How much to cook hard boiled eggs. How and how much to cook hard-boiled eggs in a bag after boiling water? How to cook eggs in a slow cooker, microwave oven, double boiler, in a saucepan on an electric stove, on gas?

08.03.2019 Egg dishes

How many people, so many opinions.

It would seem that it could be easier to cook eggs?

I threw it into the water, waited a few minutes - and delicious, hearty breakfast ready. But it's not that simple.

There are many nuances that affect the end result of a simple culinary business.

Someone likes boiled eggs with strong protein and tight yolk. Someone prefers that the protein holds its shape well, and the yolk is liquid or slightly grasps at the edges. There are lovers of tender poached eggs, cooked without shells.

Generally, taste preferences everyone has their own. To get a guaranteed result, it is worth mastering the wisdom of boiling eggs. The pleasure of eating is very important point In human life. Especially if this person is a young spouse who wants to please her beloved. Or the heiress of a rich uncle, brightening up the last days of a beloved relative. A rubbery, hard protein or not thick enough (runny) yolk can ruin your mood.

General rules and secrets of cooking chicken eggs:

The size of the pan should be such that the eggs are tight. If they float freely, then when boiling, knocking against each other, they will certainly split;

You need to cook eggs at room temperature, especially if they are laid in boiling water. The shell of cold eggs will crack, so you need to remove it from the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking;

If you add a little salt to the water, the shell will not burst during cooking, as it will become harder;

Fresh eggs should be boiled for 3-4 minutes longer (the date of packaging should be indicated on the package);

To prevent air from collecting from the blunt end, you need to pierce the shell from this side. Otherwise, the air mass may crack the egg.

An egg cooked in all culinary science will turn out exactly the way you want to see it on your plate. It will not crack in the pan and will not leak, it will delight you with a soft or dense consistency of protein and yolk. The nuances of boiling eggs allow you to use them as solid components of a salad or, on the contrary, a soft and liquid dressing for this dish.

How to cook hard boiled eggs

Hard boiled eggs can be boiled in two main ways, placing them in either cold or boiling water. How much hard-boiled eggs are cooked depends on their size and the initial temperature of the water.

The first way is to bookmark in cold water. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Wash eggs thoroughly under running water;

Place tightly in a saucepan;

Pour a small amount of cold water so that it only slightly covers the shell (eggs should not float freely);

Send on medium heat.

It is possible to say in advance how much an egg laid in cold water will boil only approximately. It all depends on the initial temperature of the water, the strength of the fire, the characteristics of the pot, and even how high the terrain is in relation to sea level. The higher the terrain, the lower the atmospheric pressure and, accordingly, the lower the boiling point of water (by adding salt to the water, we increase it).

Therefore, you will have to navigate at the time of boiling. How much to boil eggs after boiling water? In order to receive tough egg, you need to set the kitchen timer for 7-8 minutes.

The second way is to put eggs in boiling water. In this case, the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will crack immediately. Put them in bubbling boiling water carefully, using a tablespoon and dipping in it to the very bottom of the pan. It is important that the shell does not hit the bottom.

How much to boil hard boiled eggs after boiling again? Small eggs need to be boiled for eight minutes, large eggs - ten minutes. Actually, the cooking time remains the same as in the cold setting. Boiled eggs must be removed from boiling water with a spoon and poured cold water... Forced cooling will help to peel off the shells more easily.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

For soft-boiled eggs to be tasty and beautiful, they must be the freshest. The yolk with this cooking method remains liquid. Stale, damp yolk is unlikely to taste true gourmets... It is also easier to remove the shell from very fresh eggs.

To check the freshness of a chicken egg, you can use a simple folk way: put it in cold water.

1. For boiling soft-boiled eggs, eggs that quickly sink to the bottom are ideal. They were demolished no later than six days ago, so they retained all the taste and freshness.

2. If the egg sank a little, but did not touch the bottom, that is, it floats in the middle of the water layer, it will also work. The age of such a product is from one to two weeks.

