until al dente. Taste the pasta while cooking to avoid overcooking it (see package for cooking time).

Step 6

Throw ready-made pasta on drushlag, after pouring out the required amount of broth.

Step 7

Return the pasta to the pot. Add the stored broth, sunflower oil. Shake the pasta and cover.

We will need:

  • Multicooker
  • Colander


  • Feather pasta (Penne)

How much pasta to cook

It is difficult to imagine the diet of a modern person without pasta. This versatile side dish must be on the menu at least once a week. Nevertheless, one often hears complaints from seemingly experienced housewives that the pasta has stuck together. At the same time, you rarely hear that they were not cooked, perhaps that is why the result is one sticky lump of dough - the pasta is boiled for too long, fearing not to cook it.

How to cook pasta in a saucepan so that it does not stick together

Immediately it is worthwhile to understand that you need a saucepan to make pasta. You cannot cook this product in the microwave, in a multicooker or, God forbid, in a pressure cooker! Any pasta, regardless of type and variety, needs constant stirring, otherwise, they will stick together as soon as they are dipped in a pot of water. And, by the way, they are dipped exclusively in boiling and salted water.

How much to cook pasta by time

It only takes a few minutes to cook pasta (depending on size):

The noodles are cooked for 5-7 minutes; The bows will be ready in 10 minutes; it will take about 12 minutes to cook the "tubes"; the "horns" are cooked the longest - 15 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a multicooker step by step instructions with a photo:

Step 2

Pour water into the multicooker bowl and add salt. Turn on the multicooker to the "Steam cooking" mode and set the time to 10 minutes. Time may vary depending on the type of pasta and the manufacturer).

We will need:

  • Microwave utensils
  • Colander


  • Feather pasta (Penne)

How much pasta to cook

It is difficult to imagine the diet of a modern person without pasta. This versatile side dish must be on the menu at least once a week. Nevertheless, one often hears complaints from seemingly experienced housewives that the pasta has stuck together. At the same time, you rarely hear that they were not cooked, perhaps that is why the result is one sticky lump of dough - the pasta is boiled for too long, fearing not to cook it.

Pasta has long been considered an integral part of not only Italian cuisine, but also the traditions of many other countries. Today this product is very popular, because it is served as a side dish with various sauces or used as an ingredient in other dishes. In any case, the taste of the final product depends on proper cooking.

Secrets of cooking pasta in a saucepan, depending on their type

To properly cook pasta, you need to use a fairly simple formula - 1000/100/10. It was invented by chefs in Italy and consists in the fact that for 1 liter of water there should be 100 g of pasta, as well as 10 g of salt.

Pasta should be put in boiling water, which should be salted beforehand. To prevent them from sticking to the pan, the water should be constantly stirred until it boils again. If you neglect this feature, the dish will be spoiled. When preparing this dish, be sure to consider the type of pasta you are going to cook - shells, spaghetti, spirals, etc.

How to cook horns and shells so they don't stick together

To properly prepare horns or shells, you should follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, keeping to the following proportion: use 100 g of paste for 1 liter of water.
  2. Put a container of water on the stove and wait for the liquid to boil.
  3. When the water boils, you can add salt, guided by this ratio: 1 teaspoon of salt is used for 1 liter of water.
  4. Add vegetable oil to the pan - 1 tablespoon.
  5. Place pasta in boiling water. The cooking time depends on the size of the pasta. So, small pasta needs to be cooked for about 7 minutes, while the preparation of larger varieties will take about 9 minutes.
  6. To determine if a meal is done, the pasta is worth trying. If the paste has become soft enough, the stove can be turned off. If it's still quite tough, cook for a couple more minutes. In any case, professional chefs advise serving aldente pasta.
  7. After that, the pasta can be put into a colander to drain the water. If you are using a low-quality product, rinse it with water and sprinkle it with oil.

