Interesting dishes from around the world. National dishes from around the world

21.09.2019 Bakery

Each nation has its own special national cuisine. And in each such cuisine you can find the peculiarities of the culture of the people, passed down from generation to generation. Of course, in order to appreciate all the subtleties of various dishes, you need to go to this or that country. And visit both chic restaurants and small family restaurants, where this or that dish is prepared in a special way. We really hope that you will find something special for yourself or share your experience.

Welcome to a gastronomic tour of the world's cuisines! We have collected for you a considerable collection of dishes imbued with the spirit of different countries. Cooking is an important part of culture. Recipes of national dishes have been lovingly passed down from generation to generation until they have survived to this day. And now you have the chance to set your own multicultural table by preparing sumptuous meals at home!

Recipes from around the world at your fingertips

There is no way to fly to France for a rooster in wine or to Thailand for coconut soup with ginger? And you don't have to get on a plane for a new culinary experience! Try to cook exotic dishes yourself. In this section, you will find the best recipes from dozens of different countries. Among them is not only popular, but also more unusual cuisine for us.

The list of traditional dishes on our website is made up of culinary masterpieces from all over the world:

  • European cuisine (Bulgarian, Belarusian, French, English, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Belgian, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Hutsul).
  • Balkan cuisine (Finnish, Scottish, Latvian).
  • Asian (Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean).
  • Eastern and Arabic (Turkish, Jewish, Lebanese, Tatar and Bashkir, Uzbek, Abkhazian, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Armenian).
  • Cuisine of the Americas (Indian, Canadian, American, Mexican, Hawaiian, Colombian).
  • Australian cuisine;
  • Egyptian cuisine.

The selection of recipes is very wide! Prepare a dish that suits your mood and ingredients. Spoil yourself with a mouth-watering beef carpaccio or surprise the family with Georgian khinkali.

Features of the cuisine of different nations

All peoples are different, and the cuisine of each nationality has its own subtleties. Yes, for the perfect cacamber with garlic or chestnut soup, it's best to go to one of the French restaurants. But if you make an effort, you can achieve an amazing similarity! The main thing is the most understandable and sorted recipe.

Illustrative photos are attached to each recipe on our website, which will help you to exactly repeat the culinary masterpiece. In all instructions, the necessary actions are described step by step so that you do not rack your brains over the cooking process. You will definitely succeed!

Pick a recipe, cook, enjoy. Don't forget to experiment and share your own recipes!

Almost every country has its own national dishes. All of them differ significantly from each other in taste, aroma, appearance and ingredients used for their preparation. Below is a list of the ten most famous cuisines in the world and their most popular dishes.

Indonesian cuisine is one of the brightest and most colorful cuisines in the world, with regional diversity and about 5,350 traditional recipes. It is characterized by the predominance of products of plant origin, the main of which is rice. Also corn, soybeans, cassava, sweet potatoes, sago, chicken, seafood, various fruits and vegetables are actively used in the dishes. Various spices play a significant role, first of all - pepper. The most famous dish of Indonesian cuisine, which is often perceived as the "culinary symbol" of Indonesia, is Nasi Goreng.

Mexican cuisine is the name of the national cuisine of Mexico, which is a combination of Aztec and Spanish culinary traditions. It is based on a rich variety of products: first of all, corn (maize), and only then avocado, fresh and dried beans, sweet and regular potatoes, chili peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, duck and turkey meat, chocolate, various spices, and there are also many species of fish found in the coastal waters of this country. The most famous dish of Mexican cuisine is considered to be a rather spicy tortilla soup, as well as the world famous alcoholic drink - tequila.

Eighth in the list of the most famous cuisines in the world is Chinese cuisine - one of the richest and most varied cuisines in the world, divided into several main groups, each of which has its own differences in terms of ingredients, spices and methods of preparation. The differences between these cuisines are closely related to the traditions and culture of each individual region. However, despite these differences, rice is an integral part of most Chinese dishes. The most famous dishes of Chinese cuisine are: Peking duck, fried rice, dim sum, a hundred-year-old egg and turtle soup.

