How many calories contains an egg. What kind of egg is the most useful and lowest-calorie? In boiled form

13.05.2019 Meat dishes

A lot of disputes are underway about the benefits and dangers of eggs. To resolve them, it is necessary to understand how many calories in the egg contain, and how this indicator changes depending on the preparation method.

Good day, friends of a healthy lifestyle! For a long time it was believed that in the home egg, in addition to the beneficial substances, there is a lot of cholesterol, and their use is harmful to health, speeds up the process of the development of atherosclerosis and other pathology of the cardiovascular system. Research in this area has denied this fact. It turns out that in the yolk there is not only harmful cholesterol, but also lecithin. This substance neutralizes the effect of harmful fatty alcohol.

Use of Product

When it was possible to prove that the beneficial substances are more than harmful, the product has become an indispensable component of many weight loss programs. The average weight of one "gifts from the chicken" is 45 grams. It contains water (in her yolk about 50%), proteins, fats, minerals. There are practically no carbohydrates.

Impressive vitamin composition. In the fresh egg there is vitamin A, E, D, K, PP and B. B. in 1 pc. High content of minerals and microelements, such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, etc. The main use is the presence of an easily dismissed protein. Protein is the main material for building muscles. In one chicken "gift" there is 15% of the daily protein rate.

The protein in combination with the yolk gives a long sense of satiety. Its regular consumption in boiled, fried or raw form provides man with strong muscles, and also guarantees:

  • improving brain work;
  • disinfecting and antimicrobial effect;
  • prevention of vascular diseases;
  • maintaining at a high level of lipid metabolism and metabolism;
  • normalization of the liver operation;
  • strengthening the immune system and stabilizing the functioning of the endocrine system.

In the human diet, they are injected in boiled form after the child is 7 months. It is important to be careful, because in the yolk of the boiled egg there are substances that cause an allergic reaction. Acqualing children to the new food should be carefully and gradually. Adult healthy person can consume 1 pcs. in a day. If there are health problems or in blood is noted elevated, the amount to 2-3 pcs should be reduced. in Week.


In 100 grams of raw chicken eggs contain almost 160 kcal. The heat treatment method and additional ingredients affect the calorie content of the product, namely:

  • in the egg boiled screw (in relation to 100 grams) contains 50 calories;
  • in the product cooked schituka - 70 kcal;
  • in fried on sunflower oil - 125 kcal, on a creamy - 270 kcal, when cooking without oil - 100 kcal;
  • the glaze contains almost 250 calories, and in the scrambled eggs of 3 pieces, nutritional value excavates 250 kcal;
  • in a classic ocher, calorieness does not exceed 300 kcal, the dish is often prepared without a yolk, so it is possible to reduce the calirage more than twice;
  • in the egg-pashot, provided that the product has medium sizes, calorieness does not exceed 65 kcal.

In the protein of one egg no more than 30 calories, so people on the diet often consume only a white gentle part. The product is perfectly combined with other food, especially with vegetables - tomatoes, onions, lettuce leaves, celery. You can harm the body and figure if you can consume a product with mayonnaise, sauces, bacon and other fatty food.

Prepare best of fresh eggs. You can check this indicator in water (read the instruction). There are dietary recipes for cooking in a microwave, a slow cooker, etc.

For comparison

The product from chicken is often compared with "derivatives" from other birds. Therefore, we offer you a small scheme with caloring of several types of eggs:

  • In the quail egg (100 grams) contains 168 kcal. At the same time, the product does not cause allergic reactions and is characterized by a richer composition. Vitamins, amino acids and minerals in them 2 times more than in chicken.

  • An ostrich raw egg has calorie content of 118 units per 100 grams. However, the product is 20-30 times greater than the familiar chicken.

  • In goose - 370 calories. It is several times more chicken. Energy value 100 grams. The product is 185 calories.

  • The turkey egg is characterized by 170 calories per 100 grams of the product. In the diet menu, this species is not used, since it contains a lot of fats.

For those who lose weight or just watch their figure, it is very important to consider the daily caliper. Now you know how much the calories contain in chicken and other types of eggs, and you can competently consider your diet. If you like our article, share it on my page in Soc. networks. We thank all those who are not indifferent. To new meetings!

Chicken eggs are in the diet of every person, because they are rich in useful for our body elements and can become a wonderful breakfast, lunch or dinner. But at the same time, their use in large quantities can negatively affect health, and if it comes to weight loss, the daily rate decreases even more. Eggs are the product that is useful until it is used correctly, but it is worth breaking at least one rule - and the result will not be so good as expected. To understand how and in what quantity there are, you need to know how much it is in a chicken egg, what is its caloric content and what elements it is rich.