Ready-made horns can be heated in the microwave or in a frying pan. Greens are also used as additional ingredients.

How to cook delicious spaghetti

This type of pasta is usually cooked within 8-9 minutes after boiling water. To cook spaghetti, you need to put them in a saucepan with boiling water, which is recommended to be salted beforehand. Crush lightly so as not to burn. After a couple of minutes, stir and cook for 7 minutes.

The cooking time depends on the size of the food. For example, barilla # 1 spaghetti is called cappellini and is cooked for 5 minutes, while barilla # 7, or spaghettoni, takes 11 minutes.

To cook this type of pasta deliciously, you need to follow these steps:

  1. It is recommended to cook spaghetti in a large enough saucepan with plenty of water. To prepare 200 g of pasta, you will need at least 2 liters of liquid. It should be borne in mind that for 2 servings of the dish, you will need about 100 g of dry pasta, since during the preparation of the spaghetti they increase 3 times.
  2. A pot of water should be placed over high heat to bring it to a boil.
  3. After that, the water can be salted. So, in 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of salt.
  4. Put the spaghetti in boiling water. It is advisable to fan them out. If the paste is too long, it can be broken in two. After a minute, the pasta needs to be lightly crushed so that they completely sink into the water.
  5. Reduce heat to medium. The water should boil quite vigorously, but not foam.
  6. It is recommended to cook this dish without a lid.
  7. The finished pasta should be put in a colander and left for 3 minutes to get rid of excess liquid. To speed up this process, you can shake the colander lightly.
  8. Spaghetti must be served hot.

If the pasta is planned to be further cooked, it can be left slightly uncooked. It should be borne in mind that the finished dish cools quickly, so the plates in which you plan to serve pasta must be preheated. Also, spaghetti can be warmed up in a pan by adding a little oil to it.

How to weld nests so they don't fall apart

This is a fairly popular type of pasta, which is called tagliatelle in Italy. They should be placed in boiling water, then wait for the second boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then the tagliatelle is thrown back in the colander and left to drain off excess liquid.

When preparing such products, it is very important to keep their shape. To achieve this, the nests are laid out in a saucepan or frying pan. It is very important that they do not fit snugly. There should be room in the container for turning the pasta on its side.

To maintain the shape of the tagliatelle, you need to fill them with water so that it covers the nests by only a few centimeters. Then the water should be brought to a boil and cook for the amount of time indicated on the package. The prepared nests must be removed from the dishes with a slotted spoon and placed on a plate.

To prevent the pasta from burning, you can gently move it with a fork. You can also put a small amount of butter in the water.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

To cook pasta using a multicooker, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Put pasta in a special container and add water - it should cover the product. You can add enough so that the liquid covers the paste by about 2 cm.
  2. Add a little butter - about half a tablespoon.
  3. Select the "Steam cooking" mode. Also suitable for the "Pilaf" mode.
  4. This dish must be cooked within 12 minutes, so the timer must be set at that time.

Features of cooking in the microwave

This option is especially convenient for busy people, because using the microwave, you can set the required time, and the device will inform you about the readiness of the dish. This time can be safely devoted to other matters.

To cook macfa pasta or other types of pasta, you need to put them in a microwave container, add water and salt. It is important that the volume of the liquid is twice the amount of the product.

Then you need to set the timer for 10 minutes and wait. Keep the crockery high enough to prevent boiling.

How to cook in a pan at home

This method of cooking pasta requires a deep enough frying pan. Pour the paste over with cold water and put on the stove. Very little water is needed. Thanks to this method of cooking, pasta can be cooked in just 4 minutes. This recipe ensures that the pasta is not sticky or soggy.

Various sauces, meat, vegetables can be used as additional ingredients. Ordinary pasta with the addition of chicken and tomatoes is very tasty. To do this, pour the pasta into a dry preheated pan and fry until they are lightly browned. Then put butter, mix thoroughly, add tomato sauce and chopped chicken fillet, which should be boiled beforehand.