3. Unsuitable for boiling soft-boiled eggs that are left floating on the surface of the water. They were demolished about a month ago. You can still use such a product (for example, in homemade cakes), but it is not worth cooking soft-boiled.

How to cook soft-boiled eggs? There are several ways. This is the same cold or hot bookmark.

The first way

With the cold method, washed eggs should be tightly placed in a saucepan, covered with cold water and put on high heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the temperature to medium-low.

How much to cook eggs after boiling water also depends on their size and the desired result:

Usually three minutes are enough to obtain a semi-liquid egg. The yolk will remain completely liquid, and the white will thicken a little, but will not become very hard, like a hard egg;

If you want to make the yolk a little thicker, you need to continue cooking for four minutes. During this time, the protein will completely cook, and the yolk will thicken slightly;

For those who want a tender, thick yolk with a raw center, you need to boil the eggs for five minutes after boiling the water.

Second way

It is supposed to be placed in boiling water. Eggs of compact temperature are gently sent to the bottom of the bubbling pan using a spoon. Exactly one minute later, the cooking should be stopped, and the eggs should be left in cooling boiling water for five or six minutes.

In a five-minute egg, the protein will be liquid, in a six-minute egg, it will be semi-solid. If you leave it for another minute, that is, hold it in hot water for seven minutes, you get an egg in a bag. By experimenting with time, you can achieve exactly the result that will give you pleasure.

After five to six minutes, the eggs can be poured over with cold water to cool. To make the shells easier to remove, two minutes in a cold "bath" will be enough.

Third way

Hot laying according to a special scheme, without cooking at all. How to cook soft-boiled eggs this way? Prepared product at room temperature should be tightly placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. The water should only slightly cover the shell. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave the eggs for ten minutes.

Then pour out the water and re-brew the eggs with a new portion of boiling water. Secondary pouring is done for two or three minutes (depending on the desired yolk consistency). All that remains is to take out the eggs and serve immediately (they eat soft-boiled eggs hot).

Eggs prepared in this way are deliciously tender. The protein resembles an air mass surrounding a semi-liquid yolk in a cloud.

How to boil eggs in a bag after boiling water

Bagged eggs are a denser, thicker version of soft-boiled eggs. Therefore, they are cooked in the same way, with the exception of the holding time in boiling water.

After boiling in cold bookmark the cooking time is five to six minutes. In a hot bookmark, after a minute of cooking, it will take seven minutes to hold the egg in boiling water.

It is not necessary to cool eggs in a bag in cold water: the dish is served hot. To make cleaning the shell easier, you can immerse the eggs in cold water for two minutes.

How to cook a poached egg

The original version of the boiled egg is a dish with the exquisite name poached egg. The point is to boil the contents without the shell. The result is a soft, airy mass that fits perfectly into the concept of a morning sandwich, soft salad or a separate dishserved with sauce and a slice of fresh baguette.

For an original and delicious dish, you need a very fresh product. An egg laid over a week ago will creep over the surface of the water during cooking. But the white of a fresh testicle will gather around the yolk in the form of a dense bag.

To prepare poached eggs, you will need additional ingredients:

A teaspoon of salt;

Four teaspoons of six percent vinegar.

Poached egg is cooked in a special, low saucepan or stewpan. You can use a suitable steel bowl. Boil a liter and a half of water. Pour vinegar into boiled water, add salt. The vinegar will help the protein hold its shape, while the salt will increase the density of the water.

Now the most important thing: you need to very carefully break the shell and pour the egg onto a saucer or into a small bowl. Reduce cooker temperature to minimum to reduce boiling intensity and prevent protein breakdown.

Bring the saucer as close to the surface of the water as possible, tilt it so that the egg smoothly slides into the boiling water. Use a spoon to gently nudge to make sure the protein does not stick to the pot. It remains to observe the thickening process, focusing on your taste. The cooking time will be from one to four minutes. The protein should be solid anyway.

You need to get the finished poached egg with a slotted spoon. If ugly threads are still formed along the edges of the thickened protein, they can be cut off.

Boil eggs in a saucepan on the stove after boiling water.

