Preparation of monastery tea. Monastic tea - a unique medicinal collection

08.08.2019 Buffet table

Monastic tea has a unique composition, in which medicinal herbs are correctly selected. The combination of these ingredients helps to achieve a quick therapeutic effect in many diseases. Tea can be taken continuously as the main drink. It has strengthening properties, so regular use of the collection will help support the body, prolong its youth. Father George is considered the creator of this unique medicinal tea.

Collection composition

According to old monastery recipes, the medicinal collection is prepared from 16 herbs. All components are organically combined with each other, which provides a powerful healing effect.

All herbs are combined in certain proportions, which were developed by Father George. That is why the original name of the tea is the collection of Father George. Most of all, sage is in the composition of medicinal tea, which gives the drink a rich color and original taste.

Clinical researches

Monastic tea is recognized by official medicine, as it has been clinically proven to be effective. The studies carried out helped to reveal that all patients with various diseases who regularly take tea as their main drink, after a while began to feel much better.

The first participants in the experiment took only the drug collection as the main treatment, the second drank it together with medicines. Both groups were completely healthy after the completion of the experiment. It is noted that patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension, as well as the initial stage of oncology, began to feel much better, the unpleasant symptoms disappeared within a few days after the start of the collection.

Healing properties

The collection of Father George helps to cope with diseases in acute and chronic form.

Among the main medicinal properties are mentioned such as:

  • increasing the protective functions of the body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removal of toxins and toxins;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improved blood pressure;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • improvement of the nervous system;
  • increasing the assimilation of iodine in the body;
  • elimination of cancer cells.

Among the main indications for use are:

  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • oncology;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • frequent colds;
  • overwork;
  • headache;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • inflammation of a different nature;
  • poisoning;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • skin problems;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intervertebral hernia.

For tea to have the proper effect on the body, it is important to prepare it correctly. There are several proven folk recipes for how to prepare a medicine at home.

The medicinal mixture can be brewed like regular tea and drunk regularly. However, in the treatment of diseases, the infusion should be taken according to a specific prescription.

  1. 1. For chronic diseases, brew 1 tbsp. l dry collection of 1 liter of boiling water. The infusion is prepared for 60 minutes, then 150 ml is taken three times in knocks before meals.
  2. 2. In case of serious illnesses, including cancerous tumors, it is required to prepare a concentrated infusion. 2 tbsp. l herbal collection is brewed in boiled water - 2.5 l. The mixture is simmering over the fire for 2-3 hours. After the broth is filtered and left in the refrigerator for a day. The concentrate is taken for 8 weeks daily in a tablespoon before each meal.

Treatment should be carried out in courses, with intervals of at least 2-3 weeks. In the case of constant use of the collection as the main medication, addiction may occur. Before use, you need to consult with a specialist, since many of the herbs that make up the composition have strong active substances that can cause side effects.

Folk recipes

In folk medicine, there are several recipes for the monastery collection, which are used for various health problems.

  1. 1. For weight loss, you should brew 2 tbsp. l dry herbs 500 ml boiling water. Insist in a water bath for 10 minutes and take throughout the day in equal portions.
  2. 2. An infusion of 1 tbsp will help from thrush. l collection and a glass of boiling water, which is infused for 30 minutes. The medicine is then taken orally like a regular drink. With the help of infusion, you can do douching. The course of treatment for candidiasis is 1 month.
  3. 3. From osteochondrosis helps 1 tbsp. l tea brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. The drink is infused for 15-20 minutes, then taken orally.
  4. 4. With pancreatitis, you can prepare an infusion of 1 teaspoon dry herbs and 1 cup boiling water. Cover and leave for 25 minutes. Strain the drink and drink. You can add additional sugar or lemon.
  5. 5. Monastic tea will be a real salvation for older women. With menopause, you should brew 1 teaspoon of collecting 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 10-15 minutes. Drink without adding any additional ingredients.

To create medicines, it is important to observe the preparation technology, otherwise the drink will be ineffective. For people prone to allergic reactions, it is important to remember that the collection consists of 16 herbs, each of which can provoke allergies, therefore, before use, you should study the composition and instructions for collection.

It is important to buy tea in a trusted place so as not to stumble upon a fake. Some people think that this product is a "scam" and does not have any useful properties. Most likely, such people bought tea without quality assurance. The effect of the monastery collection has been clinically proven. Elena Malysheva recommends taking monastery tea for people suffering from chronic diseases, as well as a general tonic.

