Chocolate factory “Novosibirskaya. Chocolate factory "Novosibirsk" - the key to success in high-quality products Novosibirsk sweets

The Novosibirskaya chocolate factory, part of the United Confectioners Holding, is one of the largest Siberian confectionery manufacturers and a market leader in Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region.

In 1942, the confectionery industry of Novosibirsk was replenished with a new factory. By the decision of the Novosibirsk Regional Council of Working People's Deputies, the construction of a chocolate factory was included in the capital construction plan. The scope of work included the re-equipment of the warehouse for the factory of the wholesale bakery on the street. Nikitin No. 14 and installation of a part of the evacuated equipment of the Odessa confectionery factory named after Rosa Luxemburg. The work was carried out in extremely difficult conditions of the complete absence of building materials, vehicles, qualified workers. Basically, the construction was carried out by economic means - by the hands of future factory workers, many of whom are former housewives. First, they mastered construction specialties, and then they had to study the professions of confectionery production.

The construction of the chocolate factory was carried out on a tight schedule, the first stage was actually completed at the beginning of November 1942, and on the 7th of November a trial start-up of part of the equipment took place. The first stage of the construction of the factory was put into operation on November 25, 1942. On November 19, a successful counter-offensive by Soviet troops began at Stalingrad, and the factory got its name in honor of the participants in this great victory. In the Novosibirsk Regional State Archives, a document has been preserved: “The Chocolate Factory named after Heroes of Stalingrad was registered in the Novosibirsk regional financial department on December 19, 1942. In the first year, 78 people worked at the factory, of which 52 were workers. From the first days of its existence, the Chocolate Factory. Heroes of Stalingrad was actively involved in the production process: up to thirty tons of chocolate products were produced monthly. The production is based on the processing of cocoa beans and sugar into chocolate - in bars and powder. The management of the chocolate factory managed to mobilize the team to fulfill the plan through socialist competition and the use of the methods of Stakhanov's work. Despite the difficulties associated with the lack of raw materials, etc., the enterprise worked rhythmically throughout the year and coped with the production task ahead of schedule, fulfilling the plan for gross output by 137%, and in terms of labor productivity growth by 195%. In the first year, one chocolate shop worked in the factory in two shifts. At the same time, the leadership had to constantly send their workers to the mines of Kuzbass (otherwise they would not get coal) and to agricultural work in the villages of the region.

From the second half of 1943. factory named after Heroes of Stalingrad, on the basis of the equipment of the chocolate shop, began the development of candy production. In 1943. The assortment of products manufactured by the chocolate factory already included: slab and figured chocolate, chocolate powder, several varieties of semi-finished products, soft fondant and glazed sweets. The factory completed the 1943 production target ahead of schedule - by November 7. And the annual result is 125% of the plan. For good performance in work, 44 employees of the chocolate factory were awarded certificates of honor. For the results of the year, the factory received the challenge Red Banner of food enterprises of the region. On December 30, 1944, the second stage of the chocolate factory was put into operation - a production building was built and additional equipment was installed. With the launch of the second stage, the factory switched to the production of more labor-consuming varieties of sweets, thereby expanding the range. Produced 16 varieties, chocolate - four, as well as chocolate semi-finished products: cocoa mass, chocolate coating, cocoa butter. The production program of 1944 was completed by the staff of the chocolate factory ahead of schedule by December 10.

In 1945, a laboratory was created at the factory, which made it possible to better control the production process and improve the quality of products. This year the factory has coped with the production program, having fulfilled it by 104.8%. Success in the implementation of production programs was achieved due to the high labor activity of workers, although the number of workers in the factory was 74 people, of which 52 were workers.

In 1946, for the first time, the factory began to produce products - figured chocolate in foil and unwrapped Palmira sweets - for commercial trade according to the outfits of the Glavobotorg and the trust of railway restaurants. Also, for the first time, four varieties of wrapped chocolates began to be produced. The year 1947 for the Novosibirskaya chocolate factory was another step towards mastering the production of new 11 varieties of sweets. Also, the release of festive assortment, packaged in boxes, was started. In total, 2000 pieces were produced in a year, and none of them was rejected.

