Coconut oil - uses, benefits and harms. Why coconut oil is the healthiest food on the planet

09.10.2019 Lenten dishes


Coconut pulp extract is popular in folk and traditional medicine, cooking and cosmetology. What is the use of coconut oil, and what harm can it do to humans? Let's get acquainted with the opinion of doctors and cosmetologists.

What is this product

Coconut oil is obtained by pressing (hot or cold) the pulp of a nut. In the first case, it does not retain a large number of valuable properties, but is relatively cheap. Cold pressed product is more valuable, but its cost is several times higher. In this case, it is possible to obtain only 10% of the fat contained in the fruit volume.

In addition, the following types of coconut oil are distinguished:

  • Unrefined - has a pronounced aroma, since it is not thoroughly cleaned. This product is popular in cooking.
  • Deodorized. The raw materials are purified or refined in a special way to obtain a high quality product. It does not have a strongly pronounced odor, becomes more transparent and is used mainly for cosmetic purposes.


Natural oil is a rather thick yellowish mass that becomes soft and transparent at room temperature. Already at +25 ºС it acquires a liquid consistency.

The product contains practically only fats - saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated.

Refined or unrefined extract contains a lot of fatty acids, which is its distinctive property. These substances are not able to quickly transform into fatty deposits and are characterized by high digestibility.

Coconut oil contains about 890 kcal per 100 grams, which comes from fat - 13.6 grams per 100 grams.

Beneficial features

The product has the following positive qualities:

  • Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, which provokes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • It is able to slow down the aging process in the human body.
  • Continuous use can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Contains substances that make the walls of blood vessels more elastic.
  • People with epilepsy who systematically use coconut oil for medicinal purposes report a significant decrease in the number of seizures.
  • Helps get rid of varicose veins.
  • It has a positive effect on the metabolism in the body, therefore it is often used for weight loss.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Improves the digestion process when taken regularly.
  • Helps to improve liver function and reduce the load on it.
  • Significantly improves immunity and prevents the development of many infectious diseases. Has a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect.
  • Effectively fights kidney stones.
  • Helps to normalize blood sugar levels and prevent the development of diabetes.
  • It has a positive effect on bones and teeth. It improves the assimilation of many nutrients by the body, without which tissues cannot function normally.

Product harm

The oil is very useful, but in some cases its use is undesirable. There are the following contraindications to its use:

  • Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, there is a high probability of developing an allergic reaction.
  • With its excessive use, it cannot be absorbed by the body, which entails an unnecessary load on all internal organs.
  • People suffering from chronic pancreatitis or cholecystitis need to take it with caution inside and reduce the dosage. The product is capable of exacerbating these diseases.

How to use the extract for beauty

Coconut vegetable oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes. We offer 8 effective recipes:

Slimming products

Many nutritionists advise using coconut fat for weight loss. The positive effect of this product is due to the presence in its composition of a large number of various acids.

When ingested, a person observes a decrease in appetite, an improvement in metabolic processes, which leads to a gradual weight loss. In this case, one should not forget about a balanced diet and regular sports.

Taking a weight loss and wellness product:

  • instead of breakfast, a tablespoon;
  • 20 minutes before the main meal, 1 tablespoon.

To get a quality product with numerous beneficial properties, you need to carefully approach its choice. In this case, you need to follow these tips:

  • Purchase a product made by a reputable company at a certified store or pharmacy to protect against counterfeiting.
  • The product must be stored under optimal conditions. If you do not adhere to the rules specified by the manufacturer, it loses all its beneficial properties.
  • For food or for cosmetic purposes, you can use the oil that hardens when the temperature drops.
  • We must not forget that the substance normally has a slight sediment and an unclear color..

Is it possible to prepare the remedy yourself

To make coconut oil at home, you need to follow these guidelines:

  1. Pour 950 ml of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour the pulp of two ripe nuts into a container. It is best to grate it.
  3. Pour the hot mixture into a blender bowl and beat until smooth.
  4. When the pulp is crushed, it is necessary to strain everything through several layers of gauze.
  5. It is recommended to pour boiling water over the grounds that remained on the strainer and squeeze them out.
  6. The resulting liquid is sent to the stove and brought to a boil, and then boiled for an hour. As a result, the fat will separate and rise to the top.

Storage rules

Storing the product at home requires compliance with the following rules:

  • After opening the package, keep the product in a glass bottle that is tightly closed and does not allow air to pass through.
  • The nutritional value of the extract will not change if it is located in a place where there is no direct sunlight.
  • The optimum temperature is less than 20 degrees, humidity is up to 60%.
  • It is best to place unrefined fat in a refrigerator where the temperature does not exceed +7 ºС.

