Fast cooking meat dishes. Musical dishes

01.08.2019 Restaurant Notes.

What kind of meat species can be, there are also options that make it possible to cook from meat quickly and tasty. But separately as part of our culinary project, it was all recipes from meat in this section. Now, regardless of which product of this species is available at the hostess at hand, it will be able to quickly choose a suitable recipe and cook something delicious.

Meat dishes: Recipes with photos light in preparation Almost everything, if they have a clear description and phased photographs of cooking dishes. The meat medium also has their own laws that should be remembered. They depend on what meat will prepare. For example, the bird is easier to cook if we are talking about a chicken. With a duck or goose, the situation will be more complicated by turkey. Here it will be important not to cut the gentle chicken meat so that it does not rubber in taste.

The most popular meat dishes: recipes with photos are easy in cooking - this is, of course, different options for cooking pork. In our country, this is the most popular kind of meat, perhaps due to the fact that it is delicious and juicy. With pork, you can prepare completely different dishes, fry and soaring it, cook in the oven, make pies and pie, various types of pasta and pasta. In general, pork recipes in a huge variety are also located in this thematic heading.

The most dietary, given the doctors, the dishes from meat in the oven are considered: recipes with photos such dishes are also offered in an extensive assortment both on our website as a whole and in this category in particular. Preparation of meat in the oven, regardless of its type, allows you to preserve the maximum nutritional value. Modern kitchenware allows you to bake meat in the oven without the use of vegetable oil, which eventually makes the dish even more useful.

You can not even doubt that each mistress has its meat dishes: recipes with photos are easy in cooking, but, with time I want to study something new and discover new dishes. In such a situation, every hostess, which is preparing a lot is rendered sooner or later. So, boldly put this section of the site in yourself, so that at any time and in any situation, the recipes for themselves are quick in preparation and very tasty meat dishes.


Juicy baked duck in the oven

Ingredients: Duckling, Apple, Sauce, Syrup, Dry Wine, Seasoning, Salt, Pepper, Oil

I bake with apples several times a year. Previously, she did not always have a juicy, most often I overwhelmed her. But thanks to this recipe for the past few years, my duck is delicious.


1-1.5 kilogram duck;
- 2-3 green apples;
- 15 ml. soy sauce;
- 25 ml. maple syrup;
- 200 ml. White dry wine;
- black pepper;
- Red pepper;
- thyme;
- vegetable oil;
- Salt.


Pork head

Ingredients: Pork head, garlic, bay leaf, onion, salt, black pepper

If you want to please the homemade delicious chill, but at the same time do not spend a lot on the ingredients, we advise you to prepare this dish of pork head. This is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance.
- pork head - 4 kg;
- garlic - 4-5 poles;
- Lovel leaf - 2 pcs;
- onion - 1 pc;
- Salt - 2-3 tbsp.;
- Black pepper - 5-7 peas.


Khanum with meat, onions and potatoes in a naked man

Ingredients: Greens, oil, turmeric, zira, pepper, salt, potatoes, onions, minced water, flour, egg

Uzbek Khanum with meat and potatoes - a delicious and satisfy meal. You can cook Hanum at home in a nanovarka is a rather successful way. What and how to do, we will tell you with pleasure.

For dough:

- 200 ml of water;
- 450-500 gr. Wheat flour;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tsp. salts;
- 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

For filling:
- 500 gr - minced meat;
- 2-3 pcs of the onion bows;
- 2 potatoes;
- salt to taste;

- 0.5 ppm zira;
- 0.5 ppm Ground turmeric.

- 30-40 grams of butter;
- 4-5 twigs of fresh greenery.


Halantine from chicken

Ingredients: chicken skin, mince, olive, mushroom, onions, oil, rosemary, parsley, chamber, gelatin, manka, salt, pepper

Halantine from chicken can be prepared both on weekdays and on holidays - he will always be by the way. In addition, such a dish, as a rule, I like everyone, so the mistress is happy to do it.
- 4 chicken skins;
- 700 grams of chicken minced;
- 10 pcs olives;
- 120 grams of champignons;
- 0.5 bulbs;
- 1.5 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- Several twigs of fresh rosemary;
- 1 tbsp. dried parsley;
- 1.5 ppm Castabre;
- 1.5 ppm gelatin;
- 3 tbsp. mankey;
- salt;
- Pepper.


Duck for the new year in the oven

Ingredients: Duck, apples, mustard, spices, salt

If you need an idea that you will cook for New Year's holidays, then we will tell you: Carnot in the oven - it will be a great treat for both your home and guests.

- 1 medium duck;
- 4 sour apples;
- 2 tbsp. mustard beans;
- 1 tsp. Spices for poultry;
- 1 tsp. Salt.


Basturma from beef.

Ingredients: beef, salt, sugar, fenugreek, garlic, paprika, pepper

You probably love Basturma - a delicious, fragrant ... We suggest you do not buy it in the store, but to do on your own, at home, with the help of our detailed recipe.

- 1 kg of beef;
- 55 grams of salt;
- 15 grams of sugar;
- 3 ppm ground fenugreek;
- 1.5 ppm garlic powder;
- 2 tsp. Ground sweet paprika;
- 0.5 ppm Zhugogy Ground Pepper Chile.


Burgundy beef

Ingredients: beef, onions, carrots, tomato, wine, broth, champignon, thyme, laurel, coriander, rosemary, garlic, pepper, flour, oil, salt

If you want to surprise your home and guests an incredibly tasty meat dish, we advise you to prepare beef in Burgundy in classic design: with vegetables, spices, red wine and broth.


- 1 kg of beef (blade without bone);
- 250 grams of the reptile bow;
- 120 g of carrots;
- 200 gr tomatoes;
- 0.5 liters of dry red wine;
- 0.5 liters of beef broth;
- 400 grams of champignons;
- 3 twigs of thyme;
- 4 pieces of laurel sheet;
- 1.5 ppm Coriander;
- 1 rosemary twig;
- 4 slices of garlic;
- 2 pieces of chili pepper;
- Wheat flour, olive oil, salt, pepper.


Chicken-tobacco in the oven

Ingredients: Chicken, Spice, Salt, Garlic, Butter

In the oven it turns out a great tobacco chicken - gentle, with a crispy crust, beautiful and tasty. It is much easier than to cook it in a pan. Do not believe? Ensure yourself by reading our recipe.

- chicken - 1 carcass weighing 700 gr;
- Spices for chicken-tobacco - 1.5 ch. l.;
- Salt - 1 tsp. without a slide;
- garlic - 3 slices;
- butter - 2-3 tbsp.


Baiga Noga Sleeve

Ingredients: Baiga Noga, Bow, Salt, Pepper, Coriander, Badyan

Have you ever prepared a breakfast dish? It turns out to be in the oven in the sleeve, bake a pawn leg. The dish is very tasty, surprising many.


- 4 kg. lamb legs;
- 1 bulbs;
- salt;
- a mixture of peppers;
- coriander;
- 2 pcs. Badyan.