In the early 50s, new types of production were organized at the enterprise: pastille-marmalade and toffee. For the first time, the factory began production of packaged products in artistically designed boxes and bags, the output of the festive assortment increased, the external design improved, the percentage of wrapped products increased.

In the late 1950s, the Novosibirsk chocolate factory was equipped with new equipment by 80-85%, installed 84 units of new technological equipment, mechanized the main technological processes, such as roasting, crushing and grinding cocoa beans and nuts; casting, glazing and wrapping of fondant sweets. As a result of technological measures, the quality of confectionery products has significantly improved: the shape of the molding sweets has improved, and deformed products have been eliminated.

Thanks to the constant improvement of production processes, increasing labor productivity, improving quality and reducing the cost of production, the collective of the chocolate factory for 1965-1970. worked out over the plan 1,738 tons of confectionery products in the amount of 7.1 million rubles.

In 1966, Novosibirsk confectionery enterprises switched to a new system of planning and economic incentives. The main tasks of the economic reform were to improve production efficiency, increase the output of confectionery products, maximize the use of fixed assets, and increase profitability.

A social program was gradually implemented at the enterprise. Two dwelling houses were built for the employees of the enterprise, a kindergarten, which was considered one of the best in the city, for the children of employees, and there was also a dispensary.

In September 1992, the Novosibirskaya chocolate factory was transformed into a closed joint-stock company, and in December 1996 the factory was renamed into Novosibirskaya Chocolate Factory.

Today the Novosibirskaya Chocolate Factory is a confectionery enterprise that is part of the Russian holding United Confectioners.

The chocolate factory "Novosibirskaya" is familiar to every Novosibirsk citizen since childhood and has already become an integral part of the city's life, and when the townspeople see the symbol of the factory - "Medvezhonka" - they invariably have smiles on their faces!

Novosibirsk confectionery works in the field of production and sale of a wide variety of sweet products. They offer the population of the city cakes (both classic and original), pastries, sweet rolls, pies, sweets, cookies and other sweet flour products.

One of the largest enterprises working in this direction is Eliseevsky Confectionery House in Novosibirsk. This enterprise has been operating in the confectionery market for over 10 years. It is one of the five Russian confectionery factories that process cocoa beans, which allows it to offer premium chocolate to the population. This confectionery factory in Novosibirsk has 30 boutiques, each of which presents chocolate figures and handmade chocolates, biscuits, oriental sweets, chocolate-covered nuts, hot chocolate, dragees, various candies and much more. A unique product recipe is developed and carefully preserved.

Confectionery "Pleasure" in Novosibirsk is considered one of the most popular. This confectionery specializes in the production of cakes of any complexity and shape:
- festive or corporate,
- wedding or for children,
- with a photo or any desired image.
This confectionery also offers accessories for cakes (stands and figures). "Pleasure" often holds promotions, gives bonus and discount cards, attracting the attention of customers, thereby making pleasant gifts for their customers.

"Domashnaya konditerskaya" in Novosibirsk works in the field of production and sale of cakes and pastries. This factory began its work in 2005 and during this time has managed to prove itself well in the confectionery market. Rakhat is a confectionery factory in Novosibirsk that sells sweets, cookies, cakes and other products. Those wishing to purchase confectionery in bulk in Novosibirsk can also contact here. The abundance of products will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth.

The confectionery factories of Novosibirsk "Kuzina" and "Roshen" are very popular. This company specializes in the manufacture and sale of cakes, pastries, muffins, waffles, crackers, caramel, toffee, cookies and other sweet products. Confectionery "Dynasty", which has been operating since 2003, offers various types of cookies, marmalade, croissants, wafer rolls, roasted nuts, brushwood and much more.

The Novosibirskaya chocolate factory has been producing its products since 1942. The quality of the marmalade and marshmallow is simply excellent. The products are always fresh. For production, only natural products are used. There are no chemical additives, preservatives and other substances that would negatively affect the child's body. We will talk about this in more detail in the article.