The use of coconut oil for cosmetic purposes or for the health of the body will be effective if used regularly. This product is extremely useful and suitable for almost every person, but do not forget about the possibility of individual intolerance.

Rumors about the colossal benefits of coconut oil do not stop.

Are they so reliable?

Or is coconut oil harmful?

Coconut oil: composition, calorie content, types

Coconut oil is a kind of vegetable fat, which is obtained by pressing the dried pulp of a nut (copra). The oil is expensive because it is extracted in a long and painstaking way.

Composition and calorie content

Coconut oil is a thick, almost solid, yellow mass that becomes softer and clearer at room temperature. It becomes liquid at 25 degrees.

The composition of the product includes the following acids:

Lauric (50%). It has antibacterial properties.

Oleic (up to 11%). Promotes skin hydration.

Palmitic (10%). Renews the intercellular substances of the skin.

Caprylic (up to 10%). Saturates the skin with missing oxygen.

Myristic (10%). It stabilizes the state of proteins in the body.

Capric (up to 5%). Protects against virus and fungus.

Steric (about 3%). Restores the protective properties of the skin.

The calorie content of coconut oil is 890 kcal per 100 grams.


There are 2 types of oil for use:

Unrefined composition - endowed with a pleasant coconut aroma. This type is applicable for cooking.

Refined coconut oil, which has been seen to be beneficial in cosmetology. The product is processed, chemically bleached and odor removed.

The following varieties of coconut oil are found on the market:

Natural (clean). It is a crude, unfiltered oil without unnecessary additives. Copra is wiped on large millstones during manufacture. It is used in food, for massage and as a component in cosmetics.

Virgin... Extracted from pulp (not copra) by fermentation and processing with enzymes. Contains antioxidants, fatty acids, has antimicrobial effect.

Organic... Obtained from palms grown on organic fertilizers. No chemicals or additives are used. It is widely used as a skin cream or lotion.

Organic virgin... Combines the method of obtaining virgin oil and organic. It is considered the most valuable and rare in the cosmetic market.

Extra virgin... This class of oil is very expensive and is just a marketing ploy with a beautiful name.

Coconut oil: how to apply inside and outside

There are two ways to use coconut oil, depending on what you need to boost: topically for skin and hair health, and internally for losing weight and protecting the body from bacteria.

Topical use of coconut oil

The product is used to strengthen hair. Apply oil before shampooing. Distribute the mass along the entire length, wrap the head in a towel and leave for an hour. After washing with regular shampoo. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a week. The beneficial properties of coconut oil for hair are also manifested when this product is combined with other components (honey, essential oils, lemon juice, etc.).

Coconut oil is used for the skin.

The oil is applied to the cleansed face before going to bed.

If the body has areas with rough and cracked skin (elbows, heels and feet), the composition is rubbed into problem areas. The beneficial properties of coconut oil help to eliminate these skin imperfections.

To combat cellulite and its prevention, massage with coconut oil is practiced instead of a softening cream.

The product is used to eliminate postpartum stretch marks. The oil is heated (2-3 teaspoons), added (2-5 drops of rosemary), everything is mixed and rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes.

They are coated with the composition after the shower. The skin becomes soft and pleasantly scented.

Coconut oil softens the skin after sunburn.

The tool is used to lubricate hands and nails.

How coconut oil is consumed internally

Coconut oil is absorbed to prevent tooth decay and strengthen the body as a whole. If you regularly do this in the morning (one tablespoon is enough), the condition of the gums and teeth will be improved. Immunity will increase and an unpleasant odor will disappear. The recommended duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes.

The product is used for cooking.

Some representatives use oil for weight loss. Drink one tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

There are various diets based on coconut oil, which, according to eyewitnesses, lead to the loss of extra pounds.

Coconut oil: what are the benefits for the body?

Coconut oil benefits more than just skin and hair. The properties of this mysterious product go deeper. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole:

The cardiovascular system. Fat oils are beneficial and remove excess cholesterol. Vessels become elastic, which prevents the occurrence of heart attacks.

Metabolism. It stabilizes biological processes, improves digestion and cleanses the body - another beneficial property of coconut oil for the body.

The nervous system and the brain. Building materials nourish and repair brain cells. The use of coconut oil has a beneficial effect on human health and intellectual activity.