Nest of macaroni with minced furnace

Ingredients: pasta nests, meat mince, cheese, carrot, onions, sour cream, water, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil

The nests made of macaroni with stuffing, cooked in the oven - this is a great version of the satisfying family lunch or dinner. It is a side dish, and a meat dish right away, so that his cooking will help you save you time.
- 6-7 pieces of Macaron Nests;
- 400 gr of meat minced meat;
- 100 grams of cheese;
- 100 g of carrots;
- 100 grams of the reptile onion;
- 150 grams sour cream;
- salt to taste;
- black ground pepper to taste;
- Vegetable oil for frying.


Grinding ground with cheese in the oven

Ingredients: minced meat, egg, bulb, white loaf, salt, black ground pepper, spices, solid cheese, sour cream

You can cook on a festive table. This is a very tasty dish - stuffing nests with cheese in the oven. Prepare a delicious meat dish will not be a lot of work.


- 400 grams of minced meat;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 bulbs;
- 2 slice of white baton;
- salt;
- Paul C.L. black hammer pepper or other spices;
- 80-100 grams of solid cheese;
- 1 tbsp. sour cream.


Marine Cutlets Turkey in a frying pan

Ingredients: Minced Turkey, White Bread, Bow, Milk, Butter, Bread Sukhary, Greens, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Pepper

In a pan, you can make very tasty turkey cutlets. The dish is obtained very tasty, satisfying and juicy.


- Turkey stuffing - 300 grams,
- white bread - 50 grams,
- bulb - 1 pc.,
- milk - 100 grams,
- butter - 1 tbsp,
- breadcrumbs,
- greens,
- vegetable oil,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Turkey Cutlets with zucchild

Ingredients: turkey fillet, zucchini, egg, dill, white bread, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

We will prepare today very tasty and random cutlets of their turkey with zucchild. The preparation recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- turkey fillet - 300 grams,
- zucchini - 150 grams,
- Egg - 1 pc.,
- dill - 5-6 twigs,
- White bread - 3 pieces,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- vegetable oil.


Bone bar

Ingredients: Korean, garlic, basil, oil, salt

We bring to your attention a simple recipe for the preparation of a low-calorie meat dish - Baranja Baores on the bone.


- 1 Baranya Koreka,
- 5 garlic teeth,
- 3 Basil Spots,
- 3 sprigs of rosemary,
- 3 tbsp. sunflower oil
- Quarter Ch.L. Salt.


Rack of lamb

Ingredients: lamb edge, salt, pepper, seasoning, rosemary

Kare Yagnenka - just a magnificent dish. I am sure you heard about him, but today I will tell you how you prepare this dish on your own at home.


- 1 kg. lamen ribs
- 1 tsp. salts
- Black ground pepper - pinch,
- Cumin - pinch,
- Chabret - pinch,
- Thyme - pinch,
- 2 sprigs of rosemary.

Want, I will teach you, how delicious and quickly cook meat, with a stunning result? The meat in my recipe is very soft, unusually gentle - it just melts in the mouth. Thanks to properly selected spices, pork in a pan has a spicy taste and awesome aroma. Decorate a pork dish with a carving - and a festive meat dish on the table will amaze all those present.


  • sishek pork - 1.5 kilograms;
  • onions - 8-9 pieces;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper - to taste.

How delicious and quickly cook meat. Step-by-step recipe

  1. To begin with, you will prepare the necessary dishes for convenient work with meat. We will need two pans: one must necessarily be with a lid and a dense bottom, and the second can be taken without a cover, but as much as possible in size (the greater the diameter, the more convenient to fry the pork).
  2. Prepare Oreshek. Since it is firing, it needs to be well blocked with paper towels (dry it as much as possible, remove excess water, fat).
  3. After removing fat and water, the pork is cut into strips and cut into large cubes (proceed from the fact that the meat is burning slightly slightly, make pieces of such a magnitude so that they are freely placed in the mouth). Meat should be cut across the fibers.
  4. Onions, cleanse from the peel, cut into circles, can be seagilled: finely cut down the bow for cooking meat.
  5. We take the largest frying pan and lubricate the bottom with a special tassel with a special tassel: it is not necessary to pour oil. The frying pan split and lay out chopped meat into one layer at a short distance from each other. Meat slightly fry on both sides: it is not necessary to salt and pepper.
  6. Next to the big frying pan, put the frying pan with the lid, add a couple of tablespoons of water there, spread the onions sliced \u200b\u200brings, and lay out the first part of the meat roasted on top of the two sides. Put the meter on this again.
  7. Continue to fry the serving of meat on both sides in a pan, pre-lubricated vegetable oil (oil also do not pour into the pan, just lubricate with a special tassel).
  8. On top of the second layer with a bow we put the second part of the roasted meat and again cover. On the last layer lay onions less than the previous ones.
  9. Put the frying pan, put on the most small fire and leave for two hours. Nothing salt and not pepper. Pork with a bow for these two hours should be very well helped. In the process of cooking pork will give a lot of juice.
  10. Two hours later, stewed meat thoroughly mix, we increase fire, salt to your liking, mix, add black pepper. If you have a desire, you can add your favorite spices and seasonings.
  11. Meat leave on high heat, waiting for the water and meat will be evaporated and the meat will begin to roast on the pan itself. Thus, the water will evaporate and the meat is fried.
  12. As soon as the pork frodged, remove the frying pan from the fire - the meat is already ready.

The whole charm of the cooked dish is that under it you can pick up any side dish and decorate at your discretion. If you have a desire, you can add any spices and seasonings - it will make the taste of meat more spicy, spicy and original. For pork, such spices are considered the most suitable: basil, garlic, anise, cumin, mayorran, black and red pepper. You can also add parsley, celery, bay leaf and rosemary. Pork can be served with sweet-sweet, mustard or cheese sauces. On the site "I love to cook" you can find a lot of delicious recipes for cooking meat.

Second meat dishes are found in the cooking of different countries. Recipes these dishes are very diverse: from simple, everyday, to festive, requiring special skills in the cooking process. The basis can be taken various types of meat - pork, beef, lamb, rabbit, venison, as well as by-products of these animals. All sorts of ingredients are used as a supplement: almost all kinds of vegetables, cereals, pasta and flour, legumes, greens, fruits, mushrooms, eggs, seasonings. Not too experienced hostesses in the process of cooking meat second dishes are usually clearly followed by the recipe. But professional cooks, having experience and skills behind the shoulders, boldly experiment with the components, change the proportions, every time creating a new culinary masterpiece.

Second meat dishes can be prepared in different ways. Basic and additional products are extinguished, boosted in a saucepan or in a slow cooker; Fry in a frying pan or grilled; Bake in the oven, microwave oven.

The second meat dishes are usually suited enough, because they are able to replace a full dinner. Often, vegetable side dishes, baking, sauces are served to the second of meat.