Add boiling water to completely coat the pasta. Be sure to add salt and spices. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Do I need to rinse the pasta after cooking and with what water?

High-quality pasta made from durum wheat is strictly not recommended to be washed. The water will wash away the starch that is on the surface of the paste, and it is this substance that facilitates the absorption of the sauce.

Rinsing with cold water requires pasta from soft wheat varieties. They can really stick together during cooking, so this procedure is a necessary measure.

Many Russians enjoy eating pasta made from dough. The most popular pasta (pasta) is in Italy. Indeed, Italians know a lot about making pasta, it's not for nothing that they are called pasta. Most often, pasta is made from wheat flour. Sometimes flour made from rice, buckwheat, mung beans, etc. is used. The word "pasta" itself, according to linguists, comes from the Greek "macaria", which means "barley meal". In ancient times, the Slavic peoples had dough dishes: noodles, dumplings, dumplings. Pasta has become one of the most common and favorite side dishes in domestic and foreign cuisines. This is not surprising, as this delicious and nutritious dish can be prepared in just 15 minutes! Let's take a look at the intricacies of making pasta.

How to cook pasta?

When choosing pasta in the supermarket, make sure that the products are of high quality and made from durum wheat. You can also determine the quality of pasta directly during cooking. The product is of high quality if the water remains clear during cooking (no starch is released); pasta does not boil over, does not stick together, does not break. The selection of pasta is great. In stores, you will find products of various shapes: feathers, horns, stars, rings, spaghetti, etc. Pasta can be divided into the following groups: long, short, pasta for flowing, for soups, curly. The choice depends on your culinary preferences. The preparation method is the same for all types of pasta.

If you do not know how to cook pasta correctly, then follow the further instructions:

  • Boil the pasta in a large saucepan. Take the amount of liquid at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 grams of product. When calculating the amount of water, remember that after boiling the pasta will increase by about 3 times.
  • Put the water on high heat, add 7-10 grams of salt to 1 liter of water and bring to a boil.
  • Quickly pour the pasta into boiling water and stir before it sticks together. You can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water to prevent clumping. However, if you plan to spice up the dish with a special sauce at the end, then you should not do this, since the oil film will not allow the pasta to completely absorb the sauce. If you are cooking spaghetti, don't break them. Press gently on them until they soften enough in hot water. Then place them in a saucepan.
  • Wait for the water to boil again, and reduce heat to medium to low. Do not cover pasta with a lid. Stir your food periodically while cooking.
  • Usually pasta is boiled for 10-12 minutes. The surest way to determine if a product is ready is to taste it. If the pasta is hard, cook for another 2 minutes. It is impossible to overexpose pasta on fire - this is fraught with the fact that all products stick together and turn into a tasteless sticky mass. Remember that thinner and smaller pasta cooks faster than larger pasta.
  • After the end of cooking, drain the water and discard the finished products in a colander. It is not necessary to pour out absolutely all the water, otherwise the pasta will quickly dry out. Do not rinse pasta with cold water. Products made from durum wheat (almost the only ones now sold) do not stick together. The tradition of washing pasta took place in the Soviet Union, when the products were not of very high quality, they emitted a lot of starch and, as a result, stuck together.
  • Your dish is ready! You can place the pasta in warmed-up plates and season it with butter, ketchup, soy sauce, or cheese sauce. If you are applying spaghetti, use special tongs. Lift the tongs high to separate one serving from the other. Some people also prefer to fry the pasta for a delicious crispy crust. You can also sprinkle hot pasta with grated cheese.

How to cook pasta in the microwave?

Today, almost everyone has a microwave in their kitchens. It can be used to make pasta. The cooking principle is the same as on the stove.

