Canned green peas: benefits and harms, composition and methods of consumption. Canned peas are nutritious, tasty and healthy product

20.10.2019 Salads

Green peas sold in cans have many positive features. It is inexpensive, tastes good and has a positive effect on health. But not everything is so simple with this product. Possessing noticeable benefits, canned peas are fraught with some danger.Before you include peas in your diet, you have to consider different points of view.

Pea composition

Naturally, the composition of the product is similar to that of fresh peas. The difference is that canned nutrients are slightly less. Green peas contain vitamins A, B, C, a significant amount of solid dietary fiber, vegetable fats, manganese, iron, potassium and other important components. Caloric content is relatively low and is about 60–75 Kcal per 100 grams. But you shouldn't abuse it.

Now, knowing the composition, it will be much easier to highlight the main qualities. Then it will become clear in what cases a delicacy from a metal can will be most appropriate. Better to start with useful properties.

Useful qualities

The product is useful only if it is of high quality. It is important to choose the right one. When buying, you need to check the cans that it is intact, with even seams and edges, and has the necessary markings. You should immediately look at the expiration date. After all, after the expiration, no food can be consumed. If you managed to purchase high-quality peas, you will notice the following benefits from the reception.

  1. Saturates the body with vegetable protein. It is one of the most important sources of vegetable protein, which is necessary for the body of any person. It is absorbed much better than animals.
  2. Gives a feeling of fullness quickly. A few spoons of green peas are enough, and hunger will recede. Recovering from it is not easy. It satiates quickly and prevents overly large portions from being eaten.
  3. Supports vascular and heart health. The fats contained in the composition help the cardiovascular system to work properly, protect against atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Naturally, the effect of a systematic intake of food is noticeable.
  4. Reduces the risk of neoplasms. Peas are a source of antioxidants with anti-carcinogenic properties. It turns out to reduce the risk of the appearance of neoplasms and slow down the rate of development of those that have arisen earlier.
  5. Reduces blood pressure. He will not be an emergency medicine for high blood pressure. But, using it systematically, it will be possible to protect against the problem. The pressure will return to normal, and the hypertension will not develop into more serious diseases.
  6. Improves skin condition. It is noticed: green peas have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. With regular use, the skin will get rid of minor wrinkles, the color will become healthier, the face will be toned and youthful.
  7. Relieves withdrawal symptoms. This product really helps with hangovers. They are saved after a storm of fun, when it is necessary to "bounce back" as soon as possible.

An ordinary commodity has so many useful qualities. But in fact, they are clearly visible. Canned peas can be eaten regularly. We'll have to take into account not the most positive features. The probable harm is small, but probable.

Potential harm

It is worth remembering: we are talking about food subject to canning. As a result of processing, many useful properties disappear. But it retains important components that can support good health. The harm is observed mainly in such manifestations.

  1. Gas formation increases. It is undesirable to use this food for people prone to gas formation. Otherwise, the consequences may not be the most pleasant. We are talking about bloating, colic, flatulence.
  2. Preservation increases the amount of carcinogens. Their proportion increases in peas in contact with oxygen. It is advisable not to leave the jar open for more than a day.
  3. Allergic reaction. Finally, some people have allergies. It is easy to detect, but not very common. Usually, it is possible to defend against the consequences.
  4. Loads the digestive tract. When initially there are any diseases of the stomach or intestines, it is advisable to use it as carefully as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of deterioration.

Now it is clear what qualities canned green peas have. It is important to acquire it correctly, eat it correctly and take into account some contraindications. By observing the conditions, you do not have to worry about the consequences. They will definitely be positive, and the state of health will be noticeably improved.

The history of green peas.
Not all people think that the benefits of green peas are not only in decorating Olivier salad on the New Year's table. We will prove to you that peas are a completely complete and independent food product that must be included in your diet without fail. This is extremely important for people who decide to give up food of animal origin. And do not forget that the benefits of green peas will be especially noticeable if they are eaten fresh.

Peas are a plant that has helped people cope with hunger for centuries. And all because growing peas is not difficult. For thousands of years, the inhabitants of China, India, Rome, France and other countries have been preparing and are preparing many different dishes from peas. They were eaten with pleasure, at one time, not only by peasants, but also by representatives of the upper classes. Over such a long period, culinary experts have learned how to successfully combine peas with many products. For example, French kings were very happy with green peas fried in lard.

