Cooking vegetable broth. Useful properties of vegetable broths for health

04.11.2019 Meat Dishes

Cooking a vegetable broth is a completely simple matter. First, we put a full kettle of water to boil, and on a medium heat we put a saucepan to warm. Now we are preparing the ingredients. We clean carrots and onions, wash together with other vegetables and herbs. Cut onions, carrots and celery into large pieces. Tie the dill and parsley in a bunch. The vegetable broth is almost ready! Just kidding, another 10 minutes 😉 Pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into a preheated pan and increase the heat a little more. It's time to reveal the secret of quick cooking of vegetable broth: in order for vegetables to quickly reveal their taste and aroma and then give it to boiling water in 10 minutes, you need to fry (sauté) them for a short time, stirring constantly. What we are going to do. Throw the carrots, onions, celery, bay leaf and black pepper into the heated oil, salt to taste and sauté, stirring occasionally, until the water in the kettle boils. Smelling an amazing scent? This is how your vegetable broth will smell!
When the purified water boils, we throw a bunch of greens into the pan and fill the fried vegetables with boiling water. Increase the heat and bring to a boil, then reduce the temperature to a minimum, cover with a lid, leaving a small gap and cook. We control the boiling process, it should not stop. If there is no time at all, 10 minutes will be enough for the broth to become aromatic and rich in flavors, but if time permits, you can leave it for 30 minutes.
After the right time, turn off the heat and take out all the vegetables and herbs from the broth - we no longer need them. You don't need to filter the vegetable broth through a sieve with gauze, it is already transparent and beautiful, it remains only to add salt to taste. It can now be used to make other dishes and soups. You can read how to make soup in the heading ... Soup-puree in vegetable broth is also very tasty, for example, or .

How to cook vegetable broth in 15 minutes? The recipe is short

  1. We put a full kettle of water to boil, set a saucepan to warm over medium heat.
  2. We prepare the ingredients: peel the carrots and onions, wash them along with other vegetables and herbs, cut the onions, carrots and celery into large pieces, tie the dill and parsley into a bunch.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, increase the heat slightly and throw in all the ingredients except the herbs.
  4. Fry vegetables, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes.
  5. Put a bunch of parsley with dill to the vegetables, fill the vegetables with boiled water, cover with a lid.
  6. When the water boils again, reduce the heat to low, raise the lid and cook for 10 minutes.
  7. We take out all the vegetables and herbs from the broth. Now you know how to cook vegetable broth.

That's all! Easy, fast and tasty, right? Be sure to try cooking, leave comments and subscribe to the recipe mailing list in the right sidebar if you don't want to miss anything! Cook with love and remember that you are more talented than you can imagine, and of course ... Enjoy your meal!

As in other Slavic cuisines, in Belarusian soups are presented in several types: cold and hot. Hot soups - mostly flour, vegetable, vegetable and cereals with an acidic base (kvass or whey). pork and lard. Prepare mushroom groats according to our delicious culinary recipe from the national Belarusian cuisine. Products for mushroom groats: 6 - 8 dry white mushrooms, 2 onions, 3 - 4 potatoes, 0.5 carrots, 1 parsley root, 0.5 cups of buckwheat

The snow will melt very soon and the first greens will appear. Try to add wild herbs to soups, borscht, cabbage soup, salads. Vegetable soups are prepared in water and transparent vegetable broths. The vegetable broth becomes much tastier if you add fresh champignons or porcini mushrooms to it. Our cookbook contains many good recipes for making soups. Make a nettle mushroom soup according to our delicious Russian culinary recipe.

You will need: chicken legs - 4 pcs .; fresh mushrooms - 100g; minced chicken - 100g; parsley - 5-6 branches; salt to taste; broth (vegetable or meat) - 1 glass; vegetables for a side dish - to taste; frying oil Rinse the chicken legs, make cuts on the inside of the legs, remove bones and tendons. Lightly beat off the resulting fillet on the skin to get pieces of the size in which you can wrap the filling. For

Increase radish - 100g; sweet pepper - 200g; red oak salad - 1/2 bunch; salt to taste; for French dressing: olive oil - 1/4 cup; white wine vinegar - 2 tsp; Dijon mustard - 1 tsp; Wash vegetables and salad in cold water. Spread lettuce leaves on a towel to remove excess moisture. Cut the radish into thin slices. Core with seeds from pepper. Cut the pepper into thin long strips.

To enlarge You will need: chicken legs - 4 pcs .; fresh mushrooms - 100g; minced chicken - 100g; parsley - 5-6 branches; salt to taste; broth (vegetable or meat) - 1 glass; vegetables for a side dish - to taste; frying oil Rinse the chicken legs, make cuts on the inside of the legs, remove bones and tendons. Lightly beat off the resulting fillet on the skin to get pieces of a size that can be wrapped

Fresh porcini mushrooms or champignons 500 g Pickled cucumbers 4 pcs Onion 2 pcs Olives 50 g Capers 50 g Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l Butter Peel and rinse thoroughly with cold water porcini or champignons. Fold in a bowl, pour hot water, add onion and cook for 45-50 minutes, then strain the broth. Lightly fry chopped onions in oil (add tomato paste at the end of frying); peel