BUY, Caloric Eggs

The medium-sized egg weighs approximately 55-60 g and contains about 70 kilocalories. 60% of the entire mass of the egg falls on the protein, the yolk - 30%, and 10% takes the shell. Bypping chicken eggs in raw form:

  • Proteins - 12 grams.
  • Fat - 11 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 1 gram.

Calorie and buding chicken eggs can be different depending on how it is cooked. There are many methods for cooking eggs, and each of them affects its own way to the ratio of elements. For example, Introducing the eggs of chicken boiled and its calorieness are not very different from the same indicators in the raw form, but it is worth breaking it into a frying pan with oil, as the situation will change dramatically.

The caloric content of the egg can also affect the chicken eating. If the bird had the opportunity, except for the use of special feed, walk through a large area and find various branches or larvae, then the egg will have a large caloric content in comparison with what is obtained on the poultry farm. Home chickens are valued more not only in terms of nutrient content, but also taking into account the benefit for the body.

There is a myth that the eggs should be used exclusively than white, because, if brown or brown egg chicken, it is also significantly different. In fact, the color of the egg does not affect the indicators of substances in it.

Eggs are one of the most unique products on the planet, because they are absorbed by a human body by 98%. And let them occur allergies, it does not change its nutritional value. Chicken eggs do not harm the body and are completely output, at the same time satuating it with useful elements.

Chicken Egg Squirrel: By

The composition of the chicken protein includes 87% water, 11% proteins, 1% carbohydrates and 1% mineral substances. Introducing chicken eggs without yolk significantly less. This is what makes it an incredibly valuable source of low-calorie proteins. Calorie and Buzz Chicken Middle Size Eggs excluding Yolk:

  • Cylolaria (100 g) - 52.
  • Proteins - 11 grams.
  • Fats - 0.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.

In there are the correct proportions of essential amino acids, including methionine, which can not produce a human body. It is methionine that plays a big role in the synthesis of creatine, adrenaline, contributes to the active action of vitamins and enzymes. At the same time, if the body has an insufficient amount of methionine and there are problems in the work of the nervous system.

By Jolk

The chicken yolk consists of 50% of the water, 32% occupy fats, 16% - proteins, and 2% is discharged to mineral substances. Cylolarius in the chicken eggs of medium sized chicken eggs about 50-55; per 100 grams - 350 kilocalories.

Bypping chicken eggs without protein:

  • Proteins - 16 g.
  • Fats - 31
  • Carbohydrates - 1 g.

The big value of the yolk is that it contains a whole complex of fatty acids, which positively affect the work of the whole organism. But many eating eggs on the principle of "protein - to a plate, yolk - in the garbage bucket" due to the fact that in the yolk a lot of cholesterol. Yes, the yolk cholesterol is really rich, but it also needs a human body. For example, if there is a low cholesterol in the body, the liver begins to produce it itself. Moderate use of egg yolk will not harm health. In addition, besides cholesterol, in a chicken egg yolk there is a lot of useful substances such as lecithin, which contributes to brain activity and prevents the development of sclerosis, or which activates the metabolism.

Useful trace elements in chicken egg

Chicken eggs are not only a high product, but also a source of a large number of useful bioregulators, minerals and proteins. What exactly contains a chicken egg and how does his use affect human health?

  1. Niacin, or Vitamin B3, is necessary to power cells, contributes to the production of genital hormones.
  2. Holine, or vitamin B4, - improves memory, activates the process of cleaning the liver from poisons.
  3. Vitamin D is important to maintain phosphorus and calcium in the body. Eggs occupy a second position in the list of products rich in vitamin D, yielding only fish oil.
  4. Vitamin K is necessary for normal blood flow.
  5. Vitamin E and iron - actively struggle with poor mood and fatigue, are necessary to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Vitamin A - increases immunity, positively affects growth and vision.
  7. Vitamin E - counteracts the development of some forms of cancer and makes the eggs with some "elixir youth", because this vitamin retains natural beauty and does not give the body to grow old.
  8. Vitamin B12 - has a beneficial effect on blood formation and is a way of preventing nerve diseases. One egg satisfies the daily need for vitamin B12 by 100%.

And this is only a small part, because chicken eggs are rich in calcium, manganese, selenium, folacine, sodium, zinc, biotin and folic acid, there are almost all vitamins (with the exception of vitamin C), indispensable amino acids.

Chicken Eggs for Slimming

In the diet of a person who observes therapeutic nutrition or diet for weight loss, must be eggs. Bypping chicken eggs and its caloric content prove that this product is one of the lowest-calorie, but with the nutrient in the world. Its use normalizes the metabolism. Two eggs for breakfast make a daily diet less than 400 kilocalories, while they perfectly satisfy the body for the whole day.

