How many kcal in the yolk. How many calories are in eggs by type of preparation: raw, fried and hard-boiled and soft-boiled

28.04.2019 Meat dishes

Chicken egg - affordable, dietary, simple, tasty, inexpensive product using...

A chicken egg is an affordable, dietary, simple, tasty, inexpensive product that is very popular with consumers. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, croutons - all these dishes are great option breakfast or dinner. Since ancient times, people have been using this product for food, so about it useful properties ah well known.

Chicken eggs come in two categories: table and dietary. On sale you can find products with the appropriate labeling - C and D. A chicken egg is called a dietary egg in the first 7 days after it has been laid by a chicken, and after a week it is already called a table egg.

In modern cooking, eggs are used everywhere. They are added to pastries, desserts, first and second courses, salads, snacks, and even some drinks. There are many recipes where eggs are present. This product can not only be boiled in a shell or fried in a pan. Eggs can be microwaved, baked in the oven, and boiled in boiling water without the shell.

Chicken eggs are an excellent source nutrients. They contain healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements important for human health. Unlike other protein products, an egg is absorbed by the body by 97-98%. Eggs are included in the diet of people who monitor their health and weight. The product has unique composition, so it renders positive impact on the human condition.

Chicken eggs: description

Chickens are the source healthy meat and egg producers. They are bred in almost all corners. the globe. People started using chicken eggs over 2,000 years ago. Chicken eggs are oblong in shape, and depending on the age, breed, weight and diet of the bird, they can vary in size and color. The product consists of a shell, protein and yolk. The color of the egg does not affect its useful and nutritional qualities. In eggs, both protein and yolk are equally useful. The shell is also widely used in folk medicine and agriculture. In cooking, eggs serve both as a separate dish and as an ingredient for soups, salads, appetizers and other dishes.

Chicken eggs: composition

Eggs have a truly unique composition. They include 12 essential vitamins: A, E, D, PP, H, K, B vitamins, namely B1, B2, B4 and B9 and others. By the amount of vitamin D, egg yolk is second only to fish oil. Chicken eggs contain such micro and macro elements: phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, potassium and others. In addition, eggs are rich in essential amino acids.

Chicken egg white contains about 90% water and 10% protein. The yolk is made up of cholesterol and fat. In the total mass, the share of protein accounts for about 56%, the yolk is 32%, and the share of the shell is 12%.

Egg yolk contains most of the fat, but it consists mainly of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acid contained in smaller quantities.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include:

  • Linolenic acid - 2%;
  • Linoleic acid - 16%.

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Oleic acid - 47%;
  • Palmitoleic acid - 5%.

Saturated fatty acids include:

  • Myristic acid - 1%;
  • Palmitic acid - 23%;
  • Stearic acid - 4%.

Eggs contain 96% of minerals, the amount of calcium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, cobalt and iron is increased.

How many calories are in a chicken egg?

The calorie content of a chicken egg is directly related to its size. The calorie content of an average egg is approximately 70 kcal, big egg it will tighten by about 80 kcal, and a very large one - by 90 kcal. So how many calories are in an egg?

Egg calories is about 150-157 kcal per 100 g. Of these: proteins - 51 kcal, fats - 103 kcal, carbohydrates - 3 kcal.

If you buy eggs big size, then their calorie content will be higher. A pair of eggs is about 120-150 g.

How many calories in 1 egg? One raw egg contains about 70 kcal.

Many people are also interested in: "How many calories are in a fried egg?". calories fried egg can reach 350 kcal, depending on the amount of oil. So, for example, if you pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil into a pan, you will get an additional 152 kcal (1 tablespoon contains 17 g of oil \u003d 152 kcal). If you are using a pan with non-stick coating and add just a couple of drops of oil, then there is nothing to worry about. If you pour oil from the heart or make scrambled eggs in lard, then the calorie content finished product will be much higher.

So, how many calories in scrambled eggs from 2 eggs? We make simple calculations: 2 medium-sized raw eggs are about 120 grams \u003d 188-190 kcal. Add the calorie content of the oil - 1 tablespoon (17 g) \u003d 152 kcal. Total we get 190 + 152 = 342 kcal. For those who are on a low-carb diet, this figure may be too high. If you want to lose weight, then it is better to eat a couple of boiled eggs with vegetables for breakfast.

Soft boiled egg calories- 95 kcal (for an egg weighing 60 g).