Italian cuisine - traditional Italian cuisine, one of the most popular European cuisines. Specializes in flour, fish and seafood dishes. Its characteristic feature is the relative simplicity and speed of preparation, as well as the use of fresh ingredients in dishes. Italian food is dominated by a large number of vegetables and spices such as oregano, basil, pepper, tarragon, thyme, rosemary and parmesan cheese. Olive oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic and olives are often used. Italian cuisine is very varied and regional. Each region has its own culinary delights. The most famous Italian dishes are pizza, lasagna and spaghetti.

Spanish cuisine is the name of the national cuisine of Spain, which is divided into regional ones. Each of them has its own characteristics, because they directly depend on what products are used for cooking. An essential ingredient in true Spanish cooking is olive oil; it is Spain that produces 44% of all olive oil in the world. Spanish food is simple. They are most commonly made with fish, seafood, legumes, and rice. They often contain tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggs, garlic, onions, olives, almonds, and wine. The most famous and national Spanish dish is ham and paella.

French cuisine is the national multi-regional cuisine of France, known all over the world as very varied and refined. Its main feature is the use of exclusively fresh products. Despite the differences in regional culinary traditions, a characteristic feature of the national French cuisine is an abundance of vegetables and root vegetables: potatoes, green beans, various varieties of onions, spinach and cabbage. Residents of coastal areas prefer to use seafood in their cuisine: fish, crabs, lobsters, lobsters, shrimps, etc. The most famous dishes of French cuisine are baguette, frog legs, ratatouille, croissant, truffle, etc. the world is an alcoholic drink - cognac.

Japanese cuisine is the national cuisine of Japan, distinguished by seasonality of food, freshness of products, poor use of seasonings, minimal processing, preservation of the original appearance and taste of products. Much attention is paid to the appearance of the dishes. The main ingredients of Japanese cuisine are rice, various vegetables and seafood - fish, seaweed, shellfish. Compared to Americans and Europeans, the Japanese eat very little beef and pork, as well as animal fats, butter and dairy products, since in Buddhism it is forbidden to kill or eat animals. The most famous dishes of Japanese cuisine are sushi, sashimi, Japanese curry and the national alcoholic drink made from rice - sake.

Indian cuisine is one of the oldest and most varied cuisines in the world, best known for its vegetarian dishes. This densely populated peninsula is home to so many peoples of different religions that it is very difficult to characterize typical Indian cuisine in a few phrases. But we will try. Most of the Indian population are vegetarians, so the skillful use of seasonings has become a real art for them. Among the huge number of spices used in Indian cooking, it is worth highlighting: cumin, coriander, turmeric, cardamom, red and green chili, cinnamon, saffron, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, anise, sesame seeds, onions and garlic. Indian dishes are based on rice, a variety of vegetables, eggs, fish, seafood, etc. Dairy products are very popular. The most famous Indian dishes are curries, dhal, chapatis, etc.

The second place in the list of the most famous cuisines in the world is occupied by the national cuisine of Turkey, which is among the best in terms of wealth, variety of tastes and products used. In modern Turkish cuisine, the most important food is meat and bread. A wide variety of spices are also used. And the most used vegetable in Turkish cooking is eggplant. The most famous Turkish dishes are kebab, borek, dolma, baklava, lokum and others.

Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of Thailand, considered one of the best, most original and famous in the world, associated primarily with the taste of bananas, citrus fruits, pineapples, coconut milk, fresh coriander, lemongrass, garlic and chili. However, the basis for Thai dishes is primarily rice, and only then a variety of aromatic spices, fish and seafood. Meat in Thailand is used relatively infrequently; it is considered a festive dish. Thai cuisine emphasizes lightly cooked dishes with strong aromatic properties. The most common seasoning is mild fish sauce. The most famous Thai dish is a spicy and sour soup based on chicken broth with shrimp, chicken, fish or other seafood, sometimes with the addition of coconut milk - Tom Yum.

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Especially Americans love to pamper themselves with popcorn while watching some interesting movie, scooping handfuls of their favorite treat. By the way, there are about a hundred varieties of popcorn: orange popcorn, amaretto popcorn, popcorn in chocolate, popcorn with nuts - and these are just a few varieties of sweet popcorn, not to mention the equally delicious spicy and salty flavors.

Exotic Indian cuisine has something to surprise the guests of the country. People find themselves in a different world - gustatory and visual. The most popular dish that is a feature of South Indian cuisine is Masala dosa, a thin rice pancake made from fermented flour. It is served with coconut chutney (sauce). Inside the pancake there is a filling of potatoes and cabbage.