Yolk is much calorie protein, so it is often thrown away, and with it a whole complex of useful trace elements and vitamins.

The indicators of chicken eggs without a yolk fall, and the diet becomes less calorie, but there is no speech about nutrition in this case. The yolk should also be in the diet, as well as protein, but in smaller quantities. When weight loss, it is recommended to use no more than two yolks per day. At the same time, protein can be in unlimited quantity. That is, eating two cool chicken eggs with tomato and cheese for breakfast with tomato and cheese, the omelet based on egg protein with a salad can afford. A variety of cooking methods is impressive that again proves the value of this product.

How to cook chicken egg

BUY, the caloric content of eggs in the boiled form is equal to the corresponding indicators in the cheese. And this is a big plus, as many people cannot use raw eggs, but boiled have much better taste quality, while fully retaining all benefits for the body.

Before cooking eggs, they must be pulled out from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature. This is done so that they do not burst into boiling water when entering boiling water. After they should be rinsed - and you can cook. Cooking time depends on what egg as a result should be obtained: Skump - 1-3 minutes, "in the bag" - 4-5 minutes, screwed up - 7-8 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to expect that large eggs will be cooked longer, and therefore, they should be pulled out to last. If the eggs were cooked more than 10 minutes, they will be digested, which means that the yolk will lose their taste and turn the greenish flare, and the protein will become like rubber.

To preserve all fatty acids that are in the yolk, eggs need to be prepared as follows: omit them in boiling water and turn off the gas after 1 minute, without removing them for another 5 minutes. As a result, the protein will have time to weld, and the yolk will remain liquid.

Cooking is the best way to prepare eggs in which their nutritional value is preserved. With frying, the egg protein does not preserve its structure, and from the use of oil to the body, carcinogens enter the liver and the digestive system.

Potential damage chicken eggs. Cholesterol

Many refuse eating eggs due to cholesterol content. But how great it is harmful to the body and whether it is in general - a question without a final answer.

One egg contains a little more than 200 milligrams of this substance. Cholesterol in the blood is customary to divide into two categories: "good" (increases the level and "bad" (increases the level of low density lipoproteins, LDL). It turned out that food cholesterol contributes to raising the level and "bad", and "good" cholesterol. Action " Bad "is associated with sutured fats, which are few in the composition of eggs, and therefore, there will be no significant increase in such cholesterol after their use.

The daily rate of cholesterol is 300 milligrams, which means one egg per day will not hurt health. But those who are inclined to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, it costs eggs less often - at least every other day.


If cholesterol is not such a terrible phenomenon in chicken egg, then the possibility of swallowing Salmonella with this product is really terrifying. Through the shell, it can get into the egg at different stages of the formation and consumption of this product. Salmonella delivers real harm to the body, but there are ways to protect yourself from this:

  1. Do not eat eggs that have passed thermal processing less than 5 minutes.
  2. Do not wash eggs before putting them in the refrigerator, so as not to remove the protective film, without which the risk of penetration of salmonella in the egg increases. It should be done immediately before cooking.
  3. Throw eggs with a cracked shell and do not keep them for a long time in the refrigerator.

Allergic reaction

Cases of allergies are most often found in children. The intolerance to the egg protein is a common phenomenon, but fortunately, most children get rid of it by five years. Among the symptoms there are nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, itching, dizziness, fainting, and in some cases anaphylactic shock.

People with allergies on egg protein should carefully study the composition of the products, because the eggs are one of the most used ingredients to prepare a set of them. Some elements are even added to vaccine vaccines.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Eggs are familiar and traditional food, chicken eggs are considered the most common. Non-lacking chicken are postponed one (less than two) eggs once a day, the most useful - eggs from young home chickens, they are small in size, but have a pronounced "egg" taste.

Calorie of chicken egg

The caloric content of the chicken egg is 157 kcal per 100 grams of the product. It should be borne in mind that the average weight of one egg varies from 35 to 75 g, therefore the calculation of calories will be appropriate.

Harm chicken eggs

The main harm of chicken eggs is the possible presence of a dangerous microbe - Salmonella, which causes salmonellosis, causing serious inflammation of the intestines, blood infection and paratif. Immirement use of boiled eggs can provoke problems with digestion, constipation.

In the chemical composition of chicken eggs more than ten basic vitamins -, vitamins (,), and, as well as almost the entire table of the chemical elements of Mendeleev -, and,, boron and, and titanium, silicon, and aluminum, and. In the eggs a lot of iron, but from eggs it is not very good, so as a source of iron is better to use meat and liver. At the same time, if drinking eggs in the raw form, then they also prevent the absorption of iron from other products.

