Strawberry "Pyatiminutka" jam. Five-minute apple jam - quick preparation of a dessert rich in vitamins

02.09.2019 Salads

Recipes with a photo of strawberry jam take 5 minutes to cook in different ways, you can read about most of them here. Many will ask themselves the question: why exactly a five-minute? The answer is simple: because it must be cooked in several steps, which last no longer than the significant 5 minutes.

Winter's tale

“I don’t want to do rolling in the summer, because it takes so much time!” - this thought has been visiting mothers since the first days of June. In fact, this process can be quite short-lived. The main thing is to choose the right path. will become a delicious and refreshing dessert.

Strawberries - 1.5 kg;
Sugar - 700 gr.


Here is strawberry jam 5 minutes for the winter. Sort out a sufficiently ripe and juicy medium strawberry, throw out overripe and rotting fruits, they can ruin the sweet dish. Wash well under the tap and pour into a colander so that the glass has excess moisture.

Remove the ponytails. Transfer to a deep container. Add sugar. Cover the dishes with berries with a plate or towel and refrigerate for 6 hours. And it is better for the night if everything is done in the evening.

Within the specified time, the sugar grains should completely dissolve. Gently pour the contents into a saucepan or any thick-walled saucepan and put on medium heat.

In this position, boil, cook for 5 minutes. During this short period of time, stir no more than 2 times with a wooden spatula.

The foam that forms during the thermal process will need to be removed. If this is not done, then the jam simply will not survive until the cold weather. This is because the air attracts bacteria.
Remove from the stove, cool and boil again for 5 minutes.

Repeat the steps 2 times. But this is not necessary, but only if you want to get a thicker consistency. But it must be understood that the second and third heat treatment can be carried out only after the product temperature has dropped to room temperature.

Glassware must be sterilized before all cooking begins. Pour the hot mixture carefully into half-liter jars. Roll up.

Place the apartment upside down in a convenient place and cover it with anything warm. Wait until it cools completely and then move to a cool, dark place where the cans will be protected from sunlight.


Prepared without unnecessary additives. Having tasted it, you seem to be in the best moments of your childhood.

Strawberries - 2 kg;
Sugar - 1200 gr.;


Pour the hot mass into prepared glass containers, roll up and cover tightly with a warm blanket. Let it cool down.

Multicooker to help

If you use this wonderful kitchen unit for making jam, then it is more likely that an appetizing berry will retain all the useful vitamins and minerals. Of course, the product will turn out to be liquid, but it will go perfectly as a filling for baking and an addition to loose tea.

Strawberries - 1 kg;
Sugar - 500 gr.


Prepare everything for further use, even kitchen appliances. It is necessary to measure the container, because the mass under the steam will break out, and if it is small, then all your work will be on the table and on the floor. It is better to immediately reduce the proportions.

Strawberries, as usual, wash, sort out and remove debris (twigs, leaves, etc.). To dry, excess moisture is useless.

Transfer dry and peeled berries to a container. Cover with granulated sugar. With a pronounced sour taste, the amount of bulk product will have to be increased.

Wait until the fluid is released from the fetus, it can take several hours. During this time, you will have time to prepare the dishes in which you will close.

Insert the container with the contents into the multicooker, set the temperature to at least 120 C and press the "Multipovar" button.

Remove the resulting foam and, without waiting for cooling, pour the berry mass into clean jars.
Close tightly, put upside down and let it cool in this position. Strawberry jam 5 minutes in a slow cooker will appeal to the whole family!

5-minute jam with a blender

This is the easiest way to cook. In addition, it is stored for a long time.

Small strawberries - 1 kg;
Sugar - 800 gr.


Process the berry as usual. From clean, dry fruits, it is necessary to make a mass of a homogeneous consistency. For this you need a blender.

Beat as long as possible. Place in a small saucepan, add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly.

Put on high heat, wait to boil, remove the foam, boil for 5 minutes. Allow time to cool.

Unfortunately, boiling once in such a short time is not enough, so you have to repeat it a couple of times to make the jam thick.

Banks need to be sterilized in an unusual way, in the microwave. To do this, you need to pour a little water and turn it on at medium power, but for the lids, as always, use the classic method.

Pour hot jam into jars, close and refrigerate for several days. So the aromatic strawberry jam is ready for 5 minutes using a blender.