Monastic tea is a collection of herbs that has been popular since ancient times, a panacea for many diseases and ailments. This special tea combines the benefits of herbs and fruits, the power of the earth. The first collection of this drink was created by the novices of the monasteries. Hence the name - monastery.

In the old days, it was used to cure diseases, maintain fortitude, and strengthen health. Nowadays, monastery tea has again come into use, and continues to help with its miraculous properties, being an assistant and enhancer of medicine. However, many people ask the question: is monastery tea useful? The composition of the collection and its properties will help to answer this question.

What is included in monastery tea?

The composition of the drink may vary slightly. In the old days it depended on the location of the monastery and the herbs growing there. However, no matter how the composition of the drink changes, the main skeleton of tea is always approximately the same - these are herbs growing in the territories of the Slavic countries.

It includes herbs and fruits such as:

  1. Dog-rose fruit;
  2. Elecampane root;
  3. St. John's wort herb;
  4. Oregano herb;
  5. Black or green tea.

What are the benefits of these herbs:

  • Rosehip is a powerful immune-boosting agent that will help you stay healthy and also slow down the aging process.
  • Elecampane is an effective anti-inflammatory, expectorant agent. The roots of elecampane will help cleanse and tone your body, as it also has diuretic and choleretic properties.
  • St. John's wort, in turn, will be useful for calming the nerves, raising the mood. It will help get rid of bad dreams and drive away depression.
  • Oregano is a tea ingredient due to its stimulating properties. It regulates the body's metabolic processes, improves digestion, tones it up. Oregano is also used for decreased or lack of appetite, insomnia.
  • If desired, peppermint can be added to the original tea, which supports metabolism and eliminates hunger, dandelion is a source of potassium, or chamomile, whose flowers will help cleanse the body and remove toxins and toxins from it.
  • Inflorescences of black elderberry, linden or fennel may also be useful in the collection.

What diseases will monastery tea help with?

Many people ask the question: is there any benefit from monastery tea? With all the beneficial properties of the drink, you need to remember that this is a collection of herbs. He will not be able to cure serious diseases on his own, however, as a fortifying, restorative, remedy, it will help the body on the way to recovery.

  1. Diabetes mellitus. This collection improves the well-being of patients with diabetes mellitus. Promotes an easy course of the disease, prevents complications.
  2. Arterial hypertension. Tea controls the work of blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood cholesterol levels. The collection also has a calming effect, which has a beneficial effect on well-being, and also prevents hypertensive crises. Drinking the tea drink regularly will help keep your blood pressure normal.
  3. Liver intoxication. Tea improves blood circulation, due to this - removes toxins from the body. In this way, preventing stone formation and normalizing the outflow of bile.
  4. Prostatitis. A drink as an aid for prostatitis, first of all, will help relieve pain symptoms. Eliminate exacerbation and stagnation in the pre-gland.
  5. Drinking this collection is also recommended if you are looking for a weight loss product. With the help of the monastery infusion, you can lose weight without harm to the body, using what nature gives us. Tea will improve the functioning of the body, metabolism, cleanse of toxins, and with them - from extra pounds.
  6. Due to the fact that the collection removes toxins, improves well-being and improves mood, it can help in the fight against alcoholism.
  7. Also, the infusion is also recommended to drink with vision problems. With prolonged use, it eliminates the causes of poor vision, restores the ability to see clearly and clearly.

Should you use monastery tea?

Definitely worth it. Considering the benefits and harms of monastery tea, the benefits of this ancient drink are obvious, proven by many years of use. It will not cure you instantly, but with prolonged use it will help you reach your goal of recovery. Meanwhile, it perfectly invigorates in the morning, soothes after a hard day, has a pleasant taste: rich, spicy. Starting to drink it, you will feel how tiredness is released, the illness passes, and life is getting better.

There is practically no harm from monastery tea. The collection consists of herbs, to which most people have no contraindications. The only exception is individual intolerance, allergy to a particular plant. Purchase quality collection only in trusted locations with appropriate licenses.

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The effectiveness of time-tested drugs is rarely questioned. This list also includes such a wonderful drink as monastery tea. Everyone is capable of collecting the composition of monastery tea at home. And it is this seeming simplicity that makes you wonder whether this remedy is really so miraculous.