Chicken egg consists of squirrel and yolk. - Supplier of natural weightless protein, on average protein contains 10 g per 100 g of egg protein. Contains fat-soluble vitamins, as well as cholesterol.

The egg chicken yolk contains a high amount of fat, but it is mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids and mono-dissolved fatty acids, the saturated fatty acids account for smaller% content:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Linoleic acid - 16%
  • Linolenic acid - 2%

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitoleic acid - 5%
  • Oleic acid - 47%

Saturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitic Acid - 23%
  • Stearinic acid - 4%
  • Miristinic acid - 1%

One egg contains about 130 mg of choline in its composition. Holine, which is part of the yolk adjusts the amount of fats and cholesterol in the body.

Incoming chicken egg, improves the blood supply of the brain, which improves the memory and prevents the development of sclerosis (Calorizator). Even egg shell, miserring, purified from film and dried - a very useful product for strengthening bones and stimulation of hair growth.

In the composition of eggs, cholesterol content reaches 570 mg. Cholesterol is contained only in the yolk and it is considered the least harmful, because it is balastinated by lecithin, which in turn is necessary for the nutrition of nerve cells.

By nutritionality, the egg replaces two hundred grams of milk and fifty grams of meat. Chicken egg must be consumed several times a week, they are almost completely absorbed by the body (by 97-98%), without a scoring bowel with unnecessary slags. Although eggs are considered a very nutritious product, they are not corrected from them. Moreover, they are often included in medicinal diets.

Egg and cholesterol

On the day, a healthy person is allowed to use 1 egg. If a person has a high level of cholesterol in the blood, nutritionists recommend to consume 2-3 eggs per week.

Categories of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs entering for sale with a poultry farm labeled depending on the shelf life and mass of a separate egg. Usually on the package we see the letter and digit, or two capital letters, find out what they are denoted.

The first is a sign denoting the life of the product:

  • D - dietary egg, the term of implementation does not exceed 7 days,
  • C is a table, a permissible implementation period - 25 days.

By weight, chicken eggs are divided as follows:

  • B - Egg of the highest category, weighing 75 g and above,
  • O - Egg selected, 65-74.9 g,
  • 1 - egg first category, 55-64.9 g,
  • 2 - egg second category, 45-54.9 g,
  • 3 - Egg Third category, 35-44.9

Differences of chicken eggs in appearance

Chicken eggs Even in one package may look completely different - almost round and elongated, with a pronounced sharp tip or almost perfectly oval shape, white, cream, light brown, with dark spots, matte and glossy, smooth and rough to the touch . On the quality and taste features, this does not in any way affect, usually white eggs carry white chickens, and non-ferrous - nurses of bright colors. Therefore, choosing eggs of various colors, we first give preference to their aesthetic addictions. Often there are eggs with two yolks - so far scientists have not come to an unequivocal conclusion, pathology is or common. To feed on the table, such eggs are very effective, and the usual differ from the larger form.

There are several options as you can learn about the freshness of eggs. But knowing such a thing that the longer the egg is stored, the easier it becomes, we chose the easiest option - omit the egg into a glass with water. If the egg drowned - then it is the most fresher, 1-3 days as a chicken demolished it, if the egg floats, but it does not rise high, then this means that the egg chicken demolished about 7-10 days ago. And if the egg remains to swim on the surface of the water - such a chicken egg demolished more than 20 days ago.

Each egg is covered with a film from nature, which allows the eggs to be stored for a long time, so before storing eggs it is not recommended to wash it, but before the process of cooking eggs itself, the film is better washed with water.

Egg chicken and slimming

Many have heard about the benefits of chicken eggs and their beneficial effect on the process of discharge of extra kilograms. "Two boiled eggs for breakfast - excess weight, if anything happen," - a familiar slogan, right? If you think a pretty, then not everything is so unequivocal. Recall that bodybuilder athletes who are critically suitable for any products, during the "drying" of the body only proteins, ignoring yolks, to get pure protein and get rid of cholesterol. Therefore, before unconditionally believing in the rapid weight loss on some chicken eggs, you need to understand if it is useful. However, there are, which are based on the use of chicken eggs and lead to a real reduction in weight.

Cooking chicken eggs

Probably not in nature and our refrigerator product is easier and necessary than a chicken egg. Starting from raw eggs that drink, covering pepper and, whipped in Gogol-Mogol, to eggs, cooked sick, in the bag, pashoto and screwed. Scrambled eggs, omelets simple, with cream and fillings, puddings and egg muffins, fillings for pies, meat rolls and pancakes, indispensable ingredient in almost all beloved salads, cold snacks, desserts - meringue and almond cakes, additive in dough and painted eggs for Easter - The list can be continued to infinity, because chicken eggs are a universal product that boils, fry and baked in the oven, eat raw and in any case, besides pleasure, receive maximum benefits.