Fast with a microwave

This option is for the laziest housewives, well, or those who simply do not have time to do it at all.

Strawberries - 500 gr.;
Sugar - 250 gr.;
Lemon juice - 20 ml.


Place in the microwave on high power for up to 5 minutes. Do not cover with anything!

Remove, pour into clean glass containers and close. That's all, strawberry jam is ready in the microwave for 5 minutes! You can eat in a day.

Italian style strawberries

Sounds pretty. The only drawback of the recipe is the inability to replace balsamic vinegar. If you do this, then the taste will no longer be the same.

Strawberries - 1 kg;
Sugar - 1 kg;
Balsamic vinegar - 100 ml.


Wash well under the tap, remove tails, leaves, etc. Pour into a saucepan and place on the stove at the lowest temperature. During cooking, make sure that the strawberries do not stick to the bottom. As a result, juice should form.

Cover the berries in their own juice and leave overnight closer to the refrigerator. In the morning, pour granulated sugar and the specified amount of vinegar into a container with the contents and put on fire. Stir gently from time to time to dissolve the sugar crystals.

Once this happens, turn the heat up and cook for exactly 5 minutes. Remember to stir.

Remove, remove foam and stir. If desired, leave to brew for 15 minutes. Pour into sterilized containers.

Thanks to your own efforts, you will receive an unusually mouth-watering Italian sweetness.

Appetizing berry in syrup

Strawberry jam 5 minutes in syrup is used to decorate desserts. But with a loaf and hot tea it will be just great.

Strawberries - 1 kg;
Sugar - 1.5 kg.


Wash the berries, remove the tails and rinse thoroughly. Transfer to a colander to glass the water.
Add granulated sugar, stir gently by hand and refrigerate for 12 hours.

It is most convenient to do this at night. During this time, a liquid is formed, which is very needed.
In clean jars, carefully put only the strawberries themselves and only then pour the sugar syrup.
In a couple of days you will enjoy delicious jam with your family.

Culinary Tips

1. To your work was not in vain, you need to familiarize yourself with some tricks and little secrets. For example, strawberries can be picked only in dry weather.

2. If you find overripe - throw them away without a drop of regret. They won't do any good. The rest, as usual, rinse, dry and proceed according to the steps of the recipe.

3. If you are closing with capron lids, then put the inventory with the finished product in the refrigerator.

4. In order to avoid the formation of microbes, strictly follow the recipe without deviations.

5. For people suffering from diabetes, sugar itself can be replaced with pectin. Just for 0.5 kg of strawberries 5 g of powder. The cooking method is the same.

6. Berry fruits should be taken slightly unripe and not too large.

7. Each jam, despite the individual preparation, can be stored for up to 5 years. Of course, without making gross mistakes.

8. Lemon juice will make any jam much tastier and more beautiful.

With the phrase "Strawberry Jam" it is associated with wonderful memories from childhood. It is not only pleasant and aromatic, but also very useful for the body. A regular sweet strong coffee sandwich will already set your mood for the whole day.

You can decorate any flour product with strawberry jam for 5 minutes with a photo: cheese cakes, pies, buns, as well as fruit casseroles and biscuit sweets. And if you feel like drinking, just put 2 tbsp. mass and fill with cold water.

Of all the recipes mentioned in the article, you can choose any you like. But it's better not to be ashamed and write everything down in your cookbook. Who knows, you may need to urgently cook with a blender, boil in the microwave, or even do without heat treatment. At the same time, share recipes with your friends and colleagues. We wish you all delicious preparations!

Date of publication: 01.07.2017

Today we will make strawberry jam, which is made for 5 minutes, due to this, vitamins are preserved in it. In this jam, the berries are whole, they only change color during cooking, but not their shape. At the same time, it can be stored under ordinary plastic lids without a refrigerator.

Five-minute jam is a high-speed option for processing strawberries, so you need to cook in small portions so that all the berries have time to warm up evenly. Cook a maximum of two pounds at a time.

Strawberry jam for the winter is best cooked in a copper bowl, but if a small portion, then it can be done in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

If you want to keep the berries whole and beautiful, then it is better not to stir the jam with a spoon or spatula. Alternatively, you can raise the pan and rotate with a little shaking.