Hard boiled egg calories- 96 kcal (for an egg weighing 60 g).

egg white calories(23g piece) - 10 kcal.

egg yolk calories(20 g piece) - 70 kcal.

Chicken eggs: useful properties

Eggs have a unique composition, so doctors and nutritionists often talk about their beneficial properties. In general, it has been proven that:

  • The use of chicken eggs serves as an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Protect against cataracts and provide beneficial effect for vision;
  • Significantly reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases, including breast cancer;
  • Have a beneficial effect on digestive system, and also help to cope with peptic ulcers;
  • Eggs have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, increase mental abilities and improve memory;
  • The product saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals that help strengthen immune system;
  • Benefit bone tissue, since vitamin D, which is part of the eggs, promotes the absorption of calcium, which is vital for the development of a strong skeleton;
  • Very useful for muscle growth and development, which is due to the fact that egg protein is much more effective than milk protein or beef protein;
  • Eggs are an antidepressant, improve mood, have a positive effect on nervous system;
  • The product improves the condition of nails, hair and teeth;
  • They are an integral part of the diet of athletes and all people leading active image life;
  • Eggs contain folic acid, so they are useful not only for women planning a pregnancy, but also for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Eggs are a healthy product for men because they improve the quality of sperm, which is also important when planning a pregnancy;
  • Scientific studies have confirmed that eating a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast promotes weight loss.

Chicken eggs: contraindications and possible risks

The main danger that chicken eggs can pose is the possibility of contracting salmonellosis. Doctors recommend washing eggs under warm water, wash hands thoroughly before preparing food, and do not eat raw food. Raw egg lovers are at greater risk than others.

Excessive consumption of eggs leads to a large load on the kidneys.

There is an opinion that chicken eggs, namely the yolk, contain an excessive amount of fat and increase cholesterol. In connection with the existing theory, many athletes eat only proteins, fearing fat from the yolks. However, recent studies have shown that eggs contain a substance - lecithin, which balances the level of "bad" and "good" cholesterol, which makes the product absolutely safe. Thus, it was found that eggs do not affect the increase in "bad" cholesterol, but, on the contrary, are an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis. Therefore, everyone who wants to improve their health and lose weight can eat chicken eggs without fear.

The benefits of a chicken egg are simply colossal. Both protein and yolk are useful in their own way, and together they represent an almost ideal (from a nutritional point of view) product. Egg white is much healthier than fish, dairy or meat. Exactly chicken protein most easily absorbed by the body, and brings solid benefit. The use of eggs helps to strengthen the immune system and speedy recovery from certain diseases.

The yolk is a treasure trove of vitamins and useful elements. It includes biotin, lecithin and choline, as well as vitamins A, B and E. In addition, it saturates the human body with phosphorus and iron. Phosphorus, in turn, has a great effect on the nervous system and brain function.

Boiled chicken eggs: calories, composition, benefits and harms

Parts of a chicken egg differ not only in composition, but also in taste. Protein and yolk are often used separately in cooking. Chicken eggs are exposed various types heat treatment and are sometimes used raw. Eggs are usually boiled, fried, or baked. There are also recipes for pickled and stuffed eggs.

Actually, boiled eggs- This food product, which has undergone heat treatment and is used as a separate dish or an ingredient in main courses, appetizers, desserts, etc. Eggs serve as a filling for baking, as well as meat rolls, fish casseroles etc.

Boiled eggs keep everything useful vitamins and minerals, so breakfast or a snack in the form of a boiled egg - great way satisfy hunger. Doctors, nutritionists, athletes talk about the benefits of eggs.

There are 3 main types of boiled eggs:

  • Soft-boiled egg;
  • hard-boiled egg;
  • Boiled egg in a bag.

Chicken eggs can be boiled for a couple of minutes, or you can cook for 10 minutes. It all depends on what result you want to get. During cooking, salt can be added to the water so that the egg does not leak out if it cracks during cooking.

  • The soft-boiled egg is boiled for 2-3 minutes.
  • Egg "in a bag" - 5-6 minutes.
  • Hard boiled egg - up to 10 minutes.

Chicken eggs can be baked in the oven along with cheese and vegetables, you can fry classic scrambled eggs, but you can do very delicious omelette. In addition, eggnog is made from eggs, they are added to dough, meatballs, cocktails. Eggs can even be pickled or pickled. There is no limit to the flight of fantasy. The product goes well with vegetables, herbs, cheese.

How many eggs can you eat in a week?