Immunity in general. The oil produces interferons, which are on guard against the parting words of viruses and microbes and fungus.

This agent is widely used as an auxiliary component in medicine (treatment of ulcers is an example of this). Coconut oil on its own has beneficial properties, but it is not a medicine, and in some cases it can be harmful.

Coconut oil: what's the health hazard?

Until recently, it was believed that coconut oil brings only benefits to the body, it can harm only with excessive use and personal intolerance.

In these cases, allergic rashes and food poisoning occur.

There is new information that refutes the fact that the oil is completely safe. The natural hair product is a thickener and foaming ingredient. A small dose causes only an allergic reaction, and a more impressive amount of the drug is very dangerous and can lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Now a connection between the use of coconut oil and the disease has been found in dogs. In humans, the expertise has not yet been confirmed, but caution is paramount here. A number of cosmetic products containing Cocamide DEA, Cocamide MEA, DEA-cetyl phosphate, DEA oleth-3 phosphate, Lauramide DEA are prohibited for use.

Oil is extracted in two ways: hot and cold pressed. In the case of the first, part of the fatty acids is destroyed and the oil is dangerous for use. When cold pressed, the product has a better composition and, when used in moderation, only benefits. When buying coconut oil, keep this in mind and read the label carefully.

Coconut oil is more harmful because consists of saturated fatty acids, which are actively used to extend the shelf life of cosmetic products. Manufacturers, in order to reduce costs, produce low quality products that are not so useful.

Coconut oil is opposed by its calorie content. Saturation with fatty acids does not lead to good.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm of coconut oil

For those who are waiting for a stork or planning to become pregnant, this product, like other essential oils, is contraindicated. According to experts, its composition is concentrated with various substances, the smells of which are not found in nature.

Coconut oil is harmful because odors affect the tone of the uterus and can lead to miscarriage. There is a possibility that a little coconut oil inside is useful for pregnant women, but everything is individual, and the following rule should be followed: "Do no harm".

Coconut oil for kids: good or bad

Coconut oil is good for baby's health. This natural formula is suitable for newborns.

The tool will relieve the little man from prickly heat, protect against mosquito bites and cure the plaque of the oral cavity when treating the affected area with a tampon moistened with the tool. However, one should consider how coconut oil can harm, and read the label carefully when purchasing.

As for the use in infant formula, these are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, the product helps to strengthen the baby's immunity and improve the digestive processes, on the other, side effects that can happen to a little man like an adult.

Considering that some types of oil contain fats that are dangerous for the body and cause cancer, it is better not to take risks and use other proven means to strengthen the baby's immunity, because the purchased product is not always of high quality.

Coconut oil: harm to losing weight

The oil contains in its composition a large amount of fats, which are close to animal origin, and these, in turn, are harmful to maintain the figure.

For the most part, coconut oil is 100% fat in calories. Therefore, the statement that the product helps to lose weight is not true, but on the contrary, it can contribute to the appearance of excess rollers of fat.

All kinds of coconut oil diets are more harmful than fattening. Numerous articles with options for its use are a publicity stunt to increase sales.

Thus, coconut oil benefits the hair and skin. However, one should be careful with its use. Before buying this product, it is recommended to carefully familiarize yourself with the method of its manufacture and type.

The unique properties of coconut oil have been appreciated since the days of Cleopatra. It was considered a sure way to preserve female beauty and youth. Due to its composition, coconut oil has been used as a nourishing and rejuvenating agent for the skin. Today, this valuable product has proven itself in cosmetology, folk medicine and the food industry.

It's no secret that coconut oil is made from coconut pulp, which contains up to 65% of it. The process of obtaining it is quite simple: first, the pulp is separated from the shell, after which it is dried and by pressing, a valuable oil is obtained, which can be refined and unrefined. As a rule, refined coconut oil is used for skin and hair care. The use of such oil has no contraindications, it is hypoallergenic, it is perfectly stored for several years even without a refrigerator and retains its qualities even with repeated heating.

Useful properties and uses of coconut oil.
Coconut oil has a wide range of health benefits. It is easily digestible, does not contain cholesterol, and provides the body with many nutrients. It contains a huge amount of valuable oils, among which oleic, lauric, palmitic, kapra, caprylic, arachidonic and others can be distinguished. In addition, it is rich in vitamins (C, A, E), natural antioxidants, and also includes a natural moisturizer - hyaluronic acid. Due to its composition and delicate pleasant aroma, it is actively used in cosmetology as additives in cosmetics (lipstick, shampoos and other hair care products, natural creams, eye makeup removers, etc.) and as an independent facilities. Such cosmetics cleanses the skin of dead cells, stimulates the metabolic processes in the skin, tones and nourishes it, making it soft, elastic, elastic and velvety. The light oil composition ensures fast absorption by the skin and does not clog pores. The use of products with coconut oil is suitable for any skin type, helps to smooth wrinkles, eliminate acne, as well as minor damage and skin imperfections. In addition, due to its cleansing and foaming properties, coconut oil is used in the production of natural soaps.