  • Use a large container. Pour in 2 times more water than the amount of pasta. Season with salt and bring water to a boil. Add pasta, add vegetable oil if desired.
  • It is better to cook pasta in the microwave in a container with a lid with a hole. Cook at full power for 6-9 minutes, and then let the dish settle in a sealed container for another 8-10 minutes. After that, the water must be drained. The pasta is ready. When cooking in a microwave oven, the products do not stick together.

How to cook nest pasta?

Not so long ago, interesting pasta appeared on store shelves that outwardly resemble bird's nests. During the cooking process, the nests often lose their shape and turn into ordinary vermicelli. How to prevent this and preserve their original form?

In restaurants, a special aluminum mold is used to prepare "nests". At home, ordinary cans can serve for this purpose, with the lid and bottom removed. The mold must be lubricated from the inside with oil, and the "nest" must be placed inside. Pour a mixture of vegetable and butter into the frying pan in a one-to-one ratio, set the molds on the frying pan. Fry the pasta on both sides over low heat. Squeeze the finished dish out of the mold, stuff with vegetables.

You can also cook pasta "nests" without spoiling their appearance. Use a skillet with high sides or a wide-bottomed pan. Pour in the required amount of water (so that it covers the nests by a couple of centimeters) and bring it to a boil, add salt. Place the nests in the dish so that they lie flat on the bottom and cannot turn over on their side. Cook the products strictly as much as indicated on the packaging. Finished products can be stuffed with mushrooms, minced meat, sprinkle with grated cheese or feta cheese on top.

Pasta is used not only as a side dish for fish and meat dishes, but also as a necessary ingredient in many other recipes. They are used for making soups, salads, casseroles, snacks, etc. In Italian cuisine, one of the most important attributes of pasta dishes is sauce. Italians often make cheese, cream, meat and other sauces.

There is a common misconception that pasta makes you fat, but it is not. Durum wheat pasta contains complex carbohydrates that do not affect body weight gain (if pasta made from other flour, for example, egg, then their calorie content is much higher). Therefore, do not be afraid to get fat and feel free to include pasta in your diet.

Now you know how to cook pasta properly. Enjoy your meal!

Dip the pasta in boiling salted water and cook over medium heat. The exact cooking time for pasta is always indicated on the package.
Drain the cooked pasta into a colander, put the colander in an empty saucepan and let the excess water drain. The pasta is ready.

How to cook pasta

1. For 200 grams of pasta (about half a standard bag), pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan.

2. Pour a tablespoon of oil into a saucepan to prevent pasta from sticking together.

3. Salt the water.
4. When the water boils, add pasta to the pan.

5. Stir the pasta so that it does not stick together or stick to the bottom.
6. Cook the pasta for 7-10 minutes.
7. Rinse boiled pasta under cold water if necessary.

Your pasta is ready!

How to cook pasta in the microwave
Cook pasta in the microwave for 10 minutes with a water ratio of 100 grams of pasta / 200 milliliters of water. The water should completely cover the pasta. Add a tablespoon of oil, a teaspoon of salt to the container. Close the container with pasta, put in the microwave at 500 W and cook for 10 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker
Pour water so that it completely covers the pasta and a couple of centimeters higher. Add a spoonful of butter to the pasta. The mode must be selected "steaming" or "pilaf". Cook the pasta for 12 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a double boiler
Fill the lower container of the steamer with water. Pour pasta into a bowl, pour water over a couple of centimeters, add salt and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Cover and cook for 15 minutes. Then put the pasta in a colander and rinse.

How to cook pasta in an electric kettle
1. Pour 1 liter of water into a 2 liter kettle.
2. Bring water to a boil.
3. Once the water boils, add the pasta (no more than 1/5 of the standard 500g bag).
4. Turn on the kettle, wait until it boils.
5. Turn on the kettle every 30 seconds for 7 minutes.
6. Drain the water from the kettle through the spout.
7. Open the teapot lid and place the pasta on a plate.
8. Immediately rinse the kettle (then there will be laziness).