We will prepare a delicious but spicy salad for the festive table. Our cookbook contains many good recipes for making different salads. Prepare a vegetable salad with mushrooms according to our delicious holiday culinary recipe for Easter. Products for a vegetable salad with mushrooms: 300 g of mushrooms, 300 g of celery root, 2 bell peppers, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt, 50 ml of white wine, 50 g of lard , 20 ml of apple cider vinegar, 5 cloves of garlic, salt. For cooking

Our dear guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Vegetable Broth. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later ask themselves the question:. Especially for you, a simple recipe was written, which briefly and clearly explains how to prepare a vegetable broth at home. Here, all the recipes are painted in simple understandable words, so even the most inept chef can easily cook Vegetable broth... For this, special recipes have been created with detailed photographs and step-by-step descriptions of the cooking steps. Following the written recipe, you can easily prepare this delicious dish and feel its beneficial properties and impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material, still do not understand, how to cook vegetable broth, then we suggest looking at our other recipes.

Vegetable broth is universal; we use it to prepare soups and main courses (for example, risotto, meat snacks). If you have time, prepare a fragrant and rich fresh broth for every meal. If there is no time, I recommend freezing it by boiling a large portion of fresh one. Or cook it - you can even cook it for the winter.

Ingredients for a vegetable broth recipe

  • 2 small carrots (about 150 g)
  • 1 celery root (about 250 g)
  • 4 parsley roots (200 g)
  • 1 leek (250 g)
  • 4 onions
  • 250 g of forest mushrooms (fresh, frozen or dry but then no more than 40 g)
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 8 black peppercorns
  • 4 allspice peas
  • 4 dried juniper berries
  • 4 liters of cold purified water

How to make vegetable broth

1 Peel and wash the carrots, celery and parsley roots. Chop the carrots into large pieces and the celery into large cubes. Cut the leeks in half and wash as well.

2 Cut the onions in half without peeling them.

3 Prepare the mushrooms: defrost, peel, rinse, chop.

4 Wash the tomatoes, cut into quarters, remove the tails and whites. Chop coarsely.

5 Heat oil in a large saucepan. Simmer all ingredients over low heat for 8-10 minutes until they lose some color.

6 Pour over 4 liters of water and bring to a boil.

7 Skim off foam with a slotted spoon until it appears.

8 Rinse thyme and rosemary and pat dry with a towel. Add to vegetables along with bay leaves, allspice and black pepper and juniper berries. You can - in the form.

9 Cook the broth for 1 hour over medium heat with the lid open. If you cook for less time (30 minutes), the broth will turn out to be less concentrated, softer in taste.

10 Pour the broth through a fine sieve into another saucepan. Throw out the vegetables.

How to clarify vegetable broth?
This is an important point! The vegetable broth may turn out to be dark brown and opaque, and you may want to make it clear and lighter. To do this, wrap a sieve through which you are filtering the broth with a thick damp towel.

There is another way to clarify the broth. To do this, peel the onion from the husk, but then the broth will lose not only brown, but also a beautiful golden hue.

11 Broth can be refrigerated for up to 3 days. If you fill plastic bags with it, it will take much longer. To do this, pour the cooked vegetable broth into the bags using a funnel, close tightly and place in the freezer.

How much to cook vegetable broth?

1-1.5 hours over medium-low heat.

Secrets of a rich vegetable broth

12 If you want to freeze vegetable broth for several months, use 300-400 ml jars with screw lids. Rinse them with boiling water and let dry. Then fill dry jars with hot broth, close tightly and turn over for 5 minutes, placing on the lid. Keep in mind that the cans must be sterile and that hands must avoid contact with the inside of the can and lid.

13 Any mixture of vegetables is appropriate for the preparation of vegetable broth, the recipes of which are more than a dozen vegetable combinations. The most common are carrots, onions, parsley root and, of course, bay leaves. You just need to remember that there should not be a predominance of one vegetable. If, for example, you use too much cabbage to the detriment of other ingredients, then you run the risk of getting not vegetable, but cabbage broth, the taste of which is noticeably different from the taste of broth from a mixture of cabbage, carrots and celery.

Note ... You may want to avoid beets (they give the broth an intense red color), tomatoes (a bright, spicy flavor), coriander, etc.

14 Please note that there is no salt in this recipe. If desired, the broth can be salted, in our case, about 1 tsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt (to taste), at the very end, after the broth has already been poured into another pan. But it is better to salt afterwards, during the preparation of the main course.

The benefits of vegetable broth

Few foods have the health benefits of carefully prepared vegetables. The vegetable broth, the recipe for which you now know, does not contain additives and has a pure, intense taste. It turns out to be thick, aromatic and perfectly absorbed by the body.

When vegetables are heat-treated in water, all soluble protein compounds, mineral salts, vitamins are transferred into the water.

A serving of 1 cup of vegetable stock contains 15 calories. Such a low calorie content allows the use of soups cooked in vegetable broth for weight loss.

A typical serving of vegetable broth provides a person with approximately 3 grams of carbohydrates and 1.2 grams of protein daily. It contains 9% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A and 2% of calcium and other nutrients.