Ancient medicine men have used such a drink in their practice for centuries. The proportions of herbs used today are mentioned in the ancient monastic chronicles. Since those distant times, cooking recipes have come down to us.

The first guarantee of the effectiveness of this wonderful ancient drink is the inclusion in its composition only of medicinal plants, the healing properties of which have been known for many generations. Experienced herbalists are ready to recommend several types of health benefits.

  • The collection useful for diabetes includes blueberries, rosehip leaves and fruits, chamomile, St. John's wort.
  • The knowledge of healers, tested for centuries in monasteries, recommend using a composition that includes calamus, St. John's wort, nettle, ginseng, motherwort and some other medicinal plants to get rid of prostatitis.
  • The collection, including mint, chamomile, elderberry, dandelion, linden, is shown for those who want to forget about extra centimeters on the hips and get rid of exhausting excess fat deposits, it helps to naturally lose weight, normalizes metabolism and helps to cope with the emerging desire to eat excess, unnecessary and even a piece harmful to the body.
  • Correctly selected herbs will allow to reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis in a short time. In a fragrant cup in such a situation, it is best to brew a mixture of pine buds, lavender, yarrow, marshmallow, horsetail.
  • The composition, which includes burdock, calendula, mint, fennel, chamomile, will help cleanse the liver.
  • Every modern person, whose vision is constantly under attack through the use of gadgets, personal computers, watching TV, should diversify his tea drinking with monastery tea, including St. John's wort, berries, blueberry leaves and fruits, chamomile and some other herbs that restore visual acuity
  • Collecting from hawthorn, motherwort, willow-herb will help to treat arterial hypertension.
  • By mixing juniper, wormwood, thyme, laurel, you can give up the desire to drink not tea, but intoxicating drinks. Gathering suppresses the craving of a person dependent on alcohol to drink unhealthy drinks. Monastic tea will allow you to give up other bad habits. In particular, he repeatedly proved the effectiveness of the desire to abandon actually the most dangerous and addictive narcotic substance - tobacco.

This is just a small fraction of the types of monastery tea. Each collection includes only plants collected in ecologically safe areas. Each of them is collected strictly at the moment when it contains the maximum amount of healing elements and enzymes. Each monastery tea recipe is unique. Each includes only those healing plants that are indicated for a specific diagnosis.

The beneficial properties of any kind of this drink are provided by the refusal to include artificial flavors and preservatives in the ready-made collection. When processing plants, only modern technologies are used, ensuring the preservation of all natural healing benefits in the finished product.

It becomes a plus that each recipe for monastery tea can be used to create a fragrant and healthy drink that all family members will enjoy drinking. Each collection contains only components useful for health. As a result, any monastery tea at home helps to strengthen human immunity, improves overall well-being. Literally one cup of a pleasant-tasting drink can help normalize all internal systems of the body. The advantage is the virtually complete absence of the slightest contraindications. You can consult your doctor before using the drink, just in case. But special recommendations are not required in such a situation. The benefit of any of the fees will be confirmed by each healthcare professional.

This herbal tea contains health-promoting ingredients such as:

  • Essential oils
  • Plisaccharides
  • Tannins
  • Polyphenolic compounds

Such a composition guarantees a positive effect on the human body.

The apparent simplicity of the descriptions of this useful and healing drink may suggest that it is quite simple to repeat the composition of monastery tea at home. In reality, such a task is not as easy for potential homemade homemade drink authors as it might seem.

Each collection, shown for a specific disease, has been formed over the years and centuries. Any recipe for monastery tea at home is individual and unique. For this reason, repeating the ideal healing composition at home without sufficient experience, most likely, will not work.

The advantage of all herbal teas, offering the buyer to understand how to make monastery tea at home, is the inclusion of only healthy components. As a result, the resulting drink will pleasantly delight its author with aroma and taste. So a pleasant tea party will take place in any situation.

It is advisable, while learning how to prepare this wonderful and always tasty drink, by yourself, to give preference to the collections purchased in specialized outlets and pharmacy chains. The appearance of dry grass will not help everyone to determine whether the right component is included in the mixture. The disadvantages also include:

  • Possible non-observance of storage conditions, leading to weathering of volatile substances and microelements beneficial to health
  • Inclusion in the collection of plants collected during the period when the content of medicinal substances in them is minimal
  • Poor collection quality, including the presence of mold

The optimal solution that helps to strictly maintain the required composition of monastery tea at home is the purchase of a ready-made folk remedy.