Strawberry five-minute jam may not turn out very thick, because we did not boil it for a long time, it does not have time to boil. But at the same time, it is still very tasty and is instantly eaten. And also the most useful and beautiful - after all, the berries were not boiled down, but remained intact.

If it seems to you that the syrup is too much, you can drain the excess into a separate jar. And you will have homemade natural syrup, which you can soak in cakes, pour over ice cream, etc.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes. The secret of how to cook healthy strawberry jam for the winter (method 1)

Although the jam is called "five minutes", it takes two to three days to prepare it according to this recipe. But on each of these days, a minimum of time and effort will be required from you.

But, in fact, it is not difficult. We came home from work in the evening, turned it on, cooked for 5 minutes and set it aside. Time-saving for today's busy housewives.

The proportions are about the same as for most types of jam: 1 kilogram of sugar is needed per kilogram of strawberries.

  1. At the beginning, preparation: the berries must be washed and peeled from sepals.

2. Pour about two kilograms of berries with two kilograms of sugar.

3. Then let stand with sugar for 15-20 minutes. Then we put on a small fire. The jam began to boil, mix gently so that the sugar is completely dissolved. It is not necessary to stir too much, because the berry is tender, it is important not to crush it, it is just that if you have some of the sugar left on the surface, you need to carefully drown it with a spatula so that it dissolves.

4. When the jam has boiled for 5 minutes, set it aside.

5. The next day, turn it on again and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. And then remove it from the stove again.

6. The next day, boil again for five minutes and pour hot into sterilized jars. The jam is ready!

Strawberry jam five minutes. How to cook jam with whole berries (method 2)

This is a real five-minute jam, which does not need to be cooked for three days (albeit for 5 minutes), but is cooked at a time. In this recipe, we act according to the method of our mothers and grandmothers - we do not weigh the sugar, but simply measure it with an equal measure with the berry. For example, for 5 cups of berries, 5 cups of sugar.

This is the fastest jam. But it is recommended to cook it not over low, but over medium heat, so that the berry can warm up, especially if it is large.

1. First, make a very thick sugar syrup. For the syrup, you will need about half a glass of water per liter of sugar. Stir the water and sugar until all the sugar is wet, turn it on medium or high heat, and cook, stirring constantly.

2. Gradually it will turn into a thick, boiling syrup.

3. At this point, switch to medium heat and gently add the berries.

4. At the very beginning, you can stir a little with a spatula, especially near the bottom, so that the syrup does not burn. But as soon as the liquid appears from the strawberries, then you can no longer interfere, mixing happens like this: you take the pan, rotate and shake so that the berries change their place. At this stage, the boil stops, the fire should be medium or below average - at this time, the berries release the juice into the sugar syrup.

5. Then the jam will boil, and every two minutes you need to take it and rotate the pan in a circular motion so that the berries turn over and warm up evenly.

6. A sign that cooking is over is when the jam starts to bubble at the edge of the pan. It may take more than five minutes, but you have to wait until that moment.

7. Next, you need to quickly decompose in sterilized jars. It must be laid out very carefully.

Strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe is very easy to prepare. Inexperienced housewives may think that such a preparation can be done in 5 minutes, based on the name. But this is not the case! The name of the jam does not in any way reflect the essence of cooking. The cooking process itself takes place in several stages. In fact, 5 minutes is the time of each cooking step.

Today we will tell you how to make delicious strawberries in the traditional way, and how to keep the berries intact. Each housewife has her own recipe, but they all take the classic cooking method as a basis. The best way is revealed through experimentation, so feel free to try new things. Thanks to this, new recipes appear.

Jam "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe

Before you start cooking strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe, you need to understand that the cooking principle is adjusted for each housewife, because berries can be sour or, conversely, sweet.

It should also be borne in mind that strawberries can be watery or drier. The tastes of the whole family are also taken into account: someone loves liquid jam, and someone loves thick.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

Cooking process:

Fresh berries must be carefully sorted out so that not a single spoiled one is caught. We wash the strawberries and tear off the cuttings. Rinse the berries thoroughly again, try not to press. This is an important stage in cooking, because if rotten or dirty gets into the jar, then all the work will go down the drain, as mold forms in the jar. Then we put the washed berries in a colander and let the water drain.