In the process of cooking a second meat dish, it is necessary to take into account that due to heat treatment, the proportion of pulp fibers decreases by an average of 35-38%. This is due to the fact that proteins in the process of coagulation are losing moisture, mineral salts, fats, extractive substances, part of soluble proteins are distinguished into the broth during cooking. Therefore, from 1 kg of fresh meat in the end it will turn out 620 - 650 g boiled or fried.

The right choice of meat is an indispensable condition for the preparation of a delicious second dish. Good meat should be fresh, do not contain a large amount of fat, bones, tendons.

In order for the baking of pork ribs, it turned out gentle, prepare them in a culinary sleeve. For giving the dish, the meat is pre-pickled.

Stuffed tomatoes with minced meat, rice and cheese - self-sufficient second dish, which can be served without a side dish. Preferably, such tomatoes do not extinguish in the Kazan, but bake in the oven.

We offer to try to prepare potatoes in the oven in the oven in combination with pickled pork pieces in a combination of festive recipes. Gastronomic and aesthetic pleasure you are guaranteed!

I don't like to cook beef - often the meat is harsh. But now I have a recipe, in which there is always any beef is obtained very tasty, melting in the mouth. In addition, everything is baked with potatoes - immediately it turns out a full dinner.

It's hard to cook pork so that it does not look appetizing. I love complementing this raw meat with fresh or frozen vegetables, then his taste becomes just incredible!

Among the variety of dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, gallushki occupy a special place. If you add them with juicy stewed pork, then a full dinner is obtained for the whole family. Especially such a heart treat will enjoy men.

If you like the paste, then be sure to make stuffed cannellones, baked in the oven under the sauce of Bezamel. Such an original treat can be served even for more solemn cases than family dinner.

The traditional dolma in the grape leaves in Armenian is a minced meat of a lamb, wrapped in young grape leaves "Toli". However, cooking is constantly developing, forming all new options for long-known dishes. Tolm or dolma ...

With fatty pork, sour citrus acids are perfectly combined, especially if you make meat a little loss in their juice. And it is preparing such a kushan very quickly.

The taste of rice noodles is fully revealed, if you combine it with fried meat, podkalo beans, carrots and onions. Follow our preparation instructions and enjoy the taste palette of the dish.

The wondrous fragrance, stunning tenderness and a juice of pork on a bone with mushrooms and cheese, will not leave anyone indifferent. It is enough to bite the whole piece to become forever the fan of this dish.

Classic American cake with potato mashed potatoes and pieces of meat originally mounted on the tables of ordinary citizens, so it consists of the most affordable products. Wonderful dish for family lunch.

Scientists argue that the use of large amounts of meat helped to "increase brains". The meals of a modern person consists of a variety of products of plant and animal origin, but meat dishes remain among the most beloved and sought-after meals.

Pork meat dishes: a selection of popular recipes

The meat of this animal people were taking place in the Stone Age, constantly improving their culinary masterpieces. For example, a unique portion was prepared in Mexico, tooling a piece of pork weighing more than 3,000 kg. And our records are reflected in the most delicious recipes of popular dishes.

Meat stewed with prunes in a slow cooker

The composition of the ingredients:

  • meat clipping (cut from cervical or blades) - 1 kg;
  • lean oil - 60 ml;
  • prunes - 200 g;
  • onion repka - 2 pcs.;
  • drinking water - 500 ml;
  • tomato paste - 20 g;
  • salt, peas pepper, Laurel leaf.

To obtain a delicious dish in a slow cooker, we use not very fatty meat, and the water, if you wish, change to broth, sour cream, tomato juice, wine, yogurt or even beer.

Cooking method:

  1. We rinse a pork well, cutting portion, put in the bowl of the device, lubricated with vegetable fat. We grab the pieces of meat by installing the "frying" program for 10 minutes. At the same time, water must completely swallow.
  2. We attach a finely chopped bulb and pasta pasta to meat, we cook another quarter of an hour, after which we add washed prunes and laurels, we apitate and pepper.
  3. Pour the selected composition of the liquid, set the "quenching" mode and the cooking time of 1.5 hours. Do not forget to mix the components of the dish.

See how gentle and delightfully smelling the meat, stewed with prunes in a slow cooker!

Juicy baked Korean

Grocery list:

  • garlic teeth - 3 pcs.;
  • pork without bones - 600 g;
  • any kind of lean oil - 20 g;
  • a mixture of peppers, thyme, rosemary.

Cooking order:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the core, wing it with paper napkins. We connect the salt in the peat, the mixture of peppers, dried thyme and basil (by pinch). Well mix the composition, dense the whole meat piece thick them.
  2. We place the Korean on the familous layer chipped with the oil, fry on a strong fire every side of the product to a ruddy look. We must "seal" all meat juices inside the piece under the created appetizing crust.
  3. For a better aroma, we throw garlic teeth into dishes, cover the core foil, send for 20 or 40 minutes to the furnace (190 ° C). The cooking time depends on the size of the piece, which we bake: a long and thin or small, but thick.
  4. Having finished cooking, we leave a meat piece for half an hour for "rest" in a closed state.

When all the juices and aromas of meat "occupied" their places, cut the juicy baked core with a portion, enjoy gentle and fragrant.

Meat dish Harmoshka

List of components:

  • garlic teeth - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh mustard - 20 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • pork - 1 kg;
  • tomato - 20 g;
  • soy sauce, lemon juice - 10 ml.

Preparation steps:

  1. For the dishes presented, we use first-class meat: cut from the thick edge (rib). Pork is thoroughly rinsed, dried with napkins, then cut, but not to the end so that the piece remains the whole. The thickness of the layers is up to 2 cm.
  2. We connect mustard in the pile, sauce, lemon juice, crushed with a press garlic. We mix the mixture well, rub the meat received by marinade. Do not miss the place between divided slices. We use the desired amount of salt, considering that it is quite a lot in the soybean.
  3. Tomato and cheese we divide on thin plates. Laying the pork on the styled foil baking sheet. We insert between meat slices on the slices of tomato and cheese, we form the product in the form of a harmonica.
  4. Watch the product in Foil, send for 2 hours to the oven. We bake the dishes at T 180 ° C. We open the paper 30 minutes before the end of the process so that our culinary "musical instrument" received an appetizing golden color.

The meat dish "Harmoshka" is ready for his delicious presentation!

Stew pork in soy sauce

Required products:

  • garlic teeth - 3 pcs.;
  • bulb - 2 pcs;
  • oreshek pork - 800 g;
  • any kind of lean oil;
  • starch;
  • soy sauce - 180 ml;
  • hammer paprika - 2 h.