IMPORTANT! For those who suffer from an acute form of pancreatitis and gastritis, a rich, highly concentrated vegetable broth is contraindicated.

P. S. There are a few more basic recipes related to the ability to cook broths. Here are just a couple of master classes with step-by-step photos:

The liquid obtained by blanching or boiling vegetables is called vegetable broth or broth. Often housewives, not understanding its benefits, do not pay attention to this broth. And it is completely in vain, because just like decoctions of medicinal herbs, this product can offer a lot of useful substances to the body. But in this case, we are not talking about the usual cooking of vegetables, but about the preparation of a healing mixture that enriches the body with valuable microelements.

Purpose and benefits of vegetable broth

As in fruit vegetable broth, vegetable broth contains no carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The only constituents of this liquid are vitamins, minerals and organic acids.

Vegetable broth does not have a high caloric nutritional value, which means that, even with large doses, it cannot affect weight gain. But drinking it for a while still gives a feeling of satiety (the stomach fills until all the trace elements are split).

Vegetable broth or broth is often a natural, extremely healthy complementary food for babies. Also, its use helps to speed up the treatment of pancreatitis.

Universal rules for cooking vegetable broth

There are a number of rules that must be followed during the preparation of a vegetable broth:

  1. Selection of only quality vegetables. The best solution would be to purchase the brewing ingredients not from the supermarket, but from the market. Or, if possible, you should bring them from your own garden. Perhaps the dangers of nitrates from products grown in large quantities for sale need not be reminded.
  2. Soaking vegetables. If the confidence in the safety of the product is not high, the chemicals can be removed by soaking the raw material for 15–20 minutes in room temperature water.
  3. Slow cooking. Before preparing vitamin slices, it should be poured to the top with water and only in this state should the pan be placed on the fire. Throwing food into boiling water will not work. Cooking should be done in moderation, over low heat, and the valuable trace elements should be given sufficient time to free themselves.
  4. Natural, healthy ingredients. In no case should the broth be enriched with store-bought, packaged seasonings. To improve the taste, bay leaves, black or red pepper, basil, and cloves are thrown into the liquid. Regarding salt, it is better to give preference to sea salt, and even then not in large quantities. In decoctions for children, this ingredient is generally prohibited.
  5. Timely use of the broth. The shelf life of the drink, provided it is stored in the refrigerator, is three days. If during this time vegetable decoctions for soups have not been consumed, it is better to prepare a new tea leaves. The broth frozen in the form of ice cubes will lose some of its beneficial trace elements, although in this form it can be stored for up to 4 months.

Another, not obligatory, but rather pleasant rule is that boiled vegetables can be supplemented with your favorite spices and play the role of a dietary dish. While many of them have been stripped of their most beneficial ingredients, they still have intestinal cleansing fiber and a pleasant, natural taste.

Vegetable broths - complementary foods for babies

Mothers of infants aged 3 months or more often think about introducing foods with the necessary amount of microelements missing in breast milk into their children's diet.

Vegetable decoctions for babies will help to saturate a small body. This product will be especially appropriate for children who use artificial formulas instead of mother's milk.

The main task in the preparation of a vitamin drink is the correct selection of ingredients. Vegetables should be as harmless as possible, white cabbage and all types of legumes (cause bloating), beets (its juice will heavily load the baby's liver) and tomatoes (contain acids that are difficult to breakdown in the not matured pancreas of babies) should be immediately excluded from the list.

To prepare a vegetable broth for babies, you can use the following safe ingredients:

  • 50 g zucchini;
  • 100 g broccoli;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 1 small sprig of dill;
  • water.


  1. All vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water. The carrots are cleaned first, then they are cut into thin pieces, thrown into an enamel saucepan. The root vegetable is poured with 500 ml of pre-filtered or boiled water and sent to a slow fire.
  2. While the carrots are cooking, you should start cleaning the zucchini. The zucchini is peeled from the skin and seeds, cut into small squares. Broccoli is cut in the same way.
  3. When 10 minutes have passed. from the beginning of boiling carrots, you can throw zucchini, broccoli and a sprig of dill into the pan (a whole sprig is thrown, so it is easier to get it later).
  4. After another 10 minutes. slowly boiling the broth can be drained and set aside to cool.

The baby should be introduced to vegetable broths very slowly. During the first month it will be 1 tsp. three times a day, before feeding, then the volume can be increased, gradually bringing to 2 tsp. Also, this broth will be very useful for mothers themselves, it will help increase the quality of their breast milk.

A simple vegetable broth for pancreatitis

The term "pancreatitis" summarizes a group of syndromes and diseases caused by inflammation of the pancreas. Due to the malfunctioning of this organ, digestive enzymes do not pass into the duodenum, but act directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pancreas. During such a process, not only the diseased organ itself suffers, but the entire body as a whole, since a large amount of toxins caused by the inflammatory process are released into the blood.

One of the auxiliary means in this case will be a vegetable broth recipe, which contains components that cleanse the blood and the digestive tract. Due to the light structure of the broth, it will not overload the pancreas, forcing it to secrete a large amount of digestive juices.