In such a situation, you won't have to think too long about how to make monastery tea at home. To obtain a healthy tasty composition, you just need a ready-made herbal mixture and boiling water. Some manufacturers immediately pack the collection in white sachets. Like regular tea. There are fees on sale that are not divided into individual portions. In the latter case, you will need to independently observe all the proportions of herbs and water.

Traditional recipe for making any kind of monastery tea

The easiest and most affordable way of preparation, helping to make yourself or your guests a healing and tasty drink right at home or at work, involves brewing one teaspoon of herbal collection with one glass, that is, 200 ml, of boiling water.

It is best to brew medicinal monastery tea at home according to old monastery recipes in a porcelain cup or a compact porcelain teapot. Experts in this tea ceremony recommend pre-scalding a cup, teapot or other utensils with boiling water.

Cover the brewed tea with a lid or a piece of cloth. Monastery tea will be infused for 5-7 minutes.

Recipe for making herbal infusion in a water bath

Connoisseurs of the tea drinking procedure. Those who seek to preserve the maximum amount of healthy components in herbal preparations recommend making a drink in a water bath when preparing monastery tea at home.

With this preparation, you need to pour one teaspoon of the selected type of monastery tea into a glass dish in advance and immediately pour it with warm water. Water needs 200 ml. The dishes in which the drink is prepared are immersed for a maximum of 15 minutes in a saucepan or pan with boiling water.

The third way is to infuse the drink in the indicated proportions in a thermos. Boiling water is simply poured into a thermos. The drink is infused in it for a long period of time, giving the maximum amount of nutrients and components.

Experts recommend taking the resulting infusion 2-3 times a day, 200 ml. Simply put, it is best to drink one glass or one cup of the resulting drink two to three times a day. Such strict volumes do not need to be maintained. An overdose of this healing folk remedy is impossible.

You can drink the drink both hot and cold, both before or after meals, during meals, or even instead of eating. Aromatic herbal tea is useful and pleasant to supplement with honey. Sugar is often added to it. During tea drinking, you only need to clearly assess whether honey or sugar is shown in any other tea party.

The drink, brewed on the basis of a specialized collection of medicinal herbs, is successfully combined with any medications. Monastic tea is recommended for short-term fasting days. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, promotes the elimination of toxins, and allows you to replenish the lack of minerals and trace elements that are inevitably removed during fasting days.

The duration of the course of admission varies from one to several months. It is possible literally lifelong use of the selected type, it is even possible to independently change the proportions of herbs, creating new versions of the drink. All plants included in the collection can be successfully combined with each other. The new "mix" does not cause contraindications.

A plus is the willingness to use tea to refuse to take or reduce the consumption of such substances and drugs as:

  • Immunostimulants
  • Vitamin complexes
  • Specialized treatment complexes for various diseases, including diabetes, obesity, kidney and internal organs diseases
  • Toxin-removing and restorative medicines

Replacing medicines with herbal preparations will always be only useful and will additionally contribute to saving money. Everyone will love the invisible course of treatment. The positive effect will be provided by a simple pleasant tea drinking, which each recipe of monastery tea will provide.

Monastic tea is a unique collection of medicinal herbs and plants. This drink is able to have a powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and revitalizing effect on a weakened and ailing body.

The secret of tea is that each medicinal herb in its composition actively interacts with other components and gives health and well-being.

Monastic tea is not only very popular, but also has an old history of its origin. As the name suggests, he is invariably associated with monks and clergy.

The emergence of monastery tea was due to Father George and the Solovetsky Monastery. The purpose of the invention was the desire to help the infirm and weak people, sick with various ailments, the weak and the elderly.

Monastic tea consists only of natural ingredients: medicinal herbs and plants collected in ecologically clean areas. It helps a person get rid of many ailments and acts along with conventional medicines.

Drinking monastery tea is not only possible, but also necessary for both prophylactic and medicinal purposes. It consists of many medicinal herbs, which in themselves already have several unique properties.

Acting together, each component of tea has a powerful effect on all groups of internal organs, on the state of the blood and nerve endings.

It is worth noting that, like any traditional medicine, monastery tea is a herbal medicine that can have its negative consequences on the basis of individual intolerance. For this reason, the monastery tea should be consumed either on the recommendation of a doctor, or carefully observing your well-being.

monastery tea in a package

Useful properties and contraindications of monastery tea

The healing characteristics of the monastery tea are truly unique. They are aimed at healing and improving the functioning of almost every internal organ.