Cooking process:

  1. We divide the meat piece into small parts.
  2. We lay out paprika in spacious dishes, we pour soy sauce. If there is insufficient salts in the resulting mixture, add it by personal preferences.
  3. We place the chopped meat into the prepared composition, which distribute over all pieces. We leave the product in such a state of at least an hour. The longer the marinization process, the more tasty it turns out the finished dish.
  4. Heat the frying pan with oil, fry the serving of meat 5 minutes to ruddy color. We add a finely chopped onion and treated with the same garlic. In no case do not miss it through the press.
  5. We continue the heating of another 7 minutes, then dissolve starch in a glass with drinking water, we pour the composition in the dishes with meat and mix well the components of the dish. Mashed products up to 25 minutes on quiet fire in a closed form.

Appetizing pork aroma penetrated in all corners of the house. Garnish is ready. With joy, feed the family is excellent stewed pork in soy sauce.

Pork chops with mushrooms

Product composition:

  • little bulb;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • pork - 600 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • fresh champignons - 150 g;
  • lean oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking technology:

  1. Thinly cut the washed and dried mushrooms. Finely bold onions, fry it to a transparent look.
  2. We add champignons, we continue to prepare until the fluid and appearance of the pink crust on the mushrooms.
  3. Pork we divide on the layers with a thickness of up to 1.5 cm, covering the film, on both sides, disobey. Do not repeat the experience "Tuzik with a cloth"!
  4. We season salt and pepper meat, quickly fry in oil until golden color. I turn the pieces, continue the process of forming a pink crust. Then chops process mayonnaise sauce.
  5. We spread the mushroom composition on hot layers, sprinkle with cheese chips. Next, we prepare the dish in a closed state, until the cheese is melted.

An ancient man at the sight of such an amazing Kushan would be in full delight!

Classic ice from meat

List of products on pork shelter:

  • salted cucumbers (you can marinated) - 6 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • any kind of lean oil - 30 ml;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • potato tubers - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic teeth - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 40 g;
  • pepper, salt, parsley.

Features of cooking:

  1. Let's drink in a frying pan with a finely chopped onion and chicken cucumbers in a thin plate. We add tomato-paste, mixed with drinking water, penetrated twigs, squeezed through a press garlic.
  2. I cut meat on long lumps, fry to a beautiful golden shade. In the same way, we prepare peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes in a separate dishes.
  3. We connect tubers and meat in one pan, add ready-made sauce, season with salt, pepper and spices. Casanes in a closed form, until the root plates become soft.

Tatar cuisine has always been famous for excellent dishes, but the classic Azu from meat has absorbed the best qualities of traditional cooking.

French recipe

Component inventory:

  • mature tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • balyk pork - 500 g;
  • fresh mayonnaise - 120 g;
  • cheese (choose solid varieties) - 150 g;
  • bulbs - 3 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, parsley.

Methods of preparation:

  1. Cut the bald slices to 1 cm thick. We get about 6 servings.
  2. Onion shielding rings. The more we use it, the juicier will be a ready meat dish.
  3. We lay the layers of the bald on the vegetable layer, then we have divided into thin circles of tomatoes. We season them with a thick mesh mayonnaise and close the grated cheese dish with a shallow chips.
  4. We send the shape with a kushan 40 minutes in the oven. When the melted cheese is submissive, will become like sun-eyed snow vertices of the mountains, reach our culinary masterpiece from the furnace.

Since the french meat is cooked without a single drop of oil, it can be safely ranked for dietary dishes, which is useful and adults, and kids.

Beef: Best Recipes

This kind of culinary topics has gathered the most popular second meat dishes prepared in various technological variations.

Classic Beefstrogen

The composition of the ingredients:

  • onion repka - 2 pcs.;
  • homemade sour cream - 100 g;
  • beef (fire or fillet) - 1 kg;
  • lean oil;
  • flour - 120 g;
  • salt, pepper, greens.

Cooking method:

  1. We rinse the meat, dried with paper towels. We divide a piece on the layers thick up to two fingers, then cut to long lumps.
  2. Fry in a frying pan with finely chicken onions. After 7 minutes, add pieces of beef. We continue cooking on a strong fire, constantly stirring the components of the dish.
  3. When the meat strips become golden, sieving flour on them. Pour the finished broth or drinking water, a 5-minute dish, then add fresh sour cream. Mix well products well, after 3 minutes we serve a dish to the table.

We complement the classic beefstroods, as taken in civilized places, a garnish of potato mashed potatoes. We decorate the disorder with a pests.

Beetle of beef and chicken

Grocery list:

  • chicken ham - 4 pcs.;
  • beef skin, legs and ribs - 2 kg;
  • carrot;
  • purified water - 2.5 l;
  • leek-repka with husks;
  • laurel sheets - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic teeth - head;
  • pepper peas;
  • salt, carnation.

For the headland, we always use beef with housings and cartilage. It is this product that contains the amount of collagen necessary to obtain the jelly composition of the dish.

Preparation steps:

  1. Large bones are desirable to divide into parts of the cutting machine even in the store to avoid the presence of fragments that will inevitably appear if the product chopped independently.
  2. We thoroughly rinse the ingredients of the dish, we put beef with bones into the enameled pan. We pour hot drinking water (the ratio of liquid and meat product is 1: 1), taking into account the fact that part of it will certainly evaporate. After the start of boiling, we pour fluid.
  3. Fill the dishes with clean water in the desired proportion, add a washed bulb along with the husk, the twig of parsley, purified carrots, pepper peas. We continue cooking on high heat.
  4. When new boiling begins, we reduce the intensity of heating to a minimum. The correct broth in the cooking process must hardly slide. This is a prerequisite for receiving a delicious dish!
  5. I boil the products for at least 4 hours, then put clean chicken chicken in the chicken. Reagree again to boil, remove the active bouffaging of the liquid. Preparing for another 2 hours. Add Laurel and Salt to the pan in the pan. Its quantity should be slightly large than in the broth for soup. The disadvantage will be tasteful!
  6. We finish cooking. Remove meat from the pan, separating it from the bones, finely cut, we decompose according to the forms, fill with the leaky broth. The disturbed garlic is added to the plates or directly into the pan in 5 minutes before the end of the technological process. If you wish, we decorate each portion with chopped mugs of boiled eggs.

After 4 hours, the luxurious keeper from beef and chicken will freeze in all its magnificence. Will not forget to acquire a poorest mustard!

Salad "Sunflower" with boiled beef

List of components:

  • chips ("Pringles" or "Leis");
  • fresh mayonnaise - according to preferences;
  • boiled beef - 350 g;
  • cheese - 250 g;
  • champignons (raw or marinated) - 350 g;
  • lean oil;
  • bulb;
  • cooked screwed eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • olives are black.

Cooking order:

  1. Cut the champignons into small pieces, fry together with a crushed bow until golden color, slightly salt and pepper.
  2. Clean the pre-boiled eggs, shining with small pieces.
  3. I boil the beef to the soft state, cool, finely cut the product.
  4. I spread the meat layer on the serving dish, process it with a mayonnaise grid, sprinkle with a cheese chip. We hide it with white sauce, then placing the mushroom composition (fried or pickled).
  5. Next, we water the layers of large-grained egg whites and yolks, not forgetting to process them with mayonnaise. Our dish is already reminiscent of bright sunflower. It remains to be depicted on the "sunny messenger" black seeds. For this we have prepared halves of olives. Put crispy chips as petals.