Especially for
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Another 15-20 years ago, nutritionists attributed eggs to the discharge of harmful products and recommended to consume a maximum of 1 pcs per week. Then they moved to the category of useful food. It was previously believed that cholesterol contained in the yolk is too harmful. Now this point of view has changed radically, because it turned out that he "neutralized" lecithin present in the yolk. Let's find out how many calories in the egg (chicken, quail) and how this product affects the body.

Egg composition and nutritional value

The average weight of chicken eggs is 45 grams, calorie content - 75 kilocalories. Protein includes:

  • 87% water
  • 11% Belkov
  • 1% carbohydrates
  • 1% mineral substances.

Yolk indicators are as follows: water - 50%, fats - 31%, proteins - 17%, minerals - 2%. The product is highly content of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, selenium and zinc. The following are presented from vitamins and trace elements: a, b3, b4, b6, b12, d, e, to pp, biotin and folic acid.

Calorie of chicken egg

People who follow their diet and counting literally every caloria know that the energy value of chicken eggs is 158 kilocalories. But it should be noted that the caloric content of 100 grams of the product differs depending on which it is consumed. Raw will be less calorie than roasted. And then, in turn, inferior to the powder. We suggest you to evaluate the energy value of the product prepared in different ways.

In cheese egg

It has practically no carbohydrates, so all the energy value is made up of other components - fats and proteins. The first is contained in the yolk, the second - in protein. The ratio of BPU by 100 grams of the product is 13 g, 11.4 g and 0.1 g, respectively. The total caloric content is assessed by nutritionists in 157 kilocalories. Accordingly, the average energy value of 1 piece of medium sized (raw) - 70 kcal, large - 80 kcal, and very large - 90 kcal.


Boiled nuts nutritionists recommend consuming for breakfast. You will feel full, and the temptation "snack something else" will not arise before dinner. In 1 boiled egg, there is a lot of protein, which is charged with energy for 4-5 hours. Remember that the shell must be rinsed well with warm water immediately before cooking. Now about cooking time. If you want to get eggs sick, keep them in boiling water 2 minutes, "in the bag" or pashote - 4 minutes, screwed up - 7 minutes.

Remember that the body beneficial for the body will be preserved better if you carefully lower the product in boiling water, and after 90 seconds, turn off the plate and give it to "walk" until the right time is ready. In this case, the yolk will be liquid, and the protein is relatively solid. Eggs are undesirable to digest: they will become like rubber. To make it easier to remove the shell, place them in cold water, as soon as remove from the stove. The caloric content of the eggs cooked, is estimated at 70 kcal (as well as raw), screwed up - 55-60 kcal.


How many calories in the fried egg? Depends on the preparation method. Note that the product is more caloriene in this form than raw or boiled. Therefore, people who follow their own figure is not recommended. The egg, fried without oil, has caloric content of 100 kcal, on vegetable oil - 125 kcal. Let's talk about dishes: the nutritional value of fried eggs from 2 eggs - 250 kokalorius. The glazing contains 245 kcal per 100 grams. Omelet from two eggs - 300 kilocalories. Well, now - a specific product, popular with people sitting on low-calorie diets. It is an omelet of proteins, the caloric content of which is 128 kcal per 100 grams.

In egg powder

The invention of the powder, called dry melange, led to the real revolution in the field of food industry. Earlier, exceptionally fresh eggs were used for the preparation of products, which was not convenient. It was too expensive to transport them to the factory. Today, only one kilogram of powder replaces 90 eggs. The energy value of 100 grams of the product is 542 kilocaloria. The content of fats - 37.3 g, proteins - 46 g, carbohydrates - 4.5 g.

In one squirrel and yolk

Calorie of chicken egg yolk above calorie proteins. Take this, if you consume them separately. The medium-sized protein (without yolk) contains approximately 20 kilocalories. It is absorbed by an organism by 97%. In the composition of the protein there are dozens of amino acids important for humans, for example, methionine. Adrenaline, creatine and cysteine, which is responsible for neutralizing toxins are synthesized from it in the body. Methionine deficiency can lead to a complex damage to the nervous system.

One egg yolk has a calorie content of 50 kcal. It contains dietary fibers and a complex of fatty acids, positively affecting the body. Lecithin contributes to improving brain activity and memory, increases human performance, helps to restore after physical exertion, prevents the development of sclerosis and has a beneficial effect on the liver.

How many calories in quail egg

The quail eggs contain a huge amount of vitamins (2.5 times more than chicken), trace elements and amino acids. In this case, no contraindications to their consumption exist. They do not cause allergies. This product is desirable to be used in diseases of the digestive tract (in particular, with gastritis and ulcers). It helps to normalize blood pressure. Energy value is 168 kilocalories.