Monastic tea is a medicinal drink that has been tested not just for years, but even for centuries and millions of people. You can hardly see an advertisement for this tea, because it does not require a special demonstration, people love it for its strong qualities and real help.

Long-term practice of drinking monastery tea has shown that it has a lot of useful properties for humans:

  • able to influence the work of every internal organ in the human body
  • its unique properties have a positive effect on the normalization of blood pressure, reducing the likelihood of a hypertensive crisis or pressure surges
  • the herbs that make up tea have a positive effect on the immune system, strengthening it and making it more resistant to many diseases
  • tea accelerates and normalizes all metabolic processes in the human body
  • tea has a positive effect on the functioning of the urinary and genital organs, normalizing the outflow of urine and reducing body swelling
  • tea is able to have a cleansing effect on the body, removing toxins, toxins, cholesterol and other substances from it
  • tea qualitatively cleanses the blood and cleanses the lymph
  • monastery tea is able to positively affect the functioning of the kidneys and gallbladder and remove sand from it, as well as stones, to prevent kidney tumors

It is also a unique quality of tea - it has a positive effect on the work of the human nervous system: to reduce stress and make experiences less tangible, normalize sleep, eliminate insomnia and breakdowns.

Some contraindications for monastery tea:

  • Tea has no special contraindications. The only recommendation for its use is to refuse the drink during pregnancy for women, as well as during breastfeeding
  • Another caveat is individual intolerance to the product. A person can have an acute allergic reaction to any one component of the tea and thereby harm himself: swelling, headaches, itching and deterioration in general well-being
  • If you have the opportunity - consult with your doctor about the safety of regular use of monastery tea for the purpose of prevention and treatment. Drink a cup a day in the first week of the course and only then, if you do not observe negative reactions, increase the dose of the drink

monastery tea: possible contraindications and unique beneficial qualities of the drink

Composition of monastery tea, proportions of herbs

Interestingly, the monastery tea has several collections, which differ slightly in composition. Depending on what problems bother a person, fees such as:

  • Heart gathering - collection aimed at normalizing the work of the heart and cardiovascular system
  • Hepatic collection - collection aimed at normalizing the liver, cleansing it of toxins and restoring damaged cells
  • Collection from osteochondrosis - tea, aimed at strengthening human bone tissue and cartilage, helps to get rid of pain in the joints and back
  • Collection for diabetes mellitus - Collection aimed at improving the condition and health of a person with diabetes
  • Collection from problems of the urinary system - is aimed at combating infectious and colds diseases of the internal genital organs
  • Collection for the gastrointestinal tract - improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the production of gastric juice, normalizes stool, eliminates constipation and diarrhea
  • Collection "detox" - is aimed at cleansing a person of toxins obtained as a result of food or alcohol poisoning, improves the general condition and eliminates migraines
  • Collection for sight - collection aimed at improving visual acuity

The invariable components of the monastery tea of ​​any collection are medicinal herbs such as:

  • rose hip
  • yarrow
  • nettle
  • thyme
  • succession
  • sage
  • dried flowers
  • motherwort
  • immortelle
  • sagebrush
  • chamomile
  • birch buds
  • buckthorn
  • yarrow
  • bearberry

composition of medicinal monastery tea for many diseases

Reception of monastery tea. How to drink monastery tea?

Monastic tea promises to help a suffering person get rid of many diseases, but only if it is used correctly. Correct brewing of tea, drinking it on time and keeping the proportions will help you get the most of your health benefits.

Before drinking monastery tea for the purpose of treatment, you should know about some of the subtleties:

  • Tea should always be taken only as directed by your doctor. Self-medication - does not always lead to a good result
  • Observe the prescribed mode of consumption of monastery tea, only in this way, after a while, you can see a positive result of its action.
  • When drinking tea for the purpose of treatment, you should not expect instant results, because this is not a "quick action" pill. Relief comes gradually and only over time.
  • If required, do not limit your treatment to just one course, but go through two or three until complete recovery, so that your disease recedes completely
  • During the treatment with monastery tea, it is recommended to adhere to a special nutritional diet, which will enhance the effect of each component of the tea and make this drink as useful as possible.
  • Believe in the power of healing and only take tea with positive thoughts

How to brew monastery tea correctly:

  • Monastic tea can be brewed in absolutely any dish, as comfortable as possible - an ordinary cup
  • Before brewing tea, rinse the cup with boiling water to sterilize it and slightly heat it
  • Pour one teaspoon of the collection into a cup
  • Boil a kettle and pour boiling water at 80-90 degrees with your collection
  • The amount of boiling water per teaspoon of herb - two hundred milliliters
  • Cover the cup with a steaming plate or saucer
  • Time yourself: the tea should be infused for exactly fifteen minutes
  • After the set time, drink your tea calmly.