Sweet green peas appeared around the 16th century and the resourceful Dutch were among the first to master its production. In England, peas were considered a delicacy and were very expensive, after a while they also learned to grow it. Green peas came to Russia in the 17th century, and before that other varieties of peas were known and eaten in Russia. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter the Great, loved to eat peas no less than the French king. He gave his preference to pea pies and green peas in ghee.

Fresh green peas.

Everyone knows that in the summertime, protein and heavy food is almost impossible to eat, and fresh green peas can saturate our body well. The fact is that the protein, which is contained in a modest amount of peas (in a percentage ratio of about 6%), is very well absorbed together with the carbohydrates necessary for our body (11%). If we compare sprouted lentils with green peas, then in terms of the efficiency of protein assimilation, it is inferior.

Canned peas.

Canning factories in our country worked already in the second half of the 19th century, but canned peas were not produced at that time. Canned food at that time was mainly fish, later meat, and only after more than 100 years, they realized that producing canned peas is no less profitable. In Soviet times, hardly anyone succeeded in overtaking our country in the production of canned food. The production of canned peas increased to 210 million cans per year.

Every time we go to the store, we often add canned green peas and corn to the list of necessary foods. How did green peas deserve our respect?

Everything is very simple, it is very convenient: you can add it to salads, use it as a side dish or make soup with them; but most importantly, when canned, green peas do not contain preservatives. The Latin word "conservatio" means "preservation", not the presence or addition of preservatives, as many of us believe.

Today, canned green peas are widely used in cooking, including in the preparation of dietary meals: they are eaten with potatoes and other vegetables, fish, meat, cheese, eggs, as well as with cereals and pasta.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce canned food in such a way that nutrients and useful substances are preserved in them for a long time, and most vitamins also remain intact.

Green peas composition.

Peas contain carotene, vitamins A, C, H and group B. Peas are rich in useful minerals (about 26), most of all in it are phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron and chlorine. Proteins and carbohydrates are important constituents of green peas, as well as fats, dietary fiber, starch and sugar. Calories in peas are about 300 kcal per 100 g, which is why peas are excellent saturating.

The benefits of green peas.
In folk medicine, peas have always been considered a remedy for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, the treatment of the liver and kidneys. This is facilitated by the high content of vegetable protein and alkaline salts.

Puree from green peas has a diuretic property, it is recommended to use it for edema and with the deposition of kidney stones. Also proven anti-sclerotic effect of dishes with green peas. In recent years, scientists have learned that peas promote the elimination of radionuclides from the body. In addition to all this, nitrates do not accumulate in peas.

Eating fresh green peas or other varieties of peas can reduce the likelihood of a heart attack, the development of hypertension and cancer. With regular use of this product, skin aging slows down.

After a hectic holiday, canned green peas will help get rid of a hangover, as well as relieve fatigue and improve sleep.

Harm of canned green peas and contraindications.

Can Canned Green Peas Be Harmful? Yes, if it is spoiled or if you eat too much of it. Green peas are harmful for intestinal problems, especially with a tendency to flatulence. With gout, you should also control its use, however, the presence of 2-3 tablespoons of canned peas in your favorite salad is unlikely to cause an exacerbation of any diseases.

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Peas are a member of the legume family, with very delicate fruits - peas. The beneficial properties of young peas have made this vegetable very popular in many countries, where it is used to prepare a variety of dishes.

What are the benefits of green and fresh young peas?

Green peas are prized primarily for their high content of nutrients and biologically active substances. This vegetable is very rich in proteins - peas contain important amino acids for the body: tryptophan, lysine, methionine, cysteine. It is from young peas that proteins are absorbed in the best way, so it must be included in the diet of children weakened by the disease of adults, as well as vegetarians whose food contains few amino acids.

Of the minerals in young peas, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, iron, zinc and many others are present. Peas also contain vitamins, most of all - group B, as well as provitamin A and vitamins H, C and PP. In addition to all of the above, peas contain starch, sugars, fiber and fats.

Peas are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from thrombophlebitis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. This vegetable helps to improve metabolism and helps to reduce weight. Due to the content of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), peas are able to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, asthma. Young peas are also useful for the liver - they improve the secretion of bile.