To embody this healing drink, you should prepare:

  • 1 small carrot;
  • 100 g turnips;
  • a small piece of leek;
  • a third of onions;
  • 1 small parsley root;
  • 1 celery root;
  • water.


  1. Pre-washed and peeled vegetables are cut into small pieces.
  2. The first to go to the pot are carrots, parsley root and turnips. The container is poured with 1 liter of water and moved to low heat.
  3. When the broth begins to boil, you should wait another 10 minutes. and throw in all the other ingredients. Cook for another 10 minutes. You can add a little natural spices if you wish.
  4. After cooling, the broth is filtered and becomes ready for use.

Decoctions from vegetables and cooking borscht, soups, stews and cabbage soup

"A person is born healthy, all diseases come to him through the mouth with food."


This article focuses on a cleansing, gentle vegetarian diet. Our grandfathers, who widely used a plant-based diet, called it killing-free.

If you want to revive forgotten vegetarian dishes on your family's menu, find them in the recipes proposed as early as 1910 in the book Vegetarian Cuisine: A Guide to Preparing 800 Meals, Breads and Drinks for a Kill-Free Eating, published in this chapter.

At the end there is a list of the posts of the church calendar, since for centuries it was the posts that were rightly considered the internal purifiers of the human body.

Basic decoctions of vegetables and cooking borscht, soups, stews and cabbage soup

The time it takes to prepare soups depends primarily on the amount and quality of water required for them. Soft (river) water boils rather spring or well water.

Housewives wishing to save on fuel are advised to cook soups with peas, beans, lentils or pearl barley the day before, using the fire during the preparation of the afternoon dinner; on the same day, when such a soup is needed, just heat it up and season it.

All of the following recipes are for a serving of 4 to 6 people. You can increase or decrease the portion as needed. Soup is the first dish in any dinner, both in Russia and in France, Germany and Austria; in England and America, soups are served less often.

Soups are made from milk, wheat, pearl barley and barley groats, rice, peas, beans, beans, sago lentils, oatmeal and semolina, pasta, noodles, potatoes, carrots, turnips, rutabagas, ground pear, zucchini, pumpkin, tomato, onions, leeks, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, celery, parsley, spinach, sorrel and various herbs and seasoned with: butter, eggs, flour, cheese, cream, sour cream, champignons, mushrooms, salt, sugar, pepper and other spices ...

Navars or broths are the basis of any soup. We give several recipes for similar decoctions, adapted to different needs, and these decoctions will be included in all other soups.

The main point in broths is that the broth is strong, tasty and nutritious, and the taste in one of its components does not prevail over the other; for this it is necessary to make it proportionally.

All vegetable broths ferment very quickly, and therefore they should not be harvested for more than 2 days.

Those cereals and vegetables for the main broths and vegetable broths that take a long time to cook (pearl barley, peas, lentils, beans, etc.) should be cooked in the evening - they must be soaked in cold water, at least 12 hours, and the very next day to start making with the rest of the vegetables. All vegetables boiled for a long time boil better if they are scalded with boiling water, after the water in which they stood overnight is drained from them.

Potatoes, turnips, earthen pear and celery must be washed, peeled (cut off the skin) and then cut or chopped into small pieces; rutabagas, carrots, parsley, wash, scrape and then chop; white roots should be put in cold water right away, so that they do not darken; Peel and chop onions and garlic only when needed.

Finely chopped onions, sprinkled with a little flour, salt, sugar and fried red-hot in oil in a frying pan, rubbed through a sieve, color well dark soups and gravies.

Onions, peeled from the outer skins and slowly baked in a cool oven until dark brown and flattened with something heavy to a perfect flatness, can be harvested in advance for a long time. It is a good touch-up agent.

The oil loses its taste when boiled, and therefore it must be added to the soup when it is almost ready, except for those cases when vegetables are stewed with oil without water.

Both cream and eggs are added to a hot dish only when it is almost ready, and when cream or eggs are poured in, the soup must constantly stir in one direction, by no means letting it boil.

If the broth is needed for mashed potatoes, then rub everything through a frequent sieve until it cools down; if you need a pure broth, you should set the pan on the edge of the stove for 10 minutes and then carefully pour into another pan in which the soup will already be cooked.

If the foam was not removed on time, or the broth is not completely transparent or cloudy, then you can pull it off with two or three beaten whites from the eggs, putting them in a steeply boiling broth and letting it boil well.

The roots used for seasoning dishes are as follows: parsley, celery, carrots, onions, leeks and young turnips. They are prepared in various ways: they are chopped into strips, cut out with a tin tube or cut into asterisks.

You can cut various curly things from celery and turnips: triangles, stars, small roots and turnips. Having prepared the roots, put in a saucepan, pour in hot water, boil once, that is, boil until half ripe (blanch), then put on a sieve and, when cooled, put in cold water. The roots are not always blanched, but, having prepared and washed, they are dipped in cold water before use.

Onions (depending on which use) are cut into circles, chopped or chopped finely. Leeks are chopped into strips and cut into inches long. Charlotte, peeled, is put in whole onions; sometimes the roots are put in when the broth is boiled, and when the broth is filtered, the roots are taken out; in this case, the roots crumble large.