Treatment with monastery tea involves drinking it daily in the amount of three to four cups a day. The taste of the drink, if desired, can be brightened with sugar or natural honey and a slice of lemon.

rules for brewing and drinking monastery tea

There is also an interesting rule of tea drinking in relation to food. Here we are talking about which part of the body your disease affects. If above the waist - drink tea after meals or during meals, if below the waist - tea should be drunk half an hour before meals.

Monastic tea under pressure

Pressure surges: its rise and fall is a frequent occurrence in the modern world. A person is subject to many stresses, every day lives in unfavorable environmental conditions and from a young age has a lot of diseases. Monastic tea is a mild remedy and medicine for hypertension.

Monastery tea for the treatment of hypertension can be consumed by both chronic patients and people who do not regularly experience pressure surges. It is noticed that if a person has the first or second degree of the disease, then this drink can also completely relieve him of the disease. In the third and fourth - to improve health and general condition.

In the presence of hypertension, monastery tea helps:

  • exclude the possibility of an unforeseen hypertensive crisis
  • eliminate the possibility of an unexpected stroke
  • eliminate infrequent or regular headaches that appear due to pressure surges
  • make the vascular walls more elastic
  • eliminate periodic numbness of hands and feet in a person

monastery tea helps fight high blood pressure problems

Monastic tea for psoriasis

Psoriasis is far from an infectious disease that manifests itself on the skin of a person, as a result of disrupted work of internal organs, in particular, the liver and kidneys.

Monastic tea is able to help a person cope with this unpleasant disease by adjusting the metabolic processes of the body and saturating it with essential microelements and vitamins.

Many are sure that it is simply impossible to cure psoriasis - every quarter, depending on the condition of a person, his lifestyle and even the season for years, it manifests itself again and gives discomfort.

Monastery tea will help improve the condition of a person suffering from psoriasis, which carries out several important stages of action:

  • effectively eliminates unpleasant itching by soothing it
  • removes any inflammatory process in any part of the skin
  • able to positively affect blood circulation in the human body
  • has a powerful antibacterial effect
  • reduces allergic reaction

Treatment of psoriasis with monastery tea involves combining it with other medications for greater effectiveness. The secret of the monastery tea is that it has a powerful regenerating effect, thanks to the good collection of medicinal herbs and plants.

monastery tea in the treatment of psoriasis and skin inflammatory diseases

Monastic tea for allergies

Monastic tea also serves as an excellent and very effective medicine for combating all kinds of allergies. Its task is not to mask the symptoms only by temporarily improving the person's condition, but to fight them purposefully. The unique composition of the tea allows all plants and herbs of the drink to actively interact with each other and eliminate unpleasant allergic symptoms.

Monastic tea is a completely environmentally friendly product that can be used to treat allergies even to women in position and small children, but with caution.

How does monastery tea help a person suffering from allergies:

  • reduces swelling of the sinuses by allowing mucus to pass freely
  • reduces itching and irritation in the larynx and mouth
  • reduces itching in the nose and eyes, reduces watery eyes
  • makes the body of an allergic person more resistant to irritants

Drinking monastery tea for the treatment of allergies follows the course and it is advisable to do this during the period of exacerbation of symptoms: during the flowering period of plants in spring and summer.

You should brew tea for allergy treatment in the usual way. If the natural taste of the drink is not pleasant to you, add honey to it (if you are not allergic to natural honey), sugar is not recommended because it can neutralize and reduce the effect of tea components several times.

monastery tea is very effective in helping a person fight allergies and its symptoms

Monastic tea for thrush

Monastic tea is a traditional medicine, recognized even by real professional doctors. It was also recognized as an effective remedy in the treatment of thrush (or as it is scientifically called "candidiasis"), the occurrence of which is provoked by the fungus "candida".