Chips appeared in 1853, when the chef of the restaurant decided to teach a client a lesson who was dissatisfied with "too fat potatoes". The potatoes he cooked were no thicker than a sheet of paper and were very popular with the discerning visitor. Since then, randomly invented chips have conquered the whole world.

Spanish paella is prepared in different ways, each province has its own recipe for cooking this dish. But, of course, the main ingredients of paella are rice, tomatoes and olive oil.

Delicious Thai salad. Prepared in a special mortar where papaya, carrots, garlic, peanuts, green beans and tomato are mixed. Fish sauce and lime juice give the salad its characteristic flavor. Oh, we almost forgot! And, of course, there are a lot of chili peppers, you can't go anywhere without them.

This dish is often called the national dish in Singapore. Chicken meat is boiled or steamed and placed on top of the fragrant rice. A cucumber or salad is used as a side dish. This creation by Thai chefs is considered one of the least spicy dishes.

44. Putin, Canada

Do not rush to associate this dish with the President of Russia, it has nothing to do with him, and the stress in this word falls on the last syllable. In fact, Canadian Putin is nothing more than potatoes with curd cheese and gravy. Translated, this word means "mess", which is not surprising, because a dish can include a wide variety of additional ingredients. Canadians say that Putin is especially delighted after a few bottles of beer.

Or as an option - tacos. This is a taco or wheat tortilla rolled into a tube and stuffed with a wide variety of foods, such as sausages, cheese, cacti, onions, corn, fruit mixes, etc. The top of the pancake can be topped with guacamole (avocado pulp sauce). Tacos is perfect for breakfast. It is for this reason that no Mexican guest has left the country with less weight than upon arrival.

In fact, the bain-marie is a waste of beer production that the German chemist Justus Liebig came up with as a protein-rich pasta. It has a thick consistency and a very salty taste. This is an amateur treat - you can love or hate it for life. But especially loyal fans of marmite can put a layer of marmalade on top of such a toast. Yum-yum, in one word.

Yes, the name is not one of the mouth-watering ones, but this does not prevent gourmets from classifying it as one of the most exquisite products of Southeast Asia. The smell of fermentation of tofu (namely, thanks to this process, the cheese is so "fragrant") is so unbearable that sometimes the memories of it haunt people who are not used to such exotic things for several months. That is why this type of tofu is not allowed to be sold on the streets - it can only be tasted in a restaurant. But is it worth going through such a culinary shock? Yes, this legendary taste is worth it.

The main thing is not to be fooled by a cheap imitation that uses soybean paste or almond essence. Real marzipan is a combination of crushed almonds and powdered sugar. The dessert is so delicious that, without noticing it, you can eat a serious amount of delicacy. The city of Lubeck is rightfully considered the king of marzipans, where the old recipe for sweets is kept in the strictest confidence.

39. Ketchup, USA

Even if Malcolm Gladwell, a well-known Canadian journalist and sociologist, says that this is great food, then it is so. The American obsession with tomatoes was the impetus for the invention of ketchup in the 19th century.

After a meal with French toast, it doesn't hurt to check your cholesterol levels.

Two toast toasts are generously brushed with jam or peanut butter and served with a good dose of syrup (maple, strawberry, or apple).

The Australians cook this Italian dish as well as if they invented it themselves. Chicken fillet, thickly covered with melted parmesan and mozzarella, with spicy garlic-tomato sauce - mmm ... just lick your fingers!

36. BBQ, Texas

Each state has its own unique barbecue traditions. Americans are very fond of enjoying a dish with the aroma of a fire in nature. However, in different places and grilled dishes are different. For example, in Tennessee, they are delighted with ribs, in North Carolina, the meat is crumbled after frying and a sandwich is made, and in Kentucky there is no difference at all which meat is cooked, because the main thing is the branded marinade. And finally, Texas. They won't waste time on trifles here - a solid pork steak generously covered with spicy salsa - that's how you need to relax in nature!

You can't visit Singapore and not try the local bestseller, the chili crab.

The crab is literally drowning in a sauce made from a variety of spices, eggs and rice flour. You will not be able to finish the sauce with a spoon - hot buns, which are traditionally served with the dish, will come to the rescue.