Cook soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker on the "Steam cooking" mode.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

Eggs - 5 pieces
Water - 1 liter
Salt - 1 tablespoon

How to wash eggs under the tap
Boiling soft-boiled eggs in a saucepan on the stove
1. Put 5 eggs in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of cold water, add 1 tablespoon of salt and put the saucepan over medium heat.
2. Cook for 4 minutes after boiling water.
3. Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small gap, then press the lid with a towel, drain the water in which the eggs were boiled.
4. Pour cold water over the eggs.

Boiling soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker
Put eggs in the multicooker bowl and pour water so that it covers the eggs on top by 1 centimeter. Cooking time 5 minutes on the "Steam cooking" mode. Transfer the prepared hot eggs to a bowl and rinse with cold water.


Scrambled eggs serve in the shell by putting warm egg on a special stand. It is necessary to free the top of the egg from the shell, so that it can be eaten with a spoon.

A soft-boiled egg can be in multiple states: semi-liquid white and yolk (cooking time 2 minutes), soft (but not liquid) white and liquid yolk (cooking time 3 minutes), soft white and semi-liquid yolk (cooking time 4 minutes). The cooking time is indicated for eggs of the 1st category, the cooking time for eggs smaller you need to reduce, and large - increase by 1 minute.

Boiled soft-boiled eggs on low heat, if heated too intensely, they will burst.

For boiling eggs, do not take a large pot, the eggs should lie tightly one to the other, and not move along the bottom of the pan and not beat against each other.

Eggs can not be immersed in cold water, but into boiling water using a tablespoon. To prevent the eggs from bursting, they must first be warmed up (immersed in hot water) or pierce the blunt end of the egg (there is air that will leave the egg through the puncture, compensating for the increasing pressure).

- Calorie content 1 soft-boiled egg (50 grams) about 80 kcal. A soft-boiled egg is easily absorbed by the body - no more than 2 hours are spent on its digestion. Due to the high cholesterol content of egg yolk, it is not recommended to consume more than 5 eggs per week.

Check out the general rules

Before boiling eggs in the usual way, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of the process. Practice shows that even the most experienced housewives it is extremely rare to perform a simple manipulation correctly. First of all, you need to remember that duck, quail, chicken and all other eggs require an individual approach. In addition, it is not enough to keep the component in hot water for a certain number of minutes, the products need preprocessing... There are also several secrets that will prevent the products from cracking or even bursting during the cooking process. Knowledge on special approaches to boil food ingredients.

It is not enough to know how much to cook eggs, you should familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the process. Often the quality depends on them. end result... Most often people cook chicken eggs, therefore, these recommendations mostly relate to them:

  1. To prevent the components from bursting and the contents of the shell to leak into the water, they must be warmed up to room temperature before boiling. This rule extends to duck eggs.
  2. Before placing in the pan, be sure to wash the elements with warm water.
  3. To work, you need to get a timer. Keeping track of the time on the clock is very inconvenient, especially when the kitchen is already a lot of trouble. The signal supplied by the device will allow you to achieve the perfect result.
  4. If the eggs are boiled for too long, the yolk will change color and the white will turn into rubber. Therefore, you need to clearly maintain the number of minutes that is optimal for each variety, size and type of product.
  5. Very fresh ingredients that are not yet 4 days old are recommended to be cooked for 1-2 minutes. longer than usual.
  6. To boil the testicles, you need to use small dishes, this will reduce the risk that they will beat each other and crack.
  7. After boiling (regardless of whether we boil chicken eggs, duck eggs or some others), the fire should be reduced to medium or even low. The water should not boil too much.

If everything is clear with how to cook eggs correctly, you can start working directly with the component. There are several options here, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Several ways to cook soft-boiled chicken eggs

There are only two main options for cooking eggs, which will have a set white and liquid yolk. The difference is how much to boil the eggs and what water to put them in.