The collection of monastery tea is really unique. It contains many herbs that can give a weakened body a charge of essential vitamins and minerals.

Treatment of thrush with tea involves its usual brewing: two teaspoons of the collection for half a liter of boiling water. This tea should be covered for ten to fifteen minutes before drinking. This tea effectively eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of thrush in both women and men.

The main rule of such treatment is to correctly observe the proportions of brewing tea and withstand the entire course of treatment, regularly drinking the drink three times a day.

Monastic tea against thrush will help get rid of such unpleasant symptoms:

  • eliminate pain of any nature in the internal genital organs: ovaries, uterus, as well as in the vagina
  • minimizes the chance of an exacerbation of the disease
  • will improve the woman's immune system, making her resistant to infections
  • reduce inflammation
  • will have a powerful restorative effect on the body
  • will have an antibacterial property, destroy the fungus and a number of bacteria that are the causative agents of this disease

monastery tea is a sure remedy in the treatment of thrush in both women and men

Monastic tea for diabetes

Monastic tea helps those suffering from diabetes mellitus to cope with their serious illness. This drink is able to have a positive therapeutic effect on a person:

  • tea helps to normalize blood sugar levels of a diabetic
  • the drink helps to improve carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which leads to surges in sugar
  • tea contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body
  • tea has a positive effect on the work of the pancreas, which is responsible for the sufficient production of a substance in the human body - insulin
  • tea eliminates the risks of possible complications during an exacerbation of the disease
  • tea has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight and effectively helps to lose weight, which is good for people suffering from diabetes

To take properly brewed monastery tea for diabetes mellitus should be half an hour before each meal. The course of treatment is every two months every two months.

monastery tea is an effective remedy for improving one's condition during diabetes mellitus

Monastic tea for sweating

Hyperhidrosis is a disease characterized by an increased predisposition of a person to sweating in any situation. Often this unpleasant disease causes not only discomfort during everyday life and reduces a person's social activity, but also increases the risk of various fungal diseases on the skin.

Monastic tea is a mild medicine that can cope with problems of this nature very effectively. The secret of tea is that in its collection there are several plants that are most useful for humans, capable of:

  • improve the work of human internal organs
  • normalize the body's water-salt balance
  • have a powerful anti-inflammatory and restorative effect
  • strengthens the immune system
  • regulates the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands
  • improves overall well-being

monastery tea helps to eliminate the problem of excessive sweating

Monastic tea for acne

Monastic tea can be a powerful remedy in the fight against acne. Not every person knows about this, but nevertheless, this medicine works gently and effectively. The secret of using this tea in this case lies in its external and internal use.

The charge of useful vitamins and microelements of tea, when consumed internally, is capable of:

  • normalize the metabolic processes of the body, than improve the condition of the blood and skin, the work of the sebaceous glands
  • improve the functioning of internal organs, including the liver, which is responsible for the processing of toxins
  • improve the hormonal background of a person, which in most cases is the reason for the appearance of acne

Tip: after you drink tea, do not rush to pour out the tea leaves - it will serve you for washing. Pour less boiling water over the tea leaves than for tea (a third of a cup). Leave the collection to infuse until it cools completely. Wash clean skin without makeup with broth before going to bed.

monastery tea helps fight acne

Monastic tea for prostatitis

The unique collection of tea helps to safely call this medicine an anti-inflammatory agent. To do this, tea should be consumed every time before a meal for half an hour, brewing it in the usual way. Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate - the male gland.

Monastic tea allows you to reduce the inflammation process, eliminate unpleasant pain during urination, strengthen the man's immunity, helping him to easily cope with the disease.

For the treatment of prostatitis, it is recommended to drink monastery tea at least three to four times a day. The course of treatment should last three months. If the disease goes away slowly (which happens very often), it is recommended to extend the course of treatment for a few more months until complete recovery.

monastery tea helps men cope with prostatitis

Monastic gastric tea

Improper nutrition, harmful work, stress and lack of treatment leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and problems of the intestines, as well as stomach. Modern man has many unpleasant diseases: gastritis, ulcers. Gastric monastery tea will help to cope with them and improve your condition.