There is no doubt that eggs are a very useful product. However, for many years there has been a debate among doctors and nutritionists about how many eggs can be eaten per week? Some experts claim that optimal amount- 2-3 eggs per week, others say that you can eat up to 5 eggs, and still others advise not to be limited at all. Who is right? According to recent studies, eggs do not increase cholesterol levels, so they can be eaten almost every day. People who already have cholesterol problems should limit their intake. this product.

So, for example, bodybuilders, in preparation for competitions, can eat up to a dozen eggs a day, in addition to other products. In addition, there are several popular diets based on eating 2 to 4 eggs per day.

Older people tend to believe that eggs are a dangerous product and you can eat it no more than twice a week. modern science refutes these ideas and finds new evidence that frequent use eating eggs and high cholesterol not related in any way.

A person who leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports, can eat as many eggs as he wants, but without overeating. It is important to remember that any, even the most useful product, with overuse turns into poison. If the cholesterol level is no longer normal, there are diseases of the kidneys and liver, then it is better to refuse eggs or reduce them to 2-4 pieces per week. The norm can only be determined by a doctor, after an examination.

3.9 out of 5

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on our table. They are good in quality self-dish, and as a component of many types of salads, eggs are also needed when baking confectionery. Eggs are highly nutritious and contain great amount valuable minerals and vitamins for health. But what is their energy value, how many calories are in an egg? It depends on the size and quality of the eggs. Eggs produced by hens in households are considered to be more nutritious and richer in vitamins and minerals. A chicken egg weighs 45-65 grams. The calorie content of 1 egg is 60-80 kcal.

How useful are eggs for weight loss

In the presence of excess weight it is required to compose a diet in such a way that, on the one hand, a certain energy deficit is created in the body, on the other hand, the body must receive a complex of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

From this point of view, eggs for weight loss are ideal.: they are highly nutritious, relatively low in calories and are well absorbed by the body. Eggs contain 12 types of vitamins, including vitamins A, E, D, group B. Among the vitamins of group B is choline (vitamin B4), the main value of which lies in the ability to emulsify cholesterol and regulate fat metabolism. In addition to vitamins, eggs contain iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus, cobalt and other trace elements.

As you know, eggs are made up of white and yolk. The yolk makes up only 33% of the total content of the egg, but it accounts for most of the calories - in the yolk they are three to four times more than in the protein. Therefore, when asking how many calories are in an egg, it is important to understand that most of them are concentrated in the yolk.

Previously, the yolk was recommended to be completely excluded from the diet due to the fact that it contains a lot of cholesterol. However, today it is already known that the choline contained in the yolk does not allow cholesterol to form deposits on the walls of blood vessels. So for people with normal cholesterol levels, the yolk cannot hurt.

Protein according to nutritional properties second only to breast milk. Protein contains an almost complete set of amino acids necessary for normal life. human body. The calorie content of egg white, per 100 g of product, is only 50 kcal. 85-90% of egg white is water, about 10-12% is proteins. It contains less than one percent carbohydrates - approximately 0.7-0.8%. And a very small amount of fat - about 0.3%. Therefore, deciding to use eggs for weight loss, you should give preference to proteins. But you should not completely abandon the yolks, as they contain many components valuable for health, in particular, lecithin, which is necessary to increase mental performance and strengthen memory.

How many calories are in an egg - depends on the method of preparation

When boiling eggs without violating the integrity of the shell, their calorie content practically does not change:

  • medium-sized raw egg (1 pc.) - 70-75 kcal, 100 g - 157 kcal;
  • soft-boiled egg (1 pc.) - 71-76 kcal, 100 g - 159 kcal;
  • egg boiled "in a bag" (1 pc.) - 70-75 kcal, 100 g - 157 kcal;
  • hard-boiled egg (1 pc.) - 72-77 kcal, 100 g - 160 kcal.

The calorie content of soft-boiled eggs and the calorie content of hard-boiled eggs are almost the same.. However, with the same calorie content, soft-boiled eggs are more easily absorbed by the body. They can be given preference in the event that the possibility of their contamination with Salmonella is completely excluded.

When preparing eggs in other ways, their calorie content can vary significantly. For example, fried eggs contain calories from 184 (omelet) to 243 (fried eggs), per 100 g of product. A significant change in calorie content is due to the addition of oil.