The volume of ostrich eggs is 20-40 times greater than chicken. They are preparing similarly. Yes, that's just to boil around, you will need one and a half hours. 100 grams contain 12.5 g of proteins, 11.8 g of fats, 0.7 g of carbohydrates. The calorieness of ostrich eggs is less than chicken. Nutritionists estimate it in 118 kilocalories per 100 grams. Accordingly, in 1 eggs of the average size of about 1300 kcal!


It weighs 4 times more chicken. It has a thick shell, so the cooking process takes at least 15 minutes. Do not forget to wash goose eggs well before cooking under warm running water, as they are dirty. The energy value of 100 grams of the product (in the raw form) is estimated at 185 kilocalories. In 1 egg approximately 370 kcal.


Turkey eggs are close in terms of consumer properties to chicken. They have a little longer size and weigh about 70-75 grams. Shell is durable, has a cream shade and bright dots. Size and color depend on the age of birds. The younger turkey, theme they are smaller and lighter. The energy value of fresh is estimated at 171 kilocaloria (per 100 grams). The product contains a lot of fats and little carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to include in the diet menu.

The benefits of Yaitz

The benefit for the body from the consumption of this product is huge. It favorably affects the health of women and men of any age. Let's immediately move on to concrete facts:

  1. The main benefits are in a full-fledged easily digestible protein. Only 1 piece will provide you with 15% of the daily need for this substance. The middle egg contains 6 grams of protein. It turns out that more than 10% of its weight goes directly to providing the body with energy.
  2. People who regularly consume eggs, due to the high content of them, protein have strong muscles.
  3. Protein provides a long sense of satiety, thereby helping to maintain a normal mass of the body.
  4. Lecithin needs pregnant women. It provides normal brain development by the fetus.
  5. Animal fats have a positive effect on the men's sexual system.
  6. Protein intake improves the condition of the skin and hair (with problems such as dandruff and loss).
  7. Fatty acids yolk strengthen and tone muscles in children.
  8. The product well affects the heart and prevent the development of diseases of the circulatory system.
  9. Provitamin A helps to fight pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.
  10. Vitamin D (its content in the eggs is high) contributes to the best absorption by the body of calcium. It helps to maintain the health of the teeth and bone fabrics. Yolk is one of the few products that are a natural source of this vitamin.
  11. Holine supports lipid exchange and helps liver perform their functions.
  12. Lutein and Zeaxantin are useful for sight. They prevent the development of diseases such as cataracts.
  13. Selenic protects the cells of the body, supports immunity and normalizes the work of the thyroid gland.

Remember: The maximum benefit is the organism bring fresh eggs. How to check it? There are two ways. You can slightly shake the egg if it is fresh - you will not hear any sounds from the inside. The second option is to omit into the water. Freshly drowns immediately.

Eggs in dietary nutrition

Chicken eggs are included in the list of useful low-calorie products. They are included in various diets and are used in therapeutic nutrition: their consumption helps to normalize metabolism. Interestingly, people eating for breakfast 2 boiled eggs (for a long time providing a feeling of satiety), reduce the caloric content of the daily diet at least 300 kilocalories.

Nutritionists advise people seeking to lose weight, consume not less than 2-3 pcs per week. During a low carbon diet, the number can be increased to 4-5 pieces. Boiled eggs help to lose weight and maintain a human immune system, weakened not enough nutrient diet. They are present in the menu of the Belkova and the Kremlin diet, Diet Protasov and Atkins.

The norm of use

If you have a normal cholesterol level, consume 1 pcs per day. Such a "dosage" provides the body with a sufficient amount of beneficial substances. If cholesterol is elevated, reduce consumption rate up to 2-3 pcs per week.

In the diet of small children of yolk it is worth introducing from 7 months. Tabs at the age of 2-3 years are recommended to eat 2-3 yolks per week. Having painted your menu, do not forget to take into account that the eggs are part of many products, such as mayonnaise or baked baking.

Chicken egg - affordable, dietary, simple, tasty, inexpensive product, using ...

A chicken egg is an affordable, dietary, simple, delicious, inexpensive product that is very popular with consumers. Fried eggs, omelet, croutons - all these dishes are an excellent breakfast option or dinner. People from ancient times use this product for food, so it is well known about its beneficial properties.

Chicken eggs are two categories: dining and dietary. You can on sale products with the appropriate marking - C and D. dietary called a chicken egg in the first 7 days, after the chicken was demolished, and after a weekly, it is already called the table.

In modern cooking, eggs are used everywhere. They are added to pastries, desserts, first and second dishes, salads, snacks, and even some drinks. There are many recipes where eggs are present. This product can not only be harvested in the shell or fry in a frying pan. Eggs can be prepared in the microwave, bake in the oven, and cook in boiling water without a shell.