Coconut oil is ideal for the delicate skin of babies and children. It also effectively helps with cracked heels and hands, heals eczema, wounds and burns.

Coconut oil is great for dry, sensitive, irritation-prone skin with signs of flaking. It perfectly softens and moisturizes it and creates a kind of film that protects the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors. This is why it is added to sunscreens and after-sun products, as they protect against UV rays and soothe skin after sunbathing.

This oil cannot be used in its pure form. The only exception is hair care. Coconut oil should be added to the face products no more than 10%, for the body - 30%.

In addition to skin care for the face and body, the use of coconut oil has an amazing effect on hair care. This oil softens and moisturizes the hair, and effectively relieves scalp irritation and fights dandruff. It is easily and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the hair, protecting it from protein loss during washing, as well as from mechanical and chemical influences (drying, curling, etc.). In addition, coconut oil helps nourish and strengthen hair follicles and hair roots, stimulating their growth. Also, coconut oil is used to treat dry and split ends. This oil mixes well with other oils and ready-made cosmetics. Masks with coconut oil make hair strong and manageable, restoring smoothness and natural shine to it.

Due to its fast absorption ability, coconut oil is used as a massage oil. Massage with this oil relaxes, cools the skin and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, massage with coconut oil improves the condition of the skin of the body and increases its tone, slowing down the aging process.

Coconut oil is actively used in the food industry in the manufacture of muffins, cakes, cookies, etc. Due to their crystalline structure and uniform consistency, baking powder based on coconut oil, used for the manufacture of confectionery products, improves mixing and also maintains the structure of the dough until other components are added to it (gelling starches and egg whites), as a result of which the structure and friability of the finished products are preserved ... Coconut oil can also be eaten directly. For example, it can act as a substitute for margarine: 75 g of coconut oil replaces 100 g of butter or margarine. It should be remembered that coconut oil does not contain cholesterol, and the taste of such oil is more delicate. And yet, when used, there is no fatty effect.

In addition, coconut oil helps to improve the digestion and absorption of food. Its regular use reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and some other cardiovascular diseases, helps to strengthen immunity, increases the body's resistance to viral, fungal, bacterial infections, and also prevents the formation of malignant tumor cells.

Coconut oil is recommended by many doctors for women as a preventive measure against osteoporosis, as it promotes the process of complete absorption of calcium. Due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of lauric acid contained in this oil, the oil protects the body from many fungi and viruses, in particular measles, herpes and influenza.

The use of coconut oil for joint diseases has a positive effect. It is also used in the treatment of cancer.

The use of coconut oil is also effective in losing weight. It is coconut oil that is recommended for dieting women, as it is not deposited in fats. It helps to restore the functions of the thyroid gland, and is effective in diabetes mellitus.

Coconut oil, methods of application.
Massage Oil.
Coconut oil is heated in a water bath to form a liquid consistency, which is used as a massage agent for the body, upper chest, face and neck. This massage is especially effective after taking a bath or shower. The skin becomes soft and velvety.

Coconut oil sunscreen.
Stir 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil with 1 tsp. peach seed oil, sesame oil, rosehip oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the body immediately before tanning.

Coconut oil foot emollient.
Take 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and mix with 4 drops of tea tree essential oil, lemon balm oil and cypress oil (2 drops each). The resulting mixture should be applied daily to the feet.

Cleanser for hands and nails with coconut oil.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and glycerin with 1 tsp. chamomile oil and essential oils of orange and lemon (5 drops each). The resulting mixture should be regularly rubbed into the nails and applied to the hands with massage movements.

Hair mask with coconut oil.
Take 1 tsp. coconut and burdock oil, 3 drops each of rosemary, ylang-ylang, thyme essential oils and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots half an hour before washing.

Facial scrub with coconut oil.
First, mix 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil with half a cup of sea salt, apply the mixture to face and body in gentle circular motions. Massage for a few minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. After that, mix a small cup of unleavened yogurt with 30 ml of full-fat milk and apply to the skin that has been exfoliated. This procedure makes the skin soft, elastic, giving a fresh and healthy look.