Have you ever tried eating pancakes without maple syrup? It's like eating a piece of cardboard. Poorly cooked cardboard. This is what the people of Canada think and are very proud of their traditional treat.

33. Fish and chips, UK

Inexpensive and nutritious dish, originally from 1860. During the First World War - uncomplicated food that helped to avoid hunger for the poorest segments of society.

Deep-fried fish with crispy fries is still a staple in English cuisine.

Damn delicious! Yes, yes, damn it, because Ankimo is made from monkfish liver. This dish is considered a delicacy in Japan.

Among the dried ham, Parma is definitely the queen. A distinctive feature of Her Majesty (by the way, the original Parma ham is marked with a stamp depicting the five-pointed crown of the Duchy of Parma) is its fragile structure and delicate pink color.

This snack is very common in Vietnam. Rice roll with meat filling - a pancake in essence - is served at room temperature.

The famous gourmet Wagyu beef conquered even the Japanese imperial family. Marble veins in meat are saturated with unsaturated fats (such is the tautology). The Japanese claim that you can fully experience the delicate taste of meat only raw.

Aromatic, lightly spicy soup with rice noodles. The wonderful scent of herbs tickles the nostrils and stimulates the appetite.

The best smoked meats in North America can only be enjoyed here! And the name of the place is Schwartz’s Deli, a restaurant that was opened in 1928 by Ruben Schwartz, a Jewish immigrant from Romania. Meat marinated with herbs and spices, smoked in smoke, became famous all over the world.

26. Fajita or Fajitas, Mexico

Fajitas is a godsend for enthusiasts who cook under the motto "make it up yourself."

This is a hearty dish consisting of a wheat cake and meat filling with various additives. Its main feature is that the filling and tortilla live a separate life. Everyone can choose what exactly to wrap in a cake. Top 50 best dishes from around the world (continued)

Each country has its own culinary traditions. Typically, regional dishes are based on local ingredients and spices, and the recipes for their preparation are carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation. A variety of heat treatment methods can be used to prepare a dish, therefore, for residents of other countries, a certain combination of products and cooking method may even seem strange. Nevertheless, many of these dishes are a matter of national pride.

The fame of them has long since spread throughout the world. Individual dishes may even be prepared outside the country, but for the original version of the dish, it is still better to go to where the traditions of its preparation have been honed for centuries. These 30 national dishes are considered the culinary symbols of their countries and are definitely worth trying if you find yourself in their homeland.

Cornish Maw, UK

The dish is typical of the southwest regions of England, but it is common throughout the country. Cornish pasta is an oval-shaped pie with a filling that can be filled with a variety of meats or vegetables.

Peking duck, China

Duck is the hallmark of Chinese cuisine. It is rubbed with honey and baked in the oven. Peking duck is served with sauces and flat cakes.

Tandoori chickens, India

The homeland of this spicy poultry dish is the Indian state of Punjab. From there, the tandoori chicken spread throughout India. Before cooking, the chicken is marinated in yogurt with various spices, and then baked in a special tandoori oven.

Sushi, Japan

It is impossible to imagine Japanese cuisine without sushi. This dish consists of rice and a filling of meat, vegetables or fish.

Falafel, Israel

Although the history of this dish began in Egypt, it was in Israel that it became the culinary symbol of the country. This is due to the incredible popularity of the dish among the locals. Falafel is a chickpea or bean ball with herbs and spices. They are fried in oil until golden brown and served with sauce and tortilla.

Haggis, Scotland

The national dish of Scotland was invented by the poor during the time of the poet Robert Burns, who decided to use sheep's guts with benefit. The heart, liver and lungs of the animal are mixed with onions, bacon, spices, stuffed with them in a mutton stomach and boiled. Haggis is served with rutabaga and potato puree.

Paella, Spain

The main ingredients of the national Spanish dish are rice, saffron and olive oil. In regional variations, seafood, chicken or vegetables are added to them. The dish is the symbol of Valencia.

Gimchi, Korea

The main place in Korean cuisine is occupied by kimchi - pickled vegetables with hot spices. The main component of the dish is Chinese cabbage. Hot peppers, onions, ginger and garlic and other vegetables to taste or cruciferous plants are added to it.

Moules frites, Belgium

Fish and seafood are considered one of the key ingredients in Belgian cuisine. It is with the use of seafood that the popular national dish moules frites is prepared. It consists of two components: fresh mussels and the country's second national treasure - French fries.