  • Bookmark in boiling water. Pour boiling water into a small container so that it is 1 cm higher than the level of the main component. Gently, but quickly put chicken eggs into the liquid using a tablespoon. After that, we turn on the timer, we detect 1 minute. and cook the contents without covering it with a lid. We remove the container from the stove, cover with a lid, return to the fire, again setting the timer. If you count for 6 minutes, the yolk will be runny, and the white is only slightly set. In 7 minutes, the white will completely solidify, and the yolk will become thicker.

Tip: To reduce the risk of cracks in the shell during cooking, pierce the shell of the component from the blunt side. The air gathers there, which creates on the shell high blood pressure... After the puncture, steam will escape through the hole, preventing an accident.

  • Bookmark in cold water. This time, fill the chicken eggs with cold water, put on high heat. Immediately after boiling, we reduce the heat and time it. To receive semi-liquid product 3 minutes is enough. If you wait 4 minutes, the white will set and the yolk will remain runny. In 5 minutes, both components will reach a dense consistency, but a liquid speck will remain in the center of the yolk.

Ingredients prepared in this manner are usually not cleaned. They are divided into two halves and eaten with a teaspoon or dessert spoon.

Rules for boiling hard boiled chicken eggs

This type of processing comes in handy when the question arises of how to cook eggs for salad or soup (for example, green cabbage soup). True, many people prefer to use pure product exactly in this form. In this case, you need to act like this:

  1. We put the products in a saucepan and fill them with cold water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, after which we reduce the heat. The product is cooked over low heat, regardless of the desired result.
  3. Timing the time. If the processing lasts 6 minutes, then the middle of the yolks may turn out to be slightly watery. Boiling for 7 minutes. will allow you to get completely finished product.
  4. Now the products need to be held under cold running water for a minute, then put in cold water for another couple of minutes. This is to make the components easy to clean. By the way, it is worth considering that this technique may not give a pronounced result on very fresh products.

If the technique aimed at ensuring that the boiled testicles are cleaned well does not help, you need to try the following. We break the shell from one end, begin to gently crack it over the entire surface of the sphere. Next, we clean the product under running water, moving from the blunt part of the object to the sharp one. If everything is done in a timely manner and correctly, then large and small pieces of the shell will begin to easily move away, without clinging to the protein along with them.

How to boil quail eggs correctly?

Quite a simple manipulation that differs significantly from the approaches described above. Remember the following:

  • On this type of product, the shell does not burst due to temperature differences, so all precautions are unnecessary.

Tip: When boiling duck and chicken eggs, you need to remember that for some time after being removed from boiling water, they will cook at the expense of their temperature. To prevent this, you need to hold them in cold water for at least a couple of minutes. And if the product is hard-boiled, then this should be repeated after removing the shell.

  • It is better to fill the components with cold water and keep on low heat.
  • If you wait 60 seconds after boiling, the product will boil softly. When the holding time is 5 minutes - hard boiled.

It should be borne in mind that the quail eggs should not be too fresh. It will be better if they are at least 4-5 days old. In this case, you do not have to rack your brains over what manipulations to come up with so that they are well cleaned.

Features of cooking duck eggs

The taste of duck eggs is very specific. In addition, they are noticeably larger than chicken ones. There is one more important point - they must be exposed for a long time heat treatment... It is best to eat hard-boiled duck eggs. This product The vital activity of waterfowl often contains salmonella and can cause human infection. Of course, in the event that there is an opportunity to feast on a farm product with a good reputation, you can try other processing options.

  • Before cooking, duck eggs should be thoroughly washed with soap and water and wiped off with a soft cloth.
  • Next, be sure to check the product for freshness. To do this, we lower the products into water, they should not float.
  • Before cooking, the component must be heated to room temperature. And it is best to dip it in a slightly warm liquid. Bring the water to a boil, time it out and close the container with a lid.
  • To get soft-boiled duck eggs, you need to cook them for 6-7 minutes. They are hard-boiled in a quarter of an hour.

At the very end of the manipulation, you can check the degree of readiness of the product. To do this, put the egg on a plate and unwind it. If the sphere stops quickly, this indicates that it is soft-boiled. When she spins for a long time, this indicates her full readiness.