Next, we transfer the berries to a clean bowl, preferably an aluminum one. Top with sugar and set aside. It is better to prepare everything in advance in the evening so that the berries with sugar will stand all night. No need to stir.

The sugar should melt by morning. Even if it has not completely dissolved, we put the container on the stove, over low heat. Shake the container with berries from time to time. Juice should soon appear around the edges. Gradually the sugar will turn into a sweet syrup.

As soon as the foam appears, the fire must be reduced and the foam removed. After 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, remove the jam from the stove for 12 hours. Such manipulations are carried out 3 times.

We prepare banks. First, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry, then sterilize in any way. You can put the jars in the oven and keep them for about 15 minutes at 150 degrees.

Then we boil the lids and boil the jam. Pour the berries along with the syrup into jars and roll them up.

Turn the blanks over with their lids down and leave until they cool completely. Then we transfer the ready-made strawberry jam with whole berries according to the classic recipe to the cellar.

Jam "5 minutes" with the addition of lemon

The use gives the jam an unusual taste and unsurpassed aroma. Despite the fact that the preparation takes place in several stages, this recipe is considered quick.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 400 grams;
  • half a lemon.

Cooking process:

Peel off the zest from the lemon without a white layer (we remove it altogether). Squeeze juice from lemon.

We wash the berries thoroughly, sort out and tear off the stalk. We put them in a cup.

Fall asleep with sugar. Rub the zest on a grater and sprinkle on top of the sugar. Add juice.

We put the cup on low heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve. From the moment of boiling, we detect 5 minutes and remove the foam as it appears.

Then we turn off the heat, and the jam should stand for an hour. Then again we put on fire and cook for 5 minutes, leave for an hour. Cooking takes place in 3-4 stages.

Put the jam in pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the blanks over with the lids down and wrap them with a blanket. When the jars are cool, we transfer them to the cellar.

Strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe is ready. Bon Appetit!

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Thick strawberry jam

Many housewives use this thick recipe. The secret to thickening is simple - gelatin. This ingredient helps the syrup thicken faster.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • gelatin - half a teaspoon.

Cooking process:

We sort out the purchased strawberries: throw out the soft, rotten ones, tear off the stalk.

Rinse gently several times so as not to damage the berries.

Then we put the cup on the stove and boil, stir constantly and cook over low heat until tender.

When the jam has cooled, it can be poured into jars and rolled up.

Here is how quickly and easily prepare strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe. It turns out thick and tasty, perfect for pancakes.

Citric acid recipe

Many housewives prefer to use wild berries as the main ingredient for making strawberry jam. The highlight of this recipe is citric acid.

Required products:

  • strawberries - 1.5 kilograms;
  • sugar - 500 grams;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. We carefully sort out the berries and separate them from the stalks. We wash it several times so that there is no dirt left.
  2. Pour sugar into an aluminum saucepan and put on a small fire. You need to make a sweet syrup. Do not forget to stir the composition.
  3. Add citric acid and mix again.
  4. Pour in the berries and boil for 5 minutes. Then pour the jam into jars and roll up. Turn the knot over with the lid down and wrap it with a blanket. As the banks cool down, we transfer them to the closet or cellar.

If there is nowhere to store ready-made strawberry jam with whole berries "5 minutes" according to the classic recipe, then you can put it in the refrigerator. It will definitely last until winter.

Frozen berry jam

Jam can even be made from frozen berries. They, just like fresh ones, perfectly retain all the useful and taste properties.

Required products:

  • frozen berries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 2 kilograms.

Cooking process:

  1. Frozen berries must be covered with sugar and mixed.
  2. The composition should stand for half a day. Then you need to mix everything again. We put the cup on low heat.
  3. As it boils, remove the foam that appears. Stir gradually for 5 minutes, turn off heat and remove from heat after half an hour.
  4. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

The cooled blockage can be transferred to the cellar. Jam is a simple dish, even an inexperienced housewife can cook it.

Five-minute jam: the best recipes ...

Berry and fruit preserves, in syrup and sugar, with spicy notes and exotic mood ... This sweet art can be prepared in just five minutes.