Chicken eggs are an excellent source of nutrients. They contain useful proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also important vitamins and microelements for human health. Unlike other protein products, the egg is absorbed by an organism by 97-98%. Eggs enter the diet of people following their health and weight. The product has a unique composition, therefore it has a positive impact on the human condition.

Chicken Eggs: Description

Chours are a source of useful meat and egg producers. They are bred in almost all corners of the globe. People began to use chicken eggs more than 2,000 years ago. Eggs of chickens have an oblong form, and depending on age, breed, weight and diet of birds, can be varied in size and color. The product is made of shell, squirrel and yolk. The color of the egg does not affect its useful and nutritious qualities. In the eggs equally useful and protein, and yolk. The shell is also widely used in traditional medicine and agriculture. In cooking, the eggs serve both separate dish and ingredient for soups, salads, snacks and other dishes.

Chicken Eggs: Composition

Eggs have a truly unique composition. They include 12 major vitamins: a, e, d, pp, n, k, vitamins of group B, namely B1, B2, B4 and B9 and others. By the number of vitamin D, the egg yolk is inferior to the championship only fish fat. Chicken eggs contain such micro and macroelements: phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, potassium and others. In addition, eggs are rich in indispensable amino acids.

In chicken egg protein contains about 90% water and 10% protein. The yolk consists of cholesterol and fat. In the total mass, the protein accounts for about 56%, the yolk is 32%, and the share of the shell is 12%.

An egg yolk contains most of the fat, but it consists mainly of mono-insecured and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are contained in smaller quantities.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include:

  • Linolenic acid - 2%;
  • Linoleic acid - 16%.

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Oleic acid - 47%;
  • Palmitoleic acid - 5%.

Saturated fatty acids include:

  • Miristinic acid - 1%;
  • Palmitic acid - 23%;
  • Stearinic acid - 4%.

In the eggs there are 96% of minerals, an increase in calcium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, cobalt and iron is increased.

How many calories in chicken egg?

The caloric content of the chicken egg is directly related to its size. The calorie content of the middle egg is approximately 70 kcal, the big egg will tighten about 80 kcal, and very large - at 90 kcal. So how many calories in the egg?

Calorie Yaitz It is about 150-157 kcal per 100 s. Of these: proteins - 51 kcal, fats - 103 kcal, carbohydrates - 3 kcal.

If you buy big-sized eggs, their caloric content will be higher. A pair of eggs is about 120-150 g.

How many calories in 1 egg? In one cheese, the egg contains about 70 kcal.

Many people are also interested in: "How many calories in the fried egg?". The calorie content of the fried egg can reach 350 kcal, depending on the amount of oil. For example, if you pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to the pan, then you will receive an additional 152 kcal (in 1 tablespoon contain 17 g of oil \u003d 152 kcal). If you use a frying pan with a non-stick coating and add a couple of drops of oil, then nothing to worry about. If you pour oil from the soul or make the scrambled eggs on the fat, the caloric content of the finished product will be much higher.

So, How many calories in the scrambled eggs of 2 eggs? We make simple calculations: 2 raw medium-sized eggs are approximately 120 grams \u003d 188-190 kcal. Add calorie content - 1 tablespoon (17 g) \u003d 152 kcal. Total we get 190 + 152 \u003d 342 kcal. For those who sit on a low-carb diet, this figure may be too big. If you want to lose weight, it is better to eat a couple of boiled eggs with vegetables for breakfast.

Calorie boiled eggs skey - 95 kcal (for eggs weighing 60 g).

Calorie boiled eggs Screw - 96 kcal (for egg weighing 60 g).

Calorie of egg protein (23g thing) - 10 kcal.

Calorie egg yolk (20 g of a piece) - 70 kcal.

Chicken Eggs: Useful properties

Eggs are distinguished by the unique composition, so doctors and nutritionists often say about their useful properties. In general, it was proved that:

  • The use of chicken eggs serves as an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Protect from cataracts and have a beneficial effect on vision;
  • Significantly reduce the risk of developing cancers, including breast cancer;
  • Have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, as well as help to cope with ulcene diseases;
  • Eggs have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, increase mental abilities and improve memory;
  • The product satures the body with useful vitamins and minerals, contributing to the strengthening of the immune system;
  • Bone tissue benefit, since vitamin D essentially incorporates, contributes to the absorption of calcium, which is vital for the development of a strong skeleton;
  • Very useful for the growth and development of muscles, which is due to the fact that egg protein is much more efficient than milk protein or beef protein;
  • Eggs are an antidepressant, improve mood, have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • The product improves the condition of the nails, hair and teeth;
  • Are an integral element of the diet of athletes and all people leading an active lifestyle;
  • Eggs contain folic acid, so it is useful not only to women planning pregnancy, but also pregnant women and nursing women;
  • Eggs - a useful product for men, as they improve the quality of sperm, which is also important when planning pregnancy;
  • Scientific research confirmed that the use of a pair of boiled eggs for breakfast contributes to weight loss.