How to boil a turkey egg?

Creamy white products differ unique taste, which is useless to compare with something. Before cooking, they must be washed with cold water to remove dirt. To prevent the components from cracking, it is better to put them in cold water. It is salted and brought to a boil. The product is boiled with the lid open.

Turkey eggs are boiled as follows: poached - 2 minutes, in a bag - 5 minutes, soft-boiled - 7 minutes, hard-boiled - up to 15 minutes, depending on the size. The components are not recommended to be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator they quickly lose their beneficial features, their taste characteristics are getting worse. But fresh product must be rubbed with wax or paraffin before storage.

Recipe for cooking eggs with the yolk out

Before boiling an egg with the yolk outside, you need to make sure that it is really necessary according to the recipe or in order to surprise guests. The fact is that manipulation takes a lot of time and effort. On the one hand, everything is easy enough, the problem is that the components are processed one at a time.

  • We need one chicken egg, nylon tights, a small flashlight, transparent tape and ice cubes.
  • First, we shine through the egg with a flashlight, placing the component in the palm of our hand and applying light from below. The product should glow.
  • Now we completely cover the item with tape and put it in tights. We tie the element on both sides and begin to twist, grabbing the piece of clothing at the two ends. We work like this for several minutes.
  • We repeat the approach with a flashlight. The egg should not glow this time. So it is ready for boiling. Cook the product as usual (about 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling), then place it in cold water with ice cubes for 5 minutes.
  • It remains to remove the tape, peel off the shell and evaluate the result. If the whole sphere is homogeneous yellow color, this indicates a lack of twisting of the product in the tights.

In the same way, you can try to influence duck or turkey eggs, but the probability of obtaining the desired result is much lower.

What are straight eggs and how to cook them at home?

Straight eggs are an “invention” of Danish food producers. This is a special design that looks like a sausage, only when cutting it, an egg cut is revealed. Despite the fact that such a product is usually produced at a factory, folk craftsmen have come up with an option for making a "miracle" at home.

  • First you need to take 10 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks from them.
  • Next, we take a tall glass (for example, from a French press), slightly heat it up in a container with hot water and fill with the resulting protein. We put the already filled glass in a container with hot water again, cover it with a saucer or lid and hold it until complete cooking squirrel.
  • Now we need a hollow tube with which we cut the core out of the protein substance. We act carefully so as not to spoil the entire structure.
  • Pour into the formed cavity egg yolk... We again put the structure in a container with water and this time we cook until the yolk is completely ready. It should be hard-boiled.
  • Now the finished product must be removed from the glass. This will require another hollow tube, but now of a larger diameter than the first.
  • It remains only to cut a straight egg into circles and can be used as directed.

In the same way, you can modify chicken, duck and any other eggs. The main thing is to clearly select containers and tools that will help take into account the diameter of the yolk.

When working with eggs, one must not forget that this food product may be hazardous to health if the conditions for its purchase, storage and processing are violated. If found in already finished product some inclusions or unpleasant odor, it is better to stop using it.

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In the recipes, we offer answers to the questions: how long does it take to cook soft-boiled eggs, in a bag, hard-boiled, how tasty and correct to boil a chicken egg in boiling water so that it does not crack and cleans well. How to cook a poached egg at home.

The simple preparation of eggs at home often creates certain inconveniences. It seems that you choose a whole product, examine it from all sides, but as soon as you put the eggs in boiling water, problems immediately begin. Either the eggshell broke, then almost all of the protein leaked out, or the eggs came out tasteless because they were overcooked, and to top it all off, the boiled egg is very poorly cleaned. But each of us so wants to enjoy a breakfast of a perfectly boiled hard-boiled egg, soft-boiled or bag.

To achieve an excellent result, you need, firstly, to look at the packaging - it contains the batch number, date and shelf life of the eggs. This is a kind of hint for the buyer, which not everyone pays attention to. And practice shows that it is completely in vain. After all, knowing the packing date, we can clearly define what can be prepared from fresh eggs, and what we need to wait with.