Sunflower is probably the only flower on the ground, in which there is benefits and incomparable beauty. In our version there is a third party - the unmatched taste of the magical "plants"!

Meat stewed with potatoes in a slow cooker

Required products:

  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic teeth - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • onion repka - 2 pcs.;
  • meat (beef, chicken or pork) - 600 g;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • drinking water - 500 ml;
  • oil (sunflower or olive) - 60 ml;
  • pepper, salt, other desired spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Clean vegetables, rub the carrots largely, bold onion rings, squeeze through the press of garlic teeth. Cut off the peel from potatoes, we divide the tubers on halves or a quarter.
  2. Rubym meat with small cubes. Install the frying program and cooking time for 20 minutes on the device. We pour fresh oil into the bowl of multicooker, fry meat pieces to ruddy color.
  3. Add a part of the roots, a Laurel leaf, tomato-paste to dishes. We season with salt, pepper, other spices, pour purified water or broth, mix the components of the dish. We change the program of the device to "quenching" or "baking", turn off the unit in two minutes.

About such a magical way of cooking favorite meat dishes Our rapids could not and dream!

Classic beef roast beef

Component composition:

  • ribe meat - 1 kg;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • balzamic vinegar - 30 ml;
  • salt pepper;
  • lean oil.

Features of cooking:

  1. To obtain a classic dish, a piece of meat carved from the spinal part of the animal (RIB Bran) is required. Lubricate the product with fresh mustard, leave for 2 hours for marinization.
  2. We turn on the furnace on T 220 ° C, lay the prepared beef to the grille, which be sure to install a baking tray to collect fat. We bake the product for 40 minutes.
  3. We mix oil, honey and vinegar in the pile, add some mustard. We carry meat from the furnace, process the product with the resulting composition. We continue the preparation of a dish for another 10 minutes by reducing the heating temperature to 180 ° C.

We season the dishes sauce several times, while the piece does not cover an amazing caramel crust. Classic roast beef is ready!

Beef steak in a frying pan

Set of products:

  • lean oil;
  • selected beef tenderloin decorated with two steaks;
  • salt, Spices "French Herbs".

Preparation steps:

  1. So that the slot of meat does not "squeeze" in a frying pan in the process of heat treatment, cut off the upper tendons and films from pieces.
  2. Spring steaks of salt and pepper of large grinding. Gently patting meat, rub spices into it. We already "loved" these cute and very notes cooking items.
  3. Well heated the cast iron dishes or grill frying pan, lubricate fresh vegetable fat, then quickly fry the blanks, literally a minute on each side of the layers. Next, we reduce the fire, continue the process to the desired degree of readiness of meat.

I put the beef steaks on the warm plates, tightly cover them with foil. After a few minutes, the dish will acquire a finished taste.

Juicy beef chops

List of components:

  • sukhari breading (without any additives);
  • a piece of young veal - 500 g;
  • egg;
  • flour;
  • lean oil;
  • salt, lemon juice, pepper (preferably white).

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut a piece of meat on thin portion slices, do not very much beat with culinary tips. We mean that the veal does not like "rustic".
  2. We put an egg in the pile, we look good. We lay on separate plates of crackers and flour.
  3. Heat the frying pan with butter, we take pain in the flour, alternately adding both sides of meat. Next, the chops chop to the egg composition, then under the pushed breadcrumbs.
  4. Lay out a piece in hot fat. We repeat the entire procedure with another slust of beef. Froach products before the appearance of a ruddy crust, then we turn over (we do it only once), we continue the process to the golden color of breading.

We season the juicy pepper and salt beef and spray with lemon juice, we serve in the company with fresh vegetables.

Dish from turkey meat

Do not remind you about the beneficial properties of this popular product included in the dietary food table. Hot meat dishes made from it are distinguished by low calorie and excellent taste.

Turkey fillet in cream sauce

The composition of the ingredients:

  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pepper sweet and powder;
  • fat cream - 500 ml;
  • turkey fillet - 800 g;
  • onion repka - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the poultry meat, we succeed in napkins, cut the product with small cubes. Fry pieces in lean fat to golden crust.
  2. Shining a purified carrot, the onions are released from the husk, we divide into small strips. We remove seeds from pepper, rub the fruit with pieces of medium sized. Add vegetables to turkey, fry to a soft condition, then season with salt and spices.
  3. Now we pour fresh cream, we continue the cooking process for another 20 minutes by the method of fatting on a quiet fire.

We serve a hot dish with a garnish of paste, with buckwheat pitching or potato mashed potatoes.

Baked turkey whole in the oven

Grocery list:

  • walnuts - 600 g;
  • home sour cream - ½ cup;
  • turkey - up to 7 kg;
  • grenade sauce - 250 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • fresh apples - 6 pcs.;
  • salt and ordinary sugar - on ½ cup;
  • carnation, cinnamon, pepper.

So that the turkey gets juicy and tasty, choose a steam room (shortly after slaughter) a carcass with a meaty breast and thick legs.

Cooking order:

  1. Marinate bird prepared for baking. To do this, lay it out into spacious dishes. We connect salt, sugar, spices and drinking water in the bowl. We thoroughly mix the mixture, lubricate the external and inner part of the turkey with a fragrant composition, we leave it in this state by 12 hours.
  2. For filling, the fruits of walnuts are crushed with a blender. Finely shining onions, pass in oil to a golden shade.
  3. Clean the apples from the peel, we remove the core, cut the fruit with small slices. Heat the creamy fat to a boil, fry pieces of fruits along with a small amount of sugar, cinnamon, black pepper and carnations. The kitchen was immediately filled with the breathtaking fragrances of the East.
  4. We connect into the bowl prepared onions, crushed nuts and pomegranate sauce. We get a lot of consistency like meat minced meat.
  5. We select a piece of nut composition, put it together with fried apples inside turkey. The remaining mixture is connected to the sour cream, add a pomegranate component, we are well processing the outer part of the carcass obtained by the sauce.
  6. We lay the bird on a baking sheet, we send for 3 hours in the oven, heated to T 180 ° C.

It is very problematic to prepare meat dishes on a festive table, because you need to consider the tastes of each guest. Baked turkey whole in the oven - a win-win version of any celebration.

Meat cutlets in a slow cooker

List of components:

  • egg;
  • bulb;
  • bread - 2 slice;
  • turkey fillet - 600 g;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • lean oil;
  • clove of garlic;
  • sukhari breading - 100 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Bread free from crusts, soaked in milk.
  2. We turn on the unit on the "frying" mode, we pour a little oil into the bowl of a multicooker, lay the crushed garlic teeth, finely chopped onions. Fry vegetables 15 minutes to a soft state.
  3. Separate fillets from bones, cut it with pieces, crushed in the kitchen processing together with white bread squeezed from milk.
  4. We season the resulting mass of salt and pepper, add an egg and onion composition. We mix the minced meat, form small cutlets, catch in breadcrumbs, lay out products into the oil-treated bowl of the device.
  5. We leave it on the frying program. We are preparing the cutlets of 10 minutes in the open form, turning the dish with the formation of an appetizing crust. We close the unit, we continue the process for another 10 minutes.