Having fed up with the gifts of a generous summer, it's time to start taking care of winter vitamins. Preserving fruit and berry harvest is not burdensome and even very pleasant. Moreover, the modern approach to preparations for the winter does not bother housewives with lengthy culinary processes. There are many ways to recycle garden gifts. Someone chooses freezing, someone dries sweet fruits, and someone knows the secret and prepares a beautiful, aromatic and very quick jam, in which each vitamin is in its place. This secret is called "Five minutes". Yes, just five minutes on the stove - and delicious jam from gooseberries, strawberries, apples, cherries, apricots or even exotic passionfruit, mango, kumquats - you're done.

TOP-10 recipes "Five minutes"

Recipe 1: Strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka"

1 kg of strawberries, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice.

This jam turns out to be very "juicy" - it contains a little berries and a lot of syrup. Some of the clear syrup can be rolled up separately from the berries and used for drinks, impregnations and jelly glaze on cakes.

Dry identical berries of a small size after washing, remove the stalks. Cover with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. This ratio will allow the strawberries not to overcook and store the workpiece without a refrigerator.
Cover the container with berries with a kitchen napkin and do not disturb for two hours. It will take this time for the strawberries to release a lot of juice.
Simmer strawberries drowning in their own juice over low heat until boiling. Carefully remove the trimming foam with a slotted spoon, and gently shake the container with strawberries so that the lower berries do not stick to the bottom. It is better not to stir the jam with a spoon - the strawberries will lose their integrity.
Before boiling, pour lemon juice into the bowl. This will prevent crystallization of the finished jam and a pleasant sourness will appear in it.
After five minutes of quiet boiling, pour the strawberries into the jars prepared for seaming, cork, turn over to the lids and insulate for a day.

Recipe 2: Kaleidoscope jam from different berries in 5 minutes

Ingredients for 7 0.5 L cans: 0.3 kg of any currant, 0.5 kg each of gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, 2-2.3 kg of sugar.

Rinse and sort all the berries: remove sepals from strawberries, and tails and “forelocks” from gooseberries and currants.
Cover the prepared berries with sweet sand and immediately send them to a calm fire. While stirring, wait until the jam "puffs", pour into carefully processed jars.
Send jars of jam for sterilization: immerse in a container of boiling water at the level of the "hangers". Boil cans for a quarter of an hour, roll up.
In an inverted position, hold the jam for a day under a blanket. Then send it to the cool pantry, where winter will find it.

Recipe 3: Apricot jam in Pyatiminutka syrup

Ingredients for 2 cans of 0.5 l: 1 kg apricot, 1.1 kg sugar, 200 ml water.

Wash apricots with a brush, remove seeds and cut into small wedges.
Transfer the juicy pulp to a container for cooking jam, sprinkle with sugar (900 g).
Prepare syrup from water and granulated sugar (the remaining 200 g). After boiling, cook until the sugar grains disappear completely.
Pour the prepared syrup into a bowl with apricots, leave for a couple of hours, letting the fruit soak in the syrup and release more juice.
Heat the apricot mass until it boils, reduce the temperature and boil, stirring occasionally, for another five minutes.
Pour the apricot jam in syrup into sterilized jars in a convenient way, roll up.
After gradual cooling under a warm blanket, store the jam out of the reach of heat and the sun.

Recipe 4: Pyatiminutka cherry jam

Ingredients for 3 cans of 0.5 l each: 1 kg of ripe cherries, 0.5-0.7 kg of granulated sugar.

Sort the cherries, rinse in a colander and let the water drain completely from the berries.
Gently remove the seeds from the cherries. You can use a regular hairpin to style your hair - the bone will come out quickly, and the berry will lose less juice.
Transfer the fruits to a deep basin and cover with granulated sugar, mix. The cherries will be ready for cooking when they release juice under the influence of sugar. This can take three to five hours.
Cook the cherries in their own juice over low heat, stirring and removing the pink froths. Five minutes after boiling, the cherries in syrup can be transferred to steamed or oven-heated jars.
Tins rolled up and turned upside down, leave for 24 hours to cool gradually. Store in a cool closet, cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Peach Jam with Almonds from Elena Chekalova

The famous TV presenter and culinary specialist does not recognize sweet seals with a high sugar content. She suggests making jam with that amount of granulated sugar, which is necessary exclusively for a pleasant, unobtrusive taste. Of course, such a jam will not stand in the closet for three years, but it’s not necessary either! Its shelf life is only 6 months. But who will wait six months to enjoy an incredibly tasty dessert from Elena Chekalova ?!