The calorie content of hard-boiled, soft-boiled, “pouched” eggs meets the requirements of dietary nutrition

In the presence of excess weight, the diet is designed in such a way that energy consumption prevails over the amount of energy that a person receives from food. Food should be as nutritious as possible rich in vitamins but still low in calories. Eggs meet these requirements in the best possible way, given that how many calories are in eggs and how high is their nutritional value. Since fried eggs are too high in calories due to the addition of fats, it is advisable to exclude them from the menu. But soft-boiled or hard-boiled can be consumed daily, in the amount of 1-2 pieces for women and 2-3 pieces for men.

People with increased level it is better to refuse cholesterol from yolks. Yes, the action of choline neutralizes the action of cholesterol contained in the yolk, but there is no certainty how the body will behave when receiving a daily portion of these substances. In addition, you remember how many calories are in an egg and that the lion's share of them comes from the yolk. The calorie content of egg white is much less, and you can be sure that the process of losing weight will be more efficient. In particular, it can be recommended to cook an omelet from 3 proteins. It is best baked in the oven using non-stick pans.

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of eggs for weight loss. To resolve them, you need to understand how many calories an egg contains, and how this indicator changes depending on the cooking method.

Good day, friends healthy lifestyle life! Long time it was considered that in domestic egg, besides useful substances, contains a lot of cholesterol, and their use is harmful to health, accelerates the development of atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Research in this area has refuted this fact. It turns out that the yolk contains not only harmful cholesterol, but also lecithin. This substance neutralizes the action of harmful fatty alcohol.

Product benefits

When it was possible to prove that there are more useful substances than harmful ones, the product became an indispensable component of many weight loss programs. Average weight one "gift from the chicken" is equal to 45 grams. It contains water (about 50% in the yolk), proteins, fats, and minerals. Almost no carbohydrates.

Impressive vitamin composition. Fresh egg contains vitamin A, E, D, K, PP and group B. 1 pc. high content of minerals and trace elements, such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, etc. The main benefit is the presence of easily digestible protein. Protein is the main material for building muscles. One chicken "gift" contains 15% of the daily protein requirement.

Protein combined with the yolk gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Its regular consumption in boiled, fried or raw form provides a person with strong muscles, and also guarantees:

  • improvement of brain function;
  • disinfectant and antimicrobial effect;
  • prevention of vascular diseases;
  • maintaining a high level of lipid metabolism and metabolism;
  • normalization of the liver;
  • strengthening the immune system and stabilizing the functioning of the endocrine system.

They are introduced into the human diet in boiled after the child is 7 months old. It is important to be careful, because the yolk of a boiled egg contains substances that cause an allergic reaction. To accustom children to new food should be carefully and gradually. Adult healthy man can consume 1 pc. in a day. If there are health problems or an increased level is noted in the blood, the amount should be reduced to 2-3 pcs. in Week.


100 grams of a raw chicken egg contains almost 160 kcal. Heat treatment method and additional ingredients affect the calorie content of the product, namely:

  • a hard-boiled egg (in relation to 100 grams) contains 50 calories;
  • in a soft-boiled product - 70 kcal;
  • fried on sunflower oil- 125 kcal, on cream - 270 kcal, when cooked without oil - 100 kcal;
  • fried eggs contain almost 250 calories, and scrambled eggs of 3 pieces nutritional value goes off scale for 250 kcal;
  • in classic omelette calorie content does not exceed 300 kcal; on a diet, a dish is often prepared without yolk, so it is possible to reduce calories by more than half;
  • in a poached egg, provided that the product is of medium size, the calorie content does not exceed 65 kcal.

There are no more than 30 calories in the protein of one egg, so people on a diet often consume only the white tender part. The product goes well with other foods, especially with vegetables - tomatoes, onions, lettuce, celery. You can harm the body and figure if you consume the product with mayonnaise, sauces, bacon and other fatty foods.

The best way to prepare fresh eggs. You can check this indicator in water (read the instructions). Exist diet recipes cooking in the microwave, multicooker, etc.

For comparison

The chicken product is often compared to "derivatives" from other birds. Therefore, we offer you a small scheme with the calorie content of several types of eggs:

  • A quail egg (100 gr.) contains 168 kcal. At the same time, the product does not cause allergic reactions and is characterized by a richer composition. There are 2 times more vitamins, amino acids and minerals in them than in chicken.

  • A raw ostrich egg has a calorie content of 118 units per 100 grams. However, the product is 20-30 times larger than the usual chicken.

  • Goose has 370 calories. It is several times larger than chicken. Energy value 100 gr. product is 185 calories.

  • Turkey egg is characterized by 170 calories per 100 grams of product. This type is not used in the diet menu, because it contains a lot of fat.