Keep in mind that fresh village or store chicken eggs, which are 4-6 days old, are boiled longer than usual by 1-2 minutes, depending on the size. In addition, a fresh boiled egg is quite difficult to peel, since the shell does not break off large, but only small pieces... As a result, the protein is uneven and not appetizing.

Cooking rules

Pot size is important! So that during boiling the eggs do not knock on each other and do not burst, the pan must be selected small. The amount of water in the pan should be such that each egg is completely hidden under it.

To avoid cracked shells and leaked protein, cold eggs should not be immersed in hot water. The temperature difference negatively affects the shell and it cracks.

When cooking several eggs at a time, place them neatly and separately in the pan.

How and how much to cook eggs so that both the yolk and the protein are tasty? To do this, after boiling, immediately reduce the flame, and continue the further cooking process on low heat. Vigorous boiling makes the egg rubbery and when cooked, it turns gray.

To increase the boiling point and to avoid cracks, throw a pinch into the water table salt... So that the shell is better cleaned from boiled eggs, after the allotted time in the instructions, ready eggs Immediately immersed in cold water for 1-2 minutes.

Hard boiled eggs

How to cook and how many minutes of time should be noted after boiling water, if eggs need to be boiled hard? It seems that the answer is simple: put the eggs in water and let them boil, but in practice it turns out to be not so easy as in theory and during the cooking process it is important to know how to properly, and most importantly, without breaking, boil an egg tasty and not hard.

It's worth remembering. Cooking time depends not only on the size of the eggs, but also on the color of the shell. It has been repeatedly tested empirically: with a white shell - they cook faster, and with a brown one - longer.

The fact is that dark shells are stronger, perhaps even thicker than light ones. Surely you have more than once encountered the fact that white eggs burst during boiling much more often than brown ones. Now you know why this is happening.

Hard boiling eggs, at first glance, seems to be the most in a simple wayhowever, if eggs are kept in boiling water longer than necessary, they become tough, tasteless, and not even suitable for making salad.

What to add

  • water;
  • eggs;
  • salt, vinegar, or citric acid.

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, what to do

First of all, we select strong, non-split products, so we inspect each egg. If you did not have time to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, then you can warm them up by holding them in warm water.

  1. First rinse the eggs under running water.
  2. Using a tablespoon, carefully place one egg at a time in a small saucepan or ladle, this is necessary so that they do not "jump" when boiling and do not beat against each other.
  3. Fill with cold tap water so that it completely covers them.
  4. Bring to a boil.

How much hard-boiled eggs should be boiled so as not to crack

Once the water has boiled well, reduce the heat and boil the eggs for 7-8 minutes.

After that, take out the hard-boiled eggs from boiling water, pour running, cold water. Leave it on for 1-2 minutes.

Scrambled eggs

There is a misconception that eggs should not be immersed in boiling water before cooking, but only in cold water. This is another myth, and so say those who do not know at all how to boil an egg and how to do it correctly. The answer is extremely simple - eggs for boiling should always be at room temperature, no matter what kind of water they are dipped in.

The soft-boiled egg is ideal for breakfast not only for children, but also for adults. We have the right to eat 1-2 lukewarm, tasty soft-boiled eggs in combination with toast or bun in the morning, having satiated ourselves with a full breakfast.

To properly boil soft-boiled eggs, you need to adhere to general rules, do the same as in the previous recipe: put them in cold water, bring them to a boil and measure the cooking time.

How much to cook a soft-boiled egg in boiling water

"Smudge" is different, and therefore we divide it into two types.

If we want to keep the protein and yolk in a liquid form, we need to boil the soft-boiled egg within 3 minutes from the moment the water boils. For the second option, in which the protein is harder and the yolk is still liquid, the required cooking time is exactly 4 minutes.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes soft-boiled eggs, but this method of cooking eggs is considered more beneficial for health and normal digestion than hard-boiled eggs.

Eggs in a bag

Another equally popular method, and perhaps the most favorite for some, is to boil an egg in a "bag".