For serving the resulting dish of minced meat, prepare a garnish from the salad is not easy! And this, of course, will be fresh summer vegetables.

Chops of turkey fillets in breading

Product composition:

  • lean oil;
  • egg;
  • turkey fillet - 800 g;
  • crushed crackers;
  • sifted flour;
  • salt pepper.

Preparation steps:

  1. We rinse the turkey meat, dried by towels. We divide the fillet into small layers with a thickness of up to 2 cm. Excessively thin slices will turn out dry. Choose pieces not very much. We have this in mind, "gun" with a culinary hammer!
  2. We put three plates on the table. In the first thing closer to the fire, sugar snatch, we drive the egg to the middle (stirring it for a fork), in extremely sifting the flour.
  3. Heat the pan with butter, season chops and pepper. We take a slice of meat, catch in the flour, dip in the egg, dust with breadcrumbs, omit in hot fat. In this way, we proceed the rest of meat. We lay out the portions at a distance of each other, fry until the formation of a golden crust on both sides of pieces.

Chops of turkey fillets in breading will become particularly tasty if at the end of the process sprinkle them with a cheese chips.

Roast meat with potatoes

List of ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • sweet pepper;
  • turkey fillet - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • mustard - 30 g;
  • home sour cream - 50 g;
  • carrot;
  • ginger, salt, seasonings.

Cooking technology:

  1. In a spacious bowl, we mix fresh sour cream, mustard, lemon juice, spices and grated ginger. Bird fillets are cut by portion slices, we leave half an hour in the resulting marinade, after which it fry in oil to ruddy crust.
  2. We clean vegetables, we divide the fourth potatoes, large bubbling carrots and pepper (without seeds). The prepared products are evenly distributed in the pots, watering the remaining marinade, season with salt and pepper. In the completion of the assembly of the dish, lay out the portions of the turkey.
  3. We sprinkle the products with greens, close the dishes, bake for 20 minutes in the oven (200 ° C).

The roast meat of turkey turned out to be very appetizing, tasty and fragrant. It is a pity that the additive was not enough!

Buzhenina from turkey

Set of products:

  • lean oil - 30 ml;
  • garlic teeth - 4 pcs.;
  • turkey breast - up to 1 kg;
  • mustard - 20 g;
  • salt, spices, dry seasonings.

Features of cooking:

  1. We connect in a bowl of 100 g of salts and a liter of drinking water. Mix the composition, we lower the bird fillet. If the brine is not enough for a complete dive of meat, double the volume of the mixture.
  2. After 3 hours, we remove the product from the salted "baths", we succeed in turkey with paper napkins. Garlic teeth we divide on halves. Sharp the meat in several places, spigoon cavities with pieces of vegetable.
  3. We put a mixture of herbs in the pile (basil, paprika, coriander grains, burning and black pepper), add mustard and oil. Mix the composition before the formation of a thick mass.
  4. We process the breast with the resulting sauce, put in the container, we leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours in a closed form.
  5. We lay out meat on a baking sheet, we bake 40 minutes in the oven at T 220 ° C.

Bujhenina from the turkey will remain in the furnace until a complete cooling, after which the delicacy will be finally ready.

Bake in mustard marinade

Components of dishes:

  • turkey fillet - 500 g;
  • homemade sour cream - 60 g;
  • olive oil;
  • mustard with grains - 60 g;
  • a mixture of peppers, salt, spices.

Method of preparation:

  1. We rinse well and dried with napkins of bird fillet, piercing it with the end of an acute knife blade. We do it around 20 places.
  2. We lay out fresh sour cream, mustard, two spoons of oil, spices and salt (in tastes). Mix the mixture obtained by sauce carefully fault turkey, including the inner part. We leave the product for several hours to marinate.
  3. Watch fillet in Foil, lay out on a baking sheet, send half an hour to the furnace (200 ° C). We open the paper, we prepare the dish for another 15 minutes before forming on the meat of ruddy crust.

A turkey baked in a mustard marinade can be supplemented with a beloved side dish or enjoy to eat a juicy piece with fresh bread in the form of an appetizing sandwich.

Cooking chicken

Culinary compositions made of poultry meat make up our everyday menu, decorate festive feasts, deliver pleasure on family lunches. Look at what delicious meat dishes can be prepared quickly and quite economically!

Chicken fillet casserole with champignons

The composition of the ingredients:

  • cream (20% fat) - 600 ml;
  • potatoes - 400 g;
  • chicken fillet - up to 1 kg;
  • lean oil;
  • onion - 450 g;
  • champignons - 600 g;
  • cheese - 350 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut meat with portion slices, fry in oil to a ruddy look.
  2. I boil the frozen mushrooms in salted water, after 15 minutes we fold on the colander. The cooled large champignons we divide into parts, small - do not touch.
  3. Passerum is chicken by half rings onions to a soft state.
  4. Largely rubbed purified root roots, press the extra liquid, we place a mass of a smooth layer on the bottom of the flooded form.
  5. We post roasted pieces of meat on the potatoes, then we have mushrooms and onions. Pour the dish with fat cream, send for 30 minutes in the oven cabinet (180 ° C).
  6. Give the shape of the furnace, sprinkle with cheese chips, we continue to cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. onion repka - 4 pcs.;
  8. butter creamy - 60 g;
  9. home chicken - up to 2 kg;
  10. chile pods - 2 pcs;
  11. mature tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  12. garlic head;
  13. salt, seasoning hops-Sunnels;
  14. kinza and Parsley - on the beam.
  15. Cooking order:

    1. We rinse the chicken well, we divide into portion parts, put in a cauldron or thick-walled dishes.
    2. Clean the onions from the husk, shining half rings. In the same form we cut the sweet pepper (without seeds). Fry vegetables in a pan with butter, we send to the poultry meat.
    3. Wrap the tomatoes, dip in cold water, free from thin skin. Drit vegetables with cubes, we attach to the rest of the products.
    4. We put the closed dishes with the components chahokhbilted on fire. When the signs of boiling appear, we reduce the intensity of heating, the pasta of the courier up to 40 minutes.
    5. After a quarter of an hour from the start of heat treatment, we add chopped garlic into the cauldron, finely chopped chili pods, outbred greens, spices and seasonings. Mix all this tastiness, Tim for another 7 minutes.
    6. The main condition for the creation of a delicious salad "Caesar" is to use exclusively fresh and high-quality vegetables.

