When is the best coffee to drink? The Chronobiology of Caffeine: Your Ideal Time for Coffee.

14.08.2019 Egg dishes

Much has been said about coffee over the millennia of mankind's acquaintance with this drink, and at the same time almost nothing. Until now, the mechanism of its invigorating effect on the psyche, the degree of usefulness and the level of harmfulness is unknown. We still don't know how and when to drink coffee, how much coffee to drink in order to get the most out of it and not ruin our health with caffeine.

Can I drink coffee on an empty stomach?

The danger of morning coffee, as well as the threat of an excess of caffeine in the body from excessive use of it, exist. Although not proven. After all, no one shouts that tea is harmful, and in fact it sometimes contains even more caffeine than some types of coffee!

This is where the first mistake of coffee lovers lies, which we do not take seriously. First, the caffeine in tea and in coffee is of slightly different nature and is released in different ways. Secondly, tea caffeine practically does not affect the body, which cannot be said about “coffee caffeine”. Therefore, there should be a measure in its consumption, if only because with an excess of coffee, instead of vigor and energy, you get nervousness and irritability.

Can I drink coffee on an empty stomach? It is possible, but harmful. A dose that is more than 1-2 cups on an empty stomach, by the way, is harmful as much as it is harmful after a hearty meal. But it is usually not coffee that is harmful, but its soluble analogue, which is made from low-quality varieties, is improperly fried and contains a shock dose of caffeine. With an empty stomach, this surrogate is powerfully thrown into the bloodstream and hits the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, kidneys and stomach. Sooner or later, you will feel arrhythmia, overexcitability and insomnia. Therefore, advice: drink only natural coffee and without filtration - aromatic, tasty, reliable and healthy!

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How does coffee work?

With the correct, timely and moderate use of coffee, each cup is guaranteed to give you a light tonic effect lasting at least half an hour. But do not overdo it: two or three cups of strong coffee in one gulp will give the opposite effect of nervous excitability, which can then be replaced by the same nervous inhibition, and the duration of the action of coffee in this case increases to several hours.

If you drink coffee "not by quantity, but by quality", then you will reduce the possibility of acquiring a number of dangerous diseases in your body. People who drink coffee correctly are much less likely to suffer from kidney and liver cancer, cholelithiasis, overweight, age-related Parkinson's disease and vascular atherosclerosis. Stress and depression, by the way, are also treated with moderate coffee consumption.

When is it time to drink coffee?

Opinions about when to drink coffee is useful, useless and harmful also causes a lot of conflicting interpretations. Recent studies have shown that exposure to coffee reduces the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, and frequent consumption of coffee reduces the total sleep time of a healthy person by one and a half hours a day. For those who need time to work, this is a good way out, but for normal rest it is harmful.

The myth that coffee helps wake up after sleep is another mistake, according to scientists. After waking up around 7-9 o'clock in the morning, the level of the hormone melatonin in the body is quite high, caffeine simply will not affect you and the expected result will not come.

At the same time, you may develop a nervous system immunity to caffeine. You will start to increase the number of cups you drink in the morning, but instead of being cheerful, you will only get a stomach ulcer.

The optimal time to drink coffee in the morning is 10-11 am. During this time, your body's melatonin levels will drop and caffeine will successfully react with cortisol (the hormone of your “internal clock”) to invigorate you and keep you focused on work.

By the way, "cortisol peaks" last for a person all day, and if you catch them with a cup of coffee (this time is approximately from 12 to 13.30 and from 17.30 to 18.30), then you will get the maximum, which you are trying to catch, "bombarding" yourself with caffeine.

At the same time, do not forget that the answer to the question of when is it better to drink coffee is individual: we are all different and the peak of cortisol expression in us can manifest itself at an individual time!

Much has been said about coffee over the millennia of mankind's acquaintance with this drink, and at the same time almost nothing.

Until now, the mechanism of its invigorating effect on the psyche, the degree of usefulness and the level of harmfulness is unknown. We still don't know how and when to drink coffee, how much coffee to drink in order to get the most out of it and not ruin our health with caffeine.

Can I drink coffee on an empty stomach?

The danger of morning coffee, as well as the threat of an excess of caffeine in the body from excessive use of it, exist. Although not proven. After all, no one shouts that tea is harmful, and in fact it sometimes contains even more caffeine than some types of coffee!

This is where the first mistake of coffee lovers lies, which we do not take seriously. First, the caffeine in tea and in coffee is of slightly different nature and is released in different ways. Secondly, tea caffeine practically does not affect the body, which cannot be said about “coffee caffeine”. Therefore, there should be a measure in its consumption, if only because with an excess of coffee, instead of vigor and energy, you get nervousness and irritability.