For those who are losing weight or just watching their figure, counting daily calories is very important. Now you know how many calories are in chicken and other types of eggs, and you can properly think through your diet. If you liked our article, share it on your social media page. networks. We thank all those who are not indifferent. See you soon!

But how useful are they, how many calories are in a boiled egg and cooked in a different way? All this is of interest to those who are on a diet and not only. About their calorie content and beneficial properties and will be discussed in the material.

Calories in boiled eggs

100 grams of a chicken egg contains about 160 kcal, on average, one piece weighs about 70 grams. Accordingly, one boiled egg will have a calorie content of 80 kcal, two pieces - 160 kcal, respectively. This amount of calories is considered optimal for breakfast, you will also saturate your body necessary quantity elements such as:

  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • trace elements.

Egg white is good even with a diet, because it is absorbed almost entirely, and represents to the body great benefit than meat, milk or fish protein. The calorie content of the product in boiled and raw form is practically the same.

Many mistakenly believe that these products are harmful to the body due to the fact that they contain a lot of cholesterol, but this is not at all the case. They contain only up to 2 percent of it, but there are much more lecithins, so if you have it in the morning boiled eggs, you will not be afraid of atherosclerosis.

A hard boiled egg can be stored for 10 days, but in fresh they are much better so it is best to boil them just before eating them. It takes about 5 minutes to cook.

The most useful are raw foods, but no one can guarantee that they will not contain salmonellosis.

The number of calories in the yolk and protein separately

The calorie content of the yolk and protein is also different. Most of the calories are in the yolk, and in the protein they are three times less.

Everyone knows that an egg consists of protein and yolk. So, the calorie content of protein per 100 grams is only 17 kcal, it is equal to a quarter of total calories. There are almost no fats in the protein, it is in it that all useful amino acids and B vitamins.

But the calorie content of the yolk is 50 kcal. It contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron and other trace elements.

Components of the boiled product

Contrary to common myths about harmfulness and high calorie content these products, they are great for diet food when losing weight.

So, they contain a total of 12 types of vitamins. By the amount of vitamin D, the egg is second only to fish oil. And it also has a lot of minerals, for example;

  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron.

Calorie count for other cooking methods

We looked at how many calories are in a hard-boiled egg, and below we will consider what its energy value will be if cooked by other methods.

How many calories are in a boiled egg

If you boil it soft-boiled, its usefulness will be the same, and the calorie content of one piece will be about 70 kcal. Such a product is completely digested within 2 hours. To cook a soft-boiled egg, you need to boil it for up to 5 minutes. The yolk in it should have a semi-liquid state, soft-boiled eggs should only be eaten hot.

Many people like to fry scrambled eggs in the morning, of course, the question of its calorie content remains relevant for some. One fried egg without oil has 110 calories. But their number increases if it is fried in fatty oil.

Therefore, when calculating the number of calories in a fried egg, be sure to consider not only the egg itself, but also the oil in which you cooked it. Typically, calories ready meal is more than 170 kcal, this figure is more than twice the calorie content of the boiled product. So fried foods not included in the diet for weight loss diets they are too high in calories.

But if you watch your figure, but are not able to deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating for breakfast fried eggs, fry only proteins, because they have a minimum of carbohydrates and zero fat.

Omelet and its calorie content

Omelet is one of the most common egg dishes who are preparing for breakfast. It is very easy to prepare it:

  • beat 2 eggs with milk;
  • pour the mass into the pan, warming up a little oil in it before that.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 118 kcal, if you cook an omelette from proteins alone, then it will be only 85 kcal. The number of calories increases dramatically if you add tomato or cheese to an omelette, with both ingredients it is 342 kcal.

Egg calorie table in different forms

Below is a brief list of the calorie content of this product in one form or another, indicating the usefulness:

This product is great for inclusion not only in a diet for weight loss, but also for clinical nutrition and for general health promotion. It has such useful properties:

Naturally, there are many useful products, which contains fewer calories than in a boiled egg, but it is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty, especially for breakfast. And if you want to enjoy the taste of this product and double the amount of vitamins consumed, then try quail eggs. But remember that their calorie content is higher than that of chicken and is about 150 kcal per piece.

Boiled eggs are a confident product in terms of calorie content, healthy and tasty. Eating 2 pieces for breakfast will keep you feeling full for a long time.