A revitalizing lip balm with coconut oil.
Grate a small piece of beeswax on a fine grater and melt over the fire until liquid. Then add 1 tbsp to it. l. coconut oil, 1 tsp. shea butter and cocoa. Stir until smooth and remove from heat. Then add a few drops of essential oils (violet, rose or lavender) to the mixture. If you have an empty tube of lip balm or lipstick, then pour the resulting mass into it, and when it cools down, use it as a natural balm.

Revitalizing hair mask with coconut oil.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut and almond oil, add one egg yolk, 1 tsp. l. cognac. Apply the resulting mass to the hair a couple of hours before washing.

Coconut oil for cellulite.
Mix in equal proportions coconut, cocoa, shea, jojoba oils with 10 drops of a mixture of orange, cypress, grapefruit essential oils, and fennel oil. Rub the mixture with massage movements into problem areas.

Coconut oil for stretch marks.
Apply with massaging movements a mixture of cocoa, coconut oils and cypress, neroli, sage essential oils.

Anti-cellulite peeling with coconut oil.
Mix the coffee with coconut oil until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to wet skin of the body, massage for ten minutes, paying special attention to problem areas, and then rinse with water. Before using such a scrub, you should not use gels and other shower and bath products. After exfoliation, coconut oil should be applied to the skin.

Coconut Oil Facial Scrub Tile.
Heat 200 g of a mixture of coconut, shea and cocoa oils over a fire. Add oatmeal and medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, lemon balm, oregano) ground in a coffee grinder in an arbitrary ratio. Remove from heat. Leave the mixture for a day, then form into small pieces and put in the freezer. Apply frozen tiles along the massage lines of the face while taking a shower.

The properties of coconut oil are invaluable. Use skin and hair care products and be beautiful!

Just the other day I read a stunning report by the American Heart Association (AKA), which advised to stop consuming coconut oil. Like most authoritative experts in the field of health and medicine in the West, this first shocked me, and then I wanted to comment on such a categorical statement, because coconut oil has long been revered by the expert community as a valuable source.

One of the main messages in this report is: "Coconut oil is as harmful to health as butter and beef tallow." It is based on the fact that coconut oil contains high levels of saturated fats, which increase the level of "bad cholesterol" and, as a result, lead to heart disease. To be precise, coconut oil contains 82% saturated fat, butter 63%, and beef fat 50%. That is why AKA has put coconut oil on the list of foods that are dangerous to heart health.

On the other hand, the vast majority of healthy lifestyles have a very positive attitude towards coconut oil. Among other useful properties, it strengthens the immune system, having strong antimicrobial properties, improves memory and cognitive functions, speeds up metabolism, helps to maintain beauty and youth, and is effective in losing weight. I talk about the benefits of coconut oil in more detail. .

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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Everyone agrees that it is good for skin and hair, but when it comes to the benefits of edible coconut oil when consumed internally, a lot of questions and discussions immediately arise.
And it is not surprising: even the skin can be assessed by tactile sensations after the first application, but determining the effect of the oil on the body as a whole is much more difficult.

The most common comments on the article on the benefits of coconut oil are objected to the benefits of saturated fatty acids. We will talk about the properties of oil, biochemistry and whether all saturated fatty acids are equally harmful in this article.

A small disclaimer: This article is about the properties of natural, unrefined edible coconut oil, cold pressed (virdgin).

Before we move on to translating information about coconut oil from reputable sources on the Thai internet, let's talk about the main stumbling block, saturated fatty acids.

Biochemistry or harm of coconut oil

If you consider fatty acids as a class, of course most of them are not very useful. Saturated fatty acids are found primarily in animal fats. Most of them are solids with a high melting point. They can be absorbed by the body without the participation of bile acids, which determines their high nutritional value. However, the surplus of many saturated fatty acids is inevitably stored.
But they come with different lengths of the chain, as well as interchangeable and irreplaceable.

A person needs fats, since vitamins and minerals are easily dissolved in them (and therefore easily absorbed), however, long-chain saturated fatty acids are difficult to assimilate. To digest them, the body has to secrete bile and digestive enzymes, sometimes overloading the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines. People with diabetes, liver disease, or who have had gallbladder removal have special problems with this.