The benefits of young peas are undeniable, but we must not forget about the possible harm. Peas are prohibited for acute nephritis, gout and cholecystitis. Peas should not be overused by people suffering from flatulence and bloating. You can minimize this unpleasant effect by adding dill or fennel seeds to the dish.

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Everyone remembers how in childhood they had to pluck green pods from the beds, and then, opening them, enjoy sweet peas. It is not possible to buy peas in this form in any supermarket now, however, with the onset of summer months, bazaars offer this product quite cheap. And this is an excellent reason to stock up on pea pods for the winter, because it is from this that you can cook a lot of dishes: fry, stew in sour cream sauce, add to soup. Moreover, fresh green peas are much healthier than ripe or canned peas.

Green peas - beneficial properties

Therefore, if you meet green pea pods - do not hesitate to purchase in reserve. Most vitamins are found in peas, but pods are also useful - they are used as a medicine.

Benefits of green pea pods

The pods contain a lot of chlorophyll, which is good for our body. This product is a source of fiber, vitamins of groups B, PP, E, H, provitamin A. Also, young peas contain a lot of fatty acids, amino acids, protein, which is similar in composition to meat. However, the protein present in it is absorbed even better than meat. In addition, the pods of a young pot are nutritious and high-calorie product. Unlike ripe peas, these are unlikely to cause bloating.

Peas in pods are incredibly rich in trace elements: copper, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, selenium, magnesium, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt and others.
Green peas in the pods supply the body with energy and normalize the bowel function. It is worth noting that many vitamins are contained precisely in the pods of fresh peas, and peeled and stored for a long time loses a lot of properties.

Harm and contraindications

Peas in any form should not be taken by nursing mothers and people with intestinal problems. Consuming peas along with dill is believed to minimize the chances of bloating.

Fresh peas - benefits and harms

With the arrival of summer, everyone wants lighter and healthier food. Both meat eaters and vegetarians include fresh green peas in their diet.

Peas have been eaten since time immemorial. It was served to the table for both kings and commoners. Green peas can be prepared in many ways: they are added to salads, soups, vinaigrettes, vegetable stews and pies.

Fresh green peas are considered the most useful. But not everyone knows what the benefits and harms of fresh green peas are.

The benefits of fresh peas

Fresh green peas have many health benefits. It contains the following minerals and macronutrients:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • lemon acid.

The benefit of fresh peas for women is that it contains vitamins A, C, H and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

With frequent use of peas, the aging of the skin slows down, and of the whole organism as a whole. It does not accumulate toxins that are harmful to your body, and promotes the removal of radionuclides from it.

At the same time, fresh green peas contain a large amount of protein with a low calorie content, which averages 81 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of fresh green peas are also to reduce the likelihood of cancer, heart attack, and cardiovascular disease.

Decoctions of peas and herbs in folk medicine are used as a diuretic, as well as to prevent vitamin deficiency. Green peas are harmful in large quantities for people suffering from flatulence and gout.

Green peas

Also, green peas should not be carried away by elderly people and with urine acid diathesis.

Unfortunately, fresh green peas can only be eaten for a few months of the year. Therefore, we advise you to have time to pamper yourself and your body with such a useful product. And if you want to supply your body with vitamins in winter, you can preserve or freeze green peas for future use.

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What are the benefits of peas?

Pea varieties are subdivided into two groups - shelling and sugar. Both of these can be eaten, but sugar varieties are more common. They love this vegetable for its simplicity in cultivation, ease of preparation, good taste and nutritional value, but few people know about the beneficial properties of peas for the human body.

What are the benefits of peas for the body?

The beneficial properties of peas for the human body are explained by its optimal composition. In terms of the amount of protein, for example, peas may well compete with meat, and there are more vitamins and minerals, including rare ones, than in many plant products.

Proteins from peas are absorbed much better than from animal products, and at the same time they do not overload the body. Therefore, this vegetable should definitely be included in the diet of athletes who need to have the required level of protein in their food, as well as people who are weakened after a long illness.

Why is boiled peas useful?

Scientists have found that eating cooked peas stimulates regenerative processes and reduces the risk of cancerous tumors. And, in addition, boiled peas normalizes the work of the digestive system, relieves heartburn, constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the benefits of canned green peas?