Ingredients for 8 cans of 0.5 l each: 3 kg of slightly ripe peaches, 3 large oranges, 300 g of almonds, 1.5 kg of sugar.

Remove the zest from carefully washed oranges with a grater, squeeze out all the juice and pour the zest shavings to it.
Scald the almonds with boiling water, remove the softened skin from them. Put the peeled almonds in one layer on a paper towel and dry (3 hours). Place the nuts in a container with a lid.
Remove the seeds from the peaches, cut the fruits into large pieces, cover with sugar and pour in orange juice with zest.
Once the peaches are full of juice (it will take a few hours or overnight), you can cook the jam. After boiling the mass over a calm fire, remove the foam, mix and boil for another five minutes.
Repeat this cooking process for three days in a row. Short-term boiling in several stages will make the jam clear and thick. In the last step, you can add nuts.
Roll the boiling jam with nuts into prepared glass, cool at room temperature and store in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Spicy gooseberry jam with banana "Pyatiminutka"

Confectioners cherish a secret love for gooseberry jam, and the classics glorify its taste in immortal works. And this is no accident! It will captivate from the first spoon, and then it is impossible to stop ... This ode is dedicated to the classic gooseberry jam, but if you enrich its taste with banana and spices, you will get a true culinary masterpiece.

For 2 cans of 0.5 l each: 500 g of very ripe gooseberries, 1 banana, 500 g of sugar, 3 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick.

Remove the tails from the washed gooseberries and knead the berries well with a wooden mortar.
Add banana cut into thin slices to the berries and cover everything with granulated sugar. Let the mixture “marinate” for two hours.
Put cinnamon and clove boxes in a bowl with gooseberries and banana. Place on the hob and cook for four minutes.
Put banana-gooseberry jam into scalded jars, seal hermetically. Before being sent to the pantry, the jars should stand and cool.

Recipe 6: Double Layer Rhubarb and Strawberry Jam

Ingredients for 3 0.5 L cans:
Rhubarb layer: 500 g rhubarb, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, 300 g of sugar, 2 g of pectin.
Strawberry layer: 500 g strawberries, 2 g pectin, 300 g sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice.

Rhubarb layer

Remove the top skin from the rhubarb. This is easy to do if you pick up an edge with a knife and pull it to the other end.
Chop the stems into cubes (1 cm). Cover with sugar (250 g) and add citrus juice.
Boil the mixed ingredients, stirring occasionally, until the rhubarb pieces break down into fibers.
Mix the pectin with the rest of the sugar and pour in small portions into the rhubarb, accompanying this action with continuous stirring. Boil for a minute.
Fill the scalded jars with boiling rhubarb jam up to half. While the strawberry jam is cooking, the first layer will be sealed with a film that will prevent the layers from mixing.

Cook the strawberry layer in the same way as rhubarb:

Strawberries can be mashed with a blender or cut into quarters.
Berries pour 250 g of sugar, pour in lemon juice.
After boiling the strawberries, gently add the pectin with the remaining sugar and boil for a minute.
Slowly and carefully pour the strawberry jam onto the rhubarb layer, twist the jars and, after cooling down, put them in a storage cabinet or pantry.

Recipe 7: Raspberry-blackberry jam "Pyatiminutka"

Ingredients for 7-8 cans of 0.5 l each: 2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of blackberries, 1 kg of raspberries.

Sort the blackberries and raspberries and add sugar in separate containers, using 1 kg of granulated sugar for each berry. They must be infused in their own juice overnight.
Strain the juice of both berries into a large copper bowl. If sugar has settled at the bottom of the containers, it must also be sent to the juice.
While stirring, cook the berry syrup over low heat until all the sugar is dissolved. When the liquid boils, transfer the raspberries and blackberries to a saucepan.
Cook for five minutes. If foam appears on the surface, remove with a spoon. After 8 hours, boil the jam again (about five minutes).
Pour the prepared syrup with berries into steamed jars, close. Jam with a deep purple color and no less deep taste can be served immediately with tea or moved to the pantry for winter teas.

Recipe 8: Jam with French charm: strawberry-passion fruit-rose water

This unusual jam comes from the small Parisian patisserie Patisserie Artisanale, Les petits mitrons. It is named there “Love. Fraises - Passion - Roses "or" Love. Strawberry-Passion-Roses ". The name aptly expresses the character of strawberry jam with exotic passion and rose petals. The rich color and bright taste will remain in your memory forever.