Barley and pearl barley take a long time to boil: they are very nutritious and useful for thickening soups, and are rarely superfluous in any kind of puree.

Rice, sago, pasta and noodles must be thoroughly washed in fresh water, before boiling in soups or vegetable broths; sago must be boiled in water (for each spoon 1 glass of water) for about half an hour, and then filtered into soup. This substance makes a good thickening agent for soups (one tablespoon for 2 cups of soup).

Pre-cooked cereals should not be put into the soup earlier than 1/4 hour before serving.

Lean vegetable decoction (vegetable decoction A)

2 turnips or 1/2 large swede, 4 carrots, 2 celery roots, 4 onions, 2 parsley, 1 leek, 1 piece of dried white bread for 8 bottles of water.

Having cleaned all the roots, cut them into small pieces, put them and the bread in a saucepan, pour over cold water, let it boil slowly until all the roots are soft. If you need mashed potatoes, then from the very beginning 1 glass of pearl barley is added to all this, soaked in cold water overnight, and when everything is ready, it is wiped through a sieve; if one broth is needed, then the broth is drained, and the roots are suitable for a stew or sauce.

Vegetable decoction for puree soups (vegetable decoction B)

1 turnip, 1 carrot, 1 celery root, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 lb. 1 peas, 1 parsley, 1 leek, white bread crust for 8 bottles of water.

Proceed as with broth A, with the difference that oil is added here; it is placed after the roots are worn out; if the roots are not rubbed, then the oil is added when the roots are already almost soft. Salt to taste.

A decoction of vegetables for chowders (decoction of vegetables B)

10 potatoes, 6 onions, 6 carrots, 4 turnips, 2 parsley, 3 celery roots, 3 tablespoons butter, 2 leeks, 7g lbs. dried and toasted white bread.

After cleaning, finely chop all the roots, put in a saucepan along with bread and butter, salt and simmer until soft, stirring at times, so as not to burn. When everything is ready, pour over boiling water, let it boil and then serve.

Vegetable broth for puree soups (broth from vegetables G)

1 glass of pearl barley, 4 tablespoons of coarse flour, 2 turnips, 2 carrots, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 crust of white dried bread for 8 bottles of water.

After washing the pearl barley in the evening, put it in cold water, drain the water in the morning, put it to cook, stirring in thoroughly gritty flour; simmer slowly for 2 hours; put finely chopped roots; when cooked until soft, sprinkle with herbs, salt. Can be served as a soup.

Lean vegetable decoction (vegetable decoction D)

Finely chop 2 onions, put in a saucepan, put 1 tablespoon of mustard oil, fry until color. Then pour in boiling water as much as you need to have a decoction; put in there whole, previously peeled, roots: parsley, celery, leek, carrots, turnips, 72 heads of white cabbage, 1/3 cup yellow peas, 1/2 cup beans, 2 or 3 pieces of dried porcini mushrooms, 2 pieces of potatoes, and cook all this over low heat until the roots are completely soft; if the water boils away, add boiling water.

Before you strain, set the pot aside from the stove, let the broth settle and drain carefully or strain through a napkin, if you need a clean broth. But you can wipe it all and serve as a puree. This broth can be served with noodles, pasta, stars, mushroom ears, dumplings, etc.

Borscht with sour cream and dried porcini mushrooms

Boil vegetable broth A or D. Give out 1/4 lb. dried mushrooms, 15 small pieces of beets, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 cup of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs - parsley and dill - and 2 onions.

When preparing vegetable broth A, add 5 pieces of beets there, bake the rest in the oven, peel, chop, put in a saucepan, simmer a little in oil, sprinkle with a spoonful of flour and a pinch of caraway seeds and parsley, salt, scald with 5 bottles of strained vegetable broth. Cook the mushrooms separately, pour the broth into the soup, chop the mushrooms into oblong pieces, put there, let it boil for 1/2 hour; sprinkle with dill and sour cream before leaving. Sour cream can be served separately.

Serve buckwheat porridge fried in a pan with this borscht. If the borsch is not red enough, tint it with raw, grated beets.

Mushroom borscht (lean)

The broth is boiled from dry mushrooms in half with beets and fresh cabbage, add roots and spices, season with flour, fried with onions in oil, and sprinkle with crushed pepper.

It is served with brown bread croutons.

Onion borsch

20 onions chopped and sautéed at 1/2 lb. vegetable oil, poured with water, put 4 carrots, cut into slices, 1/4 head of sauerkraut, spices, boil everything well, season with flour, kvass or vinegar, sugar to taste, sprinkle with herbs.

It is served separately with either black croutons from Russian sweet bread or buckwheat porridge.

Baked beet borscht (lean)

Bake 4 pcs. beets and chop, and chop 4 carrots, 1 pc. parsley, celery and onions, all well browned at 1/2 lb. vegetable oil, pour kvass in half with water, add 1/4 lb. crushed dry mushrooms and boil until tender. Separately, cutlets made from buckwheat porridge are served.