This drink will help:

  • normalize the production of juice in the stomach
  • normalize the process of food digestion
  • improve the production of essential enzymes
  • reduce stomach pain
  • eliminate and reduce ulcerative bleeding
  • help and heal ulcerative wounds on the walls of the stomach

monastery tea helps fight problems of the gastrointestinal tract

Hearty monastery tea

In the presence of heart disease, monastery tea helps:

  • normalize human blood pressure
  • exclude the possibility of an unexpected heart attack
  • lower blood cholesterol to a normal level
  • make the vascular walls and walls of the heart organ more elastic
  • eliminate frequent or rare tingling sensations in the heart
  • eliminate intermittent numbness of hands
  • saturate the body with the necessary trace elements for the work of the heart
  • improve metabolic processes of the body
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system and normalize sleep and rest

monastery tea helps fight heart disease

How to make monastery tea at home?

Proper preparation of monastery tea allows you to get the maximum benefit and effectively get rid of many unpleasant diseases. The preparation of such tea is not very different from the usual brewing.

Video: "How to make monastery tea?"

Today we will thoroughly understand what monastery tea is and what it is intended for. Consider the main types of monastic fees, the compositions and the healing effect of each. We will find out how this tea is useful and whether it can be made at home.

Types of monastery tea

There are more than ten types of herbal tea called "monastery tea". They differ from each other in composition and treat different diseases.

There are such fees that have a preventive therapeutic effect, prevent the development of disease and strengthen the immune system, and there are those that are used to solve certain health problems.

Monastic teas belong to the collection of directed action:

Truth or Divorce?

Clinical studies conducted by scientists, as well as reputable doctors (in particular) have long proven that monastery tea is not a scam of fraudsters, but a highly effective drug. But not everyone believes in this truth, let us explain.

Large pharmaceutical companies are interested in selling their own medicines, so they cooperate with doctors and pay them bonuses for their promotion. But no one pays for advertising of monastery tea, and you can only learn about its beneficial effect on your own. For this reason, many believe that it is ineffective. However, in order to make sure that this is not true, you just need to carefully study the composition of each collection.

Compositions of monastic fees

Monastic herbs in tea.

Almost all herbs for self-preparation of monastery tea are sold at the pharmacy, but you will not find the exact ratios of herbs and proportions in the public domain (trade secret of the manufacturer). There are several recipes on the network according to which you can try to collect a drink with your own hands (for example,).

It is better to buy ready-made tea for the treatment of a certain disease. Buying a monastic collection from a manufacturer, you can be 100% sure of its effectiveness and quality. But the same cannot be said about the recipes found on the Internet: the accuracy of the composition to the gram and the correct proportions are one of the main elements of the effectiveness of herbal preparations. And it will take time for home-made: to find a working recipe, bypass pharmacies, buy, assemble, mix, brew.

Where to buy monastery tea?

Tea is seldom sold in the monastery. It is faster and easier to buy the fee directly from the manufacturer, the links to the official website of which are below.

Applications are accepted around the clock, no prepayment is required. All goods on the site are certified. If there are any problems with the quality of the tea, it can be returned within two weeks.

Price, delivery terms, payment

One pack of any monastic collection costs 990 rubles.

Scheme of ordering tea in the official online store.

This is installed by the manufacturer. It makes no sense to look for a product with a lower cost, it may turn out to be a fake (although, more often they offer much more expensive).

To order tea, you need to fill out a special form on the website, send it and wait for a call back from the operator.

The package is sent immediately after the conversation with the operator, and you can pay for it by mail upon receipt. On average, the parcel takes 10-14 days (depending on the place of residence of the customer).

How to brew and drink monastery tea

The tea is brewed in the usual way: 2 teaspoons in a medium teapot. The infusion time is 20-30 minutes. For taste, it is allowed to add sugar or honey. You can drink it hot or cold.

A cup of infused monastery tea.

The duration of the reception of the monastery collection with any composition is not limited, it includes exclusively natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body (addiction does not occur).

The standard course of monastic tea treatment is 2 to 4 weeks. To achieve the maximum healing effect, the manufacturer recommends drinking it three times a day, one cup for a month.

A contraindication to drinking the drink is an individual intolerance to individual components (allergies) that are part of the composition. But such cases are extremely rare.

How to store it correctly

You need to store the monastery collection in a closed pack in a dry, dark place, the shelf life is not limited.

Monastery tea- a unique herbal that can be used to treat almost any disease. The treatment is quick and does not cause physical or emotional discomfort to the person (the drink has no side effects). The only thing the manufacturer advises to pay attention to is the regularity of the intake, then the healing effect of "tea therapy" will last for a long time.