Can I drink coffee on an empty stomach? It is possible, but harmful. A dose that is more than 1-2 cups on an empty stomach, by the way, is harmful as much as it is harmful after a hearty meal. But it is usually not coffee that is harmful, but its soluble analogue, which is made from low-quality varieties, is improperly fried and contains a shock dose of caffeine. With an empty stomach, this surrogate is powerfully thrown into the bloodstream and hits the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, kidneys and stomach. Sooner or later, you will feel arrhythmia, overexcitability and insomnia. Therefore, advice: drink only natural coffee and without filtration - aromatic, tasty, reliable and healthy!

How does coffee work?

With the correct, timely and moderate use of coffee, each cup is guaranteed to give you a light tonic effect lasting at least half an hour. But do not overdo it: two or three cups of strong coffee in one gulp will give the opposite effect of nervous excitability, which can then be replaced by the same nervous inhibition, and the duration of the action of coffee in this case increases to several hours.

If you drink coffee "not by quantity, but by quality", then you will reduce the possibility of acquiring a number of dangerous diseases in your body. People who drink coffee correctly are much less likely to suffer from kidney and liver cancer, cholelithiasis, overweight, age-related Parkinson's disease and vascular atherosclerosis. Stress and depression, by the way, are also treated with moderate coffee consumption.

When is it time to drink coffee?

Opinions about when to drink coffee is useful, useless and harmful also causes a lot of conflicting interpretations. Recent studies have shown that exposure to coffee reduces the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, and frequent consumption of coffee reduces the total sleep time of a healthy person by one and a half hours a day. For those who need time to work, this is a good way out, but for normal rest it is harmful.

The myth that coffee helps wake up after sleep is another mistake, according to scientists. After waking up around 7-9 o'clock in the morning, the level of the hormone melatonin in the body is quite high, caffeine simply will not affect you and the expected result will not come.

At the same time, you may develop a nervous system immunity to caffeine. You will start to increase the number of cups you drink in the morning, but instead of being cheerful, you will only get a stomach ulcer.

The optimal time to drink coffee in the morning is 10-11 am. During this time, your body's melatonin levels will drop and caffeine will successfully react with cortisol (the hormone of your “internal clock”) to invigorate you and keep you focused on work.

By the way, the “cortisol peaks” last for a person all day, and if you catch them with a cup of coffee (this time is approximately from 12 to 13.30 and from 17.30 to 18.30), then you will get the maximum invigorating effect, which you are trying to catch by “bombarding” yourself with caffeine ...

This recommendation builds on the research below:
Biologically, the body is most susceptible to the effects of caffeine only a few hours after waking up, according to American neuroscientists, according to foreign media.

"The maximum effect of caffeine is achieved when this substance interacts with the hormone cortisol, which regulates the human biological clock," explains Stephen Miller, a neuroscientist at the University of Maryland (USA).

From about 7 to 9 in the morning, the production of cortisol is at its peak, thanks to this, a person wakes up and is able to act consciously in the morning. If you drink coffee immediately after waking up, when the level of cortisol in the body is already high enough, tolerance to caffeine develops, its effectiveness decreases. Thus, over time, you need more and more invigorating drink to wake up.

An hour or two after waking up, the level of cortisol in the body begins to decline, and then coffee will come to the rescue. Drinking a cup of coffee at this time or a little later can increase the production of cortisol, making us wake up again.

By the way, scientists from Wayne State University warn: if you drink 2-3 cups of coffee even six hours before going to bed, you will end up paying a whole hour of your sleep. As The Daily Mail notes, drinking coffee after dinner is guaranteed to disrupt your sleep patterns.

Experts tracked 12 volunteers who were given tablets containing 400 milligrams of caffeine (equivalent to about 2-3 cups of coffee). For four days, people took the pills 6 and 3 hours before bedtime, and another dose of pills when they had already turned off the lights. One dose taken throughout the day was a placebo. And on one day of the study, all pills were replaced with a placebo.

Because of the caffeinated pills, the volunteers tossed more and more at night, losing an hour of sleep. That is, if you want to get enough sleep, it is better to give up coffee after 5 pm, because the stimulating effect of caffeine lasts for six hours. Caffeine interferes with the flow of melatonin, a compound that helps you sleep. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland, helping to control circadian rhythms and telling the body when to sleep and wake up. It has been previously shown that caffeinated coffee reduces the concentration of melatonin by 50%, reducing the duration of sleep by 1.5 hours per night.
Based on materials from bez-sms.net, www.bestcofe.ru, www.meddaily.ru

Coffee perfectly invigorates and energizes, therefore we drink this drink often and a lot, which leads to the opposite result. For example, the systematic consumption of coffee (more than 1000 mg per day) leads to depletion of nerve cells, insomnia and irritability appear.

For the drink to be beneficial, it must be consumed correctly.

Just woke up

To wake up faster, we go to the kitchen and brew a cup of a fragrant drink, drinking it on an empty stomach - is this a familiar situation? Experts say that you should not drink an invigorating drink in the early morning, since after waking up, the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood is already increased. After waking up, you need to take a shower, which invigorates perfectly, then make breakfast and enjoy your first meal.