When compiling diet menu, you need to know the calorie content of 1 pc. boiled egg. It is a valuable product for the human body, which enriches it. useful components. There are two main ways to cook boiled eggs: hard-boiled and soft-boiled (with runny yolk). Both options differ in heat treatment time. It takes about 10 minutes to boil an egg. To prepare a soft-boiled egg, boil it for 2-4 minutes.

On a note! Chicken boiled egg energy value can be equated to meat products, but its calorie content is much lower.

The number of calories in a boiled egg

How many calories are in a boiled egg? On average, the calorie content of 1 pc. reaches 70 kilocalories. To say exactly how many calories are in a boiled egg, you need to know the duration of its heat treatment. If you calculate the number of calories not in 1 piece, but taking into account the weight of the product, the values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be different.

The table will help you understand the calorie content of a boiled egg.

The table shows that the most high-calorie part of a chicken egg is the yolk. The smallest amount of kilocalories is found in egg white, so it is recommended to use it when losing weight. In fact, the calorie content of a soft-boiled and hard-boiled egg is not much different.

On a note! In 100 g raw egg contains 157 kcal. fried product is high in calories.

Table nutritional value boiled egg is presented below.

Egg composition

A chicken egg, regardless of whether it is hard-boiled or soft-boiled, contains a large amount of useful substances:

  • biotin;
  • vitamins of almost all groups;
  • trace elements (magnesium, zinc and others);
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fats;
  • omega acids.

On a note! The egg contains a lot of protein and few calories, which makes the product valuable for athletes.

Due to such a rich composition, eggs have a positive effect on the work of the entire human body. However, in some cases, eating them is not recommended. In order not to harm your health, you must first study the list of not only useful properties, but also contraindications.

On a note! The yolk of one egg contains a third of the daily cholesterol requirement, necessary for the body person.

Beneficial features

The benefits of boiled eggs on the human body are as follows:

  • vitamin D, which in large numbers contained in egg yolk, participates in the formation of bones and teeth, strengthens the nervous system;
  • choline, present in egg white, improves mental performance;
  • blood pressure is restored;
  • antioxidant effect is achieved due to selenium and polyunsaturated acids;
  • due to the presence of tryptophan, serotonin, niacin, tyrazine are actively produced, which helps to improve concentration, improve the functions of the reproductive system, improve mood;
  • the presence of omega acids in eggs allows you to cleanse blood vessels, helps prevent atherosclerosis, proper formation fetus when using the product by women during pregnancy;
  • thanks to vitamin K, the human body recovers more easily after a heart attack;
  • due to the presence of vitamin E, skin, hair, nails improve;
  • certain components that make up a chicken egg improve blood clotting, so the product is indicated for uterine and other types of bleeding;
  • due to lutein, the effect of retinol and carotene is enhanced;
  • the liver is cleansed of toxins and other substances that poison it;
  • hemoglobin rises;
  • assistance in the recovery of the body after operations.

On a note! Chicken eggs are considered natural aphrodisiacs. With regular intake of food, sexual desire increases.

And eggs help fight insomnia and reduce the likelihood of nightmares. Therefore, they are recommended to be consumed in the evening, 3 hours before bedtime.

Boiled chicken eggs are an indispensable product in the diet of athletes. It has an optimal balance of protein and amino acids, which contributes to burning excess fat and accelerating growth. muscle mass. In this case, it can be argued that boiled eggs are useful in losing weight. They contain few calories and many nutrients, as well as protein, which is necessary for burning fat.


In some cases, eggs are not recommended. Under certain conditions, they can cause not so much benefit as harm to human health. Do not forget about the high content of cholesterol in the yolk. Therefore, people prone to thrombosis should carefully introduce eggs into the diet or prefer protein. True, the opinions of scientists on this matter differ.

On a note! Modern scientists have made a statement that eggs contain extremely useful cholesterol, which does not harm the human body. In their opinion, the presence of yolk in the diet is not dangerous and has nothing to do with the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Eggs are not recommended for people suffering from cholelithiasis, allergic reactions for products of animal origin. It is forbidden to introduce them into the diet with individual intolerance to the body of individual components.

In the absence of contraindications, nothing prevents you from boiling an egg daily and enjoying it.

How to boil an egg correctly?

Boil eggs in the following way:

  1. Load the required number of pieces into cold water and place in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. To prevent the egg from bursting, it is recommended to pierce the shell with a needle from the side of the blunt end.
  3. Salt the water.
  4. Boil after boiling for a certain time.

Immerse the finished eggs in cold water so that they are easier to peel after cooling.