      Preparation steps:

      1. Chicken fillet poured with cold drinking water, add some salt, prepare to a soft but not a digestible state. Chilled meat disassemble or crumbled small cubes.
      2. We wash tomatoes and arugula well. Tomatoes share on thin slots, lay out in a deep salad bowl. Tender spicy grass with a wet paper towel, add to dishes.
      3. Boiled chicken (can be quail) eggs free from the shell, cut half rings, we attach to the rest of the products. Here we put chopped garlic and crackers.
      4. Let's refuel the eats of soy sauce, vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.

      Gently mix the Caesar salad with boiled meat, finish the design of a luxurious piece by pieces of the famous Dutch Gaud cheese.

      Chicken fillet in the foil in the oven

      Required products:

  • garlic teeth - 3 pcs.;
  • carrot;
  • asparagus - 250 g;
  • chicken fillet - 3 pcs.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mustard French - 40 g;
  • lean oil;
  • bow Red (Yalta).

Cooking process:

  1. We rinse chicken fillet, dried with a paper towel. Clean the carrots and onions, cut vegetables with thin circles.
  2. In the spacious bowl, we whip the egg, add oil (olive or butter) and mustard with grains. We season the composition missed through the press of garlic, salt and beloved spices.
  3. We put meat on the foil, watering the sauce, we have vegetables from above. Watch the products in paper, lay out on the tray.
  4. If we cook the fillet portion, each slice with vegetables wrap separately into the aluminum paper cut into squares. We bake the kushan 30 minutes at T 180 ° C.

Dietary meat dishes like chicken, especially useful baked in the oven. The foil saves the product from the heat of the oven, retains its juicy and gentle qualities in the cooked fillet.

Wings in soybean marinade

Component list:

  • garlic teeth - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • chicken wings - up to 10 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 20 ml;
  • lean oil;
  • salt, pepper, spices.

Preparation steps:

  1. We rinse the chicken joints well, separate the extreme phalanxies. If you wish, we leave these parts - the "hoarseness" lovers will not forgive us the lack of appetizing pieces.
  2. We combine the rest of the recipe ingredients in the cup, squeeze it through the press garlic, mix the soy-honey marinade. Pour the meat product with the resulting sauce, we leave for 2 hours in a closed form.
  3. We lay the chicken wings in the form for baking or in the culinary sleeve. It all depends on what result we wish to get: a dish with a ruddy glazed crust or softer and gentle meat.

Bake the wings of 40 minutes at T 190 ° C. We are fed hot with fresh vegetables and boiled young potatoes with dill.

Chicken chicken cutlets

Set of products:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • oil (sunflower or olive);
  • chicken breast - up to 500 g;
  • starch - 25 g;
  • salt, pepper, greens.

Methods of preparation:

  1. Separate from bone fillets, send it for 10 minutes in the freezer to simplify the subsequent product processing. Now easily divide meat on thin layers, then cut them into very small cubes. We lay out the product into spacious dishes.
  2. Add fresh egg, crushed greens and mayonnaise to the naked fillet. We mix the composition well, we attach starch, salt and pepper. We make stuffing races, send it for 2 hours in the fridge.
  3. Heat the frying pan with vegetable oil, get a chopped meat, form small cutlets. Fry to get a double-sided golden crust.

It takes quite a bit of culinary wisdom so that a slide at the dinner table is a slide of seductive golden chicken chicken kitt. They are such juicy, tender and attractive - so I want to bite off!

Casserole with potatoes and chicken in a slow cooker

The composition of the ingredients:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter creamy - 20 g;
  • home sour cream - 200 g;
  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • flour sifted - 90 g;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • paprika, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. When designing a dish, you can use chicken fillet in the form of minced meat, for which the pieces of meat are crushed together with the bow in the kitchen process. If desired, the bird fillets are cut by the smallest cubes, we connect with the chopped onions and the other components, make chopped meat minced meat.
  2. In any case, season the resulting mass of salt, spices and greens. We thoroughly mix products.
  3. In a separate bowl, we whip out fresh eggs, add tomato paste and sour cream, sift the flour. We thoroughly mix the composition before receiving a homogeneous consistency sauce.
  4. Lubricate the bowl of a multicooker with a creamy fat, put on the bottom of the layer of purified and sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin mugs of potatoes. We hide the tubers part of the cooked sauce, then lay the layer of chicken fillet (minced me).
  5. Complete the design of casseroles with circles of roots. We season them with salt and pepper, we proceed with a semi-liquid fill. Make sure that it penetrates all the upper layer slits.
  6. We choose to work the unit "Baking" program, set the time 60 + 30 minutes. The duration of the process depends on the preparedness of potato fractions.

Such a delightful casserole will never be served in the restaurant. This is an exclusive homemade masterpiece!

Gastronomic addictions accompany a person throughout the path of evolutionary development. Where humanity will go further - a big question, however, meat dishes will always delight people with their best tastes and fragrant flavors.

Meat is the main source of protein in our life. We eat it almost every day, complementing with different headings: vegetables, mushrooms, rice, buckwheat, porridge. Sometimes I still want something new and unusually tasty.

To do this, we have gathered you several recipes of dishes from different types of meat so that you can diversify your menu. Here and pork for lovers of hearty dishes; and chicken for those who are sitting on a diet; And beef for meat gourmets. You should like. Bon Appetit!

So, what to cook from meat? Let's start with the easiest type of meat - chicken. It is easy, for which that is not fatty (in comparison with two others). He is preferred athletes and people who comply with a certain diet.

Chicken meat is rich in protein and, probably, the most universal of all that is at the moment. From such meat you can cook everything that comes to mind. Moreover, add to pies / muffins / rolls as a filling.

Because in the tasting fight!

Chicken with mushrooms in sour cream out of the oven

Ingredients number
chicken meat - 600 gram
mushrooms - 200 grams
bulbs - 2 pcs.
margarina - 40 ml
sour cream - 1 cup
papriks - 10 grams
olive herbs - 10 grams
garlic - 3 Dolki.
Time for preparing: 50 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 105 kcal

How to cook:

  1. Mushrooms cut into slices and fry on cream oil to ruddy crust. Pre-heat for this frying pan, and then throw a piece of oil;
  2. Take 50 grams of oil and lubricate them a future form for baking. It is necessary so that the meat does not fit and dry;
  3. Grasp the breast paprika with herbs, spill and rub in black pepper;
  4. Place breasts in the prepared shape and lay out on top of the slices of roasted mushrooms. You can cut breasts along to be protected faster;
  5. Onions crush on thin half rings and lay out on mushrooms;
  6. Grind garlic with a knife or put it through the press and mix with sour cream. Avoid "garlic" lumps;
  7. Lubricate the fillet sour cream mixture and send to the oven, which is pre-warning;
  8. Bake in the oven about forty minutes at 180 degrees.

Chicken in cream sauce

  • 420 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 300 ml cream (20%);
  • 50 grams of flour;
  • 25 ml mustard;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • 1.5 table. Spoons of vegetable oil.