Pea soup

Take 3 glasses from the evening of soaked yellow dried peas and, pouring off the water in which it stood overnight, pour boiling water over the peas, boil, adding a little cold water; rub through a sieve; meanwhile, chop 1 parsley, 1 leek, 1 onion and fry in oil until soft, add 1 spoonful of flour, fry again, mix with grated peas, dilute with boiling water or a decoction of vegetables. Before leaving, pour in one cup of sour cream, boil once and serve with toasted white bread fried with butter.

Green soup

Vegetable decoction A. Issue 3 lb. half spinach with sorrel, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of green parsley, 1 tablespoon of dill, 1 tablespoon of flour and 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

After going through the spinach and sorrel, wash, chop, salt, fry in oil, rub, pour in hot broth, put to boil. When the soup is boiled down, season with flour and butter; before leaving, stir in sour cream. Many people prefer to serve sour cream separately.

Hard-boiled eggs are served with this soup.

Fresh cabbage soup with milk

A small head of cabbage, peeled, cut into pieces, pour over with boiling water so that the bitterness disappears, put on a sieve, put to cook in 9 glasses of water. When it boils, add salt, put 7g of a handful of parsley leaves, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, a spoonful of oil and cook until soft.

Pour in 3-6 cups of whole milk, season with a spoonful of flour, rubbed with a spoonful of butter, boil and serve. Instead of flour, put 1/2 cup of washed barley groats, which are boiled in the soup along with the cabbage.

Potato soup

Decoction of vegetables A. Peel, wash, and put two onions there from 15 to 20 potatoes. When boiled, remove the onion, rub, put one spoonful of oil, pour in the broth, let it boil. Sprinkle with herbs before vacation.

Vegetable soup

Peel and rinse 2 onions, 1 celery, 1 leek, 2 carrots, 2 parsley, chop, put in a pot, pour in 2 cups of cold water and cook in a sealed container (half an hour); after half an hour of cooking, put 6 potatoes to boil. Then drain the liquid, add 1/2 cup of sour cream, broken with a spoonful of wheat flour, mix thoroughly, boil and serve. It should be eaten with potatoes.

Rice soup

Pour 12 spoons of rice washed in cold water into 2½ bottles of boiling water, add salt and oil and cook. You can also boil water with vegetable vegetables, put rice there and cook soup.

Bean soup

Pour the beans with cold water, boil, grind, add enough oil, finely chopped leek and cook together.

Scottish soup

Issue: 1/2 lb. pearl barley, 1/4 lb. oatmeal, 2 turnips, 2 carrots, 1 parsley, 1 onion, 1 celery, 2 tablespoons butter, and 1/2 lb. crusts of white bread.

In the evening, wet pearl barley and oatmeal in fresh water; in the morning drain the water and put to cook, scalded with boiling water, salt, cook for 2 hours; put there finely chopped roots, onions and bread.

When everything is boiled down, add chopped herbs, salt, pepper to taste.

Sorrel soup with croutons

Take 4 decent handfuls of young sorrel, peeled from roots, wash, chop finely, squeeze out the juice, add 2 cups of boiling water and cook for half an hour. Then season with sour cream (1/2 cup) mixed with wheat flour, stir, boil and serve. Eat with croutons or potatoes.

Barley soup

Give out: 1 cup of barley, 3 onions, 1 cup of oatmeal, and 2 tablespoons of oil.

Put cereals in cold water in the evening; in the morning drain, pour into a saucepan, put onion, pour in fresh water, salt, let it boil for 1½ hour. Dissolve the oil in a saucepan; gradually stir in oat flour there until a kind of dough is formed; add, gradually stirring, little by little the broth of barley grits. When the dough has dissolved, mix everything together. Sprinkle with dill before leaving and let it boil.

Plain Dried Pea Puree Soup

2 lb. wet peas in the evening in lukewarm water; the next day, put to boil in cold water so that the water barely covers the peas, putting 1 onion; when boiled down, rub through a colander, transfer to a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of butter, pounded with 7g of a spoonful of flour, salt, boil.

Dried pea puree soup, buttered

Boil 2 cups of peas without salt, adding a little cold water, rub through a colander; 1 parsley, 1 leek, 1 onion, fry in 1 spoonful of butter until soft, add 1/2 spoonful of flour, fry again, mix with grated peas, dilute with boiled water, salt; before vacation, you can pour in a glass of boiled sour cream; you can also put 2 yolks, mixed with 1/2 cup of cream and strained.

Mashed potato soup

Boil the root broth, strain, put potatoes and 1/2 French roll without a crust, 1/2 spoonful of flour, pounded with a spoonful of butter; you can add 1/2 onion, rooted in oil, boil, rub through a sieve. Break 3 yolks into 1/2 cup of cream, strain, dilute with broth, stirring a lot, pour into common broth, heat until hot, salt and serve. Instead of cream and yolks, you can put sour cream and herbs.

Pumpkin puree soup

Vegetable decoction B. Cut the whole pumpkin into pieces, clean the middle, cut off the thick skin, put in a saucepan with oil, salt, simmer under the lid until soft, rub through a sieve. Meanwhile, dissolve a spoonful of butter in a saucepan, put a spoonful of flour, stir, dilute with boiling broth, put mashed potatoes and, when the soup begins to thicken, salt to taste. Optionally, instead of a vegetable broth, this soup can be cooked in milk.