How to cook pasta in a skillet
1. Just like in a saucepan. A pasta pot is more suitable because the inside and outside of the pot is more suitable for cooking. The frying pan option is only suitable if there are no pots. Or for making fried pasta.

It is believed that if the pasta is not cooked for 2-3 minutes, it will be less high in calories.

To prevent the pasta from sticking together, you can add a spoonful of oil to the water and stir occasionally with a spoon.

Pasta is boiled in a large amount of salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 3 liters of water, for every 100 grams of pasta at least 1 liter of water).

Pasta is boiled in a saucepan with the lid open.

If you have overcooked the pasta, you can rinse it under cold water (in colorant) and stir with the addition of oil - then the pasta will not stick together.

Pasta during cooking increases by about 3 times. For two large portions of pasta, 100 grams of pasta is enough for a side dish.
- If you want to use boiled pasta for preparing a complex dish that requires further heat treatment of the pasta, undercook them a little - for exactly as many minutes as they will be cooked in the future.

Types of pasta and cooking time

If you are cooking pasta horns, cook them for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Cook pasta tubes (penne) for 13 minutes.
- Cook pasta nests for 5 minutes.
- Cook the cannelloni before baking for 10 minutes until half cooked.
- Cook the fettuccine for 10 minutes after boiling.
- Cook the lasagna sheets before baking for 5 minutes until half cooked.
- Cook noodles for 5-7 minutes, depending on the size.
- Cook the ravioli for 3-7 minutes depending on the size and filling.
- Cook pasta bows for 10 minutes.

About the benefits and nutritional value of pasta

The composition of good pasta is flour and water. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the high nutritional value of pasta, no matter how easy they are to prepare and no matter how widely the popular love for this product extends. There are practically no vitamins in pasta.

In Italy, there is a saying that pasta does not make you fat. However, this applies to empty pasta, but it is worth adding cheese or sauce to the pasta - it is not recommended to eat such pasta on a diet. The same applies to pasta at night - due to the carbohydrate content, the dish will cease to be dietary.

The calorie content of pasta is about 100 kcal / 100 grams. Compared to boiled cauliflower, it is 3.3 times more. Therefore, the daily consumption of cooked pasta in food will lead to weight gain, even if the pasta is cooked "al dente". However, if you cook pasta at least every other day, adding a significant portion of vegetables or mushrooms to them, such dishes with pasta may well brighten up any diet.

How to eat empty pasta

There are few dishes tastier than empty pasta with sweet tea. With a bite - bread, and it doesn't matter which one: white, black or Borodino is equally well suited. You can add soy sauce for a colorful taste.

About the choice of pasta

1. The pasta should be visible and preferably along its entire length. It is the transparent packaging that will allow you to see how carefully and accurately the product was packed and delivered.
2. Composition of quality pasta - only flour and water. Pasta with egg powder will be soft, like noodles, only more boiled.
The highest quality pasta is made from only durum wheat flour (the so-called "group A"); such pasta will necessarily indicate that it is just pasta, not pasta. Pasta, although manufacturers veil the content in every possible way, contain cheap glassy wheat (group B) or ordinary bakery flour (group C) in their composition. The type of pasta is determined only by the content of more or less expensive flour, if the pack says "Top grade" - this is a reason to reread the composition more carefully.
3. The shelf life of pasta is 1-2 years from the date of production. If a shorter period is specified, it is suspicious. If pasta is bought for future use, then the shelf life of the pasta should be as long as possible.
4. Italian pasta is considered the best in the world.

How to make pasta at home

Pasta is a simple product that anyone can make. Pasta is made from products that are usually always available at home. Most likely, you don't even need to go to the store. Print this page and go to the kitchen. Take yeast-free wheat in flour, knead in water. Knead into dough, add seasonings, garlic and salt to taste. Roll out the dough and cut it. Let the pasta dry for about 15 minutes. The pasta is ready for cooking. :)