Canned green peas were a delicacy for the aristocrats of France. Today this product is more affordable and this is good, because everyone needs its benefits.

Good quality canned peas retain most of the vitamins, iron, calcium and chlorophyll that humans need. The large amount of PP vitamin in canned green peas helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels, as well as fight atherosclerosis, asthma and blood clots.

Canned green peas are useful for weight loss as well. it promotes the elimination of excess fluid and activates the metabolic processes of the body.

Preservation allows you to preserve almost all nutrients and vitamins in green peas. The vegetable is successfully used to prevent the development of kidney and liver diseases, as a prophylactic agent against vitamin deficiency.

In green peas there is a large amount of vegetable protein, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. The vegetable contains almost all the B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid. Peas contain rare vitamin K, which normalizes kidney function, promotes better absorption of calcium, and improves blood clotting.

The main trace elements are sodium, potassium, selenium, zinc. Green peas are recommended for use in diabetes and atherosclerosis. The presence of vitamin B1 in the pea composition allows the product to be used to strengthen the nervous system, eliminate stress conditions. Peas are recommended to be included in the diet of children to improve mental activity.

Why green peas are useful:

  • improves the condition of the lens and retina;
  • normalizes blood pressure, is useful for hypertensive patients;
  • removes harmful and toxic waste from the body, reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • slows down the aging process, improves skin condition due to the presence of nucleic acid in the composition;
  • lowers cholesterol levels:
  • has a diuretic property, eliminates puffiness;
  • prevents heart attack.

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100 g of peas contains 300 kcal - the product helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, while being quickly absorbed, it is indispensable for people who are struggling with excess weight. Peas improve peristalsis - an excellent prevention of constipation.

The pickle from canned peas is also useful - the optimal ratio of trace elements helps to quickly eliminate the hangover syndrome.

With a reasonable use of peas, there is no harm from it. With abuse, problems with the digestion of food may arise, the load on the kidneys increases, and flatulence develops. For gout, green peas should be consumed as little as possible.

How to preserve peas for the winter

On supermarket shelves, you can see cans of canned green peas from various manufacturers. But not always a purchased product comes across a quality one, and there can be a lot of harmful additives in it. Without much hassle, you can independently preserve peas for the winter.

Classic Canned Peas Recipe

Such peas are in no way inferior in taste to a store product, while they do not contain harmful preservatives and other additives.

What is necessary:

  • green peas –1.2–1.3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 35-40 g;
  • granulated sugar - 40–45 g;
  • citric acid - 7 g.

How to cook:

  1. Peel, rinse, dry peas.
  2. For the brine, bring the water to a boil, add granulated sugar and salt.
  3. Pour the marinade over the brine, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Add citric acid 2 minutes before the end of the process.
  4. Sterilize the jars in advance, spread the peas - 1.5–2 cm should remain to the edge of the container.
  5. Pour boiling brine, roll up.

This amount of ingredients is enough for 5 0.5 liter cans. In the refrigerator, such a product can be stored for 12 months. You can preserve both split peas and pods.

Pickled green peas

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What is necessary:

  • shelled peas - 4.2 kg;
  • black peppercorns;
  • carnation buds;
  • water - 1.7 l;
  • salt and granulated sugar - 80–85 g each;
  • vinegar 9% - 55-60 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Pour cool water over the peas and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, bring water to a boil, pour in the vegetable, cook for 2 minutes over high heat.
  3. Prepare the marinade in another container - add sugar, salt and vinegar to boiling water.
  4. Arrange the boiled peas in jars, add several pieces of cloves and pepper, pour hot brine.
  5. Roll up the lids.

For winter harvesting, it is better to use peas of medium maturity. Young peas can burst during the canning process, and old peas have less vitamins and nutrients, they will be tough and not very tasty.

Simple and original recipes with canned peas

Canned green peas go well with almost all vegetables, fish and meat products. It can be used not only for preparing salads, but also for main dishes and side dishes.

Bright vitamin side dish

This dish can be prepared at any time of the year - use fresh vegetables in summer, frozen foods are perfect in winter.