The "bag" is preferable for those who do not like boiled eggs, either "soft-boiled" or "hard-boiled", it is just something in between these two types of cooking.

Preliminary preparation, directly cooking is done in the same way as the above methods. The only difference is the cooking time, which is also calculated in minutes.

How much to cook an egg in a "bag" after boiling

Many children only eat eggs, boiled in a "bag". Not kids, of course, but older children, schoolchildren, for example, and they themselves will cope with this task simply and without much effort.

For a tasty and proper "bag", the egg can be boiled exactly 5 minutes after boiling water.

How to cook a poached egg at home

For "poached" the main condition correct preparation must be strictly fresh eggs, otherwise a real "bag" will not work.

A poached egg is the same "bag", but boiled without a shell. In that an unusual way water can be replaced with milk, wine or broth: vegetable, chicken, etc.

Poached eggs, recipe

  1. Boil water or another liquid of your choice in a wide saucepan (about 1.5 liters), add a little salt to taste.
  2. Then carefully break the clean egg and release its contents into a cup or bowl.
  3. Next, we transfer (release) the egg into a slightly boiling liquid so that it does not sink to the bottom of the pan, but floats on the surface. If it still settles, carefully detach it with a spatula and continue cooking at a quiet boil for about 3-4 minutes, until the protein hardens.
  4. Then big spoon or take out the finished one with a ladle whole egg "Poached" and serve on sandwiches, in fish, meat, hot and cold salads, with mayonnaise and other sauces, sprinkle with herbs.

Poached is very tasty, for those who have not yet cooked an egg in this way, we advise you to do this by all means, without putting it on the back burner.

How to cook quail eggsfor easy cleaning

Quails are not susceptible to salmonellosis, their eggs do not cause allergic reactions in children, therefore they are considered cleaner than chicken eggs, ideal for healthy baby food.

And by the amount of vitamins and useful substances quail eggs are several times superior to chicken eggs.

Quail eggs are very tiny, therefore the cooking time is different from chicken eggs.

How much to cook quail eggs

soft-boiled quail egg - 2 minutes;

hard boiled quail egg - 5 minutes.

Quail eggs, except classic cookingare widely used in the preparation of omelets and fried eggs.

How to boil an egg in the microwave

The best boiled eggs for a salad come from the microwave. An unusually soft protein, and a thick yolk - this is what a microwave can cook in seconds.

Microwave hard boiled egg

To cook hard-boiled eggs in the microwave, we need boiling water and dishes

  1. We fill a deep bowl or a special saucepan for microwave ovens with boiled water almost to the brim.
  2. Then carefully break the egg into hot water, it should float in the liquid.
  3. Next, in the center of the slightly whitened yolk, make a puncture with a sharp knife.
  4. We place the saucepan in the microwave, close it with a lid or a warming cap. We set the stove to maximum power (at least 800 W).

The time for cooking an egg in the microwave is exactly 1 minute, if this seemed not enough, set it for another 5-10 seconds - the boiled egg comes out hard-boiled.

This recipe turns out to be quite quick meal, moreover, two in one, in appearance very reminiscent of boiled fried eggs, and according to the process technology - "poached".

How much time to cook eggs

Summarize. You already know what to do so that the egg does not burst during the boil, and it is well cleaned before eating. We remind you how many minutes to cook eggs.

soft-boiled - 3-4 minutes;

in a steep saucepan - 7-8 minutes;

in the microwave in a steep one - 1 minute;

in a bag - 5 minutes;

poached - 3-4 minutes.


soft-boiled - 2 minutes;

steep - 5 minutes.

If you liked and found this article useful, we will be very happy. We ask you to share your recipes with us in the comments.

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Chicken eggs are included in the diet of every person. Most often they are eaten for breakfast or added to salads. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. You can cook them hard-boiled, soft-boiled, in a bag. The time for boiling eggs depends on what degree of readiness you want to get: someone likes half-baked, and someone only eats hard-boiled ones.