Ingredients for 3 0.5 L cans: 1 kg of strawberries, 80 g of passionfruit puree or 6 fruits, 600 g of sugar, 15 ml of rose water, 3 g of pectin.

Purée the peeled strawberries with a blender.
It is better to take the passionfruit pulp fresh, there are no seeds in the frozen and chopped puree, which look very beautiful in a jar of jam. Moreover, mashed potatoes will make the finished jam cloudy.
Combine the strawberry puree with passionfruit and add 550 g of sugar, mix and place on the stove.
Stirring continuously, cook the jam for five minutes after boiling. It is imperative to remove the foam, otherwise the dessert will not be amber-transparent. The fragrant foam can be served with pancakes.
Mix pectin and 50 g of sugar, add a thin stream to the total mass and then boil for another 1 minute.
Add rose water to boiling jam, but after removing it from the hob. Stir and transfer the "strawberry passion" to sterilized jars. Store jam with French charm in a dark place.

Recipe 9: Nectarine Lime Thyme Sun Jam

The main thing for this jam is ripe and very juicy nectarines. Spicy thyme can be replaced with “dessert” mint, or herbs can be eliminated from the recipe altogether.

Ingredients for 3 0.5 L cans: 1 kg of nectarine pulp, 600 g of sugar, 1 lime, a sprig of thyme, 3 g of pectin.

Remove the skin from the nectarines and remove the seeds.
Kill the fruit with a blender, pour 550 g of sugar into the puree, add the juice of a small lime, and put in the thyme.
When the fruit mixture "gurgles", slowly and without stopping stirring the puree, add the pectin mixed with sugar. Continuing to stir, boil the mass for a minute. Remove the sprig of thyme from the finished jam.
Roll up the solar jam into prepared jars, store in a place hidden from light.

Recipe 10: Pepper Jam: Melon, Mango and Chili in 5 Minutes

Ingredients for 5 cans of 0.5 l each: 500 g of mango pulp (3 large fruits) and melons, 500 g of sugar for jam (with pectin), lemon, 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon and chili powder (or the tip of a fresh pod).

Cut the melon and mango pulp into pieces (1.5-2 cm).
Remove the zest from the lemon with a grater and extract the juice. Pour over the mango and melon.
Pour sweet sand into the fruit slices and leave for several hours so that the mixture lets out the juice.
Transfer the juicy mass to a bowl with a thick bottom, and cook until the first boiling bubbles begin to appear. Remove from the hob, cover and leave to infuse overnight.
In the morning, mashed the mass, boil, add cinnamon and chili powder, boil for another 3-4 minutes.
Pour boiling melon-mango jam into jars treated with steam or boiling water, roll up and leave to cool. You can eat jam the next day, but it is better to keep the bright and fragrant "summer" for cozy winter evenings.

How to cook a five-minute: tips

The Pyatiminutka jam is loved by many modern chefs. They are happy to share tips to help you prepare this "early ripening" jam without any unpleasant surprises:

For jam with a thick, homogeneous consistency, fruits / berries are suitable, soft, juicy, well-ripened. If the jam should be made with pieces of fruit in syrup or whole berries, it is better to take slightly unripe fruits.
The advantage of five-minute jam is that short heat treatment does not damage the integrity of the fruit. To keep it in the jar, do not stir the jam with a spoon during cooking, it is better to gently shake the pan.
The amount of sugar in five-minute recipes varies from 0.5 kg to 1.5 kg per kilogram of fruit. The less sugar, the shorter the shelf life of the finished jam.
You can also cook "five minutes" from cherries with seeds - the taste will be richer and with pleasant almond notes. But before cooking, it is better to pierce the berries with a needle or scald with boiling water. This will make the cherries soaked in syrup better.
Jars for jam, which takes only five minutes to cook, must be perfectly sterilized otherwise the jam will "explode" before winter.

Five minutes - jam with minimal time consumption and maximum benefit. Cooking it is a pleasure, but there is ... another! The jar, opened in winter, smells of fresh summer, midday heat, home comfort and evening tea in the circle of connoisseurs of sweet fruit and berry pleasure.