What is necessary:

  • rice - 180 g;
  • water - 220 ml;
  • sweet pepper - 75 g;
  • corn - 110 g;
  • peas - 225 g;
  • garlic - 25 g.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the garlic cut into plates in hot vegetable oil.
  2. Add the washed rice, continue to fry for another 10 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Pour in water, salt.
  4. After boiling, add peas and corn, pepper cut into small pieces.
  5. Stir, turn heat to low, simmer for 30 minutes.
  6. Water can be added as needed.

This side dish goes well with any type of meat. If you mix canned green peas with a little mint and basil in a blender, you get a great side dish for boiled or steamed fish.

Boyarsky salad

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What is necessary:

  • chicken meat without skin and bones - 350 g;
  • carrots - 120 g;
  • leeks - 120 g;
  • peas - 170 g;
  • sour cream - 45 ml;
  • lemon juice - 15 ml;
  • vinegar 15 ml;
  • sugar - 12 g;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • ground black pepper, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into thin slices, fry in a grill pan, or in a little vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the peeled onion into half rings.
  3. Prepare a marinade from vinegar, sugar and 120 ml boiling water.
  4. Pickle the onions.
  5. Grate the carrots with long strips. It can be fried or used raw.
  6. Mix sour cream with black pepper and citrus juice.
  7. Mix all ingredients, season with sauce, spread on lettuce leaves.
  8. Top can be sprinkled with pine nuts or croutons.

Boiled or smoked chicken can be used in this salad.

The article is about the benefits of green peas and how to preserve them for the winter.

“Pods are hanging, hooks at the ends. In the middle, juicy nucleoli are side by side. In this children's riddle, we are talking about green peas, the pod of a bean plant, the useful and culinary properties of which are underestimated by many. Meanwhile, it can be called a food product that must be present in the diet of every person, fresh or canned.

The benefits of fresh and canned green peas

The plant family Legumes are diverse and numerous. One of its representatives, the taste and useful qualities of which mankind appreciated thousands of years ago, is common peas (green). It is an annual climbing herb native to India but is widely grown today.

IMPORTANT: Before the advent of potatoes, it was green peas that were the staple food in Russia. He was called "the king"

Peas are an unpretentious plant, it grows in almost all gardens and summer cottages. The villagers feast on them fresh and raw, just torn from the garden. In season they cook pea soups and salads, stew stews, bake pies.

The townspeople were a little less fortunate - if they did not have time to stock up on fresh peas from the market, they have to be satisfied with what is sold rolled up in banks. Is it as healthy as fresh? After all, it is known that during conservation, some of the substances in the product decompose. It is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Fresh green peas are high in vegetable protein and other nutrients.

First, you need to go through the composition of the fresh product:

  1. There is a lot of protein (vegetable) in the product, from 5% to 7%. It is quickly and completely dotted by the body and spent on the construction of its new structural units. If a person for some reason does not eat meat, he needs to make sure that the peas are on his table at least a couple of times a week.
  2. Fat in peas is insignificant, up to 1%
  3. Carbohydrates, represented by sugars (glucose, maltose, sucrose) and starch, the product contains 10-14%. They are also well absorbed by the body and processed into the energy it needs for life.
  4. Dietary fiber in the product up to 5%
  5. The product is distinguished by a high percentage of amino acids (arginine, lysine, glycine, valine, etc.) and organic acids (omega 3 and omega 6, palmitic, oleic, stearic, linoleic and linolenic (
  6. 70 - 75% green peas are water
  7. Micronutrients in peas are vitamins (A and beta-carotene, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, K, PP), micro- and macroelements (iron, calcium, potassium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, others, total 26)

IMPORTANT: For those who monitor weight, green peas will not harm: 100 g contains only 73 kcal

Preserving green peas is a way to preserve the product for off-season consumption. Harvesting is possible at home and in industrial conditions. Unfortunately, some of the benefits of peas are lost during the conservation process.

During heat treatment, under the influence of acid and salt, part of the protein breaks down, some vitamins are destroyed, and the amino acids in the product become almost half less. However, in the winter, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, canned peas are still able to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body.