Tyurya, or murtsovka

1 lb. black sour bread is cut into small pieces along with the crust, put in a bowl, add 1/4 lb. vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of grated horseradish, finely chopped raw onions, onions or green onions, salt, sprinkle with pepper and dilute everything with kvass. Who likes, you can add grated radish.

Root broth

This broth is prepared as follows: fry the onion in 4 tablespoons of oil and add the proper amount of water, add 5 pieces of carrots, 2 parsley, 1 celery, 1 turnip, 1 turnip, 1/4 head of fresh cabbage, 10 dry mushrooms, salt and give rebuke, until the roots are boiled well, drain.


Issue: 1 lb. celery, 1 lb. turnips, 1 lb. carrots, 1/2 lb. beets, 1/2 lb. parsley, 1/2 lb. onions, 1 coffee cup of pearl barley, 1 cup dried green peas, and 1/4 lb. oils.

Put peas and pearl barley in water in the evening. In the morning, drain the water, cook with the rest of the finely chopped vegetables, scald it with steep salted boiling water, let it boil for three hours. When boiled, rub through a sieve, put back in the pan, and let it boil. If thick, dilute with boiling water, add spices and salt to taste. Before leaving, sprinkle with dried and powdered celery herbs.

Armenian hashio soup

This soup is cooked one hour before lunch. Take 4 onions, 2 garlic (who likes wild garlic), chop coarsely and fry with 1/4 lb. oils; pour hot water, salt, add a little pepper, bay leaf and cloves; well let it boil 2-3 times. Next, take 2 eggs, mix them with a triple amount of water (cold) and pour them into the broth cooled to the temperature of fresh milk, stir well, put a French roll here, cut into even slices (as is usually cut for sandwiches). Cover the saucepan with a lid and heat the broth slightly to prevent scrambled eggs.

When the loaf is well swollen, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

Pea soup with dried red beans

Give out: 1½ cups yellow peas, 1½ cups red beans, 1/2 lb. white bread crusts, 4 turnips, 4 carrots, 2 onions, 2 heads of lettuce or 1 head of kale, 1 celery root.

Soak peas and beans in the evening, drain the water in the morning, chop all the roots and put everything together, scald with 8 bottles of boiling water, cover and put in the oven. When tender, wipe; if thick, add boiling water, salt and season. If desired, you can add mushrooms or dried mushrooms and oil with onions.

Brown soup

Issue: 1 lb. turnips, 1 lb. carrots, 1/2 lb. celery, 6 onions, 1½ lb. fresh peas, 4 tablespoons oil, 1/2 lb. crusts of white bread.

After cleaning the roots, cut them into small pieces, put in a saucepan and simmer until soft, until they are browned. Cook the peas separately, when they are ready, pour into a saucepan without draining the water in which the peas were cooked. If thick, dilute with boiling water. Put the crusts from white bread, previously dried, in the same place; let cook for 3-4 hours. When everything is boiled down, rub through a sieve, pour back into the pan, boil 1 time.

Pasta soup

On 1½ bottle of boiling water, put a handful of pasta, broken into pieces in a half-top. Let it simmer for an hour, then add 2 cups of boiled mashed tomatoes, and before serving, pour in another 1/2 cup of cream. Delicious dish.

Sago milk soup

Leave three tablespoons of sago in a cup of cold water for an hour; add 3 cups of boiling milk, sweeten and season to taste. Let it simmer for 1/2 hour. Eat warm.

German soup with cream or yolks

Boil a decoction of vegetables A and strain; Lightly fry 1 spoonful of flour with 1 spoonful of oil, dilute with a glass of broth from vegetables, boil. When it cools a little, beat in 4 yolks, stir, dilute with hot broth, stirring strongly, but not allowing boiling.

Instead of yolks, you can pour in 1½ cups of cream and boil. Put separately boiled crushed roots in a soup bowl.

Fresh cucumber soup

A decoction of vegetables A. Peel 10 medium-sized cucumbers from the upper skin, cut each lengthwise into 4 parts, cut off the very middle, that is, grains, cut half of all cucumbers into slices, boil in salted boiling water, pour into a colander, pour cold water and put in a soup bowl. In the same water in which the first half of the cucumbers was cooked, add all the other cucumbers and cut out the middle and, adding one onion there, cook over low heat until soft; put there one spoonful of butter mixed with a spoonful of flour, boil. Before vacation, rub through a frequent sieve, put in a saucepan, dilute with broth, set aside on the edge of the stove, let it settle; pour in a teacup of heavy cream mixed with 2 yolks, heat until hot, stirring constantly and not letting it boil; put pepper, salt, green dill to taste.

White bread croutons are served with the soup.

Palestinian soup

Issue: 2 lbs. earthen pear, 4 bottles of milk, 1 spoonful of butter, 2 egg yolks and 5 tablespoons of cream.

After cleaning the earthen pears, boil them in salted water until they are completely soft, rub through a metal sieve; put the mashed potatoes in a saucepan with pre-boiled milk and a spoonful of butter, salt to taste and stir until it boils and thickens. Mix the yolks with the cream and stir them into the soup just before the holiday; sprinkle with chopped dill.