Pad Thai, Thailand

Pad Thai is a symbol of Thai cuisine. For the most delicious variations of it, you should go to street food vendors. The dish includes rice noodles, tamarind sauce, shrimp, fried peanuts and a number of other additional ingredients. Pad thai is prepared in a wok using the fast frying method.

Putin, Canada

This simple dish was invented in the 1950s and quickly gained popularity for its simplicity. The way? N includes French fries sprinkled with brine cheese and supplemented with a sweetish gravy.

Karriwurst, Germany

Germany is famous all over the world for all kinds of sausages and sausages. But the inhabitants of the country most of all liked the sausage with a sauce of ketchup or tomato paste and curry powder. It is she who is considered here one of the culinary symbols.

Empanada, Chile

The pie with various fillings is popular throughout Latin America. In Chile, this dish is considered national. The classic pie is stuffed with finely chopped beef, onions and olives.

Bunny Chow, South Africa

One of the culinary symbols of South Africa is prepared in half a loaf of rectangular bread. The crumb is removed from it and filled with curry made from beans, meat or vegetables.

Vienna schnitzel, Austria

This dish is one of the most famous outside of Austria. Schnitzel is made from veal that is dipped in flour, eggs and bread crumbs. Meat is fried in a large amount of oil and served with green or potato salad, or boiled potatoes.

Mole Poblano, Mexico

The main culinary heritage of Mexico is a spicy thick cocoa sauce. In it, locals stew a turkey or chicken.

Pastilla, Morocco

One of the most iconic dishes of Moroccan cuisine is the pie. It is prepared from puff pastry and stuffed with the meat of young pigeons or chicken, fish and by-products.

Pelmeni, Russia

One of the first associations that arise when mentioning Russian cuisine is, of course, dumplings. A dish of unleavened dough stuffed with minced meat would not refuse to taste any foreigner who dreams of one day to reach the immense Russia.

Chile crab, Singapore

The author of the dish is an unknown street vendor who in 1956 tried to fry crab in chili sauce. The experiment turned out to be more than successful: now fried in a mixture of onions, garlic, ginger and chili, and then stewed in tomato sauce, the crab is the hallmark of Singapore.

Haukarl, Iceland

Iceland is perhaps the only place on the planet where you can taste the jerky meat of the Greenland polar shark or just a giant shark. The dish, which dates back to Viking times, is a national treasure here.

Koshari, Egypt

The national dish of Egyptian cuisine is a mixture of rice, pasta and lentils, seasoned with tomato-vinegar sauce. The dish can be found both in eateries and in restaurants specializing only in the preparation of koshari.

Mazguf, Iraq

Specially fried fish is a culinary symbol of Iraq. The fish is cut along the ridge, unfolded like a book and fried on stakes over an open fire.

Meat pie, Australia, New Zealand

A pie stuffed with chopped meat or minced meat with the addition of onions, mushrooms and cheese is considered a national dish of two countries at once: Australia and New Zealand. According to statistics, the average Australian eats 12 of these meat pies a year.

Dener Kebab, Turkey

This dish has many names, but many people know it as shawarma. For the preparation of the national Turkish dish, pita bread and filling are used, which can consist of lamb, chicken, beef, as well as all kinds of spices and fresh vegetables.

Ceviche, Peru

The dish is common in many Latin American countries, and the recipe can vary from country to country. But Peru is considered to be the birthplace of ceviche. Here, finely chopped raw fish of various varieties, marinated in lime juice, are served with sweet potatoes, toasted corn or cassava.

Pho, Vietnam

Pho noodle soup is one of the symbols of Vietnamese cuisine. Soup noodles are usually made with rice flour and either beef, chicken, or fried fish are added to the soup before serving.

Stegt flash, Denmark

Fried pork with potatoes and parsley sauce was recognized as the national dish of Denmark in 2014. Stegt flask is one of the most popular Danish dishes.

Feijoada, Brazil

According to one version, the dish was invented over 300 years ago by slaves who were brought from Africa to Brazil. It later became a local culinary symbol. A dish is prepared from beans, meat products and cassava flour.

Historical events taking place in different countries, as well as their geographical location, culture, traditions, national characteristics and religious beliefs of their peoples have had a great influence on national culinary recipes.