Chicken Eggs: Contraindications and Possible Risks

The main danger that chicken eggs can be - the ability to infect salmonellosis. Doctors recommend rinse eggs under warm water, thoroughly wash their hands before cooking, and also do not use the crude product. Lovers of raw eggs risk more than others.

Excessive use of eggs leads to a large burden burden.

There is such an opinion that chicken eggs, namely yolk, contain an excessive amount of fat and increase cholesterol. In connection with the existing theory, many athletes are eating only proteins, fearing fat from yolks. However, recent studies have shown that in the eggs contains a substance - lecithin, which balances the level of "bad" and "good" cholesterol, which makes the product absolutely safe. Thus it was found that the eggs do not affect the increase in the "bad" cholesterol, but on the contrary, are an excellent preventive tool from atherosclerosis. Therefore, everyone can improve health and lose weight can eat chicken eggs without fears.

The use of chicken egg is just colossal. It is also useful in its own way and yolk, and together they represent almost the perfect (from a nutritional point of view) a product. Egg protein is much more useful than fish, milk or meat. It is the chicken protein that is easiest to be absorbed by the body, and brings solid benefits. Eating Eggs helps to strengthen immunity and speedy recovery after some diseases.

Yolk is the treasury of vitamins and useful elements. It includes biotin, lecithin and choline, as well as vitamins A, B and E. In addition, it satums the human body with phosphorus and iron. Phosphorus, in turn, perfectly affects the nervous system and the work of the brain.

Boiled chicken eggs: calorie, composition, benefit and harm

Parts of chicken eggs differ not only in composition, but also to taste. Protein and yolks are often used in cooking separately. Chicken eggs are subjected to various types of heat treatment, and sometimes used in raw form. Eggs are usually boiled, fried, or baked. There are also recipes for pickled and stuffed eggs.

In fact, boiled eggs are a food product that has undergone heat treatment, and used as a separate dish or composite ingredient of the main dishes, snacks, desserts, etc. Eggs serve as a stuffing for baking, as well as meat rolls, fish casseroles, etc.

Boiled eggs retain all useful vitamins and minerals, so the breakfast or snack in the form of boiled eggs is a great way to quench the hunger. Doctors, nutritionists, athletes speak about the benefits of eggs.

There are 3 main types of boiled eggs:

  • Egg boiled skey
  • Boiled egg boiled;
  • Boiled egg "in the bag".

Chicken eggs can be cooked a couple of minutes, but you can cook for about 10 minutes. It all depends on what result you want to get. During the cooking in the water, you can add salt so that the egg does not flow if it cracks when cooking.

  • The egg is boiled 2-3 minutes.
  • Egg "In the bag" - 5-6 minutes.
  • Screw egg - up to 10 minutes.

Chicken eggs can be baked in the oven together with cheese and vegetables, you can fry a classic friable, and you can make a very tasty omelet. In addition, from eggs make Gogol-Mogol, they are added to the dough, cutlets, cocktails. Eggs can even be chopped out or spawn. Flight the fantasy there is no limit. The product is perfectly combined with vegetables, greens, cheese.

How much can I eat eggs in a week?

The fact that eggs are a very useful product, no one doubts. Nevertheless, for many years, there are disputes among doctors and nutritionists about how much eggs can be eaten a week? Some experts argue that the optimal amount is 2-3 eggs per week, others say that you can use up to 5 eggs, and the third is advised at all are not limited. Who is right? According to the latest research, eggs do not increase the level of cholesterol, so they can be used almost every day. People who already have cholesterol problems are to limit the use of this product.

For example, bodybuilders, during the preparation for competitions, can eat up to a dozen eggs, in addition to other products. In addition, there are several popular diets based on 2 to 4 eggs per day.

People of the older generation tend to believe that eggs are dangerous and there is nothing more than two times a week. Contemporary Science These performances refute and finds new confirmation that the frequent reception in eating foods and elevated cholesterol is not interrelated.

A person who leads an active way of life engaged in sports, you can eat so many eggs as he wants, but not moving. It is important to remember that any, even the most useful product, with excessive use, turns into a poison. If the level of cholesterol is no longer normal, there are diseases of the kidneys and liver, then from eggs it is better to refuse or reduce them to 2-4 pieces per week. The norm can only determine the doctor after the survey.