How to Cook Broth: A Complete Guide. Cooking tips: when to salt potatoes when boiling

Each housewife has her own cooking secrets. This also applies to potatoes, from which various dishes are created. Salting food is an important point. The time depends on the cooking method. When to salt potatoes when cooking is described in the article.

Salt types

In many ways, when to salt potatoes during cooking depends on the type of salt:

Therefore, the answer to the question of when to salt potatoes when cooking depends on various reasons. If the tastes of the guests are known, then a suitable type of dish can be prepared. If not, then it is better to make sure that everyone adds as much salt as they need.

Potato cooking rules

Novice housewives need to know what potatoes are required:

Vegetables must be washed. Whether to clean it or not depends on the type of dish you want to cook. Small tubers cook faster. But when cut, the potato loses its valuable properties.

The cooking procedure is as follows:

  1. Prepared tubers must be placed in a saucepan, pour cold water. The liquid should cover the product slightly.
  2. The dishes are placed on the stove and covered with a lid. Then a medium fire turns on.
  3. It is necessary to wait for the water to boil, after which the fire must be reduced and cooked until tender.
  4. Finally, add salt to taste.

Peeled boiled potatoes

Among the housewives there are different opinions about whether to salt potatoes when cooking and when it should be done. The taste of ready meals depends on the time of adding this product. Do I need to salt potatoes when cooking if they are peeled? It is necessary to do this, while there are several ways to perform this procedure:

  1. Salt is added to cold water with tubers when the pot is on fire. But there is a risk of oversalting the dish, as this white product will slowly dissolve. In addition, the potatoes can be boiled and become watery.
  2. Adding salt when boiling is allowed. Many housewives do this. The tubers will boil less than in the previous situation.
  3. Water can be salted 5-7 minutes after boiling. Then the tubers retain their shape.
  4. You don't need to salt the water. When the potatoes are ready, the liquid is removed, salt and a little butter are added to the pan. Then the container must be closed with a lid. Shake it several times to distribute the oil evenly. After 5-10 minutes, the dish is laid out on plates. Potatoes cooked without salt have a flavor as if they were steamed.
  5. Potatoes cooked in unsalted water are served at the table. And separately you need to serve salt and oil. Each person can add salt to the product to taste.


You should not take a lot of water to make mashed potatoes, it should cover the surface of the potatoes. After boiling, it is necessary to remove the foam. When to salt potatoes when cooking on mashed potatoes? This should be done 5-10 minutes after boiling. Salt water prolongs the cooking time and hardens the main food.

To determine how much salt is required, you need to taste the water, but stir it before that. It should taste pleasantly salty. You should not allow the water to boil strongly, and also cook over low heat. The dish is ready when the knife or fork easily enters the vegetables. It is necessary to drain the water and then mash the potatoes. To improve the taste, add warm milk.

In uniform

A popular dish is jacket potatoes. To prepare it, you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. The vegetables must be washed thoroughly. For cleaning, it is advisable to use a new clean sponge for dishes: dirt is perfectly erased with the help of the hard side.
  2. The washed tubers must be placed in a saucepan, filled with cold water so that it is 2 cm higher than the vegetables. Are jacket potatoes salted during cooking? This must be done after boiling: add about 0.5 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  3. Then close the lid and bring the water to a boil, and then reduce the heat. The product is brewed for about 20 minutes. At the end, you need to check for readiness.
  4. After that, it is worth draining the water and leaving to cool if the product is a side dish. You can pour water over the potatoes to cool them faster, and then they can be used for salad.

Housewives will find the following recommendations useful when cooking potato dishes:

  1. To prevent the potatoes from boiling soft, starchy varieties should be used for vinaigrette or salads.
  2. To keep the tubers whole, more salt is added to the water.
  3. To speed up the cooking, you should not add soda, because all vitamins will disappear this way.
  4. Boiling with a small amount of water, to which 1 spoon of margarine is added, will help to improve the taste of the product.
  5. Finished potatoes should not be stored in a decoction, otherwise they will be watery and tasteless.
  6. You should not drink potato broth, it is suitable for making soup or sauce.
  7. To keep all the tubers soft on the outside and inside, a moderate boil is required.
  8. The taste of the product will be much better if you add 2 cloves of garlic and a bay leaf to the water.
  9. To peel young potatoes, place them in a container with cold salted water.

Other types of potato dishes

Salting time depends on the type of dish:

  1. The sooner the fried potatoes are salted, the more they will be like stew: they will turn out to be soft, soaked in oil. But the crisp will not appear. For the potatoes to crunch, they must be salted 5-7 minutes before being cooked.
  2. The stewed potatoes are soaked in the sauce in which they are cooked. Since this gravy contains salt, you should not add additional salt. To taste, add salt to the dish 5-10 minutes before cooking.
  3. Steamed potatoes retain their natural aroma. It is advisable to add salt to the plate when adding butter.
  4. The fries should be lightly browned and crusty. Therefore, during the cooking process, it is not salted. This should be done after removing the oil before feeding.