Tomato soup

Issue: 10 or 12 pcs. ripe tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 bottle of whole milk or 1/2 bottle of cream.

Cut the tomatoes, cook with the onion in 1 bottle of water and let it boil for 1 hour. When it boils, add salt and a little pepper, strain through a sieve and pour back into the pan. When it gets warm, stir in milk or cream, boiled in advance, and let it boil for 5 minutes. In winter, you can replace fresh tomatoes with canned tomatoes.

Celery soup

Issue: 6 celery roots, 1 large onion, 1 large turnip or small rutabaga, 1/2 lb. crackers, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 dessert spoon of flour and 1/2 bottle of cream.

After peeling the celery, cut half into small pieces, and leave 3 roots whole; chop all other vegetables finely, put in a saucepan with breadcrumbs and scald with 4 bottles of salted boiling water and put in the oven. When everything is boiled soft, rub through a fine sieve. Cook the other three celery roots separately and, taking them out of the water (you can dilute the soup with this broth, if necessary), cut them more beautifully and stir in the soup, touch up with butter and flour, mix well, let it boil. Before leaving, stir in the cream without letting it boil.

Sour cream soup

Boil vegetable broth A.

When the broth is ready, strain, take 2 cups of sour cream, stir in 2 eggs. Prepare white bread croutons, dry them in the oven, put them in a saucepan with 1 tablespoon of butter so that the butter is absorbed into the croutons; pour them with broth, put them on the edge of the stove, pour in sour cream with eggs, constantly stirring and not letting them boil, sprinkle with herbs.

Bread soup with apples

Cut 8 medium-sized apples with the skin, mix with 3 tablespoons of crushed breadcrumbs, pour 2 bottles of water and boil until soft; strain and dilute with boiling water, as needed. Then put it back on the stove and place the ⁄2 lb. prunes or raisins and let it boil two more times. Serve with dried white bread croutons.

Dried green pea puree soup

Issue: 1 lb. peas, 1/2 lb. carrots, 2 lbs. turnips, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of chopped green parsley, 1 tablespoon of chopped dill, 2 tablespoons of oil and 1 tablespoon of flour.

After wetting the peas in cold water in the evening, drain the water in the morning, cook, scald with boiling water, salt and cook until soft, rub. After peeling the roots and onions, chop finely or grate; cook until soft, also wipe, season with flour and butter; if thick, dilute with boiling water. Before leaving, add greens and, letting them boil, serve.

To this puree, serve white bread croutons, fried with butter.

White bean puree soup (buttered)

Boil the broth from the roots, drain. 1 lb. boil white beans in water without salt, rub through a colander; finely chopped 1/2 parsley, 1/2 leek (and who likes 1/2 carrots) and 1/2 onion, fry in oil, sprinkle 1/2 spoonful of flour, rub or just put in the cooked puree, dilute with broth, put 2 yolk with 1/2 cup heavy cream, stirring a lot, heat until hot and serve.

Oatmeal puree soup (Haber-soup)

Usually the Germans prepare this soup like this: take 1/2 lb. oatmeal, boiled in 2 bottles of water. When the cereal becomes soft, it is thrown onto a sieve, rubbed, mixed with the strained broth, and 1/8 lb is added. oil, 1/4 lb. simple prunes; twice it is allowed to boil well and served with white bread croutons.

Ordinary croutons

White bread is cut into thin slices, fried (in a skillet) on both sides in butter until browned. These croutons are served with hot liquid dishes.

Croutons without oil

Both white and black bread are cut into small rectangular cubes and dried without oil. These croutons are served with mashed peas, beans, etc.

German croutons

Beat the yolks, add 2 tablespoons of milk, moisten the slices of white bread, sprinkle one side with Dutch grated cheese, place the unspilled side in a greased frying pan and brown.

Dumplings made of flour, hard

2 yolks, 2 tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of water, salt, stir well, add 2 whipped whites and dip into the soup with a spoon dipped in water, 10-15 minutes before serving. You can take flour in half with semolina.

Dumplings made from white bread or rusks

Crackers are mixed with eggs, oil is added, salted, everything is stirred well and dipped into the soup with a spoon before leaving; served by boiling once.

Potato dumplings

For 2 cups of grated boiled potatoes, take 5 yolks, 1 glass of flour, salt and mix well, then add 5 whipped whites and put from a spoon into the soup; let it boil once and serve.

Egg dumplings

5 raw eggs are mixed with one glass of milk, add 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley or dill, 3 tablespoons of flour, salt and pour into a frying pan with butter, fry; when these eggs are ripe, they are cut into even squares and dipped into the soup before serving.

Cottage cheese dumplings

Mix the mashed cottage cheese, butter and eggs until they foam well; then add 2 tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, salt, add 2 beaten egg whites and make dumplings, dipping them into the soup 10 minutes before serving.

Dumplings from cereals

They make indifferently from any cereals, boil the washed cereals in milk, allow to cool, add a little flour, eggs, salt and make dumplings, dipping them into the soup 5 minutes before serving.

Fried dumplings

Whatever the dumplings are, first fry in a skillet with butter; when lightly browned, they are served either separately with the soup, or put in the soup.