How to boil eggs

Every housewife should know how much eggs should be boiled. Cooking methods can be different: in the microwave, multicooker in the "double boiler" mode, special devices, on the stove and even in the electric kettle. there is simple ruleswhich should be followed, otherwise the product will be digested:

  1. To prevent the shells from bursting, before cooking, let the food lie down at room temperature (outside the refrigerator) 10 minutes.
  2. Than fresh product, the longer it takes to cook.
  3. It is easier to clean testicles that have lain for two to three days than fresh ones. To make the shells easily come off, immediately after cooking, lower them into ice water.
  4. Cook over medium heat in a large saucepan.
  5. To release air, make a puncture on the blunt part of the shell with a needle, this will prevent it from cracking.
  6. Decide how many minutes to cook the eggs, depending on how thin you want the yolk to be.

How much to cook quail eggs

Small quail eggs are dietary product, which is especially beneficial for the body of a child, pregnant women and people with weakened immunity. Try adding them to your dish instead of chicken ones. However, you need to know how many minutes to cook quail eggs. A step-by-step description of the process is supplemented with a photo for ease of perception:

  1. Quail testicles to fill with water.
  2. Put on high heat.
  3. Let it boil. Turn off the gas.
  4. If you want to make it hard boiled, you need to cook for 5 minutes, if soft-boiled - two.

How much to boil soft-boiled eggs

Some foodies love this kind of breakfast. Below are two ways to boil soft-boiled eggs. Option one:

  1. Put the product in a saucepan, pour cold water from the tap, otherwise it may crack.
  2. Turn on a big fire. As it boils, turn it down.
  3. To get the floor liquid yolk keep for 3 minutes. For strong protein and liquid yolk - 4 minutes.

The second option, how to cook soft boiled:

  1. Pour boiling water over the product so that it is completely covered.
  2. Leave for 1 minute (check by timer).
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and cover for 6-7 minutes.

How much to cook hard boiled eggs

The most common cooking option is used for making salads, snacks, soups. Even a little kitchen assistant should know how to cook and how much eggs should be boiled to the desired steep consistency. Here's an easy way to cook hard boiled eggs:

  1. Put them in a ladle, cover with cold water.
  2. After boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 6-7 minutes. In order not to overcook the dish and get a rubbery yolk, it is better to set a timer.
  3. Then put the ladle under running cold water, let it rest for a couple of minutes. This makes the shell easy to clean.

Egg in a bag

Many gourmets prefer this breakfast option, so it's worth knowing how much to boil an egg to make it delicious. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that with the most solid protein, the yolk remains semi-liquid. Energy value one serving is 80 kcal. How many eggs to cook in a bag, every culinary specialist should know. Here step by step description making breakfast, supplemented by a photo:

  1. Wash the shells thoroughly.
  2. Dip in boiled water. Salt, otherwise they will burst.
  3. The time to boil them is 5 minutes.

There is another way of how to bring protein to the desired consistency:

  1. Wash.
  2. Place in a container, pour boiling water completely.
  3. After 10 minutes, replace the boiling water. Let it cook.
  4. After 3 minutes, lower it under cold water, otherwise they will not clean well.

How to make a poached egg

Traditional tasty dish France is served for breakfast along with toast or sandwiches. The density of the yolk depends on the length of time the product is in boiling water. To achieve a creamy consistency, you need to cook for 3 minutes, for a denser one - about 5 minutes. If left in boiling water for longer, the product will turn out hard-boiled.

Often novice housewives do not know how to boil a poached egg, so a step-by-step description of the technology with a photo will be useful to them. To prepare poached poached correctly, you will need:

Cooking method:

  1. Place a pot of water on the stove. Add vinegar.
  2. Break into a bowl main ingredient.
  3. Use a spoon to create a vortex in a saucepan.
  4. Pour in the product sharply. With the right movement, the white envelops the yolk.
  5. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Exact time depends on the desired yolk consistency.
  6. Take out carefully ready meal, remove excess protein.
  7. Serve on a plate as breakfast or cook with it delicious sandwich... Can be used as a base for cooking interesting dishes, for example, add to a warm salad.

Video: how long to cook eggs