The methods of cooking many dishes have been improved over the centuries and often today, without realizing it, we use recipes and methods of preparing various dishes that have been known for a very long time.

The use of methods for preparing various dishes, a variety of kitchen utensils and utensils, and the use of various spices largely depend on the geographical location of the country. So, for example, in Asian countries, it is customary to use a large amount of various spicy herbs for cooking, and for cooking pilaf (which is very common in various Asian cuisines), the use of a cauldron. For the cuisines of European countries, America, Australia and New Zealand, which are characterized by food that can be prepared quickly enough, sandwiches, sandwiches, pizza, and canapes are very popular.

Cooking methods largely depend on the culture and traditions of certain peoples. Often, similar dishes, differing in the use of different types of meat, spices and herbs, can be found in the cuisines of different nations.

The cuisine of each country is interesting and varied. We invite you to take a short excursion into the history, customs and national traditions of the cuisines of the countries of the world.

Azerbaijan is an ancient country with amazingly beautiful and diverse nature, hardworking and hospitable people, original culture and centuries-old traditions. Azerbaijani cuisine is one of the most interesting in the countries of the Caucasus and deservedly enjoys wide popularity ...

One can speak of Arab cuisine as a general phenomenon inherent in the entire “Arab continent”. After all, both culture and language from Morocco to the Persian Gulf have common roots. For over a thousand years this sense of unity has not been tested by boundaries ...

Armenian cuisine is one of the most ancient on Earth. From the hoary antiquity originates such a popular dish at present as barbecue (khorovats). The technology of cooking the fish dish kutap is almost the same today as it was 1500 years ago. The dishes of Armenian cuisine are distinguished by their peculiar piquant taste and pungency ...

The cuisine of the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula has special, specific elements, such as addiction to pork, seasonings of pepper, the indispensable presence of soup in every meal. The geographical location of the Balkan Peninsula has determined the presence of common elements between the culinary traditions of the Balkan countries and the cuisines of neighboring cultures ...

Belarusian cuisine has a long, rich and interesting history. For a long time, Belarusians have maintained close economic and economic ties with Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians and Lithuanians. And it is quite natural that the Belarusian cuisine influenced the cuisines of neighboring peoples. In turn, the cuisines of these peoples greatly influenced the Belarusian ...

The principles for the development of modern British gastronomy are very similar to those in the Mediterranean. The British strive to use local products, preferably organically grown, while introducing new ingredients that have arrived from distant lands - in particular, spices and herbs from Southeast Asia and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea ...

Like any other national cuisine, Vietnamese cuisine was formed under the influence of the country's geographical location and history: in the south of the country, more hot red peppers, dried herbs and spices are used in food. Residents of the northern part of the country prefer soups and stew ...

Greek cuisine is based on a relatively limited range of agricultural products. Although the appetizer is served, it often consists only of olives, bread, 'Feta' cheese and tzatziki - yoghurt mixed with grated cucumber and chives ...

Georgian cuisine - distinctive and peculiar - has gained great popularity not only in our country, but also abroad. Many of the Georgian dishes, such as shashlik, kharcho soup, etc., have become truly international. Despite the fact that Georgia is relatively small, the difference in the direction of agricultural production of its various regions affects the nature of the cuisine ...

When we talk about Jewish cuisine, we mean: firstly, food prepared according to the strict rules of ritual purity - "kashrut", and secondly, a set of dishes loved by Jews and different from the dishes of other nations: after all, traditional recipes, handed down from generation to generation, contain only the set of initial products that the "Shulchan Aruch" - the code of Jewish laws allows ...

Indian people place great emphasis on food - it is more than just the process of cooking or absorbing calories. It is a ritual, a health remedy, and a source of pleasure. The ancient Indian culinary tradition had its own rules and customs that govern all aspects of the cooking process ...

It is difficult to distinguish a single national type of cuisine on the territory of Spain. The country has a huge number of regional culinary schools, traditions and trends, and each of them may differ markedly from the generally accepted idea of ​​Spanish cuisine ...

Italy has been a Mecca for gourmets since the days of the Roman Empire, and to this day, Italian cuisine has not lost its former splendor. When creating dishes, the culinary magicians of the Apennine Peninsula rely on the centuries-old experience of their predecessors ...