The subtleties of cooking allow you to get tasty and nutritious meals. It is important to consider the time of adding salt. At the same time, all housewives have their own special cooking secrets.

Once my mother taught me: when you cook, salt at the beginning of cooking, and when you fry - at the end. For many years this advice served me faithfully, until life and experience added some additions to it.

It turned out, for example, that potatoes and other vegetables "in their skins" are salted at the beginning of cooking, but if they are intended for salad, they do not need to be salted at all.

Each house has its own secrets for fried potatoes. Some add some salt to the oil even before they put the peeled and chopped potatoes in the pan. In this case, they patiently wait until the salt is completely dissolved in the oil. After that, the dish is no longer salted.

Others, those who fry potatoes in a small amount of oil, salt the dish when it is half cooked.

French fries, that is, fried in boiling oil, are salted after the potatoes are removed from the fat. Otherwise, the crisp will become soft.

Cabbage for minced meat is not salted at all.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup is best salted after the cabbage is completely cooked. Otherwise it is easy not to calculate and oversalt.

It is better to salt the salad before serving, otherwise the vegetables in it will emit a lot of juice.

Vegetables, except for beets and green peas, are boiled in rather salty water - 1 teaspoon (10 g) per liter of water.

The meat broth, if it is the broth that is important, is salted about 30 minutes before being cooked, if the taste of boiled meat is important, salt should be at the very end.

The situation is similar with fish broth. If you are interested in the taste of the broth, then salt it at the very beginning of cooking. If you need not so much broth as a delicious boiled fish, salt it at the very last moment.

By the way, when boiling fish, they put more salt than when boiling meat and vegetables.

The mushroom broth is salted at the end.

If you salt it before frying the fish and let it sit for 10-15 minutes until the salt is absorbed, the fish will not crumble disgustingly.

But the liver is fried without adding salt in advance, otherwise it will be tough.

What if you still oversalted?

Every time I come across a salty dish, I remember my first hike in my life. A whole pot of soup made with the latest ingredients turned out to be incredibly salty!

What to do? Someone had the idea to rectify the situation by pouring a pound of granulated sugar into the pot.

The brew was completely ruined, and for many years I remembered this story with a laugh. However, it turned out that we, the hapless tourist cooks, were almost on the right track.

One way to fix a salty dish is to put a piece of refined sugar in a spoon and dip it into the soup. As soon as the sugar begins to melt, remove the spoon. Repeat several times, changing the sugar lump.

Another way: dip a canvas or gauze bag with any porridge, boiled without salt, or with rice into the soup and boil.

The main thing is not to dilute the salted soup with water, especially cold. Otherwise, the soup will turn out to be completely tasteless, if not completely inedible.

Cook smartly! Good luck!

Advice to the hostess about how to salt food properly on the site .

When we salt the food we are preparing, and it can be fish, bacon, and salads, herring, etc., then we do not think about it at all, we do everything automatically. Although the taste of the dish depends largely on how and when it was salted. Let's take a look at some tips for the proper use of salt for cooking.

Tip # 1

Remember, different foods require different amounts of salt. For example, meat does not require a lot of salt, because if it is salted or salted at the wrong time, it will become tasteless and tough.

Tip number 2

When using sea or iodized salt, salt the cooking dishes properly at the end of cooking, and the rule must be followed. Trace elements, vitamins and iodine, which are present in such salt, are destroyed by prolonged heating. So, by adding such salt at the end of cooking, we retain all its useful properties. In addition, if you salt the food at the beginning of cooking, then you can not guess with the amount, because during cooking, the volume of the dish decreases due to the evaporation of excess liquid - as a result of salting. In addition, foods at the end of cooking absorb salt better.

Council number 3

Broths are salted in different ways during cooking. It is better to salt the mushroom broth at the very end, and the meat broth half an hour before the final readiness. Fish and vegetable broths are salted at the very beginning of cooking.

Tip # 4

Beans, beans, peas, lentils, other legumes and dishes made from them should be properly salted at the very end of cooking, five minutes before cooking. This is done because they take too long to cook in salt water.

Council number 5

Some dishes need to be salted at the beginning of cooking. This applies to pasta and pasta, and dumplings. Also, when boiling vegetables and fish, salt correctly water at the beginning.

Most often, housewives salt food without hesitation, “on the machine”. But in order for the taste of a particular dish to fully manifest itself, it must be salted at a certain time. The Land of the Soviets will tell how to salt dishes correctly.

Different foods require different amounts of salt... For example, fish (it doesn't matter - boiled or fried) needs a lot of salt, but the meat needs to be salted very sparingly, otherwise it will become tasteless, and if you salt it at the wrong time, it will also be tough. Many housewives know how to salt food correctly intuitively, but if you don't have a "culinary instinct" yet, our tips can help you.

Most dishes are salted at the end of cooking.... The fact is that when we salt, we focus on the volume of the dish: the larger the volume, the more salt we take. But during the cooking process, the excess liquid boils away, and the volume of the dish becomes less than we expected - as a result, we have oversalt. And at the end of the preparation, there will be no such "surprises". In addition, food at the end of cooking absorbs salt more evenly.