However, due to the easily digestible medium-chain fatty acids (of which edible coconut oil is composed), it does not cause such problems and begins to be absorbed even in the stomach. Saturated medium chain fatty acids are very easily broken down by enzymes and absorbed without clogging up blood vessels. They are then converted into energy that improves liver function. And this oil also contains essential for the normal functioning of the immune system, irreplaceable saturated lauric and myristic acid.

Even saturated fatty acids in the majority have a high melting point, and if it is higher than the human body, they are poorly absorbed, clogging the stomach and intestines, and if absorbed, they are deposited in the vessels. The melting point of coconut oil is 25 degrees. I have no acquaintances with a lower body temperature, do you?

Now let's move on to information from the Thai Internet. Here's what they write there:
Based on materials from the Department of Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol Research University

Edible coconut oil is over 90% saturated fat, most of which are medium chain triglycerides. Most of all, it contains the essential lauric acid, which is well absorbed by the body.

MCFAs do not accumulate in adipose tissue. Their molecular weight is less than that of long-chain fatty acids such as lenolic acid (a polyunsaturated fatty acid derived from, for example, soybean oil)

Conclusion: everything is good in moderation. When taken according to the recommended dosage, coconut oil will only benefit your body.

Now let's move on to other sources:

Edible coconut oil, in addition to essential medium-chain saturated fatty acids, also contains important minerals and some fat-soluble vitamins such as calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, D, E, K, which are instantly absorbed. This is what makes coconut oil a useful product in all respects.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

1.Speeds up metabolism
The calorie content of coconut oil is 8.6 kcal per gram, while other oils contain at least 9 kcal per gram. Consuming the saturated fatty acids in the oil does not generate free radicals, and the oil itself is free of trans fats. Thanks to the content of lauric, nylon and caprylic acid, coconut oil speeds up metabolism for up to 24 hours, improving food absorption and calorie burning.

2. Stimulates bowel function.
Use coconut oil in moderation. Due to its high saturated fat content, it stimulates the colon, which can lead to diarrhea early in the consumption of this oil. This is a normal reaction. However, if diarrhea occurs when a small amount of oil is consumed, it is best to stop taking it so as not to remove trace elements from the body.

3. Tones up.
Edible coconut oil is easily absorbed by the body and does not lead to weight gain. It has no side effects, which is why it is often recommended for athletes and the elderly.

4. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Coconut oil lowers "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increases "good" cholesterol (HDL), thereby lowering the risk of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart, liver and kidney disease.

5. Protection of the skeletal system.
Coconut oil is rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining strong bones, so it can protect bones from breakdown.

6. Application during pregnancy.
Coconut oil is good for pregnancy and breastfeeding. It nourishes the body of mother and child, helps to give the baby a good immunity and significantly increases the usefulness of breast milk, since it contains lauric acid, calcium and magnesium. It is an excellent tool for strengthening bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis and preventing calcium loss during pregnancy.

7. Improves sleep.
Coconut oil contains substances that help you relax. Daily consumption of coconut oil in small amounts improves sleep quality, relieves chronic fatigue, and reduces stress.

8. Reduces inflammation and helps fight infections.
Cold-pressed edible mint oil has been shown to alleviate various diseases caused by infection. The reason is again in lauric acid, which enhances immunity, fights bacteria and is a natural antibiotic, thereby relieving the symptoms of infections such as flu, sore throat, herpes, mumps.

9. Care of the oral cavity.
Coconut oil inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to plaque and problems such as gingivitis, gum disease, swollen and bleeding gums. It also helps to treat throat ailments.

This oil can be used to rinse the throat and mouth.

To do this, take 1-2 tbsp. spoons a day and rinse the mouth for at least 15 minutes. The oil will turn white and frothy. It must be spit out as it absorbs disease-causing microbes and toxins. Also, this procedure helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system and reduce bad breath.
You can apply coconut oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Half a teaspoon is enough. The oil gradually reduces plaque on the teeth, soothes and strengthens the gums.

10. Reduces the risk of cancer.
The high content of saturated fatty acids (up to 92%) helps to strengthen the body's immune system. Many vitamins that coconut oil contains are antioxidants. This is due to the reduced risk of cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer.

11. Cold pressed coconut oil stimulates the thyroid gland and speeds up metabolism, thanks to which it improves the condition of patients with diabetes. Consuming coconut oil increases insulin production, thereby speeding up the breakdown of sugar and reducing stress on the pancreas. In some cases, the pancreas can fully restore its functions.

You can read about the quality of coconut oil and the types of unrefined oils in the article

And I will tell you how to properly use coconut oil inside, as well as about the storage features and precautions that should be taken into account when using coconut oil.