A characteristic feature of the Kazakh cuisine is the wide use of meat, milk, flour products. In the summer, almost every Kazakh family prepares ayran - sour milk diluted with water. It is drunk as a soft drink, it is seasoned with various cereal stews ...

In terms of quality, Chinese cuisine is often equated with French cuisine. Cooking has always been regarded here as a real art, poets and philosophers wrote treatises on food and made recipes. Therefore, we can trace the thousand-year history of Chinese dishes through ancient writings and images ...

Korean cuisine has a lot in common with Japanese cuisine. Pork, eggs, rice, soybeans, vegetables also predominate, fish and seafood occupy a significant place, a lot of spices are used for cooking. Soup occupies an important place in the diet of Koreans, without which almost no meal is complete ...

In Malaysia, where so many cultures have grown together over the centuries, national cuisine does not exist as such. It is a skillful interweaving of the best culinary traditions of all those nations that once came here. But all the traditional cuisines of Malaysian peoples are united by one thing - rice, or "nasi", in Malay ...

Mexican cuisine is famous all over the world for its unique taste. It is original and distinctive, combining the cuisine of Indian tribes, Spanish and French culinary traditions. A feature of Mexican cuisine is the abundance of corn or maize, sauces and spices. Fiery hot salsas (chili and tomato) sauces - something without which Mexican cuisine cannot be imagined ...

The traditional cuisine of Moldova is famous for its diversity and sophistication due to the fact that it was formed under the influence of the cultures of many peoples who at different times stayed on the territory of the country (Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks, Jews, Germans, etc.) ...

German cuisine is distinguished by a wide variety of dishes from various vegetables, pork, poultry, game, veal, beef and fish. A lot of vegetables are consumed, especially in boiled form, as a side dish - cauliflower, bean pods, carrots, red cabbage, etc.

Baltic cuisines - Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian - have a number of common features due to the similarity of natural conditions and the historical development of the Baltic peoples ...

Like any other national cuisine, Russian cuisine has developed under the influence of various natural, social, economic and historical factors. The main feature of Russian national cuisine is the abundance and variety of products used for cooking ...

It is almost impossible to single out Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic or Swedish cuisine, as they simply do not exist. But there is one common Scandinavian cuisine that unites everyone. It was shaped by the natural conditions in which the inhabitants of this region of Europe had to live ...

Thai cuisine is one of the oldest, since its foundations were laid back in the days when an independent Thai state did not exist and the Thais were one of the nationalities of the southern Chinese provinces. Therefore, many of the ingredients and spices of modern Thai cuisine come from China. Also, the formation of Thai cuisine was influenced by the Indo-Sri Lankan culinary tradition ...

The original Tatar cuisine took shape in the process of the centuries-old history of the existence of the ethnos and its interaction and contact in everyday life with neighbors - Russians, Mari, Chuvash and Mordovians, Kazakhs, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Tajiks ...

Turkish cuisine will not leave anyone indifferent - there are nutritious meat dishes, and tender vegetable, and mind-blowing desserts, and hot oriental spices and spices. The traditions of Turkish cuisine are based on one single postulate - the taste of the main product should be felt in the dish, it should not be interrupted by various sauces or seasonings ...

To fully enjoy the Uzbek feast for a European is an impossible task. Not only is the Uzbek cuisine fatty and satisfying. It is customary to eat here slowly, long and tastefully. The long line of dishes boggles the untrained imagination of those accustomed to dieting. Up to ten dishes for a meal - the usual Uzbek hospitality ...

Ukrainian cuisine has earned a well-deserved fame in our country and abroad. Ukrainian borsch, various flour products (dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, cakes, etc.), products and dishes from meat (Ukrainian sausages, cold snacks, game, poultry, etc.), vegetable and dairy products (fermented baked milk, cheese cakes) , all kinds of fruit and honey drinks are very popular ...

French cuisine is conventionally divided into three parts: widespread, regional and haute cuisine, an example of which was the court cuisine of the French kings. It is clear that this division is very arbitrary: after all, for example, a Burgundy dish, which in Paris will be considered regional, in Burgundy itself will be classified as widespread ...

The formation of Japanese cuisine was greatly influenced by China, from where some products were imported, for example, soybeans, tea and noodles, and Europe. Initially, the Japanese cuisine itself was very simple, if not primitive, but at the same time very varied ...