Eating green peas, fresh or canned, has a positive effect on important human organ systems:

  1. Plant protein is essential for the body to build new cells
  2. B vitamins and pyridoxine contained in peas have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human brain and nervous system.
  3. The product has anticonvulsant properties
  4. Antioxidants in peas prevent radio nucleotides from entering the body, which turns the product into an anti-cancer agent
  5. The water in the peas and the low percentage of dietary fiber allow it to be used as a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative.
  6. Peas cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves the tone of blood vessels, and stabilizes the heart
  7. The use of peas stimulates regenerative processes throughout the body, it has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body.
  8. In folk medicine and cosmetology, peas in the form of mashed potatoes, tinctures from its tops are used externally for skin care, treatment of skin allergies, dermatitis, peeling of the skin, the fastest healing of wounds

The harm of fresh and canned green peas

Fresh green peas, if grown in an ecologically clean place, have not deteriorated and are consumed in moderation, do not harm the body. If you eat too much of it, you may:

  • stomach upset
  • bloating
  • flatulence

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women and nursing mothers can eat fresh peas, because they contain a lot of useful things. But you need to start trying it gradually, observing the reaction of your own gastrointestinal tract and the reaction of the child. The mother of a baby with colic should temporarily stop eating peas. You also need to watch that the product does not give an allergic reaction: the likelihood of it, although minimal, exists

As for canned peas, everything is ambiguous here.

  1. It is not the product itself that can harm the human body, but errors and violations of technology during its preparation and storage
  2. Homemade peas in jars cause great confidence, there is nothing in it except the product itself, salt, sugar and water (sometimes vinegar). Commercially made cans often contain preservatives
  3. Canned food is often made not from fresh, but from dry peas. Milking reduces its nutritional value. To insure yourself, when choosing canned food, you should pay attention to the date of their production. This should be the "pea season" - from May to July

Calorie content of canned green peas

Depending on the method of harvesting and the manufacturer's brand, the calorie content of canned green peas ranges from 50 to 70 kcal per 100 g.

VIDEO: Canned peas benefits and harms

Canned Peas Recipes

You can prepare peas for the winter by preserving at home in different ways:

  • use only sugar and salt
  • use citric acid
  • use vinegar (pickle)

IMPORTANT: It seems like peeling the peas takes a long time? There is an easy and quick way! You need to pour the pods into a saucepan with boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The pods will open, the peas are easy to separate from them. It will be enough to catch and discard the peel, and throw the peas on the drushlag

RECIPE: Canned Green Peas Sweet

You need (for 1 jar with a volume of 0.5 liters): peeled green peas - 300 g, water - 1 liter, salt - 1 teaspoon, sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

  • water is poured into an enamel pot
  • pour peas into the water, add sugar and salt
  • bring water to a boil, boil peas for 15-20 minutes
  • jars and lids are sterilized at this time
  • throw the boiled peas into a colander
  • the broth is filtered twice through cheesecloth
  • peas are laid out in prepared jars, poured with broth
  • put the cans to sterilize for 20-30 minutes
  • after they are rolled up with sterile lids
  • jars of canned peas cool upside down on the lid

IMPORTANT: The jars are sterilized as follows: they are placed in a pan filled with water so that it covers the jars by three quarters. There should be a diaper at the bottom of the pot. Jars should be covered, but not rolled up. Bring the water to a boil and keep the jars of peas in it for the required amount of time

RECIPE: Canned Peas with Citric Acid

In this case, citric acid acts as a preservative, so the peas prepared in this way do not need to be sterilized.
You need (for 1 can of 0.5 l): green peas - 300 g, water - 1 l, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, citric acid - 1 tsp.

  • marinade is prepared from water, salt and sugar and set to boil
  • pour washed green peas into the boiling marinade
  • boil peas for a quarter of an hour, add citric acid to the marinade five minutes before turning off
  • then transfer the peas to sterile jars so that they are not completely filled, 2 cm short of the top
  • jars are rolled up with sterile lids, cooled and placed in the refrigerator, where the workpiece should be stored


Canning peas for the winter: a recipe with vinegar

With vinegar, green peas turn out to be spicy, so they are well suited for salads and snacks.
RECIPE: Pickled green peas with vinegar

You need: peeled peas - 300 g, water - 1 liter, sugar and salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, vinegar 9% - 0.3 cups.

  • boil peas in boiling water for 5 minutes
  • marinade is cooked separately - water with salt, sugar and vinegar
  • peas are laid out in sterile jars and the marinade is poured
  • cover the jars with sterile lids and sterilize for half an hour
  • roll up cans
  • cool the jars upside down, under a towel

VIDEO: Canned green peas. Blanks for the winter