Time from 10.00-11.00

The best time for drinking coffee is from 10.00-11.00. You have already had breakfast and you can have a drink in an hour. It is at this time that adrenaline is released into the blood and coffee has a beneficial effect on performance. It is important to know what instant coffee is. The fact is that the top shell - caffeine - was removed from it for pharmaceutical purposes. Don't be surprised if you feel sleepy 15 minutes after the instant drink.

Time from 13.00-14.00

Surely you know that at this time performance decreases and it is already difficult to concentrate.

In the period from 13.00-14.00 the level of cortisol drops, which explains the appearance of fatigue. It is at this time that we feel the need to cheer up. A cup of aromatic coffee will help. This will provoke a new rush of adrenaline into the blood!

Time after 16.00

It is by no means recommended to drink coffee after 4 pm, unless, of course, you have a goal - not to sleep all night! Coffee after 4 pm invigorates and provokes insomnia. If you really want to drink a drink, give preference to the instant version. As previously stated, it induces drowsiness.

When to drink coffee? Many fans of this drink do not even ask such a question. But in vain! After all, the effect, depending on the time of day and other nuances, can be different.

Many people start their day with a cup of coffee that accompanies breakfast or, in the worst case, replaces it. The caffeine contained in the drink has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

However, have you ever thought about what time of the day, when it is possible and best to drink coffee, in order to really feel its magical effect on yourself, so that the matter goes without harm and the drink is exclusively beneficial?

It's All About Caffeine - And Cortisol

The caffeine present in coffee beans is an alkaloid that is completely absorbed by the body through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of this substance in the blood is observed approximately 30-60 minutes after drinking coffee or another drink that is the source of this compound (for example, coca-cola, tea, hot chocolate. Therefore, by the way, the question indicated in the topic can be put more broadly: when should you drink caffeine-containing drinks?). And we feel its effect for about 2 hours.

Caffeine stimulates the body, improves concentration, reduces fatigue and improves the mood of drinkers with this substance. Flavin compounds are responsible for the taste and special aroma of the drink.

Our body is a complex mechanism that functions due to the influence of various systems. An important role is played by the endocrine system, which consists of organs that produce various hormones. One of them is cortisol. It is a well-known stress hormone produced and secreted from the adrenal cortex. In excess amounts, it has a negative effect on the functioning of the body. In particular, it increases the consumption of muscle proteins, fat and suppresses the action of the immune system, enhances negative emotions.

The secretion of cortisol is regulated by the circadian rhythm. A high concentration of this substance in the blood is observed in the morning between 6:00 and 8:00, then between 12:00 and 13:00, and also in the evening - around 17:30 - 18:30. This is the answer to the question of when NOT to drink coffee.

At this time, you should not use it because the positive effect on the body will not be felt. Not only are cortisol levels high on its own, but the caffeine in coffee also enhances its secretion, thereby increasing its negative effects on the body.

The lack of a stimulating effect will lead people to want to drink another cup or two in the hope that such an amount will definitely be effective. But this is not at all the case. Caffeine is a psychoactive substance on which the body can become addicted as well as alcohol. By consuming large doses of caffeine, we can thereby lead our body to the emergence of greater tolerance to this substance. Therefore, small doses will no longer be effective. And too much caffeine overstimulates the nervous system, causing the dark side of the substance to appear and causing nervousness, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.

It is most useful to drink 3-5 cups of this drink, depending on the individual tolerance of the body.

When can you drink coffee without harm to health and with benefits for the body and business?

It is most preferable for our body and well-being to drink coffee in the hours between the daily periods of cortisol secretion, that is, around 10: 00-11: 00 and at 14: 00-17: 00.

This is the answer to the question of when to drink coffee - in the morning or in the evening. Another issue raised along the way is when to drink coffee - before or after meals. Drinking this drink on an empty stomach is not a good idea: it increases gastric acid secretion, which can lead to mucosal inflammation, ulcers, heartburn and reflux. The second reason is the aforementioned cortisol, the peak secretion of which, as already mentioned, occurs in the morning hours.

Coffee increases the production of gastric juice, which contains enzymes that are responsible for the digestion of protein foods. When to drink coffee after meals? By drinking it at intervals of no more than 60 minutes from a meal, we can positively use this feature of the drink, which is very negative for us in the early morning.

Due to caffeine, a decoction of coffee beans can be a natural doping for athletes, as it increases the physical performance of the body. In this regard, another question arises: when can you drink coffee - before or after training? Drinking espresso before exercising will improve the body's performance during exercise and speed up the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, which is important for weight loss.

It should be added that glucose enhances the effect of caffeine.

This drink is a good solution when you need to increase concentration, the speed of reaction to stimuli, for example, while performing intense mental work. And whether you are a fan of classic espresso, choose a cappuccino with chocolate chips or a delicate milk latte, if you know when to drink coffee, this divine drink will improve your mood and stimulate you to action without causing harm.