For example, meat broth is salted about half an hour before cooking. And salt the mushroom broth right at the very end. Some foods (for example, legumes - peas, beans, lentils, etc.) are salted five minutes before removing from the stovebecause they are boiled in salt water for a very long time. Having salted them at the beginning of cooking, you will have to wait a very long time until they are finally ready.

But in some cases salt food correctly at the beginning of cooking... For example, if you decide to cook pasta, noodles, dumplings, dumplings or any other flour products, then you need to salt the water at the very beginning. The same applies to the preparation of boiled fish, fish soup or vegetable broth: first we salt the water, and only then we put the fish or vegetables. Some housewives, however, believe that it is correct to salt the fish broth five minutes after it has been defoamed.

If you are making a pie or pies with salty fillings or stuffed vegetables, then correctly salt the filling or minced meat twice as muchthan if you were cooking, for example, minced meat for cutlets. When cooking, some of the salt will be absorbed into the unleavened dough or vegetables that you are going to stuff, some will dissolve in the water in which you will stew the vegetables, and the dish will turn out to be moderately salty.

Meat should be salted very sparingly. - it already contains various salts. If you are not a fan of salty dishes, you don't need to salt the meat at all - just add some spices to it that will emphasize the taste of the dish. But if you still cannot do without salt, remember that too much salt can completely ruin the meat dish. In this case, it is better to undersalt and salt the meat already on the plate.

Meat is usually salted immediately before frying, or during the frying process, turning the piece over. The liver is fried unsaltedotherwise it is too tough.

Fish however (even boiled, even fried, even stewed), on the contrary, you need to salt abundantly. If you are going to fry fish, then you need to salt it 10-15 minutes before cooking, then during the frying process it will not fall apart.

Vegetables occupy an intermediate position between fish and meat: they are salted more strongly than meat, but weaker than fish. Mushrooms salted a little steeper than vegetables. It is very difficult to salt vegetables and mushrooms correctly: the slightest salting can completely ruin the dish, and it is almost impossible to eliminate it.

How to salt potatoes correctly? It depends on how you cook it. If you are boiling peeled potatoes, salt them immediately after boiling the water in which they are boiled. Jacket potatoes are salted at the very beginning of cooking (if salted at all). But fried potatoes are salted at the very end, then it turns out to be crispy and ruddy.

As you can see, it is an art to salt food correctly. When cooking, you need to rely not only on recommendations for certain products, but also on the traditions of a particular world cuisine, your own taste and even intuition. Remember: it is better to undersalt a dish than to oversalt\u003e because oversalt can be very difficult to fix

Usually we salt our food “on the machine” without thinking about it at all. However, in reality, the taste of a dish largely depends on when it was salted. Today we will reveal to you all the secrets of the proper use of salt in cooking.

Important rules

To begin with, different foods require different amounts of salt. For example, fish requires more salt, but meat does not need so much, because if you oversalt it or salt it at the wrong time, it will become tough and tasteless.

Salt food at the end of cooking. This rule must be followed if you are using iodized or sea salt. Iodine, vitamins and trace elements that are contained in such salt are destroyed with prolonged heating, therefore, to preserve all the beneficial properties of salt, you need to add it at the end of cooking. But that is not all. If you salt the dish at the very beginning of cooking, then you will incorrectly calculate the ratio of salt to the volume of the dish, because during the cooking process the excess liquid will evaporate - as a result, the dish is oversalted. It also absorbs salt better at the end of cooking.

Some dishes are salted during cooking. For example, it is better to salt the meat broth half an hour before cooking, and the mushroom broth at the very end. The legumes are salted 5 minutes before the end of cooking, as they take too long to cook in salt water.

In rare cases, the use of salt at the beginning of cooking is fully justified. For example, this applies to pasta, dumplings and dumplings, vegetable broth, fish and fish soup. If you are cooking these particular foods, then salt the water first, and then add them to the pan.

How to salt different foods and dishes correctly

  • The meat is salted very sparingly, since most often it contains salts. If you do not like salty food, then you can not salt the meat at all, but add spices to it or serve it with sauce, or slightly salt it before serving.
  • If you are cooking the liver, then it is better to salt it at the very end, as the salt will make it hard.
  • The fish is salted abundantly, regardless of how you are going to cook it (boil, fry). It is best to salt it 10 minutes before cooking so that it will not fall apart when frying.
  • In terms of salt, vegetables are a cross between fish and meat. They are salted less than fish, but more than meat. Mushrooms are more salty than vegetables. The amount of salt for potatoes will depend on how you cook them. If you are cooking potatoes, it is best to add salt to them immediately after they boil. Jacket potatoes are salted immediately or not salted at all. The fried potatoes are salted at the end of cooking to make them crisper.

As you can see, the ability to salt foods correctly is a whole art. However, if you choose between two evils, then undersalting is the lesser evil, because it is easy to fix it, but oversalting is much more difficult to cope with, and, most likely, such a dish will be spoiled.