The duration of cooking is 40 minutes.

Calorie - 145 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking chicken cooking:

  1. Rinse fillet under running water and cut into small pieces;
  2. Pour oil, on a hot frying pan, warm and add meat;
  3. Fry a chicken to a golden crust. It is about 10 minutes. Need to "catch" the crust;
  4. During these 10 minutes you can cook sauce: to pour the cream into the sauceum and connect them with mustard. Leave on the stove to remove with small fire;
  5. A few minutes later in the sauce add some black pepper and butter. Do not stop cooking cream sauce, mixing it thoroughly;
  6. Add flour to several pieces, constantly stirring the wedge sauce to avoid the formation of lumps. To do this, it would be good to use sieve. Salt;
  7. The sauce will gradually be thick. As soon as it happens - pour it to meat;
  8. Preparing meat with sauce no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the sauce will begin to turn around and the formation of unnecessary infants will go;
  9. Serve to the table with any garnish.

Fillet with curry sauce

  • ½ kg of chicken fillet;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 3 small garlic slices;
  • 10 grams of curry;
  • 25 ml of tomato paste;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 50 ml of sour cream;
  • 25 grams of flour.

Time for cooking - 55 minutes.

Calorie - 170 calories per 100 grams.

Cooking the dish:

  1. Clear from the peel and finely cut the bulb in a convenient way;
  2. Put garlic through the press;
  3. Onions and garlic fry on a chipped frying pan. Reach transparent color;
  4. Wash chicken fillet under running water, dry towels and cut into pieces, comfortable for use;
  5. Add a chicken to the pan and leave about 15 minutes, periodically turning the meat to "grab" from all sides;
  6. Sprinkle a chicken with a spice Carry, a pasta of tomatoes and mix thoroughly so that every piece get a "new taste";
  7. Connect sour cream with flour and water. Bring to homogeneous consistency without lumps;
  8. Pour the chicken and expect a delicious sauce. To do this - to write;
  9. After sauce boils, stew 25 minutes on quiet fire;
  10. Serve hot with your favorite garnish.

What to cook from meat for lunch

Pig meat is very satisfying, as it is fatty enough (next to beef and chicken), but before lamb, for example, he is still far away. The most popular pork dishes are goulash, kebab, home rolls. You are two simple and very tasty recipes that can easily be implemented on your dining table. Be prepared that guests and relatives will ask for an additive.

Pork with vegetables

  • 350 grams of pork cores;
  • 1 big carrot;
  • 1 major bulb;
  • 1 green and 1 red pepper;
  • 75 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 2 table. Spoons of soy sauce.

Cooking time is 30 minutes.

Calorie - 131 kcal per 100 grams.

How to cook a dish:

  1. Fillet wash, clean from extra film and possible streaks;
  2. Dry paper towels and cut 7-8 mm slices;
  3. Fry meat on butter from two sides. Side to keep more than 5 minutes, otherwise pork will dry;
  4. After 5 minutes, pour into the pan / Sawsean Soy Sauce and stew about 5 minutes;
  5. Season with black pepper on both sides;
  6. Cut with straw sweet pepper;
  7. Also cut carrots;
  8. Onions crush on a semiring;
  9. Add root to meat and cook, often stirring, until full of carrots;
  10. After the time of time, add pepper for moments three, no more. Let the pepper remain in the degree of preparation of Al-Dente. Lungs crunch and freshness of peppers will not hurt the dish;
  11. Serve with a garnish or as a separate dish.

Pork with tomato sauce

  • 600 grams of pork meat;
  • 1 small bulbs;
  • 50 ml of tomato sauce;
  • 75 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 1 cup of water.

Time for cooking - 30 minutes.

Calorie dishes - 1337 kcal.

How to prepare pork in tomatoes:

  1. Pork wash, dry and cut unnecessary films, streaks;
  2. Cut meat with big pieces (not as on kebabs, of course);
  3. Pour the oil in the pan and split it to the "haze". After that, pour meat into the oil and fry no more than four minutes from all sides. Meat must find a ruddy color during this time. That is, it is pretty grabbed;
  4. Boil a glass of water;
  5. Clean the peel and arbitrarily chop it;
  6. Connect the bulb with meat. Wait for the golden color of the bow;
  7. Next - pour water and leave pork to steal no more than 15 minutes;
  8. After the meat becomes softer, add tomato sauce / juice / paste with black pepper and salt. Mix;
  9. When a very little sauce remains in the pan, since most evaporated, you can serve!

What can be cooked from beef and veal for dinner

Beef and veal - two most expensive products on today's meat market. It appreciates above, rather than pork or chicken. You just look at these red and burgundy meat pieces on store shelves. So I want to eat.

It is unlikely that you will think so in the shelf with chicken breasts or pork goulash. The calves meat looks like a pork, but it is more "light," since it contains much less fats.

Because if you are a connoisseur of such good and high-quality meat, like beef or veal, these recipes for you.

Poloninsky veal

  • 0.5 kg of veal;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 3 large tomatoes;
  • 3 sweet peppers.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie - 105 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking veal:

  1. Meat wash and cut into as a goulash. Beat off and season your favorite spices;
  2. Preheat the frying pan with butter on a small burner;
  3. Pieces of meat to cut in flour and fry a little on a hot frying pan. No need to bring them to complete readiness;
  4. Onions crush on a small cube or semiring;
  5. Tomatoes cut into cubes, and pepper crumple with straw;
  6. Put out onions, bring it to ruddy color, then add vegetables and continue to extinguish everything together in a pan about 10 minutes;
  7. Next, get the cast iron dishes or a saucepan with thick walls and bottom;
  8. Lay the first layer of vegetables (about 3 centimeters);
  9. Second layer - meat, and then vegetables again;
  10. Alternate layers while there is meat. At the very top there must be vegetables. Take care of this, otherwise the juice with them does not heat meat and it will remain dry or even raw.
  11. On small fire to bring the dish no more than 40 minutes;
  12. Best side dish - rice. You can cook it while meat comes.

Beef under cheese

  • 500 grams of beef;
  • 300 grams of cheese;
  • 3 mid-bulbs;
  • 10 grams of mustard;
  • 130 ml of mayonnaise.

Time cooking - 1 hour.

Calorie - 247 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the meat under running water;
  2. Cut extra accommodation and films;
  3. Cut the beef with such pieces as on chops;
  4. Repeat meat, slightly providing spices;
  5. Connect mustard with mayonnaise together;
  6. Grease the shape of baking with vegetable oil;
  7. Share pieces of meat into the shape and grate their finished sauce;
  8. Onions cut into rings;
  9. Share ready-made rings on beef pieces. Distribute it evenly;
  10. Grate cheese on any grater and sprinkle meat;
  11. Bake french meat about 50 minutes;
  12. Serve as a separate dish or with a garnish.

The meat is actually easy. The main thing is to do it with love, with passion and desire. And then any dish in your performance will be a masterpiece!