A few words from history

As you know, the Novosibirskaya chocolate factory began its history in 1942. In wartime, it was decided to create a shop for the production of sweets for the population. This was not easy to do. Constant bombing did not allow to fully ensure the transport delivery of building materials and the necessary equipment to launch the workshops. Equipment came to the rescue, which was evacuated from the Odessa confectionery factory.

The construction began almost from scratch, with the main work being done by women, who soon began to make sweets in the workshops. In the early years, employees worked in two shifts. To get coal and raw materials, workers had to be sent to the mines of Kuzbass and to agricultural work. There was no other way.

During the war years, the confectionery factory processed sugar and cocoa beans, thereby obtaining chocolate in bars. Since 1943, the production of sweets began. They were the most primitive due to the lack of raw materials. By 1950, the product range was already huge. The management decided to completely replace the equipment, which only improved the taste of the sweets.

At the moment, the factory provides all Siberia with confectionery products. It is included in the largest holding of the best companies in Russia.

Chocolate is delicious

The Novosibirskaya chocolate factory produces the following souvenir products:

    "Cedar cone". This is a factory exclusive. Each tile is made in the form of a cone and wrapped in colored foil. Remarkable is the fact that the product is lean.

    "Bear with a Chocolate Medal". It was in great demand during the Olympic Games. Has original packaging. Children are happy to eat such a sweet souvenir.

    Chocolate bars "Siberian souvenir". Perfect as a presentation for foreign guests. The design is made in 4 versions. The cover depicts the heroes of Russian ballads: "Lada", "Dazhdbog", "Perun", "Alatyr". Bitter chocolate, high cocoa content.

    "Medal". The product tastes like vanilla.

    Chocolate bar "Creamy". Has a pleasant taste, the Novosibirsk Opera House is depicted on the wrapper.

As you can see, the confectionery factory offers a wide range of souvenirs, which can be an excellent gift for guests from other cities.

Boxed candies - a good present

Of course, do not forget about the products that are sold in boxes. Chocolates are in great demand, never stale in store windows. Novelty - "Gifts of Siberia with nuts". The candies are made in the form of domes. The filling is praline with whole hazelnuts and peanuts. Despite the fact that the products appeared in stores not so long ago, they have already managed to fall in love with many buyers.

In addition, the factory can offer assorted "Gifts of Siberia". Sweets differ in taste and shape. Laureate of the "Novosibirsk Brand" competition - products "Bear Cub with Nuts". The filling is praline and crushed nuts.

Chocolates "My Favorite City Novosibirsk" are often purchased as a presentation. The mass of the product is 720 grams. The package contains a photograph of the city.

Let's enjoy marshmallows and marmalade

For those buyers who do not like sweets, the Novosibirskaya Chocolate Factory CJSC offers to try marmalade and marshmallows. They are prepared according to old recipes. Due to this, pralines and jellies are always soft and not cloying.

The most popular marshmallow is with lingonberry. The berry gives a pleasant sourness, leaves an unforgettable aroma. For those who like sweeter, there are products with strawberries. The soft pink marshmallow melts in your mouth. In addition, there is marshmallow in chocolate and vanilla.

Marmalade began to be made relatively recently, we can safely say that this is a novelty that must be tried. The taste of the product is as follows: strawberry, lemon, apple, black currant. The undoubted advantage is the plastic packaging. Thanks to her, the products retain their original appearance, do not wrinkle.

Bulk sweets for children and adults

As for the bulk sweets, there is a fairly large selection. Each customer will be able to find a treat for every taste: jelly, with pralines, nuts, cookies.

"Novosibirsk sweets with pistachio" are considered to be an undoubted highlight. A photograph of the city flaunts on the wrapper. Among the novelties, we can mention halva-flavored products. She's pretty unusual. It seems that you are not eating a chocolate bar, but a mass of seeds and honey.

Factory advantages

Many people wonder what is the secret of the factory's success? The manual gives a simple answer:

Not so long ago, the Novosibirskaya chocolate factory entered the united holding of Russian confectioners. This became a new step in its development. The management cares about the image of the factory. The staff constantly undergoes refresher courses, equipment is updated, new items appear in the range of products.